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2009-02-04 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1944908

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
So for those of you slogging it out on the trainer (Heidi and Greg in particular), I did Jorge outside today and here's the wrap-up!

Pros: OUTSIDE!!! You get "credit" for moving bigger gears as mph isn't only cadence-based, so it's fun to go faster. Time goes faster -- poof! 5' have passed. You can coast and recovery is much easier (not that I coasted for recovery but even just a few seconds helps).

Cons: I found it harder to get my HR up on the intervals (granted, these were 30 sec. intervals so that's tricky anyway). When you slow to negotiate a tight corner or pedestrian or something your HR plummets! (Sign that I'm in good shape, of course!) And one huge con was I did an out-and-back and went out too long and then I was stuck and had to get back... I couldn't decide my workout was over and just hop off! So I went more than planned but at the same time I ended up feeling less spent. I found the 86-91% HR was harder to maintain outside -- like I had to work harder to keep it up there than I do inside.

I do feel like I get a better workout out of the Jorge plan inside. But this was a treat with sunny weather (but it was 38 when I started, so still chilly) and I simply could not be inside. I'll likely be inside for most (if not all) of the remaining Jorge ride simply due to timing and weather.

Anyway, glad to know I can still steer and maneuver and all that. It's been awhile!

2009-02-04 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1945566

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kkcbelle - 2009-02-04 2:54 PM So for those of you slogging it out on the trainer (Heidi and Greg in particular), I did Jorge outside today and here's the wrap-up! Pros: OUTSIDE!!! You get "credit" for moving bigger gears as mph isn't only cadence-based, so it's fun to go faster. Time goes faster -- poof! 5' have passed. You can coast and recovery is much easier (not that I coasted for recovery but even just a few seconds helps). Cons: I found it harder to get my HR up on the intervals (granted, these were 30 sec. intervals so that's tricky anyway). When you slow to negotiate a tight corner or pedestrian or something your HR plummets! (Sign that I'm in good shape, of course!) And one huge con was I did an out-and-back and went out too long and then I was stuck and had to get back... I couldn't decide my workout was over and just hop off! So I went more than planned but at the same time I ended up feeling less spent. I found the 86-91% HR was harder to maintain outside -- like I had to work harder to keep it up there than I do inside. I do feel like I get a better workout out of the Jorge plan inside. But this was a treat with sunny weather (but it was 38 when I started, so still chilly) and I simply could not be inside. I'll likely be inside for most (if not all) of the remaining Jorge ride simply due to timing and weather. Anyway, glad to know I can still steer and maneuver and all that. It's been awhile!

It's so great you got to ride outside today! We are in single digits today, plus have windchill

It sounds like you had a great itme!

2009-02-05 5:16 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
I'm heading out of town again for the next two days, but this time I've tried to make some minor adjustments to tomorrows schedule to fit in a run in the morning. We'll see how it goes.
2009-02-05 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1946472

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Had fun doing a good brick today -- longish ride (2:00) then a :45 run. Hadn't ridden that long in awhile but I felt good!!

My training partner is a stronger cyclist than I am... and I was able to hang with her on the hills MUCH better today! Yeah!! Granted, she had already swum an hour this morning before our long workout, but still, it made me feel like the Jorge workouts are paying off. Plus, I "pulled" her for the last 40' when she was pretty spent; she just parked on my wheel and hung out. (For full disclosure, I think I am stronger endurance-wise and she is faster than I am, so longer workouts are harder for her.)

We went straight into the run and were to "build up to race pace." I would love to do a 2:00 run for my HIM, which is 9'/mile. I honestly was not comfy going that pace -- it felt too slow. So I ran what felt good, which was mostly around 8:30 to 8:45, and I slowed at the end to run with my partner.

So Kellie -- on a longer workout like that, is it more important to go slower on the run and find/feel that pace? Or is it OK to go with what feels good? I definitely was not pushing hard and felt like I could have run farther at that same pace. Today's workout also taught me that when I race I probably push the bike super-duper too hard (because it's where I'm weakest) and that makes the run harder. Learning good bike pacing will help with my run. Although a sprint is a sprint is a sprint and to me you just gotta power through those. Which is why I want to do HIM and someday longer!
2009-02-06 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Extreme Veteran
Southeastern Michigan
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Here is my summary of my bike fit that I posted elsewhere...I am hoping this helps my biking situation.

Okay...I got my overpriced bike fit today. 

Good news:

1.  my bike will work for this season

2.  the expensive seat I bought is the right size

3.  the aerobars and forward seatpost I bought will work


1.  raised my seat

2.  brought me seat is way forward now.

3.  added a lift in my shoe to get my leg pedaling even/straight

Strangely, my knee even come close to hitting the elbow rest of my aerobars anymore.

Did you know that bike grease does NOT come out of clothes?? I have it all over my white coat and my pink Underarmour top.  Not happy!  If you know some miraculous way to get it out, let me know!

Hopefully, my knee won't hurt after all this! Should I take a pic of me on it after my adjustments?
2009-02-06 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1949231

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Bronwyn1968 - 2009-02-06 11:53 AM

Here is my summary of my bike fit that I posted elsewhere...I am hoping this helps my biking situation.

Okay...I got my overpriced bike fit today. 

Good news:

1.  my bike will work for this season

2.  the expensive seat I bought is the right size

3.  the aerobars and forward seatpost I bought will work


1.  raised my seat

2.  brought me seat is way forward now.

3.  added a lift in my shoe to get my leg pedaling even/straight

Strangely, my knee even come close to hitting the elbow rest of my aerobars anymore.

Did you know that bike grease does NOT come out of clothes?? I have it all over my white coat and my pink Underarmour top.  Not happy!  If you know some miraculous way to get it out, let me know!

Hopefully, my knee won't hurt after all this! Should I take a pic of me on it after my adjustments?


Sure why not. let us see a comparison photo!


So are you satisfied with your overpriced bike fit??

2009-02-06 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1948224

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kkcbelle - 2009-02-05 8:39 PM Had fun doing a good brick today -- longish ride (2:00) then a :45 run. Hadn't ridden that long in awhile but I felt good!! My training partner is a stronger cyclist than I am... and I was able to hang with her on the hills MUCH better today! Yeah!! Granted, she had already swum an hour this morning before our long workout, but still, it made me feel like the Jorge workouts are paying off. Plus, I "pulled" her for the last 40' when she was pretty spent; she just parked on my wheel and hung out. (For full disclosure, I think I am stronger endurance-wise and she is faster than I am, so longer workouts are harder for her.) We went straight into the run and were to "build up to race pace." I would love to do a 2:00 run for my HIM, which is 9'/mile. I honestly was not comfy going that pace -- it felt too slow. So I ran what felt good, which was mostly around 8:30 to 8:45, and I slowed at the end to run with my partner. So Kellie -- on a longer workout like that, is it more important to go slower on the run and find/feel that pace? Or is it OK to go with what feels good? I definitely was not pushing hard and felt like I could have run farther at that same pace. Today's workout also taught me that when I race I probably push the bike super-duper too hard (because it's where I'm weakest) and that makes the run harder. Learning good bike pacing will help with my run. Although a sprint is a sprint is a sprint and to me you just gotta power through those. Which is why I want to do HIM and someday longer!


Hmm.. well, without run testing you and knowing what your pace zones are, its hard to say if that was truly too hard for you.  If it felt good, that is good!   It is important to stay in your proper zones when doing the workouts mainly for the following workouts.   The biggest mistake people make it going too hard their easy, or endurance days, and then they dont always benefit from a workout that was supposed to be a key session the next day or two.   But like I said, without knowing your zones for the bike and run, I couldnt give you a straight answer.   I'll just say be careful on pushing too hard when your not supposed to.   Its not how much you can do in one session, but how many times can you repeat good workouts, all week long. 


The thing about a HIM, or IM is that people get very anxious on the bike.  All the sudden they feel good, they are caught up in the moment, etc (Im guilty of it to) and it accumulates and then all the sudden 5 miles into the run, your walking wondering why your legs or body suddenly have no more to give.  Pacing in the longer events becomes very important, and its very important to know your limits and not push too far outside them just because your caught up in a moment.  

If you still feel great today, tomorrow, and the next day, you may have shifted zones, and what you thought was your slow zone, is now your REALLY slow zone.  And should be adjusted.   Do you have set zones or do you think 9:00 is your normal endurance pace from experience? 

2009-02-06 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Extreme Veteran
Southeastern Michigan
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED


It doesn't look much different...but here it is! I will post this on the thread about the fit as well! I gotta go pick my kids up from school! I am outta here!

Edited by Bronwyn1968 2009-02-06 3:39 PM
2009-02-06 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1949382

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
So happy that all things are good on your bike, Bronwyn! I'll be super interested to hear how your knee is feeling after a few days. How do YOU feel on the bike? I'll check out your photos later. Yay for you!
2009-02-06 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1949353

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-02-06 12:51 PM


Hmm.. well, without run testing you and knowing what your pace zones are, its hard to say if that was truly too hard for you.  If it felt good, that is good!   It is important to stay in your proper zones when doing the workouts mainly for the following workouts.   The biggest mistake people make it going too hard their easy, or endurance days, and then they dont always benefit from a workout that was supposed to be a key session the next day or two.   But like I said, without knowing your zones for the bike and run, I couldnt give you a straight answer.   I'll just say be careful on pushing too hard when your not supposed to.   Its not how much you can do in one session, but how many times can you repeat good workouts, all week long. 


The thing about a HIM, or IM is that people get very anxious on the bike.  All the sudden they feel good, they are caught up in the moment, etc (Im guilty of it to) and it accumulates and then all the sudden 5 miles into the run, your walking wondering why your legs or body suddenly have no more to give.  Pacing in the longer events becomes very important, and its very important to know your limits and not push too far outside them just because your caught up in a moment.  

If you still feel great today, tomorrow, and the next day, you may have shifted zones, and what you thought was your slow zone, is now your REALLY slow zone.  And should be adjusted.   Do you have set zones or do you think 9:00 is your normal endurance pace from experience? 

Thanks so much and your comments all make perfect sense. In running races (half-mary and longer, heck even shorter), I am super-duper good about my pacing and even or negative-splitting. I have a total fear of dying at the end of a race so I am very conservative. So far I've only done shorter tris (6-8 sprints and one Oly) and I definitely push the bike because I am frustrated that I'm slow. I am spent on the run, but I have never really crashed and burned and in general have been happy with my run speeds (ranging from sub-8's to just over 8's for the Oly if I remember correctly).

The 9:00 pace is sort-of arbitrary... My PR for a half mary is 1:50:08, and I've run several sub-2:00 halves without tons of prep and no speed work. So, not knowing how fast I can do a HIM, in the grand scheme of things if I logged a 2:00 run I'd be pleased with that. I think it can be a comfy pace.

I'm going to do a run test on Sunday, so that will give me some more info. to work from in terms of HR and the like. Today I felt tired when I ran, but it wasn't awful and I would expect to feel tired after a longer workout.

But yeah, the HR can fill in the bigger picture so we'll get that covered. Thanks for the feedback!!
2009-02-06 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1949488

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kkcbelle - 2009-02-06 1:52 PM
kellc09 - 2009-02-06 12:51 PM


Hmm.. well, without run testing you and knowing what your pace zones are, its hard to say if that was truly too hard for you.  If it felt good, that is good!   It is important to stay in your proper zones when doing the workouts mainly for the following workouts.   The biggest mistake people make it going too hard their easy, or endurance days, and then they dont always benefit from a workout that was supposed to be a key session the next day or two.   But like I said, without knowing your zones for the bike and run, I couldnt give you a straight answer.   I'll just say be careful on pushing too hard when your not supposed to.   Its not how much you can do in one session, but how many times can you repeat good workouts, all week long. 


The thing about a HIM, or IM is that people get very anxious on the bike.  All the sudden they feel good, they are caught up in the moment, etc (Im guilty of it to) and it accumulates and then all the sudden 5 miles into the run, your walking wondering why your legs or body suddenly have no more to give.  Pacing in the longer events becomes very important, and its very important to know your limits and not push too far outside them just because your caught up in a moment.  

If you still feel great today, tomorrow, and the next day, you may have shifted zones, and what you thought was your slow zone, is now your REALLY slow zone.  And should be adjusted.   Do you have set zones or do you think 9:00 is your normal endurance pace from experience? 

Thanks so much and your comments all make perfect sense. In running races (half-mary and longer, heck even shorter), I am super-duper good about my pacing and even or negative-splitting. I have a total fear of dying at the end of a race so I am very conservative. So far I've only done shorter tris (6-8 sprints and one Oly) and I definitely push the bike because I am frustrated that I'm slow. I am spent on the run, but I have never really crashed and burned and in general have been happy with my run speeds (ranging from sub-8's to just over 8's for the Oly if I remember correctly). The 9:00 pace is sort-of arbitrary... My PR for a half mary is 1:50:08, and I've run several sub-2:00 halves without tons of prep and no speed work. So, not knowing how fast I can do a HIM, in the grand scheme of things if I logged a 2:00 run I'd be pleased with that. I think it can be a comfy pace. I'm going to do a run test on Sunday, so that will give me some more info. to work from in terms of HR and the like. Today I felt tired when I ran, but it wasn't awful and I would expect to feel tired after a longer workout. But yeah, the HR can fill in the bigger picture so we'll get that covered. Thanks for the feedback!!

Actually, if you can calculate your Threshold run pace along with your THreshold HR, that should help you out a lot more.  HR is good  as another indicator, but Id be more curious what your run test produced pace wise instead of HR wise. 

 A better way to do it (IMO) is to do your bike, then do your run after the bike at your proper endurance speed  as a means of testing nutrtion, a brick, etc.  Check your proper endurance pace against your HR.   Does it spike right off the bike?  If it does, can you  get it to calm down quickly after the bike, or do you need to slow down the first mile or two?  Etc.  That 45 minutes after a long bike isnt necessarily supposed to be a crazy run workout but somewhat of a guage in running off the bike.  Make sense?

2009-02-06 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1949522

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-02-06 2:04 PM

Actually, if you can calculate your Threshold run pace along with your THreshold HR, that should help you out a lot more.  HR is good  as another indicator, but Id be more curious what your run test produced pace wise instead of HR wise. 

 A better way to do it (IMO) is to do your bike, then do your run after the bike at your proper endurance speed  as a means of testing nutrtion, a brick, etc.  Check your proper endurance pace against your HR.   Does it spike right off the bike?  If it does, can you  get it to calm down quickly after the bike, or do you need to slow down the first mile or two?  Etc.  That 45 minutes after a long bike isnt necessarily supposed to be a crazy run workout but somewhat of a guage in running off the bike.  Make sense?

Well, I'll be using my Garmin to do the test, so I'll have pacing info. too. I plan to run on a flat paved trail so I can get a good reading. Not many trees around either, so satellite should pick up (I'm not confident I get accurate readings in my local state park that is solid 100'+ fir trees!).

I'm going to do a dedicated run test and see what I get. Are you suggesting also doing a test off the bike at some point? I will say that I've found I tend to run pretty fast off the bike, but feel like I am majorly lagging. Yesterday we got off and tried to lolly-gag starting the run and we were doing 8:30-ish when we were hoping for 10' miles! So obviousy I need to learn to realllllllly slow down off the bike because my perception is way off my actual pace. HR wasn't spiked, though.

And yes, I figured that 45' wasn't to be a crazy run and didn't try to make it so. I just felt good and strong and had I not had a watch/Garmin I would have guessed I was doing closer to 9' miles. Not that I was THAT far off (8:45 avg. for the entire run)... but I definitely did not need to "work UP" to my pace... it was more like "slow DOWN" to the pace.

I love your feedback!!! Thanks!

2009-02-06 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1949923

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kkcbelle - 2009-02-06 5:01 PM
kellc09 - 2009-02-06 2:04 PM


Actually, if you can calculate your Threshold run pace along with your THreshold HR, that should help you out a lot more.  HR is good  as another indicator, but Id be more curious what your run test produced pace wise instead of HR wise. 

 A better way to do it (IMO) is to do your bike, then do your run after the bike at your proper endurance speed  as a means of testing nutrtion, a brick, etc.  Check your proper endurance pace against your HR.   Does it spike right off the bike?  If it does, can you  get it to calm down quickly after the bike, or do you need to slow down the first mile or two?  Etc.  That 45 minutes after a long bike isnt necessarily supposed to be a crazy run workout but somewhat of a guage in running off the bike.  Make sense?

******************* Well, I'll be using my Garmin to do the test, so I'll have pacing info. too. I plan to run on a flat paved trail so I can get a good reading. Not many trees around either, so satellite should pick up (I'm not confident I get accurate readings in my local state park that is solid 100'+ fir trees!). I'm going to do a dedicated run test and see what I get. Are you suggesting also doing a test off the bike at some point? I will say that I've found I tend to run pretty fast off the bike, but feel like I am majorly lagging. Yesterday we got off and tried to lolly-gag starting the run and we were doing 8:30-ish when we were hoping for 10' miles! So obviousy I need to learn to realllllllly slow down off the bike because my perception is way off my actual pace. HR wasn't spiked, though. And yes, I figured that 45' wasn't to be a crazy run and didn't try to make it so. I just felt good and strong and had I not had a watch/Garmin I would have guessed I was doing closer to 9' miles. Not that I was THAT far off (8:45 avg. for the entire run)... but I definitely did not need to "work UP" to my pace... it was more like "slow DOWN" to the pace. I love your feedback!!! Thanks!



cool.. sounds like you have a pretty good grasp on it all!   Sometimes it does feel like your running really slow off the bike but you really are going faster than you want.  Just be aware of it and try to keep it in check, thats all anyone can  do


As for bike tests to, you can, but unless your going to utilize the zones for pacing in your training, there isnt too much point.   So check what your particular plan calls for in testing (if it does testing) and go from there

2009-02-06 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Just wanted to say to all of you, have a great week next week!  Train well!  I will be on my 25th wedding anniversary vacation and will not have access to the internet.  I hope I can last a week without it!  I'm pretty addicted!Smile

I'll log any workouts I do when I get back next Sunday!

Thanks all for the motivation, encouragment, knowledge and comraderie!

2009-02-06 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1950148

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Gregkl - 2009-02-06 8:54 PM

Just wanted to say to all of you, have a great week next week!  Train well!  I will be on my 25th wedding anniversary vacation and will not have access to the internet.  I hope I can last a week without it!  I'm pretty addicted!Smile

I'll log any workouts I do when I get back next Sunday!

Thanks all for the motivation, encouragment, knowledge and comraderie!


Congrats, enjoy!!!!

2009-02-06 9:51 PM
in reply to: #1949382

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Bronwyn1968 - 2009-02-06 1:04 PM


It doesn't look much different...but here it is! I will post this on the thread about the fit as well! I gotta go pick my kids up from school! I am outta here!


How it feels will be the test    Your right that it doesnt look dramatically different than the last, but there isnt a full shot of you.  Your upper body may be in a better position.   I also wonder if setup on a road bike will be a bit different than how it would look on a tri bike to being that it is different angles.   But again, how you feel will be the determiner!

2009-02-07 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Greg-Congrats on your anniversary- enjoy the cruise.

Brom- I'm glad you got the bike fit. It seems like it would be crucial for your success in the HIM.

2009-02-07 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1950148

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Gregkl - 2009-02-06 8:54 PM

Just wanted to say to all of you, have a great week next week!  Train well!  I will be on my 25th wedding anniversary vacation and will not have access to the internet.  I hope I can last a week without it!  I'm pretty addicted!Smile

I'll log any workouts I do when I get back next Sunday!

Thanks all for the motivation, encouragment, knowledge and comraderie!

Internet breaks are always good... Enjoy! Congratulations, too! 25 years is an awesome accomplishment -- much better than any triathlon or other race. Talk about endurance!

We'll miss you so do check in when you return. I'm so jealous!! I love cruises (OK, I have only done one)... *love* sleeping on boats!
2009-02-08 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1950947

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
I did my first run LT test today. Now I get to geek out on numbers and figure out what it all means. It was hard and I think I had a good test. Definitely was done when it was done.

LT HR is 168
pace is 7:28

I was a little surprised that the HR is only 6 bpm higher than my indoor trainer LT Jorge test, but hey, it is what it is and now that god-awful workout is behind me (at least for awhile!)!

2009-02-08 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1951400

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kkcbelle - 2009-02-08 1:58 PM I did my first run LT test today. Now I get to geek out on numbers and figure out what it all means. It was hard and I think I had a good test. Definitely was done when it was done. LT HR is 168 pace is 7:28 I was a little surprised that the HR is only 6 bpm higher than my indoor trainer LT Jorge test, but hey, it is what it is and now that god-awful workout is behind me (at least for awhile!)!


Very nice!!!   Those trials suck but in a good way

2009-02-08 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1951400

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kkcbelle - 2009-02-08 2:58 PM I did my first run LT test today. Now I get to geek out on numbers and figure out what it all means. It was hard and I think I had a good test. Definitely was done when it was done. LT HR is 168 pace is 7:28 I was a little surprised that the HR is only 6 bpm higher than my indoor trainer LT Jorge test, but hey, it is what it is and now that god-awful workout is behind me (at least for awhile!)!

Great job! How long did you run for?

2009-02-08 6:09 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

I forgot to do my Friday check in!    Weight down another pound to 134, so progress is being made now, thank goodness.


Obviously my week of training did not go well like anticipated, but IM back at it some more this week, so I should have a swim and a bike almost every day.    I know Greg is on a cruise, lucky guy   Hope everyone else had a good week and has a good week coming up!

2009-02-08 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1951635

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-02-08 6:08 PM

Great job! How long did you run for?

I did an hour run total, but the "test" part was 30 min (plus warm-up/down). You start running as hard as you can but able to sustain for 30 min, and hit lap on your HR monitor after 10 min, and then the avg. HR of the remaining 20 min. is your LT to work with. Obviously when/if I do this test again, I'll want to go faster. And I guess technically with a lower HR, which should go hand in hand, I guess.
2009-02-09 5:23 AM
in reply to: #1951791

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kkcbelle - 2009-02-08 9:35 PM
slow turtle - 2009-02-08 6:08 PM Great job! How long did you run for?


I did an hour run total, but the "test" part was 30 min (plus warm-up/down). You start running as hard as you can but able to sustain for 30 min, and hit lap on your HR monitor after 10 min, and then the avg. HR of the remaining 20 min. is your LT to work with. Obviously when/if I do this test again, I'll want to go faster. And I guess technically with a lower HR, which should go hand in hand, I guess.

Good job! You have an impressive time to beat.

I'm laughing at myself right now, because I can't run an hour straight at any pace. I've never done it. Maybe I should add that to my list of goals.

2009-02-09 5:26 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Weight last week: 135.

Goals fro this week: To get in 90 minutes of running. Tht's what I did last week, and I'd like to maintain it  for a second week, before increasing it.

Bike- minimum of 120 minutes.

Swim- 2 workouts.

I'm definately not traveling this week for work, but my husband has a bunch of evening commitments. So we'll see how well I do this.

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