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2012-01-05 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Just got word from the Oceanside 70.3 race director that price increases for all IM 70.3 races in the states Jan. 11th. Not sure what the increase is, but thought I'd pass it on.


Also, addressing the nutrition issue -- I've not eaten a real burger in 25 years and I stopped drinking alcohol a few years ago...maybe that's why my marathon times aren't like yours Adrienne! Seriously, the only thing I eat occasionally that has a face is fish and sometimes shellfish, but I've gotten away from that recently, too. I do eat eggs (whites mostly), some non-fat dairy for protein, especially cottage cheese and yogurt (20grams in Fage 0%). Also I eat soy and lots of veggies, fruits and grains and legumes. Not too exciting, but I make it work.

I'm a very live and let live person though. My family eats meats and poultry and I do cook it for them. Just never have been a fan.

2012-01-05 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Des Moines, IA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

tonights trainer was money!  35 minutes plus warmup.  I can feel the strength rushing back with every work out.  Maybe it was mental hurdles for the first week but i'm not sure what sort of energy i've been coasting on during my last few workouts.  I feel like my year end goal of a marathon is reachable already.

I'm really focusing a lot of my efforts on eating better.  Today for lunch I had a spinach salad w/ red peppers, broccoli, green peas, feta cheese, and non fat tomato dressing.  Breakfast I had a mornin' sunrise size flatbread sandwich from subway w/ american cheese, egg white, spinach, and tomato.  For dinner I had some spicy spicy shrimp on dirty rice with toast on the side.  A couple of diet sodas and glasses of V8 Fusion (LOVE THAT STUFF) rounds out my day.

At work every time I need to go up or down stairs I try to sprint up to the next floor.

I'm even parking farther away from the door on purpose (that and Iowa got up into the 60s today!)

I need to somehow get a membership to the secret gym, nobody is ever staffing the desk when it's convenient for me.  Maybe i'll have to go over my lunch break.

Hope everyone is kicking butt!

p.s. My son is feeling much better after resting A LOT and getting his fluids back under control.  It was scary for us though - he's never been this sick.  Here's a picture of us from the doctor's office last night.

2012-01-06 4:08 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Hope your little one gets well soon!
2012-01-06 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Joel-Hope your wee-one feels better soon.     He looks like he feels icky.  Poor little guy.

So I just caught up on yesterday.   Some of you need to THWACKED for overtraining.  You know who you are, taking back to back long bike rides.   I think its great that everyone is getting into training but 2 important things:

1.  Plans have a "build-up" for a reason.  Eventhough you feel good and empowered, you need to stop and do something else.  Don't expend all that energy in one session of training.  You will need it later. 

2. Respect the REST!!!  That is one of the hardest things to do when training.  Rest can be active rest but something light and fun that uses different muscles. Going for a walk at the zoo or sanctuary is great "rest".  


As far as food, you all are making me hungry.  I got home very late last night from work so I just heated up a bowl of Trader Joe's vegetarian chili (LOVE Trader Joe's and Whole Foods) and a glass of wine.  Not having any kids really at home (my 19 year old lives here but she is going to the University so she spends most of her time there), and my husband working long hours at his job and our business, I hate cooking for just me so I rely a lot on cans of soup or eggs.  I usually have salad for lunch so I don't make salads for dinner much.  I have a sinful addiction to chicken shwarma sandwiches.  We have so many middle east restaurants here.   I try to allow myself only 1 per week. Love my middle eastern food-hummus, tabbouli, shish kabob, grape leaves, etc.... Lots of veggie options but I tend to go for the chicken and lamb.

Beer the night before a run, a must!!   Beer on the run, a FAIL!!  I tried it once in a St. Patty's day run/learning lesson. 

As far as me, no new grandbaby yet. Today is the due date!!   I had a dream it is a girl.   Our flights and hotel are booked for next Saturday to New Mexico.  I sure hope the new one arrives by then!!  

2012-01-06 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Seemed appropriate!   And its from HoneyBadger press!  
2012-01-06 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3974299

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2012-01-06 7:31 AM

Joel-Hope your wee-one feels better soon.     He looks like he feels icky.  Poor little guy.

So I just caught up on yesterday.   Some of you need to THWACKED for overtraining.  You know who you are, taking back to back long bike rides.   I think its great that everyone is getting into training but 2 important things:

1.  Plans have a "build-up" for a reason.  Eventhough you feel good and empowered, you need to stop and do something else.  Don't expend all that energy in one session of training.  You will need it later. 

2. Respect the REST!!!  That is one of the hardest things to do when training.  Rest can be active rest but something light and fun that uses different muscles. Going for a walk at the zoo or sanctuary is great "rest".  


As far as food, you all are making me hungry.  I got home very late last night from work so I just heated up a bowl of Trader Joe's vegetarian chili (LOVE Trader Joe's and Whole Foods) and a glass of wine.  Not having any kids really at home (my 19 year old lives here but she is going to the University so she spends most of her time there), and my husband working long hours at his job and our business, I hate cooking for just me so I rely a lot on cans of soup or eggs.  I usually have salad for lunch so I don't make salads for dinner much.  I have a sinful addiction to chicken shwarma sandwiches.  We have so many middle east restaurants here.   I try to allow myself only 1 per week. Love my middle eastern food-hummus, tabbouli, shish kabob, grape leaves, etc.... Lots of veggie options but I tend to go for the chicken and lamb.

Beer the night before a run, a must!!   Beer on the run, a FAIL!!  I tried it once in a St. Patty's day run/learning lesson

As far as me, no new grandbaby yet. Today is the due date!!   I had a dream it is a girl.   Our flights and hotel are booked for next Saturday to New Mexico.  I sure hope the new one arrives by then!!  


Did you train with it?  Nothing new on race day Wink 


The wife and I are certified craft beer enthusists/foodies so we make alot of food that isn't always the healthiest but it's delicious and home cooked is better than prepared, I hope, so I balance it with more healthy options throughout the day.  Rest day for me might do a mid range run tomorrow before I start my taper which probably isn't needed with how lax I was on training for the HM, will do swim bike workouts though to get that started.  I'm having trouble just getting some momentum to do the training once I start I'll be good it's just getting it moving, high 60's this weekend should help.

I believe Keye was wondering about the leg shaving/waxing I was just responding that it aint happening here, no way haha... 

2012-01-06 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3973312

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-01-05 4:20 PM

kgore - 2012-01-06 5:06 AM ...and how quickly things change. My throat was feeling a bit scratchy right after my ride yesterday; its about the same today. Hopefully, this is as far as that goes. Of course, then I apparently did something to my back too---I am in so much pain!! I didn't go to work because of it---so no running for me today as well. Grrr. this just has me down in the dumps...whine, whine, whine....Cry

You've laid down a LOT of training this week in addition to having a very active job and it's likely your body is not-so-politely informing you ... REST!!!

Just like you, Yanti, right?

Seriously, Kate, I hope that you feel better soon.



Edited by jmkizer 2012-01-06 8:23 AM
2012-01-06 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

My back feels much better than yesterday--it still hurts, but not enough to make me stay home from work--of course, the throat is still scratchy, but no worse or better than before. We'll see how I feel at the end of the work day as to whether or not I swim tonight. 

My fat cat decided to sleep on our couch last night, so at least I got a bit more sleep!Smile

2012-01-06 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3973500

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-06 6:26 AM

Got my long run in today, thankfully don't have to be thwacked, had originally planned on trying for the 15 that I missed but the plan said 12 and I ended up doing 13.  Not as fast as I wanted and I was feeling it at the end having to walk/shuffle the last mile or so, going to be sore tomorrow but I think that my goal of sub 2:10 (did 2:19 today) is doable on my HM, drank around 50 oz with two scopes of perpetuum during the run and that felt about right, I think (still trying to adjust to long distances...)  Didn't get some of my other training in as of yet because the HM is taking precedence.

Well, I'm kind of disappointed about that, but very glad you got your run on. How are you feeling today?

2012-01-06 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3973660

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
kgore - 2012-01-06 7:29 AM

Ice has been keeping me company throughout the day, and a massage from the husband tonight will most likely help out too.

Truthfully. most of the bike shops around here don't do fittings--and of the other ones that just might are VERY high end and WAY out of my price range with their regular merchandise. I will look into it though. 

You're SAC area, right? I know a guy who might be able to help ... for free. (I'm sure he'd just be thrilled to know that I'm ho'ing him out ... )

Also, if you're willing/able to post a few pics of yourself and the bike (helps if you have a trainer, but if hubby is willing to assist, we can work with it) I/we can help and you can fine-adjust the bike to your comfort.

2012-01-06 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3975006

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Yes, I'm in a suburb of Sacramento--and I would be willing to do the photo thing as well! That would be awesome!Smile

2012-01-06 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3972179

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Regarding the vegetarianism, I'm not veggie but I eat a lot of veggie food, to my detriment really as I need to increase the amount of protein in my diet as this helps weight loss. I usually try lots of recipes with beans and pulses to try and keep the lower fat protein content so things like baked beans, chickpea and spinach curry, minestrone soup. 
2012-01-06 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

So while we're posting doggy pics (and this is for Holly):

Defy the odds ... BY BEING LAZY! Just use the same list for the second week!

2012-01-06 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3973764

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
amd723 - 2012-01-06 8:35 AM
TriAya - 2012-01-05 3:20 PM

kgore - 2012-01-06 5:06 AM ...and how quickly things change. My throat was feeling a bit scratchy right after my ride yesterday; its about the same today. Hopefully, this is as far as that goes. Of course, then I apparently did something to my back too---I am in so much pain!! I didn't go to work because of it---so no running for me today as well. Grrr. this just has me down in the dumps...whine, whine, whine....Cry

You've laid down a LOT of training this week in addition to having a very active job and it's likely your body is not-so-politely informing you ... REST!!!

I did forget to mention that my mom's BFF (they've outlived all their other friends, basically) runs an orangutan rescue/transition center that she lives in smack in the middle of our national zoo here in Jakarta. My mom goes and visits her every day. While yes, there are a ton of orangutans about--it's actually really fun to go when they all come out to play, I should tag along again one of these days--it's really an all-kinds-of-anything rescue center. Animals move on to rehabilitation centers, other zoos or refuges if possible, but if not, they stay right there with Ulla. Hornbills, lorises, bats (yes they come back ... odd), chimps, monkeys of all varieties, baby tigers, all manner of dogs and cats, you name it ... sit there for 10 minutes and there will be at least three different kinds of adorable faces looking up from your lap and several others swirling around your feet, or hanging from the ceiling, or trying to swoop in and steal your cake.

Everyone gets along. It's quite remarkable. She is quite the Dr. Doolittle/Konrad Lorenz/what have you.

I would love to visit this center!

You're happily single too ... nothing to tie you down ... COME ON OVAH anytime!!! (warning ... every BTer who's come to visit has had the time of their life BUT has also gotten waaaaaay more than they bargained for ... needed weeks to recover).

Let us know how your new toys work out.

2012-01-06 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3974089

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jtaddei - 2012-01-06 11:54 AM

tonights trainer was money!  35 minutes plus warmup.  I can feel the strength rushing back with every work out.  Maybe it was mental hurdles for the first week but i'm not sure what sort of energy i've been coasting on during my last few workouts.  I feel like my year end goal of a marathon is reachable already.

I'm really focusing a lot of my efforts on eating better.  Today for lunch I had a spinach salad w/ red peppers, broccoli, green peas, feta cheese, and non fat tomato dressing.  Breakfast I had a mornin' sunrise size flatbread sandwich from subway w/ american cheese, egg white, spinach, and tomato.  For dinner I had some spicy spicy shrimp on dirty rice with toast on the side.  A couple of diet sodas and glasses of V8 Fusion (LOVE THAT STUFF) rounds out my day.

At work every time I need to go up or down stairs I try to sprint up to the next floor.

I'm even parking farther away from the door on purpose (that and Iowa got up into the 60s today!)

I need to somehow get a membership to the secret gym, nobody is ever staffing the desk when it's convenient for me.  Maybe i'll have to go over my lunch break.

Hope everyone is kicking butt!

p.s. My son is feeling much better after resting A LOT and getting his fluids back under control.  It was scary for us though - he's never been this sick.  Here's a picture of us from the doctor's office last night.

Aw sadface! Poor sweet piglets. You all really had a scare.

Congrats on the good eating!

2012-01-06 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3971666

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Pug Palace
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
lmscozz - 2012-01-05 5:42 PM
Hollz - 2012-01-04 12:53 PM
ukweeble - 2012-01-04 1:35 PM


I have been completely off training and pretty much off life for the last 3 months. Had a bad family tragedy and I am just trying to piece things back together. Smoking again....drat-soon to quit again....drat. Counseling and soul searching and figuring out how to go forward have been a big part of the last couple months. I went from being one of those people that felt so very blessed to the exact opposite in one fell swoop. I am working on it daily and it's tough.

Know exactly how you feel. If you need to sound off feel free to PM me or on the main forum. I will feel your pain/ frustration with you. Quitting is horrible but just focus on the gain.

Thanks Allen. I have done it before and will surely do it again. I feel your pain with it-it is a TOUGH one! Keep on carrying on-you are doing such a great job! p.s. I hope you don't change your the frog prince.


You two ROCK!!!  Both of you....doing a great job!

I couldn't agree more!  You two are ROCKstars! 

2012-01-06 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Hi guys! Done with my first leg! 8.7 miles about 80 degrees and 18 kills. I'm loving the heat. Currently reading the gator survival guide for my next leg. Cross your fingers. Random: there was a stuffed manatee in our hotel! I took it to bed with me
2012-01-06 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3975392

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Asalzwed - 2012-01-06 12:48 PM Hi guys! Done with my first leg! 8.7 miles about 80 degrees and 18 kills. I'm loving the heat. Currently reading the gator survival guide for my next leg. Cross your fingers. Random: there was a stuffed manatee in our hotel! I took it to bed with me

Go Go Go Girl! How many legs are you running and distance of each? I am sure the manatee brought you luckLaughing

2012-01-06 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3973021

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

I am always trying not to eat so much meat, but I am a true love love red meat! And white meat and the other white meat...and sausage and BACON!  Favorite dinner: filet mignon (bacon wrapped) med rare-fat baked potato with everything and a nice little salad. Oh and bread....don't forget the bread, crusty crust warm and buttered....mmmmm -OH and of course the wine..and chocolate cake for dessert-YES! ...hmmm...Must be lunch time.

So happy for almost Friday-gonna have a big 5-0 fiesta on saturday to celebrate the fact that I am at looong last finally 50-how lucky! ha!

Stop it i'm dribbling.

Enjoy the celebrationLaughing.

2012-01-06 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Thanks Yanti, I'm feeling pretty good, was a bit stiff this morning but came in a little early and biked the long way to court, roughly 6 miles to get moving and feel better.  Although I can feel my IT band again, not hurting but tighter than before so plenty of time with the foam roller and ice tonight.


Sounds like you are having fun Asalzwed keep it up!!

2012-01-06 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

As there seems to be lots of food related posts about, have you guys got any suggestions for filling, healthy snacks/nibbles. I am eating healthy all day but come the evening, i am desperately hungry and reach for the crisps, last of the christmas chocolate and mince pies just to fight off the craving. I think the problem is caused by my increased activity and stopping smoking. Its a killer combination and i am having trouble keeping the munchies at bay.

If i cant stop nibbling, my weight goal will be missed and i will deserve a thwacking.

2012-01-06 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
I keep a lot of fruit around in the house which is a quick/easy snack, almonds are always good, you can get cinnamon roast and dark chocolate so alot like a dessert which is awesome on the late night munchie side.  My wife buys these fruit pops that are made with real fruit and not too much sugar that are delicious.  Hope that helps.
2012-01-06 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3974089

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jtaddei - 2012-01-05 7:54 PM

tonights trainer was money!  35 minutes plus warmup.  I can feel the strength rushing back with every work out.  Maybe it was mental hurdles for the first week but i'm not sure what sort of energy i've been coasting on during my last few workouts.  I feel like my year end goal of a marathon is reachable already.

I'm really focusing a lot of my efforts on eating better.  Today for lunch I had a spinach salad w/ red peppers, broccoli, green peas, feta cheese, and non fat tomato dressing.  Breakfast I had a mornin' sunrise size flatbread sandwich from subway w/ american cheese, egg white, spinach, and tomato.  For dinner I had some spicy spicy shrimp on dirty rice with toast on the side.  A couple of diet sodas and glasses of V8 Fusion (LOVE THAT STUFF) rounds out my day.

At work every time I need to go up or down stairs I try to sprint up to the next floor.

I'm even parking farther away from the door on purpose (that and Iowa got up into the 60s today!)

I need to somehow get a membership to the secret gym, nobody is ever staffing the desk when it's convenient for me.  Maybe i'll have to go over my lunch break.

Hope everyone is kicking butt!

p.s. My son is feeling much better after resting A LOT and getting his fluids back under control.  It was scary for us though - he's never been this sick.  Here's a picture of us from the doctor's office last night.


Adorable picture. So glad he's feeling better. Always scary when the children are sick. He'll be back to getting into everything again in no time.


GREAT job on rocking your workouts and nutrition. You're serious, man!

2012-01-06 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3975392

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Asalzwed - 2012-01-06 11:48 AM Hi guys! Done with my first leg! 8.7 miles about 80 degrees and 18 kills. I'm loving the heat. Currently reading the gator survival guide for my next leg. Cross your fingers. Random: there was a stuffed manatee in our hotel! I took it to bed with me


I've been thinking about you today!! You're fast, you can just outrun those gators...I know they're fast on land for a few feet (resident reptile expert can chime in here), but you can outlast them!!  Sunblock...sunblock...Beer??

2012-01-06 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3975577

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
ukweeble - 2012-01-06 1:13 PM

As there seems to be lots of food related posts about, have you guys got any suggestions for filling, healthy snacks/nibbles. I am eating healthy all day but come the evening, i am desperately hungry and reach for the crisps, last of the christmas chocolate and mince pies just to fight off the craving. I think the problem is caused by my increased activity and stopping smoking. Its a killer combination and i am having trouble keeping the munchies at bay.

If i cant stop nibbling, my weight goal will be missed and i will deserve a thwacking.


I like crunchy things sometimes and soft creamy things other substitutes for chips (or crisps as you call them ) are pretzel thins (less fat and still salty and crunchy), I love popcorn, cooked in microwave. I have a special bowl that pops it dry, then I can put some spray butter or cinnamon or other seasonings on it. I also love crunchy carrots and hummus or tzatziki. The baba ganoush (eggplant hummus) is usually lower in calories and fats. Also like the fat free greek yogurt with some fruit for smooth, creamy. I can't eat ice cream but like the fat free fudge bars, about 45 cals per and there's these things here in the US called Skinny Cow that are ice cream sandwiches that a lot of people like.

Sometimes at night a nice cup of hot tea with a few animal crackers is a nice treat at night, too. And, other times I just call the kitchen closed and take my arse up to bed to read, play words with friends (addicted) and sleep. Hope that helps a bit.

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