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2007-12-27 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

Welcome back. Sorry to hear about the internet connection. I've been down that road and I know how frustrating that can be. Anyways, glad to hear it's up and running.

I have taken the past week off, both physically and with my diet. Boy did I go overboard with the diet!!! I just came off a 6 month really intense gym routine. I was taking a class called Billy's Cardio Boot Camp which was an hour class which involved lifting and interval cardio. I was waking up at 4:00 every morning to get to the gym for the class. It was worth it because I dropped a ton of weight, well not a ton, but 35 lbs. I used the bodybugg to track my calorie burn which helped me maintain at least a 950 calorie deficit every day. If anyone wants a great weight loss tool, I highly recommend the bodybugg. If you are curious about it let me know. Anyways, over the past 2 months I have started swimming, running and biking. I plan to start more formal tri training this week.

My biggest obstacle over the next month is going to be travel. I am traveling for business the second week of January with very little time for any training. Then in the third week I am going snowboarding for the week. At least my legs will get a work out, but will not be doing much for my endurance.

The help I need now is which training plan to start with based on the races I want to do. My two big races so far are going to be St. Anthony's April 27, and then the NYC tri July 20th. I want to find a sprint in early march to at least experience a race before St. Anthony's. Any suggestions on which programs to start with?

Thanks in advance.
Happy New Year!!


2007-12-27 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

St Anthony's and NYC will be fantastic races!  I'd love to go and see all the pros.  It sounds like you have a good plan of doing a Sprint first.  If you don't have a race in mind yet, have a look here on the BT site, or go to, or to find a race near you.  That will be great experience for the Olympics - especially the start of the swim and learning how to get through transitions - and you get to have fun finishing the race that soon in the season.

For the plans, you have them all available to you, but with the travel this month, maybe start with one of the 16 Week Olympic plans.  The timing is perfect for St. Anthony's.  The 2x/week may be a good starting point, and if you are able to do more than that, or maybe when you're past the travel, maybe try the 3x/week.  These plans are based on minutes only, and don't get into heart rates or specific types of workouts.  I think they're great to start with.

You then have a big 3 month gap until NYC.  You could try the 12 week silver/gold plans that will deal more with specific workouts for all 3 disciplines, such as interval training and long-slow-distance training (LSD).  These are geared towards folks with experience, which you'll have then, and work to improve speed.  If you have the opportunity during that time, you could also have a look to do another sprint.

When I travel, I always take my running shoes with me.  If I can't get out, hopefully the hotel will at least have a treadmill.  It definitely helps rather than not being able to do anything.  If I'm real adventurous, I'll also take my wetsuit or swimsuit!

2007-12-28 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1118100

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - OPEN

Have fun at Hannah Montana! You're braver than I am. I got my 8 year old daughter tickets to the show in Albany on the 9th for Christmas but I also roped my 25 year old sister in law into taking her! So did you have to sell one of your kidneys to get the tickets too?

My biggest obstacle is time. I need to figure out a plan and stick with it. Like you, evenings are completely out. So I guess I need to get up early and that's going to take some getting used to. Being a complete beginner do you suggest a couch to 5k plan?


2007-12-28 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
Hi everyone. I'm looking forward to this mentoring group. As I shared in my initial post, my wife is supportive and understanding about the time it takes (and the expenses, though a bit less supportive here), but it not particularly interested in all of the minutia. After a couple minutes her eyes start to glaze over, so I'm excited to be able to exchange thoughts, experiences, etc. with others who are interested.

The the 2 biggest obstacles I will have to over come are: 1) being consistent, but not over-training, and 2) getting enough rest/sleep. Like many others in the group I train in the morning before work, and with 3 daughters - 13, 11 & 8 - bedtime isn't always as early or consistent as I would like (this is probably where my wife is most supportive and patient, both with finishing things up at night and letting me get to bed and/or understanding if I'm a little grouchy when it gets late). I'm usually able to get up and train, but the more I read the more important sleep/rest seems to be. So, finding a balance and knowing when to not train and sleep more is what I need to wprk on.

Currently I'm using the 20 week winter maintenance plan (though, also like several others who have posted, the holidays have been a 'slip') and this seems to be going well. This is my first attempt at using a plan of any sort, so I don't have much to compare it with.

My goals for this coming year are to race 3-4 sprints (turning in better times in this coming year in the 2 races I completed last year) and to complete an Olympic distance.

Happy New Year everyone.
2007-12-29 6:10 AM
in reply to: #1094615

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
Figured I give us a BUMP! And let the next person start page 2!
2007-12-29 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1120425

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - OPEN
annievi - 2007-12-28 12:26 PM

Have fun at Hannah Montana! You're braver than I am. I got my 8 year old daughter tickets to the show in Albany on the 9th for Christmas but I also roped my 25 year old sister in law into taking her! So did you have to sell one of your kidneys to get the tickets too?

My biggest obstacle is time. I need to figure out a plan and stick with it. Like you, evenings are completely out. So I guess I need to get up early and that's going to take some getting used to. Being a complete beginner do you suggest a couch to 5k plan?

I actually got the tickets through Ticketmaster!  I did it right when they went on sale just to get the best seats, and I had no idea about how fast it was going to sell out, or the scalp prices.  Seats in my section that I bought for $45 are going for $250 each on ebay!  We thought about selling them, but kept them in the end.

The Couch to 5k plan is for running only.  It is a good plan to get yourself up and moving since it starts with a lot of walking, and gradually shifts the walk/run balance to more running.

However, if you want to do a triathlon, this isn't really a good plan since there is no biking or swimming.  You would be better off with Michael Pate's Total Sprint (this plan is also free).  It starts with minimal swimming and walking instead of running, then also gradually builds up the running.  As far as the biking goes, you can do that on a stationary bike.

The other option is to start with the Couch to 5k plan, then as you start to feel good about how that's going, switch over to the Total Sprint plan to work in the biking and swimming.

Good luck with it! Smile

2007-12-30 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year.

Have a great night, and above all be safe on the roads on the way home !!
2007-12-31 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

Have a great night!  Anyone have any good plans??

We're having a couple neighbors over, but otherwise it will be a quiet evening for us.

2007-12-31 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
No big plans here, our 2 y/o is sick so I think I'll stay home with him and let the rest of the family go over to a friends house.

Happy New Year everyone, I am excited about all that we are going to accomplish in 2008!
2007-12-31 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
If your going to drink please do so responsibly!!! 2008 will be OUR year !!!!
2007-12-31 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
We are staying home tonight, sushi for dinner. Plan to go to bed early if the fireworks are not too annoying. I plan on waking up at 6 for a 7:15 group ride with the lbs. 8 mile ride to the shop, 20 - 30 mile ride with the group and an 8 mile ride back home. If I make it, it will be a good way to start the year. I'll let you know.

Happy new year!!

2008-01-01 5:34 AM
in reply to: #1094615

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
5k here today. Feel asleep about 9 o'clock last night. DW woke me up at about 11:30 so I could be awake to ring in the New Year!
2008-01-01 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
Dude, what a ride today. I am stoked. I did not know what I was getting myself into, But I tell you what, it was a lot of fun. I will leave the details in my blog a little later on today, but here is an overview.

I felt like I spent the entire ride either chasing or pulling the peleton. I had one great pull which impressed the group. I pulled for just over 5 miles at a 22-23 mph pace!!! It killed me but it feels good to have done it.

My total ride today was just over 50 miles at an average pace of 20 mph. I think my average was brought down by my ride to the lbs where I only averaged 10 to 15 because I ride on the side walks. The reason I think that is, is because the peleton's pace was 22-24 mph. My computer said I had a max speed of over 30 mph, must have been one of the times I was trying to catch up. The distance included my ride to the lbs and home again in the rain (that was not exactly fun).

I think I spent a total of 2.5 hours in the saddle. I need to look at my computer.

One thing I need to work on is nutrition durning a long ride. Lets just say I did not do a good job and lost a lot of energy toward the end of the ride. Yes, I did get dropped toward the end. But luckily one of the guys flatted. I helped him fix his flat, but more importantly I had a small group to finish the ride with.

All I can say is sweet ride...

Happy new year.

Edited by snowriderinfl 2008-01-01 11:15 AM
2008-01-01 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
Hi All,

I was off skiing for a week and a half over Xmas, so I haven't had much access to the internet. Hopefully this group will be a good motivator for me (and each of you), and I'll try my best to keep up with the forum on a daily basis.

I've added everyone as friends to my log, but I'm afraid it's rather sparse at the moment. Outdoor training in Canada during the winter can be a little difficult, hence I'm rather jealous of those who can still ride and run. I had actually planned to ride today since the temp is around zero degrees celsius, but then we got 10-15cm dumped on us - I'll hook up the indoor trainer tonight, but I find it a bit boring.

I still need to create a plan that fits my schedule, so I don't see myself using one of the sites plans - but does anyone know if I can load my own plan to compare against my log?

Welcome to 2008 everyone, looking forward to it.
2008-01-02 7:04 AM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

Hey Snowrider, sounds like an awesome day!  That's an excellent speed for that long of a ride -   That's the kind of stuff that keeps you coming back for more!

Squishy - I'm not sure how to import a different plan other than just typing it in one day at a time.  You could send a note to Marmadaddy here at BT to see if that's possible.  Good luck!

2008-01-02 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed


As I sit here sipping a bottle of Dasani (cleverly packaged, expensive tap water), I thought I would remind everyone of the importance of drinking water - and a lot of it!  There is no doubt it helps with losing weight, and you need it for recovery before, during and after any training.

Other than during training, I drink it with breakfast (during my drive to work), sometime mid-morning, at lunch, sometime mid-afternoon, during dinner, and sometime in the evening.

Now's the time to get in the habit of drinking a lot.  As you start to crank up training over the coming months, your body is going to depend on it, and it will make your recovery and ability to bounce back far easier! Smile

2008-01-02 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1120425

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - OPEN
annievi - 2007-12-28 12:26 PM

Have fun at Hannah Montana! You're braver than I am. I got my 8 year old daughter tickets to the show in Albany on the 9th for Christmas but I also roped my 25 year old sister in law into taking her! So did you have to sell one of your kidneys to get the tickets too?

My biggest obstacle is time. I need to figure out a plan and stick with it. Like you, evenings are completely out. So I guess I need to get up early and that's going to take some getting used to. Being a complete beginner do you suggest a couch to 5k plan?


3 days and Counting!

Actually, why I was responding again was about the plans.  When I was looking up the plans that are free for you, I didn't see the Beginners Exercise Program in the listing.  I forgot that was because this program is just in the articles, not in the programs.

This is what I used last year, and I think it's a great way to start.  It's all stationary bike to begin with as well as lifting.  It's a great combination, and she also gives good stretching and nutritional advice.  It eases you into the training and builds up your endurance quickly.

I was very dedicated to that program for two months.  By the 3rd month, I started adding in more training (including running), and then by the 4th month, I went into a more advanced plan.   So I didn't follow it for all 8 months, but there is not doubt that this is what got me going.

I also did a copy and paste of the plan from each article into Word so that I could print a little at a time, add dates, and go directly to it on my pc instead of searching for it here.  I've attached the 1st month to this post.

Good luck! Cool

Beginner Exercise Program 1st Month.doc (56KB - 36 downloads)
2008-01-03 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

Hey Everyone - Have you picked a race yet?

If not, now's a great time to find one to make your goal for your first race!  There's nothing that motivates me more than having a race to plan on.  Even though it will likely be months away, it gives you a target to shoot for.

After you have that set, then look at maybe doing a running race or two along the way.  This helps you see what it's like to run in a crowd and get used to the whole atmosphere.  It may even give you practice of grabbing a cup of water on the run!

My calendar says my first one will be 6/15 way over in Toledo.  But I'm looking at doing one the weekend before instead that will be closer.

You may also catch a break on registration fees by signing up now.  The Pittsburgh Triathlon isn't until the middle of July, and the fee is $85 right now, but it goes up to $100 on 2/1.  That's just a $15 difference, but that savings adds up if you're signing up for a number of races.

2008-01-03 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
Took your advice and have picked June for my first triathlon. It's in Milton, Ontario which isn't too far from home, and I'll be able to pull the route maps off the website and get the opportunity to train on the specific race terrain.

I doubt I'll get much in the way of open water training as the water temp won't actually start to warmup until close to June - I may get something in during May, but until then I'll be dedicating myself to the pool.

Speaking of swimming - was anyone else in our group a really novice swimmer when they got into triathlons? It's the part I struggle with most, and I know a lot of it has to do with my technique and form, but swimming just kicks my butt. After spending 30-45 minutes at the pool (with breaks) I'll get out and be exhausted. This is an ongoing concern as I want to have plenty of energy for the ride and run. I don't really use my legs while swimming, but my overall fatigue level is really elevated, and in both Try a Tri's I was suffering after the swim, and that was only half the distance. For the record I'm swimming (if you can call it that) at a pace of 2:30min / 100metres.

I start some tri specific swimming this weekend and am hoping for a little coached assistance during the laps, but if anyone can relate their own experiences it would be appreciated.


Edited by squishybelly 2008-01-03 1:36 PM
2008-01-03 3:26 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

Hey Squishy,

You hit the nail on the head.  You want to be able to come out of the water with your legs fresh and ready to go. 

That was definitely a problem I had last year when I started up the training.  I looked back at my logs from last Feb/Mar, and I couldn't really do 50 yds of freestyle then.  I would go freestyle one way, and breastroke coming back.  My average time was over 3 mins/100 yds.

After this went on for a little bit, I stopped what I was doing and started using the Total Immersion book.  Basically it took me back to basics, and I relearned a new stroke.  Once I got past the drills and doing the stroke, I couldn't believe the difference.  My legs weren't tired, and I had plenty of energy, all while swimming significantly faster.  By the end of the year, I did 2000-2500 yds straight a couple of times just for the fun of it!

Don't worry about lack of open water swimming.  The vast majority of folks do all their training in pools.  Being in a pool is much better for training anyway while your building up your endurance and doing drills.

2008-01-03 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed


    I was in the same position you are in now. Like Bob when I started swimming I could hardly couldn't swim the length of the pool.  Yes it was a 25 yrd pool! I was horrible in the water.  I bought a Total Immersion book and DVD and it has made all the difference. I read the book in all of my spare time. And every time I went to the pool I worked on the drills that are in the book. I was swimming 4 to 5 times a week. During last winter swimming was all that I did. I ran very little and didn't bike at all. Swimming was my only focus. I'm still not a excellent swimmer but my swim times are now respectable.

    I think with Total Immersion and a lot of hard work you will see improvements in your swim before you know it!

2008-01-03 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed
Well, make it 3 in a row for Total Immersion. I have been using the drills since last winter and also find them beneficial. There are also good drills and videos of these drills available through BT if you are would decide to become a silver or gold member, and I have found these to be helpful as well, especially the work on the 'catch'. What I found is the TI info & drills got me comfortable in the water and allowed me to know I can complete the distance without being exhausted (though perhaps not fast). The BT drills will improve my swim speed.
2008-01-04 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1094615

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

I should have added that, if you are going to invest in TI information I would strongly encourage you to purchase a DVD. I bought a book first and while it helped, it was difficult for me to visualize proper technique. Having the DVD and seeing the drills, etc. was musch more beneficial.

2008-01-04 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

Completely agree with that DVD - it definitely helps to see the drills to learn them.  Keep in mind, the Total Immersion book & dvd is virtually all technique.  There's not much there on drills to increase distance and speed.  For that I like the drills that Kevin Koskella has posted here on the BT site.

Edited by willie05 2008-01-04 1:26 PM
2008-01-04 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1094615

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Subject: RE: willie05's Group - Closed

Back to Nutrition for a second - What did everyone have for breakfast today?  As long as the answer isn't "Nothing" or "A couple of Donuts" you're doing good!

I heard on the radio over the holidays that people who skip breakfast eat on average 100 more calories per day than people who have breakfast!  But it's worse than just that.  To make up for the hunger pangs in the morning, the "makeup" food tends to be junk food, which then leads to more junk food later on.

So eat a nutritious bowl of cereal in the mornings, and save the chips for just occasional times - such as cheering on the Steelers Saturday night! Cool

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