BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-04-21 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.

2009-04-21 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2099418

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-21 9:49 AM

BTW - good morning manatees.  I am doing pretty good on avoiding the pool so far this month.  Maybe that should be my challenge

Morning Bill!


about the pool............

2009-04-21 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2099407

Subject: RE: Sharie's bike journey
Everything helps!   I think I am going to pass on the Ebay Trek bike.  I looked on craigslist this morning and there are a few more possibilities.    Like this one...

He says he is motivated to sell so I might throw an offer his way??   Also the bike only has 200 miles on it.
2009-04-21 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

HUGE QUESTION.  im starting to panic.  but im making myself stay calm.

got the 'rules' for the tri im doing on Sunday.

pool swim, and theres a statement thats got me in a bit of a wad...

it states:

"Excluding the bottom, a participant shall not use any inanimate object to gain forward progress"

now im sure they mean 'excluding the bottom of the pool'



i know you dont use flip turns in Tris/pool swims BUT, i thought you could use the wall to push off of at the turn....

IS THIS ALLOWABLE generally in pool swims/Tris????  i thought so.  in fact, i asked this question in my previous mentor group and everyone said, as far as they knew/experienced, that you can push off the wall at the turn.

so ive been trng/practicing that way all these weeks/months.

CAN ANYONE SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCE/EXPERTISE w me [im sure each race has its own set of rules, but.....] while im waiting to hear back from the race directors (i emailed them....)



ps - im sure this really NOT as big of deal as im making it out to be.  this is always when i get a little squirrly about an upcoming race - 3-4-5 days out.  YIKERS.  so forgive me as i lose my mind a bit

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-21 2:19 PM
2009-04-21 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL


super fly brick today.


im ready to race. OH YEAH! 


2009-04-21 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2100534

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.

2009-04-21 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
BILL.  hadnt intended on using the flip turn anyways.

what im not certain about is whether you can PUSH OFF THE WALL AT THE TURN to go the other direction in the lane?

meaning when i turn at the wall and face the other direction (NOT flipping underwater, just turning my body at the wall) can i push the wall to start stroking down/up the lane?

and im wondering how in the heck would you use the bottom of the pool anyways???

i guess im just super confused.

and super silly squirrly at this point too.

i always get this way before a race......

your RIGHT, its probably NOT as big of a deal as im making it out to be, and if i cant push off the wall, well then i cant.

2009-04-21 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2100570

Victoria, BC
Subject: update
Well - I had a great workout today! It felt great .. my Achilles/ankle/feet held up fabulously. A little bit of pain from the Achilles at the start of my run, but by 10 min in it loosened up and I was completely pain free. ;-)

As for the doctor's appointment today ... I'm SHOCKED ... I'm just having trouble coming to terms with my morning. But - at least now I've got that extra motivation! (hence the 60 minute workout immediately after my doctor's appt)

This is copied from today's log:

Doctor's appointment was interesting - definately an EYE OPENER and a huge source of MOTIVATION for me! I haven't weighed myself in a while, I know my clothes don't fit and I'm bigger than I should be - but I was absolutely clueless as to how much weight I've actually put on! Holy crap ... I almost broke into tears when I saw the number on that scale. I'm shocked, embarrased, mortified, and very angry and disappointed with myself. And quite embarrased. I'm supposed to be a health & fitness professional - how, or more importantly why, would anyone take me seriously at this point?

I cannot believe I have put on that much weight. Wow. I can race in the Athena category now. At least I've got that going for me. ;-)

Anyway ... she also agrees with my self-diagnosis of anemia, although she's sending me for a full blood work-up ... it's a fasting test, so I'm thinking I won't go until Friday as that day I can do with a late breakfast. She thinking maybe thyroid, possibly ... we'll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, I've made a decision. I am going to start eating fish. I think. I should. Not sure if I can bring myself to absolutely do it .. hmmm .. hmm.
I've been keeping track of my diet for almost a week now, and I realize that I get most of my protein (at least 80%) from soy sources ... I need to get some leaner, healthier protein sources especially now that I'm back tri training. It's one thing to do just yoga and not eat meat .. it's a whole other to do 10 hours a week of cardio and not eat meat.

I'm troubled. How do I weigh (haha, pun intended) the needs of my body with the needs of my spirit and mind?

2009-04-21 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2100570

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-21 2:26 PM

skrtrnr - 2009-04-21 3:18 PM

HUGE QUESTION.  im starting to panic.  but im making myself stay calm.

got the 'rules' for the tri im doing on Sunday.

pool swim, and theres a statement thats got me in a bit of a wad...

it states:

"Excluding the bottom, a participant shall not use any inanimate object to gain forward progress"

now im sure they mean 'excluding the bottom of the pool'



i know you dont use flip turns in Tris/pool swims BUT, i thought you could use the wall to push off of at the turn....

IS THIS ALLOWABLE generally in pool swims/Tris????  i thought so.  in fact, i asked this question in my previous mentor group and everyone said, as far as they knew/experienced, that you can push off the wall at the turn.

so ive been trng/practicing that way all these weeks/months.

CAN ANYONE SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCE/EXPERTISE w me [im sure each race has its own set of rules, but.....] while im waiting to hear back from the race directors (i emailed them....)



ps - im sure this really NOT as big of deal as im making it out to be.  this is always when i get a little squirrly about an upcoming race - 3-4-5 days out.  YIKERS.  so forgive me as i lose my mind a bit

I am assuming they are meaning pull bouys and kick boards and flippers and hand thingys (like that term don't you?).

If you can't flip turn - no big deal just do the regular.  It won't kill you and that is what OWS are like anyways.  I practice those periodically (that is when I am actually swimming )

and BILL.  weird thing is the said in the rules you CAN rest using a buoy, rope or other floating object.

does that mean i can bring my kids ELMO BIG BIRD INNERTUBE/FLOATY as my floating object.

where in the hell would you keep this stuff while you were swimming?????? floating around in the lane.

im starting to think that the rules needed be filed in the CIRCULAR FILE next to my desk.  that or BURNED. 


2009-04-21 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatees!

I just have to share!

from my log cuz i'm lazy efficient like that

an unfreakn' believable run!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes, it was on the treadmill  - it's sort of strange, but i think i've had most of my breakthrough run's on the tready - thank you Suzy for helping me understand that the treadmill can be a valuable tool and not just a dreaded machine

- anyhoo, here's what happened tonight......i warmed up during the first mile, thinking to myself about my run over the weekend - the hilly one and that based on that, i could probably take it up a notch - so.......

i decided to try the run intervals at the 10:30 pace - it was AWESOME!!!, for the first time ever...........i felt better running at a faster pace - i did the walk intervals at about a 14:30 pace.  my avg HR was 154 - AMAZING, my HR usually skyrockets during a run

- i'm feeling good tonight!!!!

2009-04-21 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2101333

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

lastcall2003 - 2009-04-21 5:30 PM Hi Manatees!

I just have to share!

from my log cuz i'm lazy efficient like that

an unfreakn' believable run!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes, it was on the treadmill  - it's sort of strange, but i think i've had most of my breakthrough run's on the tready - thank you Suzy for helping me understand that the treadmill can be a valuable tool and not just a dreaded machine

- anyhoo, here's what happened tonight......i warmed up during the first mile, thinking to myself about my run over the weekend - the hilly one and that based on that, i could probably take it up a notch - so.......

i decided to try the run intervals at the 10:30 pace - it was AWESOME!!!, for the first time ever...........i felt better running at a faster pace - i did the walk intervals at about a 14:30 pace.  my avg HR was 154 - AMAZING, my HR usually skyrockets during a run

- i'm feeling good tonight!!!!

Yeah!!!! Milk those endorphins for all they're worth. Seriously, way to kick it up a notch. The treadmill is really good for that. It forces you to run faster, or fall of the darn thing. And wouldn't that be embarrassing. Although I have tilted over on my trainer in the l.r.

Edited by lmscozz 2009-04-21 10:13 PM

2009-04-22 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2101333

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lastcall2003 - 2009-04-21 7:30 PM Hi Manatees!

I just have to share!

from my log cuz i'm lazy efficient like that

an unfreakn' believable run!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes, it was on the treadmill  - it's sort of strange, but i think i've had most of my breakthrough run's on the tready - thank you Suzy for helping me understand that the treadmill can be a valuable tool and not just a dreaded machine

- anyhoo, here's what happened tonight......i warmed up during the first mile, thinking to myself about my run over the weekend - the hilly one and that based on that, i could probably take it up a notch - so.......

i decided to try the run intervals at the 10:30 pace - it was AWESOME!!!, for the first time ever...........i felt better running at a faster pace - i did the walk intervals at about a 14:30 pace.  my avg HR was 154 - AMAZING, my HR usually skyrockets during a run

- i'm feeling good tonight!!!!

TINKERBETH.  listen to you CROW your little heart out!


you have SO much to be proud of.  being willing to kick it up a notch [that takes GUTS], challenge your 'personal envelope', and then come to find out that YOU CAN DO IT, and DO IT WELL!!


thanks for sharing your accomplishment w the group.  its posts like that, that inspire rest of us to kick it up too. 

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-22 7:35 AM
2009-04-22 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2099337

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: training question
ranchrunner - 2009-04-21 9:27 AM I came across this yesterday and it might be a good fit for you, Carole.    It is a pdf file

I would love to hear from Yanti and/or Beth about the HR information.  It is a bit different than some of the others stuff I have read, but it seems to be a pretty simple and straightforward 7 week training plan.

Sharie, this looks like a great plan - thank you for sharing it!

I'll have to defer to Yanti on the HR info, I sort of get a glazed over look in my eyes when it comes to all the HR stuff

I keep thinking one of these days i'll 'get it'

2009-04-22 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2100651

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-04-21 3:47 PM BILL.  hadnt intended on using the flip turn anyways.

what im not certain about is whether you can PUSH OFF THE WALL AT THE TURN to go the other direction in the lane?

meaning when i turn at the wall and face the other direction (NOT flipping underwater, just turning my body at the wall) can i push the wall to start stroking down/up the lane?

and im wondering how in the heck would you use the bottom of the pool anyways???

i guess im just super confused.

and super silly squirrly at this point too.

i always get this way before a race......

your RIGHT, its probably NOT as big of a deal as im making it out to be, and if i cant push off the wall, well then i cant.


Stacie, first take a deep breath

I've never done a tri with a pool swim, but I can't imagine that you wouldn't be ablet to push off the wall

Do they divide the start up into times?  I'm guessing they do, otherwise it would be a bit crowded in the pool - LOL!

Hopefully you'll have a chance to watch some of the swim before you go and will get an idea of how people handle the turn

You Will Be Fine!!!!!

Edited by lastcall2003 2009-04-22 9:08 AM
2009-04-22 9:07 AM
in reply to: #2100689

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: update
SpiritFire - 2009-04-21 3:57 PM Well - I had a great workout today! It felt great .. my Achilles/ankle/feet held up fabulously. A little bit of pain from the Achilles at the start of my run, but by 10 min in it loosened up and I was completely pain free. ;-) As for the doctor's appointment today ... I'm SHOCKED ... I'm just having trouble coming to terms with my morning. But - at least now I've got that extra motivation! (hence the 60 minute workout immediately after my doctor's appt) This is copied from today's log: Doctor's appointment was interesting - definately an EYE OPENER and a huge source of MOTIVATION for me! I haven't weighed myself in a while, I know my clothes don't fit and I'm bigger than I should be - but I was absolutely clueless as to how much weight I've actually put on! Holy crap ... I almost broke into tears when I saw the number on that scale. I'm shocked, embarrased, mortified, and very angry and disappointed with myself. And quite embarrased. I'm supposed to be a health & fitness professional - how, or more importantly why, would anyone take me seriously at this point? I cannot believe I have put on that much weight. Wow. I can race in the Athena category now. At least I've got that going for me. ;-) Anyway ... she also agrees with my self-diagnosis of anemia, although she's sending me for a full blood work-up ... it's a fasting test, so I'm thinking I won't go until Friday as that day I can do with a late breakfast. She thinking maybe thyroid, possibly ... we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, I've made a decision. I am going to start eating fish. I think. I should. Not sure if I can bring myself to absolutely do it .. hmmm .. hmm. I've been keeping track of my diet for almost a week now, and I realize that I get most of my protein (at least 80%) from soy sources ... I need to get some leaner, healthier protein sources especially now that I'm back tri training. It's one thing to do just yoga and not eat meat .. it's a whole other to do 10 hours a week of cardio and not eat meat. I'm troubled. How do I weigh (haha, pun intended) the needs of my body with the needs of my spirit and mind?


I had one of those 'moments of truth' about my weight a few years back, so I can relate!

One thing I have changed in the past year (particularly the past 5 months) is that I've started to focus a lot more on how my clothes fit rather than the numbers on the scale. 

I have a pair of jeans, that if i'm at my ideal size/weight fit great, and if i'm not they don't

I try them on every Friday regardless of whether or not I am going to wear them - if they're more snug than the were the previous week, I adjust accordingly

It's really worked for me and taken the pressure off of the numbers - I find that I have a great ability to rationalize the numbers on the scale.....

As far as the fish goes, try Tilapia - I'm not a big fish fan, but have been buying fresh Tialpia once a week and it's quite tasty

2009-04-22 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2100570

Victoria, BC
Subject: a new day
Morning Manatees!

I'm looking forward to a busy day, which is a big change of late. (dammmm economic downturn, grumble grumble grumble ... ;-(

I'm actually thankful for my big eye-opener yesterday, as it's provided me with the motivation I need to return to the "real" me ... so I'm continuing an upward swing and going to the gym for a run before I go to yoga ... yay me!

I have an afternoon of meetings - I'm nervous about the second one as it is with someone who can really help bring my business back around, if she likes me. So I must impress her, I must dazzle her. I really need my business to pick up - things are getting very very squeaky tight.

Spin is on tap for tonight - but not sure if I'll be going. I don't like cycling (I know, confusing message, I love my bike but don't like cycling!) .. and I feel a very strong disconnect with the tri club I joined so have no motivation to go workout with them .... and I don't want my trainer to ruin my tire and I don't have a slick to switch it out to.
Excuses excuses excuses.

Hope everyone has a good day!

2009-04-22 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2102196

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lastcall2003 - 2009-04-22 8:58 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-04-21 3:47 PM BILL.  hadnt intended on using the flip turn anyways.

what im not certain about is whether you can PUSH OFF THE WALL AT THE TURN to go the other direction in the lane?

meaning when i turn at the wall and face the other direction (NOT flipping underwater, just turning my body at the wall) can i push the wall to start stroking down/up the lane?

and im wondering how in the heck would you use the bottom of the pool anyways???

i guess im just super confused.

and super silly squirrly at this point too.

i always get this way before a race......

your RIGHT, its probably NOT as big of a deal as im making it out to be, and if i cant push off the wall, well then i cant.


Stacie, first take a deep breath

I've never done a tri with a pool swim, but I can't imagine that you wouldn't be ablet to push off the wall

Do they divide the start up into times?  I'm guessing they do, otherwise it would be a bit crowded in the pool - LOL!

Hopefully you'll have a chance to watch some of the swim before you go and will get an idea of how people handle the turn

You Will Be Fine!!!!!

thanks so much BETH.  your words of encouragement mean a lot.

and your right. i will have a little bit of time to see some other swimmers go before me, i can just watch and learn that way.

im pretty swifty in the water (who knew) compared to the women in my age group.  so though ill have to wait a bit to swim i shouldnt have to wait terribly long either.

it will give me chance to 'observe' what others are doing.  and that always helps me.

2009-04-22 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2100689

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: update

SpiritFire - 2009-04-21 12:57 PM Well - I had a great workout today! It felt great .. my Achilles/ankle/feet held up fabulously. A little bit of pain from the Achilles at the start of my run, but by 10 min in it loosened up and I was completely pain free. ;-) As for the doctor's appointment today ... I'm SHOCKED ... I'm just having trouble coming to terms with my morning. But - at least now I've got that extra motivation! (hence the 60 minute workout immediately after my doctor's appt) This is copied from today's log: Doctor's appointment was interesting - definately an EYE OPENER and a huge source of MOTIVATION for me! I haven't weighed myself in a while, I know my clothes don't fit and I'm bigger than I should be - but I was absolutely clueless as to how much weight I've actually put on! Holy crap ... I almost broke into tears when I saw the number on that scale. I'm shocked, embarrased, mortified, and very angry and disappointed with myself. And quite embarrased. I'm supposed to be a health & fitness professional - how, or more importantly why, would anyone take me seriously at this point? I cannot believe I have put on that much weight. Wow. I can race in the Athena category now. At least I've got that going for me. ;-) Anyway ... she also agrees with my self-diagnosis of anemia, although she's sending me for a full blood work-up ... it's a fasting test, so I'm thinking I won't go until Friday as that day I can do with a late breakfast. She thinking maybe thyroid, possibly ... we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, I've made a decision. I am going to start eating fish. I think. I should. Not sure if I can bring myself to absolutely do it .. hmmm .. hmm. I've been keeping track of my diet for almost a week now, and I realize that I get most of my protein (at least 80%) from soy sources ... I need to get some leaner, healthier protein sources especially now that I'm back tri training. It's one thing to do just yoga and not eat meat .. it's a whole other to do 10 hours a week of cardio and not eat meat. I'm troubled. How do I weigh (haha, pun intended) the needs of my body with the needs of my spirit and mind?


I totally hear you and relate to your weight issue. I had avoided the scale like the plague because I knew I worked out and was fit and the muscle made it look like I weighed more than my BMI said I should...blah, blah, blah.. End result, I ended up gaining weight and out of all my clothes. That was 8 years ago. I joined WW (never had joined a group before) and lost 30 lbs. There are many ways to lose weight, so not a plug here, but I just want you to know you're not alone.

I'm also a vegetarian, but I do eat fish (have upped my intake of that) because I just needed more protein and rice and beans weren't cutting it. I also include egg whites. I don't know if that's doable for you, but egg white protein and whey protein are great sources. Lots of nutritionists talk about the recovery meal/snack and whey protein ranks right up there -- milk, yogurt, powdered sources.  I haven't eaten chicken, beef or pork in 20 plus years and only in the last year or two upped my fish to maybe 2x per week and one of those is usually shellfish. In addition to the talapia you might want to try some mahi-mahi for or turbot or halibut. They are a relatively mild fish. Of course, if you really want to get the bang for your buck go for some wild salmon (living up there in BC you should get some pretty fresh stuff) and you get all those omega 3's. Just my 2cents and wanted you to know you're not alone and you can get the weight off -- just take it slow -- slow is better. Good luck with it all. And, good luck with your interview. Just be yourself and I'm sure she'll love you!!

2009-04-22 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
The tri that I just did on Sunday was a pool swim. It was set up as a serpentine course. The pool was 50m long, 8 lanes. You entered lane 1 and swam to the end of the lane, pushed off of the wall, flip-turned, hung on the wall, whatever, went under the lane marker and swam down the next lane with you always to the R of the lane except to pass. This tri had the same rule in that you couldn't use any device to move forward, including walking (in the shallow end) or pulling yourself on the lane marker. Maybe your tri swim will be set up the same way? Regardless, good luck!!
2009-04-22 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Beth-Congrats on the running break through! It's a great feeling when that happens.

TR- Before you add fish to your diet, would you consider talking to a nutritionist?
2009-04-22 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TR, I understand completely what you're going through. I've been there myself. It is important to eat enough when you're trying to lose weight and you're very active. Seeing a nutritionist is a good idea. Also, programs like Weightwatchers factor in the activity you log in and allow extra calories tailored to your exercise needs from one day to the next. Good luck and take good care of yourself.

2009-04-22 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2103689

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
slow turtle - 2009-04-22 3:42 PM

Beth-Congrats on the running break through! It's a great feeling when that happens.

TR- Before you add fish to your diet, would you consider talking to a nutritionist?

I talk to myself all the time - someone once told me it's a sign of intelligence. ;-)

lol - I am a nutritionist.

Edited after reading Cathy's post to say: I'm also a personal trainer ... so this is something that I SHOULD ABSOLUTELY KNOW ... next to food allergies/sensitivities, weight loss is my field of expertise ... seriously - I get calls from media all the time looking for "an expert's opinion on (blank) topic" ... AND - I lost 50 pounds about 6 years ago - so ...

This is why I'm so angry with myself - I SHOULD KNOW BETTER ... it's hard though to focus on yourself sometimes, to see yourself objectively ... what's that saying - doctors make the worst patients? Same kind of thing.

Edited by SpiritFire 2009-04-22 7:08 PM
2009-04-22 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2103110

Victoria, BC
Subject: Stacie's pool swim
Stacie - I reiterate take a deep breath. I know how easy it is to get squirrelly right before a race, but don't let your head get caught up in what your body already knows how to do.
It's just a swim- you've done that a thousand times. Then it's a bike ride - you know how to do that too. Then a run ... easy peasy. Back in my training days I always had to talk someone down from a ledge right before a race - myself included - you're not alone in your squirrelly-ness.

Re: the pool swim - I've done a few tris with a pool swim, and pushing off the wall was never a problem - that rule is written so you don't use paddles, fins, mits (in cold water swims), anything that gives you an unfair advantage over the other competitors.

Make sure you relax and enjoy it!
2009-04-23 6:18 AM
in reply to: #2103841

Subject: RE: Stacie's pool swim
SpiritFire - 2009-04-22 7:14 PM Stacie - I reiterate take a deep breath. I know how easy it is to get squirrelly right before a race, but don't let your head get caught up in what your body already knows how to do. It's just a swim- you've done that a thousand times. Then it's a bike ride - you know how to do that too. Then a run ... easy peasy. Back in my training days I always had to talk someone down from a ledge right before a race - myself included - you're not alone in your squirrelly-ness. Re: the pool swim - I've done a few tris with a pool swim, and pushing off the wall was never a problem - that rule is written so you don't use paddles, fins, mits (in cold water swims), anything that gives you an unfair advantage over the other competitors. Make sure you relax and enjoy it!

TR.  thanks so much for your words of encouragement.  and though, i would wish the squirrelies on anyone its always good to hear that im not alone in how im feeling.

it never seems to matter - whether im doing a race for the first time (this is my very first tri experience) or its 'just' a 5K, i still get this way.

ive come to the place where i realize it is what is, and its just part of the whole race experience.  and that its best rather than to try and 'fight it' to work w the anxiety, see it as energy (you mentioned this too) and to transform it into to something that will help propel me forward.

todays gonna be a HUGE help.  im heading up to the Univ where the tris being held to get the 'lay of the land' - im gonna swim a few 100s in the pool and then scope out the bike/run route.  then when im thinking about the race ill have a visual in mind (always helpful to me....) and then i can rest 'easier' knowing that im as prepared as i can be.

and then (your right) it will be time to GET OUT OF THE WAY and just let the body do what it knows to do.

all the months of trng are gonna PAY OFF.

again, thanks for your words.  they are meaningful.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-23 6:29 AM
2009-04-23 6:20 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: stadium workout
Today is my stadium workout! I'm now equipped with an 8# medicine ball and a jumprope! I also got a new running skort (never wore one before, but I think they're cute) and top for more motivation! I'll let you know how it goes! I haven't been on my bike all week. I'm a little bummed about that. May substitute it for my long swim tomorrow since I don't have time for both and swimming has been going ok. Running planned for Sat. &  Sun. It will be hot. Dh and I will probably set up a water station and make 1.5-2 mile loops.

Stacie, just relax about your race. Those jitters are so normal and you can bet everybody else has them too. But you're very well prepared for this. You're gonna have a great time and you're gonna do just fine!
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