BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-19 10:48 AM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by SportzVision

Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by SportzVision

Well I am still here...barely. Its been pretty rough with being sick. I had a103 fever a couple of times this week. The doctor has put me on some extremely strong antibiotics and if they don't work she is admitting me to the hospital. She seemed on the fence about admitting me today but i am really glad she didn't. I have been too weak to even sit up until now. Hopefully this is a good sign! I wanted to make the last year of my 40s epic...recovering from this infection will be my first epic accomplishment!

I pitty the germs or the virus that made the mistake of choosing you. Don't they know who they're messing with?

Seriously - I will be praying that the new antibiotics do their job. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

With a lil help from the positive thoughts from my friends I am on the mend! Thank you all!

At dinner last night I took in more calories in one meal than I had the prior five days combined; A slice of Cowboy Pizza and a Smoked Porter Vanilla Bean from Stone Brewery. I had finally had the stomach to eat ...over the last few weeks I have lost 10 pounds...all muscle I am sure.

My husband told me I finally had some color back this morning and wanted to know if that meant this afternoon I would be running the "I might be over this infection 5K" he had heard about ...ha ha he knows me too well. I did go on a mile walk with my grandson yesterday...that was a bit much.

Cynthia - Glad you have crushed that infection and celebrated with some tasty food and beverage! The fact that you are getting so tired from walking a mile with your grandson points a how under the weather you were. Take it easy this week so you can have a great month of February!

2014-01-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
14/31 with a trainer ride during the Blackhawks overtime victory over the Bruins. Rode hard during the game, and spun out during commercials. Taking wife out to Prime rib and salmon dinner tonight for birthday, had to burn a few calories. Will have whichever IPA is on tap. Sweet rewards. Going fishing tomorrow!

Have a good week BDAAS!!!
2014-01-19 3:14 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Using a much needed rest day to do some intense cleaning of our house in anticipation of my wife's return this afternoon. I've been moving furniture and the like, which I gotta figure is as good as a strength training session! All done now and contimplating my reward options--probably a nice Woodford.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

who is everyone cheering for today? We're cheering for the Broncos, but only because they are playing against the Pats--cant stand the Pats. As for the other game...don't really have a preference, so go seahawks!

2014-01-19 4:14 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Originally posted by Juancho

Glad you are back eating and training!
The week was going well according to my plans, Friday started to rain so spinning class, rest day yesterday, and hope to do a long run this evening instead my long bike ride, as I do not have a trainer at home. Any suggestions? I have seen different options, fixed back wheel or just a roller.

Fluid trainers are generally the quietest, and have somewhat realistic rolldowns - it doesn't stop instantly when you stop pedaling.
I have two: a Cycleops Fluid 2 and a Performance Bike Travel Trac Comp Fluid. I really can't tell the difference between them when I'm on the bike, but the Travel Trac is a lot cheaper if you are buying retail. The Fluid 2 is nice since it has a quick release to get the bike out, whereas the Travel Trac has a screw release that takes about 3 minutes to undo.
Depending on what you are looking to spend (and how much VAT you get hit with in Spain), I would also look at a Wahoo Kickr, for the abillity to train with power. However, at ~$1,100 US, that would also compete with buying a Powertap and a Travel Trac, and the Powertap you can use outside.
Also, Trainer Road makes the trainer a lot more interesting, and in my mind is an automatic $10 per month from my bank account.

Excellent explanation and extremely helpful. Considering that VAT in Spain is 16% will look for a excuse to buy me a present soon. Travel Trac seems very attractive from your explanations.
2014-01-19 4:30 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Great week, but only 2 out of 4 goals achieved weekend has been at the end too busy with family (but priority #1). So tomorrow morning, early before work, will start with a 10k run. Wish you a great start for this week! Stay strong!
2014-01-19 5:37 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Here is my story... am I am sticking to it...

I ran my 3 miles today but just barely... there wasn't any thing pretty about it. My stride count was off. My footfalls were in consistant. And I just didn't put forth the effort. I just did the minimum and that's it.

That's the second workout that I have half as$ed. I haven't had it in me. I didn't get my goals done. I didn't video tape my strides and I didn't record my consumption. Frankly, I ate like crap. My excuse is that JQ was getting out of rehab and I was just hanging on - but I'm not proud of my efforts. Next week. Time for a rest week.

I may have said this last night - but the reason why they call it an iron man isn't because of the race... but because of the workouts needed to get there. I need to focus.

Speaking of focusing, what's on TV?

2014-01-19 5:41 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Using a much needed rest day to do some intense cleaning of our house in anticipation of my wife's return this afternoon. I've been moving furniture and the like, which I gotta figure is as good as a strength training session! All done now and contimplating my reward options--probably a nice Woodford.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

who is everyone cheering for today? We're cheering for the Broncos, but only because they are playing against the Pats--cant stand the Pats. As for the other game...don't really have a preference, so go seahawks!

I'm rooting for the broncos too, because I'm a fan of Payton. Always been a big Colts fan, and I can't help but root for Payton still.

I love the Woodford and I too will go bourbon tonight! I'm going with a glass of E.H. Taylor Single Barrel. I went to a dinner at Buffalo Trace Distillery on Friday night that honored Col. E.H. Taylor and there were stories told by his family and a tasting of all his bourbons. The original, the single barrel, the straight rye, and the barrel proof. That barrel proof was amazing, but too hard to come by, so I got a bottle of the single barrel.
2014-01-19 6:16 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Denver native here. SUPER BOWL HERE WE COME!!! This was a good week for my the goals I didn't accomplish all have positives to them.

Goals for the week:
- 3 swim workouts, 2750 total Meters
- 3 Hours on the bike trainer, I actually don't mind the trainer at all
- complete push-up/pull-up challenge week 2
- 1 strength session
- 1 hour yoga
- Race Duathlon series #2 injury free. Don't crash the bike! Take it easy on the run. (It's officially been 4 weeks rest now and I'm itching so bad to run!)
- Buy a warm 16oz Coors light aluminum pint @ build your own 6 pack - Make the other 5 really count!
- Continue training Sophie (My girlfriend) at boxing...she just like punching me I think!
2014-01-19 6:26 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
This week

3 swim workouts 3KM total
4.5 Hrs on the bike. Tour of Sufferlandria is finally here!
1 hour yoga/foam roll
1 strength session
Push-up/pull-up week 3
2014-01-19 7:58 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Weekend workouts include a 10 mile bike ride around town while I ran some errands and about an hour of surfing. Well, the surfing was mostly paddling with an extended rest break waiting for a set as the waves were not so great, so does it count as a swim workout?

For beer I had "Racer X" from Bear Republic, a double IPA based off on of my favorite IPA's: "Racer 5". Good and hoppy, however being a double it was maltier than I generally prefer so I'll stick to the Racer 5 (my favorite beer to drink after a race).

One of my goals this week is to make an appointment with my podiatrist to get my foot looked at. All of last year I had no issues with running until the half-marathon (my 3rd) at the end of the year. With another HM at the end of Feb I need to find out if getting back into training will be doing more damage than good. 

2014-01-19 9:56 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Weekend workouts include a 10 mile bike ride around town while I ran some errands and about an hour of surfing. Well, the surfing was mostly paddling with an extended rest break waiting for a set as the waves were not so great, so does it count as a swim workout?

For beer I had "Racer X" from Bear Republic, a double IPA based off on of my favorite IPA's: "Racer 5". Good and hoppy, however being a double it was maltier than I generally prefer so I'll stick to the Racer 5 (my favorite beer to drink after a race).

One of my goals this week is to make an appointment with my podiatrist to get my foot looked at. All of last year I had no issues with running until the half-marathon (my 3rd) at the end of the year. With another HM at the end of Feb I need to find out if getting back into training will be doing more damage than good. 

Mark - I'm sorry if you have mentioned it - but what foot problems are you experiencing these days?

I could not agree with you more when it come to not liking malty backbones to IPA's. I appreciate balance in a beer - but when brewers use maltiness to achieve that balance - they lose my interest. Tonight I had Hop Devil and Hop Ranch from Victory. Both have ABV's above 8.7% but neither has significant maltiness to turn me off. In fact - what blows me away is you can't even taste the alcohol. So refreshing!

2014-01-19 11:50 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Wife and I went out for her 37th. We ended the evening at a new pub in our area called Waddells. They have 7 brews of their own on tap and at least 7 more of the usual suspects on tap. I noticed right off on the menu an there Imperial at 8.5% and 90IBU's. Unfortunately the waitress informed wife and I that 5 out of the 7 house brews were all tapped out. The place was packed with Seahawks fans, and we got there with 4 min. left in the 4th quarter. That must have been one he!! of a party! We both got there pale ale at 5.5% and 65 IBU's. It was delicious. I'll have to find a reason to visit again when their Imperial is back on.
2014-01-20 7:10 AM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by kevinbe 14/31 with a trainer ride during the Blackhawks overtime victory over the Bruins. Rode hard during the game, and spun out during commercials. Taking wife out to Prime rib and salmon dinner tonight for birthday, had to burn a few calories. Will have whichever IPA is on tap. Sweet rewards. Going fishing tomorrow! Have a good week BDAAS!!!

Hope y'all enjoyed the dinner.  With kids, its super important to still have that time together.  We don't do it near enough.  Great job getting your 14th workout in.  I'm behind but hopefully I can make up some ground this week. Later!

2014-01-20 7:13 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Qua17 Here is my story... am I am sticking to it... I ran my 3 miles today but just barely... there wasn't any thing pretty about it. My stride count was off. My footfalls were in consistant. And I just didn't put forth the effort. I just did the minimum and that's it. That's the second workout that I have half as$ed. I haven't had it in me. I didn't get my goals done. I didn't video tape my strides and I didn't record my consumption. Frankly, I ate like crap. My excuse is that JQ was getting out of rehab and I was just hanging on - but I'm not proud of my efforts. Next week. Time for a rest week. I may have said this last night - but the reason why they call it an iron man isn't because of the race... but because of the workouts needed to get there. I need to focus. Speaking of focusing, what's on TV?

I agree.  Sounds like you need a rest.  Back off for a week and I bet you'll follow it up with great workouts!

2014-01-20 7:16 AM
in reply to: Brian W

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Brian W Denver native here. SUPER BOWL HERE WE COME!!! This was a good week for my the goals I didn't accomplish all have positives to them. Goals for the week: - 3 swim workouts, 2750 total Meters ACCOMPLISHED 3.4KM - 3 Hours on the bike trainer, I actually don't mind the trainer at all ACCOMPLISHED 3H 2m, PLUSS I GOT OUTSIDE! - complete push-up/pull-up challenge week 2 ACCOMPLISHED - 1 strength session ACCOMPLISHED - 2 SESSIONS - 1 hour yoga FAIL. ONLY 1 1/2 HR SESSION - Race Duathlon series #2 injury free. Don't crash the bike! Take it easy on the run. (It's officially been 4 weeks rest now and I'm itching so bad to run!) FAIL? DECIDED TO STICK TO MY 8 WEEKS REST, WENT FOR BIKE RIDE INSTEAD - Buy a warm 16oz Coors light aluminum pint @ build your own 6 pack - Make the other 5 really count! FAIL. STILL NEED TO MAKE IT TO THE LIQUOR STORE - Continue training Sophie (My girlfriend) at boxing...she just like punching me I think! ACCOMPLISHED-3 SESSIONS BOXING/SWIM TRAINING WITH Sophie

Great job!  You got a lot done.  Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!

2014-01-20 7:27 AM
in reply to: NeverTri'd

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Okay.  Need some input on my knee.  I've been having this discomfort for about 3 months.  Mainly when playing jumping and cutting sports such as basketball and volleyball.  Have had a sensation of lateral knee weakness.  It's progressed to an overall knee ache.  Just a dull discomfort.  Running doesn't seem to bother it but biking does.  I think because I don't go to complete extension for an extended period of time.  Also it bothers me during times of inactivity but tends to go away when I'm warmed up.  When I'm cold and stiff its uncomfortable when I go to both full flexion and full extension.  Any ideas?  I'm trying to avoid the doctor if I can. 

2014-01-20 9:55 AM
in reply to: NeverTri'd

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by NeverTri'd

Okay.  Need some input on my knee.  I've been having this discomfort for about 3 months.  Mainly when playing jumping and cutting sports such as basketball and volleyball.  Have had a sensation of lateral knee weakness.  It's progressed to an overall knee ache.  Just a dull discomfort.  Running doesn't seem to bother it but biking does.  I think because I don't go to complete extension for an extended period of time.  Also it bothers me during times of inactivity but tends to go away when I'm warmed up.  When I'm cold and stiff its uncomfortable when I go to both full flexion and full extension.  Any ideas?  I'm trying to avoid the doctor if I can. 

I've got terrible knees, and especially for someone my age. I plYed football from 6-highschool and had possibly the worst stretching routine possible. Anyway then I became a hardcore runner and brought those bad habits with me.

My knee crunches when I extend my lower leg. After a really long run (16-20) it'll feel swollen or rickety like and old door. To the knee used to ache on the bike, I video taped myself with my ipad and noticed I wasn't extending or straightening my leg very much at the bottom of my stroke but putting a lot of forward (think 4or5 o'clock instead of 6) on my leg. I raised my seat and that really helped my biking and the odd pain/ache went away.

I've had to avoid lateral motion sports (no longer playing in flag football leagues) and plyometrics to help my knee keep up with my running. If you come from a running background you're probably really strong in the forward/back direction but very weak generally side to side (like you'd expect I'm basketball etc).

I hope you don't have to quit playing other sports but be cautious and add some strength light training to keep you in balance side to side. A lateral weakness can lead to a full on 100% of the knee discomfort. I'd avoid the jumping etc. but if that's not an option just be conscious and train/strengthen your legs/knee for this activity as moving in a straight line (running) will tend to hinder that ability. Best of luck,
2014-01-20 10:42 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Qua17
Originally posted by MOlsen

One of my goals this week is to make an appointment with my podiatrist to get my foot looked at. All of last year I had no issues with running until the half-marathon (my 3rd) at the end of the year. With another HM at the end of Feb I need to find out if getting back into training will be doing more damage than good. 

Mark - I'm sorry if you have mentioned it - but what foot problems are you experiencing these days?

I believe I'm dealing with "Extensor Tendonitis" (top of foot pain). After my last HM in December the top of my right foot was not happy at all. Rested a week, then went for a 5 mile run and the pain came back. Rested almost two weeks and went for a 3 mile run (with different lacing to reduce pressure on top of foot) and the pain came back a mile in. After the run I could feel some swelling (or possibly scar tissue?) around the tendons where the pain was centered.

2014-01-20 11:21 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Well I didn't get my run in on Friday with the kids out of school and the outside temps being what I call but cold…… but I did get it in over the weekend when I'd normally be off. Weigh in this morning looked decent considering I drank way too much beer this weekend. Saturday night was a trivia event with beer included and Sunday my wife and went to the local mexican restraunt for a beer after our coed volleyball game. a beer quickly became 2 pitchers of beer when the owner of the restraunt saw us. He like sending us free beer and I couldn't let it go to waste… and my wife quickly got dubbed the driver since she'd never be able to drink that much. The sacrifices we make for beer. Anyway, with weight loss my primary focus right now today's weigh in was 243.8. I shaved another 2 pounds off making it a total of 6.4 pounds in the first two weeks….

Kids are off school again today so we're getting a late start on the workout but heading to the Y for a good swim. I'll try to get some miles on my trainer later also.
2014-01-20 1:20 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by kevinbe

Wife and I went out for her 37th. We ended the evening at a new pub in our area called Waddells. They have 7 brews of their own on tap and at least 7 more of the usual suspects on tap. I noticed right off on the menu an there Imperial at 8.5% and 90IBU's. Unfortunately the waitress informed wife and I that 5 out of the 7 house brews were all tapped out. The place was packed with Seahawks fans, and we got there with 4 min. left in the 4th quarter. That must have been one he!! of a party! We both got there pale ale at 5.5% and 65 IBU's. It was delicious. I'll have to find a reason to visit again when their Imperial is back on.

Superbowl.... just get there early. Happy BD to Sarah!
2014-01-20 1:27 PM
in reply to: MSURDYKE

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MSURDYKE

Well I didn't get my run in on Friday with the kids out of school and the outside temps being what I call but cold…… but I did get it in over the weekend when I'd normally be off. Weigh in this morning looked decent considering I drank way too much beer this weekend. Saturday night was a trivia event with beer included and Sunday my wife and went to the local mexican restraunt for a beer after our coed volleyball game. a beer quickly became 2 pitchers of beer when the owner of the restraunt saw us. He like sending us free beer and I couldn't let it go to waste… and my wife quickly got dubbed the driver since she'd never be able to drink that much. The sacrifices we make for beer. Anyway, with weight loss my primary focus right now today's weigh in was 243.8. I shaved another 2 pounds off making it a total of 6.4 pounds in the first two weeks….

Kids are off school again today so we're getting a late start on the workout but heading to the Y for a good swim. I'll try to get some miles on my trainer later also.

6.4 is a great accomplishment and a super start! 10 days to lose 3.5 pounds is totally doable!

2014-01-20 1:30 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by Qua17
Originally posted by MOlsen

One of my goals this week is to make an appointment with my podiatrist to get my foot looked at. All of last year I had no issues with running until the half-marathon (my 3rd) at the end of the year. With another HM at the end of Feb I need to find out if getting back into training will be doing more damage than good. 

Mark - I'm sorry if you have mentioned it - but what foot problems are you experiencing these days?

I believe I'm dealing with "Extensor Tendonitis" (top of foot pain). After my last HM in December the top of my right foot was not happy at all. Rested a week, then went for a 5 mile run and the pain came back. Rested almost two weeks and went for a 3 mile run (with different lacing to reduce pressure on top of foot) and the pain came back a mile in. After the run I could feel some swelling (or possibly scar tissue?) around the tendons where the pain was centered.

That's one I've never heard of. Sorry you are going through it! Hopefully your pediatrist will be able to figure out a solution so you can make the HM in Feb. a reality!
2014-01-20 4:12 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Workout for the day: 1300m swim, working my way up to 1500m by the end of the week (1400m on Weds, 1500m on Fri). Then next week I'll start the Swim Speed Secrets and jump up to about 2000m... yikes! At least the SSS workouts are mixed drills and not just swimming laps, so it should help make it more interesting.

2014-01-20 5:38 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
How many workouts per week are on the SSS plan? I think I need something structured for my swim days to get faster at the swim.
2014-01-21 7:57 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Bradleykd

How many workouts per week are on the SSS plan? I think I need something structured for my swim days to get faster at the swim.

I saw this statement posted somewhere, and it was an "ah-ha" moment for me: swimming is more like golf or tennis than running or cycling, and should be approached the same way. After thinking about it, I realized Tiger Woods (or whoever) doesn't hit the ball harder, he hits the ball better.

If you can find it and afford it, a masters group is a very productive use of your time in the pool.

If you just go out and swim, like I did for the first six months, you'll see basic gains and then hit the wall of technique.

Personally, I finally figured out what people mean by "high elbow catch" and saw 5 seconds fall off my 100s, which a full point drop in RPE. Now if only I could figure out my kick . . .
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