BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL Rss Feed  
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2012-04-01 5:15 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
Last Week's #s:
Swim :  6250.00 Yd
Bike:   38.81 Mi
Run:   8.66 Mi

2012-04-02 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: Training while sick?
Woke up with a terrible cold.  The question is do I still go forward with scheduled training or do I wait until I'm feeling better?  Does training make the cold worse?
2012-04-02 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL

The last time I was sick all I did for a few days was low intensity shorter rides on the trainer. I did 30-60 minutes in the lowered end of zone one. Just enough to sweat it out but not beat my body up worse. It helped me but you should listen to your body.

Everybody stay in touch.

2012-04-02 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
Oh and Scott did Oceanside in 6:33:33 in spite of a flat and dropping his chain twice. Great job.
2012-04-03 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3950785


Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
Took the last week off and this week off.  Training program starts monday.  Need to get new handlebars for my bike before then because mine are bent to hell after the crash.
2012-04-03 4:04 PM
in reply to: #4124185

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Subject: RE: Training while sick?

Pay attention to your heart rate monitor and be careful and you'll be fine. When I had bronchitis the Dr told me I could work out, but the inflamed airways make it tough for oxygen to get to your lungs (much like a cold where you are stuffed up) so your heart has to work harder. If you go at your usual pace your HR will get out of hand and you could faint. So just keep an eye on it and things should be ok. The real question is- do you have the energy to work out?

2012-04-04 6:08 AM
in reply to: #3950785

New user

Staten island
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL

last week finished first dualthon in central park.  everything went, breaking in the new bike.

first race may 20 red bank nj.

2012-04-05 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL

Race Report Oceanside 70.3 March 31st

I traveled to LAX on Wednesday arrived around noon PST. I picked up my rental car, and traveled to Simi Valley to my friends Jodie’s house. I arrived at Jodie’s, I put my bike together as I had to bike and run that afternoon. I biked for an hour and half, and then had a short transition run after. Upon completion of that, Jodie had some friends over and we had a BBQ. With my Nutrition Plan, the biggest meal on race week is Thursday night if race is on Saturday. I had some pasta and chicken. I woke up Friday morning and continued the carb loading. I had pancakes, eggs, and potatoes. After this meal, you taper throughout the day eating pretzels and drinking sports drink and water.  I then left Jodie, to head down to Tustin to meet up with my friend Patrick who I will be traveling with to Oceanside with. I put my bike together and put everything I needed for the race together in my transition bag. Got a bag ready for clothes that evening and left for Oceanside early Friday afternoon. But first, we were both hungry so we ended up going to Panaera bread, where I ordered Chicken, on a plain bagel and a slice of cheese.  I was hungry… We drove back to Pat’s and said our good bye’s to his family and began our journey to Oceanside,  about a 45-50 ride on I-5 south.   Upon arriving at Oceanside we registered and then walked around the expo for a few minutes.  We dropped our run gear off at T2, (I put my Shoes, Visor, Socks, and Fuel) in a bag and placed it to my assigned number on the rack. We then left, to go check in the hotel that was less than a mile from t1. We got situated and then left for dinner. We went to Macaroni and Grille, where we had to wait for over an hour. However it was worth it. I got chicken parm, with my nutrition plan it calls for me to go bed slightly hungry so I cut my plate in half and only ate half.  On race morning, I wake up 3 hours before the beginning of the race and have 2.5 cups of apple sauce, a banana, some sports drink, and a scoop of whey protein and ½ a protein bar. (Pat wasn’t a fan of waking up early, but was a trooper and participated in my breakfast.  I went back to bed and the three of us just talked for about an hour. 5 came, grabbed our blue bags filled with swim gear and bike gear, our bikes and loaded the car up.   Pat’s father dropped us off close to T1. We finished riding to t1 on our bikes. Once in T1, we had to find our assigned rack. Similar to Max Performance, once at rack you find the best position.  Once we found our Racks we racked our bikes and began getting ready for our race.  Like, in T2, we had a morning bag (morning bag is any clothes we worn to the race, this gets loaded in a bag with your number on it, and placed into a moving truck) and bike bag (Were we put our wetsuit, goggles and any swim attire) this is shipped to T2 to pick up upon completion of all the participants leaving T1.

 So, now my bike is on the rack, I take my helmet and glasses and put them in the blue bag. Placed all my morning clothes are in the green bag. I walked to the end of the Rack where a Volunteer was body marking. She body marked me, so I went back to my place and began to put my wetsuit on, I then realize I had to go to the bathroom. I grab my morning bag and drop it off at the truck, and walk over to the port o potties to find a huge line. I was like that’s stupid. So I walked on the beach and went waste deep to feel how cold the water was and, and you know… I then go find Pat and we walk to the swim coral find our volunteer holding our swim caps.  I was in the 4th wave first was the Men Pro , then Female Pro, Special assistant, then began the Age Groupers. The first AG was 35-39M first wave, then mine, then Pat’s. Each of the Age group waves had 3 minute wait between the horns.


BAM, the horn blows and I then start. My race execution plan calls for me to go out hard for 400 yards then settle into a good pace. I did this and was feeling great. This was by far the choppiest swim I ever had. The swim had 5-8 foot swells in the harbor, only could site at the top of the wave. So that was difficult, however this wasn’t the whole swim, just out where the water wasn’t guarded by the Jeddi.  I reach the first turn around buoy and bam I get hit, I turn around to see who it was, it was my buddy Pat, I seriously thought he was going to pass me earlier on in the swim so was shocked it took him 18 mins to catch me (including 3 mins between start).  So we said hello and continued swimming.  To date, my faster 1.2 mile swim has been 49 minutes. I know slow right, well I finished Oceanside 43 minutes and change.  Feeling good, I arrived back to T1, took the wet suit off, took the stuff out of the blue bag (Helmet and Glasses) and stuffed my wetsuit, goggles and swim cap into the bag to be transported to t2. I get on my bike, and was feeling good. My coach had warned me many times that this bike was hilly… So, I was sticking to my race execution plan.  This plan, called me to have an AVG wattage coming off the bike of 272, and not to go above 320 on any of the hills. Now, this was TOUGH. The first hill was ¼ mile into the race. I had to go to the small ring so early in the race, but my wattage didn’t get above the 320 I was feeling good. After that hill, it was pretty much flat for 25 miles until you take this turn and sees this monster hill at 11% incline grade. You look ahead and see people walking their bikes up this hill and I began wondering will I have to walk? I drop gear on my bike to the smaller chain ring and began climbing staying in my seat the whole time. Watching my watts and HR. Both are looking good. The first 25, my avg speed was just under 21 mph however this hill and the hills after this one brought my speed down to 16.7 avg…. My SLOWest bike split I ever HAD. I finished the bike with a watt avg of 262, and an RPM of 89.  The speed, also takes in affect that I had a flat, and my chain dropped twice. We all know that speed = distance / time J

I arrived at T2, after climbing this small hill right before transition.  Totally cussing in my head wondering why the RD would be adding this little insult to an already hilly bike. I dismounted fairly easy and continued looking for my run bag. I found my number and racked my bike.  I put socks on, then shoes then turned the race number around and put my visor on.  Now, this run totally sucked. You start by going down a ramp running along the beach until you hit the first turn around. Here you head back and in the back of your mind you’re looking at the pier and see that hill you just ran down, now you have to run back up…  (You do this hill one more time after this) continuing to the second half of the run where it was a wide street, totally shut off but had a ton of people cheering all the athletes on.  If it wasn’t for that support, I think I would have stopped.  I continued to hydrated, eating my fuel and kept chugging along. I got some friction burn from my wetsuit on my neck side and back, and I started to chaff under my arms from the running motion. I felt the pain as soon as I poured water over my head… It HURT so bad… My legs began to fatigue after the first 10k, so I continue to watch my HR and pace. The first 10k, I felt great. 9:15 avg, HR was low was around mid 150’s. Not what my coach wanted. He wanted my HR to top out at 172, however I just didn’t have that in me. Possible causes are fatigue? Not hydrated enough?  I began letting my mind wonder. Was I going to bonk? Would I get under that 6 hour mark?  As you can see I lack the mental game in this sport and if any of you read “I’m here to win” By Chris McCormick, you would know what I’m talking about. He would totally have been in my head.  Now the last 10k was a different story though. My paced dropped, and I kept watching my Pace average  get larger and larger and I just couldn’t move my legs fast enough to continue with that pace for the first half. The pace kept continuing to drop the entire second half until the last mile or so, my legs started to get more life in them, and my pace dropped again to 9:30.  I actually had a good kick at the end and in the shoot but it was a great experience and already looking forward to my next half. Where I will be facing Everlong….  


 Well, that’s my race in a nut shell. Pat kicked my as always finishing under 5 hours… I finished in 6:33:XX So, not a 70.3 PR for me, but all in all I had an amazing experience with a great friend and already looking forward.


Thanks for reading!



2012-04-06 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: Decision Time

So I need encouragement. I fell off the training wagon regained some weight. I also got re-hooked on sugar. It all started when I got injured. I still haven't tried to run- I'm afraid to. It surprised me how nervous thinking about running made me. I'm terrified I will fracture my hip even though it is feeling so much better I still have twinges a couple of time a week.

I'm proud I've gotten back on track with cycling/swimming training and have re-lost the weight I gained, and am still struggling to reduce sugar cravings. 

The big thing is I have to decide SOON whether to register for my iron man or not. The slots are almost full. The entry fee is not trivial to our family budget, which is probably the biggest mental obstacle to overcome in order to convince myself to sign up.  I know I can do it, if I don't get injured. I just am so scared that I"ll sign up and then do something so that I get really hurt and can't do anything for months.

Hearing about everyone's success is really pushing me towards biting the bullet and signing up. I'm so happy for everyone who has reached their goal- you should be really proud. 

Any advice, should I just go for it? 

2012-04-06 5:13 PM
in reply to: #4133687

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Subject: RE: Decision Time
swimsoft82 - 2012-04-06 9:21 AM

So I need encouragement. I fell off the training wagon regained some weight. I also got re-hooked on sugar. It all started when I got injured. I still haven't tried to run- I'm afraid to. It surprised me how nervous thinking about running made me. I'm terrified I will fracture my hip even though it is feeling so much better I still have twinges a couple of time a week.

I'm proud I've gotten back on track with cycling/swimming training and have re-lost the weight I gained, and am still struggling to reduce sugar cravings. 

The big thing is I have to decide SOON whether to register for my iron man or not. The slots are almost full. The entry fee is not trivial to our family budget, which is probably the biggest mental obstacle to overcome in order to convince myself to sign up.  I know I can do it, if I don't get injured. I just am so scared that I"ll sign up and then do something so that I get really hurt and can't do anything for months.

Hearing about everyone's success is really pushing me towards biting the bullet and signing up. I'm so happy for everyone who has reached their goal- you should be really proud. 

Any advice, should I just go for it? 

chelsieFirst what ironman? It takes 6 months of dedicated training to compete in the event. Also the swimming I don't think you would have the problem but how often will you be able to do 6+ hour rides on that bike? With your injuries and school why don't you try a half first? Less time to train. My coach has always said for critical volume if you don't meet 9/3 distance on the swim, 8/3 distance on the bike and 7/3 distance on the run not to even consider the event. Eg bike 112 miles times 8/3 =261 miles. Now this is critical volume so if you take 80% of each eg 2.4 * 9/3 = 7.2 * 80%= 5.76 miles swimming 261 * 80%= 208 miles bike and 26.2* (7/3)= 61.13*80%=48 miles if you can't do all those distances in one week I wouldn't even consider the ironman. With that being considered I love your confidence... Don't worry about your weight it will come off. We are all here to support you....
2012-04-06 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL


Congrats on Oceanside!  I love reading the race report, so thanks for post.  I am jealous of your 43-ish minute swim.  If I can be under an hour at Pumpkinman I'll be stoked.... I also can't believe you did that in 6-8ft swell!  Insane!

When we get closer to September I'd love to pick your brain as I put together a race plan.

I was getting a little off my game, so reading that really jazzed me up for my brick tomorrow.  I owe you one!



2012-04-06 8:52 PM
in reply to: #4133687

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Subject: RE: Decision Time
swimsoft82 - 2012-04-06 9:21 AM

So I need encouragement. I fell off the training wagon regained some weight. I also got re-hooked on sugar. It all started when I got injured. I still haven't tried to run- I'm afraid to. It surprised me how nervous thinking about running made me. I'm terrified I will fracture my hip even though it is feeling so much better I still have twinges a couple of time a week.

I'm proud I've gotten back on track with cycling/swimming training and have re-lost the weight I gained, and am still struggling to reduce sugar cravings. 

The big thing is I have to decide SOON whether to register for my iron man or not. The slots are almost full. The entry fee is not trivial to our family budget, which is probably the biggest mental obstacle to overcome in order to convince myself to sign up.  I know I can do it, if I don't get injured. I just am so scared that I"ll sign up and then do something so that I get really hurt and can't do anything for months.

Hearing about everyone's success is really pushing me towards biting the bullet and signing up. I'm so happy for everyone who has reached their goal- you should be really proud. 

Any advice, should I just go for it? 



Sorry to hear that the injury is still nagging you... and that it is starting to affect you mentally.  I just kind of came out of a 3-week (unintentional) training lull, so I feel you on the mental game.  I also fell off my nutrition plan a bit, and am dealing with similar stuff.  To get out of it I created a "training camp" weekend for myself last weekend.  I went and bought a bunch of healthy food, stayed at a friends place to change up the routine, and basically just focused on getting each workout in.  I find that when I get in a funk, I really need to change up my surroundings to kick myself out of it.  Maybe there's a way to recreate that around your family?

If you have any interest in the Pumpkinman half-iron in Maine in early September there are a bunch of us here that will be racing.  It would cut your weekly training volume in half, and will probably be about half the registration fee as well.

Sending some good vibes your way!  You'll get through it!



*** I just thought of this too... I often get audiobooks for when I am driving to work or whatever.  There are a couple of triathlon/ironman/ultrarunning books out there to get.  They certainly help provide some additional motivation and can help with the lulls.  A couple good ones: Born to Run, The Long Run, and Ultramarathon Man.  I've read all of them at least twice and Born to Run I've read/listened to at least 5 times.

2012-04-06 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL

Scott--That's a GREAT race report! I love reading about other peoples' races; gets me inspired and helps me picture how things can go. Funny how you and Patrik ran into each other too How awesome is that?! Congratulations for finishing strong despite some difficulties on the bike and a mental struggle on the run. And thanks for telling us about it all too.  Pumpkinman's going to be great!

Swimsoft--Everyone weighs their options and everything required for those options and makes their own best decision.  On one hand, you're up against some serious stuff here—health issues, budget issues, and time constraints.  None of them should be taken lightly.  On the other hand, having a big goal can be an absolute lifesaver  in terms of motivation, regaining health, and making careful budget decisions.  I would hesitate most because of your injury.  Ironman is something you want to succeed at; something you want to give your best to.  Unless you're willing to treat this one as a practice for more, I'm afraid this one won't be satisfying to you—not if it's your one shot.  I would want it to be a race, not a survival test.  I don't know how you approach these things and quite possibly you see it differently.  The choice is always yours and I'd cheer for you if you did the Ironman or if you joined the Pumpkinman crew.

Got my bike back today--new rear brake cable, new cassette, new chain, new tires!  LOVE my bike shop.  They spent some serious time with me discussing fit and watching me ride (lending me their own clip shoes!).  The owner said he could increase my power output by raising the seat to help my mechanics.  Going for a ride tomorrow--with a stop at the shop to give them cookies


2012-04-07 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL

Awesome about the "new" bike.... It always amazes me how much a new cassette and chain do. Enjoy the ride this weekend!

2012-04-08 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: Answer

Thank you all so much- your thoughts really meant a lot to me. (anyone else that wants to give advice, feel free anytime Wink)

So today I rode my bike 48 miles AND did an intense 1 hour spin (by an instructor who is really a hard-core outside rider, rode from iowa city, IA to st louis, MO in rain and wind last week). My legs have no problem, I feel like I could have done more. It felt sooooo good. I even jogged around the block. I'm going to return to running very very slowly and very very carefully.... 

I don't think I have problems on my swimming. I do more than race distance three times a week in a long-course pool  (I have a set-up to practice lake swimming as soon as it gets warm enough).

So with that said....I think I'm going to register for REDMAN (9/22) as soon as I get the go ahead from my husband and I hear about a test date, biggest exam of my academic life. I wish I could do Pumpkin Man, but I can't make it to Maine (if anyone wants to do pig man, an HIM, in Cedar Rapids, IA mid-August, let me know. You can crash at my apartment, I'm about 30 min away. I may end up doing it depending on that test

Thank you all for your thoughts, wisdom, and encouragement!

2012-04-09 6:27 AM
in reply to: #4137136

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Subject: RE: Answer
swimsoft82 - 2012-04-08 9:06 PM

Thank you all so much- your thoughts really meant a lot to me. (anyone else that wants to give advice, feel free anytime Wink)

So today I rode my bike 48 miles AND did an intense 1 hour spin (by an instructor who is really a hard-core outside rider, rode from iowa city, IA to st louis, MO in rain and wind last week). My legs have no problem, I feel like I could have done more. It felt sooooo good. I even jogged around the block. I'm going to return to running very very slowly and very very carefully.... 

I don't think I have problems on my swimming. I do more than race distance three times a week in a long-course pool  (I have a set-up to practice lake swimming as soon as it gets warm enough).

So with that said....I think I'm going to register for REDMAN (9/22) as soon as I get the go ahead from my husband and I hear about a test date, biggest exam of my academic life. I wish I could do Pumpkin Man, but I can't make it to Maine (if anyone wants to do pig man, an HIM, in Cedar Rapids, IA mid-August, let me know. You can crash at my apartment, I'm about 30 min away. I may end up doing it depending on that test

Thank you all for your thoughts, wisdom, and encouragement!


Glad to have provided my input... I"m also glad to hear that you had a good ride, and are starting to gain the confidence back.  Mid August, would be to close to my HIM in September, if I didn't have that race I would have definitely taken you up on your offer. Continue on the great work and I look forward in hearing that you committed to a race soon!

2012-04-09 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
So, today starts my Phase 2 of my training for this year. I have 4 sprints (1 in June, Escape the Cape, 2 in July, Whaling City, and Falmouth and 1 in August Sharon's Back(Haven't signed up for this, but will have to see) I also have a few 5k, 10k's coming up and a 70.3 in September and possibly another in October closing the season at the Chilly Half Marathon in November.  So that's my race season.... what is yours?
2012-04-09 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL

Swimsoft, that's wonderful!  I'm glad it's going so well.  I hope the test lines up right for you and that things go amazingly well--especially everything health-related!

My season--I feel funny even saying it, to be honest; my "season"...he he he... I'm doing it in order, at least.  Started with my indoor tri, moving on to a sprint on June 10 (Nashua Y-Tri), an Olympic in August (Greenfield Light Life if they ever get registration going!), Half-Ironman in September (Pumpkinman in Maine) and IMFL in November. 

Question--anyone ride in the dark?  I've avoided it for safety/comfort reasons.  But what does everyone else do?


2012-04-10 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3950785


Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL

I've got a sprint in june and an olympic in august.  Training started monday. hour bike before work, half hour swim after work.

Tonight i'm going to get fitted for my bike.  

Tomorrow I run for the first time in ages.  I'm hoping and praying that my hip holds up.  If it doesn't I'm going to go see a sports dr. then cut my 20 week training program to a 16 week.

Edit: I ride in the dark some times.  Red LEDs in the back blinking, White solid LEDs in the front, and get a dayglow kit, or at least a dayglow jersey.

Edited by DropSquad 2012-04-10 11:19 AM
2012-04-10 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4139428

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
peregrinesgirl - 2012-04-09 9:13 PM

Swimsoft, that's wonderful!  I'm glad it's going so well.  I hope the test lines up right for you and that things go amazingly well--especially everything health-related!

My season--I feel funny even saying it, to be honest; my "season"...he he he... I'm doing it in order, at least.  Started with my indoor tri, moving on to a sprint on June 10 (Nashua Y-Tri), an Olympic in August (Greenfield Light Life if they ever get registration going!), Half-Ironman in September (Pumpkinman in Maine) and IMFL in November. 

Question--anyone ride in the dark?  I've avoided it for safety/comfort reasons.  But what does everyone else do?



I ride at night as well... I also have a RED Led blinking on the rear, however I have a 250 Lumin LED light attached to my helmet... SO when I'm aero, I can see the road ahead... I usually will just bike the canal at night though so I'm not worried about pot holes or something.

2012-04-10 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
I had the Wildman Sprint in early March in Florida.  Coming up I have the Season Opener in Mass, then the Pumpkinman HIM in September.  Still looking for an olympic or two in July/August.

2012-04-10 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4141463

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL

BigBeltz - 2012-04-10 3:34 PM I had the Wildman Sprint in early March in Florida.  Coming up I have the Season Opener in Mass, then the Pumpkinman HIM in September.  Still looking for an olympic or two in July/August.


Good luck with Season Opener.... it's cold........

2012-04-11 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4141610

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
shellback1998 - 2012-04-10 4:14 PM

Good luck with Season Opener.... it's cold........

Especially since I don't use a wetsuit!

2012-04-11 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4142812

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
BigBeltz - 2012-04-11 9:14 AM
shellback1998 - 2012-04-10 4:14 PM

Good luck with Season Opener.... it's cold........

Especially since I don't use a wetsuit!


Well hate to disappoint ya man. If the water temp doesn't rise... You'll be required to wear one

2012-04-11 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3950785

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 2012 Group FULL
I am really struggling.  Since getting back from OR, I've been fighting jet lag and a cold.  The cold isn't that bad, at least not most of the time.  Though I've had to push on the run and the bike, I've managed to do the work on my plan for those two most of the time--but I can't go as fast as I want on the run and if it's too cold, I wheeze and hack.  Where it's been killing me is the swim.  By the end of a 300 yard warm up, I can hear my lungs rattling when I breathe (and it's deep--not the stuff you can cough up and move on).  I managed last night's workout, but not this morning's.  The run went fine, but when I went to the pool, I couldn't manage at all.  In fact, not only could I not hold 1:50 for 400 yards (supposed to do 5 sets), I couldn't hold 1:56.  Then I could barely manage 2:00.  I was trying not to cough, but the rattling was getting to me.  I know I'd be better off with around 24 hours between swims, but sometimes that isn't possible.  Should I just not swim for a while?  Just take it slow every single time?  Until the cold goes away, obviously--not forever! 
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