BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes) Rss Feed  
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2013-05-08 6:45 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

For my streaking buddies, I did foam roll last night.  It hurt so bad.  The massage therapist said when I find a knot to stay there, sort of like ART, and roll it out.  I did that on the same area that my trainer found the night before. 

Fast forward to this morning-that area is still hurting and I can still feel a lump/knot on my right outer upper thigh.  Looked in the mirror and I have a HUGE hematoma there.  I haven't noticed it before but to be honest, I don't usually look at my upper outer legs in the mirror (not a pretty sight with the all the hills and valleys).   Do you think that the knot we were trying to massage out was a bruise and we were just making it worse, hence why it hurt so much or do you think the foam rolling the H.E.L.L. out it caused the bruise?  

The rest of my leg and the other leg were tolerable to foam roll.  I did get about 15 minutes in. 

Edited by jogo 2013-05-08 6:45 AM

2013-05-08 7:06 AM
in reply to: #4732482

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
4agoodlife - 2013-05-07 10:36 PM

I'm going to share this because I was shocked and a little ticked and curious if this happens more often than I thought.

So I started out walking for 5-6min to warm up for my run tonight. My 4mi loop goes through our subdivision for a bit. I don't run with ear buds, but I have Pandora playing on my phone. As I got to a 4-way stop, I heard and saw a few boys jumping on a trampoline across the street. They weren't very old 7-12 y/olds. As they were coming up over the backyard wall, they were yelling things...didn't pay much attention til I got closer. I turned my phone down a bit and heard "I want to eat your pu$$y" several times and in various voices. I ignored for a minute as I was going by...but it continued with a few other things thrown in. I paused my runkeeper and turned of volume as I walked back and pretended to look for something on the ground. This time it was "Hey, girl! I want to....." Ugh! I turned across the street and headed for the house (it was on a corner).

 By the time I got to the front of the house, they whole group was racing down the sidewalk to another house. The boy in the back looked no more than 7 and he was scared. LOL!!! Good!  I started to follow them, but decided to go to the house where it happened. The mom was coming out as I went up the driveway, and she looked very puzzled. I asked her if there was a group of boys on a trampoline that just ran out of her house to confirm it was them. Then I told her what had happened. She apologized, and I asked that she talk to them about their behavior.  Part of me wanted to take more time and ask her to get them to face me, but I'll save that for if it happens again.

There weren't any kids in any backyards when I passed on the way home. I can only hope that there was a discussion at least. Even if not, I know it scared them enough to run.  It really came down to letting them think it was ok to talk to a woman like that...any woman/girl.

Sooooo...has this happened to anyone else? What did you do....or what would you do?

I bet one of those boys has an older brother teaching those nice things! I think you handles it perfectly.
2013-05-08 7:12 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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New user

Streamwood, IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Good morning all!  Swimming question for the masses.  I swim in a 25yd pool, and last night was averaging between 2:02 and 2:20/100 yds.  With my bum knee I wasn't really pushing off very had, basically using just one leg, and I don't do flip turns.  It's my first season do any sort of swim training, what do you think of my progress?  I've always know how to swim, and starting focusing on it in January.  My initial times were closer to 3:00/100 yds. 

Also, what you do experienced swimmers average for times?  Just curious as to how my fitness level ranks with others.


2013-05-08 7:22 AM
in reply to: #4732595

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New user
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
ponderingfox - 2013-05-08 6:55 AM
4agoodlife - 2013-05-07 11:36 PM

I'm going to share this because I was shocked and a little ticked and curious if this happens more often than I thought.

So I started out walking for 5-6min to warm up for my run tonight. My 4mi loop goes through our subdivision for a bit. I don't run with ear buds, but I have Pandora playing on my phone. As I got to a 4-way stop, I heard and saw a few boys jumping on a trampoline across the street. They weren't very old 7-12 y/olds. As they were coming up over the backyard wall, they were yelling things...didn't pay much attention til I got closer. I turned my phone down a bit and heard "I want to eat your pu$$y" several times and in various voices. I ignored for a minute as I was going by...but it continued with a few other things thrown in. I paused my runkeeper and turned of volume as I walked back and pretended to look for something on the ground. This time it was "Hey, girl! I want to....." Ugh! I turned across the street and headed for the house (it was on a corner).

 By the time I got to the front of the house, they whole group was racing down the sidewalk to another house. The boy in the back looked no more than 7 and he was scared. LOL!!! Good!  I started to follow them, but decided to go to the house where it happened. The mom was coming out as I went up the driveway, and she looked very puzzled. I asked her if there was a group of boys on a trampoline that just ran out of her house to confirm it was them. Then I told her what had happened. She apologized, and I asked that she talk to them about their behavior.  Part of me wanted to take more time and ask her to get them to face me, but I'll save that for if it happens again.

There weren't any kids in any backyards when I passed on the way home. I can only hope that there was a discussion at least. Even if not, I know it scared them enough to run.  It really came down to letting them think it was ok to talk to a woman like that...any woman/girl.

Sooooo...has this happened to anyone else? What did you do....or what would you do?

That is an absolute shame.

(works on bears and children), 2. Yelling, 3. Threatening to spank him in the parking lot if he did it again. To say I was pissed is an understatement. The line up is tough, that's for sure, but if you don't demand respect you don't get any. I think its great that you talked to the Mom. Let's hope she had the decency to bring it up with at least her kid. Good job! p>


2013-05-08 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4732672

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New user
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Ugh. There was so much more that I said, but the program deleted most of it. Is it the Ipad??? I can't post the rest now. I have to leave for work. Im totally bummed. I had questions!!! I had answers !!!Disappointed. Renee
2013-05-08 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4732361

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 9:49 PM

Had PT visit #1 today for the knee.  Been out walking the last couple days.  After 3/4 mile the knee acts up again.  This needs to get better soon!  I have a good shot at going under an hour on my first tri if I can run something decent.  I'll be doing frequent walking to try to evaluate things.

The PT taped my knee up to see if the Patella tracking is the issue.  We'll see.  All I know is we're going to rip some mega hair off when it's time for the tape to go.  Time to start shaving!

I'm glad that you saw the PT but I'm sorry that this has been dragging on for you. Hang in there!

2013-05-08 7:41 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Strange, not able to post on the forum on google chrome, no "reply" button.

Anyway, my bio, finally....

NAME: Richardsdrr/Darren

STORY:I used to be reasonably fit in the past, when I was serving in the infantry, but 12 years of a sedentary  life style had piled on the pounds. I saw a photo of my self at a wedding I was attending and was disgusted by the lump hanging over my belt. So, in October 2012, I stopped smoking and had a look around for some sort of long term goal to keep me on the straight and narrow and shed a few pounds along the way. After a bit of googling I found an event being held in my home country, Wales(Cymru Am Byth), called The Brutal. Basically, what I now know is that what I was looking at was a double iron man distance event. Great, I thought. A bit too much for me to take on at the moment, so what can I do on the run up to it? That is when I discovered the hidden world of triathlon (fairly hidden in our country unless you go looking for it). I then spent the last winter starting training, reading as much as I could and aquiring kit as soon as finances would allow.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (Hannah) with two sprogs, Emmylou(4-5), Finley(3) and one beast, Lucy (4, St Bernard)

CURRENT TRAINING:Been stopping and starting a lot. Sometimes to do with niggles/injuries, sometimes lack of motivation, sometimes life getting in the way. Hey, I'm still learning, so my training regime is not perfect, but it's getting better. And at least I'm getting out.

I have my 1st tri on the 19th of this month Surprised which is the Llanelli sprint. 800ows/30km/5km.
Next will be another sprint in June 500ows/20km/5km.
Then the biggie that I'm doing for charity in July, which consists of a 3.8km ows on the Friday. A 112 mile bike on the Saturday. And a marathon on the Sunday.
To finish off, I have an olympic tri in September.

BODY COMPOSITION:till got a nice layer of blubber on me, but then, I'm never gonna get a six pack. When I was in the Army I was under my BMI and was the lightest I have ever been, but still could pinch an inch. I have lost about 21-24 lb since starting my little escapade in October.


2013-05-08 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4732381

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Artemis - 2013-05-07 10:13 PM

OH, and Judi reminded me that I get a discount on the closer race because they screwed up the 1/2 marathon & 10k we did earlier this year.  So, the races would probably be the same price.

I guess the question is: do I drive 1.5 hours away to do a race a week early (3 weeks from big race instead of 2)? Or do I do the local race where I already know the course?

Where will your friends be racing?  Will you have a cheer crew if you race locally?


Local RaceNon-Local Race
Hometown90 minutes each way
Icky race organizerGood/dependable race organizer
Familiar CourseNew course
River swimTriangle course in brackish water
2 weeks before A race3 weeks before A race
Cheer Crew? 
Friends racing? 

Edited by jmkizer 2013-05-08 7:44 AM
2013-05-08 7:44 AM
in reply to: #4732393

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
4agoodlife - 2013-05-07 10:24 PM
brigby1 - 2013-05-07 7:22 PM

4agoodlife - 2013-05-07 9:02 PM
QueenZipp - 2013-05-07 6:53 PMHey, what page is the list with all the pod names?  I wanted to add everyone to my friends list but can't seem to find the list.  Does anyone have mad computer skills to make a cool table?  Definitely not my skill.
Check out Janyne or Chris's log pages. They are the "go to" people for such spectacular things :D

And we need shortcuts to these shortcuts with how things are going, as some are still putting actual names with screen names. Smile

AND THEREIN LIES THE GENIUS OF THEIR CHARTS!!! Cool Just you really is a thing of beauty.

She is awesome! I just know how to copy and paste Wink I have one more link to get in there, but I'm waiting for Ben to open his log up to me. BTW Ben, welcome to the Pod!

Edited by cdban66 2013-05-08 7:47 AM
2013-05-08 7:48 AM
in reply to: #4732697

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Richardsdrr - 2013-05-08 8:41 AM

Strange, not able to post on the forum on google chrome, no "reply" button.

Silly questions but... are you logged in with that browser?

2013-05-08 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4732659

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
capnrus789 - 2013-05-08 12:12 PM

Good morning all!  Swimming question for the masses.  I swim in a 25yd pool, and last night was averaging between 2:02 and 2:20/100 yds.  With my bum knee I wasn't really pushing off very had, basically using just one leg, and I don't do flip turns.  It's my first season do any sort of swim training, what do you think of my progress?  I've always know how to swim, and starting focusing on it in January.  My initial times were closer to 3:00/100 yds. 

Also, what you do experienced swimmers average for times?  Just curious as to how my fitness level ranks with others.


I only started to learn to swim back in November, so am no fish like some here. But my times are similar to yours at about 2:00/100m, with about 2:13/100m over a 2km swim. It's very good progress for you to go from 3:00/100 down to 2:10/100, and bare in mind you're carrying an injury.

2013-05-08 7:52 AM
in reply to: #4732709

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
jmkizer - 2013-05-08 12:48 PM
Richardsdrr - 2013-05-08 8:41 AM

Strange, not able to post on the forum on google chrome, no "reply" button.

Silly questions but... are you logged in with that browser?

Doh (face slap)

2013-05-08 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4732703

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
cdban66 - 2013-05-08 7:44 AM
4agoodlife - 2013-05-07 10:24 PM
brigby1 - 2013-05-07 7:22 PM

4agoodlife - 2013-05-07 9:02 PM
QueenZipp - 2013-05-07 6:53 PMHey, what page is the list with all the pod names?  I wanted to add everyone to my friends list but can't seem to find the list.  Does anyone have mad computer skills to make a cool table?  Definitely not my skill.
Check out Janyne or Chris's log pages. They are the "go to" people for such spectacular things :D

And we need shortcuts to these shortcuts with how things are going, as some are still putting actual names with screen names. Smile

AND THEREIN LIES THE GENIUS OF THEIR CHARTS!!! Cool Just you really is a thing of beauty.

She is awesome! I just know how to copy and paste Wink I have one more link to get in there, but I'm waiting for Ben to open his log up to me. BTW Ben, welcome to the Pod!

And I've been waiting for a complete list before updating!

2013-05-08 8:03 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Any peeps had any probs with garmin holding their charge? I have done a fair amount of googling on the subject and a lot of the advice given is full charge/fully de-charge/ fully recharge +1 hour/ repeat.

My FR410 has been giving me about 4-4.5 hrs of use on a full charge. Various sites say this should be 12-8 hrs per charge. After not getting any joy with the charge/de-charge exercise, and completing a few resets on the watch, I sent off for a replacement battery and soldered it in on the watch(wouldn't advise it, very tricky). But, the new battery is giving the same amount of usage time as the original battery. Which leads me to believe either something is causing extra drainage on the battery, or the software in the watch is corrupt and it's not recognising the full charge.

Just wondered if anyone has had any experience of this.

2013-05-08 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4732735

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Richardsdrr - 2013-05-08 9:03 AM

Any peeps had any probs with garmin holding their charge? I have done a fair amount of googling on the subject and a lot of the advice given is full charge/fully de-charge/ fully recharge +1 hour/ repeat.

My FR410 has been giving me about 4-4.5 hrs of use on a full charge. Various sites say this should be 12-8 hrs per charge. After not getting any joy with the charge/de-charge exercise, and completing a few resets on the watch, I sent off for a replacement battery and soldered it in on the watch(wouldn't advise it, very tricky). But, the new battery is giving the same amount of usage time as the original battery. Which leads me to believe either something is causing extra drainage on the battery, or the software in the watch is corrupt and it's not recognising the full charge.

Just wondered if anyone has had any experience of this.

I have not had this specific problem, however, when I have had problems with my Garmin, three things have helped.

  1. Soft reboot (hold down the start & reset button)
  2. Clearing the history (I just clear it weekly now)
  3. Hard reboot (PitA because you need to re-pair your HRM strap, cadence sensor, etc. and reset all settings including screen look/feel, and so on and so forth).  This basically takes it back to factory settings.
2013-05-08 8:15 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
grumble, grumble.....tried 1 + 2, looks like 3 is the only option left......grumble, grumble fhs

2013-05-08 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4732362

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Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 8:53 PM Since we're having our male awareness day today, any guys out there shaving legs?  Been mulling it over.  Read an article here on BT about pros/cons once, but can't find it again.



Done that a time or two whilst swimming D1.     These days I just run the shears when needed.    Shaving is a special occasion and not always for triathlons.  

Really, it's only a problem a few days before the full moon to a few days after....

2013-05-08 9:06 AM
in reply to: #4732762

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
MadMathemagician - 2013-05-08 1:21 PM

ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 8:53 PM Since we're having our male awareness day today, any guys out there shaving legs?  Been mulling it over.  Read an article here on BT about pros/cons once, but can't find it again.



Done that a time or two whilst swimming D1.     These days I just run the shears when needed.    Shaving is a special occasion and not always for triathlons.  

Really, it's only a problem a few days before the full moon to a few days after....


Haven't done the legs yet, but have recently done the chest. Started off because I was getting bleeding nips on my runs which resulted in me screaming the house down when I got in the bath/shower (think shower scene from The Crying Game), so taped them up but then had the problem of trying to remove the tape without 1. removing the skin off my nips in the process , and 2. getting a chest wax on my man rug. I then started shaving just around my nips, but after a while I realised my chest started looking like the scene out of "40 year old virgin". That's when the rest came off. But then it looked strange having a smooth chest and a furry gut, so that came off. It was at this point that I was on a very slippery slope and decided to put the razor away.

One thing I will mention is that if you do decide to go down the shaving route, you will have to keep on shaving it. I have started leaving mine grow again and the amount of ingrowing hairs and sore boily things on my chest is horrible.


EDIT: Just remembered, did shave my legs a bit when I was having taping done for patellar tracking issues. I was shaving just the knees and surrounding areas, but found everytime I went to physio, no matter how much I had shaved off, the physio would still manage to tape up a part with hair on it........I don't think he liked me.


Whatever you do, don't go down the Veet Hair Removal Cream for Men route as these guys did. Read their reviews, PMSL, but do not read if easily offended

Edited by Richardsdrr 2013-05-08 9:07 AM
2013-05-08 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4732313

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
cdban66 - 2013-05-07 8:09 PM

iamDawnAnderson - 2013-05-07 8:15 PM Lord, what have I gotten myself into with this group?! You all are hilarious & I love it! Did some "swim" practice today even though it was cut short due to a bad storm. I still can't swim.

Just for the record, Carla dropped in earlier today, dropped a Wonder Woman underwear question and then she left.  It was like throwing a confetti grenade into a clown car. All heck broke loose.

Nicely done Carla!

Oh, I didn't leave leave.  I just sat quietly and watched  It made for an entertaining afternoon at work!

2013-05-08 9:11 AM
in reply to: #4732709

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
jmkizer - 2013-05-08 7:48 AM
Richardsdrr - 2013-05-08 8:41 AM

Strange, not able to post on the forum on google chrome, no "reply" button.

Silly questions but... are you logged in with that browser?

I use google chrome.  Clear your cache and cookies and such.  Sometimes that helps the little glitches.

2013-05-08 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4732853

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
crews - 2013-05-08 2:11 PM
jmkizer - 2013-05-08 7:48 AM
Richardsdrr - 2013-05-08 8:41 AM

Strange, not able to post on the forum on google chrome, no "reply" button.

Silly questions but... are you logged in with that browser?

I use google chrome.  Clear your cache and cookies and such.  Sometimes that helps the little glitches.

It's okay now, I just wasn't logged in on that browser.

2013-05-08 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4732848

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
crews - 2013-05-08 10:09 AM
cdban66 - 2013-05-07 8:09 PM

iamDawnAnderson - 2013-05-07 8:15 PM Lord, what have I gotten myself into with this group?! You all are hilarious & I love it! Did some "swim" practice today even though it was cut short due to a bad storm. I still can't swim.

Just for the record, Carla dropped in earlier today, dropped a Wonder Woman underwear question and then she left.  It was like throwing a confetti grenade into a clown car. All heck broke loose.

Nicely done Carla!

Oh, I didn't leave leave.  I just sat quietly and watched  It made for an entertaining afternoon at work!

I found it amusing! I am somewhat surprised that it didn't get worse.

2013-05-08 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4723700

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

As usual, normal nutty banter in here.

Erin, I had the unfortunate experience of hearing my own son using such language. He was young (10ish) and hanging out with older cousins (on his Dad's side Wink). We can all hope our children wouldn't do such a thing but at least I was able to explain to him why it's wrong and hopefully the parents of your offenders will do the same.

I think I'm finally getting my mojo back! Yesterday I was going nuts having missed my training so I did an easy run and felt no pain in the calf. Unfortunately this morning I woke with the pain again, same not worse, and was dizzy from my migraine meds so I postponed todays training to this afternoon. But I'm stoked that I don't feel the urge to just blow it off anymore! Yay! Me thinks my post-O'side slump is finally gone!

Happy hump-day all!

2013-05-08 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4731673

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
rrrunner - 2013-05-07 3:07 PM
cdban66 - 2013-05-07 12:42 PM
rrrunner - 2013-05-07 11:18 AM

Ok, a few questions for discussion...

1) I missed my run yesterday and my bike today because I have a pain in my left calf. It's not soreness, it feels sharp and almost like a thin line down the center of my calf. Not constant but I feel it when I walk. thoughts?

Like shin splints type of pain???

You said it, not soreness, but pain. Soreness=OK to carefully workout however, Pain=No Go. However, I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

It's weird. It's like a pain-line down the center of the back of my left calf. I skipped my training yesterday and this morning based on the premise you mentioned. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't being a wimp.

How are you feeling today TJ?

2013-05-08 10:01 AM
in reply to: #4732958

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
rrrunner - 2013-05-08 10:59 AM

As usual, normal nutty banter in here.

Erin, I had the unfortunate experience of hearing my own son using such language. He was young (10ish) and hanging out with older cousins (on his Dad's side Wink). We can all hope our children wouldn't do such a thing but at least I was able to explain to him why it's wrong and hopefully the parents of your offenders will do the same.

I think I'm finally getting my mojo back! Yesterday I was going nuts having missed my training so I did an easy run and felt no pain in the calf. Unfortunately this morning I woke with the pain again, same not worse, and was dizzy from my migraine meds so I postponed todays training to this afternoon. But I'm stoked that I don't feel the urge to just blow it off anymore! Yay! Me thinks my post-O'side slump is finally gone!

Happy hump-day all!

Ack!  Looks like we posted at about the same time.

I'm glad that you had a pain free run yesterday. 

Sorry about the current pain and migraine status Undecided

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