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2011-04-22 9:55 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Just padding a little, in Michelle's absences.


Not a good week for me, I've not felt very good this week, I've had a flare up and am real depressed about it. I have a Dr appt on Monday and hope a good 7 day dose of steriods will put me back on track.

Couldn't ride my bike today, the winds were 35 mph with some crazy gusts. Hope tomorrow.

Also want to get back into the pool soon. No OWS yet, starts in May at the Res here in Boulder. I've never competed in OWS but loved the lakes in Michigan and spent alot of time in the water.

2011-04-23 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

I haven't disappeared...  and I *have* been training...

I'm keeping my runs on  this should be a link to one activity, but you should be able to see the other activities, too.


I've been torn with how to train for the 5k.  I'm currently at about 1-1.5 miles of run, but in order to make the distance, my pace has to be slow.

There are two ways that I see to do it:

1) keep increasing the distance, and keep the pace as slow as necessary to make the distance
2) run/walk - run at a faster pace and then walk as needed - kind of like the couch-to-5k plan.


What say the collective?



in other news, last weekend I attended American Supercamp - a flat track motorcycling school, and let me tell you, it was a hoot!!  I hadn't had that much fun in a long time, and *holy cow* did I use muscles!  I could barely walk for two days after the class.  it was awesome!  If you ride, you should consider going to the school.

2011-04-23 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3461830

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Oh! New bike pictures please post.  I have shruink pictures by opening them in a photo editor like paint and change the file type to decrease resolution.  It's crude but it works. 

Happy Easter everyone.  today is my last day of rest before I build to peak at my first HIM.

Edited by Fit4Infinity 2011-04-23 12:08 PM
2011-04-23 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3462269

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Fit4Infinity - 2011-04-23 11:07 PM

Oh! New bike pictures please post.  I have shruink pictures by opening them in a photo editor like paint and change the file type to decrease resolution.  It's crude but it works. 

Happy Easter everyone.  today is my last day of rest before I build to peak at my first HIM.

I will try that. I am so excited for you ie: HIM.

2011-04-23 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3462257

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New user
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

I went to run tonight, stretched, did a brisk 5 minute walk, started jogging, and AUGH  shin splints.  i kept walking, did as fast of a pace as i could, but every time I'd start jogging, it was seriously hurting.  I tried to push through it, but no dice.

I walked a mile, then got on the bike and did about 3 miles.


any suggestions on the shin splints?  stretches, wraps, whatever...   I've got to make a 5k in one month, and I've got another mini tri 2 weeks after that.

2011-04-23 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3462257

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
onefaller - 2011-04-23 9:48 AM

I haven't disappeared...  and I *have* been training...

I've been torn with how to train for the 5k.  I'm currently at about 1-1.5 miles of run, but in order to make the distance, my pace has to be slow.

There are two ways that I see to do it:

1) keep increasing the distance, and keep the pace as slow as necessary to make the distance
2) run/walk - run at a faster pace and then walk as needed - kind of like the couch-to-5k plan. 

What say the collective

Train for the distance, train to recover, then work on speed and tempo.

Most of my training philosophy is based on getting strong and going longer.  I've never trained specifically to race at the 5k distance but have had some really fun runs at the 5 and 10k distance in tri and oly events.  The number one rule is that training is not racing.  Know what your training pace is and avoid running at a faster pace just because you feel great that day. Number two is train hard enough to trigger the adaptive response without stressing your equipment too much. 

2011-04-25 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Ok I know i've been out of the loop but two days and NO postings? Come on peeps....I will not allow that

Work is keeping me super busy and my entire household is on the fritz with major sinus issues. I am keeping myself well drugged just to get through work ~ I CAN'T call in when this is only my 3rd week!!

Needless to say, I have done jack in the way of training...unless you count sleeping! Even my kiddo comes home and crashes ~ we barely make it through dinner.

2011-04-25 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Terry...have you figured out how to shrink the pics? You know we are all waiting on new bike pics!!

I open the pic in paint (right click on pic, open with paint)

Click on Image then stretch and skew

in the stretch and skew part put in 25% for both horizontal and vertical

I have found that I can go as high as 40% depending on the picture whereas others I need to go down to 20% but most are good at 25%.

Hope that helps...Now get to posting a pic

BTW, then I have to save it to an album since you need an "address" to actually put the pic in a post or your blog. There should be an easier way but i've yet to discover it!

Edited by Happychick 2011-04-25 2:37 PM
2011-04-25 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Marianne ~ if you're checking in...I hope all is well with Mom!!

Terry ~ bike pics...oh yeah, I already said that Anyway, I like the had to figure out how to shrink a pic for that so i'm thinking you may have figured it out already.

Bob ~ pool?

Mark ~ 50 degrees? I've done that a few times and holy cow it's cold...but when you're in Hawaii complaining about the 55-60 degree cold weather (when everyone else is dealing with snow storms) I had no right to least in their eyes


Edited by Happychick 2011-04-25 2:43 PM
2011-04-25 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3464982

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Happychick - 2011-04-26 1:39 AM

Marianne ~ if you're checking in...I hope all is well with Mom!!

Terry ~ bike pics...oh yeah, I already said that Anyway, I like the had to figure out how to shrink a pic for that so i'm thinking you may have figured it out already.

Bob ~ pool?

Mark ~ 50 degrees? I've done that a few times and holy cow it's cold...but when you're in Hawaii complaining about the 55-60 degree cold weather (when everyone else is dealing with snow storms) I had no right to least in their eyes

 I think I figured it out. I took a pic at the store with my phone and posted it on Facebook. It has finally stopped raining here so I can take a pic and get it posted. Hopefully tonight.

2011-04-25 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Back in the pool today after about a week of doing nothing. I've been having alot of shoulder pain, went to the Dr and she say's:"it could be osteoarthritis" gave me antiimflammatory to take. I also convinced her to try a med-dose of steriods.

Swim 1000m=50 minutes

Ran 1.63=25 minutes.

water 72+oz

15 minutes strength training on the BOSU, mostly core stuff, dont want to aggravate the shouders more.

2011-04-26 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3465478

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED


Need more volume please.

Edited by Fit4Infinity 2011-04-26 10:32 AM
2011-04-26 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

volume?? pump it up, pump it up!!!!

Well heard from the Doctor today, I have tendonitis in both my shoulders, with bursitis in the left and mild arthrititis in the right. ARGGHHHH so frustrated, no weight training or swimming until much improved.

So I rode my new bike, I took pic's and will post soon. So nice a ride, I love my bike. Made it up the hill I couldn't on my mountain bike. So sweet.

2011-04-27 5:33 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Hi All,

Spending long days at the hospital, my Mom is doing well. She had a small complication yesterday that will keep her in the hospital a few more days. On top of that both my parents have nasty colds. Not so bad for my Dad but really rough for my Mom. Nothing quite like sneezing after cardiac surgery.

My knee feels a tad better. I am going for another shot today. Last one next week and hopefully I will be able to run again. I miss it a lot.

Terry, sorry to hear about your shoulder. Arthritis sux!!! Do you take Chondritin? There are studies that show that this helps about 30% of people with arthritis. Fish oil can be helpful as well. I checked out the MAKO surgery. It looks really cool. Unfortunately my MD says that the OA I have spreads across the whole joint and that surgery is really for folks who have it in the medial or lateral side. I am not wanting any surgery at this point!!!!

Michelle. SO glad your job is going well. Now you just have to figure out how to be superwoman and get some training in!!!! LOL

BOB...POOL update. Have you worn the pass out yet????

Challenge updates??? I Suck!!!!

One Faller. Hows the running going??? usual you are the only one in the group who is getting the challenge done!!!LOL

Lori...hows things

I do check in from my phone but its a PITA to post. I have problems typing on a regular keyboard let alone a phone!!!!

2011-04-27 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3468236

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

For weeks I have been saying 'racing season is closer than it appears'.  Well its getting closer.

I have a question for the collective, To Du or Du not. 

There is an racing event on the calander that I have not trained for, but sounds like fun.  It is the Mt Rainier Duathlon Long course.  8.2k run, 50k bike and 6k run.  The alternative is to do the planned workout, a 70 mile hilly/fast ride out in the country Sat and a brick on Sunday. 

If I break the plan and do the du, I may compromise my performance for next weekends Half Mary?  I've never done a Duathlon before and it sounds like fun.  The wild side says go go go harder faster, better, stronger .... But the planner says woah, hold onto those horses. focus on the HIM in July.  Thats what counts.

What should I do?

2011-04-27 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Do the DU!!!! If you like to race then you should race!!! We do this for fun remember? Your HIM is in July. That gives you plenty of time to recover. Your 1/2 Mary will likely suffer a bit, however I personally find racing a Du more fun than a strictly running race. This is a good chance to practice your pacing for the HIM.  Go slow on the first run, go out slowly on the bike, ramp the middle, slow down the end of the bike and get ready for the last run. Make the race about pace and you will learn and have fun too!!!!! Doing an HIM or an IM is all about the pacing and nutrition.

2011-04-27 10:55 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Orange, CT
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

So, i have a new laptop and the frigging touchpad is driving me insane. Retyping the post AGAIN!

Marianne - glad to hear your mom made it thru surgery. Sorry to hear she sick, coughing and sneezing has to hurt like hell after open heart surgery. Hope she gets better very soon!

Mark - i agree, go for the DU. you're training has been so consistant. I think it would be a nice break, without really being a break Have fun !

I did finally make it the pool tonite and was pleasantly surprised. Tho, i will say my expectations were set so low it wouldn't have taken alot. Was under 1' per fifty on the 50's, 100's and 200's! Pretty much the same times i left off with at the end of last season. Just need to build up some endurance, which really wasn't so bad. I did WAY better than i would have expected.

onefaller- the motorcycle camp sounds awesome! how cool is that!

2011-04-27 10:59 PM
in reply to: #3470434

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Orange, CT
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
rbriggz - 2011-04-27 11:55 PM

So, i have a new laptop and the frigging touchpad is driving me insane. Retyping the post AGAIN!

Marianne - glad to hear your mom made it thru surgery. Sorry to hear she sick, coughing and sneezing has to hurt like hell after open heart surgery. Hope she gets better very soon!

Mark - i agree, go for the DU. you're training has been so consistant. I think it would be a nice break, without really being a break Have fun !

I did finally make it the pool tonite and was pleasantly surprised. Tho, i will say my expectations were set so low it wouldn't have taken alot. Was under 1' per fifty on the 50's, 100's and 200's! Pretty much the same times i left off with at the end of last season. Just need to build up some endurance, which really wasn't so bad. I did WAY better than i would have expected.

onefaller- the motorcycle camp sounds awesome! how cool is that!

cont (didn't want to lose it all again)

Michelle/Terry - hope you guys feel better (you too MAV, good luck with the knee)

Michelle - thanks for keeping the thread going

2011-04-28 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3468236

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New user
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
mav - 2011-04-27 6:33 AM

One Faller. Hows the running going???

Not so good...  severe pain in the shins had me take a few days off...   but I'm back at it tonight - I'll let you know how it goes.

any suggestions for shin splints?  stretches, wraps, etc.?

2011-04-28 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Ya know...I may be sickly, pathetically trained, and exhausted from all my brain has to take in at work not to mention sleeping any waking moment i'm not at work or chilling with my babydoll but i'll be danged if I don't keep us alive

I've never been known for being the shy quiet type As a matter of fact, every single one of the Judges and most of the prosecutors have commented on my "loud and authoritive voice." I guess that's a compliment when acting as bailiff, huh?!

2011-04-28 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Onefaller....I am lucky enought to say I have never had shin splints so I have no clue how to help you in that arena

BOB...I am always amazed at how I can jump back in the pool and still know how to swim after being out of it for an extended period of time.

Mark...DU the DU! I love Du's!!! Like Marianne said, do it for fun and use it as a training tool for your HIM!!  Need I say more

2011-04-28 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3472302

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Right on MIchelle.  Thanks for keeping us going and going and going.....
2011-04-29 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

All rights peeps...where for art thou??

I had a minute at work and decided to see what was going on and I come in to find no one talking to me?!

2011-04-29 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Mark ~ what did you decide on the DU?

Marianne ~ just wanted to make sure you know you and your family are still in my thoughts!!!!


Everyone else...don't make me start talking to myself

2011-04-29 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3473582

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New user
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
I tried to run again last night, but the pain was pretty quickly unbearable.  So I walked, as fast as I could...  not quite speedwalking, though.

did 2.5 miles.

I *will* finish the 5k, even if I have to crawl.
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