BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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2012-01-27 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4013778

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
BigDH - 2012-01-27 6:02 PM
kevinbe - 2012-01-26 11:20 PM

Anyone have any experience with a sprint 8 program.  I was referred by fellow athlete.  gist is that you do :30 intervals at full speed, 90-100% max.  then you slow down for 1:30.  repeat 8x.  It's supposed to super inject you with natural HGH production by like 500%.  It's a 20 min. workout that has been adapted for ALL athletes.

I you tubed phil campbell, sprint 8.  there is a long video with a dr. mercola, then there are a bunch of instructional videos.

I'm going to try this after my bike tomorrow on an eliptical.  I think I could do it on my bike and long swim days.  I could also incorporate into my mid week tempo.  Ultimate goal is obviously to gain speed.

Thought it looked interesting.

Never tried that workout. Sounds like a tough one. Done at 90 percent may be manageable but at 100 percent, that is not a lot of recovery. Is it just for biking?

It says anything that you can manage.  They recomend suspension trainer, eliptical, seated bike, swimming.  Basically anything you can get heart rate up to 220 beats - your age for :30 seconds.  They recommended not using a bike, because your body naturally tries to rest in the position of leaning forward and resting on handlebars.  They also recommend not using it in sprints do to the danger of pulling hamstring, unless properly warmed up.

I did my first one today, and it was on the eliptical machine.  I would definitely try a suspension trainer, or a seated bike next time, just because the eliptical I was on was challenging for me to use the range of motion to truly go 100%, but I think by the 6th or 7th rep, I could tell I was getting a pretty good workout!  # 8 was fun.

2012-01-27 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4013784

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

BigDH - 2012-01-27 6:06 PM So how is everyone feeling about things as we get to the end of the month? Are you hitting your targets? Is life getting in the way? Is beer? ha

Gaining on my mileage going into May's Marathon, and losing weight slowly.  Beer will always be an issue.  I'll never master it, only hope to contain it.  HA!

2012-01-27 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4015237

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Qua17 - 2012-01-27 5:34 PM
thor67 - 2012-01-27 8:59 AM
Qua17 - 2012-01-26 7:28 PM
thor67 - 2012-01-26 8:51 AM

Not a great run, pretty sure lack of fuel. Last night, went from hockey practice to spin and missed supper...bad idea! Going for a long run tomorrow afternoon then it will taper next week. Looking forward to this trip. Going to find a microbrewery to celebrate my run!

Forgive me for forgetting - but where is your run... you mentioned California,  I used to live our there and I had a few favorites I'd love to suggest!  

I will be at Huntington Beach. It is the Surf City Half Marathon. I think there is something like 23,000 runners....that is crazy.

If you know of any great places around there let me know. Just me and my wife so we are pretty mobile!

Sorry - I used to live in the Bay Area - there are a lot of great places up there... the only thing I know about Hungtington Beach is that my wife's great aunt lives there.  If you see an 87 year old lady tossing back a few cold ones - that's probably her.  Good luck with the race!

If i see her i will stop for a beer! :-)
2012-01-27 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4015252

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
kevinbe - 2012-01-27 5:45 PM

BigDH - 2012-01-27 6:06 PM So how is everyone feeling about things as we get to the end of the month? Are you hitting your targets? Is life getting in the way? Is beer? ha

Gaining on my mileage going into May's Marathon, and losing weight slowly.  Beer will always be an issue.  I'll never master it, only hope to contain it.  HA!

Beer is medicine--the ultimate recovery drink!!
2012-01-27 6:52 PM
in reply to: #4014914

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
swimmindy - 2012-01-28 1:06 AM
kevinbe - 2012-01-26 7:30 PM
swimmindy - 2012-01-27 3:14 AM

200 warm up
6x50 free on :15 rest
5x100 free on :10 rest
4x50 kick on :10 rest
200 warm down 

Question?  When you swim, is that at close to max effort?  I am trying these types of speed workouts, and swimming at maybe 70-80% effort, and am finding that for 100 yds, I need like a :45-1:00 rest.  I can go about :30 rest on the 50 yders.  Does this improve over time? 

Glad you're FINALLY getting relief in the meds/health department. 
Thanks for sharing your swim workouts, they're really motivating me to try much harder in the pool on my speed days.

My swims lately have been about 50-60% bc of the lack of an inhaler.  I normally keep it about 60-80% effort.  I haven't been 100% since I raced last a couple years ago.  I haven't gotten back to being able to do race pace workouts.

The 10 sec rest was a hard but still manageable.  The only reason I do rest periods and not intervals is because my pool doesn't have a pace clock and the watch I usually use is broken.  That's the only way I know exactly how much better I'm doing.  The more you work at it the less time you will need to recover.  

We used to do this set during hell week (where we had 3 practices a day and a 3 hour christmas eve workout) 100x100's on 1:20 and by the 50's I'd only be getting about 5 seconds rest, but I made everyone of them.  I wouldn't be able to do 100x100 on 2 minutes now and make all of them.  It's all about building up cardio and endurance.

OUCH!  I cannot even imagine!  being that I can do 1x100 in 1:49 (pb)  This sounds out of this world to me!

2012-01-27 11:06 PM
in reply to: #4015259

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-28 4:49 AM
kevinbe - 2012-01-27 5:45 PM

BigDH - 2012-01-27 6:06 PM So how is everyone feeling about things as we get to the end of the month? Are you hitting your targets? Is life getting in the way? Is beer? ha

Gaining on my mileage going into May's Marathon, and losing weight slowly.  Beer will always be an issue.  I'll never master it, only hope to contain it.  HA!

Beer is medicine--the ultimate recovery drink!!

Ninkasi Total domination IPA tonight.  Sweet medicine.

Edited by kevinbe 2012-01-27 11:07 PM

2012-01-28 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Weighed in this morning and I'm proud to say I hit the 30 pound mark.  I'm gonna celebrate by buying myself a new pair of running shoes.

Plan for the weekend - Sat: 60 min bike ride on the trainer, Sun: Day off - It's a rest week!

Question - I want to create a daily routine to help me get over my plantar faciitis so I can start running in March.  What stretching, exercises, and ice treatments would you add to it? Thanks!

2012-01-28 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Met my goal and slept in this morning; my recovery medicine last night? Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout XIV aged in bourbon barrels.

Recovered and ready for the swim:

S: race-specific
wu: 4 x 75, last 25 in each is backstroke.
main: 3 x 400, 1 is RPE 3, 2 is RPE4, 3 is RPE 5
cd: 150 easy 
S: speed day
wu: 400 continuous. last 50 in each 100 is kick
main: 8 x 100 EBEH (each 100 = 25Easy, 25Build, 25Easy, 25 Hard)
cd: 6 x 25, each slower than last

Edited by SportzVision 2012-01-28 1:32 PM
2012-01-28 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Big Rock Heavy Scottish Ale for medicine tonight with a medium rare Alberta beef Sirloin, potato and garlic bread....hmmm, guilt free due to working out! love it!
2012-01-28 9:06 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
My medicine - a Baltic porter from a local brewery with a 10% abv. So gOod that it made sitting on a bike in my closet almost worth it!
2012-01-29 12:08 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Nice job gentlemen nice job on the recovery drinks! Whatever motivates to ride harder; if its a good beer so be it!

2012-01-29 3:40 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
just checking in
I havent been here for awhile but my training is still up to date!  Im up to 9hrs a week now.  Sometimes the work outs feels short but I should be thanksful before the longer work outs comes!
hope all is good and everyeone is healthy!
2012-01-29 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Hi! I fell off the wagon training-wise big time this week, and I'm not sure what it was other than just feeling really tired. I'll chalk it up to a recovery week and get back at it, but I haven't had time to check in here (and it hurt that I wasn't actually logging workouts, either!)

Sounds like everyone is doing well. Keep it up! Cool

2012-01-29 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4016859

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
katieduffy - 2012-01-29 8:13 AM

Hi! I fell off the wagon training-wise big time this week, and I'm not sure what it was other than just feeling really tired. I'll chalk it up to a recovery week and get back at it, but I haven't had time to check in here (and it hurt that I wasn't actually logging workouts, either!)

Sounds like everyone is doing well. Keep it up! Cool

that's alright. Turn it around!
2012-01-29 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4014224

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
thor67 - 2012-01-27 9:46 AM

kevinbe - 2012-01-26 11:20 PM

Anyone have any experience with a sprint 8 program.  I was referred by fellow athlete.  gist is that you do :30 intervals at full speed, 90-100% max.  then you slow down for 1:30.  repeat 8x.  It's supposed to super inject you with natural HGH production by like 500%.  It's a 20 min. workout that has been adapted for ALL athletes.

I you tubed phil campbell, sprint 8.  there is a long video with a dr. mercola, then there are a bunch of instructional videos.

I'm going to try this after my bike tomorrow on an eliptical.  I think I could do it on my bike and long swim days.  I could also incorporate into my mid week tempo.  Ultimate goal is obviously to gain speed.

Thought it looked interesting.

Sounds like similar to  tabata to me.

I tried this tabata yesterday at the end of my run. Not so bad when I was doing it. But my legs tingled all day. Fun stuff.
2012-01-29 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

11.6 mi run today at 9:30/mi pace.  Slow but steady. 

tomorrow is 1800yds in pool "speed" workout followed by 5.5 mi run.

Happy Monday everyone.  Get after it!

2012-01-29 10:06 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Had a bit of a rough week at work but I made it to the gym this afternoon with my fiance and sister.  My sister and I have been swimming together lately.  It's been a lot of fun and it's good motivation to get out and train.  As far as this week goes I'm really trying to get an hour of training in per day with one day being optional.  

Monday: bike 

Tuesday: strength train and walk or run

Wednesday: run and swim

Thursday: bike

Friday: bike

Saturday: run and strength train

Sunday: run and swim

2012-01-30 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3943114

Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

I'm a little concerned. I just finished my first week of HIM training. I have been following a plan but change some days up(based on the weather) to run/ride outside. I had a long run and long swim yesterday. Today was day 1 of week 2. Again weather and work based I changes my schedule. I went at 5 to swim again today and it was a mess. I couldn't get going. I couldn't loosen up. I barely could make through my sets.

I am a little concerned that if I can't make it through these workouts I am really going to struggle when they really get long.

I know I need a recovery day and don't want to make a habit out of swimming and running 2 days in a row, but i should be able it get through it.

Any advice?

2012-01-30 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
Hi darren and all the group. I'm just going to ramble a bit to try to catch up with the vibe of the group. The past year of my life (the past 3 years actually) has been focused on a very sweet little girl who sadly passed away on Jan 11 of this year after being ill for the past 8 months. My triathlon life came to a screeching halt last May when we got the diagnosis. At the time I was registered and training for a HIM. We did go up to the race site where we stayed at a cottage for a week and Peyton went with us for a couple hours to watch the race - she said "Grandma look at all the people running" and she clapped for them as they came into the finish chute. It was a bit sad for me to be spectating at the race but I had also suffered a periformis injury in june so couldn't have done the race anyway. Spent 2 months going the chiro twice weekly for active release treatment and do prescribed stretches daily. Fast forward to this month - ran a couple times without pain earlier, last week ran 30 mins and the next day felt the tightness in my hip and tingling in my foot that tells me I need to take it slow building my running back up. So I'm going to do only 20 - 30 min runs for now. Also we are having problems with our internet at home and need a new modem but can't get to thce to pick ot up until thurs so I'm using my phone which won't format paragraphs properly on BT. Hope to stay more active in the group once we get our computer back online. Cathy
2012-01-30 10:59 AM
in reply to: #4018239

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
laser beam - 2012-01-30 6:39 PM

I'm a little concerned. I just finished my first week of HIM training. I have been following a plan but change some days up(based on the weather) to run/ride outside. I had a long run and long swim yesterday. Today was day 1 of week 2. Again weather and work based I changes my schedule. I went at 5 to swim again today and it was a mess. I couldn't get going. I couldn't loosen up. I barely could make through my sets.

I am a little concerned that if I can't make it through these workouts I am really going to struggle when they really get long.

I know I need a recovery day and don't want to make a habit out of swimming and running 2 days in a row, but i should be able it get through it.

Any advice?

If it is just soreness, It may pass with use.  I seem to get really sore and push through it and am better on the other side.  Usually the 3rd day.  You are probably increasing volume and your body is reacting to it by screaming STOP.

It may however lead to overuse.  Maybe lighten up on some of the distances until your comfortable with them and slowly build back up to increase volume?

2012-01-30 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4018542

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

cathyd - 2012-01-30 8:50 PM Hi darren and all the group. I'm just going to ramble a bit to try to catch up with the vibe of the group. The past year of my life (the past 3 years actually) has been focused on a very sweet little girl who sadly passed away on Jan 11 of this year after being ill for the past 8 months. My triathlon life came to a screeching halt last May when we got the diagnosis. At the time I was registered and training for a HIM. We did go up to the race site where we stayed at a cottage for a week and Peyton went with us for a couple hours to watch the race - she said "Grandma look at all the people running" and she clapped for them as they came into the finish chute. It was a bit sad for me to be spectating at the race but I had also suffered a periformis injury in june so couldn't have done the race anyway. Spent 2 months going the chiro twice weekly for active release treatment and do prescribed stretches daily. Fast forward to this month - ran a couple times without pain earlier, last week ran 30 mins and the next day felt the tightness in my hip and tingling in my foot that tells me I need to take it slow building my running back up. So I'm going to do only 20 - 30 min runs for now. Also we are having problems with our internet at home and need a new modem but can't get to thce to pick ot up until thurs so I'm using my phone which won't format paragraphs properly on BT. Hope to stay more active in the group once we get our computer back online. Cathy

Cathy -

So sorry for your loss.  I don't know how your thinking about training right now.  Take it slow.  Listen to your body, it will help you develop a running plan right for you.  We're all pulling for you.

2012-01-30 11:31 AM
in reply to: #4018239

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
laser beam - 2012-01-30 7:39 AM

I'm a little concerned. I just finished my first week of HIM training. I have been following a plan but change some days up(based on the weather) to run/ride outside. I had a long run and long swim yesterday. Today was day 1 of week 2. Again weather and work based I changes my schedule. I went at 5 to swim again today and it was a mess. I couldn't get going. I couldn't loosen up. I barely could make through my sets.

I am a little concerned that if I can't make it through these workouts I am really going to struggle when they really get long.

I know I need a recovery day and don't want to make a habit out of swimming and running 2 days in a row, but i should be able it get through it.

Any advice?

yeah. it is tough. Not suprised given your drastic bump in volume last week. Your body will adjust. It will take time. Just keep at it. Drop the intensity in the workouts if you have to but try to keep the time going. It isn't really the workout that is hard it is getting used to the workout that is hard, if that makes sense.
2012-01-30 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4018542

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
cathyd - 2012-01-30 9:50 AM

Hi darren and all the group. I'm just going to ramble a bit to try to catch up with the vibe of the group. The past year of my life (the past 3 years actually) has been focused on a very sweet little girl who sadly passed away on Jan 11 of this year after being ill for the past 8 months. My triathlon life came to a screeching halt last May when we got the diagnosis. At the time I was registered and training for a HIM. We did go up to the race site where we stayed at a cottage for a week and Peyton went with us for a couple hours to watch the race - she said "Grandma look at all the people running" and she clapped for them as they came into the finish chute. It was a bit sad for me to be spectating at the race but I had also suffered a periformis injury in june so couldn't have done the race anyway. Spent 2 months going the chiro twice weekly for active release treatment and do prescribed stretches daily. Fast forward to this month - ran a couple times without pain earlier, last week ran 30 mins and the next day felt the tightness in my hip and tingling in my foot that tells me I need to take it slow building my running back up. So I'm going to do only 20 - 30 min runs for now. Also we are having problems with our internet at home and need a new modem but can't get to thce to pick ot up until thurs so I'm using my phone which won't format paragraphs properly on BT. Hope to stay more active in the group once we get our computer back online. Cathy

Hey Cathy,

I followed your blog a bit and can say that I cried when I read about your granddaughter passing. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Take it easy with the running. Are you doing a walk/run program?
2012-01-30 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

Training is a fickle thing. 

pool workout plan:

10x50 at max effort.  :30 rest

10x100 at whatever I had left 1:00 rests

Actual workout goes:

1x100 wu, 2x100 drills both at 60-70%

1x50 at 100% (:45) not bad  :30 rest

2x50 at 100% (:50) still o.k. :30rest

1x50 at 90% (:55) slowing down. 1:30 rest

5-7 I did with 1:00 rest in :45 at the end of 7, I was at muscle failure.

8-10, I did at about 70-80% (1:00) with 1:00 rest.

Then came the 100 yds.  I did them at 70-80% with 1:00-2:00 rest.  I stopped at 5, and did a 1x100 cd.  My 100 times were from 2:00-2:10.  I find the longer I rest, the better my times are.  1:30 seems to be optimal rest.  I also feel that if I continue to push in these workouts, the ability to perform better on less rest will eventualy come?  Hope I'm on the right track.  I think I was a little over ambitious with the 10x50, 10x100 planned workout.

On a better note, I took another 1:00 off of a 5.5 miler today, and almost got into an altrication with a motorist that lunged his lifted 4x4 truck towards me as I was crossing in front of him at a parking lot entering a roadway.  I just do not have patience for grown men acting like teenagers looking for trouble.

2012-01-30 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4018239

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
laser beam - 2012-01-30 8:39 AM

I'm a little concerned. I just finished my first week of HIM training. I have been following a plan but change some days up(based on the weather) to run/ride outside. I had a long run and long swim yesterday. Today was day 1 of week 2. Again weather and work based I changes my schedule. I went at 5 to swim again today and it was a mess. I couldn't get going. I couldn't loosen up. I barely could make through my sets.

I am a little concerned that if I can't make it through these workouts I am really going to struggle when they really get long.

I know I need a recovery day and don't want to make a habit out of swimming and running 2 days in a row, but i should be able it get through it.

Any advice?

I'm glad to hear that you aren't experiencing any pain that would point to an injury.  From your note - it sounds like you lead a pretty busy life and that might lend itself to your feeling tired.  I would also imagine that you are ramping up the miliage and that too might cause you to feel tired.

I totally understand your concern about your ability to keep up - considering that you probably have 4-5 months of training ahead of you its natural to have doubts when you are getting tired at the very beginning.  But the goal is to get to the start line - so my advice is to take it easy for a couple of days and see if you feel better if you aren't spending as much time in the pool and the gym.  I hope it helps!

Fight the fight - finish the race - keep the faith!

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