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2016-02-01 3:04 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.


No calling on former bankruptcies as a means of determining fitness as a businessman.

Seriously......who cares?  Hell, the federal govt. has bailed out giant corporations like GM and others in the last 10 years.  I'd rather have a guy who's been through it and knows a bit about what makes sense in a bailout, bankruptcy, etc.  Trump is a very successful businessman......more so that ANY other candidate in the field on either side.   Wait....really, statistically, more so than any American.

2016-02-01 4:29 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.


No calling on former bankruptcies as a means of determining fitness as a businessman.

Seriously......who cares?  Hell, the federal govt. has bailed out giant corporations like GM and others in the last 10 years.  I'd rather have a guy who's been through it and knows a bit about what makes sense in a bailout, bankruptcy, etc.  Trump is a very successful businessman......more so that ANY other candidate in the field on either side.   Wait....really, statistically, more so than any American.

That's a fair point, I suppose, but I stand by the rest of it.
2016-02-01 7:12 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


2016-02-01 9:40 PM
in reply to: 0

User image

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


Well, this all may be moot, since it looks like Cruz may win Iowa. If that happens, I look forward to the next several weeks while you try to explain to us why what the country REALLY needs is an Ivy-league educated fundamentalist Christian career politician who's spent his entire life aspiring to political office.

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2016-02-01 9:42 PM
2016-02-01 10:33 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

User image

Subject: RE: Trump

Between Cruz and Hillary.........I will vote for Cruz.

2016-02-02 6:23 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

User image

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Yeah. Things just got interesting, didn't they? On both sides.

2016-02-02 9:25 AM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


Well, this all may be moot, since it looks like Cruz may win Iowa. If that happens, I look forward to the next several weeks while you try to explain to us why what the country REALLY needs is an Ivy-league educated fundamentalist Christian career politician who's spent his entire life aspiring to political office.

I'm not even sure who you're referring to.  lol

Obviously all we have ahead of time are polls to work off of.  Cruz peaked out ahead and then started to decline back.  Then you couple that with several missteps the last week it "seemed" as though Trump had the upper hand.  However, they've both been very close for the last month or two so it's not a big shocker for Cruz to win Iowa.

I know his supporters have already put him into the White House, but President Huckabee and President Santorum can attest that Iowa is a bit of a poor predictor of the ultimate victor.  In fact, I think I read somewhere that they've never picked the winner in a very long time.

Anyways Trump is still the man to beat, but anything can change.  Personally I was a little surprised at Rubio's showing, but I'll admit my personal bias against him is very strong.  I can't stand the guy.  ;-)

2016-02-02 9:35 AM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


Well, this all may be moot, since it looks like Cruz may win Iowa. If that happens, I look forward to the next several weeks while you try to explain to us why what the country REALLY needs is an Ivy-league educated fundamentalist Christian career politician who's spent his entire life aspiring to political office.

I'm not even sure who you're referring to.  lol

Obviously all we have ahead of time are polls to work off of.  Cruz peaked out ahead and then started to decline back.  Then you couple that with several missteps the last week it "seemed" as though Trump had the upper hand.  However, they've both been very close for the last month or two so it's not a big shocker for Cruz to win Iowa.

I know his supporters have already put him into the White House, but President Huckabee and President Santorum can attest that Iowa is a bit of a poor predictor of the ultimate victor.  In fact, I think I read somewhere that they've never picked the winner in a very long time.

Anyways Trump is still the man to beat, but anything can change.  Personally I was a little surprised at Rubio's showing, but I'll admit my personal bias against him is very strong.  I can't stand the guy.  ;-)

What is it about Rubio that you don't like.  I'm getting ready to take a harder look at him because he doesn't bother me much.....in fact, I have liked what I know about him so far. (admittedly, not much)


2016-02-02 9:44 AM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

St. Louis
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


Well, this all may be moot, since it looks like Cruz may win Iowa. If that happens, I look forward to the next several weeks while you try to explain to us why what the country REALLY needs is an Ivy-league educated fundamentalist Christian career politician who's spent his entire life aspiring to political office.

I'm not even sure who you're referring to.  lol

Obviously all we have ahead of time are polls to work off of.  Cruz peaked out ahead and then started to decline back.  Then you couple that with several missteps the last week it "seemed" as though Trump had the upper hand.  However, they've both been very close for the last month or two so it's not a big shocker for Cruz to win Iowa.

I know his supporters have already put him into the White House, but President Huckabee and President Santorum can attest that Iowa is a bit of a poor predictor of the ultimate victor.  In fact, I think I read somewhere that they've never picked the winner in a very long time.

Anyways Trump is still the man to beat, but anything can change.  Personally I was a little surprised at Rubio's showing, but I'll admit my personal bias against him is very strong.  I can't stand the guy.  ;-)

Iowa has actually been quite good at picking the eventual nominations. They missed on the GOP ticket the last two elections (although Romney only lost to Santorum by 0.03% of the votes), but they got the previous 4 right (GW twice, Dole, Bush Sr.). And the last time they missed on the Dem side was in '92. Not a bad track record. 

2016-02-02 10:02 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


Well, this all may be moot, since it looks like Cruz may win Iowa. If that happens, I look forward to the next several weeks while you try to explain to us why what the country REALLY needs is an Ivy-league educated fundamentalist Christian career politician who's spent his entire life aspiring to political office.

I'm not even sure who you're referring to.  lol

Obviously all we have ahead of time are polls to work off of.  Cruz peaked out ahead and then started to decline back.  Then you couple that with several missteps the last week it "seemed" as though Trump had the upper hand.  However, they've both been very close for the last month or two so it's not a big shocker for Cruz to win Iowa.

I know his supporters have already put him into the White House, but President Huckabee and President Santorum can attest that Iowa is a bit of a poor predictor of the ultimate victor.  In fact, I think I read somewhere that they've never picked the winner in a very long time.

Anyways Trump is still the man to beat, but anything can change.  Personally I was a little surprised at Rubio's showing, but I'll admit my personal bias against him is very strong.  I can't stand the guy.  ;-)

What is it about Rubio that you don't like.  I'm getting ready to take a harder look at him because he doesn't bother me much.....in fact, I have liked what I know about him so far. (admittedly, not much)


To over simplify it, he's too slick and polished.  All I can see is used car salesman whenever he talks.
All I can see is Gil Fulbright every time he talks.  lol

2016-02-02 10:12 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

User image

Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by Left Brain

What is it about Rubio that you don't like.  I'm getting ready to take a harder look at him because he doesn't bother me much.....in fact, I have liked what I know about him so far. (admittedly, not much)

My problem with Rubio is that he's way too gungho about the NSA collecting all of our information for the sake of national security.  He also isn't conservative at all when it comes to his tax plan.  Rand Paul schooled him on this a few debates ago, but unfortunately no one listens to Rand Paul.

I don't understand how conservatives are pulling so hard for Trump.  I keep reading that it's because he's viewed the anti-establishment choice, but I feel that Cruz hits that checkbox, has actual policies to speak of, and actually polls ahead of Hillary. 

2016-02-02 3:50 PM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


Well, this all may be moot, since it looks like Cruz may win Iowa. If that happens, I look forward to the next several weeks while you try to explain to us why what the country REALLY needs is an Ivy-league educated fundamentalist Christian career politician who's spent his entire life aspiring to political office.

I'm not even sure who you're referring to.  lol

Obviously all we have ahead of time are polls to work off of.  Cruz peaked out ahead and then started to decline back.  Then you couple that with several missteps the last week it "seemed" as though Trump had the upper hand.  However, they've both been very close for the last month or two so it's not a big shocker for Cruz to win Iowa.

I know his supporters have already put him into the White House, but President Huckabee and President Santorum can attest that Iowa is a bit of a poor predictor of the ultimate victor.  In fact, I think I read somewhere that they've never picked the winner in a very long time.

Anyways Trump is still the man to beat, but anything can change.  Personally I was a little surprised at Rubio's showing, but I'll admit my personal bias against him is very strong.  I can't stand the guy.  ;-)

I chalked Rubio's showing up to people saying "I can't bring myself to vote for Trump and I really hate Cruz, so who's the next-best option who's not already too far out of the race to be viable?"

Rubio impressed me at the last debate, but he still feels like a lightweight to me. He reminds me of a kid running for student-body president. My favorite thing I ever read about him was that someone said "he seems like the kind of kid who would remind the teacher at the end of class that she forgot to assign homework for over the weekend."
2016-02-02 5:05 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


Well, this all may be moot, since it looks like Cruz may win Iowa. If that happens, I look forward to the next several weeks while you try to explain to us why what the country REALLY needs is an Ivy-league educated fundamentalist Christian career politician who's spent his entire life aspiring to political office.

I'm not even sure who you're referring to.  lol

Obviously all we have ahead of time are polls to work off of.  Cruz peaked out ahead and then started to decline back.  Then you couple that with several missteps the last week it "seemed" as though Trump had the upper hand.  However, they've both been very close for the last month or two so it's not a big shocker for Cruz to win Iowa.

I know his supporters have already put him into the White House, but President Huckabee and President Santorum can attest that Iowa is a bit of a poor predictor of the ultimate victor.  In fact, I think I read somewhere that they've never picked the winner in a very long time.

Anyways Trump is still the man to beat, but anything can change.  Personally I was a little surprised at Rubio's showing, but I'll admit my personal bias against him is very strong.  I can't stand the guy.  ;-)

I chalked Rubio's showing up to people saying "I can't bring myself to vote for Trump and I really hate Cruz, so who's the next-best option who's not already too far out of the race to be viable?" Rubio impressed me at the last debate, but he still feels like a lightweight to me. He reminds me of a kid running for student-body president. My favorite thing I ever read about him was that someone said "he seems like the kind of kid who would remind the teacher at the end of class that she forgot to assign homework for over the weekend."

I think you're spot on.  There's no question there are a lot of people who don't like Trump and there's a lot of people who don't like Cruz.  
You're also correct about Rubio being impressive.  He has been impressive and hasn't had a single misstep that I can recall.
I can still say that I would be absolutely shocked if an establishment guy like Rubio gets the overall win this year.

2016-02-03 9:33 AM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn "A house divided against itself cannot stand." . http://digg.com/video/colbert-trump-debate

Purely from a political standpoint, it's absolutely amazing how Trumps been insulated from the flip flops.  There's no question he's flip flopped on numerous issues, but people don't seem to care at all.
Cruz and Rubio are going after each other for seemingly changing their opinion or being slightly inconsistent on amnesty and everybody's going nuts.  Whereas Trump is clearly on record as having multiple positions.

My opinion is that his position on various social issues is in no way where he derives his support.  I think he could come out and say he's still pro-choice and it wouldn't effect his support.  My support for him isn't in any way tied to social issues and I fully expect him to be very moderate to liberal in that arena.

Why should it be amazing? There are only a few reasons why people are supporting Trump and none of them have anything to do with his political views, because no one even knows what they are.

Now you know how Conservatives felt in 2008.  lol

Hope and Change = Make America Great

I don't support him at all for his political views.  I support him for being an outsider who isn't bought off.  If Trump weren't in the race and Bloomberg was I'm pretty sure I'd be gravitating towards him for the same reasons.  I do still have political ideology that I care about, but I'm 100% convinced that anyone who has somebody pay a billions dollars for them to get elected into office is never going to have my best interests at heart no matter what letter they have behind their name.

Here's the thing I can't figure out. You're so worried about electing a politician that isn't bought off by big business that you're literally willing to put big business straight in to the White House. How does that make any sense? All that does is eliminate the middleman. He's the chairman and CEO of a multi-billion dollar global corporation. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out the bottom line of the Trump Organization. Even if he were to quit the family company (which I don't think he's ever said if he would or not), it's not like he's walking away from it entirely. He's passing it on to his kids and will be just as financially and emotionally invested in its success. So maybe Trump can't be bought off in the traditional sense, but he's still owned by a corporation.

If electing a politician who has not been bought off is truly your #1 priority, you need to be voting for Bernie. The guy has been in Congress for over two decades and has a net worth that's probably less than yours. He's clearly hasn't been bought off. 

I'd take it a step further and say that he wouldn't hesitate to use his powers as president to help out big business in general. since that's who he is and where he comes from. As I've said before, why would you expect him to champion the needs of the average worker when he's spent his entire life trying to squeeze his labor force for as much profit as possible? Why would you expect him to champion financial reforms when he's spent his entire career trying to get around them for the purpose of making as much money as possible? Why would you expect him to put up guardrails to protect small business when he's spent his entire career trying to crush small businesses who compete with his giant global corporation? And you can't even say that he's always been a model of fiscal sanity and restraint, because his businesses have gone bankrupt more than once. You of all people are fond of suggesting that the buck stops at the top. Again, you can't have it both ways. Either he's responsible as Chairman for the bankruptcies that have happened within his portfolio or not.

I think your glass is half empty and mine is half full.  lol

As a business owner it is my job to make as much profit as possible while providing the best product/service to my customer and paying workers what the market will bear.  This is the same across the entire economy.  You see him "making as much money as possible" by "squeezing his labor force".  Um, that's what a CEO does.  Nobody forced anybody to work for Trump and nobody forces anyone to work for me.  I pay them what the market will bear.  If Trumps under paying his employees then they can go elsewhere and make more.  The simple fact that they don't leave tells me he's not underpaying them.
Now in contrast our executive government (for decades) has done the exact opposite.  They've allowed the entire labor force to balloon into the largest employer in the country wasting money by the trillions.  They don't even care what revenue they bring in and continue to add more and more expenses every year.  Most of them frivolous garbage.
I want trump to squeeze the federal workforce.  If he can do the same with half the workforce then it's a GREAT thing for you and me.  To think otherwise is just silly.

You think he's going to reward businesses?  OK, why?  What's his incentive to give a sweetheart billion dollar deal to his buddy?  Are they going to pay him money when he gets out of office?  Um, he's already worth billions.  He doesn't need the money.
Current politicians do sweetheart deals to enrich themselves down the road.  They do it for the money because if they don't then they won't get any money for re-election next time around.
If you can tell me why he will do it other than because he runs a business, then I might believe you.


Well, this all may be moot, since it looks like Cruz may win Iowa. If that happens, I look forward to the next several weeks while you try to explain to us why what the country REALLY needs is an Ivy-league educated fundamentalist Christian career politician who's spent his entire life aspiring to political office.

I'm not even sure who you're referring to.  lol

Obviously all we have ahead of time are polls to work off of.  Cruz peaked out ahead and then started to decline back.  Then you couple that with several missteps the last week it "seemed" as though Trump had the upper hand.  However, they've both been very close for the last month or two so it's not a big shocker for Cruz to win Iowa.

I know his supporters have already put him into the White House, but President Huckabee and President Santorum can attest that Iowa is a bit of a poor predictor of the ultimate victor.  In fact, I think I read somewhere that they've never picked the winner in a very long time.

Anyways Trump is still the man to beat, but anything can change.  Personally I was a little surprised at Rubio's showing, but I'll admit my personal bias against him is very strong.  I can't stand the guy.  ;-)

I chalked Rubio's showing up to people saying "I can't bring myself to vote for Trump and I really hate Cruz, so who's the next-best option who's not already too far out of the race to be viable?" Rubio impressed me at the last debate, but he still feels like a lightweight to me. He reminds me of a kid running for student-body president. My favorite thing I ever read about him was that someone said "he seems like the kind of kid who would remind the teacher at the end of class that she forgot to assign homework for over the weekend."

I think you're spot on.  There's no question there are a lot of people who don't like Trump and there's a lot of people who don't like Cruz.  
You're also correct about Rubio being impressive.  He has been impressive and hasn't had a single misstep that I can recall.
I can still say that I would be absolutely shocked if an establishment guy like Rubio gets the overall win this year.

If there was ever a year for the "anti-establishment" candidate, this is it, but I still don't have much faith that people won't eventually just gravitate back towards the familiar, "safe" choices. It's human nature. I won't be shocked at all if we're looking at Hillary vs Rubio in November.

There's a tiny part of me who thinks that Bush could still resurrect his campaign somehow. There are still 8 months between now and the convention and Iowa showed me that there's still a lot of questions on the GOP side. If people continue to be unsure about Trump and continue to resist Cruz, I don't know if Rubio has the juice to be the guy. Veep, yes. President, no. I could see good old safe, reliable, boring, establishment Jeb becoming the GOP choice by default.

And anyway, you realize that NONE of these people are truly "anti-establishment", right? Bernie is a sitting state governor, Cruz is a Senator and a political lifer, and Trump is a billionaire, meaning he's been wired into the "establishment" his entire life. Just because he hasn't ever run for office doesn't mean he hasn't ever been involved in politics. On the contrary, I'd argue that Trump probably has more to gain by maintaining the status quo than any of them. You wouldn't say the Koch brothers or Roger Ailes or George Soros are anti-establishment even though they haven't held public office either.
2016-02-06 9:08 AM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: Trump
I figured this thread would be a good one to mention a first I had the other day.
It was the first time while watching C-Span (okay, it was actually C-Span 2), that I heard the S-H-I-(enter letter here) word.
My 12 year old just happened to be walking in right after the utterance...I told him about it in an edited fashion, and wouldn't ya know it, Trump dropped the S-bomb again less than 2 minutes later so my son could hear it live.

I guess come next January, we may need to have State of the Union addresses on a 5-second lag!

I find Trump's run fascinating. He is a very interesting and entertaining guy. He's been able to dictate the discourse.

While I don't think he'd make a good president, I can't say the same about his daughter Ivanka. Intelligent, poised...I think the wrong Trump is running.

2016-02-06 10:23 AM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy I figured this thread would be a good one to mention a first I had the other day. It was the first time while watching C-Span (okay, it was actually C-Span 2), that I heard the S-H-I-(enter letter here) word. My 12 year old just happened to be walking in right after the utterance...I told him about it in an edited fashion, and wouldn't ya know it, Trump dropped the S-bomb again less than 2 minutes later so my son could hear it live. I guess come next January, we may need to have State of the Union addresses on a 5-second lag! I find Trump's run fascinating. He is a very interesting and entertaining guy. He's been able to dictate the discourse. While I don't think he'd make a good president, I can't say the same about his daughter Ivanka. Intelligent, poised...I think the wrong Trump is running.

She could be his VP.    ;-)

2016-02-16 4:03 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Trump

Look what Jeb Bush has put up on his web page www.jebbush.com 

2016-02-16 4:30 PM
in reply to: crusevegas

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by crusevegas

Look what Jeb Bush has put up on his web page www.jebbush.com 

I think he's officially throwing his endorsement at the Donald.  :-D

2016-02-18 6:29 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
And now:
Trump vs The Pope.

You can't make this stuff up.

2016-02-18 7:46 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

And now:
Trump vs The Pope.

You can't make this stuff up.

These news stations are all competing to see which one will finally succeed getting me to fall flat on my face off the treadmill at the YMCA.
I'm starting to think I have that disease PBA? where I spontaneously burst out laughing...followed by crying, and it's all due to the insanity of this election cycle. (I hope)
Unbelievable stuff.

I hope Stephen Colbert is writing thank you notes to ALL of these candidates. You could not script this any better.
2016-02-18 9:26 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

And now:
Trump vs The Pope.

You can't make this stuff up.

These news stations are all competing to see which one will finally succeed getting me to fall flat on my face off the treadmill at the YMCA.
I'm starting to think I have that disease PBA? where I spontaneously burst out laughing...followed by crying, and it's all due to the insanity of this election cycle. (I hope)
Unbelievable stuff.

I hope Stephen Colbert is writing thank you notes to ALL of these candidates. You could not script this any better.

John Stewart must be kicking himself for quitting before this race got going.

2016-02-18 9:30 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
On a serious note, the fact that Trump can't seem to absorb even the slightest negative comment or criticism from anyone--media, another candidate, a random celebrity, and now the pope, without having to go into an angry rant doesn't bode well for his career as a statesman.
2016-02-19 4:56 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Trump

I expected him to call the Pope a loser...and clearly someone else did too, since he read his response to the Pope's comments from a piece of paper.  Feigning outrage is tough to pull off gesturing with one hand while holding the written response in the other. He looks ridiculous scripted.

2016-02-19 8:04 AM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn On a serious note, the fact that Trump can't seem to absorb even the slightest negative comment or criticism from anyone--media, another candidate, a random celebrity, and now the pope, without having to go into an angry rant doesn't bode well for his career as a statesman.

You guys just don't get his support do you?

We're so sick and tired of our current (and past) presidents buckling to everybody who dares raise a voice.  We're pathetically weak as a nation because of our desire to please everyone and never put our nations interests first.

When Trumps supporters see him stand up to the idiots of the world (the pope is one of them) it shows his strength.  Where you guys see weakness I see strength.

Any other politician would have buckled in a heartbeat if the pope dared to say anything against their policy.  Trump immediately called him out for the hypocrite that he is and completely roasted him.  One of his best moves to date.

2016-02-19 8:25 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn On a serious note, the fact that Trump can't seem to absorb even the slightest negative comment or criticism from anyone--media, another candidate, a random celebrity, and now the pope, without having to go into an angry rant doesn't bode well for his career as a statesman.

 idiots of the world (the pope is one of them)

Oh no you didn't........you're gonna need to change out the tinfoil for ballistic kevlar.  HAHAHAHA!!!! 

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