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2016-10-04 12:20 PM
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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: September totals...not much to report...
S: 500 yards
B: 9.3 miles
R: 8.82 miles

I've never reported such meager monthly totals since starting this journey back in March 2014, but like others in the group....I sprained my left ankle a few weeks ago. Shortly after my last triathlon at the beginning of September, I fell off a ladder at work and landed hard on my left foot. I was afraid I'd broken my foot, so I went to the ER and had it x-rayed. They said it's just a sprained ankle and sent me home with a pair of crutches. I was off the crutches within a week and, silly me, thinking things were OK, went for a short 6-mile run, and oh, boy! did that hurt! I'm OK walking, as long as I don't spend too much time on my feet. However, I'm also in the middle of trying to get my house painted before winter sets in, which means I'm spending a lot of time on my feet, so pretty much, by the time the day ends, I'm in absolute agony. But, my house is looking great!

So, no training for me for a while. I'll probably take off all of October and then slowly work back into things in November. It means I'll end up taking a three-month training break, but I have plenty of time. I'm already signed up for Cd'A 70.3 in June and Canada 70.3 (Whistler, BC) in July. I was thinking about Calgary 70.3, but Whistler has 1//3 the elevation gain on the bike, and I have a timeshare there, so it makes a lot more sense. With the exchange rates right now, the Canadian races are absolute bargains, comparatively! My entry fee for Canada 70.3 was only US$170, which isn't much more than some entry fees I've paid for Olympic distances.

Hope everyone has speedy recovery from the sprains, bruises, cuts, etc. that life dished out in September!

Edited by burner2 2016-10-04 12:22 PM

2016-10-04 9:12 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Subject: RE: Seasons over
Randy I was talking about hydration and nutrition. Thanks for everyone responding. Don't want to carry but I am gonna try to drink more, and fuel about every 45-60minutes. Next long run I will drive out and leave a water bottle so I can get water and 2, 3.5, 4.5, 6.5, 7, and 9 miles and see if I tolerate. With Matthew on its way not sure when I can get that in.

Randy sorry to here about your ankle. Glad you are getting some good recovery time. Sounds like you have a solid plan and base and have been making lots of improvements lately.

Scott nice end of your season!

To the guys in the group what do you wear for long runs. I have tried regular running shorts (lined) and a pair of tri shorts. Both chaffed. The tri shorts much worse.
2016-10-05 9:45 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Seasons over
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Randy I was talking about hydration and nutrition. Thanks for everyone responding. Don't want to carry but I am gonna try to drink more, and fuel about every 45-60minutes. Next long run I will drive out and leave a water bottle so I can get water and 2, 3.5, 4.5, 6.5, 7, and 9 miles and see if I tolerate. With Matthew on its way not sure when I can get that in.

Randy sorry to here about your ankle. Glad you are getting some good recovery time. Sounds like you have a solid plan and base and have been making lots of improvements lately.

Scott nice end of your season!

To the guys in the group what do you wear for long runs. I have tried regular running shorts (lined) and a pair of tri shorts. Both chaffed. The tri shorts much worse.

I rode my bike yesterday and the ankle held up fine and was no worse for the wear this morning. I am going to try an easy run at lunch today and see how it feels, but so far so good and I seem to have avoided anything serious. It may slow me down such that I can't reach my goal time, but I'll race as if nothing happened and just see how it goes.

For my long runs, I have stayed with my running shorts rather than tri shorts. I also apply Chamois Butt'r for those long runs and will do so for my race. I'm also utilizing band aids to avoid nipple chaffing. I went to a couple free presentations that one of the local tri coaching services had back in Feb/March. They gave out a bunch of different free samples and one of them was a "blister shield". It's basically like talcum powder and you put it in your shoes. I'll use that to hopefully help prevent or minimize any blisters on my toes and feet.

Hope some of this is helpful. Good luck!
2016-10-05 12:19 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Seasons over

I like these for longer runs.

Desoto Playa

2016-10-05 2:27 PM
in reply to: #5158713

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint and Olympic Distance - OPEN !!!

Does wonders!! Nipples, inner thighs, arm pits, I've had it everywhere!
2016-10-05 2:29 PM
in reply to: #5200932

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint and Olympic Distance - OPEN !!!
Even places my wetsuit sticks when I'm taking it off. Heels to help slide into shoes, on, and on. But stick with Butt'r for the saddle. Trust me...

2016-10-05 8:04 PM
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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Well duh!
It looks like all systems are a "go" and I'm clear for take off! I ran 3 km at lunch today as an initial test. I was supposed to go relatively easy, but for some reason my body wanted to go fast. My watch said 7:44 for the first mile, but it also measured my run slightly long. It might have been closer to 8:00. Regardless, that's much quicker than I was thinking of running. In the end, I did the 3km in 15:28 for an average pace of 8:19/mile. I had zero issues with the ankle that I rolled. The only ankle with an issue was the one I broke back in '08 and had to have surgery on. That's nothing new and it usually takes a mile or two to get warmed up and then is fine.

I was still feeling good after dinner with no pain in the rolled ankle, so I followed through on phase 2 and went for a 4.5 mile run. Again, no issues with the injured ankle. I did baby it to a degree on the steeper downhill sections, just to be on the safe side. But I ended up doing a total of 4.6 miles in 39:35 for an average pace of 8:36/mile. Unless something develops over night, it looks like I should be in good shape for my half mary and shouldn't really have to hold back at all. That is such a big weight off my mind!

Update: Everything seems fine this morning, no additional swelling or pain. It's still a little stiff/tender in the morning, but once I get moving around it's fine.

Edited by rjchilds8 2016-10-06 6:44 AM
2016-10-07 9:11 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: Well duh!
Great to hear Randy

Monty I have been using body glide, and butt'r on runs but I think I sweat so much it is gone by mile 8 or so. I haven't tried good old fashioned vasaline yet though.

Chris, I checked out those shorts. May ad to xmas list. then I got to browsing kits. Gonna get some new gear for next year I think.

2016-10-09 11:52 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: A half in a hurricane!
OK, so maybe it was only half a hurricane? Ran the Newport Half Marathon in the remnants of Hurricane Matthew today. Actually, the worst of the weather came after my race was over. It was raining fairly steadily and was a little windy for the entire race, but the wind and rain really picked up after I had already crossed the finish line.

I had a good race. My finish time of 1:56:29 was pretty much right where I was expecting to be. Considering the weather conditions (and the fact that I did not get a good night's sleep due to my 6 year old daughter hogging the bed!), I think that was a pretty good time for my first half. I would have had a shot at 1:55, but I started getting cramps in my calves with about 2 1/2 miles to go. I stopped 3 or 4 times to quickly stretch out my calves, which had to have cost me at least 10-15 seconds each time. Toss in the fact that it also hurt my pace during those times and 1:55 was a real possibility. Anyway, I'm not really complaining, only thinking about what might have been.

Not much to say about the race itself. I started off a little slower than I had planned. My goal was 8:50 pace for the first 1/3, but I hit the 5 mile mark at almost exactly 9:00 pace and knew I had to turn it on. After that, my miles went 8:28, 8:36, 8:37, 8:32 and the chase for 1:55 was on! Cramps ruined mile 10, as I clocked 8:45. I ran my fastest mile at mile 11, going 8:27. Might have been a mistake as the cramps worsened. Mile 12 was 9:19 and mile 13 was 8:49. Felt great to cross the finish line and to have beaten my goal time!
2016-10-09 6:15 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: A half in a hurricane!

Originally posted by rjchilds8 OK, so maybe it was only half a hurricane? Ran the Newport Half Marathon in the remnants of Hurricane Matthew today. Actually, the worst of the weather came after my race was over. It was raining fairly steadily and was a little windy for the entire race, but the wind and rain really picked up after I had already crossed the finish line. I had a good race. My finish time of 1:56:29 was pretty much right where I was expecting to be. Considering the weather conditions (and the fact that I did not get a good night's sleep due to my 6 year old daughter hogging the bed!), I think that was a pretty good time for my first half. I would have had a shot at 1:55, but I started getting cramps in my calves with about 2 1/2 miles to go. I stopped 3 or 4 times to quickly stretch out my calves, which had to have cost me at least 10-15 seconds each time. Toss in the fact that it also hurt my pace during those times and 1:55 was a real possibility. Anyway, I'm not really complaining, only thinking about what might have been. Not much to say about the race itself. I started off a little slower than I had planned. My goal was 8:50 pace for the first 1/3, but I hit the 5 mile mark at almost exactly 9:00 pace and knew I had to turn it on. After that, my miles went 8:28, 8:36, 8:37, 8:32 and the chase for 1:55 was on! Cramps ruined mile 10, as I clocked 8:45. I ran my fastest mile at mile 11, going 8:27. Might have been a mistake as the cramps worsened. Mile 12 was 9:19 and mile 13 was 8:49. Felt great to cross the finish line and to have beaten my goal time!

Great job on your half. 1:56 is a great time for the first time out  (and in bad weather too!)

Interesting that you mentioned calf cramping, I've experienced more cramping in my quads during my halfs. I think calf issues would be more difficult to deal with. Nice job working through it and staying on target. 

New goal:  <1:50 next time.  

2016-10-09 6:34 PM
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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: Hurricane

I thought I would share my experiences with anyone who cares to read.

Statesboro is a small town with a population of about 25k. We are located about 45 miles north west of Savannah as the crow flies. Our population swells to nearly 50k when Georgia Southern University students are in session. Being inland, I didn't think it would get too bad for us, but we got hit much harder than expected.

I got up Friday morning and was able to get a short run in. It was already getting breezy and schools were cancelled for the day. The pool was also closed and I felt it was too windy to ride, so a run was it for the day. I had to report to work at 1300 (1 pm) and was scheduled to work a 42 hour shift, through 0700 this morning (Sunday.)

Got to  work and the weather continued to deteriorate throughout the afternoon and into the night. We started getting busy about 10:30 that night. From then it was non-stop throughout the night. Trees on houses, live power lines down across homes,  two structure fires, and a few other assorted issues. I laid down at 6 am Saturday morning and got an hour and a half of sleep. When I got up, still had 23 and a half hours to go for the shift.  Went out for a quick recon drive of the area and found trees down everywhere with many roads blocked. Luckily no flooding for our area. Saturday and Saturday night remained busy in dealing with the aftermath. 

Was able to grab an hour or two of sleep here and there throughout Saturday night between calls. Mostly alarms and minor issues associated with power restoration to certain grids. We ended up with only 2 civilian casualties in our county. One from a driver running into a downed tree on the road and one was a tree fall into a mobile home.

Needless to say, no SBR workout Saturday or Sunday. Lots of sleeping today. Hope to get back at it Monday.


Edited by Dominion 2016-10-10 9:07 AM

2016-10-09 10:42 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Hurricane
Thanks for the update. I was wondering how it would affect your neck of the woods. My son lives in the Orlando area, and he doesn't communicate with me much, so I was pretty much glued to the weather channel website for about 48 hours. Thankfully, he did text me after the hurricane to let me know he was OK.
2016-10-10 9:06 AM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Hurricane

My brother lives in Melbourne. They evacuated to Orlando. He said it wasn't too bad there. His hotel never even lost power.

2016-10-10 7:41 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: A half in a hurricane!
Great job Randy. Didn't think Matthew would reach you guys, but it was a huge storm! Glad the cool weather didn't effect your injured ankle! You wife was running as well right? Who has bragging rights in the house?

2016-10-10 7:43 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: A half in a hurricane!
Used Vaseline in 10 mile training run Sunday and took water ever 3 miles. Felt great and chafe.

2016-10-11 7:57 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: A half in a hurricane!
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Great job Randy. Didn't think Matthew would reach you guys, but it was a huge storm! Glad the cool weather didn't effect your injured ankle! You wife was running as well right? Who has bragging rights in the house?


Yes, my wife ran it as well. Bragging rights rest comfortably in my arms! ;-) But I won't exercise my right to brag. She had a tough day and wasn't feeling well before the race even started. I know she was hoping to beat last year's time, but she came in about 2 1/2 minutes slower. I've also done a lot more training than she has. I started tri training back in November and I don't think she starter her run training until at least May, so it wasn't exactly a fair fight. I think she did really well given the circumstances and she finished in 2:18:54, which is respectable. I know she's capable of a better time than that, but part of her problem is that she trains with a much slower person and she almost never gets in any higher intensity training or speed work. I told her she needs to ditch that person (for more reasons than just running) and find a new training partner.

2016-10-11 9:49 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: A half in a hurricane!
Sounds like a decent day for both of ya. Whats next?

Chris have you recovered yet

Anyone watch the Kona race?
2016-10-12 8:13 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: A half in a hurricane!
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Sounds like a decent day for both of ya. Whats next?

Funny you should ask. My wife has gotten past being upset about her time and now she's moved on to being pissed about it! LOL So much so that now she's looking into possibly doing another half before the end of the year. So we'll see. Maybe I'll run it with her. Right now, I need to take some rest and give my ankle the proper time it needs to heal. I'll probably start doing a little more cycling during the next week to jump start my winter bike training.
2016-10-12 9:46 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: A half in a hurricane!
Brrr that would be a cold half I imagine unless you travel
2016-10-14 7:46 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: A half in a hurricane!
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Brrr that would be a cold half I imagine unless you travel

Yeah, could be a little chilly up here in November or December. The one in December is called the Frosty Half Marathon! LOL I don't know which one she is leaning towards right now. There is one in Cambridge, MA on November 13th that is super flat and it would give her another month to train. I wouldn't be surprised if she chose that one. It'll be crisp in the morning, but not as bad as mid to late December!
2016-10-14 11:37 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: Bike porn
If anyone is looking for a new bike or just wants to look at some bike porn, Robin Williams' extensive bicycle collection is currently being auctioned off at proceeds go to benefit The Christopher Reeve Foundation & Challenged Athletes Foundation.

2016-10-14 11:58 AM
in reply to: #5158713

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New user
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint and Olympic Distance - OPEN !!!
There is a winter series of 1/2 marathons in mid Michigan starting in January through March. Each race is on the same course and are named fittingly: the snowman, ice cube and mud dog races. The one year I did all three February was -13 with windchill and a sheet of ice lol.
2016-10-14 1:55 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint and Olympic Distance - OPEN !!!

Originally posted by scottjjmtri99 There is a winter series of 1/2 marathons in mid Michigan starting in January through March. Each race is on the same course and are named fittingly: the snowman, ice cube and mud dog races. The one year I did all three February was -13 with windchill and a sheet of ice lol.

No way... If I did that I can guarantee you I would be sick within a week.

2016-10-14 1:58 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bike porn

Originally posted by burner2 If anyone is looking for a new bike or just wants to look at some bike porn, Robin Williams' extensive bicycle collection is currently being auctioned off at proceeds go to benefit The Christopher Reeve Foundation & Challenged Athletes Foundation.

Thanks for posting, Cass. I saw this over on ST as well. Tons of cool bikes!

2016-10-19 1:23 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint and Olympic Distance - OPEN !!!

Hope everyone is enjoying their week. Maybe a little well deserved end of season time off, or at least some fun based unstructured training!

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date : September 22, 2009
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Is it realistic to race a sprint and Olympic distance race within 2-3 weeks of one another to gauge my progress before tackling the half Ironman?
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