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2008-07-24 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Gloria, have a fantastic vacation!

I'm looking forward to doing a day of ragbrai tomorrow. ( ) It's an annual week long bike ride across the state of iowa. It will be passing within 20 miles of our house, so I thought I would get up early and do the day with them. It's an approximately 60 mile ride tomorrow, so it will be a good test for my upcoming HIM bike leg.

Anyone racing this coming weekend?

2008-07-24 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Gloria - have a great time on your vacation.

Timmeh - I'm not racing. Just hoping to get in some training over this weekend, and try to get ready for my last Sprint of the year in 3 weeks time.
2008-07-25 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Caius - WOW! Incredible!! I did a sprint tri in the rain which was painful. I am totally amazed how you did a IRONMAN in the rain!! Awsome!! I was wondering what you eat during a IM. Thanks for the info. Does the race supply like a big celebration dinner afterwards? How long did it take to recover & were you painfully sore?

I am going to do a Half marathon in Oct. I am now finally mostly running 4-5 miles with no walking intervals about 2-3x/ wk. I am trying to get faster on my run. I run about 10min/mi and I want to go faster. Anybody have any ideas how I can get faster.

2008-07-25 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hey Kristina,

I think you need to ask - do you want to get faster, or do want to be ready for the half in October? I'm guessing you should be able to do both at the same time, or just really focus on speed or distance.

I'm sitting on the fence about doing a 1/2 in September, and I found the following training program.

I'm too close to the race date to use the whole program, as are you, but it should be a good guide and doesn't require running more than 3 times per week.

2008-07-25 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hey Kristinia, has 5k, 10k, Half Mary, Full Mary workout plans for free on there.

Wow, Tim, 60 miles... you go bud!

Have fun on vacation Gloria!  Welcome to the heat and humidity of the Southland!  It was 97 when I left Brimingham, AL today on business.

I have a sprint tri tomorrow morning and our 11 year old son is doing that one as his first tri with me.  I absolutely can't focus on the tri wondering.... "What if he wrecks on the bike leg?  Will someone be there to help him?"  Stuff like that.  Geez.


2008-07-25 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hey Terry,

Your son is racing in his first tri so I bet you will be a bit nervous no matter what, However, I am also sure that there will be lots of racers and spectaters there that all would be willing to help an eleven year old if need be. Try to relax and enjoy the day with your son. Congratulations, your a successful father!!!

Kristina - Here's my $.02 to get ready for the half. I would do one long endurance run per week, and one tempo workout per week. Assuming your still swimming and biking as well, that probably fills up your weekly schedule. For the endurance run I would try to slow the pace from 10:00 with walk breaks to 11:00 (or more) and try to do the run continuously. For speed work, do a tempo run of say 10min warmup and then three intervals of 5 minutes at a pace just outside your comfort zone with 1 minute walk/slow jog recovery. Then 10 minutes cooldown. You can gradually add intervals or minutes to the tempo workout as you progress. It's from John Binghams Marathoning for mortals book. Here is the endurance run distance for each week: 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 4, 8, 6, 10, 8, 4, race. Figure your weeks until race date and jump into the routine at the appropriate spot. That's what I did for my first half, and I thought it worked well.

Caius - Sweet new avatar!

Edited by Timmeh! 2008-07-25 9:28 PM

2008-07-26 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Just got home and dad was so focused on Little Dude that Dad left his bike shoes at the house!  Figured it out when we were sitting in traffic at the tri site and I was drooling over the Cervelo on the rack on the car in front of me.  Doh!  Just did the best I could with running shoes and my SPDs.  Hamstrings are extremely sore.  Couldn't stand up and attack hills.

I still pulled 7th out of 26 in my AG.  Little Dude blew groceries at mile 10 on the bike and DNFd.  He is still stoked about tri and wants to keep doing them.  (He gets to wash the bike later today or tomorrow!)

Will RR when the results are posted.

2008-07-26 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1561240

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Terry - good job to both you and your son.  (Though I'm sure you are both kicking yourselves a little).  For an 11 year old to even think about cycling more than 10 miles.  Wow!!  Mine son is 8 and 100 m (a trip around the block) is his limit I think!  For all you know, you're looking at a future Olympian!

And for you to cycle with running shoes and clipless pedals - that must have been very difficult.  Bet that never happens again!

And Caius, as others have said:  nice photo!

2008-07-27 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1561240

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
orange223 - 2008-07-26 12:17 PM

Just got home and dad was so focused on Little Dude that Dad left his bike shoes at the house!  Figured it out when we were sitting in traffic at the tri site and I was drooling over the Cervelo on the rack on the car in front of me.  Doh!  Just did the best I could with running shoes and my SPDs.  Hamstrings are extremely sore.  Couldn't stand up and attack hills.

I still pulled 7th out of 26 in my AG.  Little Dude blew groceries at mile 10 on the bike and DNFd.  He is still stoked about tri and wants to keep doing them.  (He gets to wash the bike later today or tomorrow!)

Will RR when the results are posted.

Terry, your son did well and held his groceries way better than I would have when I was 11! You did fantastic as well, 7th with no bike shoes! I hate to say it, but you probably were looking at first with shoes! Way to stay calm and deal with the situation though, great job! You guys made some lifelong memories and had a great time! I can't wait to do that with my kids.
2008-07-27 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Here is a handy tool that someone sent me. It's a race day checklist that you can taylor to your individual needs.

Don't forget to add shoes, ahem.....
2008-07-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Terry - nice job on the race. It really does seem like the road Tri's are suited to you. Great finish considering the lack of appropriate footwear.

Caius - as others have said. Nice new avatar, and well earned.

2008-07-27 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Thanks much Neil!  I does seem I am better suited to the sprint road tris.

I have the pre-race card from USAT.  Nathan and I looked at it several times the night before and in the pre-dawn morning at 4:45 AM.  Kind of, in your mind, if you have your water bottles, helmet, gloves, and the bikes racked onto the vehicle, I guess you think you have everything pertaining to the bike.

Next time I'll have my shoes clipped into my pedals the night before while the bike is still in the garage.

I ordered some (used) aero bars from another BTer last week and should be here this week.  That'll be fun to fool around with!

RR is up. 

Other results here if you are really bored.



2008-07-28 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1562725

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Nice new avatar Terry!  I am going to use that photo as motivation as to what *my* left arm should be doing in the water!
2008-07-28 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1564214

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

tracyhmcd - 2008-07-28 10:57 AM Nice new avatar Terry!  I am going to use that photo as motivation as to what *my* left arm should be doing in the water!

Heheheh!  I'm glad the wife caught me on a good stroke!  I do remember in the warm ups there was a lady breast-stroking in front of me and I could see her feet like a yard in front of me.  I kept thinking, I'm going to run over her.  I was only warming up, maybe 60% effort, but I never caught her.  She must have been flying!

Finally, I have a month (August) with no (planned) competitions!  No bike races, 5ks or tris.  Welcome relief!

Who has what races going on in August?


2008-07-28 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Nice new avatar Terry (no more pic of a mountain bike, right!!).

I've got my last race in 3 weeks - I'll call it my A race since this was the scene of my first Try a Tri last year, and I'm heading back to compete in the Sprint this time around.

After that I'm really leaning towards a 1/2 marathon at the end of September (and just posted a question about it the triathlon forum).

2008-07-28 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1558702

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hi all! I'm back after laying low for a little bit. When I got back to work I had a TON of email waiting for me to catch up on plus loads of laundry, helping our best friends move, etc. It's been super busy.

Kinesio - 2008-07-25 10:43 AM Caius - I was wondering what you eat during a IM. Thanks for the info. Does the race supply like a big celebration dinner afterwards? How long did it take to recover & were you painfully sore? I am going to do a Half marathon in Oct. I am now finally mostly running 4-5 miles with no walking intervals about 2-3x/ wk. I am trying to get faster on my run. I run about 10min/mi and I want to go faster. Anybody have any ideas how I can get faster. Kristina

Kristina, here's what I ate leading up to and the day of the race

1 week before the race
I tried to eat as healthy as possible, not too much fried stuff, lots of fruit and veg, skip the deserts (this last one was super though for me)

2-3 days before the race
I started to add salt to all my meals

Day of the race
2-3 AM - 600 calories of some liquid breakfast drink (e.g Boost, Ensure, etc.)
5 AM - bagel with peanut butter + jam, sipping on water up until race start
6 AM - banana


Water for the first 20-30 minutes until my body settles from the swim and T1, then...
1 bottle of Gatorade Endurance every hour
1 Gatorade gel every 45 minutes with a sip of water
1 Lavasalt tablet every 45 minutes with a sip of water

At least two cups of whatever I felt like drinking as I crossed the AID station. This included: water, Gatorade, Coke, chicken broth
I also grabbed chocolate chip cookies or pretzels when I felt like it
1 Lavasalt tablet every 45 minutes

I practiced all of this during my long training rides and runs (minus the chocolate chips, pretzels and chicken broth) and this works for me. I had no stomach issues at all during the event (lots of others did) but I was overhydrated for the weather conditions. I took a little bit less liquids than normal since it was cold and wet but it wasn't enough. I should have consumed less as I was peeing way too often. However, I was afraid to deviate too much from what I practiced due to fear of having a stomach issue. Once your stomach shuts down you can't take any more nutrients. When this happens it will make completing the IM very difficult.

In regards to your second question, i.e. how to get faster, this is easy but you're not going to like the answer. The answer is to run more often. Increase the number of runs to 4 or 5x per week. Make one of these your long run, increasing it slowly every week. Make at least 2 of your other runs, tempo runs where you're going to run at Z3 again, increasing the time you spend in Z3 slowly every week.

2008-07-28 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1561240

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
orange223 - 2008-07-26 1:17 PM

Just got home and dad was so focused on Little Dude that Dad left his bike shoes at the house!  Figured it out when we were sitting in traffic at the tri site and I was drooling over the Cervelo on the rack on the car in front of me.  Doh!  Just did the best I could with running shoes and my SPDs.  Hamstrings are extremely sore.  Couldn't stand up and attack hills.

I still pulled 7th out of 26 in my AG.  Little Dude blew groceries at mile 10 on the bike and DNFd.  He is still stoked about tri and wants to keep doing them.  (He gets to wash the bike later today or tomorrow!)

Way to go Terry!!! Good that you kept your head about you. Not sure how I would handle it. I'm pretty sure it would have wrecked me mentally had I forgotten my shoes at home.

As for you son, wow! That is just so amazing that he is still excited about doing tris. I feel back for the little guy for getting sick on the course but awesome that he's still stoked. I think you have stumbled across some absolutely amazing memories that you and your son will share together. Stuff that he will remember forever. Awesome!

2008-07-28 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1564653

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
orange223 - 2008-07-28 12:50 PM

Who has what races going on in August?


My last competition was back on June 3rd, so I am ready to race again! I've got a sprint coming up this weekend, followed by an 8k the next, followed by a HIM bike leg the weekend after that. I can't wait, I've been spending way too much time out on the road by myself. Looking forward to the racing atmosphere.

BTW - Great new avatar Terry!
2008-07-28 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1564653

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
orange223 - 2008-07-28 1:50 PM

Who has what races going on in August?

Oh yeah, I forgot to answer this question. I've got the following lined up for the rest of the year:

C Races - If I can squeeze them in
Toronto Island Tri - Aug 16
Orillia Sprint Tri - Aug 17 (Likely not. Too far to drive.)

B Race
Ottawa Half Ironman - Aug 30 (Would love to do this, but got my second A race 2 weeks after. A bit of haul too. Seriously thinking about it though. Maybe if I could get someone to join me...)

A Race
Ironman 70.3 Muskoka - Sept 14

2008-07-28 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Neil, Tim, and Caius all going back to the watering trough!  Whoo-hoo!   Neil to do what got him into the sport!  Way cool!  Tim got several lined up before the end of the year!  (Only we sports competitors would think of the end of the year 3 or 4 months out!)  Cauis rocking the half Ironman as a season finallie!  (sp)

My 2nd "A" race this year is Sept 6th and an intersting sprint:  400 yd. OWS "time trial" swim, i.e. one at a time about 10 seconds apart, then a 1.5 mile run, then a 12 mile bike, then another 1.5 mile run.  The field should really be spread out, but should be a blast!

Ladies of our group, what's going on the rest of the season?

2008-07-28 10:33 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hey thanks for the advise & websites with training plans!!! I definately will be running more like 3x/week. Caius - I am starting to enjoy running but not 4-5x/week. I will have to see how it goes. My workout schedual is already pretty pack. I have gotten my Hubby to run with me a few times at night and it is fun! So hopefully that will continue.

August 24 - Luna Bar All Women Sprint Tri @ the same place I almost always race at - Rancho Seco. They give the best stuff. I will just be getting back from Hawaii (Friends wedding) so hopefully I will get some training in or it will be a taper, Ha, Ha.

Sept 7- Folsom International Olympic Tri - I want to do this one but it is expensive $125 so I was thinking of getting a team. I will have to see.

Oct 5 - Half Marathon - Cowtown in Sacramento, CA. My 1st attempt at 13.1 miles.

I can't wait to do a tri with my girls - 17mos. & 4yrs. My older says she wants to do the bike.



2008-07-29 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1566261

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

August 24 - Luna Bar All Women Sprint Tri @ the same place I almost always race at - Rancho Seco. They give the best stuff. I will just be getting back from Hawaii (Friends wedding) so hopefully I will get some training in or it will be a taper, Ha, Ha. Sept 7- Folsom International Olympic Tri - I want to do this one but it is expensive $125 so I was thinking of getting a team. I will have to see. Oct 5 - Half Marathon - Cowtown in Sacramento, CA. My 1st attempt at 13.1 miles. I can't wait to do a tri with my girls - 17mos. & 4yrs. My older says she wants to do the bike. Kristina x

Wow Kristina!  You still have a full race schedule this year!  Besides jet-setting off to Hawaii!

I'm going to do my first half-mary in April of next year.

2008-07-29 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Caius - if you make it up to the Orillia Tri, I'll be there. My wife's family lives up there so I have somewhere to sleep + a cheering section.

I'm back into the pool today and see if I can rediscover a few of those seconds that have fallen off in the past weeks. I'd like to put in a good swim for my last race.
2008-07-29 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I wonder what ever happened to Robb - he just seemed to disappear all together at the end of June?
2008-07-29 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
My tri this weekend has a unique twist to it. It's a staggered start based on your june sprint finishing time with the slowest time starting first staggered up until the fastest time. In theory everyone will be sprinting for the finish at the same time! Sounds exciting.
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