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2016-02-24 10:02 AM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by Left Brain

If it's Hillary v. Trump in the general election.......I believe Trump will be unstoppable.  I have to admit.....I'm going to enjoy the looks on the faces of lots of those hopey changey types.  LOL

Really curious as to what logical reasoning, data, or analysis leads you to this conclusion, or is just gut feel or some anecdotal evidence that you have observed?

I know you were asking LB, but for me it's based on the excitement and number of people he's drawing in.  He's also drawing more support from non-Republican areas (Unions specifically) that will hurt the Democrats in the General.

The Democrats need Unions, Minorities, and Hispanics in order to win.  Trump is drawing more support from all three of those groups than any other candidate on the Republican side.

Just remember, that when Hillary brought out Bill to start campaigning Trump absolutely crushed him in less than a day.  This was the beginning of Hillary sliding in all the polls and Bernie getting traction.  Trump actually made a mistake and played his cards a little too soon, which is why you don't hear him saying anything about them now.
Trump didn't have a chance against Jeb, Fiorina, Carson, Cruz, Rubio... but in every case he absolutely crushed them.  Hillary (or Bernie) don't have a chance in the general IMHO.

The media and many of the partisan Democratic hacks love to tout how horrible Trump is and that he doesn't have a chance versus Hillary, but the simple fact that they're trying to knock him down now speaks volumes.  If they want the Republicans to nominate Rubio it's most certainly not because they think he has a better chance to beat Hillary.  It's because they're afraid of Trump.


2016-02-24 10:37 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by Left Brain

If it's Hillary v. Trump in the general election.......I believe Trump will be unstoppable.  I have to admit.....I'm going to enjoy the looks on the faces of lots of those hopey changey types.  LOL

Really curious as to what logical reasoning, data, or analysis leads you to this conclusion, or is just gut feel or some anecdotal evidence that you have observed?

Yeah, that's all.  Hell, my 83 year old mother-in-law......an avowed Democrat and two term President Obama voter has declared she will vote for Trump.....she's disillusioned and sick of both parties.  The new voters that I've talked with (my son's friends) are firmly in the Trump camp.....ESPECIALLY if Hillary is the other choice.

In general, I just sense a backlash from all of the constant protest movements, the crazy arse media,  etc.  People are just fed up with constantly being told they are the problem when they are just trying to live their lives.  I think you will see quite a bit of a "spite" vote. 

Of course.....it all depends on who actually comes out to vote.  Maybe being mad and sick and tired of all the usual shenanigans won't be enough of a motivator to come off the couch.....time will tell.  I just think it's absolutely foolish to think that goofball doesn't have a chance........he has quite a bit more then that IMO.

And in what states, as creating new voters in say Alabama isn't going to help add to the electoral college deficit that he will start with. He will need to win some of those critical swing states that neither Romney nor McCain could win. I still see him as a huge underdog, especially with his low net favorables.
2016-02-24 10:44 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by Left Brain

If it's Hillary v. Trump in the general election.......I believe Trump will be unstoppable.  I have to admit.....I'm going to enjoy the looks on the faces of lots of those hopey changey types.  LOL

Really curious as to what logical reasoning, data, or analysis leads you to this conclusion, or is just gut feel or some anecdotal evidence that you have observed?

Yeah, that's all.  Hell, my 83 year old mother-in-law......an avowed Democrat and two term President Obama voter has declared she will vote for Trump.....she's disillusioned and sick of both parties.  The new voters that I've talked with (my son's friends) are firmly in the Trump camp.....ESPECIALLY if Hillary is the other choice.

In general, I just sense a backlash from all of the constant protest movements, the crazy arse media,  etc.  People are just fed up with constantly being told they are the problem when they are just trying to live their lives.  I think you will see quite a bit of a "spite" vote. 

Of course.....it all depends on who actually comes out to vote.  Maybe being mad and sick and tired of all the usual shenanigans won't be enough of a motivator to come off the couch.....time will tell.  I just think it's absolutely foolish to think that goofball doesn't have a chance........he has quite a bit more then that IMO.

And in what states, as creating new voters in say Alabama isn't going to help add to the electoral college deficit that he will start with. He will need to win some of those critical swing states that neither Romney nor McCain could win. I still see him as a huge underdog, especially with his low net favorables.

I didn't say he was not beatable.....but I don't think Hillary can.  I think this country is done with the Clintons.  She can barely beat an avowed Socialist, and that word scares the crap out of LOTS of people. 

Edited by Left Brain 2016-02-24 10:45 AM
2016-02-24 11:00 AM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by Left Brain

If it's Hillary v. Trump in the general election.......I believe Trump will be unstoppable.  I have to admit.....I'm going to enjoy the looks on the faces of lots of those hopey changey types.  LOL

Really curious as to what logical reasoning, data, or analysis leads you to this conclusion, or is just gut feel or some anecdotal evidence that you have observed?

Yeah, that's all.  Hell, my 83 year old mother-in-law......an avowed Democrat and two term President Obama voter has declared she will vote for Trump.....she's disillusioned and sick of both parties.  The new voters that I've talked with (my son's friends) are firmly in the Trump camp.....ESPECIALLY if Hillary is the other choice.

In general, I just sense a backlash from all of the constant protest movements, the crazy arse media,  etc.  People are just fed up with constantly being told they are the problem when they are just trying to live their lives.  I think you will see quite a bit of a "spite" vote. 

Of course.....it all depends on who actually comes out to vote.  Maybe being mad and sick and tired of all the usual shenanigans won't be enough of a motivator to come off the couch.....time will tell.  I just think it's absolutely foolish to think that goofball doesn't have a chance........he has quite a bit more then that IMO.

And in what states, as creating new voters in say Alabama isn't going to help add to the electoral college deficit that he will start with. He will need to win some of those critical swing states that neither Romney nor McCain could win. I still see him as a huge underdog, especially with his low net favorables.

Excellent question and I don't even know the answer fully.  Obviously he could win 100% of the vote in Texas and it doesn't make a difference overall.

Just thinking out loud I suspect he would have an advantage in the states that have been impacted heavily by outsourcing.  OH, MI, WI.
FL, NM, and NV could flip due to his strong position on immigration due to them being heavily effected by it.
I'm sure he'll garner more support in CA than any of the other R's, but similar to the Texas example it doesn't matter because he won't be able to win the state.
I don't know enough about the Northeast to know if there's anywhere he could get enough traction.

2016-02-24 12:18 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump
2016-02-25 1:06 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

Somebody posted this on FB and I thought it really captured a lot of my thoughts on Trump.
I don't know if it's properly attributed to the Massie guy or not, I'm just posting it as it was on FB.


Trump Is Not Conservative, He’s A Pragmatist
By Mychal Massie on January 19, 2016 in Daily Rant, Race & Politics 5

We recently enjoyed a belated holiday dinner with friends at the home of other friends. The dinner conversation was jocund, ranging from discussions about antique glass and china to theology and politics. At one point reference was made to Donald Trump being a conservative to which I responded that Trump is not a conservative.

I said that I neither view nor do I believe Trump views himself as a conservative. I stated it was my opinion that Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn’t see the problem as liberal or conservative, he sees it only as a problem.

Like many of the articles you post, this is pretty heavily right-wing-slanted opinion, masquerading as a balanced viewpoint. There are a number of examples, but here's a pretty obvious one from early on: "Viewing problems from a liberal perspective has resulted in the creation of more problems, more entitlement programs, more victims, more government, more political correctness, and more attacks on the working class in all economic strata. Viewing things according to the so-called(my emphasis) Republican conservative perspective has brought continued spending, globalism to the detriment of American interests..."

The subtle insertion of "so-called" suggests that while the liberal perspective has undoubtedly wrought disaster, in the form of more entitlement programs, etc, the problems of spending and globalism aren't really the Republicans' fault, but merely things that are ascribed to them, ostensibly, by liberals, and it is implied, unjustifiably.

He also dismisses Clinton and Sanders as being insane, while the GOP candidates, he suggests, are "merely" corrupt. Last, he as much as says that the problem with the country is that it has become too liberal. As much as he keeps suggesting that he's equally frustrated with both parties, he continues to suggest that liberalism-- and the degree that it has infiltrated the GOP, is the "real" problem. " In brief, it has brought liberal ideology with a pachyderm as a mascot juxtaposed to the of the Democrat Party." That doesn't sound very balanced to me. But whatever...

And again with the "political correctness" thing? Is it something different than code for "insulting people"? Because if it's not, I don't understand what it means.

I also laughed a little at, "As a pragmatist Donald Trump hasn’t made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 hour minimum wage for working the drive-through a Carl’s Hamburgers". That's true. Because he hasn't made any actual promises or outlined his strategy, or been remotely clear about anything he intends to do or how to do it. The only tangible promise he has made, of course, is the little matter of the giant wall along the entire southern border of the country, which another country with a third-world economy will somehow pay for. But other than that, no pie in the sky stuff at all...

I agree with him to an extent that what Trump, ideally, would bring to the role is what Bloomberg brought to NYC-- namely the approach of a businessman running his company. Identify a problem and fix it in the most efficient way. Period. Never mind what we've always done in the past, never mind who gets offended or who might be negatively impacted, just identify the problem and deal with it.

I still don't think that's who Trump is, though.

2016-02-25 1:15 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

It's most certainly a perspective from a right wing guy.  I don't believe I framed it as objective in any way.
I just simply thought it was a pretty good view into a Trump supporter.  Pretty much all of the people I know that support him are similar to this viewpoint (including myself).

2016-02-26 12:32 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Trump

Who saw that coming?



2016-02-26 1:49 PM
in reply to: crusevegas

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Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by crusevegas

Who saw that coming?



This is the greatest election cycle I've ever seen.
It really does remind me a bit of the '08 election from the perspective of an energized and devoted electorate...this time on the Right, as in '08 it was with Obama on the Left.
Say what you want about Trump, love him or hate him, but he's entertaining as heck!

Chris Christie, future U.S. Attorney General?
2016-02-26 2:09 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy
Originally posted by crusevegas

Who saw that coming?



This is the greatest election cycle I've ever seen. It really does remind me a bit of the '08 election from the perspective of an energized and devoted electorate...this time on the Right, as in '08 it was with Obama on the Left. Say what you want about Trump, love him or hate him, but he's entertaining as heck! Chris Christie, future U.S. Attorney General?

I think the timing was incredible or should I say very calculated, what kind of a bump will this give Trump in Texas? 

My first thought was Christie as VP but AG may be a better guess. 

I don't remember where I said this but unlike 08, I don''t think the excitement is as much for Trump as it is excitement against the DC establishment, Republican establishment and the main stream media. 

2016-02-26 3:58 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy
Originally posted by crusevegas

Who saw that coming?



This is the greatest election cycle I've ever seen. It really does remind me a bit of the '08 election from the perspective of an energized and devoted electorate...this time on the Right, as in '08 it was with Obama on the Left. Say what you want about Trump, love him or hate him, but he's entertaining as heck! Chris Christie, future U.S. Attorney General?

I'm not a huge fan of Christie, but I agree he'd make a good AG. 

I think he's way too establishment to be a VP pick.

2016-02-27 7:57 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy
Originally posted by crusevegas

Who saw that coming?



This is the greatest election cycle I've ever seen. It really does remind me a bit of the '08 election from the perspective of an energized and devoted electorate...this time on the Right, as in '08 it was with Obama on the Left. Say what you want about Trump, love him or hate him, but he's entertaining as heck! Chris Christie, future U.S. Attorney General?

I'm not a huge fan of Christie, but I agree he'd make a good AG. 

I think he's way too establishment to be a VP pick.

IF Trump gets the nomination, the only other contender from the GOP race who makes sense as a VP option is Kasich.
He seems to be popular in Ohio, the 3rd-most electoral votes for a swing state (behind FL and PA).
All that said, something tells me Trump would go outside the establishment with a VP pick.
2016-02-27 8:02 PM
in reply to: NXS

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Subject: RE: Trump

my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

2016-02-27 9:39 PM
in reply to: 0

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by bootygirl

my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

I never understood this kind of logic.  Even back when Obama was doing well there were tons of conservatives who just possibly couldn't live in America anymore if he won.

It's not the president that makes our country, it's the people.  If you don't like the people in America, then by all means move to a place where you feel more at home with the people, but don't leave because of a politician no matter who it is.
I can't stand Hillary, but I love America and would never even fathom leaving (even jokingly) our great country if she won.

Edited by tuwood 2016-02-27 9:46 PM
2016-02-27 9:52 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

This kind of stuff cracks me up.  Seriously, if Romney tries to jump in he will get less support than Bush did.  The elites just don't get it.
This is also a window into the fact that big money controls our current politics.  To see people like the Koch Bros attempting to drive who the nominee is couldn't be more un-american.  Makes me sick.



2016-02-28 7:08 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

This kind of stuff cracks me up.  Seriously, if Romney tries to jump in he will get less support than Bush did.  The elites just don't get it.
This is also a window into the fact that big money controls our current politics.  To see people like the Koch Bros attempting to drive who the nominee is couldn't be more un-american.  Makes me sick.



But didn't I tell you about this a couple weeks ago Tony?
Fox News has had it out for Trump for a long time...it just takes the marketing a little time to sink in.
There was a very effective ad I saw on Fox News the other night while running on the treadmill.
It spoke to Rubio's calm amid the storm of Trump and Cruz insults. Very slick. Very effective.

That said, Trump's comeback that he can't be controlled by Fox News, the RNC, the Koch Bros., etc., is quite powerful and somewhat protects him...but you know how marketing works...and the longer Rubio is in the campaign, the more the commercials will make him look presidential (even though you and I both know he's not).

edit: the Romney piece of it is a bit of a stretch, but I wouldn't doubt it was brought up as a possibility...a very unlikely possibility.

Edited by ChineseDemocracy 2016-02-28 7:14 AM

2016-02-28 10:07 AM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Subject: RE: Trump
Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.
2016-02-28 10:53 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by bootygirl

my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

I have no comment either way on you and your husband leaving if that is your choice.....but can I ask, asylum from what??  I'm just trying to understand  how you came to the idea that you'd need/want to leave.

Edited by Left Brain 2016-02-28 10:54 AM
2016-02-28 12:47 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

2016-02-28 1:30 PM
in reply to: 0

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow."

Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part.

I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2016-02-28 1:36 PM
2016-02-28 2:08 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

2016-02-28 2:26 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

Some people, like the talking heads on CNN poses an innate ability to clearly see what they want to see rather than what is factual.

I won't even get started on the stuff those people just plain lie about! 

2016-02-28 2:47 PM
in reply to: crusevegas

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Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

Some people, like the talking heads on CNN poses an innate ability to clearly see what they want to see rather than what is factual.

I won't even get started on the stuff those people just plain lie about! 

Yes cruse, but it's true about Fox, CNN, and MSNBC...in fact, that's part of the reason Trump is doing so well because he's called them all out on it...yes, at times when the assertion isn't true, but hey, that's politics.

Now, for Tony's question, "how does that add up?" about Trump's minority support in the GOP race...that's the kicker right there Tony. It's the GOP race. Somebody has to get minority votes in the GOP race. It happens to be Trump right now. That said, I will be quite impressed when the general election comes, and the black vote is not >90% for Hillary. It was >90% for Gore, Kerry, and Obama twice...why would it be expected to be any different now? Hispanic votes have trended up and up and up for the Ds, to a high of 70-30 in 2012 for Obama. Can any GOP nominee improve on that? Perhaps Rubio, but I don't see him reversing a 70-30 D majority to better than 60-40 D, especially when he's foolishly trying to act like Trump and use statements like, "maybe he hired a foreign worker to do his tweeting" when he responded to a few misspelled words in Donald's tweets (Rubio falls flat when he tries to be like Trump).

On social issues, at least Trump gives the Rs some credibility on the abortion issue. By not supporting the extreme Right on totally de-funding Planned Parenthood, it opens the door for those in the middle to consider him for a vote. Rubio's adherence to "protecting all life" (even when it's a rapist's seed in your daughter, mom, or wife) that's a tough pill to swallow for a majority of Americans.

2016-02-28 3:19 PM
in reply to: crusevegas

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

Some people, like the talking heads on CNN poses an innate ability to clearly see what they want to see rather than what is factual.

I won't even get started on the stuff those people just plain lie about! 

Saying "Trump has more minority support than any of the other GOP candidates" is a little like saying 'Khloe is the smartest Kardashian',". .
2016-02-28 5:36 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

Some people, like the talking heads on CNN poses an innate ability to clearly see what they want to see rather than what is factual.

I won't even get started on the stuff those people just plain lie about! 

Yes cruse, but it's true about Fox, CNN, and MSNBC...in fact, that's part of the reason Trump is doing so well because he's called them all out on it...yes, at times when the assertion isn't true, but hey, that's politics. Now, for Tony's question, "how does that add up?" about Trump's minority support in the GOP race...that's the kicker right there Tony. It's the GOP race. Somebody has to get minority votes in the GOP race. It happens to be Trump right now. That said, I will be quite impressed when the general election comes, and the black vote is not >90% for Hillary. It was >90% for Gore, Kerry, and Obama twice...why would it be expected to be any different now? Hispanic votes have trended up and up and up for the Ds, to a high of 70-30 in 2012 for Obama. Can any GOP nominee improve on that? Perhaps Rubio, but I don't see him reversing a 70-30 D majority to better than 60-40 D, especially when he's foolishly trying to act like Trump and use statements like, "maybe he hired a foreign worker to do his tweeting" when he responded to a few misspelled words in Donald's tweets (Rubio falls flat when he tries to be like Trump). On social issues, at least Trump gives the Rs some credibility on the abortion issue. By not supporting the extreme Right on totally de-funding Planned Parenthood, it opens the door for those in the middle to consider him for a vote. Rubio's adherence to "protecting all life" (even when it's a rapist's seed in your daughter, mom, or wife) that's a tough pill to swallow for a majority of Americans.

There's no question the Democrats own the minority demographics and have for many years.  My point was merely that due to Trump garnering the largest support of the Republican candidates he has the greatest chance of pulling more in the general.  I'm in no way suggesting he's going to win any of those demographics in a general, but even if he peels away 5% it would spell disaster for the Democrats.

As for Rubio, he's kind of interesting.  Hispanics don't seem to like him very much.  i guess they don't care about race that much.  

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