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2013-01-10 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

My morning nutrition depends on if I'm in weight loss mode or not, or if I need to roll out of bed and go or not.

If I need to roll and go:  I usually just mix a quick sports drink to sip while I workout.  That will get me through an hour and a half.  If I need more time than 2 hours I go to gu's or perpetuum.


If I'm dieting I'll go up to 3 hours without anything but water.  I'll just accept the workout will suck.

2013-01-10 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4571616

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
rquinn23 - 2013-01-10 10:01 AM
kenj - 2013-01-10 9:09 AM

Good morning all!!

Almost the weekend!  I had a less than stellar ride on the trainer this morning, but none the less it is done! 

I think that part of my problem this morning was that my bike work is getting both more intense and a little bit longer.  I have always been a morning person and trained predominately in the morning but have not always done a good job with the pre-workout nutrition.  I guess for at least the harder workouts I am going to need to add in some calories. 

Great job, Ken! I also have challenges with pre-workout nutrition in the mornings. For short runs, swim or strength workouts, I rarely take in any calories before exercising, and that's usually not a huge problem. As the distances get longer I try to eat something, but it's still a challenge. I'll be interested to hear what you figure out for yourself. My biggest challenge is that I don't have much time between waking up and starting the workout, so I can't really take in too much, especially before something high impact like running. I had a great run last night, and although my lower back was still tight from over-doing it with dead lifts two days ago, I managed to turn it into a tempo run and felt great at the end. I did not, however, get up for CrossFit this morning--I was so tired, more than usual! This evening will be my first time in the pool in a LONG time. Checking out a master's group which I may or may not join, but meeting with the coach afterwards to talk about one-on-one help with my swim stroke. Happy Thursday, everyone!

The more I think about it the more I think it may also be from the strength training I did yesterday.  Lots of squats and lunges.

I have no excuse though for not getting at least a snack of some sort.  I usually work on the computer (or play around here) for a bit while I wake up and have some coffee.  I don't think it would take more than a piece of fruit or a gel to improve things some.  Certainly plenty of time for that.

Good luck with the Masters program!  Generally they are good and are of value to improving your swim.  I just wish mine didn't start so late at night!

2013-01-10 10:21 AM
in reply to: #4571715

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
bdenehy - 2013-01-10 10:35 AM
kenj - 2013-01-10 9:09 AM

Good morning all!!

Almost the weekend!  I had a less than stellar ride on the trainer this morning, but none the less it is done! 

I think that part of my problem this morning was that my bike work is getting both more intense and a little bit longer.  I have always been a morning person and trained predominately in the morning but have not always done a good job with the pre-workout nutrition.  I guess for at least the harder workouts I am going to need to add in some calories. 

Morning nutrition is a tough one...  I'm pretty good at fueling up on race morning because of the time between eating, getting to race site, etc.  But on morning workouts, I doubt I could roll out of bed and eat something before working out.  I tend to run a deficit, then eat an unreasonable amount of calories after Surprised

I'm hitting the time of year that tests my commitment to training.  Aside from my upcoming family duties, I stayed at a hotel near work last night then ran from there.  On the bright side, it way downright balmy and clear here this AM.  I'm hoping my run focus helps with staying consistent. Have running shoes, will travel.  I don't travel for work, but from January-March, tend to stay in hotels a lot.  It allows me to work late, be in early and skip out of 3 1/2 hours of commuting.

Good luck Bill, I don't envy you guys this time of year.  Run focus will probably help some as it is the easiest to fit in when not at home, but it doesn't help with the fatigue from the long days. 

2013-01-10 10:30 AM
in reply to: #4571690

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Omahabritt - 2013-01-10 10:27 AM I'm the same way about nutrition pre-workout for early mornings. It seems like if I eat something it doesn't sit well or I use it as an excuse to delay my workout (usually on the weekends). At most I take a drink or two of cold coffee if I'm dragging. On the rare occasion I eat something it's always a banana or a piece of toast w/pb. Becky, I'm headed to the pool today too (after a too long of an absence). I'll be interested in hearing how it goes! I've thought about joining a masters group, but don't think my husband wants to pay for 3 pools! (Gym, country club in the summer, & masters at a local college). There is a swim group class that meets once a week at the gym, that I may look into. I've always hesitated because my breastroke & butterfly need so much work. I even took private lessons, but it was still pretty laughable. So I had a sort of odd thought the other day about my aversion to evening workouts (for me anything after 3pm). I'm thinking maybe I should start doing some occasionally. My thinking is that during the IM, I'll essentially be working out in the evening, so I should probably get used to it at some point? Curious if those who have done an IM & don't like eve workouts ever ran into a problem. Maybe I'm over thinking it? (Wouldn't be the first time) Also, a lot of you seem to do HR based workouts. I didn't last year for simplicity sake, but have been mulling it over for this year. Does it seem to help?

I don't mess around with fly or breast stroke either, my masters group (when I go) will have sets that are free or alternate stroke.  Since the group is about mixed with triathletes and swimmers, some of use the Australian crawl as the alternate stroke.  It looks remarkably similar to freestyle! Cool  I am a big advocate of getting some lessons or filming of your swim though from time to time.  Learning to swim efficiently is of great value to your overall race, especially at the longer distances.

I am not a fan of evening workouts.  But, during the summer I will force myself to do them and even now occasionally.  It is easier in the summer, especially on the bike.  Running is a bit of a challenge just from the smells of people grilling out!  I am not sure if running in the evening offers any acclimation benefits for the race, but there are just going to be days that you need to workout twice a day and sometimes that means the evening for a lot of us.  

2013-01-10 10:52 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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San Jose
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Masters swim has been a good fit for me. I did take a series of lessons last year and while I didn't feel like it improved my time a whole lot, it did make me more efficient so I came out of the water with some energy reserved. I'm not a fast swimmer but I was expecting about a 2 hour IM swim and I came out in 1:42 so I think the lessons/masters helped a lot.

I'm not an evening workout person either but sometimes I intentionally plan something later in the day so I would get used to it leading up to my IM. I'm not sure if it helped physically but it did mentally to get out there and workout when I didn't want to

Yesterday, I went out for a ride with my Wednesday Women cycling group. We rode a little over 30 miles and I was beat! I think it was a combination of getting back into my routine and it being day 3 of my little detox. I finished the detox last night so I should be back to regular energy soon. I wouldn't do it any later in the season. I need/love my calories

This morning I did a Spinnerval ride with Dave and then this afternoon a run with my daughter.

Here's a question for the group. I'm pretty good about taking a day off a week. This early in the season I usually don't schedule one and just take it when I feel like I need to because some days are pretty light and I feel like I can 'get away' with it. Bad plan or good plan?

2013-01-10 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
I also have had an aversion to evening workouts, especially running, but that was mostly because I really have to watch my nutrition during the day so that I don't get stomach cramps while running, which I am prone to. The other challenge with evening workouts is if I go home first, I have a hard time getting back out the door. I try to avoid this by going to a workout immediately after work so I have no choice but to get it done, no matter how tired I might feel from work. That tiredness usually goes away once I get the blood pumping! But I also had that thought about preparation specifically for Ironman Louisville, which is in August and will be super hot by the time I get out on the run. So I plan to do some midday runs (which I RARELY do) in the heat just to get a bit used to it. Being in Florida, it's hot in the mornings and evenings, too, but I figure during the IM I'll need to wear sunglasses and maybe a hat or visor for sun protection, and I never run with either since I am typically a pre-dawn runner, so I'll want to practice a few times.

Speaking of IM Louisville:
1. Do any of you have suggestions for a lightweight hat or visor to wear during the IM? Especially if you are someone like me who does not like running with hats but has had to because of race conditions?
2. Ironman Louisville just announced that they are providing a free, six-month training plan to anyone who signs up before February 1st. Anyone interested in joining me? I have heard nothing but great things about this race, other than the heat, of course.

One more thing, VeloNews put a short video on their FaceBook page today about keeping things interesting on the indoor trainer, targeted towards those new to using a trainer. Not sure if this link will work, but here it is:

2013-01-10 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4572178

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
rquinn23 - 2013-01-10 12:32 PM

I also have had an aversion to evening workouts, especially running, but that was mostly because I really have to watch my nutrition during the day so that I don't get stomach cramps while running, which I am prone to. The other challenge with evening workouts is if I go home first, I have a hard time getting back out the door. I try to avoid this by going to a workout immediately after work so I have no choice but to get it done, no matter how tired I might feel from work. That tiredness usually goes away once I get the blood pumping! But I also had that thought about preparation specifically for Ironman Louisville, which is in August and will be super hot by the time I get out on the run. So I plan to do some midday runs (which I RARELY do) in the heat just to get a bit used to it. Being in Florida, it's hot in the mornings and evenings, too, but I figure during the IM I'll need to wear sunglasses and maybe a hat or visor for sun protection, and I never run with either since I am typically a pre-dawn runner, so I'll want to practice a few times.

Speaking of IM Louisville:
1. Do any of you have suggestions for a lightweight hat or visor to wear during the IM? Especially if you are someone like me who does not like running with hats but has had to because of race conditions?
2. Ironman Louisville just announced that they are providing a free, six-month training plan to anyone who signs up before February 1st. Anyone interested in joining me? I have heard nothing but great things about this race, other than the heat, of course.

One more thing, VeloNews put a short video on their FaceBook page today about keeping things interesting on the indoor trainer, targeted towards those new to using a trainer. Not sure if this link will work, but here it is:

Becky- I LOVE this Pearl Izumi one...

I got it for HIM Kansas, & had never worn a hat/visor previously. It's super thin & lightweight. I got the white one & have also worn it since on days that it was partly sunny but a chance of rain (I hate spots on my sunglasses). It covered enough that I didn't need the sunglasses. I'll still almost always wear just sunglasses, but it's also nice for long runs that start out or end in the dark or ones that will be super hot & sunny. I bought an Ironman branded visor after HIM Kansas last year, but have never worn it. It's a lot heavier & not as comfortable.
2013-01-10 1:11 PM
in reply to: #4572178

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

rquinn23 - 2013-01-10 12:32 PM I also have had an aversion to evening workouts, especially running, but that was mostly because I really have to watch my nutrition during the day so that I don't get stomach cramps while running, which I am prone to. The other challenge with evening workouts is if I go home first, I have a hard time getting back out the door. I try to avoid this by going to a workout immediately after work so I have no choice but to get it done, no matter how tired I might feel from work. That tiredness usually goes away once I get the blood pumping! But I also had that thought about preparation specifically for Ironman Louisville, which is in August and will be super hot by the time I get out on the run. So I plan to do some midday runs (which I RARELY do) in the heat just to get a bit used to it. Being in Florida, it's hot in the mornings and evenings, too, but I figure during the IM I'll need to wear sunglasses and maybe a hat or visor for sun protection, and I never run with either since I am typically a pre-dawn runner, so I'll want to practice a few times. Speaking of IM Louisville: 1. Do any of you have suggestions for a lightweight hat or visor to wear during the IM? Especially if you are someone like me who does not like running with hats but has had to because of race conditions? 2. Ironman Louisville just announced that they are providing a free, six-month training plan to anyone who signs up before February 1st. Anyone interested in joining me? I have heard nothing but great things about this race, other than the heat, of course. One more thing, VeloNews put a short video on their FaceBook page today about keeping things interesting on the indoor trainer, targeted towards those new to using a trainer. Not sure if this link will work, but here it is:,AAAABAI06Hk~,I3WnLiyY6veyJIWmm6HYxvqso_xLUtKb&bclid=1884765673001&bctid=2082068673001[/QUOTE]


The Ironman branded Headsweat one you can get at the race expo works great!


You people who have done Kansas 70.3, any suggestions on what hotel to stay at?

Edited by Meulen 2013-01-10 1:11 PM
2013-01-10 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4572178

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
rquinn23 - 2013-01-10 1:32 PM

I also have had an aversion to evening workouts, especially running, but that was mostly because I really have to watch my nutrition during the day so that I don't get stomach cramps while running, which I am prone to. The other challenge with evening workouts is if I go home first, I have a hard time getting back out the door. I try to avoid this by going to a workout immediately after work so I have no choice but to get it done, no matter how tired I might feel from work. That tiredness usually goes away once I get the blood pumping! But I also had that thought about preparation specifically for Ironman Louisville, which is in August and will be super hot by the time I get out on the run. So I plan to do some midday runs (which I RARELY do) in the heat just to get a bit used to it. Being in Florida, it's hot in the mornings and evenings, too, but I figure during the IM I'll need to wear sunglasses and maybe a hat or visor for sun protection, and I never run with either since I am typically a pre-dawn runner, so I'll want to practice a few times.

Speaking of IM Louisville:
1. Do any of you have suggestions for a lightweight hat or visor to wear during the IM? Especially if you are someone like me who does not like running with hats but has had to because of race conditions?
2. Ironman Louisville just announced that they are providing a free, six-month training plan to anyone who signs up before February 1st. Anyone interested in joining me? I have heard nothing but great things about this race, other than the heat, of course.

One more thing, VeloNews put a short video on their FaceBook page today about keeping things interesting on the indoor trainer, targeted towards those new to using a trainer. Not sure if this link will work, but here it is:

I am not a big fan of the heat, even though I grew up in Florida, but last year during summer workouts, I wore a head band for most of my runs leading up to and at the HIM race. I would squirt cold water on it and it helped cool down my body. It was hot as can be that day.I really believe it made a difference for me on the run.
2013-01-10 2:46 PM
in reply to: #4569707

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
kenj - 2013-01-09 10:15 AM
jennifer65 - 2013-01-09 8:43 AM

Can anyone recommend any books/internet sites that describe road bike maintenance for an absolute beginner?  I admit that in the last 2 years I have treated my, rather nice, trek bike like my car, ie got on it rode, around then put it away.  I have had it serviced a couple of times but anything else my partner has dealt with (he likes using spanners - I let him). However there are a couple of reasons I need to change my ways,

a) this is the first year I have redden my bike outside in the winter. It is getting horrendously muddy. This wouldn't be so bad if the frame wasn't white or I didn't have to man handle it in and out of my car every so often. Also - I notice that in general, triathletes seem very hot on keeping their bikes clean.  I have washed it down a couple of times now with weak detergent but I don't know if it's ok to wash down the cables and I can't get in around the chain, and should I be mixing detergent with oil?  I have sent off for some 'muc-off' from the internet

b) On reading autobiographies and race reports on here it seems that flat tires/ bike problems are not unusual on long races - I do need to learn how to put my chain beck on/ change an inner tube at the very least.

Please don't' be too derogatory in your replies - just be glad you're not my car!!




Also, well done Zee for getting up horrendously early twice in a row!

I have used this book in the past.  But, if you can check around your local bike shops, a lot of them will hold basic maintenance and repair clinics.  Since this will get you hands on experience rather than just reading, it may be of more value in the long run. 

Yes, at a minimum, you need to get comfortable changing a tube or putting a chain back on.  It happens all the time during races.  I volunteered in transition last summer for a race where it rained most of the day.  There were many folks that had multiple flats.  Most races will have a support vehicle on the course, maybe more than one, but they could be many miles away helping someone else and you wouldn't want to miss a cut off just because of a flat.  Not only do you need to learn, you should also practice.

This is the European outlet for a product I have used to prevent flats.  I havent used them with my race tires though, just the training wheels.  But there is nothing wrong with using them in a race.  Unless you are really worried about the extra few grams of weight.  HERE is the US version if anyone else is interested.  I have not had a flat with these in over 2 years of use.  (knock on wood!)

I didn't have a problem w/ the cut off but sitting on the side of the road in the freezing cold rain wasn't fun last fall. 3 flats that day....

2013-01-10 3:12 PM
in reply to: #4572178

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

rquinn23 - 2013-01-10 1:32 PM I also have had an aversion to evening workouts, especially running, but that was mostly because I really have to watch my nutrition during the day so that I don't get stomach cramps while running, which I am prone to. The other challenge with evening workouts is if I go home first, I have a hard time getting back out the door. I try to avoid this by going to a workout immediately after work so I have no choice but to get it done, no matter how tired I might feel from work. That tiredness usually goes away once I get the blood pumping! But I also had that thought about preparation specifically for Ironman Louisville, which is in August and will be super hot by the time I get out on the run. So I plan to do some midday runs (which I RARELY do) in the heat just to get a bit used to it. Being in Florida, it's hot in the mornings and evenings, too, but I figure during the IM I'll need to wear sunglasses and maybe a hat or visor for sun protection, and I never run with either since I am typically a pre-dawn runner, so I'll want to practice a few times. Speaking of IM Louisville: 1. Do any of you have suggestions for a lightweight hat or visor to wear during the IM? Especially if you are someone like me who does not like running with hats but has had to because of race conditions? 2. Ironman Louisville just announced that they are providing a free, six-month training plan to anyone who signs up before February 1st. Anyone interested in joining me? I have heard nothing but great things about this race, other than the heat, of course. One more thing, VeloNews put a short video on their FaceBook page today about keeping things interesting on the indoor trainer, targeted towards those new to using a trainer. Not sure if this link will work, but here it is: stuff from Velo! Thanks for sharing.

My coach has done IMKY several times, he thinks it is a great race!  Already committed to 2 IM's this fall, otherwise I would be tempted.

Any of the headsweat products work, I have an IMFL one I will wear, but it is black so I don't wear it if it is too hot.  I also have a white Under Armor that works good too.

2013-01-10 4:47 PM
in reply to: #4571690

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Omahabritt - 2013-01-10 10:27 AMI'm the same way about nutrition pre-workout for early mornings. It seems like if I eat something it doesn't sit well or I use it as an excuse to delay my workout (usually on the weekends). At most I take a drink or two of cold coffee if I'm dragging. On the rare occasion I eat something it's always a banana or a piece of toast w/pb.Becky, I'm headed to the pool today too (after a too long of an absence). I'll be interested in hearing how it goes! I've thought about joining a masters group, but don't think my husband wants to pay for 3 pools! (Gym, country club in the summer, & masters at a local college). There is a swim group class that meets once a week at the gym, that I may look into. I've always hesitated because my breastroke & butterfly need so much work. I even took private lessons, but it was still pretty laughable.So I had a sort of odd thought the other day about my aversion to evening workouts (for me anything after 3pm). I'm thinking maybe I should start doing some occasionally. My thinking is that during the IM, I'll essentially be working out in the evening, so I should probably get used to it at some point? Curious if those who have done an IM & don't like eve workouts ever ran into a problem. Maybe I'm over thinking it? (Wouldn't be the first time)Also, a lot of you seem to do HR based workouts. I didn't last year for simplicity sake, but have been mulling it over for this year. Does it seem to help?

I would say yes, you are overthinking the evening workouts a bit. I'm no IM expert (just the 1) but its more like a reeaally long morning workout. I dont think its anything like working out after work/school, etc. Whats going to get you through is building a strong base followed by a nice taper. In order to build the base, i would make each workout as enjoyable as possible. You cant wear an ipod running outside or watch tv on a bike during a race either, but I wouldnt give them up during training. Only Brian does that (and I sure wish he wasnt in my age group with that kind of drive) :-)

Have fun, whatever you do!

2013-01-10 4:54 PM
in reply to: #4571892

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-10 11:52 AM

Masters swim has been a good fit for me. I did take a series of lessons last year and while I didn't feel like it improved my time a whole lot, it did make me more efficient so I came out of the water with some energy reserved. I'm not a fast swimmer but I was expecting about a 2 hour IM swim and I came out in 1:42 so I think the lessons/masters helped a lot.

I'm not an evening workout person either but sometimes I intentionally plan something later in the day so I would get used to it leading up to my IM. I'm not sure if it helped physically but it did mentally to get out there and workout when I didn't want to

Yesterday, I went out for a ride with my Wednesday Women cycling group. We rode a little over 30 miles and I was beat! I think it was a combination of getting back into my routine and it being day 3 of my little detox. I finished the detox last night so I should be back to regular energy soon. I wouldn't do it any later in the season. I need/love my calories

This morning I did a Spinnerval ride with Dave and then this afternoon a run with my daughter.

Here's a question for the group. I'm pretty good about taking a day off a week. This early in the season I usually don't schedule one and just take it when I feel like I need to because some days are pretty light and I feel like I can 'get away' with it. Bad plan or good plan?

I'm not sure if its bad or good, but thats what i do. I think of it as a floating rest day and just try to not miss a "key" workout. If i scheduled a monday off (after longer weekend blocks), you could rest assured that something will come up on Thursday! Then its two days shot.
2013-01-10 5:02 PM
in reply to: #4572178

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
rquinn23 - 2013-01-10 1:32 PMSpeaking of IM Louisville:1. Do any of you have suggestions for a lightweight hat or visor to wear during the IM? Especially if you are someone like me who does not like running with hats but has had to because of race conditions?2. Ironman Louisville just announced that they are providing a free, six-month training plan to anyone who signs up before February 1st. Anyone interested in joining me? I have heard nothing but great things about this race, other than the heat, of course.

I'm not a hat fan either. When conditions call for it I use a Headsweats visor that Rev3 gave out as swag. Thats really for long training runs/running races. If I'm in a long race, that i ride a bike in (IM) I do wear a Headsweats hat that doesnt feel quite as right, but its branded to match the bike race kit.

2013-01-11 7:19 AM
in reply to: #4572849

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
bdenehy - 2013-01-10 4:47 PM
Omahabritt - 2013-01-10 10:27 AMI'm the same way about nutrition pre-workout for early mornings. It seems like if I eat something it doesn't sit well or I use it as an excuse to delay my workout (usually on the weekends). At most I take a drink or two of cold coffee if I'm dragging. On the rare occasion I eat something it's always a banana or a piece of toast w/pb.Becky, I'm headed to the pool today too (after a too long of an absence). I'll be interested in hearing how it goes! I've thought about joining a masters group, but don't think my husband wants to pay for 3 pools! (Gym, country club in the summer, & masters at a local college). There is a swim group class that meets once a week at the gym, that I may look into. I've always hesitated because my breastroke & butterfly need so much work. I even took private lessons, but it was still pretty laughable.So I had a sort of odd thought the other day about my aversion to evening workouts (for me anything after 3pm). I'm thinking maybe I should start doing some occasionally. My thinking is that during the IM, I'll essentially be working out in the evening, so I should probably get used to it at some point? Curious if those who have done an IM & don't like eve workouts ever ran into a problem. Maybe I'm over thinking it? (Wouldn't be the first time)Also, a lot of you seem to do HR based workouts. I didn't last year for simplicity sake, but have been mulling it over for this year. Does it seem to help?

I would say yes, you are overthinking the evening workouts a bit. I'm no IM expert (just the 1) but its more like a reeaally long morning workout. I dont think its anything like working out after work/school, etc. Whats going to get you through is building a strong base followed by a nice taper. In order to build the base, i would make each workout as enjoyable as possible. You cant wear an ipod running outside or watch tv on a bike during a race either, but I wouldnt give them up during training. Only Brian does that (and I sure wish he wasnt in my age group with that kind of drive) :-)

Have fun, whatever you do!


I'm not sure how to take that.... LOL


I used my Vibrams in the pool run last night.  MUCH MUCH better!!  My feet are happy and I was strangely able to raise my HR easier.  Maybe the grip on the bottom of the pool. IDK.  But I'm happy with it.  We'll see what the chlorine does. 


My legs are still toast lately.  I can't hold power numbers on the bike.  I even get tired going up stairs!  Coach says he's trying to break me down some.  The added weight lifting and lack of carbs in my diet is killing my efforts.  He's telling me to work my way through it.  He wants to break me down and build me back up for spring.  Funny thing is I usually get this way right before the season starts from all the hard winter workouts, then struggle to build up the rest of the season.  I'm hoping this is a positive change in cycle.  Testament to how hard it is to get things right training on my own.  I guess we'll see.

2013-01-11 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Happy Friday, all! I did my swim last night, first time in the pool for over a year, I think. As the master's group is new and just getting started, the coach worked with me for free (since he's trying to get business). He immediately noted many things I could improve upon, which was great but a bit overwhelming. It's so hard to change the way you've been swimming, but I know I can do it with hard work. My shoulders are a bit sore this morning, of course. He is willing to work with me on technique, so now I just have to figure out what is the best bang for my buck: $30 to join the gym--no coaching but the whole gym available? $40 to join the master's swim group--limited coaching (although I think this coach would spend more time one-on-one when needed) and no other gym facilities (because it's at a city pool), but the benefit of the structured training? Or one-on-one coaching for $150 that would last a few weeks--benefit of individual attention, but the more expensive option (that my husband is not likely to approve of? Not looking for an answer here, just laying out my dilemma!

Also was proud of myself for getting out of bed for an easy 4 mile run this morning--the run was crap, I just didn't have much energy, felt sluggish, but when I was done I of course felt great! Did the dishes, washed two dogs (we have five :-)), made myself a big breakfast smoothie, and was only 5 minutes late to work. It's going to be a great Friday!

CrossFit tonight, 10-12 mile group run tomorrow, 40 mile bike ride Sunday. Happy training!

2013-01-11 10:10 AM
in reply to: #4573617

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

rquinn23 - 2013-01-11 9:46 AM Happy Friday, all! I did my swim last night, first time in the pool for over a year, I think. As the master's group is new and just getting started, the coach worked with me for free (since he's trying to get business). He immediately noted many things I could improve upon, which was great but a bit overwhelming. It's so hard to change the way you've been swimming, but I know I can do it with hard work. My shoulders are a bit sore this morning, of course. He is willing to work with me on technique, so now I just have to figure out what is the best bang for my buck: $30 to join the gym--no coaching but the whole gym available? $40 to join the master's swim group--limited coaching (although I think this coach would spend more time one-on-one when needed) and no other gym facilities (because it's at a city pool), but the benefit of the structured training? Or one-on-one coaching for $150 that would last a few weeks--benefit of individual attention, but the more expensive option (that my husband is not likely to approve of? Not looking for an answer here, just laying out my dilemma! Also was proud of myself for getting out of bed for an easy 4 mile run this morning--the run was crap, I just didn't have much energy, felt sluggish, but when I was done I of course felt great! Did the dishes, washed two dogs (we have five :-)), made myself a big breakfast smoothie, and was only 5 minutes late to work. It's going to be a great Friday! CrossFit tonight, 10-12 mile group run tomorrow, 40 mile bike ride Sunday. Happy training!

I am a fan of getting the swim help, but that is your call of course as to what is best.  Is this gym where you do your cross fit or is that a different one?

Either way, good for you getting back to the pool!

2013-01-11 10:12 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Happy Friday Triday!  Or at least it is for me!  The only workout on my plan today is a short run, but I usually do the Friday spin class and hop in the pool for a short swim afterwards since I am there with a little time. 

Another race in our winter racing series tomorrow.  10K and it looks like the weather will be warm for January (mid 40's) and hopefully no rain! 

Good luck to our Disney folks this weekend!!  I wish I was there with you!


2013-01-11 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4573617

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

rquinn23 - 2013-01-11 8:46 AM Happy Friday, all! I did my swim last night, first time in the pool for over a year, I think. As the master's group is new and just getting started, the coach worked with me for free (since he's trying to get business). He immediately noted many things I could improve upon, which was great but a bit overwhelming. It's so hard to change the way you've been swimming, but I know I can do it with hard work. My shoulders are a bit sore this morning, of course. He is willing to work with me on technique, so now I just have to figure out what is the best bang for my buck: $30 to join the gym--no coaching but the whole gym available? $40 to join the master's swim group--limited coaching (although I think this coach would spend more time one-on-one when needed) and no other gym facilities (because it's at a city pool), but the benefit of the structured training? Or one-on-one coaching for $150 that would last a few weeks--benefit of individual attention, but the more expensive option (that my husband is not likely to approve of? Not looking for an answer here, just laying out my dilemma! Also was proud of myself for getting out of bed for an easy 4 mile run this morning--the run was crap, I just didn't have much energy, felt sluggish, but when I was done I of course felt great! Did the dishes, washed two dogs (we have five :-)), made myself a big breakfast smoothie, and was only 5 minutes late to work. It's going to be a great Friday! CrossFit tonight, 10-12 mile group run tomorrow, 40 mile bike ride Sunday. Happy training!


Awesome job getting back in the pool!!!! Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead - enjoy!

2013-01-11 11:38 AM
in reply to: #4573455

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Meulen - 2013-01-11 7:19 AM
bdenehy - 2013-01-10 4:47 PM
Omahabritt - 2013-01-10 10:27 AMI'm the same way about nutrition pre-workout for early mornings. It seems like if I eat something it doesn't sit well or I use it as an excuse to delay my workout (usually on the weekends). At most I take a drink or two of cold coffee if I'm dragging. On the rare occasion I eat something it's always a banana or a piece of toast w/pb.Becky, I'm headed to the pool today too (after a too long of an absence). I'll be interested in hearing how it goes! I've thought about joining a masters group, but don't think my husband wants to pay for 3 pools! (Gym, country club in the summer, & masters at a local college). There is a swim group class that meets once a week at the gym, that I may look into. I've always hesitated because my breastroke & butterfly need so much work. I even took private lessons, but it was still pretty laughable.So I had a sort of odd thought the other day about my aversion to evening workouts (for me anything after 3pm). I'm thinking maybe I should start doing some occasionally. My thinking is that during the IM, I'll essentially be working out in the evening, so I should probably get used to it at some point? Curious if those who have done an IM & don't like eve workouts ever ran into a problem. Maybe I'm over thinking it? (Wouldn't be the first time)Also, a lot of you seem to do HR based workouts. I didn't last year for simplicity sake, but have been mulling it over for this year. Does it seem to help?

I would say yes, you are overthinking the evening workouts a bit. I'm no IM expert (just the 1) but its more like a reeaally long morning workout. I dont think its anything like working out after work/school, etc. Whats going to get you through is building a strong base followed by a nice taper. In order to build the base, i would make each workout as enjoyable as possible. You cant wear an ipod running outside or watch tv on a bike during a race either, but I wouldnt give them up during training. Only Brian does that (and I sure wish he wasnt in my age group with that kind of drive) :-)

Have fun, whatever you do!


I'm not sure how to take that.... LOL


I used my Vibrams in the pool run last night.  MUCH MUCH better!!  My feet are happy and I was strangely able to raise my HR easier.  Maybe the grip on the bottom of the pool. IDK.  But I'm happy with it.  We'll see what the chlorine does. 


My legs are still toast lately.  I can't hold power numbers on the bike.  I even get tired going up stairs!  Coach says he's trying to break me down some.  The added weight lifting and lack of carbs in my diet is killing my efforts.  He's telling me to work my way through it.  He wants to break me down and build me back up for spring.  Funny thing is I usually get this way right before the season starts from all the hard winter workouts, then struggle to build up the rest of the season.  I'm hoping this is a positive change in cycle.  Testament to how hard it is to get things right training on my own.  I guess we'll see.

Sounds like my HS swim coach!  He would punish us for months to break us down.  But it was amazing once we tapered and got ready for state and jr. olympics!  Great job keeping up the water running!

2013-01-11 11:39 AM
in reply to: #4573794

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
kenj - 2013-01-11 10:12 AM

Happy Friday Triday!  Or at least it is for me!  The only workout on my plan today is a short run, but I usually do the Friday spin class and hop in the pool for a short swim afterwards since I am there with a little time. 

Another race in our winter racing series tomorrow.  10K and it looks like the weather will be warm for January (mid 40's) and hopefully no rain! 

Good luck to our Disney folks this weekend!!  I wish I was there with you!


x2!!!  Have a great race(s) and enjoy the warmth!

2013-01-11 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Brian-do you really not train with music or tv??? That's hardcore! I'm usually about 50% with 50% without.

Ken & goofy runners- Good luck this weekend!!!

Becky- great job getting back in the pool!! I finally made it yesterday too (after almost bagging again). It wasn't as bad as expected (not that I still don't need to do a lot of work). I picked up the book "Swim Speed Secrets for Swimmers and Triathletes" by Sheila Taormina after it was recommended by some folks on BT last year, but I only read a couple chapters & promptly forgot about it. Going to finish it starting this weekend! Anyone read it? Thoughts?

I had spin class this morning & did some strength training. I'm headed back to the pool this afternoon, then have a 5-6 mile run tomorrow & a day off Sunday to round out the weekend.
2013-01-11 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Hey Kurt are you out there?  I was thinking of doing the Over the Mountain Triathlon and saw that you did it last year.  I was wondering if you could tell me anything about it?

My MIL bought this Fuel Belt for me for my birthday in pink.  It is the older Helium model.  She bought the small, and as much as I would like to be a small, after wearing it around the house a couple of times, I think it is just too small.  It is too late to return it (my bday was in September) so I thought maybe someone here could put it to good use.  I never actually used it while running, and it still has the tags.  If you want it, let me know and I will send it your way.

Good luck to those racing this weekend!


2013-01-11 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4573953

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Omahabritt - 2013-01-11 11:54 AM Brian-do you really not train with music or tv??? That's hardcore! I'm usually about 50% with 50% without. Ken & goofy runners- Good luck this weekend!!! Becky- great job getting back in the pool!! I finally made it yesterday too (after almost bagging again). It wasn't as bad as expected (not that I still don't need to do a lot of work). I picked up the book "Swim Speed Secrets for Swimmers and Triathletes" by Sheila Taormina after it was recommended by some folks on BT last year, but I only read a couple chapters & promptly forgot about it. Going to finish it starting this weekend! Anyone read it? Thoughts? I had spin class this morning & did some strength training. I'm headed back to the pool this afternoon, then have a 5-6 mile run tomorrow & a day off Sunday to round out the weekend.


Bill is exaggerating my dedication! LOL   I mostly train with, at least, music.  Honestly, I train without it sometimes just for a change, especially outside.  But mostly I listen to music and sometimes watch tv too.  I just can't pay attention to it.  On the bike trainer, if I watch a movie or something it's just there.  I'll miss half of it!  I tend to zone out in intervals and just stare blankly at the wall in front of.  Sealed  I'm sure my wife thinks it's pretty scary! lol

I'm working on a pain cave now with a virtual reality trainer (computrainer or wahoo, can't decide) with a big tv monitor.  So there! Laughing 


I can sum up Sheila's book for very on your pull!.  I was a little dissapointed in the book.  It wasn't very eye opening or help me swim faster.  It didn't give you anything to work on or a plan or drills to do.  It was well written though and stories were interesting. 

Edited by Meulen 2013-01-11 12:08 PM
2013-01-11 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Have a good race Ken! And you guys in Disney! Like i told my little ones, there is NO crying in Disney World. Not sure if that applies to the Goofy, but have a blast!

Light run and bike for me today. Now I'm watching the girls get a workout at the bounce house place. Tomorrow another bike power test (just 5', thank goodness).Happy Training!

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