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2007-12-27 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1092283

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Lexington, SC
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN

Hi all,

If the group is still open I'd like to join as well.

Here's my story:

My name is Nick and I'm a 33 year old software developer in South Carolina. I'm married with 3 great kids (2 girls and a boy) ages 1, 3, and 5. Last year was my first season and I raced in six triathlons ranging from Sprint to HIM. My main goal last year was just to try to introduce myself to the sport and see what some to the different distance races were like. Through that I figured out that I especially like the longer distance races and so I hope to do an IM in 2008 if I stay healthy and uninjured.  So I will probably do fewer races this year with more focus on training and key races. That's what I'm thinking at the moment at least.

1.  What do you want from this mentoring group?

A few things I guess. To meet some other triathetes, get some advice, some motivation if needed, and maybe a little accountability.

2. What training plan (if any) are you following?  

I've tried to follow two plans and the best I can do is make sure my green bar reaches or goes above the blue line (which is just minutes). Other than that, I haven't had much luck with them.  I guess I like fitting training around my schedule instead of the other way around. I know I have to get better about following a plan if I want to reach my goals this year.

3. What is your biggest goal for the next 6 months? 

My biggest goal for the season is more than six months away (Nov. 08) but for the next six months I like to be on the podium of every race I compete in (AG podium). That may not be possible, but it's usually my goal when I race.  To have my best shot at that I really need to improve my run some. So I guess that's it.  My goal for the next six months is to run faster and hopefully do good when I race.

Edited by shiloh1206 2007-12-27 10:05 PM

2007-12-28 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1092283

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Middletown, DE
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN

Here's my story:

My name is Sean Gilligan.  I am 33yo, live in Delaware with my wife of 7years, we have 3 kids age 6,4 & 3.  I work as an IT Project Mgr.  In 2003, I was very out of shape and gaining girth.  I could barely run a single mile.  But I made the lifestyle change and ran a couple marathons in 2003 & 2004.  Got bored with just running, so entered triathlon in 2005.  I never swam before so I taught myself.  Now, I am entering my 4th triathlon season.  I completed severals Sprints, Olys, Half Irons and completed Ironman Lake Placid this past season.     

1.  What do you want from this mentoring group?

To meet some other triathetes & to continue to learn.

2. What training plan (if any) are you following?  

No official plan at the moment. 

3. What is your biggest goal for the next 6 months? 

I have a Sprint, Olympic & Half on the schedule this season.  I would like to complete a PR in all. 

2007-12-28 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1092283

New user

Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
If it's not too late I'd love to join this group!

I'm Sara and I am 23. I currently live in Raleigh, NC. I just moved here from upstate NY, so far I love it (and especially love the weather!). My dad got into doing triathlons a few years ago, and our whole family has had a lot of fun watching him progress and cheering him on in all of his events from 5k's to Ironman Lake Placid. He has been an inspiration to us all!

Like Heather I was a dancer growing up, continued dancing in college, and taught dance for an indoor colorguard last year. I've also always loved swimming and grew up around the water. Last year I started running, slowly but surely (since I HATED running!). I followed the Couch to 5k plan from Cool Running and worked up to my first 5k in the fall of 2006. Since then I've been trying to keep up with the running, and last summer I decided to train for a sprint tri after volunteering at a local race. Since I moved to NC, I've been able to run outside in the nice weather more often, done a few 5k's, and I started swimming consistently 3-4 times a week at a local pool. I have a new friend here who has become my training partner in crime, and we are working up to a short sprint tri in March (300yd swim, 10mi bike, 5k)! My only problem is I still need to buy a bike! In NY I was borrowing my sister's bike..but that doesn't work out so well now! I am looking forward to having fun doing tri's in 08!
2007-12-28 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1108126

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Royal Oak, MI
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
Hi Heather and everyone!
I’m hoping to join what appears to be a really great group!

Name: Dreu

Story: 3 years ago I moved back to the Metro Detroit area from Scottsdale, AZ when I decided to marry my wife Kiley. We now have 2 kids under 2 and are living our dream 24 hrs a day. And I say that because no one gets any sleep around here! Anyway, my lifestyle was very different in Arizona as I did a lot of hiking and just had more time to dedicate to work out (or at least fitting my workouts in was much easier). I put on about 25 “wonderful” lbs too. I’m not old, only 37, however I know if I want to be the active type of dad I want to be, I need to step it up NOW! Then, just two weeks ago I received a Christmas update letter form one of my best friends in High School. We haven’t been in touch for a long time, but the letter mentioned that he finished a marathon in Chicago and Indy this past year accomplishing one of his goals for ’07. Now, I have enough motivation to do the triathlon thing anyway, but just knowing he reached his fitness goals gave me a boost of inspiration and … I can’t let him get an edge on me can I?! LOL! So, any advice, direction or encouragement you could offer though this process would be greatly appreciated. My wife will thank you too!

1. What do you want from this mentoring group?
I hope to both give and receive advice, direction and encouragement to and from others in the group. I think some accountability and interaction with other individuals with similar goals will be synergistic in propelling each of us to be the best us we can!

2. What training plan (if any) are you following?
Since I’ve never trained for anything like this I’m just picking up as much information as I can and implementing it as I continue on my journey. I’ve been riding and running every day for the past 3 weeks and I’ve found my “fitness boundaries” with this combination. So far, I’m trying to manage my heart rate and improve my overall time for each workout. In fact, that’s what I’m hoping to find here… encouragement and direction as far as to what’s most effective (or what’s worked for you) and then relate it to a calendar or schedule so I can reach my goal to complete my first sprint triathlon at the, July 1, 2008 in Benton Harbor, MI.

3. What is your biggest goal for the next 6 months?
I’m going to complete my first sprint triathlon on July 1, 2008 in Benton Harbor, MI and lose 25 lbs in the process.

I'm looking forward to racing with you all.


Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV)
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
2007-12-28 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1092283

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
Hi is this group still open?
2007-12-28 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1092283

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN

Just reading the thread and wanted to say to the Stay at home moms on here that I was in your boat a year ago and the tri training was a great way to do something just for me.  I met lots of people at the gym, got back in shape, became a happier person, and inspired my family to stay active.  Best of luck to you!


I'm envious of your AT hike, it's one of my long term goals.  Also, I wanted to let you know there is a tri club in Charlotte that you may want to check out.

2007-12-29 9:42 AM
in reply to: #1092283


Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
Hi Heather -

I'd like to join your group if possible. I've always been a pretty active person. I love physical activity. My career prevents me from being able to join any sports teams because I travel on a weekly basis. I, too, am a consultant.

Anyways, I usually run about 14 miles a week. I'm never done long distance biking and my endurance in the swimming pool is pretty weak. Over the holidays I stumbled across a TriAthlete magazine and was pretty intrigued by it. Sounds to me like a great challenge so I figured what the hell. I'm gonna do it. So....basically I'm looking for any guidance in general. Is there any kind of beginner Tri-Athlete event in 2009 I could aim for as a stepping stone? I'm just looking to compete. Where I actually place in the competition doesn't really matter to me.

Thanks for for your consideration.

Best Regards,

Matthew Hamski
2007-12-29 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1092283


Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
My name is Angi and I would love to join your group. I am 31 yrs old married with 2 kitties and a dog. I am a doctoral student in special education. I started running consistently 5 years ago and have done 4 marathons but my hips won't let me run 5 days a week so I tried a triathlon two summers ago and loved it. Last summer I was in Tanzania and couldn't train. I want to do one or two half ironmans this summer and some shorter races. I have been doing three-sport training since August, but would love the encouragement and advice.

I also danced as a kid and didn't get into running or sports till college, but only recently have I been training consistently.

1. What do you want from this mentoring group?
I would really like to have other people helping to support me and be able to help others. I like the comraderie of a group and learning from others.

2. What training plan (if any) are you following?
I have been training 2x a week for each sport, but starting January 7 I will be following Gale Berdhardt's 27 week plan for a half marathon.

3. What is your biggest goal for the next 6 months?
Finish a half ironman (a little longer than 6 months from now)

My half is probably going to be July 12.


Edited by akstone 2007-12-29 7:57 PM
2007-12-29 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1092283

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
I would like to join your group. My name is Sandy. I am a married working mom of two. I live just south of Atlanta in Newnan. I was active and athletic in college but never on a competitive team. Since college (10 years now) I have picked up running here and there but had commitment issues. A few months ago I made up my mind that I wanted to get back into shape and ultimately do a triathalon. I have since done a couple 5Ks and am now swimming too. Which brings me to your questions...

1. What do you want from this mentoring group?

I am fairly clueless and am looking for a group that will be able to offer me some great advise and encouragement. I am drawn to your group in particular because you 1) a woman, and 2) you live in the Atlanta area (which I hope means you can offer insight on where I should go to buy my "first bike" )

2. What training plan (if any) are you following?

At this point - I'm not. I have been running 2-3 days a week, swimming 1-2 days a week and lifting 1-2 days a week. I just picked my goal race -- an Olympic Tri in PTC in May. Now that I have a date I am trying to decide on a plan.

3. What is your biggest goal for the next 6 months?

Complete an Olympic triathlon.

Thanks for considering my request to join your group.
2007-12-30 5:56 AM
in reply to: #1092283

New user

Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
Hi all this is gr8! a mentor program!

Will be in touch when i 'officially' start my training on Jan 1st!!
2007-12-30 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1092283

New user

Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
Hi! I would like to join your group. I was also a dancer growing up and did not do sports. I am 43 years old and the mom of 4. I have been walking and doing pilates/Elyptical machine
on a regular basis for 2.5 years and dropped about 20 lbs. I am a Registered Dietitian and
work at the Children's Hospital and have worked at a couple of the local gyms. One of my favorite clinics I cover is the Eating Disorders Clinic because I am able to work with so many athletes. I can provide nutrition info, but I need training info. I want to accomplish something besides general fitness and wt maintenance with my exercise. I am just looking at the various training options. I have a gym membership that gives me access to a pool, spinning classes, etc. I live in KS and it has been snowing constantly for the last month so training outside is not an option. I want to do a Sprint this summer. I have two other dietitians at work who are interested as well. They are much younger than me . I have a grandchild their childrens's age. I typically workout in the evening after work, dinner and homework. My husband and daughter often go to the gym with me. Looking forward to your suggestions!!!! Happy New Year.
Stephanie Jones

2007-12-30 7:06 PM
in reply to: #1092283


Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
My name is Melanie and I am 46 years old and live in a suburb outside Atlanta, Georgia. I never did anything athletic growing up (except a few dance lessons and cheering.) My senior year in high school, I was in a pretty serious car wreck. Twenty years later, I had two major reconstructive knee surgeries. At around 40, I played around a little with tennis.

This past summer, I walked 10 miles to honor my precious friend, Mindy who went home to Jesus in May after a battle with breast/bone cancer. She left behind husband, Ted and daughters, Megan, 7 and Audrey Grace, 5. She was the greatest inspiration to me with her infectious love for Jesus and ability to radiate joy in the midst of tragedy. My user name comes from her because she was the best at LIVIN' OUT LOUD!

On October 13th, I was married for 23 years to my chef husband, Mike. I also have a 20 year old son away at college. I will start back to college myself after 30 years in just a few days. I am also a piano and Bible teacher. I love hanging out with high school youth group and singing in the choir.

Here's the kicker... I am about forty pounds overweight and have never run before. I believe that the key to my success will be proper form. I am very interested in "Tai Chi Walking" and "Tai Chi Running" as well as "Total Immersion" approach to swimming. (I don't follow the spiritual aspects of Tai Chi as a Christian.) Several doctors believe that I have a form of fibromyalgia and so the easier approach will be crucial for me.

I love to swim and am excited about getting started back on that.

I have several goals and really have no idea how long it would take for me to do a triathlon. If I could accomplish this before I am 50 that would be great. For now, I would like to do a 10 K Walk/Run for Hunger in March in Atlanta. I am considering training with Team in Training for an Irongirl Triathlon in late June in Atlanta. (Sprint distance- 1/3 mile swim; 18 mile bike; and 3 mile run.) I just don't know if this is too ambitious of a goal. I like the face that it is for lymphoma and that I have the added bonus of team in training.)

There is an easier one a week earlier at Callaway Gardens about an hour from here. It is 1/4 mile swim, 10 mile bike and 2 mile run... very first-timer friendly including kids I think.

I haven't looked at plans yet. I'm a little nervous, to be honest. I welcome your feedback and if you think we are a match, then let's make a go of it.

One other point- my husband and I have a new catering business, so I have to be wise about finances.

Thanks for your inspiration. I look forward to hearing from you.

I know that you want to limit your group, so I originally sent out a message to another group. I think I would feel more comfortable with a woman and I love your quote! What do you think?

2007-12-30 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1092283

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Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
Hi Iam frank and would like to join your group.

I am 51 and attempted to do a sprint earlier this year.

I am not a swimmer and have a great fear of the water.

I ended up floating and walking my swim portion.

I have 2 bad knees and had to put braces on both knees before the bike portion.

I am not a running so it ended up taking me just under 2 hours to complete.

I am looking for all the help and support htat I can get...
2007-12-30 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1092283

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Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
I now see that alot of people have signed up for this group.

You can take me off and I will find another..

2007-12-30 10:49 PM
in reply to: #1092283

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Middletown, DE
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN

Take me off as well


2007-12-30 11:53 PM
in reply to: #1108126


Brooklyn, New York
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN

I would like to join your group. I started participating in tri's last summer. I did two sprints and they were awesome. This year I hope to do four and maybe an olympic at the end of the summer.

1. I would like to hear what others are up to and give and recieve encouragement during the highs and lows.

2. I am following a five day a week plan which consists of two days run, two days bike and one swim right now. Also I lift twice a week.

3. biggest goal is weightloss and leaning up a bit.


2007-12-31 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1092283


Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
Just wondering if this group is still open? If so I will go ahead and post my info later.


2008-01-01 12:50 AM
in reply to: #1092283

Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
Hi Heather,

My name is Sarah, and I am a 19 year old college student. I completed my first sprint triathlon at the end of last season and of course fell in love with the sport. I grew up playing soccer for the most part with a little bit of basketball, baseball, gymnastics, and recreational roller hockey. I'm pretty tiny so I always got beat up in sports, so the idea of a non-contact sport like this is exciting.

1. What do you want from this mentoring group?

I would like encouragement, tips, answers to questions i may have, and maybe some motivation on those terrible training days when you just don't want to roll out of bed!

2. What training plan (if any) are you following?

I'm following a half Ironman training plan which suggests both an am and pm work out on shorter distance days, and single workouts on longdistance days. One day off too!

3. What is your biggest goal for the next 6 months?

To complete the Musselman half ironman.

2008-01-01 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1125652

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN


WOW - this thread was busy while I was away!! Welcome to everyone who has asked to join the group - we've certainly grown since Christmas. I'm going to go ahead and close the group now, but if you have already posted here - you're in. I'm going to read through everyone's bio and respond individually too.

I just went through the thread - looks like we have a total of 17 mentees - wow! A wide range of experience levels, which is great! I think the list below includes everyone who requested to join, let me know if anyone has moved to another group or if I missed you:

BT NameNameGoal
kevnb72Kevin2nd season - HIM
newadventuresKarenStart training again
sdl135Shawn Start training again
kmanusSprint - May
jconklin4JohnnySprint - May
Jenna2007CanadaSprint - Spring
shiloh1206NickIM - November
saralizzSaraSprint - March
matthewhamskiMatthew Hamski
akstoneAngiHIM - July
dietqueenStephanie JonesSprint - Summer
wags3671andrea2nd season - Olympic
coldheatSarahMusselman HIM


Edited by hblackmon 2008-01-04 8:11 AM
2008-01-01 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1125652

New user

Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN
coldheat - 2008-01-01 1:50 AM

Hi Heather,

My name is Sarah, and I am a 19 year old college student. I completed my first sprint triathlon at the end of last season and of course fell in love with the sport. I grew up playing soccer for the most part with a little bit of basketball, baseball, gymnastics, and recreational roller hockey. I'm pretty tiny so I always got beat up in sports, so the idea of a non-contact sport like this is exciting.

1. What do you want from this mentoring group?

I would like encouragement, tips, answers to questions i may have, and maybe some motivation on those terrible training days when you just don't want to roll out of bed!

2. What training plan (if any) are you following?

I'm following a half Ironman training plan which suggests both an am and pm work out on shorter distance days, and single workouts on longdistance days. One day off too!

3. What is your biggest goal for the next 6 months?

To complete the Musselman half ironman.


Hey Sarah - I think I'm going to sign up for the Musselman I will be there to cheer you on in the half! Are you from NY? I grew up in Naples NY but just moved to Raleigh NC in October!
2008-01-02 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1092283

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - CLOSED!!

I know it's the middle of the week, but it feels like a Monday! It's the first day back to work for a lot of people (including me) and the first day of my January training. What are your goals for this month and this week?

January Goals
- Consistent Training (1 miss/week)
- Weight Loss: 3
- No missed long rides
- No missed long runs

This Week
Wed - 45min Run (base)
Thur - Swim and Strength/Core
Fri - Bike Spinups
Sat - 5K Race
Sun - 1:30 Bike (base)

2008-01-02 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1092283

New user

Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - CLOSED!!
I agree, it does feel like a Monday!

My goals for the month:
- buy a bike and ride outside (actually going to the bike shop tonight!)
- improve eating habits
- lose 3 lbs
- have fun running a 5k with a friend

For the week:
- Wednesday: indoor gym workout (bike, weights, crunches, and some ballet moves mixed in!)
- Thursday: swim
- Friday: ?
- Saturday: 30 min run, swim
- Sunday: 10 mile bike (indoors or maybe outside if my real bike is ready by then!)
2008-01-02 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1125857


Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - OPEN

You are a dear to take all who applied while gone. I did, however, find another group which will make your group a little smaller and keep the other group a nice size, too!

I may check back in and see how you are doing, if that is okay.

2008-01-02 5:36 PM
in reply to: #1128477


Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - CLOSED!!
Goals for the week:

Tuesday-2:30 long ride (completed)
Thurs.-30 min run, 1hr swim
Friday-1 hr ride, 30 min yoga
Sat-1hr run
Sun-1hr swim

January Goals:

-1 min crunches, 1 min pushups/day (I am part of a group that is doing a core challenge for the month)
-follow my training plan with no more than 3 missed workouts for the month
-eat healthy and make good food choices (1 cheat meal per week)

Hope everyone is having a good new year!

2008-01-03 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1128805

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: hblackmon's Group - CLOSED!!

saralizz - 2008-01-02 3:50 PM I agree, it does feel like a Monday! My goals for the month: - buy a bike and ride outside (actually going to the bike shop tonight!) - improve eating habits - lose 3 lbs - have fun running a 5k with a friend For the week: - Wednesday: indoor gym workout (bike, weights, crunches, and some ballet moves mixed in!) - Thursday: swim - Friday: ? - Saturday: 30 min run, swim - Sunday: 10 mile bike (indoors or maybe outside if my real bike is ready by then!)

Buying a bike - that's so exciting!! Laughing Did you end up going to the bike shop last night? Looks like you and I have the same weight loss goal for this month - are you logging your nutrition to help with that one?

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