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2010-05-24 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
So as I get to my last 2 weeks of training here, I have had some questions come up.

My planned called for about 11.5 hours of workouts this week and between 4-5 hours next. I thought 11.5 was really high for being two weeks out from a race. When I used to taper for swimming, it was for 10 days. I know a taper is more about how you are feeling then strictly following a plan. But I decided cut those 11.5 hours down to between 8-9 hours. Does that sound reasonable? The planned wanted me to do a 2hr 45 min ride on Saturday, 7 days out from the race. Also is between 4-5 hours reasonable for the actually week of the race?

My next question is that my girlfriend got me a gift certificate for a massage. I want to use it before the race. How many days before would you consider using it before your race? Thursday would be the absoulte last day before my race that I would be able to use it because I will be going out of town for it on friday.

Any thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2010-05-24 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2878509

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
scotty930 - 2010-05-24 1:05 PM So as I get to my last 2 weeks of training here, I have had some questions come up.

My planned called for about 11.5 hours of workouts this week and between 4-5 hours next. I thought 11.5 was really high for being two weeks out from a race. When I used to taper for swimming, it was for 10 days. I know a taper is more about how you are feeling then strictly following a plan. But I decided cut those 11.5 hours down to between 8-9 hours. Does that sound reasonable? The planned wanted me to do a 2hr 45 min ride on Saturday, 7 days out from the race. Also is between 4-5 hours reasonable for the actually week of the race?

My next question is that my girlfriend got me a gift certificate for a massage. I want to use it before the race. How many days before would you consider using it before your race? Thursday would be the absoulte last day before my race that I would be able to use it because I will be going out of town for it on friday.

Any thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

THe 11.5 hours 2 weeks prior to race day seems high in comparison to the 4-5 hours during the final week.  I might drop back the 11 hour week a touch more.  Leave the week pre race alone. 
My last half mary plan had me do 2 runs of about 1 mile each the week of the race.  I thought it was crazy when I was doing it.  I PR"d the day by 6 minutes.  Taper is a crazy thing!

As to the massage, can you call the massage therapist and confirm what they suggest?  I would think 4 days pre race would be okay but possibly longer, they sometimes find knots in muscles you were completely unaware of having and by the time they get all that lactic acid out of the muscles they want you to do very little post massage.
2010-05-24 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2878509

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
I get as many massages as I can because I have ridiculously tight calves.  I would not get your massage any later than Tuesday or Wednesday before the race just in case you are sore for a day or two afterward.  If you can get in an easy workout or two after the massage and before the race, that will probably be optimal and work out the soreness. 

Remember lots and lots of water and stretching afterward . . . 
2010-05-24 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2876617

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
thebrayon - 2010-05-23 2:03 PM It is a really beautiful day here in New Brunswick, little bit of wind, but no clouds. Had my fun duathlon this morning and it went very well considering the limited training I was able to do over the last few months. I should be OK for the "official" duathlon on June 6.

Nice job on the "fun" du.  Looks like you're ready for the real deal in a couple of weeks!
2010-05-24 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2877810

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
bar92 - 2010-05-24 9:31 AM Well, my weekend ride didn't go as I wanted it to, but that's life, right.  Humidity, hills and lots of wind.  After a crash last year, I'm very hesitant in high winds, so the ride was mentally challenging for me.  After almost getting blown over twice, I decided I had had enough.  Still got in more than my training plan called for though.  Hope everyone else's weekend was better.

Nothing wrong with throwing in the towel.  That wind can be downright dangerous and I've cut plenty of rides short because of that.
2010-05-24 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2878509

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
scotty930 - 2010-05-24 1:05 PM So as I get to my last 2 weeks of training here, I have had some questions come up.

My planned called for about 11.5 hours of workouts this week and between 4-5 hours next. I thought 11.5 was really high for being two weeks out from a race. When I used to taper for swimming, it was for 10 days. I know a taper is more about how you are feeling then strictly following a plan. But I decided cut those 11.5 hours down to between 8-9 hours. Does that sound reasonable? The planned wanted me to do a 2hr 45 min ride on Saturday, 7 days out from the race. Also is between 4-5 hours reasonable for the actually week of the race?

My next question is that my girlfriend got me a gift certificate for a massage. I want to use it before the race. How many days before would you consider using it before your race? Thursday would be the absoulte last day before my race that I would be able to use it because I will be going out of town for it on friday.

Any thoughts or comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Based on your logs I think going down to 8-9 hours the first week of the taper will work well for you.  The 2:45 ride seems a little long for 7 days out.  2 hours seems a little more reasonable to me.  And the 4-5 hours the week before may work well believe it or not.  You're going to feel like you're hardly doing anything and probably will go a little insane, but your body will be well rested going into the race for sure.

For the massage, I'm thinking 4 days out, at the least, just to make sure that any residual soreness from it is worked out by race day.

2010-05-24 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
I had a pretty good sprint race yesterday.  The wind was nuts, but other than that it was a good time.  I finished 9th OA and 3rd in my AG.  Race report is here
2010-05-25 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Hey guys,

I had a fun time out in Galena last weekend, volunteering at the tri.  On Saturday I did my longest run since my marathon, and I think it was the hilliest run I've ever done!  Afterward, I went and watched the race for a bit before my volunteer shift started.  I was working gear check, and I think it was harder work than doing the tri!  We had to sort through people's gear bags, and some people didn't think it was necessary to tie their bags closed so we ended up with a big pile of towels, wetsuits, running shoes, etc at the bottom of the truck.  It was really gross having to sort through all that stuff - blech!

I got a pretty good bike ride in on Sunday.  We had a group ride with our tri club, and we split into various subgroups doing different distances.  I only did 20 miles because it was really hilly and was afraid I wouldn't be able to make it back.  But then when I got back, I wish I'd done a longer ride.  Oh well. 

Yesterday was a nice tempo run for me. 
2010-05-25 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Aloha group.  Been off recovering in Hawaii for 10 days.  My back Dr. said to take of two weeks and so I didn't do any running or cycling in Hawaii (except the ride down the mountain).  Swam some in the ocean.  My back is doing better, but the 11 hours of plane rides and 5 hours of waiting between the three flights didn't help any.

Plan to get back and do a light ride tonight, swim tomorrow, and run easy Thursday.  Maybe see my back Dr. to get some more adjustments and a more specific plan to get back going.  I have an OLY in two weeks.
2010-05-25 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2879714

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Congrats on your race finish!!
2010-05-25 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Judi, Carrie, Neal, Thanks for the advice on the massage. I think the best day that will work for me will be next wednesday, which will put me five days out from my race. This will be my first ever real massage by a professional, so I hope I don't become too addicted to them.

Judi, Neal,Thanks for the advice with my next two weeks of training. I am glad you agree that 11 hours of training is a little crazy two weeks out from a HIM. It has reassured me that I have put the time and training in already and now it is about letting the body start resting, healing, and preparing for my race.

2010-05-25 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2881067

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
yogachic - 2010-05-25 1:16 PM Hey guys,

I had a fun time out in Galena last weekend, volunteering at the tri.  On Saturday I did my longest run since my marathon, and I think it was the hilliest run I've ever done!  Afterward, I went and watched the race for a bit before my volunteer shift started.  I was working gear check, and I think it was harder work than doing the tri!  We had to sort through people's gear bags, and some people didn't think it was necessary to tie their bags closed so we ended up with a big pile of towels, wetsuits, running shoes, etc at the bottom of the truck.  It was really gross having to sort through all that stuff - blech!

I got a pretty good bike ride in on Sunday.  We had a group ride with our tri club, and we split into various subgroups doing different distances.  I only did 20 miles because it was really hilly and was afraid I wouldn't be able to make it back.  But then when I got back, I wish I'd done a longer ride.  Oh well. 

Yesterday was a nice tempo run for me. 
Race volunteering is harder than the race and unless one does a few shifts at it one does not realize how hard it is.
2010-05-25 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Well, death warmed over is asthmatic bronchitis.  I am on a second round of prednisone and since it's the second round in 2 weeks I have to do a tapering dose after this one.  Plus I get an antibiotic which gave me hives when I was on it in January so I have to swallow it with benadryl. 
feel my joy?
2010-05-26 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2881784

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-05-25 4:50 PM
yogachic - 2010-05-25 1:16 PM Hey guys,

I had a fun time out in Galena last weekend, volunteering at the tri.  On Saturday I did my longest run since my marathon, and I think it was the hilliest run I've ever done!  Afterward, I went and watched the race for a bit before my volunteer shift started.  I was working gear check, and I think it was harder work than doing the tri!  We had to sort through people's gear bags, and some people didn't think it was necessary to tie their bags closed so we ended up with a big pile of towels, wetsuits, running shoes, etc at the bottom of the truck.  It was really gross having to sort through all that stuff - blech!

I got a pretty good bike ride in on Sunday.  We had a group ride with our tri club, and we split into various subgroups doing different distances.  I only did 20 miles because it was really hilly and was afraid I wouldn't be able to make it back.  But then when I got back, I wish I'd done a longer ride.  Oh well. 

Yesterday was a nice tempo run for me. 
Race volunteering is harder than the race and unless one does a few shifts at it one does not realize how hard it is.

I will definitely be thanking all the volunteers I see at all my races this year!  I'm also planning on volunteering for at least 2-3 more tris - I think it's really interesting to see the race from both perspectives!  Plus I feel greedy always racing and not volunteering (last year I did 4 races but only volunteered at 1), so I'm trying to get back some racing karma by volunteering more Tongue out
2010-05-26 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Couple of questions.....I picked a level 4 plan out of 8 potential plans for HIM training from my book.  (As you increase level you increase difficulty.)  With being sick these past few weeks I am trying to rethink the plan....first question is should I stick with level 4 or scale it back for a while to an easier level then bump it up as I feel better?  I think the volume and intensity are going to be less on the easier level.  Also, the age old wuestion of resumng where I left off vs getting back at whatever point I left off at week wise.
2010-05-26 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
I have been feeling the effects of training, ie tired legs and some sort of terrible pain in my lower left leg after I run??  I am going to scale back this week and do a recovery week and lay off the running for a few days and see if my leg will quit hurting. no pain biking or swimming so concentrate on those for a few days, to bad my run was actually coming around some

2010-05-26 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2883362

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I'm sorry you're ill.  Sounds like your lungs may force you to go slower.  Depends what training period your in, but high intensity stuff might be a problem while longer slow stuff might be OK.  One of my training teammates had similar issues that took a while to recover for higer intensity interval work, but it was OK on long rides and runs.  I hope your recovery is quick, and your training goes well.

2010-05-26 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2883362

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-05-26 11:39 AM Couple of questions.....I picked a level 4 plan out of 8 potential plans for HIM training from my book.  (As you increase level you increase difficulty.)  With being sick these past few weeks I am trying to rethink the plan....first question is should I stick with level 4 or scale it back for a while to an easier level then bump it up as I feel better?  I think the volume and intensity are going to be less on the easier level.  Also, the age old wuestion of resumng where I left off vs getting back at whatever point I left off at week wise.

I think with your race over 3 months months away it would probably be a good idea to err on the side of caution and scale back a bit now.  That way you are stressing the body less and ensuring that you've had an adequate time to recover.  If after that first week of easier workouts you feel fine then I think you'd be in the clear start raising the volume/intensity.  
2010-05-27 5:40 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Thanks Neal & Jack!

I was thinking to be cautious since the lungs have been so rebellious lately.  Happy to report that I feel human again and want to swim tomorrow.  THere may be tri club OWS in the river which I would love to do but that frequently gets canceled cause of summer storms and I wouldn't know until later in the day.....that said it's a tough call,do I get up early for the pool or try the OWS (or both?)

Found out my HIM is a long course championship race this year.  I am already seeing myself at the back of the pack but I will finish!
2010-05-27 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Got the new bike today, Im lovin it, long ride SaturdayLaughing

2010-05-27 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

2010-05-27 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2887215

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Awesome bike! 
2010-05-27 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
So went for a short flat run today since I have a 5K on Monday . . . HOLY CRAP how you lose running fitness FAST.  It was about a month ago I was my long run of 6 miles and I was dying today and just under 2!!!! 

CRAP . . .
2010-05-27 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Wow Kip...that's sexy!  You must be totally jazzed...I know I would be!
2010-05-27 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Sorry I haven't been very participative lately, guys.  Lots going on at work, plus the usual business travel has left me NOT wanting to get on the computer when I get home at night. 

In the last throes of training for my half on Saturday, the 5th.  Just going to do 9 on Saturday at race pace, some speedwork on Tuesday, and an easy 3 on Thursday and call it good.  I haven't been on the bike as much as I would like due to the work and travel commitments.  A friend and I were going to do a longish ride last weekend (well, longish for me at about 30 miles).  She ended up canceling at the last minute, which was fine.  Now she's suggesting we reschedule for this Sunday.  Here's my question:  Do I risk it when technically I'm in my taper week before the race?  The route is hilly, but there's no reason for us to go balls out; just a nice HRZ 2-3 effort, hopefully.  Is it possible to trash my legs so bad that I won't recover sufficiently by the following Saturday?

Any advice is appreciated!
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