General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-04-11 5:08 PM
in reply to: #4144215

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
johnyutah5 - 2012-04-11 4:02 PM

mikoy - 2012-04-11 1:44 PM Hey thanks for all of the bike course info. But can anyone tell me what the grade is on those big hills? Are we talking a 1.7 mile 3% or is it closer to 6%. Also can anyone compare the bike course to the IM St. George course? There were some big hills on that course. A lot of people walk up the hill they call "the wall".

Smithe drove the course a bit ago and I believe that he said there several signs showing 6% grade. Did some quick math based on what Kristen said for the length of the longer hill....1.7 miles estimated 450 ft of  gain and came up with just over a 5% grade. 500ft of gain puts you somewhere between 5.5 to 6.

I have ridden the St george course but not the CDA so I can't compare. Guessing the wall is steeper than anything on CDA but I could be wrong.

ETA: Just did a little research and according to one report, the wall at st george is "1-1.5 miles long at 8-10%, even saw 14-15% kickers a couple times." Thing about SG is that you go up and then you go down, twice. 


This is pretty good news.  My current training ride has mainly 4% grades (but they aren't NEARLY as long) with a couple 10+% in there.  

I read in the 2011 thread that the majority of the hills are around 5%.  Still true?

2012-04-11 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3595565

Maple Valley
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Coming back into town where I measured the hill to be 2.1 miles long there is a 6% grade sign.  I think coming into town it is longer but a tad bit less steep.  Going out I think the grade would be just slightly higher.  I think the bigger issue, rather than the big hill is the fact that out 95 very little of it is flat.  It's just up and down, up and down.  After riding the course in March I drastically changed the way I was doing my long rides.  No more flat stuff for me!  The longest stretch of flat in this race will be where we ride the run course, out to Higgens Point and back.  The good news....what goes up must come down!!
2012-04-11 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Has anyone that has ridden the hilly portion of the course use a garmin? If so I would love for you to send me the file so I can see it as well as plug it into my computrainer.Thanks
2012-04-12 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4144511

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

ballyard7 - 2012-04-11 7:42 PM Has anyone that has ridden the hilly portion of the course use a garmin? If so I would love for you to send me the file so I can see it as well as plug it into my computrainer.Thanks


X2 ^^^^^

I would love to see the whole course on a Gramin file. Luckily for me i have a hill very simliar to that at 1.3 @7.1% that i do repeats on. Doing it once is not a big deal. Doing it 7-8 x's is a killer. havent really gotten more than that yet as just getting there is a 15mile ride.

Anyhow, what is total elevation for course as well? I have seen numbers close to 5000ft for the full course

2012-04-12 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4144511

Maple Valley
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

ballyard7 - 2012-04-11 4:42 PM Has anyone that has ridden the hilly portion of the course use a garmin? If so I would love for you to send me the file so I can see it as well as plug it into my computrainer.Thanks


I have it on my Garmin.  Let me see if I can figure out how to do it and I'll send it to you.

2012-04-12 11:06 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Coeur d' Alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Saturday bike ride meet at Independence point ( Coeur d' Alene park) at 9 am. we will ride 80 miles on the course. Hope to see some of you out there.

2012-04-13 1:33 PM
in reply to: #4147647

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

mark.evans - 2012-04-12 10:06 PM Saturday bike ride meet at Independence point ( Coeur d' Alene park) at 9 am. we will ride 80 miles on the course. Hope to see some of you out there.

How would it be?!! Hope you guys have a good ride.

2012-04-13 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3595565

Maple Valley
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Doing my first century ever this weekend!!!  It's an organzied race so taking it easy on this first one but very excited to get one under my belt!!
2012-04-15 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4145355

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kristine25 - 2012-04-12 9:48 AM

ballyard7 - 2012-04-11 4:42 PM Has anyone that has ridden the hilly portion of the course use a garmin? If so I would love for you to send me the file so I can see it as well as plug it into my computrainer.Thanks


I have it on my Garmin.  Let me see if I can figure out how to do it and I'll send it to you.

I'd love to get it as well. Thanks in advance.
2012-04-15 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Tough weekend for me....I was in the Belews Lake international and was gonna run an easy hour after to take care of my long run.

It didn't go as planned good swim for me, and then the first race hard effort on the new bike left me with real tight Hamstrings...I am not sure if it is fit or me not being used to being aero going hard on a tri bike or both?...well it was going to be an easy run when I started feeling better and started to open up a bit at mile 3...race volunteer stepped right in front of me to give someone water and I plowed her down, when I tried to stop I could feel left hammy lock up and after I got up I couldn't run.....Called it a day....I think getting a massage and icing was the right call just tough to get my first DNF....I mean I coulda walked in those last 3 miles but what was the point.

So I am just resting today on sore hamstrings nothing to serious , but worried about missing the run....I do have a big week coming up so If that is good I should be ok.

2012-04-15 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4152000

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kenbert61 - 2012-04-15 3:17 AM

Tough weekend for me....I was in the Belews Lake international and was gonna run an easy hour after to take care of my long run.

It didn't go as planned good swim for me, and then the first race hard effort on the new bike left me with real tight Hamstrings...I am not sure if it is fit or me not being used to being aero going hard on a tri bike or both?...well it was going to be an easy run when I started feeling better and started to open up a bit at mile 3...race volunteer stepped right in front of me to give someone water and I plowed her down, when I tried to stop I could feel left hammy lock up and after I got up I couldn't run.....Called it a day....I think getting a massage and icing was the right call just tough to get my first DNF....I mean I coulda walked in those last 3 miles but what was the point.

So I am just resting today on sore hamstrings nothing to serious , but worried about missing the run....I do have a big week coming up so If that is good I should be ok.

Sorry to hear about your race. That is no way to start the season. Mend up soon.

2012-04-15 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
How was everyone's weekend of training? I had a pretty busy weekend I took a cold water swim clinic on Saturday morning and the water did not disappoint it was a bone chilling 51 degrees. It gave me some confidence that I could swim in water that cold if I had to but I am sure hoping for a lot warmer. I then did a nice 14 mile run that afternoon. We have finally had some sunshine around here and it was nice to take it in. Today I got in a 65 mile ride. My back got super tight up by my neck though and had me in a lot of pain. At one point I couldnt even turn my head to the left at all without almost screaming in pain. It is feeling better now but I need to figure out what is causing this. Hope everyone had a busy weekend as well. Only 3 more weeks until Wildflower which will be my big warm up for CdA which is now 10 weeks and counting
2012-04-15 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Weekend was good, had first race of the season Saturday (sprint, pr'd by 6:59) and this morning had a great 10 mile run.
2012-04-16 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3595565

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

has anyone ridden the full course yet that they would care to share on Gramin or Strava? I keep seeing bits and peices but not the full bike course. I am trying to figure out toal elevation expectations


2012-04-16 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4153199

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread one loop on it. I came into highway 95 (south end of the course then went up to the turn around and did on full loop from there. 98 miles on Saturday and the headwind out of the south destroyed me!
2012-04-16 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4153199

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread one loop on it. I came into highway 95 (south end of the course then went up to the turn around and did on full loop from there. 98 miles on Saturday and the headwind out of the south destroyed me!

2012-04-16 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4153505

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Hello, everyone.  Less than ten weeks to IMCdA!  I hope that y'all are getting excited!

In looking through the thread, it seems like most folks are talking about the bike course.  I, for one, am VERY excited about it.  I have different question, though . . .

Has anyone heard about on-course nutrition?  On the CdA web site (on the Rules and Regulations page), there is a logo proclaiming that there will be Gu on course.  But then on the Gu web site, it doesn't list CdA as one of their official events.  I also thought that WTC had some sort of agreement with Powerbar. 

Anyone know anything more definitive?  It's time to start nailing down the nutrition strategy!  

2012-04-16 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3595565

Maple Valley
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Ironman CdA has announced they were be using Gu, Bonker Bars, and Ironman Perform.
2012-04-17 7:51 AM
in reply to: #4149474

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Kristine25- How did your first Century go?  I completed my first on Saturday, too.  I was with friends for the first 40 miles and then on my own.  Looking forward to my second century this weekend only this time it is a fully supported Century Ride.  I'm so glad there will be people out on the course with me this time but being out there alone was good mental training.

Just need to get through this week and then I get a recovery week before the last build block.  So far, so good!

2012-04-17 8:55 AM
in reply to: #4153500

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

mallen4574 - 2012-04-16 12:16 PM one loop on it. I came into highway 95 (south end of the course then went up to the turn around and did on full loop from there. 98 miles on Saturday and the headwind out of the south destroyed me!

Thanks! Don't be scared but I am now Strava Stalking you!! lol

Anywhoo. So from what I see and what you are saying it does not seem to be too much elevation (for me comapared to what I ride) but you are exposed to wind for a large part of it. Would that be accurate?

2012-04-17 9:11 AM
in reply to: #4155291

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
That seems about right. The wind blows predominately out the south. So that will be the out section of the course. It can be challenging mentally. The old course you twisted and turned so much the wind wasnt really a factor. This course is straight into it and straight back. Those who think this course is flat are wrong. It's anything but flat. Everyone I've ridden it with is surprised by how hilly it is. Not steep but relentless...

2012-04-17 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3595565

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Question for those of you with young children.  I was thinking of having my family join up with me on Saturday because I didn't know how hectic the week (i.e. Thursday on) would be leading up to the race, and ideally I will be 'relaxing'.  If you had the choice would you have them show up closer to race day or a few days before?


2012-04-17 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4155470

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
catincolorado - 2012-04-17 10:50 AM

Question for those of you with young children.  I was thinking of having my family join up with me on Saturday because I didn't know how hectic the week (i.e. Thursday on) would be leading up to the race, and ideally I will be 'relaxing'.  If you had the choice would you have them show up closer to race day or a few days before?


I have older children but I just served as Race Sherpa for a friend doing IMAZ last November.  She has a 4 year old and would definitely say that having the family arrive on Saturday would be preferable to earlier. It gave her a chance to travel on her own and get all of the pre-race activities (check-in, practice swims, naps)  done without worrying about what anyone else was doing or needed at the time.  She had her husband and daughter stay in a different hotel room for the night before and after the race.  Just seemed to simplify her race weekend and minimize potential stress.  

That being said, I'm traveling with my family and we'll all stay in a house on Hayden Lake for the week.  I will definitely choose a bedroom far away from everyone else the night before the race. It's all about limiting stress for me that week.  

2012-04-17 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3595565

Maple Valley
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread



Thanks for asking about my century.  Honestly, it could not have gone better.  Ended up with 104.84 and I felt great.  The course I rode is actually tougher than CdA I think.  I didn't think I was pushing it at all and ended up averaging 15mph.  Hoping for about 16 at CdA so I think it might be feasable.  But OMG where my girly parts sore!!!!!  Feeling better today.  I ran 3 miles after the century and that went pretty good too.  Huge confidence builder for me for sure!!!  Glad yours went good too!  Its definilty easier with more people around!!

2012-04-17 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3595565

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread


Thanks for the reply.  Unless I can find something a little more spread out I'll stick to the plan of having them arrive on Saturday.  However, that IronKids fun run on Thursday looks like it would be a lot of fun for them.


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