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2007-07-04 2:16 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
KProudfoot--You are at WORK today????? In America???? You don't work at Walmart, right? What's up with that?

A firecracker baby--How Cool!! You aren't gonna have to watch are you? Some women are strange and like an audience support group. I personally thought it was terribly unglamorous to have fluid coming out of every orifice (I vomit when in intense pain) when I gave birth. Besides, if you and your wife watch that, you'll NEVER agree to have one of your own! Unless your sister in law is one of those superwomen that push the kid out in three minutes and look fantastic the whole time like on the soap operas.......

I think a lot of the reason kids are chubby these days is because of a lack of decent food--all fast food crap and sitting in front of the idiot box. I don't have television for the kids. We own a TV, but no cable or anything--just for watching movies on. But my kids are genetically just superactive like their dad (and maybe their mom as it turns out). They will never be fat because they never stop moving, even in their sleep. That and I make sure they have access to pretty healthy snacks and they graze all day. Not really three big meals, more like 7 little meals. Even I get hooked and sucked in when there is a tv around. And it makes me hungry. But when I was little in Minnesota, I did become a bit of a couch potato because of the blasted MOSQUITOS!! The kids came back all bit to heck after their grandma and grandpa visit and they had ticks, too! We don't have much of that in Wisconsin, thank goodness. Just nasty biting flies on the mountain bike trails.

2007-07-05 8:21 AM
in reply to: #871937

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-04 2:16 PM KProudfoot--You are at WORK today????? In America???? You don't work at Walmart, right? What's up with that?
  Yep, had to work yesterday and then again on Saturday.  Actually I am an accountant for Citi and my main responsibility is quarter financial reporting and since this is a quarter end I get to work on the holiday.  But that is the case most years.  I very often have to work on holidays and even some weekends but generally only "Work" 40 hours a week, at least I am here 40 hours a week.  At least I get 2 extra vacation days out of it though.  The strange thing is my company will make us work on a US holiday but if another country has a holiday that day will not be a "work" day (even though the US employees have to come in to the office) in that country because it is against the law.  That is the problem with working for a large company, they always like to get their numbers reported early as possible.  Apparently they think it lets the market think we know what we are going.
2007-07-05 8:26 AM
in reply to: #871869

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-04 12:56 PM

JBrashear - 2007-07-04 9:52 AM

I ate an entire pizza last night while watching Shaq's 'fat kids' show. I don't know if that qualifies as ironic, but I do know that it was tasty.

I support what Shaq is trying to do with the show, but it seems like "his helpers" are doing all the work, and he's just there for show!

From the looks of it, they were filming this during basketball season so Shaq's not going to be around that much.

btw Dave, my Garmin's in today. Do you have a "HR Zone 101"-type article you could point me to?
2007-07-05 9:24 AM
in reply to: #872473

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

JBrashear - 2007-07-05 8:26 AM From the looks of it, they were filming this during basketball season so Shaq's not going to be around that much.

That makes sense although I don't know why they didn't film this in the off-season where he'd have more time.  Maybe they wanted to air it in the summer.  Anyway, I'll probably keep watching.  I like it and Biggest Loser too! 

btw Dave, my Garmin's in today. Do you have a "HR Zone 101"-type article you could point me to?

Here are 4 decent articles about heart rate zones.  Did you get a 305? 

Speaking of Garmin's, a question for Ken: When you upload a GPX file from your Garmin into BT, does it populate the distance, speed, and time values in your log or does it just create a map? 


2007-07-05 9:30 AM
in reply to: #872567

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-05 9:24 AM

JBrashear - 2007-07-05 8:26 AM From the looks of it, they were filming this during basketball season so Shaq's not going to be around that much.

That makes sense although I don't know why they didn't film this in the off-season where he'd have more time. Maybe they wanted to air it in the summer. Anyway, I'll probably keep watching. I like it and Biggest Loser too!

btw Dave, my Garmin's in today. Do you have a "HR Zone 101"-type article you could point me to?

Here are 4 decent articles about heart rate zones. Did you get a 305?

Speaking of Garmin's, a question for Ken: When you upload a GPX file from your Garmin into BT, does it populate the distance, speed, and time values in your log or does it just create a map?

Yea, I saw how much the price dropped and went ahead and got one. It got shipped out of Dallas too, so it took all of 2 days and shipping was free.
2007-07-05 9:34 AM
in reply to: #872567

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-05 9:24 AM

JBrashear - 2007-07-05 8:26 AM From the looks of it, they were filming this during basketball season so Shaq's not going to be around that much.

That makes sense although I don't know why they didn't film this in the off-season where he'd have more time.  Maybe they wanted to air it in the summer.  Anyway, I'll probably keep watching.  I like it and Biggest Loser too! 

btw Dave, my Garmin's in today. Do you have a "HR Zone 101"-type article you could point me to?

Here are 4 decent articles about heart rate zones.  Did you get a 305? 

Speaking of Garmin's, a question for Ken: When you upload a GPX file from your Garmin into BT, does it populate the distance, speed, and time values in your log or does it just create a map? 


It only creats a map.  I have to put in the rest of the values.  I actually load it from motionbased so the information is also stored there.  I only have the free version so it only hold the last 10 workouts, but if you pay a few $ a month you get unlimited.

2007-07-05 9:55 AM
in reply to: #872567

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-05 9:24 AM

Here are 4 decent articles about heart rate zones.

OK, from one of the articles:
" * The 30 minute TT begins.
* At 10 minutes into the test, hit the 'Lap' button on your heart rate monitor, to get the average heart rate over the final 20 minutes of the test.
* The average for the final 20 minutes is your Lactate Threshold or LT.
* You should finish knowing you gave it everything you had. "

So I should be running at a consistent pace the whole 30 minutes, correct? A consistent pace as opposed to speeding up & slowing down here and there....?
2007-07-05 10:03 AM
in reply to: #872639

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
JBrashear - 2007-07-05 9:55 AM
dgillen - 2007-07-05 9:24 AM

Here are 4 decent articles about heart rate zones.

OK, from one of the articles: " * The 30 minute TT begins. * At 10 minutes into the test, hit the 'Lap' button on your heart rate monitor, to get the average heart rate over the final 20 minutes of the test. * The average for the final 20 minutes is your Lactate Threshold or LT. * You should finish knowing you gave it everything you had. " So I should be running at a consistent pace the whole 30 minutes, correct? A consistent pace as opposed to speeding up & slowing down here and there....?

Yes, you're correct.  This is a tough field test as you should pretty much try to go as hard as you can for 30 minutes.  But try to pace yourself so you don't slow too much at the end.  Last time, I tried a running LT test I failed.  I went out too hard and couldn't hold the pace past 15 minutes!   

You should try to do this same LT test for the run and the bike as your LTHR will probably be different for the 2.  Also, treat this as a very tough workout and try to rest well before and recovery well afterwards.  Also, record weather conditions (wind, temp, etc.) and try to pick a location where you can repeat this test every few months.

Let me know if you have more questions.  This will really help your training! 

2007-07-05 1:34 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
So I took my bike apart tonight to clean it up before the race on Saturday and noticed that one of the spokes on the back rim is really loose. I checked the others and there are a few others on the back rim that are also loose. I bought a pretty good bike repair manual but it looks like I dont have anything neeed to repair it so I'm off tomorrow to go and try to find a bike shop to fix it for me.
2007-07-05 1:42 PM
in reply to: #873196

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-07-05 1:34 PM So I took my bike apart tonight to clean it up before the race on Saturday and noticed that one of the spokes on the back rim is really loose. I checked the others and there are a few others on the back rim that are also loose. I bought a pretty good bike repair manual but it looks like I dont have anything neeed to repair it so I'm off tomorrow to go and try to find a bike shop to fix it for me.

I've done a handful of repairs/tune-ups to my bike, but I've never fixed a spoke.  Good catch.  I'm glad you found it before your race.   

2007-07-05 3:49 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Another question:

Johnny has an average of 156 heart rate for his 30 minute run TT. If I calculate Johnny's zones using his LT and the Training Bible zones, this is what I come up with:
Zone 1 - 102-125
Zone 2 - 136-139
Zone 3 - 140-145
Zone 4 - 146- 155
Zone 5a - 156-159
Zone 5b - 160-164
Zone 5c - 165-170"

How did he come up with the other numbers? I don't get it. Is there a formula I'm missing, or is it that 5a is always the average +3 bpm, etc?

2007-07-05 3:55 PM
in reply to: #873462

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

JBrashear - 2007-07-05 3:49 PM Another question: "Example: Johnny has an average of 156 heart rate for his 30 minute run TT. If I calculate Johnny's zones using his LT and the Training Bible zones, this is what I come up with: Zone 1 - 102-125 Zone 2 - 136-139 Zone 3 - 140-145 Zone 4 - 146- 155 Zone 5a - 156-159 Zone 5b - 160-164 Zone 5c - 165-170" How did he come up with the other numbers? I don't get it. Is there a formula I'm missing, or is it that 5a is always the average +3 bpm, etc?

Yes, there is a formula.  I don't know it off the top of my head, b/c I always just use a table lookup or BTs calculation by following the instructions on this page .  

Just type in your LTHR and it computes all the zones! 


2007-07-05 9:28 PM
in reply to: #873474

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-05 3:55 PM

JBrashear - 2007-07-05 3:49 PM Another question: "Example: Johnny has an average of 156 heart rate for his 30 minute run TT. If I calculate Johnny's zones using his LT and the Training Bible zones, this is what I come up with: Zone 1 - 102-125 Zone 2 - 136-139 Zone 3 - 140-145 Zone 4 - 146- 155 Zone 5a - 156-159 Zone 5b - 160-164 Zone 5c - 165-170" How did he come up with the other numbers? I don't get it. Is there a formula I'm missing, or is it that 5a is always the average +3 bpm, etc?

Yes, there is a formula. I don't know it off the top of my head, b/c I always just use a table lookup or BTs calculation by following the instructions on this page .

Just type in your LTHR and it computes all the zones!

LT = 179
2007-07-06 11:49 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

9 days to my first olympic, please, please rain hold off.  As many of you have heard Dallas (and all of Texas) has been getting pounded with rain.  Luckily for me I did not do the olympic that is this weekend as it is now a Du.  I have heard that the lake we are swimming in is only 3 feet above normal and the weather forcast for next Sunday look clear (for now).

Anyways, it might not be a good idea to predict a time but I like numbers and giving myself something to shoot for so here goes.

Swim <30min
Bike <1:15
Run <55min

That will put me at 2:40 without tranisitions (they should be around 3 min total).   I think my should can be a few minutes faster as well as the bike.  The run will be the big ?,  I could definately go faster but don't know as I have never done that long of a run after a bike and my long runs lately have sucked.  I have a 9-10 miler on saturday so that should be a good indication.  I could possibly get close to 2:30 but I won't be disappointed if I don't.  As long as I 1.) have fund 2.) don't die and 3.) break 3hrs I will consider it a good day.

2007-07-06 1:26 PM
in reply to: #874588

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-06 11:49 AM

9 days to my first olympic, please, please rain hold off. As many of you have heard Dallas (and all of Texas) has been getting pounded with rain. Luckily for me I did not do the olympic that is this weekend as it is now a Du. I have heard that the lake we are swimming in is only 3 feet above normal and the weather forcast for next Sunday look clear (for now).

Anyways, it might not be a good idea to predict a time but I like numbers and giving myself something to shoot for so here goes.

Swim <30min
Bike <1:15
Run <55min

That will put me at 2:40 without tranisitions (they should be around 3 min total). I think my should can be a few minutes faster as well as the bike. The run will be the big ?, I could definately go faster but don't know as I have never done that long of a run after a bike and my long runs lately have sucked. I have a 9-10 miler on saturday so that should be a good indication. I could possibly get close to 2:30 but I won't be disappointed if I don't. As long as I 1.) have fund 2.) don't die and 3.) break 3hrs I will consider it a good day.

The run is definitely the hardest part of an OLY as it's twice as far as most sprints where as the bike leg is often just a few miles longer.   I ran like 10:30 miles in my first OLY when I was expecting to run sub 9s!!  I walked some too!  

Now, I think you're in better shape than I was for my first OLY, but it's still a good idea to respect the run.  It is SO EASY to go too hard on the bike as everyone will be hammering! The elites can pretty much get away with this as they can race an OLY like a sprint, but the rest of us would do well to save a little gas for the run.

You should still push the bike, but while hammering just keep in mind that you still have 50-60 minutes of HARD exercising to do after you get off, and pace yourself accordingly.  

You won't have it as bad as we "DU" this weekend!  2 miles of running before the bike will be just enough to make the last 6.2 very difficult!  I'm game though.  I like DUs, but they're tough.  However, they do make transitions easier and quicker! 


2007-07-06 1:33 PM
in reply to: #874588

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hey Ken, I have my first Oly tomorrow and I can definately understand about the weather. We haven't had so much rain as Texas, but it has rained every day for the last 3 weeks. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be clear and then right back to rain on Sunday so I'm hoping for clear skies. My ultimate goal is to finish and not require medical care at the finish, but anytime under 3 hours would be a great day!

Regarding my earlier comment about my spokes, the LBS I found basically said that my rim was shot and that they did their best to straighten it all out, but I would neeed a new one soon. I immediately pictured myself half-way through tomorrows bike portion and my rear wheel coming apart and so I opted for a replacement. Of course, when you replace the back you should probably upgrade the front and so, my 5 loose spokes ended up costing me 250 Euro ($330 US) to fix. On the bright side, they look great and may even make me faster, on the not so bright side my wife feels that in order to be worth it I better qualify for the damn Olympics and break all land speed records known to man! Off to pack for tomorrow.

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Shimano WH-R561

Edited by Timo 2007-07-06 1:35 PM

2007-07-06 1:39 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Just checked the race site and it looks like I'll actually get to wear my new wetsuit tomorrow! Water temp is 19C (66F), can you tell I'm excited/nervous? They also have a feature where you can track some of the athletes during the race on line, not sure what its about but here's the link in case your interested.

It's a Dutch site, but a lot of it's in English.

Edited by Timo 2007-07-06 1:40 PM
2007-07-06 1:43 PM
in reply to: #874800

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-07-06 1:33 PM Hey Ken, I have my first Oly tomorrow and I can definately understand about the weather. We haven't had so much rain as Texas, but it has rained every day for the last 3 weeks. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be clear and then right back to rain on Sunday so I'm hoping for clear skies. My ultimate goal is to finish and not require medical care at the finish, but anytime under 3 hours would be a great day! Regarding my earlier comment about my spokes, the LBS I found basically said that my rim was shot and that they did their best to straighten it all out, but I would neeed a new one soon. I immediately pictured myself half-way through tomorrows bike portion and my rear wheel coming apart and so I opted for a replacement. Of course, when you replace the back you should probably upgrade the front and so, my 5 loose spokes ended up costing me 250 Euro ($330 US) to fix. On the bright side, they look great and may even make me faster, on the not so bright side my wife feels that in order to be worth it I better qualify for the damn Olympics and break all land speed records known to man! Off to pack for tomorrow.  Shimano WH-R561

I'm glad you got new rims, Tim.  You made the right decision.  You're probably going to have to replace the rims soon anyway; might as well do it before your race, right!

I'm sure you'll do great at your race tomorrow, but like I told Ken, be sure to save some energy for the run as it will be tough!  Also, be sure to take in plenty of liquids and calories early on the bike.  If you drink or eat a lot at the end of the bike, you might end up with bloating or cramps in the stomach on the run. 

Sorry about the rain out there too, but believe me,we know how you feel here in TX! 


2007-07-06 6:05 PM
in reply to: #874782

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-06 1:26 PM
kproudfoot - 2007-07-06 11:49 AM

9 days to my first olympic, please, please rain hold off. As many of you have heard Dallas (and all of Texas) has been getting pounded with rain. Luckily for me I did not do the olympic that is this weekend as it is now a Du. I have heard that the lake we are swimming in is only 3 feet above normal and the weather forcast for next Sunday look clear (for now).

Anyways, it might not be a good idea to predict a time but I like numbers and giving myself something to shoot for so here goes.

Swim <30min
Bike <1:15
Run <55min

That will put me at 2:40 without tranisitions (they should be around 3 min total). I think my should can be a few minutes faster as well as the bike. The run will be the big ?, I could definately go faster but don't know as I have never done that long of a run after a bike and my long runs lately have sucked. I have a 9-10 miler on saturday so that should be a good indication. I could possibly get close to 2:30 but I won't be disappointed if I don't. As long as I 1.) have fund 2.) don't die and 3.) break 3hrs I will consider it a good day.

The run is definitely the hardest part of an OLY as it's twice as far as most sprints where as the bike leg is often just a few miles longer.   I ran like 10:30 miles in my first OLY when I was expecting to run sub 9s!!  I walked some too!  

Now, I think you're in better shape than I was for my first OLY, but it's still a good idea to respect the run.  It is SO EASY to go too hard on the bike as everyone will be hammering! The elites can pretty much get away with this as they can race an OLY like a sprint, but the rest of us would do well to save a little gas for the run.

You should still push the bike, but while hammering just keep in mind that you still have 50-60 minutes of HARD exercising to do after you get off, and pace yourself accordingly.  

You won't have it as bad as we "DU" this weekend!  2 miles of running before the bike will be just enough to make the last 6.2 very difficult!  I'm game though.  I like DUs, but they're tough.  However, they do make transitions easier and quicker! 


The run is really what scares me as you said the bike is not that much longer so I just have to go easy.   I am going to try to keep my speed around 21mph (1.5 less than sprint) and hopefully that will help.

Good luck this weekend.

2007-07-08 8:46 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Go Team Go!! Looking forward to those race reports! I always learn something from them, but I have a lot of empathy, so sometimes my heart races and my palms sweat just from reading about the adventures!!

I'm playing with my meds and supplements and think I'm figuring out the right combination for me as I'm starting to feel better (I think). I'm hitting the big numbers with the bike, and though it is all on the trainer(perpetual babysitting issues--my regular sitter was on vacation and so it cost me $12 an hour for childcare this last week. Usually for all three in the summer I pay $8 an hour. Obviously, I wasn't going to pay that rate on my Thursday usual day off just to bike outside. Know what I mean?). I still think it was good to at least hit the numbers and tell my brain I can do it. But 40 miles is the point where my legs start to whine. And at 56 miles, I had to MAKE myself keep going. I finally resorted to counting. Counting helps me get through anything, even child birth. So I counted 60 pedals for each tenth of a mile for the last 3 miles just to will myself to not get off the bike. It's too easy indoors to think--"forget it, that hot epsom salt bath is MINE. I'm DONE". But I kept going and pretended that I'm 3 miles from the finish at the French IM. (Don't think I'm really doing Nice, but it seems so much more exotic than Madison to me. Especially since the French are phenomenal bikers!)

Starting to think maybe I'll actually survive that MS 150. Maybe.
2007-07-08 10:57 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Race report is up: 68/75 for my group.

2007-07-08 6:18 PM
in reply to: #876110

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-08 8:46 AM Go Team Go!! Looking forward to those race reports! I always learn something from them, but I have a lot of empathy, so sometimes my heart races and my palms sweat just from reading about the adventures!!

Johnny and I have both entered our race reports for our Disco OLY! Thanks for the interest, Pene.

BTW, you can color me HYPOCRITE! Please do as I say, not as I do!  OR follow the same dismal fate on the run!

I'm playing with my meds and supplements and think I'm figuring out the right combination for me as I'm starting to feel better (I think). I'm hitting the big numbers with the bike, and though it is all on the trainer(perpetual babysitting issues

You did awesome on the bike this week with a 50 and a 60 mile ride. Be sure not to increase too much too fast though. We don't want you to get injured or overtrained!

Edited by dgillen 2007-07-08 6:21 PM
2007-07-09 9:22 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hello, anyone there (sound of echoing in background)???  For everyone who raced last weekend good job, keep up the good work.
2007-07-10 5:43 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thanks Ken, your Oly is coming up this weekend right? Does anyone know if new wheels can somehow make you slower? My times yesterday and today were 2-3 mph slower than what they should have been and I am trying to decide if I'm just still tired or if something needs adjustment due to the new wheels, or maybe I'm just a big girlie man who should pedal faster? My bike did seem slower this weekend and the last few times I've taken it out (all since the new wheels).

Next question, why do so many people drink chocolate milk as a recovery drink?

Edited by Timo 2007-07-10 6:08 AM
2007-07-10 6:40 AM
in reply to: #878510

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Timo - 2007-07-10 5:43 AM Thanks Ken, your Oly is coming up this weekend right? Does anyone know if new wheels can somehow make you slower? My times yesterday and today were 2-3 mph slower than what they should have been and I am trying to decide if I'm just still tired or if something needs adjustment due to the new wheels, or maybe I'm just a big girlie man who should pedal faster? My bike did seem slower this weekend and the last few times I've taken it out (all since the new wheels). Next question, why do so many people drink chocolate milk as a recovery drink?
Yep, race in Sunday.  This is recovery week so I am just trying to take it easy.  I personally just started drinking Cmilk after all my workouts.  I decided I needed to try something and was told it was a great alternative to all the other drinks you can buy plus at $4.00 a gallon It is cheaper than all the other stuff on the market.  I trained pretty hard last week and felt great the next worning.
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