BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-07-19 2:41 PM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by jaykayjay

I. too, love the training within the family. I don't usually work out with anyone else, but once in awhile, I love to have my husband or my daughter go along with me. It makes it so much more fun.

The tri race I was initially planning for this summer is this weekend. I will not be traveling there, but I have a good friend who is doing her first one at this race. She came over last night and we went through her transitions and I told her what I remembered about the course. I am excited for her, but a little envious too. I am no where near a position to do this race, but it motivated me to commit to something. I have registered for a half marathon in September and this weekend I will be researching a tri race that isn't a terrible distance away. My options from southeastern Montana are pretty slim.

I can be ready in the bike and run, but I need to get over the fear that I have to be a stellar swimmer just to enter. I am planning on getting clearance to get in the water this next week. Most of the OWS in my area is so dirty that my doctor thought it would be too risky to expose my leg with any open areas to infection.

Have a great weekend, Beasts!

Hurray for jumping in to the half-marathon! Way to have a goal to work for-- and I hope your doc clears you to get back in the water soon!

2013-07-20 4:01 PM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Janette --- great that you registered for a HM!  Will keep you motivated to get out the door.

Alex --- interesting on the nutrition.  Were you feeling tired prior to seeing her?  Sounds like you are really getting ready for you race.


I have a group ride tomorrow.  In a Prince William Forest National Park.  It's a small NP that used to be a training center for spies during WWI.  They still have the cabins the spies lived in and you can stay in them.  Better yet -- it is not very busy and has a great road for biking.  A 7-mile loop with killer hills.  So I'm in for a workout.

2013-07-20 5:07 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Sounds like an awesome ride, Melanie! Enjoy! And yes, I was feeling run down and with unusually high HR spikes before I got diagnosed with anemia etc, so figured asking a pro about nutrition couldn't hurt! Have all checked in and done pretty much everything pre-race-day that I can, so will head off to a steak house for dinner in a little while, then try to relax before a very early wake-up tomorrow...hope I sleep at least a bit, though I often toss and turn the night before an event, bleah. Hope all you Beasties are having a fabulous weekend!
2013-07-23 3:02 PM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
It's Tuesday, how's everyone doing?  Looks like we had some successful racers last weekend, still waiting on race reports!! 
2013-07-23 3:28 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Yes race reports!!

Tuesday is such a run day for me I think my heart rate is in like zone 5 or 6 till about 10am.

I get up and RUSH to get out the door so I can rush to get to the Y so I can swim (God help anyone one wanting to drive slow in front of me!!! They should not be out at 5:30am if they don't really have anywhere they need to be!!)

Then I swim really fast to build endurance, increase my speed, cram as much as i can in 30 minutes, etc.,

Then rush through a shower/ getting ready (maybe take 20 minutes max),

Then try my best to make the 30 minute ride back to my town/work in 24 minutes....

2013-07-23 7:29 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Race report to come, folks-- apologies for yet another drive-by post! Short version is I finished, though hardly in PR time: oceanic swells on the swim (seriously- - I saw more people clinging to kayaks than I'd ever seen before, and saw one woman in my wave turn around and swim back to shore in pure panic), a bumpy bike (but no accidents involving yours truly, yay!), and a HOT run (second lap cooled down a bit, but make no mistake-- the people handing out ice at the aid stations were my favorites EVER). Add the anemia tedium to the mix and you have me happy to be a finisher in 7:12! Will wait for another year to worry about PRs, methinks. Then I got into the car, drove home through insane stop-and-go traffic for hours, picked up dinner fixings and COLD BEER on the way, showered, did laundry, and planned out packing for the next part of Alex's Month Of Four Weekends In Four Different States (And Three Time Zones) before conking out. Monday, got up and packed before catching a flight to NYC at 1:10. Got tiresomely delayed getting in to my hotel so was ravenous for dinner when I did finally arrive, and as a result slept badly before starting a week of intensive theatre workshops today. So it might be a while before I have the mental power to write up the race report...sorry about that. I seem to have recovered well from Racine, though, as I got a workout in this morning before the workshop and will continue to do so while I'm here... More whenever I can find the time and stray brain cells, I promise! *cheers all you Beasties on*

2013-07-24 8:39 AM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by wrkinprogress Race report to come, folks-- apologies for yet another drive-by post! Short version is I finished, though hardly in PR time: oceanic swells on the swim (seriously- - I saw more people clinging to kayaks than I'd ever seen before, and saw one woman in my wave turn around and swim back to shore in pure panic), a bumpy bike (but no accidents involving yours truly, yay!), and a HOT run (second lap cooled down a bit, but make no mistake-- the people handing out ice at the aid stations were my favorites EVER). Add the anemia tedium to the mix and you have me happy to be a finisher in 7:12! Will wait for another year to worry about PRs, methinks. Then I got into the car, drove home through insane stop-and-go traffic for hours, picked up dinner fixings and COLD BEER on the way, showered, did laundry, and planned out packing for the next part of Alex's Month Of Four Weekends In Four Different States (And Three Time Zones) before conking out. Monday, got up and packed before catching a flight to NYC at 1:10. Got tiresomely delayed getting in to my hotel so was ravenous for dinner when I did finally arrive, and as a result slept badly before starting a week of intensive theatre workshops today. So it might be a while before I have the mental power to write up the race report...sorry about that. I seem to have recovered well from Racine, though, as I got a workout in this morning before the workshop and will continue to do so while I'm here... More whenever I can find the time and stray brain cells, I promise! *cheers all you Beasties on*

Never mind, I don't have a RUSH lifestyle- Alex does!!!  4 weekends on 4 states!!! You GO girl!!

Don't scare me!!! I have an ocean swim on my next tri  in October and playing at the beach last week was a huge wake up call for me on how much harder ocean swimming is- TIPS APPRECIATED!!! 

One question: Do you use different goggles for ocean swim than pool and other swims? Its so much rougher out there, I cant imagine mine not being swept off my face.

2013-07-24 8:53 PM
in reply to: wrkinprogress

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by wrkinprogress

Race report to come, folks-- apologies for yet another drive-by post! Short version is I finished, though hardly in PR time: oceanic swells on the swim (seriously- - I saw more people clinging to kayaks than I'd ever seen before, and saw one woman in my wave turn around and swim back to shore in pure panic), a bumpy bike (but no accidents involving yours truly, yay!), and a HOT run (second lap cooled down a bit, but make no mistake-- the people handing out ice at the aid stations were my favorites EVER). Add the anemia tedium to the mix and you have me happy to be a finisher in 7:12! Will wait for another year to worry about PRs, methinks. Then I got into the car, drove home through insane stop-and-go traffic for hours, picked up dinner fixings and COLD BEER on the way, showered, did laundry, and planned out packing for the next part of Alex's Month Of Four Weekends In Four Different States (And Three Time Zones) before conking out. Monday, got up and packed before catching a flight to NYC at 1:10. Got tiresomely delayed getting in to my hotel so was ravenous for dinner when I did finally arrive, and as a result slept badly before starting a week of intensive theatre workshops today. So it might be a while before I have the mental power to write up the race report...sorry about that. I seem to have recovered well from Racine, though, as I got a workout in this morning before the workshop and will continue to do so while I'm here... More whenever I can find the time and stray brain cells, I promise! *cheers all you Beasties on*

Sounds like a crazy couple weeks. Have fun.
2013-07-25 5:27 AM
in reply to: Jigger

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Looking forward to your race report Alex...sounds like you had a good time. I have only had to swim in big swells when a little sailboat I had tipped over and I could not get it back up (turned out there was a little hole on top that was letting water into the hull). Swam towing the boat back to shore...wasn't making any progress...they sent a boat to get me! I was pooped.Been a decent week so far here in northern Virginia. The hot weather pattern has broken. The temperature reached 69F at night for the first time in weeks. The humidity has dropped. I am having trouble getting motivated about the run. The heat sucked all the momentum I had going for me on my run training. I will be attending a swim clinic on Sunday hosted by our local Luna Chix triathlon team. A pro is coming in for a few hours. Should be fun.Happy Thursday everyone!
2013-07-25 7:54 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

I have discovered a new drink recently...switzel...After last nights commute home, I really wanted some!

My simple recipe is:

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

2 Tbs honey

1/8 tsp ginger

in 32 ounces of water.

Serve on ice.

Here is some background on the drink.  Link #1.  Link #2.  Link #3.


Lunchtime is now featuring a pudding of sorts.

2 scoop Spirutein vanilla protein powder.

2 tbs of chia seeds

8-10 ounces of Almond Breeze original

Let sit in refrigerator for the morning...turns into a pudding...not bad tasting.  

2013-07-25 7:57 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I hear ya on the run motivation, Melanie!  I think I've finally acclimated... right now the coolest it gets is 75-78 and the humidity is always high in the morning.  I'll be back to my 5 a.m. runs in a few weeks when I go back to school (Aug. 16).  Still a WHOLE lotta hot weather left to go here in TX, we usually don't see a cool down till late October, although we will get cool spells.  And a swim clinic, how awesome!!!  There is lots of high speed tri stuff down in Austin, but not too much right around here. 

2013-07-25 10:55 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Amazing...I just checked the registration list of women ages 50-54 for Iron Girl Columbia (8/18).  There are 254 registered!!!

Us older women are discovering all sort of new activities in our old age.  How awesome!

2013-07-25 12:58 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
254??!!  Holy crap, you've got your work cut out for you!!  I bet there's a lot of slow ones in there, but I bet there's a lot of FAST ones too!!! 
2013-07-25 6:28 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by hoffsquared

I have discovered a new drink recently...switzel...After last nights commute home, I really wanted some!

My simple recipe is:

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

2 Tbs honey

1/8 tsp ginger

in 32 ounces of water.

Serve on ice.

Here is some background on the drink.  Link #1.  Link #2.  Link #3.


Lunchtime is now featuring a pudding of sorts.

2 scoop Spirutein vanilla protein powder.

2 tbs of chia seeds

8-10 ounces of Almond Breeze original

Let sit in refrigerator for the morning...turns into a pudding...not bad tasting.  

keep the recipes coming Melanie. will try this one tomorrow.
2013-07-26 3:45 PM
in reply to: 0

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

The recipes do look good!  Smile

Long grandma weekend for me, started last night, but should be able to get my bike in tomorrow afternoon.

My tri is October 5th. Have a beach condo for 4 days... Just found out sons homecoming is Oct 4th :'-( Not sure what we are going to do yet..... He's not playing football and does not have a serious Girlfriend so I am secretly hoping he will volunteer to skip dance but I wont make him, its his Jr year. I guess if he wants to go we will drive him back on Friday night and I will get a lot of sleep in car if necessary :/

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-07-26 3:46 PM
2013-07-27 6:45 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I've been reading this post, and following all of your great races.

I've been unable (or unwilling) to workout lately. It's been way too hot and I've been busy in the evenings with my son's summer swim team. I've lost a few pounds with many more to go, but I feel I'm making some (slow) progress on that front.

Now that swim team is over and the temps have dipped a bit back to "normal" summer heat, I'm ready to get moving again. I'm still hoping to do the 1.5 mile swim(race) Labor day weekend and maybe a charity ride of 30 miles in late September.

I've just used the planning calendar to plan out a week's worth of activities. I printed it too. Now to stick with it.

2013-07-27 11:07 AM
in reply to: 0

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Evergreen

The recipes do look good!  Smile

Long grandma weekend for me, started last night, but should be able to get my bike in tomorrow afternoon.

My tri is October 5th. Have a beach condo for 4 days... Just found out sons homecoming is Oct 4th :'-( Not sure what we are going to do yet..... He's not playing football and does not have a serious Girlfriend so I am secretly hoping he will volunteer to skip dance but I wont make him, its his Jr year. I guess if he wants to go we will drive him back on Friday night and I will get a lot of sleep in car if necessary :/

Have him spend the night at a friends. That might work. Or several days...

Edited by hoffsquared 2013-07-27 11:07 AM
2013-07-27 11:09 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Good luck on your race Hilde!Great to see you back Andrea!
2013-07-27 1:48 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Back from picking up my packet... good news is I'm in the first swim wave, bad news is I have a high number which means I have to run my bike in and out a LONG way, ugh...  looked like 10 in my AG so should be some good competition!!!  I'm getting nervous and excited!

Went with my daughter for her skin check at the dermatologist... since I came up with melanoma recently and she has a lot of moles she thought it was the smart thing to do (although she STILL doesn't have a problem with the tanning bed, go figure!).  Everything checked out but they did take off one suspicious looking mole on her back, wasn't too big, but kinda ugly with some suspicious signs.  She should have biopsy results back next week sometime.  MY skin check is on Thursday....

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone, I'll be back sometime tomorrow with some results!  Scott (Jigger)  and Shad (Shadow67) are also racing if you wanna stop by and give them some pre-race beastly love!

2013-07-27 3:59 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast


Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Wow! Race reports, getting back on the horse, getting family members involved. I feel bad for my vacation, aka operation get fat. Time to post my vacation workouts and find a race to sign up for. On another note, watching my girlfriend swim in the banana river has reminded me that I am terrified of open water. Time to overcome.
2013-07-27 7:58 PM
in reply to: jackflash

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Happy racing everyone!!

I changed my name!! The other one was pretty close to my first and last so I decided to go with something more general. So I m Evergreen here- but still Melody or Mel :-) (actually way more people in real life call me Melanie than Melody lol)

Well Grandma time over for now. Enjoyed time with the boys, but my workouts are suffering. I stroller walked (NOT a jogging stroller) a mile this morning.  I was going to do two but both little dogs followed me out to the main road and I could not look after them and baby so I stuck to the dirt road. Baby left around 4 pm and as soon as they pulled off I put my bike on the back of car, came back in to change and my oldest son walked in and said "I took your bike off the car for you and brought it in" Tongue out. BUT I had not seen him in like a month so I chatted a few minutes and told him I would ride to his house & visit he could bring me home in truck so my 20 mile long ride was cut to 12.6 BUT I had a great visit with my son so it was worth it & I'm pretty tired from not getting to sleep all night anyway(evidenced by this rambling).

Anywho, mole checks. My youngest is very moley and much fairer than me and refuses to wear sun screen so I am taking him for a check soon.

2013-07-28 5:03 AM
in reply to: Evergreen

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Well heading out the door for the drive to the city for race 2 of the season. We have been having unseasonably cold weather here this summer 9 Celsius (48 f) outside glad I bought a wetsuit. Later
2013-07-28 2:12 PM
in reply to: Jigger

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

I hope everyone who had a race this weekend did well!  Sorry I didn't get on sooner to wish you luck.  Been having some computer problems at home and work has been too busy to log in.  I was finally able to get caught up with my log today.  Looking forward to some race reports!

I need an opinion or two.  Right now my plan calls for 3 bike workouts a week - one shortish (around 55' right now - usually done on either Tues or Wed), one medium (around 1:15 - Thursday) and one long (around 1:30 - weekend).  I can usually get both the shorter one and the long ride in during the week, but I'm having trouble getting the medium one in.  I'm thinking about splitting it into 2 days - I'd do 45' one day and 30' the other.  So the basic schedule would look like this:

Mon - medium run
Tues - 55' bike
Wed - short run
Thurs - morning swim/45' bike
Fri - 30' bike
Sat - long run
Sun - long bike/swim

This leaves me with no days off thoughFrown, and I'm not sure that's a good thing for me.  Wednesday is a short run which is usually around 30' so it's not a hard workout but not exactly a day off either.  The other option is to make Wed an off day, do the short run on Thur morning, and move the swim to Friday morning.  Unless someone can see a better option.  I'm open to suggestionsSmile.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

2013-07-28 2:12 PM
in reply to: Jigger

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Just got the race report done... short story is 2nd AG, long story is in the race report... I wasn't really happy with my results, especially the run, obviously I still have work to do!!!  Link is below:

TriWaco Sprint Triathlon

2013-07-28 5:26 PM
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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Just a quick update 3rd in my age group. Cold cold race. Ill put on race report later on tonight once kids are in bed. Janet looked at your plan I like rest days but I don't schedule them due to my work / life schedule they just seem to arrive. But if I find that I've had 2 in a row then I try an get out for a two a day or a brick. Hilde congratulations on the 2nd place. I'm buying a tri bike the only people that passed me were on tri bikes. I did pass them on the one steep hill on the course though. That is when they were close enough for me to catch them on the hill. Then they would zoom by me for the flats.

Thunder Bay Triathlon

Race scored by Thunder Bay Timing
Congratulations on your race, here are your results.
Name: Scott Giguere
Cat: ST_M2639
Time: 1:19:22.60
Place: 13
Gender: 9 / 31
Age Group: 3 / 9
Swim Time: 12:43.75
Bike Time: 37:15.40
Run Time: 25:43.75

Edited by Jigger 2013-07-28 5:58 PM
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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