BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-07-09 7:40 PM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Hello all you lovely beasties! I'm back from a great weekend with my sis in CT-- though it did take longer than I expected to recover from the procedure, bleah. Here for a couple of days (writing my conference paper), then off to UT on Thursday for said conference. The hotel there has a gym and 2 pools (!), so am hoping to get as much training in as I can then... Hope you're all having a great week!

2013-07-10 7:08 AM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
And there's our busy Alex, doing another drive-by!  You are one busy girl!! 
2013-07-10 7:38 AM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Charlie asked about a routine I am trying to do every weekday (he sees it in my log).  It takes about 5-7 minutes.

It is called the Myrtl routine (here is link).  I think it is helping everything in general.  I have been pretty good about it for about 1 month.

Here is the description from Digital Running:

"The Myrtl routine is a set of body weight exercises that can be done just about anywhere. Legend has it that the Myrtl routine is so named because it strengthens the ”hip girdle”. I’ve seen it spelled with the trailing “e” as well, perhaps implying it was invented in Myrtle Beach. In any case, the Myrtl routine is a great way to strengthen and increase the flexibility of the hip girdle, which is a key and often overlooked area on a runner’s body.

Weakness in the muscles that make up the hip girdle has been attributed to overuse injuries like Iliotibial Band syndrome, patellofemoral pain, bursitis and hamstring injuries. On the other hand, a strong hip girdle has been associated with conditions including “economical running” and “a strong finishing kick”. Based on these observations, I recommend using the Myrtl routine to strengthen and stretch the muscles of the hip girdle region. The Myrtl routine is a great way to begin or end a running workout, but it also works as a way to loosen things up following a long day of sitting when traveling or at the office. In short, you can do it anytime, anywhere."



2013-07-10 6:08 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by hoffsquared

Charlie asked about a routine I am trying to do every weekday (he sees it in my log).  It takes about 5-7 minutes.

It is called the Myrtl routine (here is link).  I think it is helping everything in general.  I have been pretty good about it for about 1 month.

Here is the description from Digital Running:

"The Myrtl routine is a set of body weight exercises that can be done just about anywhere. Legend has it that the Myrtl routine is so named because it strengthens the ”hip girdle”. I’ve seen it spelled with the trailing “e” as well, perhaps implying it was invented in Myrtle Beach. In any case, the Myrtl routine is a great way to strengthen and increase the flexibility of the hip girdle, which is a key and often overlooked area on a runner’s body.

Weakness in the muscles that make up the hip girdle has been attributed to overuse injuries like Iliotibial Band syndrome, patellofemoral pain, bursitis and hamstring injuries. On the other hand, a strong hip girdle has been associated with conditions including “economical running” and “a strong finishing kick”. Based on these observations, I recommend using the Myrtl routine to strengthen and stretch the muscles of the hip girdle region. The Myrtl routine is a great way to begin or end a running workout, but it also works as a way to loosen things up following a long day of sitting when traveling or at the office. In short, you can do it anytime, anywhere."



the pictures remind me of several yoga routines i've been doing. and from the description above, i think it might help me with several tightness around the hip/butt area too. Thank a ton Melanie.
2013-07-10 6:11 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by oldSAP
Originally posted by hoffsquared

Charlie asked about a routine I am trying to do every weekday (he sees it in my log).  It takes about 5-7 minutes.

It is called the Myrtl routine (here is link).  I think it is helping everything in general.  I have been pretty good about it for about 1 month.

Here is the description from Digital Running:

"The Myrtl routine is a set of body weight exercises that can be done just about anywhere. Legend has it that the Myrtl routine is so named because it strengthens the ”hip girdle”. I’ve seen it spelled with the trailing “e” as well, perhaps implying it was invented in Myrtle Beach. In any case, the Myrtl routine is a great way to strengthen and increase the flexibility of the hip girdle, which is a key and often overlooked area on a runner’s body.

Weakness in the muscles that make up the hip girdle has been attributed to overuse injuries like Iliotibial Band syndrome, patellofemoral pain, bursitis and hamstring injuries. On the other hand, a strong hip girdle has been associated with conditions including “economical running” and “a strong finishing kick”. Based on these observations, I recommend using the Myrtl routine to strengthen and stretch the muscles of the hip girdle region. The Myrtl routine is a great way to begin or end a running workout, but it also works as a way to loosen things up following a long day of sitting when traveling or at the office. In short, you can do it anytime, anywhere."



the pictures remind me of several yoga routines i've been doing. and from the description above, i think it might help me with several tightness around the hip/butt area too. Thank a ton Melanie.

hmmm- this sounds like something I need to check out!!

2013-07-10 8:41 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Chuckle...and here's another drive-by hi to everyone! Got today's workout done, the conference paper finished, various errands run and appointments made, and even the laundry done. Time to pack in a few minutes, and then turn in so as to try and get a swim and bike in tomorrow morning before leaving for the airport. Timing is everything! Hope your weeks are all going well!

2013-07-11 7:24 AM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Getting my runs and swims in this week has been tough given schedules, etc.  We'll see if I can get my run in today.  Tomorrow's swim probably won't happen since I have an all day meeting way out in the hinterlands.  Might try to hit the pool on the way home though.
2013-07-11 12:16 PM
in reply to: 0

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

So how important is it to take a complete rest day?

I thought I had my training plan down but now I am starting to second guess it Tongue out.

My legs were tired last night on bike and I wondered if that was because I ran that morning. Not so tired I could not bike, just did not feel as strong as when rested...

I'm going to try and attach my plan if anyone can take a look and give an opinion.

I am going for 4 bikes, 4 runs a week. Friday is short bike, short run. I could take those off and make Friday a rest day...

Also I am trying to increase run millage gradually to avoid injury. Does this increase look too gradual?

Bike and run I aim for distance; time is an estimate on plan. For pool swims (Tu & Th) I am for 30 minutes. Will get in some OWS in weekends.

OK- I am adding links for my training plan (you might be able to view it here on BT, I could not tell)


July Training Plan

August Training PLan

September Training Plan

Looking at it- I think I will take off Friday's bike but not run and Saturdays Strength is really stretch/ flexability

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-07-11 12:25 PM
2013-07-11 5:16 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Meljoypip

So how important is it to take a complete rest day?

I thought I had my training plan down but now I am starting to second guess it Tongue out.

My legs were tired last night on bike and I wondered if that was because I ran that morning. Not so tired I could not bike, just did not feel as strong as when rested...

I'm going to try and attach my plan if anyone can take a look and give an opinion.

I am going for 4 bikes, 4 runs a week. Friday is short bike, short run. I could take those off and make Friday a rest day...

Also I am trying to increase run millage gradually to avoid injury. Does this increase look too gradual?

Bike and run I aim for distance; time is an estimate on plan. For pool swims (Tu & Th) I am for 30 minutes. Will get in some OWS in weekends.

OK- I am adding links for my training plan (you might be able to view it here on BT, I could not tell)


July Training Plan

August Training PLan

September Training Plan

Looking at it- I think I will take off Friday's bike but not run and Saturdays Strength is really stretch/ flexability

Damn girl, are you training for a half ironman??? That is a big girl training plan! I'm no coach, so take my 2 cents for what they are worth, but that seems like a sh*t load of miles per month, especially on the bike, especially for someone new to the sport. Four bikes and four runs also seems like a lot per week. That said, if you WANT to do this and your body can take it, have at it. The increases in distance look about right to me. The general rule of thumb is to add no more than 10% per week.
2013-07-11 5:33 PM
in reply to: arquillo

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Okay, so I am woefully behind on the forum and am not even going to try and catch up and comment on everything - although I did read through the back log. Lots going on in everyone's lives!

As for me, I raced last weekend and took first place in my age group - first time ever in a tri! I remembered how much I love doing the sprint distance (OLY is such a grueling distance!), so I added another sprint to my race calendar for next weekend. I also think part of adding that race is a distraction from the fact that I am now just over 8 weeks away from my first H.I.M. - just typing that knots my stomach all up!

On a happy note, the monsoon we've been experiencing here in Cleveland seems to have come to an end! Everything is flooded - including my beloved biking routes. Hoping everything dries out quickly so I can get back into a normal training groove. I've had to rearrange a ton of workouts to dodge thunderstorms for the past two weeks.

And one non-tri aside, I went to see the Eagles in concert the other night. If any of you get the chance (and that's your cup of tea musically), definitely go - they were OUTSTANDING!
2013-07-11 6:09 PM
in reply to: arquillo

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Here is another drive by Hi! I just returned from a family vacation with my husband's siblings and about a zillion nieces and nephews. Great fun, but not exactly relaxing.

I am now at week 3 of my crash and burn. I started biking yesterday and ran this morning. I feel sluggish, but am glad to get back to some movement. I still have the burn dressings and compression sleeve on my leg, but it doesn't hurt now so no reason to put off training. I won't be able to swim for a few more weeks, but I need the time just to get back into shape. I was shocked to get on the scale and see about 6 pounds extra! Dang....

Glad to read about everyone's races and training improvements. I am in awe of the time and distances many of you log. I am also impressed with the detail in many of your logs. I have long been a skimpy logger and just get the highlights - time and distance. You inspire me to keep track of more things.

2013-07-11 6:09 PM
in reply to: arquillo

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Here is another drive by Hi! I just returned from a family vacation with my husband's siblings and about a zillion nieces and nephews. Great fun, but not exactly relaxing.

I am now at week 3 of my crash and burn. I started biking yesterday and ran this morning. I feel sluggish, but am glad to get back to some movement. I still have the burn dressings and compression sleeve on my leg, but it doesn't hurt now so no reason to put off training. I won't be able to swim for a few more weeks, but I need the time just to get back into shape. I was shocked to get on the scale and see about 6 pounds extra! Dang....

Glad to read about everyone's races and training improvements. I am in awe of the time and distances many of you log. I am also impressed with the detail in many of your logs. I have long been a skimpy logger and just get the highlights - time and distance. You inspire me to keep track of more things.
2013-07-11 6:25 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Meljoypip

So how important is it to take a complete rest day?

I thought I had my training plan down but now I am starting to second guess it Tongue out.

My legs were tired last night on bike and I wondered if that was because I ran that morning. Not so tired I could not bike, just did not feel as strong as when rested...

I'm going to try and attach my plan if anyone can take a look and give an opinion.

I am going for 4 bikes, 4 runs a week. Friday is short bike, short run. I could take those off and make Friday a rest day...

Also I am trying to increase run millage gradually to avoid injury. Does this increase look too gradual?

Bike and run I aim for distance; time is an estimate on plan. For pool swims (Tu & Th) I am for 30 minutes. Will get in some OWS in weekends.

OK- I am adding links for my training plan (you might be able to view it here on BT, I could not tell)


July Training Plan

August Training PLan

September Training Plan

Looking at it- I think I will take off Friday's bike but not run and Saturdays Strength is really stretch/ flexability

you have got to get a day or two of rests in your weekly schedule, seriously
2013-07-11 7:26 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

OK- I am going to loose the Friday bike, but I am increasing my runs to a 10% increase per week which makes me end up doing 5 miles on my long run by my race at the beginning of October.

I don't think the run and swim time/distance is very intensive and the bike: I really like and REALLY want my speed to pick up by the race, I thought 4 rides over 3 would do that, BUT I don't want to burn out....

Obviously, if its too much the strength will be the first thing to go, but I do think it is good for me and I have 30 mins to kill at the Y before I can swim, of course I could jump on the spin bikes instead, or just read a book...decisions, decisions....Tongue out

Reading Fitness Confidential by Vinnie Tortorich -its really good, informative but super funny! A very easy read. Do any of you listen to his podcast?

2013-07-11 8:09 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Meljoypip

OK- I am going to loose the Friday bike, but I am increasing my runs to a 10% increase per week which makes me end up doing 5 miles on my long run by my race at the beginning of October.

I don't think the run and swim time/distance is very intensive and the bike: I really like and REALLY want my speed to pick up by the race, I thought 4 rides over 3 would do that, BUT I don't want to burn out....

Obviously, if its too much the strength will be the first thing to go, but I do think it is good for me and I have 30 mins to kill at the Y before I can swim, of course I could jump on the spin bikes instead, or just read a book...decisions, decisions....Tongue out

Reading Fitness Confidential by Vinnie Tortorich -its really good, informative but super funny! A very easy read. Do any of you listen to his podcast?

this is for your runs: 1 speedwork, 1 fartlek, 1 easy, 1 long run per week only. max 10% increase per week. after very 3 weeks, do a recovery week with shorter distance. if you feel too tired, you could skip either speedwork or fartlek for that week. this will surely improve your pace. just my 2 cents.
2013-07-12 8:02 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Melody, I couldn't get your plans to display for me, so I'll have to take Michelle's word that it's a ton of volume!  I do a lot of double days, but I've worked up to it and they don't exhaust me!  I also have one dedicated rest day in my schedule, although I will admit I use it for make up workouts.  I tend to be pretty flexible so I don't stress if I don't do the workouts exactly to plan.  You will find fatigue on a double day that is run and bike, but it's GOOD to do one or both on tired legs since you will experience that during racing.  I try to separate mine by at least a couple of hours if I can, normally I do one before work and one after (when I'm working). 

Janette, glad to hear you are training again!  Yes, you will feel like you backtracked a bit by missing 3 weeks... I missed 6 and am just now feeling like I'm close to where I was when I stopped.

Michelle, congrats on the 1st AG!!!  Nothing like some 1st place bling to give you some motivation!!!!

So my first tri of the season is on Sunday, 400 meter pool swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run.... but it's also my hubby's very first tri... I went and spent the night with my daughter and grandson's last night, and he texted me a picture of his transition set up... what do you think??


2013-07-12 10:43 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

So my first tri of the season is on Sunday, 400 meter pool swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run.... but it's also my hubby's very first tri... I went and spent the night with my daughter and grandson's last night, and he texted me a picture of his transition set up... what do you think??


Haha!!! LOVE it!!!

2013-07-12 10:47 AM
in reply to: 0

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by arquillo Okay, so I am woefully behind on the forum and am not even going to try and catch up and comment on everything - although I did read through the back log. Lots going on in everyone's lives! As for me, I raced last weekend and took first place in my age group - first time ever in a tri! I remembered how much I love doing the sprint distance (OLY is such a grueling distance!), so I added another sprint to my race calendar for next weekend. I also think part of adding that race is a distraction from the fact that I am now just over 8 weeks away from my first H.I.M. - just typing that knots my stomach all up! :o On a happy note, the monsoon we've been experiencing here in Cleveland seems to have come to an end! Everything is flooded - including my beloved biking routes. Hoping everything dries out quickly so I can get back into a normal training groove. I've had to rearrange a ton of workouts to dodge thunderstorms for the past two weeks. And one non-tri aside, I went to see the Eagles in concert the other night. If any of you get the chance (and that's your cup of tea musically), definitely go - they were OUTSTANDING!

Michelle!!! FIRST PLACE is AWESOME!!!!!! Way to go. I am quite sure you will rock your HIM also!!

The Eagles- they were down here not too long ago and I heard really good things about the concert here also. Who doesn't love the Eagles or know most of their songs? Of course they were from my generation the first time around so maybe its just me. Glad you had a good time!!  


Edited because I just cant seem to type correctly anymore.....

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-07-12 10:49 AM
2013-07-12 4:02 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

Melody, I couldn't get your plans to display for me, so I'll have to take Michelle's word that it's a ton of volume!  I do a lot of double days, but I've worked up to it and they don't exhaust me!  I also have one dedicated rest day in my schedule, although I will admit I use it for make up workouts.  I tend to be pretty flexible so I don't stress if I don't do the workouts exactly to plan.  You will find fatigue on a double day that is run and bike, but it's GOOD to do one or both on tired legs since you will experience that during racing.  I try to separate mine by at least a couple of hours if I can, normally I do one before work and one after (when I'm working). 

Janette, glad to hear you are training again!  Yes, you will feel like you backtracked a bit by missing 3 weeks... I missed 6 and am just now feeling like I'm close to where I was when I stopped.

Michelle, congrats on the 1st AG!!!  Nothing like some 1st place bling to give you some motivation!!!!

So my first tri of the season is on Sunday, 400 meter pool swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run.... but it's also my hubby's very first tri... I went and spent the night with my daughter and grandson's last night, and he texted me a picture of his transition set up... what do you think??


I think that ice cream needs to find it's way into my transition area at my next raceLaughing...

2013-07-12 4:33 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Michelle - congrats on the win at your tri!

I'm seriously contemplating putting a race on my calendar for the end of Sept.  It's a long sprint (500m/21m/4.5m) - pool swim, fairly flat bike and a partly hilly run.  I'm hoping it'll give me the motivation that I seem to be lacking lately.  Based on previous year's results, there's a good chance that I'll be last (or close to it) in my AG if not overall.  Here's the thing though - that same weekend is a 5k/10k that I've done 5 of the last 7 years and 4 of those times I've placed in my AG (twice in the 5k, twice in the 10k).  So I need to decide which I'd rather do - run the race and possibly get an AG award or do the tri and possibly come in last.  I know it shouldn't be about awards, and it's not really, it's more about wanting to feel like I'm halfway good at something.  I'd be happy with MOP on the tri, just don't know if it's possible for this particular race.  However, I'll never it make to MOP if I don't get my butt working out and signing up for the tri will help my motivation for the bike and swim at least.  So I guess the tri is the way to go.  It's the more challenging option and I think I'll regret it if I don't sign up.

2013-07-12 5:34 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Janet- I vote for the Tri!! I think you will enjoy the challenge & getting back into tri training. SBR is so much more fun than just R!! Smile

2013-07-12 5:55 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Oooh, I'm thinking the wine needs to become a part of my transition set up. Hydration + pain killer all in one. It would undoubtedly make the run more fun!

Janette - good to hear you're back at it!

Janet - I also vote for the tri! I do hope you find the motivation. I think we've all been in that funk where you just can't seem to get going, and it stinks! Hopefully signing up the tri will be just the kick in pants you need.

Good luck to Hilde (and Mr. Hilde) on the first tri of the season (and first tri ever!).
2013-07-12 8:58 PM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by wrkinprogress

Originally posted by shadow67

Hello all you wonderful Beasties! Wow, lots going on since I last checked on the forum. Time is such a precious commodity right now, I barely have time to log my workouts on BT mobile. Have an actual light week of work, and no work at my second job. Bad for the bank acccount but good for training time. The next 5 weeks are the peak part of the IM plan and the hours are LONGGGGG!!! My partner has gone to visit her sister in Myrtle Beach for the next ten days, so I'm "batching" it. Bless that girl's heart. She left me stocked with enough groceries to feed an army! I tried to tell her my Mama lives less than a mile away, I ain't gonna starve! But she's a responsible Capricorn like that! Training is going great. I'm really upping the bike miles as this is the advice I'm getting from everyone who has done IMLou. The bike course is brutal, with TONS of hills. So just wanted to drive by and say "howdy" to everyone! Time to walk the furbags and take advantage of some extra sleep time by being in bed by 8 PM. Thanks everyone for the inspires, they really help with motivation. I'm gonna sit my butt down tomorrow night and catch up with everyone's training logs! The Beasties ROCK!

I hear ya on the LONGGGG! hours of training-- that's where I am, too! When is IMLou? Keep plugging away at those miles-- I have no doubt that you'll kick all kinds of behind on the course!

It's on August 25, so this is the peak part of the training plan. Volume AND intensity. Oy vey!
2013-07-13 8:21 AM
in reply to: shadow67

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Janet I vote for the tri too, challenge yourself!! 

Shad, you GO girl, hard to imagine your volume is still going up, your logs are awesome as it is!!  I'm a Capricorn too, must be the sign of OCD-ness! 

Thanks everyone for the good wishes on my first tri of the season... time to put that melanoma to shame for keeping me from my training!  Looks like there are 10 in my age group and I can only cross my fingers it does not include the beastly woman who should probably be DNA tested to see if she's really a man, she's that fast!  I'm hoping the temps are just a little lower tomorrow, it is so warm and humid out there in the mornings.  We are travelling today even though it's only an hour and a half away, looking forward to getting away overnight!!  Will post tomorrow when we get home!!

2013-07-13 11:56 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

Janet I vote for the tri too, challenge yourself!! 

Shad, you GO girl, hard to imagine your volume is still going up, your logs are awesome as it is!!  I'm a Capricorn too, must be the sign of OCD-ness! 

Thanks everyone for the good wishes on my first tri of the season... time to put that melanoma to shame for keeping me from my training!  Looks like there are 10 in my age group and I can only cross my fingers it does not include the beastly woman who should probably be DNA tested to see if she's really a man, she's that fast!  I'm hoping the temps are just a little lower tomorrow, it is so warm and humid out there in the mornings.  We are travelling today even though it's only an hour and a half away, looking forward to getting away overnight!!  Will post tomorrow when we get home!!

Give it your Beastie Best and show melanoma it pales in comparison to your will to WIN!!
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