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2010-07-05 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2960765

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
runnerx - 2010-07-04 3:13 PM ok, doing a little research on the bike course....the hill at mile 10 seems to be quite the little bump. 8% grade if my very unscientific calculations are right???? .5mi with 210' elev gain. Yikes. Think I better get my butt on some steeper hills. The rest of the course apparently has some fast sections. (NJ crew: FWIW, Meyersville Circle up to Hickory Tavern is about 5.6% grade)

then you get to climb the other side of it @ mile 46.

its shorter, but steeper @ mile 10 (spin up it!), but longer but not as steep @ mile 46......still don't blow your legs @ mile still have 46 more miles to go plus another 13.1

2010-07-05 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
I havent swam in a while ... and am finally today motivated to do so.

Any NJ crew want to go for an OWS right next to the swamp?  I'm planning on heading over in about a half-hour or so ....

train safe.
2010-07-05 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Jon- Thanks for your additional thoughts on the course.

Had a solid brick workout (40mi ride/8mi run) Saturday.

Good, non-wetsuit OWS never know, and I don't want to lose touch with that concept.

Did a TT on my own this morning. 10 miles...23.9 mph ave. (a little windy, but I was glad to have less than ideal conditions to have that expereince).

I hope to do an 80 mile ride at some point this week. We'll see how the week plays out.


2010-07-05 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Hey everyone,

Did some 'recon' work in Gilford this weekend.  80 mile ride / 4 mile brick run on Saturday followed by an 8 mile run on Sunday.  The bike ride included all of the Timberman course, the runs were done in Laconia, one town over where my place is.  The bike course really isn't as bad as I thought it would be, the climb at mile 10 is steep but short and there's a bunch of rollers/climbs during the first and last 7 miles, but the middle portion is just plain FAST.  I held 20.1 on the ride, which I was very happy with considering it was done at endurance pace and I did 24 extra miles.  You can definitely make up a ton of speed during the mid-30 miles.  The one annoying part of the ride is the stretch on 11A (miles 3-8 and 48-53), the road is pretty rough and especially on the return trip when it's all downhill it's frustrating because sticking in aero is very difficult on the road. 

I haven't done bricks at all and especially haven't done bricks off a long bike, my legs didn't respond well at all.  The extra miles and the 90 degree heat didn't help but I definitely need to work on stringing bike/run together and tightening up my nutrition schedule, I can't allow the cramping I had early on the brick run.

Hope everyone had a great 4th weekend and some solid training!

2010-07-06 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2962354

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Jon & Ray - Thanks for the course details.

Ray - you still have plenty of time. throw in a couple of brick runs each week and you'll get used to running off the bike.

I'm starting to feel the race focus. Had a pretty decent weekend of training. Included lots of hills. Swam this morning at the Y (i was the only one in the pool for the first 15 minutes - i thought at first maybe they were closed) and tonight, will run in this frickin' 100 degree heat.

2010-07-07 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
I'm trying to post a photo. If it is huge I'm sorry. I'm in the 35-39 age group, therefore when I went to school computers were just coming in and I was nearing my way out. The Internet didn't exist yet. OR...insert lack of computer savvy excuse here ____________________ .

2010-07-07 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread, it's not huge, it's not small...but it IS...not there.  Oh well.
2010-07-08 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Anyone know what the water temps are link in Lake W ?

Is NH having this heat wave like we are here in NJ?
2010-07-08 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
2010-07-08 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2968324

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
MillMan221 - 2010-07-08 12:22 PM Anyone know what the water temps are link in Lake W ?

Is NH having this heat wave like we are here in NJ?

talked to my mom last night (she lives on the north side of the lake) and it is as unbearable up there as it is down towards us
2010-07-08 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Ok, I see where this is going.
Now...everyone should prepare for a non-wetsuit swim on some level, but every single time you envision the Timberman swim, picture yourself, and everyone else, in a wetsuit.

2010-07-08 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2968396

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Tri Sam - 2010-07-08 12:41 PM Try this...

sweet link.
2010-07-08 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Hey all - glad to see everyone is staying healthy and appreciate the race/course details that have been passed on!

I'm just back from a family wedding/camping vacation in Atlanta, drove down and brought my bike so I managed to get a few very early 25 mile rides in and be back in time for the WC games and playing with the kids for the rest of the day. I quickly learned there are no flat roads in the Georgia mountians. Funny that! The heat in NYC is mad. I've done 2 10 K's this week during lunchtime running up the West Side Highway from Battery Park to Chelse Piers. Today (47 mins) was bearable, Tuesday (56 mins and nearly cooked) was not. Lesson learned.

I'm very curious to hear about peoples training plans between now and Timberman and what kind of volumes they are doing and how that fits in their overall plan.

So as a 70.K newbie here's what I'm aiming for  for the next 4 weeks:

Running : 2 x 10K's and 1 x 18 K per week.
Bike: 1 x 60 min hill ride, 1 x 40 min tempo, 1 x 45 mile long ride.
Swim: I generally try to swim when I can, but am aiming to include 2 swim sessions of approx 1700 M per week.

I'm not going to lose sleep if I miss a workout here and there, and I've 2 more races (1 Olympic and 1 Sprint) to fit in here too.

Happy training,

2010-07-08 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Lake was warm last year too.  Right at the cusp at race time basically.  This year is a little warmer.  A couple of rains can change things pretty quickly too.  Either way, time to start doing less wetsuit and pull buoy swims I guess.

Training from now till then...I have a plan I probably won't follow exactly but I'll try to do this weekly (after RI on Sunday and a couple of recovery days).

bike 125-150 mpw.  One 50-70, two 30-40 w/ one of those fast
run 25ish mpw.  One 10-14, one 8 tempo and maybe one speedwork day or just short run depending on how legs feel
swim 5k-7k.  2x but may up to 3x.  Mostly 100s and 200s in the pool and then some longer OWS sets around some buoys that is around 400yds around.  I'll make an extra effort for 3x/wk in the pool after hearing Eagleman stories and the prospect of this not being a wetsuit swim either....

I think that's about right.  I might tweak some efforts here and there based on perceived weaknesses after RI this weekend.

2010-07-08 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
I have Rhode Island 70.3 this weekend, then its a week or two-ish of lighter volume, then a good 2-3 week build up, week taper, then Timberman time!

I am heading up to Lake Placid to volunteer @ the Ironman and will be reconning the course, so the plan is to fit in a broken HIM of distances over 3 days.

I just want this heat to break!
2010-07-08 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2968396

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Madison, CT
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Great link to check water temps.  I think we'll be fine.  Unless you're planning on hitting the podium you can swim with a wetsuit up to 84 degrees.  If you're contending for prizes and awards the cut off is 78 degrees.  USAT rules don't specify how deep the measurement needs to be taken.  It stays much cooler 10ft down and the race director would rather have happy racers.  The Pro field on the other hand has a different set of rules.

2010-07-08 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
If this works, what I have attached is the remainder of my training plan leading up to Timberman. It is of course subject to change due to a variety of factors, but this is what is currenlty "on paper".

Timberman What's Left.doc (48KB - 30 downloads)
2010-07-08 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Oh! If I have two workouts posted, it doesn't necessarily mean they are back-to-back unless I noted as much. However, often I will swim and then run or bike back-to-back, but I don't call it a brick unless it's a bike-run situation.

I hope that makes sense. Please understand I am not posting this as a suggestion, it is simply here for those who are curious. 

2010-07-08 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2968891

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Tri Sam - 2010-07-08 3:01 PM Oh! If I have two workouts posted, it doesn't necessarily mean they are back-to-back unless I noted as much. However, often I will swim and then run or bike back-to-back, but I don't call it a brick unless it's a bike-run situation.

I hope that makes sense. Please understand I am not posting this as a suggestion, it is simply here for those who are curious. 

Great Sam - thanks very much for sharing. As I said I'm curious about what others who've done this distance before are doing. This being my first I'm very wary of overtraining. I want to be in the right shape on the day to do a solid race and finish and have a benchmark to move on from there.

So does anyone know the official situation with wetsuits? If the race is "non wetsuit legal" does this mean you can still race in the wetsuit and your times will be recorded and placings determined in the usual way? I don't think I'll be troubling the podium and would prefer to have my wetsuit on Laughing
2010-07-08 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2968705

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
acumenjay - 2010-07-08 2:01 PM Lake was warm last year too.  Right at the cusp at race time basically.  This year is a little warmer.  A couple of rains can change things pretty quickly too.  Either way, time to start doing less wetsuit and pull buoy swims I guess.

Training from now till then...I have a plan I probably won't follow exactly but I'll try to do this weekly (after RI on Sunday and a couple of recovery days).

bike 125-150 mpw.  One 50-70, two 30-40 w/ one of those fast
run 25ish mpw.  One 10-14, one 8 tempo and maybe one speedwork day or just short run depending on how legs feel
swim 5k-7k.  2x but may up to 3x.  Mostly 100s and 200s in the pool and then some longer OWS sets around some buoys that is around 400yds around.  I'll make an extra effort for 3x/wk in the pool after hearing Eagleman stories and the prospect of this not being a wetsuit swim either....

I think that's about right.  I might tweak some efforts here and there based on perceived weaknesses after RI this weekend.

Wow - that's some very solid volume Jay, thanks for sharing. As with a few others in this group you're going to kill this thing!
2010-07-08 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Officially it is what triathlonfun said.  He's highly dependent on pull buoy and wetsuit, as am I.  Sorry to call you out dude.  We swimming easy tomorrow or what?

BUT, tell that to the people at Eagleman.  Water temp wasn't that high and they pulled wetsuits for everyone.  Not overly worried about it but I will just be slower.  I wouldn't just assume they will be allowed and I'd prepare accordingly.

As far as training for your first and worrying about over-training.  I really wouldn't be.  You seem solid right now.  If anything I'd bike more than you've indicated at this point.  A 45mile long paired with your other two shorter workouts isn't going to put you into a good position to run off the bike.  I wouldn't underestimate the draining effect a 56 mile ride at pace can have.  As a beginner at the distance, I'd stress having a high level of bike fitness is key.  If you can run like Sam that helps but is just icing on a cake that is made of bike fitness.  Just my 2 cents and point of view.

Sam, thanks for the plan.  I may borrow some of that.

2010-07-08 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2968996

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
acumenjay - 2010-07-08 3:31 PM Officially it is what triathlonfun said.  He's highly dependent on pull buoy and wetsuit, as am I.  Sorry to call you out dude.  We swimming easy tomorrow or what?

BUT, tell that to the people at Eagleman.  Water temp wasn't that high and they pulled wetsuits for everyone.  Not overly worried about it but I will just be slower.  I wouldn't just assume they will be allowed and I'd prepare accordingly.

As far as training for your first and worrying about over-training.  I really wouldn't be.  You seem solid right now.  If anything I'd bike more than you've indicated at this point.  A 45mile long paired with your other two shorter workouts isn't going to put you into a good position to run off the bike.  I wouldn't underestimate the draining effect a 56 mile ride at pace can have.  As a beginner at the distance, I'd stress having a high level of bike fitness is key.  If you can run like Sam that helps but is just icing on a cake that is made of bike fitness.  Just my 2 cents and point of view.

Sam, thanks for the plan.  I may borrow some of that.

Thx Jay - what you say makes a lot of sense. I'm going to look to up my long ride to 60-65 and see if I can do a couple of long ride/long run bricks so I don't get a nasty post bike to run shock on the day.
2010-07-08 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2968943

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
sjwwebster - As with a few others in this group you're going to kill this thing!

That's the plan ....I have some unfinished business with that run from last year's edition.
2010-07-08 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

Am I hearing talk about a non-wetsuit swim possibly?  I'd be in heaven.  

2010-07-08 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

I had a thought on my return from the scorchfest at the track.
(ran 2 miles to the track and back after my main set, 4x800m w/ 400m very slow jogs between...2:46;2:40;2:39;2:40).

Consider doing 1-2 of your long runs as a double out and back to prepare yourself mentally for that format.

Running back to the finish and seeing people finish as you head out for round two can be daunting.

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