BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-03-05 8:39 AM
in reply to: #4080098

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

That sucks about your bike.  Glad you're OK though!

"It not about the Bike" by Lance Armstrong is really good.  I listed to the audio book while training last year, pretty motivating.

Didn't get any training in this weekend but high altitute skiing in Vail was an awesome workout. Felt the burn on every single run.

2012-03-05 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3943299

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Beautiful cloudless 30* morning in Vail Colorado.  Hit the gym and did some upper body weight training for 30 minutes this morning. In hind site should have rented snow shoes and went hiking for a couple of hours.  Really happy that I'm not sore after 3 days of hard skiing. I guess this training really works Laughing


Here is the group summary for last week.

    Total ----- SWIM ----- ------ BIKE ------- ------ RUN ------ Strength ---- OTHER -----
useridNameLocation Time TimeYards TimeMiles TimeMiles Time TimeDetails
stevepivStevenNew Jersey 14:14:45    2:05:4536.42 0:09:001   12:00:00Skiing
krazytallchickKathyGeorgia 9:15:00 2:00:005000 3:45:0040 2:30:0015 1:00:00   
PrivateIdahoRonIdaho 6:44:47 1:33:254550 3:10:3450.27 2:00:4811.98     
macmMichaelTexas 3:06:55    2:13:0330.8 0:53:525     
Lyman   6:35:00 2:15:003500 1:00:0020 2:20:0013 1:00:00   
EverlongScottMassachusetts10:38:57 2:17:006500 5:30:0099.13 2:46:5717.68   0:05:00Elliptical
Totals   50:35:24 8:05:2519550 17:44:22276.62 10:40:3763.66 2:00:00 12:05:00 


2012-03-06 5:20 AM
in reply to: #3943299

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
I'll check out that Lance Armstrong book, great title. Have fun in Vail! Skiing is tops for my favorite sport next to surfing. Well, it's 5am in Tulsa, OK and I could work or run...
2012-03-06 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4082172

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Hope you chose run!  Woke up @ 5:30 for a nice long CT ride. Legs felt great


1h 59m42.08 miles21.22 Mi/hr 
Avg Pwr: 149 Max Pwr: 420 Cad: 84


2012-03-06 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4082273

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
stevepiv - 2012-03-06 8:15 AM

Hope you chose run!  Woke up @ 5:30 for a nice long CT ride. Legs felt great


1h 59m42.08 miles21.22 Mi/hr 
Avg Pwr: 149 Max Pwr: 420 Cad: 84

How was your average power only 149 for that fast of a ride? That's absolutely smoking, awesome job.

2012-03-06 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3943299

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

I would rather do fast intervals than today's swim workout. Way too much back and breast stroke but what really killed me was the 200 dolphin kick and the 2 minute vertical kick while holding a medicine ball. By the end of the 200 dolphin my core was done. I'm not used to doing 200 straight of that. My legs were already toast from the earlier workouts this week and then throw in the dolphin and all of the back stroke and my quads were burning by the end of the 200 vertical kick. I'm so much more tired now than after fast intervals.

100 free
200 pull with paddles on :05 RI
200 free
300 4X with fins 25 finger tip, 25 free, 25 flutter kick on back continuous
200 4X50  pull breathing every 5, 4, 3, 2
300 3X (3X25 @30, 25 breast @45)
200 dolphin kick
300 6X50 odds back, evens free @1
100 4X25 back @45
300 4X75 breast
50 free
100 2 minute vertical kick with medicine ball
50 free
300 3X100 @1:45
200 pull with paddes @3:20

2012-03-06 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4082326

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
everlong - 2012-03-06 8:43 AM
stevepiv - 2012-03-06 8:15 AM

Hope you chose run!  Woke up @ 5:30 for a nice long CT ride. Legs felt great


1h 59m42.08 miles21.22 Mi/hr 
Avg Pwr: 149 Max Pwr: 420 Cad: 84

How was your average power only 149 for that fast of a ride? That's absolutely smoking, awesome job.

Thanks!  This was the profile of the ride...


I was at around 220 on the "hills" and 110 on the flats so I guess a 149 average makes sense.    btw - that's an insane swim workout, wow!

Edited by stevepiv 2012-03-06 8:25 AM
2012-03-06 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3943299

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
How much do you weigh? For me to maintain 21-ish MPH over an even ascent\decent course my average watts would need to be in the 270-280 range.
2012-03-06 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4082476

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

everlong - 2012-03-06 9:42 AM How much do you weigh? For me to maintain 21-ish MPH over an even ascent\decent course my average watts would need to be in the 270-280 range.

I weigh 204.   Isn't power also a function of the resistance on the rear wheel?  Two equal rides at the same MPH with a difference in the resistance would equal different average power ???

2012-03-06 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4082505

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
stevepiv - 2012-03-06 9:51 AM

everlong - 2012-03-06 9:42 AM How much do you weigh? For me to maintain 21-ish MPH over an even ascent\decent course my average watts would need to be in the 270-280 range.

I weigh 204.   Isn't power also a function of the resistance on the rear wheel?  Two equal rides at the same MPH with a difference in the resistance would equal different average power ???

If you take two riders one of whom weighs 204 and one who weighs 184 pounds and they both output 200 watts of power on average the rider weighing less will go much faster. So at 187 I would need to output less watts than you for the same speed on a trainer. Wind resistence on the road would also factor in.

2012-03-07 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3943299

Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
Just got back from a quick trip to Vegas with a buddy for a trade show. I hate that much good food. Now I have to buckle down and get back to it. My totals for last week were crap and now there isn't anything to break up my schedule for the next few weeks I should be able to put in consistent, quality training.

2012-03-07 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
Next time you are in Vegas, check out Red Rock Canyon;  it's a great hike and an exellent hangover cure.
2012-03-07 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4085656

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
I love Vegas tri's .....Eat, Drink, Party - Repeat.Good swim workout tonight except for the hamstring cramp. 1st ever and it was INTENSE. Very painful. Good thing it went away after 5 seconds. WU400, 400 pull, 200, 100 kcikMS2 * (3 * 200) (:20RI)3 * (3 * 100) (:20 RI)cool down 200 pull, 100 kick
2012-03-08 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3943299

Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Red Rock is one of my favorite places. I've done quite a few runs up there. My grandparents live in Vegas so we were always there. I competed in the Las Vegas Triathlon a few years ago and was totally unprepared for the race. It was my first olympic distance and I was new to Tri's and I thought my run fitness could carry me through the bike course...not so much. I blew up, cramped on the run and finished dead last. I think 4 or 5 of the Half Iron guys beat me. That's how bad it was. I didn't quit and sometimes I wish I would have. It was miserable. Since that race I told myself that I will never race that unprepared and untrained again.

The next time you guys are in Vegas I highly recommend the Wynn or the Encore hotels. Beautiful place.

2012-03-08 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4086435

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North Brunswick, NJ
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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

i echo that, the Wynn and Encore are the best on the strip.

Long day today... 1 hr hiking simulation @ 6:00 AM.  3.5 miles @ 8% incline with a weight vest. The ascent totaled 1000 ft ascent. After work went to a 4 hour Total Immersion refresher class.  2 hrs in a class room + 2 hrs doing drills in the pool.  Teacher showed the video on TI's  homepage amazing how effortless that guy looks.   I'm really glad I went and cant wait for my next long continuous swim to see if what I relearned will help.

2012-03-09 4:47 PM
in reply to: #4087890

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Last workout of the week today - a seven mile run.  Spring has arrived, it was 60 degrees out.  First time since October that I have run in just a t-shirt and running shorts - no layers, no gloves, no hat, it was awesome.

This week's totals:

4650.00 Yd
1h 33m 42s
48.62 Mi
2h 59m 56s
11.30 Mi
1h 50m 52s

2012-03-10 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Nice run!  Even though it hit 70 in NJ earlier this week, it was 40 for my run just now.  Run tights, 2 layers, gloves and hat but I was still glad to be out of the basement after 30 miles on the computrainer.  All in all , a good brick!

1h 52m30.33 miles16.25 Mi/hr 
Avg Pwr: 139 Max Pwr: 331 Cad: 63
1h 02m 33s7.00 miles08m 56s/Mi 


2012-03-10 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4089936

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
Distance:29.63 mi
Avg Speed:17.3 mph
Elevation Gain:2,053 ft
Calories:1,463 C

Man I feel like I fell of the BT world. I haven't been online for awhile. Looks like everyone is doing great. Did a group ride this morning and I hate skinny riders. They climb hills like they are not there. Overall it was a great ride outside, no tights just a long sleve shirt and jersey. Hello Spring!!


2012-03-10 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Weekly totals. I'm running a half marathon next Sunday so this is a recovery week but I'm not really tapering for the race. Around the end of January I was peaking and thought I might be able to run the race in under 8/mile pace. I don't see it as happening right now. My legs are still tired especially on the runs. I've started doing a lot more hip and glut stretches and exercises at night. I think my smaller connector muscles are just fried and need the recovery type work. Any way I think  I'll probably run it at 8:15 pace. I'm going to try and run the first half at that pace and if I feel good I'll try to fly the second half to get under 8:00 pace but if I don't feel it I might even back off to a slower speed as to not blow my entire week.

5700.00 Yd
2h 07m
108.09 Mi
6h 00m
16.69 Mi
2h 40m 11s
2012-03-11 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4090266

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED
Here are my weekly totals, didn't get to the pool as much this week.  
1800.00 Yd
1h 15m

84.53 Mi
4h 51m 57s
11.20 Mi
1h 51m 55s
2012-03-11 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3943299

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Good luck on your HM Everlong!  I too have one this weekend, but I am no where near your pace.

Here are my weekly totals:

S:  5000/ 2 hours

B:  4:30/64 miles

R: 3:24/ 20 miles

I am finally getting time on the bike, yeah!!!!

2012-03-12 5:44 AM
in reply to: #3943299

Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

My totals for the week:

5900.00 Yd
3h 30m
38.60 Mi
2h 13m
12.00 Mi
2h 15m 38s
2012-03-12 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3943299

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Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Only one sport this week.  Although, I got my bike back yesterday and it's good as new, after a front rim replacement and other adjustments.  The shop suggested that tire pressure be at 110psi;  I was running at 90psi, which probably led the rim failure.  It's surprising, as I thought even 90psi was high.

12.66 Mi
2h 13m 09s
2012-03-12 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3943299

Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

Saturday morning did a 10 mile run using the Galloway method (10 minutes run, 1 minute walk) and for the first half it was a little annoying. Then by mile 6 I realized I was going much faster than I planned. I expected to cruise at a 10 min/mile pace but it ended up being me running a 9 min/mile pace. My 2nd half was much faster than the first with my avg mile time around 8:30.

24.57 Mi
3h 53m 06s

Lost 3 days this week to travel and other commitments but I'm happy with what I was able to put in. I think this is my first week in a long time I haven't gone for a ride...kinda bums me out. It's supposed to be super nice this week here so I'm planning on a big week.

2012-03-12 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4091253

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Steve's Group (Year Two) - CLOSED

krazytallchick - 2012-03-11 9:55 PM

I am finally getting time on the bike, yeah!!!!

Must feel great to finally be riding after all that running!

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