BT Development Mentor Program Archives » left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH! Rss Feed  
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2012-01-31 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Bent - great great story. Look at all you learned. Here is one you learned:

I am not going to wear their medal so why should I run their race? I will just run my own.

2012-01-31 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Clear the area - I am climbing up on my soap box. Protect the women and children. ( for the new folks - I get like this from time to time)

John - if I hear "find my pace" or "target pace" or "run calculator" one more time I am goin to kick your a$$. LOL. Serious dude, chill. I would make you leave your watch at home if I could. You are not looking at qualifying for the freaking Olympics - RELAX. The next time you go for a run - leave everything at home - no gadgets. Just run - listen to your body. I have seen more people blow up a marathon off Jack Daniels Running Formula and Macmillan than I can count. I give you full permission to attempt to script your NEXT marathon with the precision of NASA trying to save Apollo 13 but for this one have FUN. Fun is NOT mile 18. Feeling like you suck because you are 5 seconds behind your pace. Fun IS high giving every kid on the road. Thanking the volunteers and Police. I make it a point to tell EMS I am glad they are there and hope I never need them. Ask people in the crowd to tell you "you look great". They will crack up. If the spectators are quiet I will say " how bout some noise - this is hard". Read the signs. One of my all time favorites - Hurry Grandmas already drinking beer with the Kenyans.

IOW - chill relax party get the medal and stress over the next one. You get one FIRST triathlon, one first IM, one first 5k, one first marathon - ENJOY THE FIRST - then do what you want on the next one.

Finally - stress and pace and goal times lead to a lot of one and done- ers. They didn't have fun. They don't come back. Let's not take that chance.

Now I am climbing down off my soap box.
2012-01-31 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Suzie - rotation = propulsion.
2012-01-31 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Thanks for the kick in the butt, Bryan.  I've been slowly coming around to that approach on my own, but you're spot on with the "you only get one first one" advice.  I promise my goal will change from a time goal to a goal of making sure it's fun. 

The grandma sign sounds great!  I may steal that someday.

2012-01-31 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Bryan is so right....when I stress over my workouts my coach always ask me why am I working out?  I am not doing this because I will win races and make my living that way, no I do it because it is fun and I like the way I feel (it doesn't hurt either that I love to eat).  So, why do we stress over our times?  Instead we just need to go and have fun.  Granted when doing intervals you might want to use your watch but what I found if I do intervals and not worry about the time and just do the workout I always beat what I am trying to achieve.

I have been stressing over my marathon that is coming up as I really want to shave 20 minutes off from my last one however I have come to an understanding that it will probably not happen.  Instead my goal is to have fun and not worry about the little things.

Good Luck!


2012-01-31 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4020763

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Triple post, thats having fun.


Edited by Fit4Infinity 2012-01-31 1:04 PM

2012-01-31 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4020763

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Having so much fun, I posted twice.


Edited by Fit4Infinity 2012-01-31 1:03 PM
2012-01-31 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4020763

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

It's all about having fun.  Always make that goal number one.  When you make the training fun, you bring an overwhelming postive energy to race day.  This eliminates some of the mental confusion that comes with fatigue.  Armour yourself.  When you hear the inner voice asking yourself 'why am I here', the resounding response is 'I'm having fun!' 

Doing the happy dance crossing finish lines is fun!
Bouncing up and down in a marathon start corral is fun.
Floating in deep water at a long course mass start is fun. 
Hearing the cow bell on the final lap is fun.

Running your first mile is fun, so is your first 3, 5, 12 16 and 20 miler.
Rounding the first bouy turn is fun, so is the last.
Swimming off course is fun oops, so is finding where the exit to T1 is on shore when you spot the camera flashes in the dark.

Make in fun.



Edited by Fit4Infinity 2012-01-31 1:00 PM
2012-01-31 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

This is all so timely as I am starting to stress over my first HM in about a week.  I could have run/trained more....

However my stress is more from will I even finish rather than "can I finish in a certain time".  I really do just want to finish with a smile on my face and not hurt along the way.  I am probably not the only type A personality out here so it is just too easy to set these overzealous "time goals" and then really beat yourself up if you do not reach them.

Good advice to keep it real and keep in mind why we even do this, to have a good reason to be outside more, have fun and be healthy

thanks Bryan!

2012-01-31 1:13 PM
in reply to: #4020982

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Walla Walla
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Hearing the cow bell on the final lap is fun.


2012-01-31 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Mark, lol!

Where is our John (jslacker)???? I'm going to PM and harass him!

2012-01-31 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Several of you seem to be getting IT. IT is what we do. When I was a kid, my three favorite things to do was ride my bike, swim and run around playing with my friends at recess. Wow - look at that - as an adult they are still my favorites. That's the IT people - we are PLAYING. If this becomes too much like work you will stress, regret it, quit, get hurt, be disappointed all the time, etc. I do this to get away from all of that.

Half marathon pacing should be the same - run the first 7 miles at a 30 second pace slower than your long run pacing - then run how you can th last 6. Just give me 3 1/2 minutes and I will give you a great day. No stress - jeez I can do this - he wants me to SLOW DOWN on purpose.

By the way - some of you won't be able to do this - race will just overtake you with adrenaline or you might think you are different. I will support you and wish you good luck and Godspeed. I will also be here when you want to say "you told me so" - ask Billy about the bike at IMLou - it is sooooo easy to cook yourself on race day. Adrenaline is a powerful drug - until it wears off - then - ouch.
2012-01-31 2:41 PM
in reply to: #4020408

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

left.right.repeat - 2012-01-31 10:24 AM  Fun IS high giving every kid on the road. Thanking the volunteers and Police. I make it a point to tell EMS I am glad they are there and hope I never need them. Ask people in the crowd to tell you "you look great". They will crack up. If the spectators are quiet I will say " how bout some noise - this is hard". Read the signs. One of my all time favorites - Hurry Grandmas already drinking beer with the Kenyans. 

The interaction with the spectators was one of the best things about that marathon.  This was the first / inaugural Rock & Roll Marathon for Savannah.  There were over 20,000 (between HM and full) participants.  There was a lot of complaining when the course was announced because of the route. Savannah has a lot of beautiful streets, but also some not so great areas. It was some of the "not so great areas" that were the most enjoyable, though. Going through a low income neighborhood at 7:30AM and having the streets lined with kids and elderly folks cheering you on was amazing.

2012-01-31 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

I second the "Number one only happens once" - if it hurts, don't do it. If you are not having fun, don't do it. If you value your spouse, well... your choice. JUST KIDDING!

If I don't get to talk to at least 5 people during an event, I consider it a failure. How's that for setting a goal? Right after I thank my God for giving me the opportunity to do this again, I thank every police officer, every volunteer and for darn sure every EMS person I can.

One of the best lines I have ever heard is from a fellow triathlete - she is passing some folks sitting on lawnchairs alongside the course, and she leans toward them and says to THEM - "Pace yourself - you hava a long day ahead of you" - yes, I could have pedaled a bit harder, but why? for one less minute on the clock? Whatever!

Amen to the "Enjoy the journey!" -- and it is more than just race day. Every run, swim or bike ride is what you make of it. And no, I don't mean slow down on the bike long enough to smell the flowers - you will likely be face-planting in front of another cyclist, and it won't be pretty.

Rubber side down, helmet side up - if I can just get that part right this time!

Edited by triplebypat 2012-01-31 4:07 PM
2012-01-31 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Where is everybody tonight ???
2012-01-31 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
I've got shoes I've got shoes!!!!

2012-01-31 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Hey Lena...I hope you harassed John!!  He's been hiding from us!  

Billy I finally got inked!  What took me so long was that I promised my son I would wait until his 18th birthday so we could get inked together.  So he had his birthday and we got our ink!  I'll attach a picture.

Yes everyone.  HAVE FUN!  ENJOY THE JOURNEY!  If you aren't having fun why would you put all the work into this?   

(im tat.jpg)

im tat.jpg (4KB - 19 downloads)
2012-01-31 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Sweet Amy.  Is it on your calf or where?  Now maybe you will have time to file those race reports!!!


Can't wait to see it in Louisville in August where I will be going sub 13 as a 51 year old.  Expecting you to be at the finish to place me on the stretcher.

2012-01-31 9:12 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Thanks!  It's above my ankle.  

Sub 13...woo hoo!!! won't be on a stretcher!!!  You will finish STRONG!!!  OH YEAH!!!

2012-01-31 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Right leg or left?
2012-01-31 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

2012-01-31 10:21 PM
in reply to: #4022258

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Awesome Amy, thats a beautiful and powerful symbol of your journey.
2012-01-31 10:51 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Washington DC
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Great tattoo Amy! I really like that the ironman logo is incorporated into something instead of just standing solo. 


Hope it didn't hurt too badly to get it done.

2012-01-31 11:09 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Walla Walla
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Great design Amy.  I love it.

2012-01-31 11:11 PM
in reply to: #4022348

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Walla Walla
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Where was I tonight?  I was on the dreadmill. Running for 14 minutes in ...

wait for it ...

16 minutes!  Yay 7 minute intervals!

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