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2007-12-12 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1096401

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

 "I drove 700 miles home and was beat".

You did what....................Where in california do you live?

Edited by nevergivin 2007-12-12 7:16 PM

2007-12-12 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Hehe I live 700 -800 miles north /north east of L.A depending where in LA one is (and ya still in CA)

My race report is up if anyone wants to read it.

I got into training for Tri's because I ran out of windmills to joust/dragons to slay. I also wanted to lose some weight (down 25 -30 pounds in 3-4 months now).

As for goals:

1) get my bike fixed as my workouts are screwed untill I have my baby fixed (may need frame replacement on 2 month old bike cries),

2) obtain somewhere to swim (will probably take 6 to 9 months as no contractors want my money up here to build me a pool.

3) Increase run and bike distances and complete an Oly be the end of next year and possibly a half mary, perhapse a half by summer of the following year barring injuries and provided I gain access to swimming.

4) possibly take a swim class if I can get a long enough vacation in a city that has swim lessons. Otherwise it will be flounder to the end of an Oly swim based on no swim time.

I constructed my own workout schedule that is modified based on standared oly format with no swimming component. (ya I live where the closest pool is 100 miles away or so, closest lake is kind of frozen over at the moment).

So for now just trying to figure out what to do until I can get my bike fixed and get back into the groove or working out.
2007-12-14 5:15 PM
in reply to: #1095637

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Subject: RE: Savannah5799----open
I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. How is the training going. What is everyone planning to do during the holidays? It can be hard to maintain a workout routine during this season, but it has been said that it takes two weeks to regain the fitness lost in one week of complete rest. Just getting in a short workout every other day or so can really help in maintaing your fitness.

Nevergivin, I will start by answering your question about swimming first. I will chime in in a few days about the other question, but am hoping that this will start some good conversation.

Position? in terms of where to start? It changes for everyone. I know people who are just uncomfortable with the contact and prefer to start in the back, but I would suggest linning up depending on where you believe you will be in relation to the rest of the field. If you are a middle of the pack swimmer, do not try to start at the front, because you will get run over. Also, I would suggest lining up as close to your ideal line to the first bouy, but if it is too crowded it can be faster to start on the outside. The most important thing for a good, but not necessarily top swimmer, is finding a good pair of feet. Drafting is not only legal, but it should be considered mandatory. A person can swim up to thirty percent faster while drafting. Also, even if you cannot find someone faster, you can atleast save energy. A race is not the best place to try this for the first time, so I would suggest trying to practice drafting with a buddy in the pool, or in a lake. With practice you can get a feel for the bubbles and where the best draft is. You want to place yourself directly behind the person. Swimming side by side can actually be slower than swimming alone, and you need to watch out for people kicking you. Each time you touch a person's feet accidentally, it can throw off their form. This can result in someone trying to kick you off, so aware of people giving you a little kick to the hands.

The most important thing to me about the swim is staying within your limits. The swim is not the place to take risks, first for saftey reasons and secondly you don't want to end up doing the back stroke or doggie paddle. It is easy to get your heart rate elevated at the start, with all the excitment, so stay calm, confident, and focused.

Laura, how did the knee surgery go? I hope you have a quick recovery!

2007-12-14 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1094594

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Subject: RE: Savannah5799----open
Hi Savannah!

Yes, I am orginally from Georgia. I am looking forward to the Callaway Sprint. I also plan to do the Ga Veterans Tri in Cordele in August. I come from an unathletic background... became interested in fitness after my dad had a stroke at age 55.

After that, I made a committment to fitness. I purchased a $100 schwinn mountain bike & trained for the Albany Ga Nut Roll (30 mile ride). After finishing that I bought a Giant from the bike shop in Tallahassee. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A RODE BIKE & EL CHEAPO IS AMAZING!!!! I love a challenge. My step kids are triathletes, so my first tri will be with my 12 year old step daughter! I start spin classes on Monday, and I will resume running. I plan to alternate swimming laps. Do you think that will be ok?
2007-12-14 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Hrm running 8 miles in snow and mud with a slight cold at 34 F was more work than I had expected. Oh well. Off tomorrow for am 8 hour car drive to my nearest bike dealer to try to beg for repairs to my bike. Been one of those weeks/months.

I hear what ya mean about taking some time off. I took 4 days ish off last week with the race and crash and this week has been the suck for workouts. I did 2 4 mile and 1 8 mile run and all of them were sub par. Oh well, plug plug plug. Then there is Christmas. It will be hard to get in workouts when not at home.

Edited by Baowolf 2007-12-14 6:38 PM
2007-12-14 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Danap, I did the Veterains race last year and plan to do it again this year. It is a fun race, super short swim, nice bike, a bit technical and good run. Fairly flat course, which felt good to me since I do most of my training in hills. That's great that you have active kids. My husband and I don't have kids yet, but we are really hoping that when we do they will be athletes. I am always envious of the families I see working out together.

A good bike can make a huge difference. Glad you found one you like, have you considered a set of areobars? If you love a challenge, this is the sport for you. It is always a challenge, there is so much to focus on and balance, then there is the physical and mental challenge of racing.

It sounds like you have a good plan for getting back to working out. What do you mean by alternate swimming laps? I think as long as you are getting in a couple of hours of each sport each week you will have the fitness you need to finish your first race.

Baowolf, nicely done finishing those eight miles despite the cold. Two things to consider about having "sub par" workouts. First sub 40 degree weather can stress the body, similar to how heat stresses the body so expect slower times in really cold weather. Second, is that you may still be recovering from your race a few days ago. Considering your crash and that you had such a great race(meaning you probably pushed you body pretty hard) you are not going to perform at your best, because you are depleted, bruised, torn, cut, ect.

Several tips for post race recovery. Rest, active recovery, rehydrate, and replenish nutritionally.

Traveling and working out can be a balancing act, but if you can just get in a couple short runs it will help tons.

Hope you get that bike working, especially considering you have to go so far to get it fixed. I bet you have some great rides where you live though, at least when it isn't so cold.

As always train hard, train safe, and have fun.


2007-12-15 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Savannah, great advice on swim positioning and drafting, something I have overlooked while racing. I have made few attempts to draft while racing, however finding my rhythm and sighting and passing always absorb my focus. I now have a new goal to seek during my masters swim,we usually have four people to a lane so drafting should be easy. Positioning has been a guess, last race I started out in front  and stayed in the lead until I tired out, I had nothing left for the bike or run.

This weeks training was low key as expected for my off season plan, I did discover what the true meaning of running base is. I will admit that running is not my favorite thing so of course it is also not very easy. My focus this off season is to improve my run form, I think running more and slower pace has truly helped that along with avoiding junk miles(makes my knees sore). My bike miles keep getting shorted, just not enough time with the holidays and traveling, (some guilt). January is my training breakout, and my first race in May is extremely technical, I cant wait!

Oh and by the way diet soda is not diet! I lost 2% body fat this week not changing any training volume or calories, just removed diet coke and replaced with ice tea and water.

2007-12-16 1:00 AM
in reply to: #1103624

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Eifel Region of Germany
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

"Oh and by the way diet soda is not diet! I lost 2% body fat this week not changing any training volume or calories, just removed diet coke and replaced with ice tea and water."

Nevergivin, that'll give me something to think about this week at work as I think about reaching into the snack bar 'fridge for a soda!  Congrats on loss!  My vice is coffee...I love the stuff.  I don't care if its Foldgers or Kona...I love it all.

I hope all went well with everyone's training this week.  Savannah, I appreciate the words on my little swim problem (hip pain at the socket starts up midway through laps - for those that haven't read my log).  I'll do a little searching around for some good hip stretches and let you know how things progress.

Oh, and if anyone's looking for a different leg workout, I went snowboarding yesterday for the first  It was awesome,  but my legs are CRAZY sore today.  Let's just say I don't make it up and down the stairs very fast...ha!  I'll be doing some light stretching today.

I hope everyone has a good week this week and I enjoy the discussion we've got going here!


2007-12-16 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Runner help needed:I purchased some bodyglide yesterday, this stuff is expensive and they don't give you that much, can I use something else for chaffing ?

What is the November , December Challenge stuff I see on peoples posts ?

What is everyones stroke count for 25yards?

 Currently I am training to lower my count during swim practice. I am down to 16 on sprint and 13 when I cruise. 

2007-12-16 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1104525

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

My last mentor suggested (and used) PAM for chaffing... very inexpensive and you just spray it on. I personally have never had chaffing issues, so I have not used it... but it can't hurt to try! You might smell good enough to eat though!

For the holidays I still plan on getting in at least 2 runs and 2 bikes a week with weights when I can fit it in. This week was the worst as far as scheduling with 3 parties, but this coming week should be good to go. Luckily, I'm not a huge sweets fan so my diet doesn't usually suffer much! Though, pie can be a downfall



2007-12-16 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1104356

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Wittnam: Snowboarding is very fun huh?! My husband and I are huge snow sports fans, he is the boarder and I'm the skier. I wish we had some mtns around here because we've just been blasted today with snow... 9" so far... and 15" expected!

2007-12-16 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Hi everyone!

Just wanted to check in and see how everyone's training is going. Nothing doing for me right now as I'm recovering from this past Friday's knee surgery (which went well - though I won't truly know for sure how well til I start running again, which won't be for weeks or months yet).

As far as the chafing question, I don't know - I've only used Body Glide. It's deceiving, though, because it doesn't take much to prevent chafing - just a thin coating was usually ok for me for rides up to 25 miles. I did get samples of Udder cream (i think it's called) which is supposed to be in even better and thicker) but haven't tried it yet.

Ohhh I LOVE LOVE snowboarding too! I've been riding for 8 years. I went last weekend and HOPE I'll be able to go a few more times in late winter if all goes well with my knee recovery.

Take care and happy training, all!
2007-12-16 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
So after a 500 mile drive yesterday the bikeshop said that it looks like Felt will most likely send out a full frame replacement. I will of course have to drive another 500 miles to pick it up, but I am glad that after spending that kind of $$ for the bike that I will have it up and running by the first week in January at the lastest.

One bit of advice for bike buyers... look carefully at where the bracket that holds the cables is under the bike. (some do not have them there). If you turn the handlebars sharply to the left or right, does the break bracket smack directly into the cable bracket causing it to break off the frame in a crash? On the Felt I think I can fix this by lowering the handlebars an inch so that the wide part of the bar (the horns) will hit the center cross bar before the breaks hit the bracket. If I were to buy a bike again, I would not buy this bike because of that design flaw. As it is, I should be able to work around it in the future and will be able to ride again yay.

My workout is all screwy with no bike riding in it. I feel like I lost a leg somewhere. Anyway it will all work out, it is just reallly bad for me to get out of synch in my workouts... the couch can call to me after a cold, or complications or injury and it takes alot of effort to then return to working out 8-10 hours a week...soo much easier to grab a glass of wine and watch a movie with a nice snuggle blanket with my wife when it is 6 F out.

A last note or 2. The tri bike is waaaay better for your legs when you transition from bike to run, try a brick with a road bike and then with a tri bike and see how it feels. It is way better on the tri bike.

And... though shalt respect sharp corners and expect sand, gravel, dry leaves.... It is too easy for me to expect that those little tires will actually stop you or hold if conditions are not ideal as there are not really any corners where I ride. It is amazing how much a little grit on the pavement can make things go south on a corner. Oh well off to breakfast.

Edited by Baowolf 2007-12-16 1:15 PM
2007-12-17 12:11 AM
in reply to: #1089527


Northern Germany
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Hey everyone, I went hiking in the mountains this weekend and was just catching up on everyone's posts. Wow, Baowolf, I thought I lived in the middle of nowhere! If I drove 500 miles, I'd go through three different countries!

I am just today starting an 18-week marathon training plan. I've decided to focus heavily on an April 27th marathon, while doing the bike and swim training based on an Olympic distance plan.  So I'm sort of cannibalizing a couple of different plans.

Holidays: We're going skiing for a week between Christmas and New Year's, but this year I am switching from downhill to cross-country. I figure one hour of cross-country = one hour of running?

Savannah, as soon as I get my plan for 2008 finalized, I will probably have some more specific questions.  Probably lots of questions!


2007-12-17 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Wow Baowolf -- that's a lot of driving!! 

How was everyones weekend?

I did a 5 mile race (first race that was longer than a 5K) and it was awesome.  1900 runners in 30 degree weather.  I couldn't feel my toes for the first mile.

We're heading up to PA to visit with Steve's families for the weekend then coming back to MD on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas with my family.  The house we'll stay at in PA has a long dirt driveway (that's a big hill.. ugh!) and I'll run up and down it on the 2 mornings that we're there.  I ran on the driveway during Thanksgiving weekend and I think his family thought I was nuts..  

Hope everyone has a good week! 

2007-12-17 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Great to hear everyone seems to be doing well.

Laura, glad to hear things went well on Friday with your knee. Keep us posted! Are you seeing a PT?

Stuart, vasoline works well. Lather it on. I use body glide for my wetsuit, because vasoline can breakdown the material, shortening the life of it. A little trick for long rides to to take a big glob of vasoline and place it under the top bar on your bike and just grab some when you need to reapply. Be careful not to make a mess with it though, because its slipper stuff.

Steve, it's great that you are getting a new frame. I know it is a bummer not to have a bike, but it makes it a great time to work on that running base. Do you bike outside when it is that cold or use the trainer?

Janice, marathon training!!!! Big miles. Is this your first?

Keep up that training!


2007-12-17 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1105768

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Thanks Savannah! I do like Bodyglide on my wetsuit because of the slippery factor, but only need chaff protection on the run. I will try all suggestions during training.

Laura , hope recovery goes super fast! What are the challenges you quote?

2007-12-17 9:55 AM
in reply to: #1105768


Northern Germany
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Janice, marathon training!!!! Big miles. Is this your first? Keep up that training! ---Savannah

This will be my third and I'm hoping to knock down my time by 15-20 minutes, so it will be BIG miles for sure!

2007-12-17 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Hi everyone!

Janice - Your ski vacation sounds like it'll be fun! I've never cross-country skiied but it definitely is quite the workout!

Vball - Where in PA are you headed? Also, congrats on your first 5-miler!!

Savannah - My ortho doesn't want me to start PT til after my post-op visit with him when I'll get the stitches out and he can check how the incision's healing. It's supposed to be a 10-14 day post-op followup, but with Christmas in there throwing things off, his first available appt isn't til Dec 31st! I do remember just about all the usual PT exercises from my last go-round with it so I may start doing some of it on my own when my knee feels up to it.

Stuart - Just about every month, there's a challenge going on in the Challenges forum here on BT. It's sort of like this mentoring program, except just for a month at a time and more for the purpose of providing motivation to reach your monthly training goals than the learning and support that goes on with the mentor program.
2007-12-17 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1089527

New user

Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't checked in recently. I trained last week, but Friday and Saturday I had a little tummy trouble that has slowed me down and then I worked at the hospital on Sunday. I teach, so we are out of school for Christmas break, so I will try to ease back into it tomorrow (will probably swim). Glad to see everyone is going strong.

As for snowboarding, wow that would be fun, but no such luck around here. We had our coldest night this year (mid 20's), but will be back to 70 by Wednesday.

Good luck to everyone this week.


2007-12-18 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1089527

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Port Huron, MI
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

I'm feeling quite blessed to be surrounded by such good and enthusiastic runners! But, I also feel a bit behind because I am not an avid runner.

So, I need some tips... I've been making sure to be properly hydrated, after last weeks side stich, but am still having a bit of trouble. It may be because I don't have a good "base" yet... But, anyone have a good running plan?

I think I'm going to mesh well with something that has you run for a set amount of time and then walk repeating throughout the workout time. Should I also push to get the miles in 3 times a week?

PLEASE HELP the slow, mile lacking runner


2007-12-18 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
Jackie- You sound like a good candidate for the Jeff Galloway method of run training - he uses a lot of "walk breaks" in all his training plans, even for all the way up to marathon. My husband followed a Galloway plan and completed his first marathon with some walk breaks.

Here's an example of a 5K and 10K galloway plan:

As far as your side stitches, some of that will resolve itself as your body gets more used to running. Some of it will also require some trial and error in terms of what, when, and how much you eat and drink before and during a run. Being dehydrated can cause side cramps, but so can having too much fluid in your stomach.
2007-12-18 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

Also not an avid runner, as a result I am slow! I am 3 weeks into my program (smartcoach), when I input my latest race time, distance of training and training intensity it customizes a workout to my pace and training program length.,7119,s6-238-0-0-0,00.html?cm_re=HP-_-Homepage%20Channel-_-Training

2007-12-18 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL

hey there runnergirl...I'm headed to Chester County...where are you in PA??

savannah -- I have a question about the bike portion of the tri.. what do you usually bring with you during the bike and where do you put it?  I assume you'd have to bring stuff just in case you get a flat, some gels, water, etc?  I know where the water goes.. just not the other stuff.. thanks

2007-12-18 10:11 PM
in reply to: #1089527

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Savannah5799----FULL
I do bike outside on the weekends when it is above freezing so there are not ice patches on the road, so like 34 F or more usually. I have a trainer which I use mostly during the week because it is dark out and below freezing at night (not a good combo) by the time I get home.

I have been working on running, but have been fighting off a cold or 3 over the past week or so and missed work on Monday. Today's 5.5 mile run was ok, but I ate 2 hours before I ran so had some side stitches for the first mile or 2 until my body decided to ignore them.

So for now I am just doing 5 miles x 3 + 1 8mile per week till I get back in the swing of things.

I have no access to swimming and can't really get back into lifting atm because the road rash in various places like my back and slight tweeks to certain muscle groups around my neck and shoulder tell me to lay low on that for now.

So, I am muddling through and trying to maintain what I can untill I get back on track. Hopefully I can maintain through Christmas break and be back on target by the 2nd week in January. There is an outside shot that I can get my bike fixed by Friday, take the day off, drive the 500 miles to get it then pack up and drive the 700 miles the following day to my folks place for Christmas break. That taken with the 500 miles last sat and the 2000 miles the week before I am running low on cd's to listen to. Ya there are only 2 radio stations up here and their music selection is about as braod as my cd collection, not much 8).

Glad to see so many folks logging on and letting us know whats going on. I asked santa for a swim wetsuit for christmas, we see how that goes.
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