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2011-05-27 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3521452

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
everlong - 2011-05-27 9:18 AM

Did a brick this morning. 12.1 on the bike and 3.1 on the run. Bike course was very hilly and I pushed it for an 18.6/mile and 150/BPM. Run was much more conservative at 9:04/mile and 149/BPM. My legs were the tightest they've ever been at the start of a run during a brick. My gluts felt like I had done heavy squats. Not particularly surprising considering the workouts this week.

What was interesting was I did 9:34, 9:05 and 8:50 on the three miles and my heart rate was exactly the same for an average on all three miles. The course is a light rolling course so my max was only 159. There is really zero different per mile for ascents. I've never had the sensation of my legs loosening up and coming alive to that degree. The first half mile I was tempted to turn around and call it a day. After mile three I was tempted to turn it into a 6 mile run.

I didn't feel disconcerted on the bike like Wednesday. Riding with my partner probably helped. Felt really smooth and fluid on the climbs getting a very good feel on the pull part of the stroke.


Great brick Scott... 

2011-05-27 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3521490

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 7:31 AM
everlong - 2011-05-27 9:18 AM

Did a brick this morning. 12.1 on the bike and 3.1 on the run. Bike course was very hilly and I pushed it for an 18.6/mile and 150/BPM. Run was much more conservative at 9:04/mile and 149/BPM. My legs were the tightest they've ever been at the start of a run during a brick. My gluts felt like I had done heavy squats. Not particularly surprising considering the workouts this week.

What was interesting was I did 9:34, 9:05 and 8:50 on the three miles and my heart rate was exactly the same for an average on all three miles. The course is a light rolling course so my max was only 159. There is really zero different per mile for ascents. I've never had the sensation of my legs loosening up and coming alive to that degree. The first half mile I was tempted to turn around and call it a day. After mile three I was tempted to turn it into a 6 mile run.

I didn't feel disconcerted on the bike like Wednesday. Riding with my partner probably helped. Felt really smooth and fluid on the climbs getting a very good feel on the pull part of the stroke.


Great brick Scott... 


Question: Is it pretty standard after your bike that your legs are tight/dead for the first 10 minutes of the run. I have found pretty much every brick I do, it takes 5-10 minutes then I feel great...well as great as I can feel when running...

2011-05-27 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3521489

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 7:30 AM
everlong - 2011-05-27 9:28 AM
thor67 - 2011-05-26 4:05 PM

I need to get a few races under my belt before purchasing the wetsuit. I was trying on some tri gear at a store the other day...well I will look like a giant black, yellow and white sausage...It is not how you look it is how you do!

Not sure how cold it is where you live but around here I really cannot race without one. You can rent them for an event if you're unsure or get a used one on ebay for cheap money.


Well seeing he lives in Canada, I would imagine that the water is going to be very chilly... I would definitely suggest looking into renting a wetsuit. Remember BT has a discount with exterra wetsuits. You can get a great wetsuit for around $150



There is good chance my wife will shoot me if I buy anything else for my triathlon...

I am pretty sure I will rent one, unless of course the right deal comes along...

2011-05-27 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3521590

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
thor67 - 2011-05-27 10:05 AM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 7:31 AM
everlong - 2011-05-27 9:18 AM

Did a brick this morning. 12.1 on the bike and 3.1 on the run. Bike course was very hilly and I pushed it for an 18.6/mile and 150/BPM. Run was much more conservative at 9:04/mile and 149/BPM. My legs were the tightest they've ever been at the start of a run during a brick. My gluts felt like I had done heavy squats. Not particularly surprising considering the workouts this week.

What was interesting was I did 9:34, 9:05 and 8:50 on the three miles and my heart rate was exactly the same for an average on all three miles. The course is a light rolling course so my max was only 159. There is really zero different per mile for ascents. I've never had the sensation of my legs loosening up and coming alive to that degree. The first half mile I was tempted to turn around and call it a day. After mile three I was tempted to turn it into a 6 mile run.

I didn't feel disconcerted on the bike like Wednesday. Riding with my partner probably helped. Felt really smooth and fluid on the climbs getting a very good feel on the pull part of the stroke.


Great brick Scott... 


Question: Is it pretty standard after your bike that your legs are tight/dead for the first 10 minutes of the run. I have found pretty much every brick I do, it takes 5-10 minutes then I feel great...well as great as I can feel when running...


Yes it is, your body is still used to using the muscles while biking, you'll also see that your HR will be high as well and then settle in as well. Once your body realizes your running again you're body will adjust and you'd be good to go. Stay hydrated, what your heart. Normally you'll be slower running in general after the two disciplines where as if you just did a single run. But in time, that time deficit will get smaller. 


2011-05-27 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
I generally don't struggle with the transition as much as most but today I got what people mean by rubber or dead legs. Part of it was our transition spot didn't allow for me to do a high RPM heading into the stop. That usually really helps.
2011-05-27 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3521595

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
thor67 - 2011-05-27 9:07 AM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 7:30 AM
everlong - 2011-05-27 9:28 AM
thor67 - 2011-05-26 4:05 PM

I need to get a few races under my belt before purchasing the wetsuit. I was trying on some tri gear at a store the other day...well I will look like a giant black, yellow and white sausage...It is not how you look it is how you do!

Not sure how cold it is where you live but around here I really cannot race without one. You can rent them for an event if you're unsure or get a used one on ebay for cheap money.


Well seeing he lives in Canada, I would imagine that the water is going to be very chilly... I would definitely suggest looking into renting a wetsuit. Remember BT has a discount with exterra wetsuits. You can get a great wetsuit for around $150



There is good chance my wife will shoot me if I buy anything else for my triathlon...

I am pretty sure I will rent one, unless of course the right deal comes along...


So I was going to make a smart comment about the wet suit and ask if it was going to have some kind of honey design on it and then looked at your design.  I have to say it looks pretty damn cool and it's pretty fitting for your 'sponsor'.  Nice!

2011-05-27 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3521489

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 6:30 AM


Well seeing he lives in Canada, I would imagine that the water is going to be very chilly... I would definitely suggest looking into renting a wetsuit. Remember BT has a discount with exterra wetsuits. You can get a great wetsuit for around $150



I actually purchased one of the wetsuits Scott mentioned but it's backordered until June 22nd due to my small size (doh!) Yell 

In any case, I can't wait to get into open water with it and get some practice! =)


2011-05-27 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3521875

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-05-27 12:09 PM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 6:30 AM


Well seeing he lives in Canada, I would imagine that the water is going to be very chilly... I would definitely suggest looking into renting a wetsuit. Remember BT has a discount with exterra wetsuits. You can get a great wetsuit for around $150



I actually purchased one of the wetsuits Scott mentioned but it's backordered until June 22nd due to my small size (doh!) Yell 

In any case, I can't wait to get into open water with it and get some practice! =)



or... you just go swimming without it. You SoCal people! Toughen up

2011-05-27 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3520837

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-05-26 3:18 PMI personally use an Adamo Race Saddle.  Which I absolutely love. This can be found here.


Thanks for the recommendations guys!  BTW, I won bowling sweeper tourney last night!  Yay!  It was a somewhat grueling oil pattern on the lanes.  My first 2 games were decent but then I missed an easy 7 pin spare in the 2nd frame in the 3rd game.  Argh!  However.... after that I made 10 strikes in a row and I scored a 268!  With that score I jumped ahead of everyone's total scratch scores in the end and I won lotsa money woot!  I'm probably gonna purchase the Adamo Road Saddle as a self gratifying prize. =)

Well hmmm, it's that or the Garmin 310xt hehehe  ^_^


2011-05-27 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3520577

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
tashia153 - 2011-05-26 2:52 PM

Thor - nice suit!  I got my wetsuit yesterday and I look like a vinyl covered apple....not flattering to me in the least, but I can hardly wait to get in the water and try it out.  What water temp is a good temp to start at?  I was thinking if the water temp is above 55 degrees on Memorial Day I'd hop in the lake and try it out.

Jen - what have you heard about the N. Mankato tri course.  I thought it was flat but now I've heard there is a big hill on the bike (tought going up but great fun coming down).  If that's true I need to adjust my bike training.  I'm going to my b-in-law's cabin for M. Day and thought I'd detour and drive the bike course on the way.  I can take pictures and post them if you haven't been to the course before.




I am so absolutely exhausted this week and feel so disconnected.  I have been in a three-day kaizen event and have been at work from 6:30 am - 5 pm (two days this week) and another from 6:30 am - 9 pm (including a client dinner).  On top of working so damn much one of my coworkers delivered and lost a child so it has been pretty emotional as well. 

I have been able to work out this week, but not as much and often as I have wanted to.   On top of that my eating hasn't been the best (not horrible but not perfect) because I've been sitting in all day meetings.  

So, I'm taking these past few days as recovery days and back on track today.  We were going to be going up north for Memorial Day, but the weather is too cruddy so we are staying home.  This way I'll be able to get my workouts in. 

Linda -my trainer said that the N Mankato tri is a great one for your first tri.  The bike is flat but there is just that one hill.  Yeah - if you want to take pictures and share them, I'd appreciate it.  My e-mail is: [email protected].

2011-05-27 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3521916

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 9:24 AM

or... you just go swimming without it. You SoCal people! Toughen up

Yes, yes I know... we are so lucky (spoiled) living here seeing that it's very cold and stormy elsewhere alot more than here.  But hey!  We have fires and earthquakes!  eeeks!  >.<

Besides, I'm still a noobie swimmer and I need all the flotation help I can get in open water hehehe

2011-05-27 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3521928

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-05-27 12:27 PM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-26 3:18 PMI personally use an Adamo Race Saddle.  Which I absolutely love. This can be found here.


Thanks for the recommendations guys!  BTW, I won bowling sweeper tourney last night!  Yay!  It was a somewhat grueling oil pattern on the lanes.  My first 2 games were decent but then I missed an easy 7 pin spare in the 2nd frame in the 3rd game.  Argh!  However.... after that I made 10 strikes in a row and I scored a 268!  With that score I jumped ahead of everyone's total scratch scores in the end and I won lotsa money woot!  I'm probably gonna purchase the Adamo Road Saddle as a self gratifying prize. =)

Well hmmm, it's that or the Garmin 310xt hehehe  ^_^



310xt as you can you use it for multiple disciplines. The Adamo, saddle you can find for cheaper!


2011-05-27 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3521955

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-05-27 12:39 PM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 9:24 AM

or... you just go swimming without it. You SoCal people! Toughen up

Yes, yes I know... we are so lucky (spoiled) living here seeing that it's very cold and stormy elsewhere alot more than here.  But hey!  We have fires and earthquakes!  eeeks!  >.<

Besides, I'm still a noobie swimmer and I need all the flotation help I can get in open water hehehe


Just swim parallel to the shore and you'll be fine... Just watch the sharks

2011-05-27 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3521934

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
jenajoy22 - 2011-05-27 12:28 PM
tashia153 - 2011-05-26 2:52 PM

Thor - nice suit!  I got my wetsuit yesterday and I look like a vinyl covered apple....not flattering to me in the least, but I can hardly wait to get in the water and try it out.  What water temp is a good temp to start at?  I was thinking if the water temp is above 55 degrees on Memorial Day I'd hop in the lake and try it out.

Jen - what have you heard about the N. Mankato tri course.  I thought it was flat but now I've heard there is a big hill on the bike (tought going up but great fun coming down).  If that's true I need to adjust my bike training.  I'm going to my b-in-law's cabin for M. Day and thought I'd detour and drive the bike course on the way.  I can take pictures and post them if you haven't been to the course before.




I am so absolutely exhausted this week and feel so disconnected.  I have been in a three-day kaizen event and have been at work from 6:30 am - 5 pm (two days this week) and another from 6:30 am - 9 pm (including a client dinner).  On top of working so damn much one of my coworkers delivered and lost a child so it has been pretty emotional as well. 

I have been able to work out this week, but not as much and often as I have wanted to.   On top of that my eating hasn't been the best (not horrible but not perfect) because I've been sitting in all day meetings.  

So, I'm taking these past few days as recovery days and back on track today.  We were going to be going up north for Memorial Day, but the weather is too cruddy so we are staying home.  This way I'll be able to get my workouts in. 

Linda -my trainer said that the N Mankato tri is a great one for your first tri.  The bike is flat but there is just that one hill.  Yeah - if you want to take pictures and share them, I'd appreciate it.  My e-mail is: [email protected].


Kaizen's suck! Don't beat yourself up over not working out as much, you're not going to lose any progress in that short period of time. Even at a Kaizen though, they have healthy choices...  e.g. Fruit, juice, pretzels etc. Enjoy your time up north and have a great memorial day weekend. 


2011-05-27 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3521985

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 10:56 AM
jenajoy22 - 2011-05-27 12:28 PM
tashia153 - 2011-05-26 2:52 PM

Thor - nice suit!  I got my wetsuit yesterday and I look like a vinyl covered apple....not flattering to me in the least, but I can hardly wait to get in the water and try it out.  What water temp is a good temp to start at?  I was thinking if the water temp is above 55 degrees on Memorial Day I'd hop in the lake and try it out.

Jen - what have you heard about the N. Mankato tri course.  I thought it was flat but now I've heard there is a big hill on the bike (tought going up but great fun coming down).  If that's true I need to adjust my bike training.  I'm going to my b-in-law's cabin for M. Day and thought I'd detour and drive the bike course on the way.  I can take pictures and post them if you haven't been to the course before.




I am so absolutely exhausted this week and feel so disconnected.  I have been in a three-day kaizen event and have been at work from 6:30 am - 5 pm (two days this week) and another from 6:30 am - 9 pm (including a client dinner).  On top of working so damn much one of my coworkers delivered and lost a child so it has been pretty emotional as well. 

I have been able to work out this week, but not as much and often as I have wanted to.   On top of that my eating hasn't been the best (not horrible but not perfect) because I've been sitting in all day meetings.  

So, I'm taking these past few days as recovery days and back on track today.  We were going to be going up north for Memorial Day, but the weather is too cruddy so we are staying home.  This way I'll be able to get my workouts in. 

Linda -my trainer said that the N Mankato tri is a great one for your first tri.  The bike is flat but there is just that one hill.  Yeah - if you want to take pictures and share them, I'd appreciate it.  My e-mail is: [email protected].


Kaizen's suck! Don't beat yourself up over not working out as much, you're not going to lose any progress in that short period of time. Even at a Kaizen though, they have healthy choices...  e.g. Fruit, juice, pretzels etc. Enjoy your time up north and have a great memorial day weekend. 



What is a 3 day Kaizen event?

2011-05-27 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3521955

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-05-27 10:39 AM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 9:24 AM

or... you just go swimming without it. You SoCal people! Toughen up

Yes, yes I know... we are so lucky (spoiled) living here seeing that it's very cold and stormy elsewhere alot more than here.  But hey!  We have fires and earthquakes!  eeeks!  >.<

Besides, I'm still a noobie swimmer and I need all the flotation help I can get in open water hehehe

Walmart-waterwings and they come in small...

2011-05-27 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3521874

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
jenajoy22 - 2011-05-27 10:08 AM
thor67 - 2011-05-27 9:07 AM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 7:30 AM
everlong - 2011-05-27 9:28 AM
thor67 - 2011-05-26 4:05 PM

I need to get a few races under my belt before purchasing the wetsuit. I was trying on some tri gear at a store the other day...well I will look like a giant black, yellow and white sausage...It is not how you look it is how you do!

Not sure how cold it is where you live but around here I really cannot race without one. You can rent them for an event if you're unsure or get a used one on ebay for cheap money.


Well seeing he lives in Canada, I would imagine that the water is going to be very chilly... I would definitely suggest looking into renting a wetsuit. Remember BT has a discount with exterra wetsuits. You can get a great wetsuit for around $150



There is good chance my wife will shoot me if I buy anything else for my triathlon...

I am pretty sure I will rent one, unless of course the right deal comes along...


So I was going to make a smart comment about the wet suit and ask if it was going to have some kind of honey design on it and then looked at your design.  I have to say it looks pretty damn cool and it's pretty fitting for your 'sponsor'.  Nice!

Go ahead, make the comment!

yeah the gear looks pretty good. I mentioned a few things and they came back with that. I think I will leave it as is and order it asap.

Hmm, I wonder if I can get a yellow wetsuit...

2011-05-27 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3522058

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
thor67 - 2011-05-27 12:27 PM
jenajoy22 - 2011-05-27 10:08 AM
thor67 - 2011-05-27 9:07 AM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-27 7:30 AM
everlong - 2011-05-27 9:28 AM
thor67 - 2011-05-26 4:05 PM

I need to get a few races under my belt before purchasing the wetsuit. I was trying on some tri gear at a store the other day...well I will look like a giant black, yellow and white sausage...It is not how you look it is how you do!

Not sure how cold it is where you live but around here I really cannot race without one. You can rent them for an event if you're unsure or get a used one on ebay for cheap money.


Well seeing he lives in Canada, I would imagine that the water is going to be very chilly... I would definitely suggest looking into renting a wetsuit. Remember BT has a discount with exterra wetsuits. You can get a great wetsuit for around $150



There is good chance my wife will shoot me if I buy anything else for my triathlon...

I am pretty sure I will rent one, unless of course the right deal comes along...


So I was going to make a smart comment about the wet suit and ask if it was going to have some kind of honey design on it and then looked at your design.  I have to say it looks pretty damn cool and it's pretty fitting for your 'sponsor'.  Nice!

Go ahead, make the comment!

yeah the gear looks pretty good. I mentioned a few things and they came back with that. I think I will leave it as is and order it asap.

Hmm, I wonder if I can get a yellow wetsuit...


I would definitely order it, it looks really nice, much better than what I'm going to be wearing.

With our kaizen, we invited one of our customers out to go through our processes and identify areas that we do well and could improve upon.  It was nine hours each day of just talking about everything we do. 

Unfortunately with the food the catering options weren't the best.  I ate my breakfast before it started and there weren't healthy options for snacks (I've gotten accustomed to my five mini-meals a day).  I'm not beating myself over it too much, it just added on top of everything else going on.

2011-05-27 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3522115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL


So I was going to make a smart comment about the wet suit and ask if it was going to have some kind of honey design on it and then looked at your design.  I have to say it looks pretty damn cool and it's pretty fitting for your 'sponsor'.  Nice!

Go ahead, make the comment!

yeah the gear looks pretty good. I mentioned a few things and they came back with that. I think I will leave it as is and order it asap.

Hmm, I wonder if I can get a yellow wetsuit...


I would definitely order it, it looks really nice, much better than what I'm going to be wearing.

With our kaizen, we invited one of our customers out to go through our processes and identify areas that we do well and could improve upon.  It was nine hours each day of just talking about everything we do. 

Unfortunately with the food the catering options weren't the best.  I ate my breakfast before it started and there weren't healthy options for snacks (I've gotten accustomed to my five mini-meals a day).  I'm not beating myself over it too much, it just added on top of everything else going on.

Sounds like a lengthened meeting I just went through.

I hear you on the eating. I shed 80 lbs over the past year. I have 4 mini meals before i eat supper.

Have a good weekend!

2011-05-27 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3439366

User image

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Just got back from a 5.5 mile run, easy, easy as it's my recovery week and felt I could go another 5 miles.  Yes, things might be begining to click.

Scott - any words of advice for my first open water swim experience this weekend?  I have the wetsuit and will wear a swim cap, but expect my hands, feet and head to be cold.  Am I correct with the 55 degrees is a good temp to start with?

Ok, now to vent.  I got kicked out of the pool yesterday. Grrrrr, I was so mad.Yell I normally go after work (midnight), but had a few days off so I checked the on-line pool schedule which said 6:30-10pm open swim.  So, I get there at 6:30 and at 7pm the the aqua instructor tells me that she will be using the 2 lap lanes (plus half the open 1/3 of the pool) for her class.  And she only had 6 students.  I went to the front desk and made them pull up the on-line schedule, not that it did any good and then filled out a complaint card.  Of course, no one was available that had the authority to do anything.


2011-05-27 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3522380

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
tashia153 - 2011-05-27 5:02 PM

Just got back from a 5.5 mile run, easy, easy as it's my recovery week and felt I could go another 5 miles.  Yes, things might be begining to click.

Scott - any words of advice for my first open water swim experience this weekend?  I have the wetsuit and will wear a swim cap, but expect my hands, feet and head to be cold.  Am I correct with the 55 degrees is a good temp to start with?

Ok, now to vent.  I got kicked out of the pool yesterday. Grrrrr, I was so mad.Yell I normally go after work (midnight), but had a few days off so I checked the on-line pool schedule which said 6:30-10pm open swim.  So, I get there at 6:30 and at 7pm the the aqua instructor tells me that she will be using the 2 lap lanes (plus half the open 1/3 of the pool) for her class.  And she only had 6 students.  I went to the front desk and made them pull up the on-line schedule, not that it did any good and then filled out a complaint card.  Of course, no one was available that had the authority to do anything.



Well good luck and have fun. Just remember a wet sut is just what it sounds like. Water will come in the wet suit as it's designed to do so. When you go in the water, go under and all the creases will fill the suit up and begin to get you warm. The idea of the suit is that it heats up the water between the suit and your body to keep you warm. You're head, you could get a neoprene hat. Usually of the same material as the wetsuit.  You could also get booties as well for your feet, not sure how far you want to go with this. But the first time your face hits the water, it might shock your system. So go in the water, and put your wrist in and then splash your face, so some of the shock is gone. Remember to breath easy and to have fun, it's going to be a whole new experience for you. Site often... 


Let me know how it goes!



PS I would have just stayed in the water, she has no right to tell you to get out. Just my own opinion. 

2011-05-27 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3520837

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
shellback1998 - 2011-05-26 3:18 PM

I personally use an Adamo Race Saddle.  Which I absolutely love. This can be found here.



Hi Scott, I just looked at the width of this saddle and it measures 130mm wide.  I went to the LBS today and my sit bones measured 142mm.  Will this affect anything if I go with the Adamo Road Saddle which measures 135mm?  There's an Adamo Typhoon saddle that measures 145mm but it seems like it's too wide and has too much padding for my application.  I'm going to looking under my stock saddle and see how wide it is tonight after work.


2011-05-27 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3522485

User image

Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
kloofyroland - 2011-05-27 6:22 PM
shellback1998 - 2011-05-26 3:18 PM

I personally use an Adamo Race Saddle.  Which I absolutely love. This can be found here.



Hi Scott, I just looked at the width of this saddle and it measures 130mm wide.  I went to the LBS today and my sit bones measured 142mm.  Will this affect anything if I go with the Adamo Road Saddle which measures 135mm?  There's an Adamo Typhoon saddle that measures 145mm but it seems like it's too wide and has too much padding for my application.  I'm going to looking under my stock saddle and see how wide it is tonight after work.


Well I guarantee my caboose is bigger than yours and I have no problem with saddle sores or have no perennial pain. But like everything else trial and errorScott
2011-05-27 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3522380

User image

Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL
tashia153 - 2011-05-27 2:02 PM

Ok, now to vent.  I got kicked out of the pool yesterday. Grrrrr, I was so mad.Yell I normally go after work (midnight), but had a few days off so I checked the on-line pool schedule which said 6:30-10pm open swim.  So, I get there at 6:30 and at 7pm the the aqua instructor tells me that she will be using the 2 lap lanes (plus half the open 1/3 of the pool) for her class.  And she only had 6 students.  I went to the front desk and made them pull up the on-line schedule, not that it did any good and then filled out a complaint card.  Of course, no one was available that had the authority to do anything.


Gosh, that really sucks!  I hope you got your money back if you had to pay an entrance fee.


2011-05-28 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3439366

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Subject: RE: Shellback1998 Group - FULL

Did a brick for the second day in a row but a much different workout. Yesterday was a lot more intensity. Today was a lot more volume. Yesterday on the bike was hilly, today was flat. Fun experiment that I would recommend. I worked a lot on my cadence today and was also happy with that. I do auto lap for the bike in 3 mile increments  and only the first of the 8 laps did I fall under an 87/RPM average.


12.1 miles, 18.6/mile, 150/BPM in 39 minutes on a very hilly course

3.1 run, 9:04/mile, 149/BPM in 28 minutes


24.4 miles, 18.2/mile, 141/BPM in 1:20 very flat course

3.6 miles, 9:47/mile, 141/BPM in 35 minutes

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