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2009-04-28 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: Shoes and Helmet
I know, I know I am supposed to be doing my mom/teacher thing, but I am Tri-obsessed!

Shoes - I have a question about sizing...and yes, I know it would be best to just go try some on, but that is easier said than done from my  I wear a 7.5 in normal shoes, 8.5 in running shoes.   Do you usually fit a bike shoe closer to normal shoe size?   I would suspect that you want them to fit pretty snugly and since you don't have them impact like running it seems you wouldn't need the extra toe space.

Helmet - I did a lot of looking online last night, measured my head, etc.   What brand(s) do you suggest?   I know the one LBS said theirs started at $40.   Should I go with that or is it worthwhile to get a little better one?

Back later.....

2009-04-28 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2115288

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Shoes and Helmet
Hey Sharie.....what kind of clips do those shoes have?  I tried on a 39 shoe them on but way too tight.  So those might work for me...  Maybe I should ask the group are bike shoes supposed to fit?  Same as regular shoes or looser..tighter?  I have to get new pedals but from I understand the spds are easier for newbies....

I actually got a Schwinn helmet at Target for 18....They had Bell's too....It's blue and white with some flowers and fits good and has whatever certification is required....I figure I can always upgrade that if I need to.....was just serendipitous that I ended up with a blue and white

2009-04-28 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2115315

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Victoria, BC
Subject: tv tonight
My friend Jimmy DellaValle is guest starring on Without A Trace tonight - everybody watch. ;-)

2009-04-28 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL based on what I just read...those might be too big for me too....

OH FYI....not sure if this is at all REI's but I was in my local one yesterday and they said there is gonna be a HUGE sale on Friday...... might be worth it to check out.

Bill:  I have bike gearing you have answers?  LOL
2009-04-28 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: Injured :(
Hi all. I haven't been around in a week because I've been moping. I twisted my knee on a patch of loose gravel last Wed on a trail run and there was big "pop" and that was it.  I have been hobbling around on crutches (ok, I'm supposed to use them but I don't use them like I should), waiting for something to happen w/ my health care provider.

I was seen by a nurse practitioner, and she ordered x-rays (they were normal). She has no idea what it could be because ....well....she doesn't know much about knees (her words).  She has me starting PT soon, and I'm hoping that the therapist is really good and might shed some light on my injury. If things don't get better in 6 weeks, I will get an MRI and see a reg. Dr. BUT I want to see an ortho dr NOW, but that is looking like a pipe dream w/ my health insurance provider. I think it is because if I were an average person, I'd be fine w/ this course of treatment, but with a triathlon looming over me this summer......not being able to run or bike for weeks is scaring me to death!!!

If anyone cares to diagnose me (don't worry, I know you aren't drs and everything you say is pure guessing, haha) my knee is stiff, swollen and it hurts like heck to straighten out completely. If I walk without a brace and crutches I'll be fine and then all of a sudden my knee will feel like something is caught in the joint and then it will give out on me. Its like a little twist from under me. It hurts below my knee and to the inside. Not near the kneecap, though. In the am, it feels great but as the day goes on, it swells and as it does, I feel things crunching around inside my knee.

So, I have been lightly stationary biking and working on my swim. Knowing I'm a poor swimmer and being able to go to the pool is the only thing that has kept me from total despair.

Thoughts? And do you think a little resistance when I stationary bike would be ok?

2009-04-28 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Stacie....Great job on your race!!

Sharie, thanks for asking....I meet w/ my Tri swim coach FRi. I'll let you all know how it goes and if he has anything intersting I can pass along!


2009-04-28 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2115392

Subject: ...
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Edited by wgraves7582 2009-04-28 11:29 AM
2009-04-28 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
speaking of REI i chkd out there website for bikes, i think the only thing that would come close/comparable to the TREK bikes i was eyeing up are the two CANNONDALES they carry....the Synapse Feminine Carbon 5 and Carbon 6.

can anyone offer an opinion re these two bikes? 

im all ears.

im thinking REI only cuz its close, and a friend of mine, his friend is over the cycling dept at the PGH store, so i know i can go there and have good long conversation w the guy about what to buy et al.

im also a member, so if at any point i want to upgrade my bike, i can just bring in my old bike, get a full refund and then put that towards a new make/model.

not that im going in to this thinking that ill be upgrading anytime soon - these are pretty decent bikes, ones that i will 'grow into' - but you never know what might come down the pike, its a nice option to have.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-28 12:54 PM
2009-04-28 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2115533

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Injured :(

LaurenCO - 2009-04-28 9:15 AM Hi all. I haven't been around in a week because I've been moping. I twisted my knee on a patch of loose gravel last Wed on a trail run and there was big "pop" and that was it.  I have been hobbling around on crutches (ok, I'm supposed to use them but I don't use them like I should), waiting for something to happen w/ my health care provider.

I was seen by a nurse practitioner, and she ordered x-rays (they were normal). She has no idea what it could be because ....well....she doesn't know much about knees (her words).  She has me starting PT soon, and I'm hoping that the therapist is really good and might shed some light on my injury. If things don't get better in 6 weeks, I will get an MRI and see a reg. Dr. BUT I want to see an ortho dr NOW, but that is looking like a pipe dream w/ my health insurance provider. I think it is because if I were an average person, I'd be fine w/ this course of treatment, but with a triathlon looming over me this summer......not being able to run or bike for weeks is scaring me to death!!!

If anyone cares to diagnose me (don't worry, I know you aren't drs and everything you say is pure guessing, haha) my knee is stiff, swollen and it hurts like heck to straighten out completely. If I walk without a brace and crutches I'll be fine and then all of a sudden my knee will feel like something is caught in the joint and then it will give out on me. Its like a little twist from under me. It hurts below my knee and to the inside. Not near the kneecap, though. In the am, it feels great but as the day goes on, it swells and as it does, I feel things crunching around inside my knee.

So, I have been lightly stationary biking and working on my swim. Knowing I'm a poor swimmer and being able to go to the pool is the only thing that has kept me from total despair.

Thoughts? And do you think a little resistance when I stationary bike would be ok?


I was cringing while reading your symptoms Lauren. So sorry that happened. Unfortunatley, don't have any medical advice for you. I'd push for an ortho appt. though. Sometimes drs. will give you a reduced rate for non-insurance visits if you let them know up front about your situation -- if that's something doable for you financially. Anyway, I posted my shoulder symptoms last year on the main forums and there's several medical types on their that you might get opinions from. At least you might get some commiserating with the same kind of injury and hear what others have experienced. Sorry I can't be of more help. Maybe this is a sign that you can swim more??

As far as the bike situation Carole, my husband got a great deal on a Giant from Craig's list last year. I echo that deals are out there, just gotta seek them out.

I've got a big training day coming and I'm off to cycle and swim and do some strength at my weekly core class. Just had some yummy buckwheat pancakes, so I'm fueled and ready. If I can just get my booty off this barstool and up to change clothes.

Have a good one Mantees!


Sorry you're sick, Laurie!

2009-04-28 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2115533

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Injured :(

SO sorry to hear about your knee....from the way it sounds I would guess maybe ACL injury... Probably will need MRI to confirm.  I would ice and elevate when you get swelling...PT will help.  You can go to and get a bunch of info about ACL tears. 

Swimming is good...I would be careful about adding the resistance too quickly on the bike though...

2009-04-28 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2115584

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: bike questions
So this is a future upgrade question....

The bike I got has a Tiagra rear with a 12-25 cassette and a Sora front with a triple 52-42-30 and Sora shifters....

It's an 8 speed.....

So my question is....when I decide to I going to have to change out everything because of the 8 speed?  I know the Tiagra rear is 8/9 speed....but I am wondering if I am going to have to change out the whole crankset to upgrade to a 9 since no other shifters but Sora are an 8?

Oh and... say I find a used set of 105 shifters....are they compatible with all other 105's or do you have to match up specific model numbers?


2009-04-28 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2115585

Subject: ...
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2009-04-28 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2115634

Subject: ...
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2009-04-28 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2115607

Subject: ...
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2009-04-28 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2115645

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: bike questions
Thanks Bill...

That does help....I have been watching stuff on ebay....

So the second all 105's work together or does it have to be specific?  So like a 5600 works with a 5504?  or whatever?

2009-04-28 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2115667

Subject: ...
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2009-04-28 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2115691

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: bike questions
Cool...I was thinking that it should all work together....seems like everything is pretty backwards compatible.  Wohoo...on to EBAY!!


2009-04-28 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2115533

New user

Subject: RE: Injured :(

So sorry to hear about your knee.  What a bummer.  Keep pushing your insurance for an Ortho and MRI visit.  It doesn't seem fair that they can leave you hanging like that.  Good luck.

2009-04-28 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2115834

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Injured :(
Lauren - SO sorry to hear about your injury ... I know how frustrating it is, having had several injuries myself! It's just as tough emotionally as it is physically. ;-(

I agree with posting something in the Injuries forum - there are some very knowledgeable people here that will have great advice. Also push for an orth appointment asap, or find a sports medicine doc/pt that can give you some answers. 6 weeks is a long time to wait - especially if it's something that could get worse without proper immediate care. That's what happened to me when I tore my Achilles - I got a wrong first diagnosis/poor care but thought "hey, this guy's a doctor, he knows what he's doing" ... and didn't go get a second opinion or any treatment ... and now it'll be a life-long injury as it didn't heal properly.

So don't rest until you are satisfied - only you know your body best! Good luck!
2009-04-28 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Hi Manatees!

What a wonderful and supportive group we have!

TR - great goal for the week

Laurie - I hope you are feeling better!

Yanti - you will get those training sessions in - but most of all, have a goal to be gentle with yourself

Stacie - rest and recover well!

Bill - relax and get ready for your race, you are going to ROCK!!!! (btw, what is your opinion on Trek stores )

Cathy - i don't really have any feedback on the trainer - i'll leave that to the cycling experts in the group, as for the OWS - i tend to lean toward caution (old lifeguards die hard )  I'd  really encourage you to find someone else to go as well.  If your husband is watching and can get to you quickly if you get into any trouble, it's probably fine - i do that at my parents lake during the summer, but i try and stay close enough to shore that solid footing is never too far away

Sharie - sometimes specific goals are hard to come up with, and that's ok - good luck with the shoes!

Carole - Bill and Yanti will definitely be able to help you with the gear questions!

Lauren - so sorry to hear about the injury, hopefully you can get it diagnosed before too much time goes by - my only word of advice is not to push it.  training with an injury will almost always backfire and contribute to a longer time without training

Lynn - hope you had a great day of training!

2009-04-28 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2115168

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: training questions
mammatri's - 2009-04-28 7:32 AM

My other question is for anyone who does alot of openwater swimming. I have the opportunity to do an openwater swim nearly every weekend at our beach house this summer, provided it's not too rough. Once we really get into the summer, it usually isn't. How safe is it for me to go by myself if my husband is watching me from the beach? He talked about putting some bouys up for me, about 50 yds apart, to keep me from drifting out too far. Does this sound legit to you guys?

I'd generally never recommend OWS alone.
BUT - I think you'd be fine if you stick close to shore - swim back and forth parallel to the shore rather than out and back - so you can still stand up quickly and so your husband or someone can quickly get to you if you get a cramp or something happens.

It's also a good excuse for those who have SO's and do not want to bathe alone - we can drown in 3 inches of bathwater. Sometimes we need a spotter.

2009-04-28 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2069346

New user

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Still not feeling so hot, so today I got a massage and a garmin 305.  Does this count as training?
2009-04-29 12:42 AM
in reply to: #2117109

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

lunabelle - 2009-04-28 7:28 PM Still not feeling so hot, so today I got a massage and a garmin 305.  Does this count as training?

A massage? AND shopping? Girl, that's a brick!

2009-04-29 12:49 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: weekly goal

Guess what? I swam! Yay! Not much, just 800 yards, but it was reallllly hard to make myself get in that water. I even sat in the parking lot for at least 10 minutes, trying NOT to bail out. My goal this week is to do at least one run, and two bike workouts. Easy, simple, just get on the trainer and spin for at least 20 minutes type of stuff. My joints are getting better, and everything else seems to be doing better as well.  

2009-04-29 3:14 AM
in reply to: #2117454

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: weekly goal
givemashot - 2009-04-29 12:49 AM

Guess what? I swam! Yay! Not much, just 800 yards, but it was reallllly hard to make myself get in that water. I even sat in the parking lot for at least 10 minutes, trying NOT to bail out. My goal this week is to do at least one run, and two bike workouts. Easy, simple, just get on the trainer and spin for at least 20 minutes type of stuff. My joints are getting better, and everything else seems to be doing better as well.  

Congratulations on the swim! So glad things are getting better ...
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