BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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2012-01-26 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4011887

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-26 7:51 AM

Not a great run, pretty sure lack of fuel. Last night, went from hockey practice to spin and missed supper...bad idea! Going for a long run tomorrow afternoon then it will taper next week. Looking forward to this trip. Going to find a microbrewery to celebrate my run!

Love the lack of fuel. Yesterday I gutted out 27k without anything to eat or drink. Funny how light headed you get. Although I do find that if you keep it easy you can go quite a way without bonking. Some people actually suggest training without any nutrition, something about training your muscles to rely on fat as opposed to carbs.

Interestingly I was reading a Running Times article about the guy who holds the 50 mile ultra record in the US. It is an old record. Anyways, he did the whole race on nothing but 5 ounces of dr. pepper. Not sure how that is possible.

2012-01-26 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4012461

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
BigDH - 2012-01-26 11:15 AM
thor67 - 2012-01-26 7:51 AM

Not a great run, pretty sure lack of fuel. Last night, went from hockey practice to spin and missed supper...bad idea! Going for a long run tomorrow afternoon then it will taper next week. Looking forward to this trip. Going to find a microbrewery to celebrate my run!

Love the lack of fuel. Yesterday I gutted out 27k without anything to eat or drink. Funny how light headed you get. Although I do find that if you keep it easy you can go quite a way without bonking. Some people actually suggest training without any nutrition, something about training your muscles to rely on fat as opposed to carbs. Interestingly I was reading a Running Times article about the guy who holds the 50 mile ultra record in the US. It is an old record. Anyways, he did the whole race on nothing but 5 ounces of dr. pepper. Not sure how that is possible.

Probably doesn't work with diet Dr. Pepper....damn! Smile

2012-01-26 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4011627

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Qua17 - 2012-01-26 6:24 AM
SportzVision - 2012-01-26 12:35 AM
BigDH - 2012-01-25 5:01 PM
thor67 - 2012-01-24 2:43 PM

I was the best wife ever! Haha...My husband was in the military AND a competitive body builder for years.  He was Mr. San Diego and 2nd in the Armed Forces. We lived by the flight schedule and if he wasn't flying he was lifting!  Ok so I wasn't the best wife and fussed..only a time or two I am sure.  But now he totally gets what I am doing so my time paid off on the supportive side.  But then again I am not nearly as obsessive oops dedicated as my husband was during his training years.  Plus, it helps that he works nights and weekends, so I can train all night.  And, we have no kids at home anymore!  HUGE difference there.

Best Wife Ever - Loved reading your post/what an interesting life you lead... The whole balance thing between husband and wife is so key and I'm glad you guys get each other.  My wife and I seem to be in a different place right now.  While she is supportive in the fact that she takes our three kids to school in the morning and lets me go to the gym (and this is a daunting task on her part), she is not verbally supportive or willing to join me as I work towards a fitter life.  In January - I asked her to join me and to start working out on her own.  I did so because I not only wanted her to be healthy but also wanted her to be in a real position to hold me accountable.  We are both overweight and its hard to tell someone to go to the gym and that being 90 pounds overweight is a bad thing when you are in the same boat.  So, last night - she was upset because she felt as if I was forcing her to go to the gym, which is not what I wanted to do at all. So, I backed off and told her to only work out if she wanted to.  It's too bad because I wish we were on this journey together...  So I'm really happy for your and your hubby that you are both on the same page (and the fact that your enjoying your freedom now that the kids are gone Laughing )

Well it was not easy and I was HUGE!  I must have ate all my emotions while he was at the gym or out to sea.  We are a funny couple because if I like it he hates it, whatever it maybe.  We are total opposites.  Now he eats tons of junk food and has no motivation to workout.  Plus he does get very tunneled visioned when it comes to stuff like that and he struggles with balance.  Of course I am opposite and let a lot of things get in the way of my training when I shouldn't.  

I get your wife though;you don't realize how much kids can distract you from who you are...I really lost myself and who I was ...often say, "What happened to my 20s and 30s?"  But I am found now and when your wife is ready she will find herself too.  Let her be, not always but once in awhile give an open invitation to join you for a walk or even to the gym. 

My lifestyle changes started 15 years ago when a friend mentioned how every birthday she gave herself something such as drinking more water or walking a certain amount of times.  So I started slowly and now I am a slow triathlete who'dda thunk?

2012-01-26 5:14 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Yesterday's swim ended up being 1400.  Didn't want to push it with a new medication, but I actually am feeling a hell of a lot better and it's soooooo much easier to breathe.  Recovery is also a lot faster.

200 warm up
6x50 free on :15 rest
5x100 free on :10 rest
4x50 kick on :10 rest
200 warm down 

Decided to make today a rest day and shift the 20 min walk/run to tomorrow with a 2500 yd swim.

2012-01-26 6:30 PM
in reply to: #4013123

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
swimmindy - 2012-01-27 3:14 AM

200 warm up
6x50 free on :15 rest
5x100 free on :10 rest
4x50 kick on :10 rest
200 warm down 

Question?  When you swim, is that at close to max effort?  I am trying these types of speed workouts, and swimming at maybe 70-80% effort, and am finding that for 100 yds, I need like a :45-1:00 rest.  I can go about :30 rest on the 50 yders.  Does this improve over time? 

Glad you're FINALLY getting relief in the meds/health department. 
Thanks for sharing your swim workouts, they're really motivating me to try much harder in the pool on my speed days.

2012-01-26 7:13 PM
in reply to: #4007769

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-24 7:13 PM
kevinbe - 2012-01-23 8:10 PM

2-3 post game beers are considered medicinal...helps you sleep after a game!

2-3 turned into 4 this week.  I had my 2 in the locker room and came home to 2 Red Hook ESB's "nighttime, sleepy time so you can rest medicine"  I'm still losing, and that's a good thing. 

I can remember when I used to turn regular 6:00 miles on runs.  I had this thought the other day, "why am I so slow now"  I think it may be that back then: 1. I wrestled at 150lbs. and 2. I was 19-23 yrs. old.  Now I'm 34, and I weigh 189.  I'm going to try to lose weight, and see if I can beat father time.  Nothing you can do about age except embrace it!

2012-01-26 7:18 PM
in reply to: #4007904

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-24 7:52 PM

Well after a hectic week, it is good to be back at it! My wife's grandmother passed away Tuesday, my wallet was stolen Wednesday and my training stalled out. 

Back on the spin bike this morning. Felt great!

My half marathon is Feb. 5 in California. Actually looking forward to it! Never thought I would ever say that. Hoping my new license and credit cards show up before I leave as it is difficult to rent cars without them...

Good to see everyone getting their training in!

Hope Your Half goes well.  Heres to you meeting and exceeding your goals.  Sorry about the loss, and the losing grandma.  Hope things work out with replacing licence and cards.

Good to see you getting back after it.

2012-01-26 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4011369

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Qua17 - 2012-01-26 7:05 AM
kevinbe - 2012-01-22 6:09 PM

Kevin - You and I seem to be very similar in the goals we set for ourselves - we think big.  For me - the bigger the challenge - the greater reward.  So I get the desire to do an IM and I;ve even had thoughts of doing one in the next three years myself.  But, it sounds like you have a ton of other important things going on in your life right now... Big DH gave some good advice about the fact that no race is more impressive then another - and I think that true.  But getting your priorities right is an even bigger challenge that ultimately will yield greater rewards.  Being a great husband, father, coach, student, and teacher and balancing that with a demanding exercise schedule - now there is the real challenge.  Good luck!  Iron Man in 2014 or bust!

Thanks.  I am super pumped to have that cleared up with wife on board.  My family is super important to me and it is a commitment for all of us.  I'm also excited about training for HIM's.  Now I will do 2 in the next 2 years, and who knows how many sprint's and OLY's.  This only gives me another year to train for the greatest athletic acomplishment of my life so far, CDA IM finisher in 2014. 

2012-01-26 8:28 PM
in reply to: #4011887

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-26 8:51 AM

Not a great run, pretty sure lack of fuel. Last night, went from hockey practice to spin and missed supper...bad idea! Going for a long run tomorrow afternoon then it will taper next week. Looking forward to this trip. Going to find a microbrewery to celebrate my run!

Forgive me for forgetting - but where is your run... you mentioned California,  I used to live our there and I had a few favorites I'd love to suggest!  

2012-01-26 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4012826

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
SportzVision - 2012-01-26 2:33 PM
Qua17 - 2012-01-26 6:24 AM
SportzVision - 2012-01-26 12:35 AM
BigDH - 2012-01-25 5:01 PM
thor67 - 2012-01-24 2:43 PM

I was the best wife ever! Haha...My husband was in the military AND a competitive body builder for years.  He was Mr. San Diego and 2nd in the Armed Forces. We lived by the flight schedule and if he wasn't flying he was lifting!  Ok so I wasn't the best wife and fussed..only a time or two I am sure.  But now he totally gets what I am doing so my time paid off on the supportive side.  But then again I am not nearly as obsessive oops dedicated as my husband was during his training years.  Plus, it helps that he works nights and weekends, so I can train all night.  And, we have no kids at home anymore!  HUGE difference there.

Best Wife Ever - Loved reading your post/what an interesting life you lead... The whole balance thing between husband and wife is so key and I'm glad you guys get each other.  My wife and I seem to be in a different place right now.  While she is supportive in the fact that she takes our three kids to school in the morning and lets me go to the gym (and this is a daunting task on her part), she is not verbally supportive or willing to join me as I work towards a fitter life.  In January - I asked her to join me and to start working out on her own.  I did so because I not only wanted her to be healthy but also wanted her to be in a real position to hold me accountable.  We are both overweight and its hard to tell someone to go to the gym and that being 90 pounds overweight is a bad thing when you are in the same boat.  So, last night - she was upset because she felt as if I was forcing her to go to the gym, which is not what I wanted to do at all. So, I backed off and told her to only work out if she wanted to.  It's too bad because I wish we were on this journey together...  So I'm really happy for your and your hubby that you are both on the same page (and the fact that your enjoying your freedom now that the kids are gone Laughing )

Well it was not easy and I was HUGE!  I must have ate all my emotions while he was at the gym or out to sea.  We are a funny couple because if I like it he hates it, whatever it maybe.  We are total opposites.  Now he eats tons of junk food and has no motivation to workout.  Plus he does get very tunneled visioned when it comes to stuff like that and he struggles with balance.  Of course I am opposite and let a lot of things get in the way of my training when I shouldn't.  

I get your wife though;you don't realize how much kids can distract you from who you are...I really lost myself and who I was ...often say, "What happened to my 20s and 30s?"  But I am found now and when your wife is ready she will find herself too.  Let her be, not always but once in awhile give an open invitation to join you for a walk or even to the gym. 

My lifestyle changes started 15 years ago when a friend mentioned how every birthday she gave herself something such as drinking more water or walking a certain amount of times.  So I started slowly and now I am a slow triathlete who'dda thunk?


Wow - this thread is getting long... I completely hear you and that was why I backed down.  She can't own it if she is doing it for me.  It needs to be something is wants to do for herself and I agree that time will come.  I need to focus on what I can control - which is making this exercise thing a habit.

Funny how out of tune husbands and wives can be.  When we first got married - our differences really made things hard - but now they seem to bring us closer together.

Finally congrats on making the changes in your lives.  15 years is a long road to hoe.  Congrats!

2012-01-27 12:20 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Anyone have any experience with a sprint 8 program.  I was referred by fellow athlete.  gist is that you do :30 intervals at full speed, 90-100% max.  then you slow down for 1:30.  repeat 8x.  It's supposed to super inject you with natural HGH production by like 500%.  It's a 20 min. workout that has been adapted for ALL athletes.

I you tubed phil campbell, sprint 8.  there is a long video with a dr. mercola, then there are a bunch of instructional videos.

I'm going to try this after my bike tomorrow on an eliptical.  I think I could do it on my bike and long swim days.  I could also incorporate into my mid week tempo.  Ultimate goal is obviously to gain speed.

Thought it looked interesting.

2012-01-27 8:02 AM
in reply to: #4013564

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
kevinbe - 2012-01-26 11:20 PM

Anyone have any experience with a sprint 8 program.  I was referred by fellow athlete.  gist is that you do :30 intervals at full speed, 90-100% max.  then you slow down for 1:30.  repeat 8x.  It's supposed to super inject you with natural HGH production by like 500%.  It's a 20 min. workout that has been adapted for ALL athletes.

I you tubed phil campbell, sprint 8.  there is a long video with a dr. mercola, then there are a bunch of instructional videos.

I'm going to try this after my bike tomorrow on an eliptical.  I think I could do it on my bike and long swim days.  I could also incorporate into my mid week tempo.  Ultimate goal is obviously to gain speed.

Thought it looked interesting.

Never tried that workout. Sounds like a tough one. Done at 90 percent may be manageable but at 100 percent, that is not a lot of recovery. Is it just for biking?
2012-01-27 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
So how is everyone feeling about things as we get to the end of the month? Are you hitting your targets? Is life getting in the way? Is beer? ha
2012-01-27 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4013400

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Qua17 - 2012-01-26 7:28 PM
thor67 - 2012-01-26 8:51 AM

Not a great run, pretty sure lack of fuel. Last night, went from hockey practice to spin and missed supper...bad idea! Going for a long run tomorrow afternoon then it will taper next week. Looking forward to this trip. Going to find a microbrewery to celebrate my run!

Forgive me for forgetting - but where is your run... you mentioned California,  I used to live our there and I had a few favorites I'd love to suggest!  

I will be at Huntington Beach. It is the Surf City Half Marathon. I think there is something like 23,000 runners....that is crazy.

If you know of any great places around there let me know. Just me and my wife so we are pretty mobile!

2012-01-27 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Yeah me...did a 6.5 mile run at an almost 10 minute mile.  This was a personal best for me in distance and time.  My run is feeling so much stronger!  Today is a recover day and tomorrow I am sleeping in until I have been in bed so long my back hurts!
2012-01-27 10:40 AM
in reply to: #4013784

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

BigDH - 2012-01-27 7:06 AM So how is everyone feeling about things as we get to the end of the month? Are you hitting your targets? Is life getting in the way? Is beer? ha

Didn't get the mileage running I wanted but still okay with it. Looking forward to ditching the fun focus and kicking it into high gear with the triathlon training. Probably start with 2x week for each discipline then move to x3.

Beer is my motivator! Great carbs!

2012-01-27 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4014101

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

SportzVision - 2012-01-27 9:06 AM Yeah me...did a 6.5 mile run at an almost 10 minute mile.  This was a personal best for me in distance and time.  My run is feeling so much stronger!  Today is a recover day and tomorrow I am sleeping in until I have been in bed so long my back hurts!

great job!

Good luck on the sleeping in!

2012-01-27 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4013564

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
kevinbe - 2012-01-26 11:20 PM

Anyone have any experience with a sprint 8 program.  I was referred by fellow athlete.  gist is that you do :30 intervals at full speed, 90-100% max.  then you slow down for 1:30.  repeat 8x.  It's supposed to super inject you with natural HGH production by like 500%.  It's a 20 min. workout that has been adapted for ALL athletes.

I you tubed phil campbell, sprint 8.  there is a long video with a dr. mercola, then there are a bunch of instructional videos.

I'm going to try this after my bike tomorrow on an eliptical.  I think I could do it on my bike and long swim days.  I could also incorporate into my mid week tempo.  Ultimate goal is obviously to gain speed.

Thought it looked interesting.

Sounds like similar to  tabata to me.

Edited by thor67 2012-01-27 10:57 AM
2012-01-27 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4014101

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
SportzVision - 2012-01-27 9:06 AM

Yeah me...did a 6.5 mile run at an almost 10 minute mile.  This was a personal best for me in distance and time.  My run is feeling so much stronger!  Today is a recover day and tomorrow I am sleeping in until I have been in bed so long my back hurts!

Great work!
2012-01-27 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Swim today, total 2500 yds:

400 swim (every 4th back)
2x200 kick
400 swim (steady pace)
300 swim (fast pace)
3x100 kick
300 swim (steady pace)
4x50 :15 rest FAST
200 warm down

Won't get the run/walk in - my shoes ended up down in south florida for the day courtesy of my dad. Left them in my car and my dad took it this morning.  Will have them back for the weekend though.

Saturday - Bike 45 min
                 Run/Walk 30 min

Sunday - Bike 75 min 

2012-01-27 3:06 PM
in reply to: #4013208

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
kevinbe - 2012-01-26 7:30 PM
swimmindy - 2012-01-27 3:14 AM

200 warm up
6x50 free on :15 rest
5x100 free on :10 rest
4x50 kick on :10 rest
200 warm down 

Question?  When you swim, is that at close to max effort?  I am trying these types of speed workouts, and swimming at maybe 70-80% effort, and am finding that for 100 yds, I need like a :45-1:00 rest.  I can go about :30 rest on the 50 yders.  Does this improve over time? 

Glad you're FINALLY getting relief in the meds/health department. 
Thanks for sharing your swim workouts, they're really motivating me to try much harder in the pool on my speed days.

My swims lately have been about 50-60% bc of the lack of an inhaler.  I normally keep it about 60-80% effort.  I haven't been 100% since I raced last a couple years ago.  I haven't gotten back to being able to do race pace workouts.

The 10 sec rest was a hard but still manageable.  The only reason I do rest periods and not intervals is because my pool doesn't have a pace clock and the watch I usually use is broken.  That's the only way I know exactly how much better I'm doing.  The more you work at it the less time you will need to recover.  

We used to do this set during hell week (where we had 3 practices a day and a 3 hour christmas eve workout) 100x100's on 1:20 and by the 50's I'd only be getting about 5 seconds rest, but I made everyone of them.  I wouldn't be able to do 100x100 on 2 minutes now and make all of them.  It's all about building up cardio and endurance.

2012-01-27 3:09 PM
in reply to: #4013784

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

BigDH - 2012-01-27 9:06 AM So how is everyone feeling about things as we get to the end of the month? Are you hitting your targets? Is life getting in the way? Is beer? ha

I'm feeling great in the water and getting the yardage back up there.  Finally got the inhaler so I can really get some mileage and yardage in this coming month.  I haven't started running yet, so that's something I really need to work on.

As far as my weight, I'm no where near what I wanted to be at.  I'll have to adjust my weight goal for the tri in April, I don't think 185 is possible at this rate.  Possibly about 190-192ish?  Last week really put me behind.

2012-01-27 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4014914

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
swimmindy - 2012-01-27 2:06 PM

kevinbe - 2012-01-26 7:30 PM
swimmindy - 2012-01-27 3:14 AM

200 warm up
6x50 free on :15 rest
5x100 free on :10 rest
4x50 kick on :10 rest
200 warm down 

Question?  When you swim, is that at close to max effort?  I am trying these types of speed workouts, and swimming at maybe 70-80% effort, and am finding that for 100 yds, I need like a :45-1:00 rest.  I can go about :30 rest on the 50 yders.  Does this improve over time? 

Glad you're FINALLY getting relief in the meds/health department. 
Thanks for sharing your swim workouts, they're really motivating me to try much harder in the pool on my speed days.

My swims lately have been about 50-60% bc of the lack of an inhaler.  I normally keep it about 60-80% effort.  I haven't been 100% since I raced last a couple years ago.  I haven't gotten back to being able to do race pace workouts.

The 10 sec rest was a hard but still manageable.  The only reason I do rest periods and not intervals is because my pool doesn't have a pace clock and the watch I usually use is broken.  That's the only way I know exactly how much better I'm doing.  The more you work at it the less time you will need to recover.  

We used to do this set during hell week (where we had 3 practices a day and a 3 hour christmas eve workout) 100x100's on 1:20 and by the 50's I'd only be getting about 5 seconds rest, but I made everyone of them.  I wouldn't be able to do 100x100 on 2 minutes now and make all of them.  It's all about building up cardio and endurance.

Holy mother that is a workout. Wow. Wow. Crazy.
2012-01-27 6:34 PM
in reply to: #4013902

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-27 8:59 AM
Qua17 - 2012-01-26 7:28 PM
thor67 - 2012-01-26 8:51 AM

Not a great run, pretty sure lack of fuel. Last night, went from hockey practice to spin and missed supper...bad idea! Going for a long run tomorrow afternoon then it will taper next week. Looking forward to this trip. Going to find a microbrewery to celebrate my run!

Forgive me for forgetting - but where is your run... you mentioned California,  I used to live our there and I had a few favorites I'd love to suggest!  

I will be at Huntington Beach. It is the Surf City Half Marathon. I think there is something like 23,000 runners....that is crazy.

If you know of any great places around there let me know. Just me and my wife so we are pretty mobile!

Sorry - I used to live in the Bay Area - there are a lot of great places up there... the only thing I know about Hungtington Beach is that my wife's great aunt lives there.  If you see an 87 year old lady tossing back a few cold ones - that's probably her.  Good luck with the race!

2012-01-27 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4014101

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

SportzVision - 2012-01-27 10:06 AM Yeah me...did a 6.5 mile run at an almost 10 minute mile.  This was a personal best for me in distance and time.  My run is feeling so much stronger!  Today is a recover day and tomorrow I am sleeping in until I have been in bed so long my back hurts!

Yea you!  It feels awesome when you really start running well.  You deserve a sleep-in Saturday.  Enjoy every moment.

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