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2007-12-13 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1099722

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Lori, You may need to raise your seat/stem. Clipless pedals have a taller profile than a flat soled shoe, so you have, in essence, lengthened your legs by the height of the cleats on your shoes, thus producing more bend in your knees. Raise the seat and stem a mm at a time til you're comfortable again. Later, you can lower the stem to be more aero.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a Dr. nor sports therapist, but I have slept in a Holiday Inn express.

2007-12-13 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Hey group. Just wanted to take a second to say hello to everyone. I am looking forward to seeing what I look like and feel like come spring. With the help of the group I am hoping to stay committed to my training plan for the winter. Feel free to look at my logs to see how I am doing. If I can do anything to help meet anyone else's goal, please let me know.

Good luck and happy training!!

Monica, I was stationed at Ft Devens for several years back in the early 90's and still have friends living in the area. I even worked at the Pizza Hut there at the mall in Leominster. That was where I met my wife, she was the manager at the time. Hope your hip heals soon.

I also hope everyones colds get better and we all stay healthy this winter!!
2007-12-13 11:25 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Our group is full and it looks like a great group!!!!  We are pretty varied in our backgrounds and abilities, as well as in our goals.   I encourage everyone to log your workouts, check out the logs of the rest of the group and use the inspire feature to encourage each other.  I've added easy links to everybody's logs, as well as a link to this thread on my training log; feel free to copy it to your log  for quick access to the group.

With the holidays approaching I know it may be hard to fully participate in the forums with people on vacation, travelling etc. so I thought for the first few weeks I'd just suggest some topics to discuss each week.  If anyone has any questions please post them on the thread any time, and whoever has answers jump right in with them.

My question for everyone this week: 

What would you like from this mentoring group? 

2007-12-14 5:08 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

I think you're probably talking about the Philadelphia Women's tri (I think they might have changed the name to "Diamond Girl"). I've done that race the past 2 years. I found it to be a well-run and fun event. I'll probably do it again this year - so definitely let me know if you decide to do it!

Cathy & the rest of the group,

Thanks for the welcome, I'm looking forward to participating in this group! As for what I want from a mentoring program.... hard to say. I guess I might like some advice on developing a good training plan for next season. That might be beyond the scope of what we can do here, though... Support, encouragement, and sharing ideas on training strategies would also be good.

Thanks for taking this on Cathy, should be fun!
2007-12-14 6:16 AM
in reply to: #1101152

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Jeff, Thanks for the advice!! I bet it is part of the problem. I will take a look at the seat this morning. I remember thinking about that when I got on the stand at the bike shop, but then got involved in trying to learn to clip in and out, so I forgot all about it before I left the shop. Thanks again.

jeffnboise - 2007-12-13 10:00 PM

Lori, You may need to raise your seat/stem. Clipless pedals have a taller profile than a flat soled shoe, so you have, in essence, lengthened your legs by the height of the cleats on your shoes, thus producing more bend in your knees. Raise the seat and stem a mm at a time til you're comfortable again. Later, you can lower the stem to be more aero.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a Dr. nor sports therapist, but I have slept in a Holiday Inn express.
2007-12-14 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1101413

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Cathy & the rest of the group, Thanks for the welcome, I'm looking forward to participating in this group! As for what I want from a mentoring program.... hard to say. I guess I might like some advice on developing a good training plan for next season. That might be beyond the scope of what we can do here, though...

Hi Jenny.... the first thing we need you to do is start logging your workouts.  I think we can help you develop a training plan.... what are your goals for next season?  Do  you have an obvious strength? weakness?  What are you doing now?  Have you looked at the BT training plans?

Support, encouragement, and sharing ideas on training strategies would also be good. Thanks for taking this on Cathy, should be fun!

This is what the mentor group is all about !!!

BTW - my A race this year will be Black Bear HIM in PA.... not too far from you.


2007-12-14 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Hey!! Black Bear is one of the HIM's I'm considering this year! How cool would it be to do the race with my mentor??

Re: logs... I've been bad about logging workouts lately because I'm not really following any specific plan at the moment but just sort doing what I feel like while trying to maintain a decent level of fitness. I'll start logging again though...

My biggest goal for this year is HIM - either Black Bear or NJ Devilman (but leaning toward Black Bear). I don't have any specific time goal in mind -- for my first HIM the goal will be to finish with a smile.

After an early season HIM, I would like to work on speed for a few summer sprints & olympic distance races. I figure the HIM training will give me an excellent base to work from.

As far as where I am now, I would say my swimming and biking are reasonably good, my swim pace over distance is about 1:50 - 2:00/100, my bike pace in sprint & oly races on a flat course is somewhere around 19 mph. My run is a work in progress... I've definitely made improvements over the past 2 years. My LSD pace is now somewhere around 9:45 - 9:50/mile from closer to 11/mile when I started. I ran my first marathon this fall with a blistering finish time of 4:35. I did a 54 min 10K in my last olympic race of the season in 2007, which I was really a fast time for me. I'd love to get faster on the run, especially for the shorter distance races.

Here's a question for you runners.... Last winter, I followed the "do all your running in zone 1/zone 2 to build a strong aerobic base" strategy. I think that strategy DID do a good job of helping me build a good base, but when I started to add speed-work back in, it seemed to take me a LONG time to get up to the pace I was running at at the end of the previous season. (By the way, I'm 44 years old, and I think that may play a factor in all this....) Eventually I was running faster than the previous season, but I like I said, it seemed to take a long time. I'm wondering if along with my base building runs over the winter it would be reasonable to incorporate maybe one tempo run per week (maybe not as fast a pace as I would do for a tempo run during race season, but faster than LSD pace). Would there be any benefit to doing that? Any harm?

2007-12-14 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

To change font colors and do other cool things in your training log :

go into your control panel.. on your training log click on control panel - the one above where it says "Welcome cathyd. There are xxx other users online...etc". Under 'edit your profile' scroll down to where it says 'Use rich edit box when composing messages?' chose TinyMCE Editor(experimental) then click submit at the bottom. Now go into the other control panel (the one beside the calendar) and edit your goals.. you'll now see the little palette where you choose colors (and other cool stuff!)

You can now just copy and paste the mentor group list from my blog as well as the quick link to this thread.


2007-12-14 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1101994

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Thanks for the help with that. That sounds much easier than writing HTML code. I was just starting to do that before I read your post.
2007-12-14 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1101946

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

The bike at Black Bear sounds challenging but I'm up for a challenge this year and since I want to focus on my biking in the spring I think it would be a good start to tri season.  Did you check out the course video?

Is that LSD pace of 9:50 at Z2? With a 4:35 marathon time your LSD pace seems too fast.  Have you done a recent test to determine you HR zones?  This site will give you an idea of the running paces you should be targeting.

 I think a weekly tempo run would be a good idea (and I plan to do this in the new year), just to keep the legs used to the feel of faster running.  And when you introduce the real speed work after the HIM you'll be ready for it.  I don't think it will hurt your training as long the recovery doesn't affect your other workouts negatively.  You could always limit the tempo runs to every two weeks.


2007-12-14 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Oh you're kidding - I have Black Bear HIM in my sights. I just get too chicken to say it sometimes .... wonder if I am not up to it come race day I could default to the sprint.

OK so what do ya'll experienced tri people think about doing a HIM in 2nd year of tris - I have one (a sprint w/a pool swim) under my belt. I think yes I could do it, I could train for it for sure, and love every minute of the training, I could probably cover the distance come June 1, but the thought of the race itself makes me break out in hives. I really need to do another tri sometime in there to get over OWS panic. And all the other stuff.

There is another HIM late in the season (Patriot Half) that people from our local club will be training for. It is a much more forgiving course being as it is relatively flat. But it does include swimming in the James River - yuck!!. The Black Bear comes at a better time of year for my schedule - most training gets done when kids are in school, and once summer comes - it's vacation, camps, trips, swim team - you know the drill. Training time drops in the summer for Moms!

Edited by BabsVa 2007-12-14 5:09 PM

2007-12-14 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1102100

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
This will by my second season of tri's and I'm planning to do Black Bear HIM.  I did a HIM at the end of my first season that didn't go so well because of cramping (due to lack of training over the summer I think).  I think an early season race will be easier for me to train for, we are always so busy during the summer it's hard to get the long workouts in.
2007-12-14 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1101946

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Jenny said:
I'm wondering if along with my base building runs over the winter it would be reasonable to incorporate maybe one tempo run per week (maybe not as fast a pace as I would do for a tempo run during race season, but faster than LSD pace). Would there be any benefit to doing that? Any harm?



I second what Cathy said, I think a weekly tempo run during that time period would be good for you. I do a weekly tempo run during all phases of my training. During base building, I keep one tempo run of some sort per week. I usually alternate continuous tempo runs (about 20 min) with cruise intervals (3x8 min at tempo pace with a 1 min recovery at an easy pace) every other week. I also do fartleks in the middle of at least one other run during the base phase, nothing serious, just a few pick ups. I think it helps.

Edited by wyldrunner 2007-12-14 7:39 PM
2007-12-14 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1102814

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
I just went to the Black Bear site to see what you all are talking about. It looks like a really nice race, but for a sunshine girl like me the water temps sound crazy!!! I don't even get in to swim if the water isn't at least 80 here. I am spoiled definitely. You all are my heroes for swimming in the cold like that. Do you wear wet suits? What kind? And, if so, do you train with the wet suits to get used to it? I am asking because someday I may have to venture out of the warm water down here. Yikes.

Changing the subject, I have a dilemma tomorrow. I was going to go participate in a preview run for the trail half I will be doing in January, but now a woman from my church that I am trying to make friends with has emailed to ask me to go to a 5k tomorrow as well. The thing is the trail run is at 11 am. and the race is at 4 pm. I am thinking about trying to hit both and just take it easy. Does a 8 mile trail run as a warmup for a 5k sound like suicide
2007-12-14 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Hello everyone and thanks Cathy for letting me join your group.

I will post a bit of history about myself shortly but in a nutshell, 2007 was my first triathlon season. My background is weight lifting but I was looking for something more challenging. I did not have a lot of experience swimming, biking or running when I decided to venture in this sport but became somewhat fast and extremely comfortable in the water (swimming is like meditation in motion to me), built power on the bike but running remains my limiter. I enjoy running but wish I could run faster!

I am really looking forward to participate and learn from you all!

2007-12-15 1:41 AM
in reply to: #1102826

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

wyldrunner - 2007-12-14 8:43 PM I just went to the Black Bear site to see what you all are talking about. It looks like a really nice race, but for a sunshine girl like me the water temps sound crazy!!! I don't even get in to swim if the water isn't at least 80 here. I am spoiled definitely. You all are my heroes for swimming in the cold like that. Do you wear wet suits? What kind? And, if so, do you train with the wet suits to get used to it? I am asking because someday I may have to venture out of the warm water down here. Yikes.

Yes, at least I will be wearing a wetsuit. They make tri specific wetsuits that help with bouyancy and actually make most people able to swim faster.  Once the water here is warm enough (I think that was around the end of May last year) I will try to swim at least once a week at the lake in the wetsuit. The hardest part about swimming in a wetsuit is getting it on !! I still can't do up the zipper myself.

 Changing the subject, I have a dilemma tomorrow. I was going to go participate in a preview run for the trail half I will be doing in January, but now a woman from my church that I am trying to make friends with has emailed to ask me to go to a 5k tomorrow as well. The thing is the trail run is at 11 am. and the race is at 4 pm. I am thinking about trying to hit both and just take it easy. Does a 8 mile trail run as a warmup for a 5k sound like suicide

I don't think it would be too much for you as long as you go real easy on the morning run because you know you won't be able to 'take it easy' in the 5K !!

2007-12-15 1:46 AM
in reply to: #1103051

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Nats... I know you were planning a trip up to check out the Muskoka course in the fall.. did you get there and what was your impression of the course?  I'm on a waiting list, so I'm hoping at least 33 people cancel before race day.  I'm going to train as if I'm doing it because I think the refund cut off date is not until the end of Aug. so it could be short notice if I do get in.

What other races are you planning for next season?
OOPS.. I could have just looked at your training log (which I did).  I did 1000islands sprint this year. You should do ktown tri, thats local for me.


Edited by cathyd 2007-12-15 1:49 AM
2007-12-15 5:24 AM
in reply to: #1102065

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
cathyd - 2007-12-14 12:26 PM

Is that LSD pace of 9:50 at Z2? With a 4:35 marathon time your LSD pace seems too fast.  Have you done a recent test to determine you HR zones?  This site will give you an idea of the running paces you should be targeting.

Well, I have to admit that my HRM battery died months ago, and I haven't gotten around to either changing it or getting a new transmitter, so I'm pretty much going on PRE for now. That pace is comfortable and sustainable for me without feeling like I'm working too hard over a distance of 5 or 6 miles, which is about the longest runs I'm doing at the moment. I would likely slow down and/or add in some walk breaks to run much longer distances, and maybe I should slow down a bit on the LSD runs anyway...

And Cathy -- I'm with you on having a hard time fitting in training in the summer. That's exactly why I'm targeting an early season HIM this year. I think my race schedule will probably be lighter this year than the past 2 years, too. Last summer I sometimes found races getting in the way of other stuff I wanted to do with the family, and that's more important to me.
2007-12-15 6:03 AM
in reply to: #1101344

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
cathyd - 2007-12-14 12:25 AM

p>My question for everyone this week: 

What would you like from this mentoring group? 

Cathy, I joined this group for three main reasons. First was the social aspect and increased motivation. Since I don't have any tri friends locally, I wanted to be part of a community where others understood and shared my passion for doing this. The second reason was accountability. I knew if I was a member of a group and had a mentor keeping an eye on me, I would be more likely to get up and out on those tough days. Finally, I joined for the informational aspect. I don't know much about biking at all, and I also don't know much about the longer distance tris. I was hoping to pick up information and tips that would help me learn more about the sport.

I also think that from a running standpoint, I have something to offer the group. Besides my experience at a variety of distances, I have read dozens of books on running and have a personal running library of over 50 books on all aspects of running, from training to nutrition to fiction. So I am hoping I can help out sometimes with running issues, although there are several experienced runners in this group besides me. I just don't know a lot about running as it relates to the tris, as I am still struggling to get my tri run times closer in line with my stand alone run times.

I hope this isn't too long-winded an answer....
2007-12-15 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: Group discussion suggestions/guidelines

Some of the things that I found helpful as a mentee last year I will try to incorporate into our group this year.  A couple of those are:

A weekly training summary.  Every Monday we'll have a post titled "weekly training summary and goals"  where you can post what you did the past week, obstacles to your training, goals you met, brag about accomplishments  and discuss the week's training in general. Since I work an odd schedule I'm not always able to get online during the day so any member of the group can start the post, having the date in the subject line will make it easy for people to find and reply.

Setting a weekly goal.  I also find it helpful to publicly state my goals or focus for the week.  This could be incorporated into the weekly training summary post, be a separate post, or it could be on your training blog goals section.  This way the other members of the group can 'help' you to stay on track, and for me knowing others may be checking my logs will often motivate me to get out there and do a workout.

The weekly discussion - I'll post a discussion subject weekly, focusing on one aspect of training, racing, nutrition etc.   for us to discuss as a group.  Will start this post midweek I think.

Using the logs and 'inspires'.  I love the BT logs although I only use a fraction of the features available here.  I will be checking everyone's logs frequently and I do like to use the inspires.  I encourage you to check the logs of the other group members as well.

What do you think of these ideas?  Are there other things you'd like to see?  You participation in the discussions is totally optional of course... I know BT forums can really eat up a lot of time.

Also remember at any time you have a question just post it and everyone who has an answer/comment please join the discussion... we're all here to learn from each other and collectively this group has a lot of knowledge and experience.  It would probably be helpful when  you post a new question to change the subject line so we can all identify it easily.

OK, I better go do some training now. 

2007-12-16 5:27 AM
in reply to: #1103747

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: Group discussion suggestions/guidelines

Cathy,  Those ideas look good to me.


2007-12-16 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1104451

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: Group discussion suggestions/guidelines


Those ideas sound exactly like what I was looking for in a mentoring group!  I'm working on figuring out what I'm going to be doing over the next couple of weeks - I hurt my hip a couple of weeks ago, mostly an overuse injury.  I inflamed basically every muscle in my hip and my chiro told me to stop doing everything for a while (including running AND walking.  I can swim, I just need to join a gym - if it ever stops snowing, I'll do that!).

I have a plan that I'll start once I get the OK to start running again, but for a change I need to be smart about not pushing too hard too soon!



2007-12-16 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

At last, here's my little intro. 

NAME:  Nathalie

STORY:  Up until this past Friday, I was working 12hrs rotating shifts just like Cathy and Jeff. Starting tomorrow, I will be taking on new responsibilities as an IT analyst with a day schedule but will have oncall duties to contend with as well as performing implementations and system changes at very odd hours.

From a triathlon standpoint, 2007 was my first triathlon season. I raced two sprints, one short course, only oly and one half-mary. I’m a BOPer but did manage to place MOP in one of my sprint races. I hope to do better in 2008.

FAMILY STATUS:  Single, no children.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Executing my off season training plan and planning my half-ironman training one. I opted to include quite a bit of weight training during this off season, I need to build strength and rev my metabolism up a bit. I craft my plans by using a combination of Joe Friel's "The Triathlete's Training Bible", Triathlon Magazine's "Essential Week-by-Week Training Plans" and Tom Rodgers' "The Perfect Distance". I'm a strong swimmer and I love being in the water, swimming is like meditation in motion to me. I have become a better cyclist during the past year but I can't say the same about my running abilities. I would LOVE to run faster!

2008 RACES:  All of my 2008 events will be raced in Ontario.

Resolution Run, 5k run, 01/01/2008, Oshawa; Mississauga Half-Marathon, 05/11/2008, Mississsauga; Milton Sprint Triathlon, 06/01/2008, Milton; Guelph Olympic Triathlon, 06/22/2008, Guelph; Niagara Short Course Triathlon, 07/20/2008, Grimsby; K-Town Long Course Triathlon, Kingston or Thousand Islands Olympic Triathlon, Brockville, August 2008; Muskoka 70.3 Ironman, 09/14/2008, Huntsville; Angus Glen Half-Marathon, November 2008, Markham.

WEIGHTLOSS:  I have lost over 50 lbs from end of 2004 to mid 2006 but managed to gain 15 back since I began training for triathlons. I will blame the weight gain on not doing enough weight lifting, a decline in eating habits and shiftwork. I will start fresh (again...) in 2008, stick to my clean eating diet and change my views about food. I currently weigh 146lbs and my goal for 2008 is set to 130lbs or a little less.


2007-12-16 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1103443

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
cathyd - 2007-12-15 2:46 AM

Nats... I know you were planning a trip up to check out the Muskoka course in the fall.. did you get there and what was your impression of the course?  I'm on a waiting list, so I'm hoping at least 33 people cancel before race day.  I'm going to train as if I'm doing it because I think the refund cut off date is not until the end of Aug. so it could be short notice if I do get in.

What other races are you planning for next season?
OOPS.. I could have just looked at your training log (which I did).  I did 1000islands sprint this year. You should do ktown tri, thats local for me.


HI Cathy... I had to cancel my plans for Muskoka this fall, late September was when I fell ill a couple of weeks after my last tri of the season. I would really like to test the bike course sometime late spring though.

On the other hand, Lisa Bentley and her husband have put together a Muskoka 70.3 training camp that will take place the last weekend of June but I cannot afford it because I want to upgrade a few components on my tri bike this summer. The Muskoka 70.3 bike segment is what I'm REALLY worried about but I will manage to find myself some nice stretches of hilly roads north of Toronto to work on my hills handling skills.

It would be great if you could get a spot for Mukoka! August is months away so I'm positive you will get in. My original plan was to do Steelhead but changed my mind the moment the WTC came out with the Muskoka announcement. Yes, Steelhead is a more forgiving course but I thought it would be nice to participate in an inaugural race, and a ''local" one at that.

I am waiting for the K-Town tri official 2008 date, the website has yet to be updated with the 2008 registration info. I am planning on racing the long course tri as my final preparation race for Muskoka. That means I will most likely scratch the 1000 Islands oly tri out of my race calendar.

The 2008 season will be a fun one!

Edited by Nats 2007-12-16 6:41 PM
2007-12-17 6:36 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed


That sounds great to me!! 

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