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2008-08-01 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1355942

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hey everyone !

Well we got back from NC on Tuesday and wow is it ever humid there !  I will take Idaho over that even with the cold snowy weather lol. You all have been very, very busy posting it will take me a while to catch  up on the reading.  I signed up for another Triathlon on Sept 6th in Bear Lake Ut. My training has gone down hill with the busy summer so I have to get back to it .  Not sure if I will race in August or not because my oldest daughter is going into pre-term labor right now I will be making a trip to Texas to help her out after the little guy is born . She is on bed rest so we are hoping for her to hold out another week, that will  put him at about 4 pnds when he is born (about 6 wks early). I have to tell ya grandkids are the best reason for surviving the teenage years of  your own children we had the best time with our little grandson on vacation.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend or start to it. Good luck to anyone racing this weekend !

2008-08-01 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Caius - I only know a little about wheels. Thanks for all the info.
Tracy - I can't imaging my car being stolen. Good thing you got it back! Also can't wait to hear about the tri you are putting on with your kids. Sounds fun!

So I signed up for the Folsom International Tri!! They had a 25% discount if you signup before Aug 5th! Now I am a little nervous about it! I have done one before so I know I can finish!! And I am thinking of doing a Pentathlon (All swimming stroke 50M and then 100 IM). I am not a sprinter, though. AND it is on the same day as my Half Mary.

During my last race (1st oly), I thought I was taking the swim long & stretch out. I don't know if it was nerves but my HR was the highest during the swim than any other portion of the race. It was even higher than the run which surprised me! In the sprints, I just go for it.

Have to get the kids ready for bed.
2008-08-01 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Caius - You 'da man!  I'm eating all of this technical tire info up!

I went out from the office one day and my truck was gone.  Someone stole it!  A week later, I was about to order a  new Nissan 4-door truck from my brother-in-law who works at a Nissan plant, at his discount, and the police called and said the found it.  Dadgummit!  I had to pay $75 to get out out of the impound lot!  When it was stolen from me!   Talk about feeling violated!  We disinfected the inside of the truck for like a day!  I feel for you Tracey!

You go, Kristina!

Having aerobars installed on my bike and should pick it up from the bike shop tomorrow!

Two hours of tennis tonite after swimming before work this morning.  I'm tired....

2008-08-02 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Picked up the bike today.  Couldn't ride long as we have neighbors coming over for afternoon cookout and also we have 100 degree heat indicies.  Knocked out a quick 5 miles on it, though.  Was taking corners here in the neighborhood at 19-21 mph.  Got cocky once and scraped my right pedal.  Oops!  Bike is still dirty from the rainy tri last weekend.  Will wash it and post a pic in a day or two.
2008-08-02 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Just completed my absolute favorite facet of triathlon: Carbo-loading!!!

I hope I didn't overdo it, as I am not that fond of carbo-UNloading, especially during a race!

Have a great weekend everyone...
2008-08-03 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Knock 'em dead today Tim!!!

2008-08-03 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

The dreaded double post.

Edited by orange223 2008-08-03 8:09 AM
2008-08-03 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1577617

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Kinesio - 2008-08-01 8:08 PM Also can't wait to hear about the tri you are putting on with your kids. Sounds fun! Kristina

Yesterday was our Family triathlon.  There's only one tri for kids left this year and it is way too long for our kids, so I made one up.  I took the kids to the local pool.  Graham, my 8 year old, swam 6 - 25m lengths.  Breanna, my 6 year old, swam 4 lengths.  It wasn't Michael Phelps swimming but hey they did it!  With that kind of distance, they actually could do a real tri next year.

Then we came back home.  For the cycle, they cycled as long as they could, which isn't very long.   They gave their all, though.

For the run, they ran like kids run:  all out!  Graham did a couple of laps around the block, probably about 600 metres; Breanna did about 1 1/2 laps.  I think she is actually a faster runner than her brother, but just doesn't have the same stamina.

Then I gave them medals from the dollar store.  They were thrilled!  A fun day for all of us!


2008-08-04 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Tracy, what a great idea! I think we'll be doing that at our house.
2008-08-04 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
The Tri I did this weekend isn't listed as a race on BT, so I'll post all the details here. Sorry if it is too long:

This was a first time race put on by some great people to raise money for local charities.
They did a fantastic job and I hope they decide to do it annually. The idea of the race was to get new people involved in Tri and to have a positive atmosphere where newbies could feel comfortable competeing with seasoned triathletes.

There were two divisions, the first was a newbie division for those with no race experience. The second was a handicapped division where your start time was based on your finishing time of the local spring triathlon. The slowest person started first, then everyone else started behind them at their handicapped time up to the fastest person starting last. I started number three, 10:57 behind the starter. I believe the fastest person started about 30 minutes after me. In theory, everyone would be finishing at the same time. The newbie wave went off first, and once they were all out of the water, the handicapped group started.

Swim (.5k):

There were several people there with ironman tattoos and really, really nice bikes. I was a bit nervous about being run down from behind by these people. When I started the swim I went out way too fast and about 200 meters out I was gasping for air heavily. I couldn't put my face in the water because I was breathing way too hard. I then got a little panicked and it just got worse from there. As hard as I tried, I couldn't relax and do a slow normal stroke. I just couldn't put my face in the water! I was reduced to side stroking. The next two people who started after me passed me with about 100 meters to go. I finally relaxed enough to swim in normally behind them. My swim time was 11:26.


I ran into transition a bit disappointed about my swim performance, but focused on the bike and tried to put it behind me. T1 went well, and I left ahead of the swimmeres who had passed me. T1 time was 2:35.

Bike (30k):

I started out as hard as I could on the bike (sound familiar?) and about ten minutes out was developing a good case of dry mouth. I reached down for my water bottle, fumbled it a bit, and then proceeded to drop it and it went bouncing down the side of the road and into a deep ravine, unretrievable! This was it, I thought, the proverbial disaster race that we all have from time to time. With almost an hour to go on the bike without any water I knew my performance would suffer, so I just relaxed and enjoyed the ride. As I was riding I looked at my handicapped start time that was marked on my hand 10:57, and it dawned upon me that 1057 was my late grandparents street address number. A sign of some divine intervention perhaps? Well, funny thing was, once I relaxed and was not worried about being run down from behind, I started to really hammer (for me anyway) on the bike. I was making good time and hadn't been passed by anyone. In fact I passed one of the two people who started ahead of me! I was happy with my bike time of 1:02:02


I came into T2 reenergized by a good ride and very thirsty! I had a spare bottle in transition so I drank from that, doned my running shoes and off I went. I was very happy with my T2 time of 42 seconds!

Run (5k):

Having gotten some water in me and a 2x caffeine power gel, I was feeling great and my run pace was looking better than I had expected. I passed the one other person who started ahead of me about ten minutes into it, as well as some of the newbie wave, that had started first. I ramped it up a bit, wondering how close the people behind me were. I once thought of looking back but decided not to, I didn't want to know how close they were! The run course was out and back, and at the turn I had some more water. Now that I was headed back,I could see how close everyone was. They weren't as close as I thought! I had a chance! I gave it my all, telling myself the pain would be over soon! With a 1/2 mile to go my heart was pounding, but I still hadn't been caught. I ran for all I was worth, trying to figure out how I was going to get up the uphill finish, because my tank was empty. With about 100 meters to go, the course turned and went up a steep hill. Having not been passed yet was motivation enough to sprint up the hill and into the finish! The second place finisher was about 5 seconds behind me! Now I know what those water buffalo feel like being chased down by cheetahs! Run time was 30:39.

Total finishing time was 1:47:24.

Well, needless to say I enjoy the handicapped start! I never have come close to winning anything, so this was a fantastic feeling! The best part of the race though was all of the people that were in it or supporting it. Everyone from the the fastest to the slowest had nothing but words of encouragement for each other. It was a totally positive, wonderful experience! There were about 50 competitors total. The people who put on the race had everyone over to their house for a barbeque afterwards! The race also raised over $1000 to be donated to local flood relief charities.

The people who put this together are some of the kindest folks I've met. I'm glad to have met them and I hope to be involved in there future races!
2008-08-04 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Very cool race report!

That is so cool you overcame dropping the water bottle.  I read somewhere, maybe here on BT, that when in a race or on race day, remember that nothing ever goes perfect at the office every day (or at school, or at home).  Things will happen, especially in a race with 20 to several thousand competitors!

Way to go!

2008-08-04 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Aerobar shots.  I can tell I can get more torque.  I really can tell a great difference with them!

2008-08-04 11:54 PM
in reply to: #1580056

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Good race report Tim, you did a great job. I have never been able to master getting my water bottle out taking a drink and putting it back without dropping it anytime I ride lol. I think next time I will wear a camel back instead.

Tracy you kids only tri sounds like a great idea, what a good way to get the kids intrested in sports  !

I finally took the time do take a bike ride tonight, I am feeling the effects not training for soo legs are sore and I didn't go very far!

Looks like I will be heading to Texas next week to help out my baby yet but we expect him any time now...ya know you worry your kids when they are babies , then you worry when they are having their own babies....never ends

Hope everyone is having a good start to their week !

2008-08-05 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1580056

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Tim, great race report!  Yeah, something always goes wrong doesn't it.  My lake swim - I'm still a bit stressed over it!  It was only 375m and it took me 10+ min.!  Also, I'll pass on something about BT that I didn't initially know:  you can add your races in to the database.  Basically you search for your race and if you don't find it, you can then add it. 

Terry - I have the same aerobars!

I'm a little nervous/excited for my tri on Sunday.

Have a great week everyone! 


2008-08-05 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Nice aerobars Terry! Looks like a nice clean installation.

I think I'm going to look into the profile design aerobottle, not so much for the aero, but for the hands free operation.
2008-08-06 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Timmeh - I recently got the profile aero bottle for my bike, but because I have clip on aero bars, the bottle didn't quite sit right in the bracket (bars aren't extended far enough out to allow clearance). The bottle would move around on me while riding, I'd get some splash back, etc. I love having the hands free option, but was getting somewhat frustrated that the bottle moved a bit - not much, just enough to irritate me.

This weekend I took it apart and zip tied it in place - seems a lot more secure, but I haven't gone for a full ride with it. Maybe tonight if I'm lucky.

Moral of the story - if you get one of these bottles they are really nice to have, but keep in mind that you may have to spend some time mucking about with it trying to get it the way you want. (My friend who has a full Tri Bike bought his and had zero issues because of how long his aerobars are).


2008-08-06 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I have a love/hate relationship with my aerobottle. I love the idea of it but I completley hate all the splashing around and the rattling drives me nuts (I love a quiet bike).

For the splashing I tried a couple of solutions including a different meshy thing, and eventually switched ofer to a make shift cap. See here for an example -;search_string=aerodrink%20cap;guest=20431967&t=search_engine 

I does a good job of keeping things in but when you go over a decent bump, BAM it all pops off and liquid splashes everywhere. It's annoying.

And so, I never use it any more...

Anyone want to buy a Pofile Design AeroDrink bottle?

2008-08-06 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Tracy, are your aerobars adjustable? That is, can you move them back? You seem very stretched out in this photo. BTW, where's your helmet?

2008-08-06 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the info on the aerobottle! I'll need to keep researching this a bit. I just saw an add for one (don't remember the brand) that mounted in the regular down tube bottle cage holes and then ran a drink tube up to where you would drink out of it.
2008-08-06 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1584831

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I think you're talking about the Speedfil system.

More info and some comments here -

2008-08-06 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1584641

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Honest - I have a helmet on in that photo.  The photo itself seems awfully stretched out.  Will have to check about the aerobars.

ETA - in your version of that photo, I seem to get more stretched out every time I look at it...

Edited by tracyhmcd 2008-08-06 8:27 PM

2008-08-07 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1586103

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
caius - 2008-08-06 4:17 PM

I think you're talking about the Speedfil system.

More info and some comments here -

Are you trying to get me in trouble???? My wife will kill me if I buy a different aerobottle now that I have the Profile one. This looks very cool, but I'll probably wait for the 2nd generation version to come out (shouldn't spend anymore money this year anyway). The zip ties actually worked really well and my bottle didn't budge on my ride last night. The only annoying thing left is the vibrations of the brake cables against the bottle. I'm just going to add some sort of small padding to the bottom of the bottle and I think all noice and movement will be gone. I'll let you know how it goes.

2008-08-07 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1586707

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Okay, did you change photos on me? I swear the original one that I posted was a full side shot and you weren't wearing a helmet. You were completely stretched out in the photo but did have a lovely smile

In this photo, you've got a helmet (good) and don't look stretched out. Your arm position looks relatively good. In this photo, and it's hard to tell 'cause it's from a quarter angle as opposed to a side shot, your thigh to stomach angle seems to be quite steep. It could just be the angle of the photo though. How's your breathing on the bike. Do you feel cramped? Do you feel like you can get enough air?

2008-08-07 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1587279

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Caius - you're right:  in the previous photo I didn't have a helmet but I was also practically at a stand-still.  I am relatively comfortable on my bike.  Hate to say it but for now, the aerobars are a glorified, expensive water bottle holder.  Will work on using them more over time.
2008-08-07 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1587246

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
squishybelly - 2008-08-07 8:17 AM

Are you trying to get me in trouble???? My wife will kill me if I buy a different aerobottle

I feel your pain. Got the permission to purchase the bike, then had to get the aerobars. Just got a new ISM Adamo saddle last night and then broke the news that I ordered some race tires. My funding has been officially cut off! Well, at least thats all that she cut off!!!!
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