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2016-02-28 5:37 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

Some people, like the talking heads on CNN poses an innate ability to clearly see what they want to see rather than what is factual.

I won't even get started on the stuff those people just plain lie about! 

Saying "Trump has more minority support than any of the other GOP candidates" is a little like saying 'Khloe is the smartest Kardashian',". .

Wouldn't, "which Kardashian has the biggest a$$" be a more appropriate analogy? Just sayin'.

2016-02-28 6:11 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

Some people, like the talking heads on CNN poses an innate ability to clearly see what they want to see rather than what is factual.

I won't even get started on the stuff those people just plain lie about! 

Agree, faint praise indeed.

Saying "Trump has more minority support than any of the other GOP candidates" is a little like saying 'Khloe is the smartest Kardashian',". .
2016-02-28 7:08 PM
in reply to: #5138650

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Subject: RE: Trump
Tony, I raised one eyebrow (metaphorically, because I can't physically do it!) when I read your comment about Hispanics not caring about race when it comes to Rubio. So, I thought to myself, what race does? The answer I came up with is (when it comes to national politics) none.

Communicators win regardless of race. Obama won 95% of black votes...only about 3 to 4% different from Kerry and Gore. Rubio is losing to Trump with hispanics and Carson loses to Trump with blacks.

That is pretty cool when ya think about it, eh?
2016-02-28 7:56 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Tony, I raised one eyebrow (metaphorically, because I can't physically do it!) when I read your comment about Hispanics not caring about race when it comes to Rubio. So, I thought to myself, what race does? The answer I came up with is (when it comes to national politics) none. Communicators win regardless of race. Obama won 95% of black votes...only about 3 to 4% different from Kerry and Gore. Rubio is losing to Trump with hispanics and Carson loses to Trump with blacks. That is pretty cool when ya think about it, eh?

I was thinking the same thing as I was reading your comments.  It is pretty cool.

2016-02-29 9:37 AM
in reply to: 0

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Trump

John Oliver addressed Donald Trump on his show last night.  It's hilarious. Well, Tony might not think so.   I already bought my "Make Donald Drumf Again" hat.    Last Week Tonight

ETA: It's HBO, so it's a little bit NSFW with the language. 

Edited by Bob Loblaw 2016-02-29 9:37 AM
2016-02-29 9:40 AM
in reply to: Bob Loblaw

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by Bob Loblaw

John Oliver addressed Donald Trump on his show last night.  It's hilarious. Well, Tony might not think so.   I already bought my "Make Donald Drumf Again" hat.    Last Week Tonight

ETA: It's HBO, so it's a little bit NSFW with the language. 

Believe it or not I do find the humor in many of his detractors.  I'll have to watch this one later, I don't have enough time at work.  

2016-02-29 9:43 AM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

Some people, like the talking heads on CNN poses an innate ability to clearly see what they want to see rather than what is factual.

I won't even get started on the stuff those people just plain lie about! 

Yes cruse, but it's true about Fox, CNN, and MSNBC...in fact, that's part of the reason Trump is doing so well because he's called them all out on it...yes, at times when the assertion isn't true, but hey, that's politics.  

i was watching CNN when I replied to this, to hear them talking you would have thought Trump had just accepted an honorary membership in the KKK. For those with that innate listening ability, there are no words or actions the D speak that would appease them. I don't disagree with your assertion on the other networks. 

2016-02-29 9:51 AM
in reply to: crusevegas

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by mdg2003 Will be interesting to see how he fares with the fallout from questions about David duke/ kkk on CNN. He should have unequivocally denounced that shiite and his ilk. I predict a 24/7 media blitz in an attempt to bury him.

actually, he did during the Christie endorsement, a reporter asked about it and the D said he refused or rejected the endorsement, I don't have the exact quote.

He said, "David Duke endorsed me? I didn't even know he endorsed me. I disavow." Which is weird, in light of his comments earlier today where he said, among other vague and typically slippery comments, he didn't know anything about David Duke, even though, in 2000, he specifically named him as a reason to not join the Reform Party, of which Duke was a part. I don't think Trump is a white supremacist, but I do think that he will gladly accept votes from anyone, and if it means he has to spout ethnic or religious bigotry or be cagey about his support from a white supremacist in order to be sure he hangs on their supporters' votes, he's not above doing so.

Lets be honest, any politician will accept votes from anyone.  Democrats thrive on getting felons to vote (which I approve of) because they overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.  The Democrats pander to the black supremacists in the Black Panther Party and gladly accept their votes.  I don't in any way think the Democrats are white or black supremacists, but they do want all people to vote which I applaud.  I think it's humorous to watch the media try and make the KKK thing fit their "Trump is a racist" narrative.  Yet, the reality is, he has more minority support than any of the other Republican candidates.  How's that add up?  lol

Some people, like the talking heads on CNN poses an innate ability to clearly see what they want to see rather than what is factual.

I won't even get started on the stuff those people just plain lie about! 

Yes cruse, but it's true about Fox, CNN, and MSNBC...in fact, that's part of the reason Trump is doing so well because he's called them all out on it...yes, at times when the assertion isn't true, but hey, that's politics.  

i was watching CNN when I replied to this, to hear them talking you would have thought Trump had just accepted an honorary membership in the KKK. For those with that innate listening ability, there are no words or actions the D speak that would appease them. I don't disagree with your assertion on the other networks. 

It's just like when they tried to make him anti disability because he waved his arms in the air when he described a reporter.  The funny part of it all is that these things work with normal politicians because they bow down to the accusations and apologize profusely for the next 30 days.  Trump just gives them the proverbial middle finger and moves on.

2016-02-29 3:53 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York


I'm under no illusion that Trump is going to carry NY State, but polls and stories like this do reinforce the notion that Trump can draw a lot of support away from the Democrats.  There's no question that he'll get the highest Union/Labor votes nationally than any recent republicans because of his jobs and immigration stance.  I'm not saying he'll win those categories, but he'll pull a lot of votes.

Now on the flip side, I think I can count on one finger the number of Republicans that Hillary can convince to cross over. 

2016-03-01 4:52 AM
in reply to: 0

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York


I'm under no illusion that Trump is going to carry NY State, but polls and stories like this do reinforce the notion that Trump can draw a lot of support away from the Democrats.  There's no question that he'll get the highest Union/Labor votes nationally than any recent republicans because of his jobs and immigration stance.  I'm not saying he'll win those categories, but he'll pull a lot of votes.

Now on the flip side, I think I can count on one finger the number of Republicans that Hillary can convince to cross over. 

Pfft. I wouldn't believe anything in that conservative rag.

Seriously, Tony, did you even read the article? It alludes to unspecified, mysterious "confidential polling data", glosses over the fact that the polls only show Drumpf having a shot at NY if Bloomberg enters the race (which is t likely), and mentions him winning Long Island, which has pretty large Republican areas. There's not a single attributed quote or bona fide source in the entire piece.

Articles like this are clickbait. Nothing more. I swear, Tony, I'll never understand how you can methodically parse an entire scientific study on climate change, find one sentence that smells a little off to you and dismiss the entire study, but then embrace the blatantly one sided pseudo-journalistic crap you read on infowars and the Post as gospel.

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2016-03-01 5:07 AM
2016-03-01 6:56 AM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York


I'm under no illusion that Trump is going to carry NY State, but polls and stories like this do reinforce the notion that Trump can draw a lot of support away from the Democrats.  There's no question that he'll get the highest Union/Labor votes nationally than any recent republicans because of his jobs and immigration stance.  I'm not saying he'll win those categories, but he'll pull a lot of votes.

Now on the flip side, I think I can count on one finger the number of Republicans that Hillary can convince to cross over. 

Pfft. I wouldn't believe anything in that conservative rag. Seriously, Tony, did you even read the article? It alludes to unspecified, mysterious "confidential polling data", glosses over the fact that the polls only show Drumpf having a shot at NY if Bloomberg enters the race (which is t likely), and mentions him winning Long Island, which has pretty large Republican areas. There's not a single attributed quote or bona fide source in the entire piece. Articles like this are clickbait. Nothing more. I swear, Tony, I'll never understand how you can methodically parse an entire scientific study on climate change, find one sentence that smells a little off to you and dismiss the entire study, but then embrace the blatantly one sided pseudo-journalistic crap you read on infowars and the Post as gospel.

Apparently you missed the part where I said he's not going to win New York.  lol

2016-03-01 8:46 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York


I'm under no illusion that Trump is going to carry NY State, but polls and stories like this do reinforce the notion that Trump can draw a lot of support away from the Democrats.  There's no question that he'll get the highest Union/Labor votes nationally than any recent republicans because of his jobs and immigration stance.  I'm not saying he'll win those categories, but he'll pull a lot of votes.

Now on the flip side, I think I can count on one finger the number of Republicans that Hillary can convince to cross over. 

Pfft. I wouldn't believe anything in that conservative rag. Seriously, Tony, did you even read the article? It alludes to unspecified, mysterious "confidential polling data", glosses over the fact that the polls only show Drumpf having a shot at NY if Bloomberg enters the race (which is t likely), and mentions him winning Long Island, which has pretty large Republican areas. There's not a single attributed quote or bona fide source in the entire piece. Articles like this are clickbait. Nothing more. I swear, Tony, I'll never understand how you can methodically parse an entire scientific study on climate change, find one sentence that smells a little off to you and dismiss the entire study, but then embrace the blatantly one sided pseudo-journalistic crap you read on infowars and the Post as gospel.

Apparently you missed the part where I said he's not going to win New York.  lol

So if you put such little value on the article, why post it at all?
2016-03-01 8:46 AM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Trump

Drumpf for Despot 2016

2016-03-01 9:04 AM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York


I'm under no illusion that Trump is going to carry NY State, but polls and stories like this do reinforce the notion that Trump can draw a lot of support away from the Democrats.  There's no question that he'll get the highest Union/Labor votes nationally than any recent republicans because of his jobs and immigration stance.  I'm not saying he'll win those categories, but he'll pull a lot of votes.

Now on the flip side, I think I can count on one finger the number of Republicans that Hillary can convince to cross over. 

Pfft. I wouldn't believe anything in that conservative rag. Seriously, Tony, did you even read the article? It alludes to unspecified, mysterious "confidential polling data", glosses over the fact that the polls only show Drumpf having a shot at NY if Bloomberg enters the race (which is t likely), and mentions him winning Long Island, which has pretty large Republican areas. There's not a single attributed quote or bona fide source in the entire piece. Articles like this are clickbait. Nothing more. I swear, Tony, I'll never understand how you can methodically parse an entire scientific study on climate change, find one sentence that smells a little off to you and dismiss the entire study, but then embrace the blatantly one sided pseudo-journalistic crap you read on infowars and the Post as gospel.

Apparently you missed the part where I said he's not going to win New York.  lol

So if you put such little value on the article, why post it at all?

It was a window into a small section of Trump support from a typically Democratic area where the other Republican candidates have very little.  You guys keep saying Trump is the worse candidate for the Republicans and all the others will fair better vs. Hillary, but the data in this article doesn't support that notion.

It also mentioned that without Bloomberg he still beat Hillary and substantially out-polled the other Republicans.  So, it's incorrect to state that it's only with Bloomberg in the race.

All we have now are polls and "feelings" so that's why I posted it.  It's another poll for a section of NYC that typically goes heavy Democrat.  Sure, it's a more conservative area of NYC as a whole, so that's why I said that it won't translate into a statewide win, but it gives a window into his support from the other side.

2016-03-01 9:13 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
Originally posted by tuwood

Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York


I'm under no illusion that Trump is going to carry NY State, but polls and stories like this do reinforce the notion that Trump can draw a lot of support away from the Democrats.  There's no question that he'll get the highest Union/Labor votes nationally than any recent republicans because of his jobs and immigration stance.  I'm not saying he'll win those categories, but he'll pull a lot of votes.

Now on the flip side, I think I can count on one finger the number of Republicans that Hillary can convince to cross over. 

Pfft. I wouldn't believe anything in that conservative rag. Seriously, Tony, did you even read the article? It alludes to unspecified, mysterious "confidential polling data", glosses over the fact that the polls only show Drumpf having a shot at NY if Bloomberg enters the race (which is t likely), and mentions him winning Long Island, which has pretty large Republican areas. There's not a single attributed quote or bona fide source in the entire piece. Articles like this are clickbait. Nothing more. I swear, Tony, I'll never understand how you can methodically parse an entire scientific study on climate change, find one sentence that smells a little off to you and dismiss the entire study, but then embrace the blatantly one sided pseudo-journalistic crap you read on infowars and the Post as gospel.

Apparently you missed the part where I said he's not going to win New York.  lol

So if you put such little value on the article, why post it at all?

It was a window into a small section of Trump support from a typically Democratic area where the other Republican candidates have very little.  You guys keep saying Trump is the worse candidate for the Republicans and all the others will fair better vs. Hillary, but the data in this article doesn't support that notion.

It also mentioned that without Bloomberg he still beat Hillary and substantially out-polled the other Republicans.  So, it's incorrect to state that it's only with Bloomberg in the race.

All we have now are polls and "feelings" so that's why I posted it.  It's another poll for a section of NYC that typically goes heavy Democrat.  Sure, it's a more conservative area of NYC as a whole, so that's why I said that it won't translate into a statewide win, but it gives a window into his support from the other side.

Did you go the step further and actually look at the poll? The article, of course, failed to mention that the polling error was as high as +/-5.7%
2016-03-01 9:27 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by bootygirl

my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

I have no comment either way on you and your husband leaving if that is your choice.....but can I ask, asylum from what??  I'm just trying to understand  how you came to the idea that you'd need/want to leave.

my husband is Muslim.   if my fellow Americans elect such a hate monger, we won't want to be living here to see how far it goes.   Asylum from the hate.   

2016-03-01 10:32 AM
in reply to: bootygirl

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by bootygirl

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by bootygirl

my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

I have no comment either way on you and your husband leaving if that is your choice.....but can I ask, asylum from what??  I'm just trying to understand  how you came to the idea that you'd need/want to leave.

my husband is Muslim.   if my fellow Americans elect such a hate monger, we won't want to be living here to see how far it goes.   Asylum from the hate.   

My only recommendation is to not feed into the fear that the media and everyone else likes to pump.  If people around you are treating you and your husband with hate, then by all means move.  If a politician is saying things that are hateful then who cares.  Trump can say he wants to do anything and everything, but we still have a constitution that protects everyone no matter what their race or religion.
Our nation isn't perfect by a long shot on race and religious tolerance, but in my experience America is doing as good or better than just about anywhere else in the World on both fronts.

Americans are genuinely concerned with radical Islam.  You and I both know that it's a real problem around the world.  Trump had a crazy solution to ban muslims entering America which fed into that concern.  I personally think it is a bit silly.  A reasonable (but equally radical) solution would be to shut down all immigration until we as a nation are comfortable with the vetting process.  Certainly good people can agree and disagree with it as a solution.
Trump banning Muslims isn't about Hate, it's about him proposing a solution to protect America from radical Islam.  It's a dumb solution because it's could never even be implemented.  "Are you a Muslim?"  "Um, no" "ok, you can enter".  

You can do what you want and live where you want, that's your choice to make.  I have been to many Muslim countries around the world and they were a lot less tolerant of me being a non-muslim than we in America are of people who are.  I'm not sure where you would be heading, but you might be trading one perceived fear for a legitimate one.  It may be way better, who knows.  Either way, I wish you guys well no matter where you go.  

2016-03-01 10:41 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by bootygirl

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by bootygirl

my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

I have no comment either way on you and your husband leaving if that is your choice.....but can I ask, asylum from what??  I'm just trying to understand  how you came to the idea that you'd need/want to leave.

my husband is Muslim.   if my fellow Americans elect such a hate monger, we won't want to be living here to see how far it goes.   Asylum from the hate.   

I see, thanks.

Politics are a funny thing.  My family is friends with quite a few folks who are Muslim, including a few that are counted among my children's absolute best friends.  All of them are Bosnian's who were relocated into our area.  In the times we've talked about politics, I'd say about 1/3 of them favor Trump for the next President.

I'd vote for Trump over Clinton, but I'd stand and fight next to any Muslim who was discriminated against just  for their religious beliefs.  I doubt I'm alone.

Edited by Left Brain 2016-03-01 10:45 AM
2016-03-01 10:46 AM
in reply to: bootygirl

User image

Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by bootygirl

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by bootygirl

my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

I have no comment either way on you and your husband leaving if that is your choice.....but can I ask, asylum from what??  I'm just trying to understand  how you came to the idea that you'd need/want to leave.

my husband is Muslim.   if my fellow Americans elect such a hate monger, we won't want to be living here to see how far it goes.   Asylum from the hate.   

What country are you considering moving to?

What policies or what has he said or done that has you wanting to move out of the USA?

2016-03-01 11:17 AM
in reply to: crusevegas

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Subject: RE: Trump
Just voted today in Tejas primary. Did not vote for Trump.
2016-03-01 11:30 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by mdg2003 Just voted today in Tejas primary. Did not vote for Trump.

/kick  hehe

I am expecting Cruz to win Texas.  Ironically it would help Trump in the long run because Cruz would stay in the race longer with a win which prevents Rubio from getting any of his supporters as the lone "not Trump" candidate left if he drops out.  
If Cruz doesn't win Texas he will most likely drop out because there won't be anywhere left for him to gain steam.

Rubio will likely stick around till the end in the hopes of a brokered convention or some other shenanigans. 

On a side note, I considered signing up to be a delegate for Trump.  One of my bucket list items is to be a delegate for a presidential candidate, but I didn't realize how much of a PITA it is.  I have to file to run as a delegate with the election commission and be sworn in.  They then have regional and statewide mini-campaigns that you have to go through with multiple cuts.
I don't want to do it that bad.  lol

2016-03-02 9:23 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

You guys still think he doesn't have a chance at the nomination?  Looks like some bookmakers are already paying out for his win.

Hey, at least it will be entertaining.  

2016-03-02 10:22 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Trump
Originally posted by tuwood

You guys still think he doesn't have a chance at the nomination?  Looks like some bookmakers are already paying out for his win.

Hey, at least it will be entertaining.  

Oh he has chance - a very good one - but it is not a done deal. He has only won about 34% of the R vote so far across all states, so hardly a mandate yet. The RNC can also change rules at the last minute if they choose. If Trump stays below 40%, I would expect to see a fight at the convention.
2016-03-02 2:12 PM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

You guys still think he doesn't have a chance at the nomination?  Looks like some bookmakers are already paying out for his win.

Hey, at least it will be entertaining.  

Oh he has chance - a very good one - but it is not a done deal. He has only won about 34% of the R vote so far across all states, so hardly a mandate yet. The RNC can also change rules at the last minute if they choose. If Trump stays below 40%, I would expect to see a fight at the convention.

It was a few months back I saw an interview with Reince Preibus where he said there won't be any fight at the convention unless there are two or three people that are very close in delegates.  If Trump comes in with a non-majority, but a huge lead it will be his period.  I'm paraphrasing, but that's essentially what he was saying.

The reason being is that if Trump comes in with a big lead, but not a majority/mandate and they put a Rubio or Kasich in place (which they can technically do) they will completely alienate the Trump supporters and lose big time.

So, it's kind of a catch 22 for the RNC.  I do believe that they really do want to put in somebody else, but they recognize that they really can't.


2016-03-02 4:17 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

You guys still think he doesn't have a chance at the nomination?  Looks like some bookmakers are already paying out for his win.

Hey, at least it will be entertaining.  

Oh he has chance - a very good one - but it is not a done deal. He has only won about 34% of the R vote so far across all states, so hardly a mandate yet. The RNC can also change rules at the last minute if they choose. If Trump stays below 40%, I would expect to see a fight at the convention.

It was a few months back I saw an interview with Reince Preibus where he said there won't be any fight at the convention unless there are two or three people that are very close in delegates.  If Trump comes in with a non-majority, but a huge lead it will be his period.  I'm paraphrasing, but that's essentially what he was saying.

The reason being is that if Trump comes in with a big lead, but not a majority/mandate and they put a Rubio or Kasich in place (which they can technically do) they will completely alienate the Trump supporters and lose big time.

So, it's kind of a catch 22 for the RNC.  I do believe that they really do want to put in somebody else, but they recognize that they really can't.


It will be interesting to see. I think they may try something in an effort to force his VP pick. The RNC has been cutting it's nose off to spite the face for years, it wouldn't surprise me if they do it again. But you are correct, they won't have a chance in hell of getting anyone else elected if they do.

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