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2009-02-23 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1976292

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
rstocks3 - 2009-02-22 9:20 PM

I got my first 10 hr training week in of the year thanks to a 13.5 mi run in the snow tonight!

Last week was my first 10 hr training week of the year also! 

2009-02-23 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1976919

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Bob- 13.5 mile run in the snow...  I could have used you when I could not make it up the access road in my car (5 mi. ride with 2500 feet of climbing - that would be a very solid hill for repeats-from-hell)!
2009-02-23 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1978150

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

jsklarz - 2009-02-23 8:41 PM Bob- 13.5 mile run in the snow...  I could have used you when I could not make it up the access road in my car (5 mi. ride with 2500 feet of climbing - that would be a very solid hill for repeats-from-hell)!

Repeats from hell is an understatement!! Don't tell my coach where that hill is!!

One great thing I got from my run yesterday was realizing that walking for 1 minute every 10 minutes only changed my overall pace by 3-4 seconds per mile! During that 1 minute my HR came down, my legs recovered and I was able to digest my gels and water or Gatorade. I've been reading one of Jeff Galloway's marathon books and he really pushes the run/walk method for training and racing. He actually has a plan for a 2:45 marathon using a run/walk!! After this run I'm becoming a believer.

2009-02-24 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!


Had a good swim and run workout this morning, although the run was on a dreadmill.

Hope everyone is doing well!

2009-02-24 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Good day here.  Swim this morning with Masters Group.  Then stationary bike at lunch.  Can't wait for it to warm up some so I can get outside on the bike.  The stationary bike is getting old!
2009-02-24 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Doing great here!  I got in a 2500 meters in the pool this morning.  Forgot my shoes so I will have to go home before I get my run in.  It's always dangerous to go home first....daddy, daddy, honey, can you, will you get.....Smile

2009-02-24 2:08 PM
in reply to: #1979612

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Speed work on the 'mill at lunch (ouch)... looking to get in an easy recovery trainer ride tonight, my legs would like that.

Bob- I was at 223 yesterday.   So I only need to lose 7 pounds in the next 3 days to meet my goal.  I figure that to be 21,000 calories more burned than consumed.  If I work out like Michael Phelps and eat regular, it should happen.... If I don't eat I only need to burn 12,000 calories.  I burn about 1200 calories/hour running. So if I don;t eat and run 3 hours a day, I am in!  (of course I am kidding, so don't  start thinking I need an intervention or anything.)

2009-02-25 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Morning everyone!  I was 172 this morning, but that was afer 1:24 on the trainer.  Hopefully, I'll get in a swim later today. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday. 
2009-02-25 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1979657

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
jsklarz - 2009-02-24 3:08 PM

Speed work on the 'mill at lunch (ouch)... looking to get in an easy recovery trainer ride tonight, my legs would like that.

Bob- I was at 223 yesterday.   So I only need to lose 7 pounds in the next 3 days to meet my goal.  I figure that to be 21,000 calories more burned than consumed.  If I work out like Michael Phelps and eat regular, it should happen.... If I don't eat I only need to burn 12,000 calories.  I burn about 1200 calories/hour running. So if I don;t eat and run 3 hours a day, I am in!  (of course I am kidding, so don't  start thinking I need an intervention or anything.)

Sounds like you have everything under complete control Jeff!

2009-02-25 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

So, my run fitness is shot.  With my slacking on the run all winter and the knee injury, I have no endurance.  I was able to run 1 mile tonight at an 11:30 pace.  That pace was faster than normal for me, so if I slow down some, maybe I could have gone another mile, but not much more.  I have some work to do!

2009-02-25 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1981938

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
phillybarb - 2009-02-25 5:27 PM

So, my run fitness is shot.  With my slacking on the run all winter and the knee injury, I have no endurance.  I was able to run 1 mile tonight at an 11:30 pace.  That pace was faster than normal for me, so if I slow down some, maybe I could have gone another mile, but not much more.  I have some work to do!

Don't get discouraged Barb. It's still early and you'll get your MOJO back. Take it slow and increase just a little at a time.

2009-02-26 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Bump.  Everyone must have been busy today--no posts!  I just got back from an overnight trip to VA.  Was 65 degrees down there today so I wish I could have stayed to get an outside run in!  Did get a short run outside last night and an easy 4 miles on the treadmill this morning.  What does everyone have planned for the weekend?  I will be spending another Saturday in the gym at a youth wrestling tournament in Owego.  After that, the kids will be off to grandma's for the night so my wife and I get a night out!  If we don't drink too much (we are headed to a party at a friend's house) we may try and get a run in together on Sunday morning before leaving for Scranton, PA for a Christening.  Pretty busy weekend.  I would probably be less tired on Sunday night if I stay home and trained all weekend!
2009-02-27 5:33 AM
in reply to: #1984634

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
don't forget final weigh-ins sunday  morning!  so don't have a filling night out!
2009-02-27 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
I know--down another pound today to 164.  Hopefully I don't blow that this weekend.  Maybe I should drink too much and get some weight loss the painful way!
2009-02-27 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Sorry I haven't been posting much.  My office is cracking down on personal internet usage, as one of my co-workers was caught looking at porn on the work computer and subsequently fired.  Now, they are watching us closely, so we are all afraid to use the internet for any personal usage, which means no BT at work for me for a little while.

I took the afternoon off of work and decided to go to the pool.  Well, they were filling the pool and the water was cold!  When I complained to the manager about not having a sign up informing us of the temperature, (I go to LA Fitness and there is another location about 4 miles away which I could have gone if I had known) the manager told me that the water entering the pool was 60 degrees.

This weekend I have a 3 1/2 hour trainer ride on Saturday and a run on Sunday.  I'm going out for a friends birthday on Saturday night, so my weight will probably be high on Sunday, but I'm not in the running for winning this competition anyway.

2009-02-28 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Tomorrow's the big day for the weight loss challenge. It's been a close race between twinracer (Tim) and gdale (George), So far George is in the lead with a 5.2% loss to Tim's 4.4%. 

George has a night out planned for tonight that could jeapordize his lead. Maybe a good spin or run today will negate some of the calories he'll take in tonight. Or maybe the "drinking too much" will cause a sudden weight loss for a morning weigh in. Hmmmmm.

As for Tim, he's been working out like a mad man and is still in second place.He may have to resort to some sort of parasite to take the final few pounds off. (Too bad that won't work for Placid! )

Good luck and I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

WHOA!!!! We have another challenger in Dexter (Dudley). He's been a sleeper in posting his losses on the list but has been doing some very consistent training and has come in with a 5.0% loss as of yesterday! Dudley is the master of the rollers in case you happened to see the video on how to use rollers! He's been putting them to good use, or it may have been the Wii training as well. Nice job Dudley!!!

Edited by rstocks3 2009-02-28 6:58 AM

2009-02-28 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
Weigh in will be very interesting tommorow morning.  Over the past 2 months I have been as high as 235 and as low as 223.  Yes, those numbers are true.  I'm really hoping for close to the 223 mark but life has been incredibly insane lately and my eating has not been good.  Just barely getting all planned work-outs in, but they are getting done.  Good luck to everyone.
2009-02-28 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1858312

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

I'll fess up. And sorry for the absence.

I've had a brutal Jan and Feb. Company got acquired, full-time travel, no access to a bike or pool...yeah, I let myself go. I'll give you my weigh-in now: 199. Up 6.

That being said, today is the first day I could change it, and I did: 1:45 tough ride at the Michigan trainerfest. Swimming tomorrow early, 2500, including 20x100 on the 1:40. Let's roll.

Hang in there, everyone.

2009-03-01 5:55 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
February was my worst training month in a year.  Nutrition was also lacking.  I did have a decent day good day yesterday, but weighin today will not be great.  Need to get my drive back, hopefully the end of Feb will help that.
2009-03-01 6:08 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Psssst ... rumor has it even Bob was in the running until a half-gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream passed his lips last night ...

Then again, he got up at the azz-crack of dawn to go running 12-13 miles and THEN still run with his tri club, so frankly I think that is pretty heroic. I mean, I know what I'm like after I eat ice cream like that ... passed out for days ... but not Rockin' Bob Stocks!!!

{I'm going to go into hiding so Bob doesn't throw empty ice cream cartons into my mentor group}

Awesome job, though, everyone. Even if you just joined and made an effort, that's huge. Congratulations!!!

2009-03-01 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
I held in at 164.  It is almost impossible to eat at the wrestling tournament so I made enough room that the night out didn't kill me.  Most of the empty calories I consumed last night were liquid and they seem to have passed on through!  NOt quite to my goal of 10 but happy with  the progress

2009-03-01 8:56 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

I'm finishing at 163 pounds.  I still have about 20 pounds to lose to get to a healthy weight for me and I am hoping to have that weight off by the end of the summer.  I'll just keep slowly chipping away at the extra weight.

2009-03-01 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!
I seems like February has been a bad month for a lot of us; however, it sounds like everyone is starting to get back on track.  Hang in there everyone!
2009-03-01 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

OK, let's put February behind was frought with excuses, for me. I started march with a bang...a very solid swim workout, only one diet pepsi, and a buncha chocolate milk to recover.

I also informed my NYC drinking buddies that I would only be eligible for 'the usual' one night this week...that's three nights for me, only one night for them. I like my odds of exercising, given that particular change.

2009-03-01 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1858312

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Full for now!

Just got in from my 22 mile run in which I took in no water, gels, gatorade or other nutrition. If I can just drag my shakin' a$$ over to the scale I think I may be in the 160's!!

 Just kidding of course. It was only 17 miles with nutrition and Yanti was right about the Choc Chip Ice Cream, it's a crutch!! I did manage to burn that off today but still weighed in at 178, out of the running.

Great job George, way to be rock steady!! Feb is a tough month, especially in the north where we are getting the end of winter blues. I am sooooo ready for the warm weather to get here. !

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