General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open Rss Feed  
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2015-09-02 5:17 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Day 18 of 18
Swim - 12m 48s - 600.00 yards - 02m 07s /100 yards
I did it! I got all 18 planned work days in. There were even a couple of "bonus" workouts where I doubled up some days.

Began building my distance set today by adding a 3rd 100 yd set in the middle. The plan is to increase the distance set by 50yds per week right now. I will know after I finish mapping out my planned workouts whether that will be sufficient or if I need to make it 100yds to be doing my B2B distance a few weeks before the race.

Had my annual physical today. New doctor, since the old one has moved up to an admin position in the hospital. Once again I have completely befuddled the doctor. How can a 57 yr old man be 375 lbs and not be hypertensive or at least pre-diabetic? All blood values were nearly perfectly aligned with the average recommended values. I showed her my annual training plan and my training calendar from August. I had to explain about periodization, recovery weeks, and tapering but in the end she gave me the all clear to attack my training as hard as I please; provided I stop if I experience any chest pains, dizziness, or shortness of breath. Duh!?

It's not all rosey though. I had a static week for weight loss, remained the same 375 as last week.

Great job on getting it done! Also, excellent news from the Dr. Keep up the good workM

2015-09-02 6:05 AM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Newport, North Carolina
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
OK, here goes nothing and its better late then never!

NAME: Brian, 28

STORY: Went to see a friend of mine compete in Ironman Galveston 2015 and had the crazy revelation of "I can do that!" And that's when it started. First step was 5k101 then I did the free 20 week sprint training from the site and ran my first tri back in August. Current long term goal is B2B HIM in October 2016.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with three wonderful children.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently working on 10k101 with long rides on the weekend and some weight training thrown in on easy run days. Plan to start 20 week Oly training after 10k101 with 20 week HIM training starting early next year.

2015 RACES:
MCAS Cherry Point Sprint Triathlon
1st Annual Atlantic Beach Chum Run (5k obstacle/run/swim)
Twin Bridges 8k
Some kind of Turkey Trot and a holiday run of some sort (still looking for something nice and close to home)

WEIGHTLOSS: My story is probably like most, went through high school at 245-250 but was pretty fit. Played football, weight training in the winter, track/field in the spring, and baseball in the summer. Went to college and while I was able to maintain the 245-250 range the weight shifted out of my chest, arms, and legs and into my stomach. at the end of college and right before I got married I got down to about 230 and felt great but then a desk job and a wife that could make shoe leather taste good, I bounced back up to 255-260. About a two or so years ago I jumped on the Take Shape for Life/Medifast train and was able to get down to about 208 and felt great but dropped that and slowly put some back on. Weighed in this morning at 232 and want to get under 200 and maybe even see my abs once in my life.
2015-09-02 6:20 AM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Newport, North Carolina
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Now that the intro is done.

Cruised through the rest of the thread and can't believe how awesome this group of people seems to be. Always encouraging one another and pushing each other to get better. I look forward to finishing out this year with the group and can't wait till next year when we might actually get to meet up.

I currently use a Garmin to track all of my workouts and that loads into just about everything. What do you guys use most or what works best for you? And do you guys have any groups within those apps/programs?

2015-09-02 7:24 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by WebFootFreak
Originally posted by ceilidh So... who is really signing up for B2B when it opens?
I am working on convincing the wife that Wilmington would make for a good family vaca next year. Right now the only speed bump is a possible trip to FL because my oldest is going with the high school band... which is going to co$t.

Wilmington is a fantastic vacation destination, no matter what you are into. The downtown is great for wandering around, shopping, good food, local breweries, other. There is Wrightsville Beach and Atlantic Beach that are fun and nearby. Orlie Gardens. Staying on the beach can be expensive, but you can find good deals on rental condos. Downtown has a Best Western that is right smack on the waterfront where you can walk to everything. These get booked up fast. But since we are talking a year out....

2015-09-02 7:26 AM
in reply to: bstat

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by bstat OK, here goes nothing and its better late then never! NAME: Brian, 28 STORY: Went to see a friend of mine compete in Ironman Galveston 2015 and had the crazy revelation of "I can do that!" And that's when it started. First step was 5k101 then I did the free 20 week sprint training from the site and ran my first tri back in August. Current long term goal is B2B HIM in October 2016. FAMILY STATUS: Married with three wonderful children. CURRENT TRAINING: Currently working on 10k101 with long rides on the weekend and some weight training thrown in on easy run days. Plan to start 20 week Oly training after 10k101 with 20 week HIM training starting early next year. 2015 RACES: MCAS Cherry Point Sprint Triathlon 1st Annual Atlantic Beach Chum Run (5k obstacle/run/swim) Twin Bridges 8k Some kind of Turkey Trot and a holiday run of some sort (still looking for something nice and close to home) WEIGHTLOSS: My story is probably like most, went through high school at 245-250 but was pretty fit. Played football, weight training in the winter, track/field in the spring, and baseball in the summer. Went to college and while I was able to maintain the 245-250 range the weight shifted out of my chest, arms, and legs and into my stomach. at the end of college and right before I got married I got down to about 230 and felt great but then a desk job and a wife that could make shoe leather taste good, I bounced back up to 255-260. About a two or so years ago I jumped on the Take Shape for Life/Medifast train and was able to get down to about 208 and felt great but dropped that and slowly put some back on. Weighed in this morning at 232 and want to get under 200 and maybe even see my abs once in my life.

Welcome! Newport is a wonderful place to live and train. Looks like we may meet up next year.

2015-09-02 7:30 AM
in reply to: bstat

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by bstat Now that the intro is done. Cruised through the rest of the thread and can't believe how awesome this group of people seems to be. Always encouraging one another and pushing each other to get better. I look forward to finishing out this year with the group and can't wait till next year when we might actually get to meet up. I currently use a Garmin to track all of my workouts and that loads into just about everything. What do you guys use most or what works best for you? And do you guys have any groups within those apps/programs? -Brian

Brian, I have a TomTom multi sport that loads into most programs, but I manually log into this site. I got it because where I live, the Garmin satellites took forever to load up.  I had multiple groups on multiple sites, but it got overwhelming keeping up with everyone. I LOVE the encouragement of groups but have decided to keep them smaller where I can have more personal interaction (like here). I use this site for all my logging (nutrition, wt, training, and groups). Well, I do have some Facebook challenge groups but that is a bit different.


On another note. I have a tri in two weeks in Wilmington. I am my heaviest ever and it is gonna suck, but it will still be fun once it is over.

2015-09-02 8:41 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by WebFootFreak
I am working on convincing the wife that Wilmington would make for a good family vaca next year. Right now the only speed bump is a possible trip to FL because my oldest is going with the high school band... which is going to co$t.
Rick, get in touch with your band director. Ask if you can be one (or wife makes two) chaperones for the trip. I went to Disney twice and Toronto once with my daughter's band, and it didn't cost me a dime.
2015-09-02 8:44 AM
in reply to: bstat

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by bstat

Cruised through the rest of the thread and can't believe how awesome this group of people seems to be. Always encouraging one another and pushing each other to get better. I look forward to finishing out this year with the group and can't wait till next year when we might actually get to meet up.
Yeah, we really a great group of people, aren't we. And so humble too.

Seriously though, welcome to the group Brian. Look forward to meeting you at B2B 2016.
2015-09-02 8:47 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Walk - 34m 49s - 2.00 miles - 17m 24s /Mi

Wow! I went back through my MapMyFitness logs and found that this was the fastest time I have ever recorded for this route. I may have done it faster as part of my 3.7 mile route three years ago, but never as a 2 mile stand alone. The racewalking definitely is an improvement for me, and I wasn't even trying to do that on the way out. Barely any complaints from the knee.
2015-09-02 1:26 PM
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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Pull up a chair... This is gonna take a minute

Originally posted by leatherneckpa
Had my annual physical today. New doctor, since the old one has moved up to an admin position in the hospital. Once again I have completely befuddled the doctor. How can a 57 yr old man be 375 lbs and not be hypertensive or at least pre-diabetic? All blood values were nearly perfectly aligned with the average recommended values. I showed her my annual training plan and my training calendar from August. I had to explain about periodization, recovery weeks, and tapering but in the end she gave me the all clear to attack my training as hard as I please; provided I stop if I experience any chest pains, dizziness, or shortness of breath. Duh!?

I don't believe I missed this on the last read through... That is just awesome. I know the looks I get from my Dr when he sees my workout logs on my phone, and it is a wonderful feeling... hehehe

Originally posted by bstat
Cruised through the rest of the thread and can't believe how awesome this group of people seems to be. Always encouraging one another and pushing each other to get better. I look forward to finishing out this year with the group and can't wait till next year when we might actually get to meet up.

I currently use a Garmin to track all of my workouts and that loads into just about everything. What do you guys use most or what works best for you? And do you guys have any groups within those apps/programs?

Welcome! My time here has been well spent, and it's great to have friends like this to both bounce ideas off of (no matter how far off my rocker I get), and to have a supportive shoulder when things just plain suck. As for tracking, I use Runtastic on my Galaxy S4. It updates to MyFitnessPal, but not here, which is why I sometimes get behind... (coughcoughRobincoughcough) . I'm also working on getting a HRM and the S4 is compatible with Ant+, plus I have music and a phone if needed.

Originally posted by ceilidh
Wilmington is a fantastic vacation destination, no matter what you are into. The downtown is great for wandering around, shopping, good food, local breweries, other. There is Wrightsville Beach and Atlantic Beach that are fun and nearby. Orlie Gardens. Staying on the beach can be expensive, but you can find good deals on rental condos. Downtown has a Best Western that is right smack on the waterfront where you can walk to everything. These get booked up fast. But since we are talking a year out....

Going to have to look into all of that...

Originally posted by leatherneckpa
get in touch with your band director. Ask if you can be one (or wife makes two) chaperones for the trip. I went to Disney twice and Toronto once with my daughter's band, and it didn't cost me a dime.

I've thought about that. Problem is, only one of us would be able to chaperon because of the 3 girls. That leaves travel and lodging for 4 people. We are working on the plans, I promise. Amy just got a huge raise at work (makes more than my OT rate ), and I'm working on 2 more ASE certs which will bump me up another $2 as well.

Edited by WebFootFreak 2015-09-02 1:28 PM
2015-09-02 1:44 PM
in reply to: bstat

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by bstat

OK, here goes nothing and its better late then never!

NAME: Brian, 28

STORY: Went to see a friend of mine compete in Ironman Galveston 2015 and had the crazy revelation of "I can do that!" And that's when it started. First step was 5k101 then I did the free 20 week sprint training from the site and ran my first tri back in August. Current long term goal is B2B HIM in October 2016.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with three wonderful children.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently working on 10k101 with long rides on the weekend and some weight training thrown in on easy run days. Plan to start 20 week Oly training after 10k101 with 20 week HIM training starting early next year.

2015 RACES:
MCAS Cherry Point Sprint Triathlon
1st Annual Atlantic Beach Chum Run (5k obstacle/run/swim)
Twin Bridges 8k
Some kind of Turkey Trot and a holiday run of some sort (still looking for something nice and close to home)

WEIGHTLOSS: My story is probably like most, went through high school at 245-250 but was pretty fit. Played football, weight training in the winter, track/field in the spring, and baseball in the summer. Went to college and while I was able to maintain the 245-250 range the weight shifted out of my chest, arms, and legs and into my stomach. at the end of college and right before I got married I got down to about 230 and felt great but then a desk job and a wife that could make shoe leather taste good, I bounced back up to 255-260. About a two or so years ago I jumped on the Take Shape for Life/Medifast train and was able to get down to about 208 and felt great but dropped that and slowly put some back on. Weighed in this morning at 232 and want to get under 200 and maybe even see my abs once in my life.

Welcome aboard! The more the merrier. what's the saying? Misery loves company...

Great work on the first tri and much success in the future.

2015-09-02 1:46 PM
in reply to: bstat

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by bstat

Now that the intro is done.

Cruised through the rest of the thread and can't believe how awesome this group of people seems to be. Always encouraging one another and pushing each other to get better. I look forward to finishing out this year with the group and can't wait till next year when we might actually get to meet up.

I currently use a Garmin to track all of my workouts and that loads into just about everything. What do you guys use most or what works best for you? And do you guys have any groups within those apps/programs?


I have a Polar V800 that syncs to PolarFlow and also to MyFitnessPal. I wish it sync'd here also, but it doesn't. I'm horrible at updating my BT training log. I do use BT for my plans. That is, until I started the Galloway 26.2 app.
2015-09-02 2:43 PM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Newport, North Carolina
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Thanks for the warm welcomes and info.

Robin - Good luck in a couple weeks in Wilmington! I'm sure you will have a blast.

2015-09-03 9:38 AM
in reply to: bstat

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
3/20 - Swim - 12m 42s - 600.00 yards - 02m 07s /100 yards
8am is definitely NOT a good time to get to the pool. Better to wait for 9am, folks who swim laps don't want to hear that blasting music for the Aqua-Zumba classes. Once I could finally get in the water it was a pretty pleasant swim. Felt pretty easy, but I decided not to add yardage until next week. Follow the plan.
2015-09-03 6:20 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
So here's a question for you. Do you own a wetsuit or do you find it better to rent?

I have a really intense and ambitious season planned for 2016. At least 2, possibly three of the races are going to be wetsuit legal. One, the B2B HIM actually REQUIRES a wetsuit. As you can tell from the signature line, I am NOT small, lithe, or typical triathlete sized. Even if I manage the average weight loss that I want to see by the first tri, in May, I will probably still be between 275 and 300 lbs. And by October I will still be a Clydesdale. In fact, if my time the Corps is any indication, I will probably never not be a Clydesdale.

I have noticed that anything that is labeled "triathlon" seems to run smaller than the sizes I am accustomed to buying in stores. And even if it weren't finding anything bigger than an XL is tough, XXL is scarcer than hen's teeth.

My scuba instructor informs me that finding a scuba wetsuit will not be difficult nor frustrating. But I understand there is a difference between scuba and tri wetsuits.

Edited by leatherneckpa 2015-09-03 6:22 PM
2015-09-04 12:15 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

So here's a question for you. Do you own a wetsuit or do you find it better to rent?

I have a really intense and ambitious season planned for 2016. At least 2, possibly three of the races are going to be wetsuit legal. One, the B2B HIM actually REQUIRES a wetsuit. As you can tell from the signature line, I am NOT small, lithe, or typical triathlete sized. Even if I manage the average weight loss that I want to see by the first tri, in May, I will probably still be between 275 and 300 lbs. And by October I will still be a Clydesdale. In fact, if my time the Corps is any indication, I will probably never not be a Clydesdale.

I have noticed that anything that is labeled "triathlon" seems to run smaller than the sizes I am accustomed to buying in stores. And even if it weren't finding anything bigger than an XL is tough, XXL is scarcer than hen's teeth.

My scuba instructor informs me that finding a scuba wetsuit will not be difficult nor frustrating. But I understand there is a difference between scuba and tri wetsuits.

I bought a wetsuit instead of renting. I found a great deal on a Huub last year at the Endurance Sports Expo. I think the show special was only $99. It's a sleeveless. Owning it gives me the ability to train with it more than if I only rented. Remember, never try something for the first time on race day! We have used for the kids last year. I didn't want to buy them something they would grow out if in a season. They run good deals where you can rent it and if you like it, they apply the rental towards the purchase.

Mine is an XL and fits snug around my belly. I'm 6' and 240. I need help getting the zipper started, but have no problem unzipping and getting out of it after the swim.

The main difference between a triathlon wetsuit and a scuba or surf wetsuit, is that tri wetsuits are designed for swimming freestyle. I know people that tried other suits and had tough times swimming in them. Tri wetsuits tend to be tighter fitting also. It's all about reducing drag in the water.

2015-09-04 12:17 AM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Here's a link that describes the difference of a triathlon wetsuit
2015-09-04 7:38 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by leatherneckpa So here's a question for you. Do you own a wetsuit or do you find it better to rent? I have a really intense and ambitious season planned for 2016. At least 2, possibly three of the races are going to be wetsuit legal. One, the B2B HIM actually REQUIRES a wetsuit. As you can tell from the signature line, I am NOT small, lithe, or typical triathlete sized. Even if I manage the average weight loss that I want to see by the first tri, in May, I will probably still be between 275 and 300 lbs. And by October I will still be a Clydesdale. In fact, if my time the Corps is any indication, I will probably never not be a Clydesdale. I have noticed that anything that is labeled "triathlon" seems to run smaller than the sizes I am accustomed to buying in stores. And even if it weren't finding anything bigger than an XL is tough, XXL is scarcer than hen's teeth. My scuba instructor informs me that finding a scuba wetsuit will not be difficult nor frustrating. But I understand there is a difference between scuba and tri wetsuits.

Do not get a scuba wetsuit! They are just not made for swimming. Possibly a shorty, farmer John would be okay, but not really what you are looking for in cold water. There are a couple of historic threads in this forum about wetsuits for larger folk. I know one guy who called one of the manufacturers and talked with them directly. Renting is an okay option if you can find one and then get it BEFORE your race and use it. You are out of luck if it doesn't work. FWIW, I bought a sale model last year for 75% off and got a wetsuit that is way better than one I could usually afford.


2015-09-04 8:22 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Thanks for the wetsuit info, Mike and Robin. Looks like what I would really want to do is save my pennies for a tri wetsuit that can double duty for the few occasions I will be diving in cold waters.
2015-09-04 8:30 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
4/20 - Walk - 53m 21s - 2.75 miles - 19m 23s /Mi
Quite satisfied. Left the house with no intention whatsoever of caring about speed/time. Knew that I wanted a "long and slow" walk today. Added 3/4 of a mile and still came in under 20m/mile. And that is despite REALLY holding back coming down Hillside Dr. I do believe that I dislike coming down even more than I do going up that hill.
2015-09-05 1:41 PM
in reply to: #5080193

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
If I get my act together tomorrow.and do my bike and swim, I will get all my planned training in this week. Feel free to go live me the boot if I don't.

2015-09-06 9:21 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
This week didn't go as planned.

Weight: Not sure... I woke up late and had to haul arse to get to work (and do the nothing I am currently doing, lol!). I can put off my disappointment for another day , so I'll weigh tomorrow.

Swim: With my dental appt, I knew getting in the pool wasn't going to happen. After running out of my appt when the taste of the topical anesthetic triggered some rather nasty memories, I should have went ahead to the pool.... but I wasn't exactly clear-headed at the moment. Planning on 2500+yds next fr... Oh crap, I have to work... I think I am out of the water until the 25th unless I can sneak in a PM swim or two by the grace of my loving wife. Most likely going to be a bad swimming month. I may be slow, but I do have the distance in me already. I can manage.

Bike: One ride. 24.34mi yesterday. Finishing in 1:25:24 @17.0 mph made me pretty happy. I was dying out at the end, but I seem to have crossed that 17mph threshold I've been striving for. Only getting the one ride in last week is what sucks. Planning a slower 50mi ride in the morning to make up for this morning. Lucky I don't have to work the holiday. My metric ride is in 5 weeks, and I'd rather not feel like I did after the TDC 40mi I did last year.

Run: One run. 2.47mi C210k Week 6 intervals. This killed my legs and laziness got the rest of the week. Going to re-run week 6 this week and progress from there. Run is my weakness, there are no doubts. I need to see if I can sneak in a run event before the end of the year. Distance doesn't matter (5k, 10k, HM), but I need that carrot there and MIM, then B2B next year are just too far away... I can't see the carrot, yet.
2015-09-06 9:33 AM
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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

So here's a question for you. Do you own a wetsuit or do you find it better to rent?

I'm in the same B2B boat with you. So far all of my events I have worn only my tri shorts in the water (much to the chagrin of anyone who happens to look my way, hehehe). I have also done a couple of OW swims (~30min) in temps pushing 50deg (52 & 55 if memory serves) w/o a wetsuit and suffered no ill effects. I question whether I could last the hour or so I'll be in the water at B2B, plus the rules take that possibility off the table anyways. I think I'm going to rent, but I want to wait until closer to the event because I'm hoping to lose some size as well. The main reason I'm choosing to rent is that since I'm so far south, and wetsuit mandatory race and I are unlikely to cross paths unless I travel and OWS training is rare for me. Thankfully, I grew up swimming in lakes, rivers and oceans and am generally quite comfortable in those conditions.

Edited by WebFootFreak 2015-09-06 9:33 AM
2015-09-07 5:38 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Happy Labor Day to all! Hopefully you all get to enjoy the day with family, friends and what ever makes you happy!

I had a really good week. After my bomb last weekend, I ran easy Tues and Sat. I had a 45 min bike session on Monday. We travelled to VA Bach on Thursday. We spent the weekend with great friends.

I ran the Rock and Roll VA Beach half marathon yesterday. Had a great day. I used it as a training run and ran at my targeted marathon pace of 14 min/mile. I finished in 3:08. Slow, yes. But I stuck to my plan, I used my intervals, I stuck to my nutrition and hydration plan and I felt great. It was a very well run event and I recommend it to anyone looking to run a half.
2015-09-07 10:15 AM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2015 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by Mfechter67 Happy Labor Day to all! Hopefully you all get to enjoy the day with family, friends and what ever makes you happy! I had a really good week. After my bomb last weekend, I ran easy Tues and Sat. I had a 45 min bike session on Monday. We travelled to VA Bach on Thursday. We spent the weekend with great friends. I ran the Rock and Roll VA Beach half marathon yesterday. Had a great day. I used it as a training run and ran at my targeted marathon pace of 14 min/mile. I finished in 3:08. Slow, yes. But I stuck to my plan, I used my intervals, I stuck to my nutrition and hydration plan and I felt great. It was a very well run event and I recommend it to anyone looking to run a half.

Well done, Mike!

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