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2012-06-09 11:14 AM
in reply to: #4252998

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

trei - 2012-06-09 9:45 AM Its more important that I finish the HIM next month.  I did decrease my long bike today, but not by a whole lot, felt good with the effort.  Hopefully will feel well enough tomorrow for my first Tri.  Just want to finish and find out where I need the work.  Good luck to Shelly and Jacki on your races this weekend too.

OK, so wetsuit or no? What is your bib number? I think I am 201 (duathlonFrown)...come say hi!!!

2012-06-09 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

SUCCESS!!!   I'm so happy.  I swam without a major panic attack and feel like I swam strong...especially the 2nd 1/2 of the swim.  I'll put more details in my report, which I'll post after I see official results.  It was a very small, manually timed event, so I suppose they will e-mail the results.  But, I think the swim was about 15 or 20 was 38 minutes and run was 28 minutes. 

Few details about the swim...the first 75 yards I was fine, felt good, steady, rhythmic.  Then, the panic started to rise a bit and before I knew it I had that "my chest is going to explode" feeling and didn't want my face in the water.  So I breast stroked with my head out, flipped over and back stroked for a bit, and generally struggled.  But, at about the half way point, it's like I flipped a switch in my head and thought, ok, I'm half way, I'm just going to do this and stop freaking out.  And at that point I started freestyle and got very rhymthic and felt good!  You know what I was thinking every breath?  Shelly...breathe...Sarah...breathe...Alicia....breathe...Tom...breathe... and before I knew it, I was getting out of the water! 

Soooooo...I am super stoked!!  Swim was very slow, but I SO don't care!!  I just wanted to get through it without panicking and I did!!!  Yay!! I really really want to race again and keep with the momentum.  There's a tri in Indy on 6/24 I may do!  My family participates in Relay For Life the day before, so the timing's not great, but I think I want to take advantage of the confidence I gained today and do it again!!


2012-06-10 6:46 AM
in reply to: #4253399

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
DaDooRunRun - 2012-06-09 7:39 PM

SUCCESS!!!   I'm so happy.  I swam without a major panic attack and feel like I swam strong...especially the 2nd 1/2 of the swim.  I'll put more details in my report, which I'll post after I see official results.  It was a very small, manually timed event, so I suppose they will e-mail the results.  But, I think the swim was about 15 or 20 was 38 minutes and run was 28 minutes. 

Few details about the swim...the first 75 yards I was fine, felt good, steady, rhythmic.  Then, the panic started to rise a bit and before I knew it I had that "my chest is going to explode" feeling and didn't want my face in the water.  So I breast stroked with my head out, flipped over and back stroked for a bit, and generally struggled.  But, at about the half way point, it's like I flipped a switch in my head and thought, ok, I'm half way, I'm just going to do this and stop freaking out.  And at that point I started freestyle and got very rhymthic and felt good!  You know what I was thinking every breath?  Shelly...breathe...Sarah...breathe...Alicia....breathe...Tom...breathe... and before I knew it, I was getting out of the water! 

Soooooo...I am super stoked!!  Swim was very slow, but I SO don't care!!  I just wanted to get through it without panicking and I did!!!  Yay!! I really really want to race again and keep with the momentum.  There's a tri in Indy on 6/24 I may do!  My family participates in Relay For Life the day before, so the timing's not great, but I think I want to take advantage of the confidence I gained today and do it again!!


YESSSSSS....I knew you could do it! :-) A HUGE congrats to you! It's such an incredible feeling where conquer something like this, right? This what triathlons is all about, who cares if the swim is slow! You can make it up in the bike and run :-)Keep it going, be extra good to yourself today....woooohoooooAlicia
2012-06-10 8:20 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
J- I'm so excited for you!! I've been thinking about you!! We've been moving for the last week, so no workouts for me. I'll catch up will y'all in a couple weeks, since we're going out of town now. Just wanted to tell Jacki (in the words of my daughters) YOU ROCK!
2012-06-10 5:09 PM
in reply to: #4253064

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
quincyf - 2012-06-09 11:14 AM

trei - 2012-06-09 9:45 AM Its more important that I finish the HIM next month.  I did decrease my long bike today, but not by a whole lot, felt good with the effort.  Hopefully will feel well enough tomorrow for my first Tri.  Just want to finish and find out where I need the work.  Good luck to Shelly and Jacki on your races this weekend too.

OK, so wetsuit or no? What is your bib number? I think I am 201 (duathlonFrown)...come say hi!!!

Quincy, not sure your are referring to the same race in West Salem today??

2012-06-10 5:13 PM
in reply to: #4254183

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Finished my first triathlon today.  It was awesome.  The race report is up;  need some help in transition if any one has any insight. 

Congratulations Jacki on conquering the panic!!

2012-06-10 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4254183

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
trei - 2012-06-10 5:09 PM
quincyf - 2012-06-09 11:14 AM

trei - 2012-06-09 9:45 AM Its more important that I finish the HIM next month.  I did decrease my long bike today, but not by a whole lot, felt good with the effort.  Hopefully will feel well enough tomorrow for my first Tri.  Just want to finish and find out where I need the work.  Good luck to Shelly and Jacki on your races this weekend too.

OK, so wetsuit or no? What is your bib number? I think I am 201 (duathlonFrown)...come say hi!!!

Quincy, not sure your are referring to the same race in West Salem today??

Sorry, I'm insane...that's what you get for a drive by posting...

2012-06-10 9:46 PM
in reply to: #4253399

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
DaDooRunRun - 2012-06-09 6:39 PM

SUCCESS!!!   I'm so happy.  I swam without a major panic attack and feel like I swam strong...especially the 2nd 1/2 of the swim.  I'll put more details in my report, which I'll post after I see official results.  It was a very small, manually timed event, so I suppose they will e-mail the results.  But, I think the swim was about 15 or 20 was 38 minutes and run was 28 minutes. 

Few details about the swim...the first 75 yards I was fine, felt good, steady, rhythmic.  Then, the panic started to rise a bit and before I knew it I had that "my chest is going to explode" feeling and didn't want my face in the water.  So I breast stroked with my head out, flipped over and back stroked for a bit, and generally struggled.  But, at about the half way point, it's like I flipped a switch in my head and thought, ok, I'm half way, I'm just going to do this and stop freaking out.  And at that point I started freestyle and got very rhymthic and felt good!  You know what I was thinking every breath?  Shelly...breathe...Sarah...breathe...Alicia....breathe...Tom...breathe... and before I knew it, I was getting out of the water! 

Soooooo...I am super stoked!!  Swim was very slow, but I SO don't care!!  I just wanted to get through it without panicking and I did!!!  Yay!! I really really want to race again and keep with the momentum.  There's a tri in Indy on 6/24 I may do!  My family participates in Relay For Life the day before, so the timing's not great, but I think I want to take advantage of the confidence I gained today and do it again!!


That is awesome Jackie!!! I knew you'd do it. I am sooo super excited for you. It will only get better from here.
2012-06-10 9:55 PM
in reply to: #4254187

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
trei - 2012-06-10 5:13 PM

Finished my first triathlon today.  It was awesome.  The race report is up;  need some help in transition if any one has any insight. 

Congratulations Jacki on conquering the panic!!

Awesome! I'm headed over to read the race report in a sec.

As far as transition, the thing that helped me most was actually practicing it often. I would set up in the driveway and just run through it like it was a race. I watched a few videos on you tube and then just practiced it. I learned that setting up was half the battle. I set up in the order I need things. I put my helmet upside down with the straps carefully to the side and with sunglasses upside down on rim of helmet. Bike shoes are right in front. Then goes run shoes, then cap with race belt. In t1 I put sunglasses, then helmet, then bike shoes and go. For t2 its bike shoes off, socks (prerolled) on, run shoes on, grab cap with race belt and start running, put cap and race belt on as leaving transition but while already running.

2012-06-10 10:51 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
I'm so happy to come and read everyone's successes this weekend. It's just what I needed because I had my first DNS today and I was pretty bummed about it. Now I'm just a little irritated and ready to sign up for another race. I already am for one in August but I want one sooner.

So here's the deal of the DNS and I'm curious as to what you guys think. The race was in Atlanta, Georgia. It was advertised as a beginner's triathlon. In fact the name of my dh's race was "My First Tri" and you had to be a true first timer to register for that one. Mine was "My Next Tri" and it was for anyone else who wanted a beginner level race but had done one or more tri's. This was copied straight from the course description:

"Bike Course

Bike 12 miles total out and back from Lake Lanier Islands exiting and entering via the main road on and off the Island. The road for the most part will be shared with local traffic so be aware and ride with care. There is one steep hill that is done twice, athletes may stop and walk. "

So we get there and pick up our race packets and ask where the steep hill is. I wanted to check it out before we actually raced. Three different people couldn't really answer but they told us to find the bike route on the website and just drive it so we did. OMG- what I expected was the second picture.
What we got was multiple hills with elevations like the first picture. No where on the website, bike course info or FAQ page did it tell you that you would be riding 12 miles on Mount Everest. Ok folks I live in Louisiana and a hill for us is about as tall as our house roof top- not the height of Mt. Kilamanjaro. I expected one hill the size of Everest- not hundreds.
Seriously- we drove the bike route and stopped counting at ten massive hills (MOUNTAINS) in the first 4-5 miles and it was a six mile loop. WTH- one steep hill! We never could figure out which one was the one the website referred to because they were too numerous and all were too steep that any of them could have been the one. And as much as I'm joking about Everest and Kilamanjaro- the hills truly were extremely steep.

Now in the FAQ section- a question was posted if you needed a road bike and the answer was no that the courses for MY First and My Next triathlons were usually pancake flat. And then the description above was posted for the actual course we were racing.

However, I was still going to at least attempt it. I figured the worst that could happen is that I would be pushing my bike more than riding it but then the tri gods really started working against us.
Dh fell in the hotel parking lot while we were practicing on the hill that the hotel was on and quite likely broke a rib. Goofball does this frequently because he stops before clipping out ( don't tell him I told- hehe) and then I was already nursing a swollen ankle from dropping a suitcase out the car on it, and then I fell just trying to put my bike shoes on sitting on the curb. I'm just a klutz but I cut up the back of my calf on the side of the hurt ankle.

Buuuttt, even with all that I still was determined that we were going and we were going to give it our best. We got everything ready and went to bed planning to do or die trying. Fate however, had one more kink in store- Heavy Rain, 15mph winds and forecasted even heavier thunderstorms on the way.

Now I know when to say enough is enough and that was it. Seriously, we both knew we didn't have the training or the biking skills to handle all the hills in the pouring rain. I also had started having some chest pain Saturday when we did try to ride the hotel hill so it was all just too much. The weather got so bad that we weren't even sure the race would go on- it did- but for us, it just wasn't safe.

I am irritated though- not because we didn't race because really there are far worse things in life- I've easily learned that and I know there's always another race. I'm more irritated because I feel like the race and course were greatly misrepresented. Never would we have spent 200.00 for us both to register to race on a course that was so mountainous. It didn't even say rolling hills. The only thing written about the bike was the paragraph above.

Here's the link to the race website:

I'd love if any of you have time to look at it and see what your opinions are. Did I just make a rookie mistake or is the bike course misrepresented? I am seriously considering emailing the RD and complaining but I would like opinions on if it was my misjudgement first. I know the race is in Georgia so should I have expected a more difficult bike course? I honestly don't think so, but then my opinion is a little biased- I mean I'm always right- right?

Anyways- sorry for the novel. I would love to know what you guys think though.


Edited by fitmomma2010 2012-06-10 11:01 PM



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2012-06-11 7:05 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Hi Magical MysTRIppers ... pardon me, sorry to interrupt ... this is only about six months overdue ... but a long time ago your fabulous own Quincy asked me to write a word or two about open-water swimming for her mentor group. I may have gone a bit overboard with it, but she is definitely the reason this ever got written, since I started writing it for her ... and by proxy, you.

Wishing all of you well with your various sports endeavors!

Open Water Swimming: MAPS to Get Ready

2012-06-11 7:13 AM
in reply to: #4254804

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TriAya - 2012-06-11 7:05 AM

Hi Magical MysTRIppers ... pardon me, sorry to interrupt ... this is only about six months overdue ... but a long time ago your fabulous own Quincy asked me to write a word or two about open-water swimming for her mentor group. I may have gone a bit overboard with it, but she is definitely the reason this ever got written, since I started writing it for her ... and by proxy, you.

Wishing all of you well with your various sports endeavors!

Open Water Swimming: MAPS to Get Ready

Yanti wrote a book for us! Holy moly! Thanks for this Yanti, haven't read it yet, but can't wait as I am just now swimming again...

2012-06-11 7:17 AM
in reply to: #4254823

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
quincyf - 2012-06-11 7:13 PM
TriAya - 2012-06-11 7:05 AM

Hi Magical MysTRIppers ... pardon me, sorry to interrupt ... this is only about six months overdue ... but a long time ago your fabulous own Quincy asked me to write a word or two about open-water swimming for her mentor group. I may have gone a bit overboard with it, but she is definitely the reason this ever got written, since I started writing it for her ... and by proxy, you.

Wishing all of you well with your various sports endeavors!

Open Water Swimming: MAPS to Get Ready

Yanti wrote a book for us! Holy moly! Thanks for this Yanti, haven't read it yet, but can't wait as I am just now swimming again...

{{{MELON PRESS}}} Q Thank YOU ...

It's as useful to beginning swimmers as advanced. It's all stuff I do and practice all the time.

2012-06-11 7:27 AM
in reply to: #4254646

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

fitmomma2010 - 2012-06-10 10:51 PM I'm so happy to come and read everyone's successes this weekend. It's just what I needed because I had my first DNS today and I was pretty bummed about it. Now I'm just a little irritated and ready to sign up for another race. I already am for one in August but I want one sooner. So here's the deal of the DNS and I'm curious as to what you guys think. The race was in Atlanta, Georgia. It was advertised as a beginner's triathlon. In fact the name of my dh's race was "My First Tri" and you had to be a true first timer to register for that one. Mine was "My Next Tri" and it was for anyone else who wanted a beginner level race but had done one or more tri's. This was copied straight from the course description: "Bike Course Bike 12 miles total out and back from Lake Lanier Islands exiting and entering via the main road on and off the Island. The road for the most part will be shared with local traffic so be aware and ride with care. There is one steep hill that is done twice, athletes may stop and walk. " So we get there and pick up our race packets and ask where the steep hill is. I wanted to check it out before we actually raced. Three different people couldn't really answer but they told us to find the bike route on the website and just drive it so we did. OMG- what I expected was the second picture. What we got was multiple hills with elevations like the first picture. No where on the website, bike course info or FAQ page did it tell you that you would be riding 12 miles on Mount Everest. Ok folks I live in Louisiana and a hill for us is about as tall as our house roof top- not the height of Mt. Kilamanjaro. I expected one hill the size of Everest- not hundreds. Seriously- we drove the bike route and stopped counting at ten massive hills (MOUNTAINS) in the first 4-5 miles and it was a six mile loop. WTH- one steep hill! We never could figure out which one was the one the website referred to because they were too numerous and all were too steep that any of them could have been the one. And as much as I'm joking about Everest and Kilamanjaro- the hills truly were extremely steep. Now in the FAQ section- a question was posted if you needed a road bike and the answer was no that the courses for MY First and My Next triathlons were usually pancake flat. And then the description above was posted for the actual course we were racing. However, I was still going to at least attempt it. I figured the worst that could happen is that I would be pushing my bike more than riding it but then the tri gods really started working against us. Dh fell in the hotel parking lot while we were practicing on the hill that the hotel was on and quite likely broke a rib. Goofball does this frequently because he stops before clipping out ( don't tell him I told- hehe) and then I was already nursing a swollen ankle from dropping a suitcase out the car on it, and then I fell just trying to put my bike shoes on sitting on the curb. I'm just a klutz but I cut up the back of my calf on the side of the hurt ankle. Buuuttt, even with all that I still was determined that we were going and we were going to give it our best. We got everything ready and went to bed planning to do or die trying. Fate however, had one more kink in store- Heavy Rain, 15mph winds and forecasted even heavier thunderstorms on the way. Now I know when to say enough is enough and that was it. Seriously, we both knew we didn't have the training or the biking skills to handle all the hills in the pouring rain. I also had started having some chest pain Saturday when we did try to ride the hotel hill so it was all just too much. The weather got so bad that we weren't even sure the race would go on- it did- but for us, it just wasn't safe. I am irritated though- not because we didn't race because really there are far worse things in life- I've easily learned that and I know there's always another race. I'm more irritated because I feel like the race and course were greatly misrepresented. Never would we have spent 200.00 for us both to register to race on a course that was so mountainous. It didn't even say rolling hills. The only thing written about the bike was the paragraph above. Here's the link to the race website:'d love if any of you have time to look at it and see what your opinions are. Did I just make a rookie mistake or is the bike course misrepresented? I am seriously considering emailing the RD and complaining but I would like opinions on if it was my misjudgement first. I know the race is in Georgia so should I have expected a more difficult bike course? I honestly don't think so, but then my opinion is a little biased- I mean I'm always right- right? Anyways- sorry for the novel. I would love to know what you guys think though. Shelly

OK Shelly, I looked at the website and I do agree with you that it seems kind of out of line for the experience the race directors are trying to "sell." Have you read any race reports on previous years. IMHO race directors' own "view" of their races is a lot like a brochure for a vacation spot...the pictures and descriptions are much more fabulous than the real thing. 

What I can't answer is how hilly the course actually is hard to gauge, so it is hard for me to give you perspective on whether the course was misrepresented. Living in the midwest I find people say hilly and what they really mean is not pancake flat, which is a difference I think. I would love for you to email the race director and point out the discrepancies and explain to him that when the race is billed as my first tri, it really needs to be beginner friendly and you didn't think the bike was and it scared you off forever, and could he please explain. Be super nice, don't complain, and be sure to point out that a big component of their "concept" is My Next Tri...i.e. they want repeat racers (I actually love this concept).

Picking good races is tough...your experience sounded a LOT like our Steelhead 69.1 last year. Disaster from start to finish. Talk about learning to choose races...I had no idea until that day that the eastern shore of Lake Michigan is prone to severe currents/tides/etc and the swim at Steehead gets cancelled more than it should. I will never sign up for a race over there again.

I think your decision to bag was smart. Your anxiety put you in danger (accident proneness is no accident). 

But mostly I am sorry you didn't get to race. How sad and disappointing. Do you have something on the horizon to look forward to???

2012-06-11 7:34 AM
in reply to: #4254591

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
fitmomma2010 - 2012-06-10 9:55 PM
trei - 2012-06-10 5:13 PM

Finished my first triathlon today.  It was awesome.  The race report is up;  need some help in transition if any one has any insight. 

Congratulations Jacki on conquering the panic!!

Awesome! I'm headed over to read the race report in a sec. As far as transition, the thing that helped me most was actually practicing it often. I would set up in the driveway and just run through it like it was a race. I watched a few videos on you tube and then just practiced it. I learned that setting up was half the battle. I set up in the order I need things. I put my helmet upside down with the straps carefully to the side and with sunglasses upside down on rim of helmet. Bike shoes are right in front. Then goes run shoes, then cap with race belt. In t1 I put sunglasses, then helmet, then bike shoes and go. For t2 its bike shoes off, socks (prerolled) on, run shoes on, grab cap with race belt and start running, put cap and race belt on as leaving transition but while already running. hth, Shelly

I do a lot of this too, and just wanted to add that I keep it super small...and everything I will want during transition is VISIBLE. So by definition if it is small and visible, there's not a lot that can be on your transition towel. I use about a handtowel sized towel.


2012-06-11 7:37 AM
in reply to: #4253399

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
DaDooRunRun - 2012-06-09 6:39 PM

SUCCESS!!!   I'm so happy.  I swam without a major panic attack and feel like I swam strong...especially the 2nd 1/2 of the swim.  I'll put more details in my report, which I'll post after I see official results.  It was a very small, manually timed event, so I suppose they will e-mail the results.  But, I think the swim was about 15 or 20 was 38 minutes and run was 28 minutes. 

Few details about the swim...the first 75 yards I was fine, felt good, steady, rhythmic.  Then, the panic started to rise a bit and before I knew it I had that "my chest is going to explode" feeling and didn't want my face in the water.  So I breast stroked with my head out, flipped over and back stroked for a bit, and generally struggled.  But, at about the half way point, it's like I flipped a switch in my head and thought, ok, I'm half way, I'm just going to do this and stop freaking out.  And at that point I started freestyle and got very rhymthic and felt good!  You know what I was thinking every breath?  Shelly...breathe...Sarah...breathe...Alicia....breathe...Tom...breathe... and before I knew it, I was getting out of the water! 

Soooooo...I am super stoked!!  Swim was very slow, but I SO don't care!!  I just wanted to get through it without panicking and I did!!!  Yay!! I really really want to race again and keep with the momentum.  There's a tri in Indy on 6/24 I may do!  My family participates in Relay For Life the day before, so the timing's not great, but I think I want to take advantage of the confidence I gained today and do it again!!


Do the Indy tri!!! I really really wanted to tell you that if you stuck with it and kept trying you would probably overcome it but that is a tough thing to promise someone. But all of my beginner tri buddies IRL have had this exact same progression where they had some freakouts, pushed through them, kept trying, and now everyone is over it. So now you can share that experience with others! Very excited for your breakthrough. Congrats!

2012-06-11 7:45 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

OK, here is my race report from my first ever (intentional) Du. I have to say I don't love the is hard! But I might throw one in now and then just to change things up. And in related news, I actually have a race calendar now...I had been holding off on signing up for anything (which was making me crazy) until I had a better idea of how my shoulder was going to be.

My orthopedic surgeon finally released me completely (I believe he's in rehab now, haha) so I've been slowly ramping up the swim...I'm up to about 1300 yards now. And I've decided to only do sprint races until Ironman Wisconsin...I don't want to put up a big swim effort before then, and it's really the distance I love the most. In a way it's kind of fun and a relief not to try to squeeze something long in just because I feel I have to. So racing again in two weeks with the Oriolepwrs, South Shore Tri in July maybe something else, and Chicago Tri in August. Anyway, that pretty much brings me up to date.

2012-06-11 7:52 AM
in reply to: #4254187

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
trei - 2012-06-10 5:13 PM

Finished my first triathlon today.  It was awesome.  The race report is up;  need some help in transition if any one has any insight. 

Congratulations Jacki on conquering the panic!!

And since Todd won't brag for himself, I'll do it for him. First tri ever, dude places 4th in his AG! Hammered the bike (over 20mph without clipless bike shoes) and pulled solid 7:30 miles in the heat. I am excited to see what he can do when he stops reading books and smoking his pipe in transition.

2012-06-11 8:49 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
quincyf - 2012-06-11 6:52 AM
trei - 2012-06-10 5:13 PM

Finished my first triathlon today.  It was awesome.  The race report is up;  need some help in transition if any one has any insight. 

Congratulations Jacki on conquering the panic!!

And since Todd won't brag for himself, I'll do it for him. First tri ever, dude places 4th in his AG! Hammered the bike (over 20mph without clipless bike shoes) and pulled solid 7:30 miles in the heat. I am excited to see what he can do when he stops reading books and smoking his pipe in transition.

Wow Todd. You killed it! Very impressive "orange cap" performance.

2012-06-11 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4254804

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TriAya - 2012-06-11 6:05 AM

Hi Magical MysTRIppers ... pardon me, sorry to interrupt ... this is only about six months overdue ... but a long time ago your fabulous own Quincy asked me to write a word or two about open-water swimming for her mentor group. I may have gone a bit overboard with it, but she is definitely the reason this ever got written, since I started writing it for her ... and by proxy, you.

Wishing all of you well with your various sports endeavors!

Open Water Swimming: MAPS to Get Ready

Yanti, Thank you so much for the OWS write up. My first wetsuit arrives tomorrow so this info is perfectly timed for my first foray into the open water. I like your advise to get in the water prior to the swim start. The cold water shock is the hardest for me. I don't like to admit it, being a Montana man and all, but i'm a cold water wuss.  

2012-06-11 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4254875

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
quincyf - 2012-06-11 7:45 AM

OK, here is my race report from my first ever (intentional) Du. I have to say I don't love the is hard! But I might throw one in now and then just to change things up. And in related news, I actually have a race calendar now...I had been holding off on signing up for anything (which was making me crazy) until I had a better idea of how my shoulder was going to be.

My orthopedic surgeon finally released me completely (I believe he's in rehab now, haha) so I've been slowly ramping up the swim...I'm up to about 1300 yards now. And I've decided to only do sprint races until Ironman Wisconsin...I don't want to put up a big swim effort before then, and it's really the distance I love the most. In a way it's kind of fun and a relief not to try to squeeze something long in just because I feel I have to. So racing again in two weeks with the Oriolepwrs, South Shore Tri in July maybe something else, and Chicago Tri in August. Anyway, that pretty much brings me up to date.

Hi Q, we finished right next to each other.  I finished the Tri at 1:33:35...

2012-06-11 10:50 AM
in reply to: #4254804

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TriAya - 2012-06-11 7:05 AM

Hi Magical MysTRIppers ... pardon me, sorry to interrupt ... this is only about six months overdue ... but a long time ago your fabulous own Quincy asked me to write a word or two about open-water swimming for her mentor group. I may have gone a bit overboard with it, but she is definitely the reason this ever got written, since I started writing it for her ... and by proxy, you.

Wishing all of you well with your various sports endeavors!

Open Water Swimming: MAPS to Get Ready

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! The article was excellent. In my swim training classes we would do the breathing exercises for the first few minutes of each class. I had totally stopped doing them and I am glad to be reminded again. I forgot how much they helped.

I just bought my first wetsuit and I can't wait to try it out. The article came to us with perfect timing. Lots of excellent advice.

Thank you again,

2012-06-11 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4254875

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
quincyf - 2012-06-11 7:45 AM

OK, here is my race report from my first ever (intentional) Du. I have to say I don't love the is hard! But I might throw one in now and then just to change things up. And in related news, I actually have a race calendar now...I had been holding off on signing up for anything (which was making me crazy) until I had a better idea of how my shoulder was going to be.

My orthopedic surgeon finally released me completely (I believe he's in rehab now, haha) so I've been slowly ramping up the swim...I'm up to about 1300 yards now. And I've decided to only do sprint races until Ironman Wisconsin...I don't want to put up a big swim effort before then, and it's really the distance I love the most. In a way it's kind of fun and a relief not to try to squeeze something long in just because I feel I have to. So racing again in two weeks with the Oriolepwrs, South Shore Tri in July maybe something else, and Chicago Tri in August. Anyway, that pretty much brings me up to date.

Just read your race report. AWESOME performance. And Umm someone else forgot to do a little bragging herself. Congrats on 1st place in AG for DU. You my fearless leader are a true inspiration. Even with your recent medical issues you still manage to train, race what you can and WIN! When I grow up I wanna be like Q. (Except I think I'm already more grown up than she is- older anyway- hehe)

2012-06-11 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4254889

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
quincyf - 2012-06-11 7:52 AM

trei - 2012-06-10 5:13 PM

Finished my first triathlon today.  It was awesome.  The race report is up;  need some help in transition if any one has any insight. 

Congratulations Jacki on conquering the panic!!

And since Todd won't brag for himself, I'll do it for him. First tri ever, dude places 4th in his AG! Hammered the bike (over 20mph without clipless bike shoes) and pulled solid 7:30 miles in the heat. I am excited to see what he can do when he stops reading books and smoking his pipe in transition.

AWESOME! 4th in AG for first tri is amazing. Great race- and I can't even imagine how fast you'll be on the bike if you get clipless bike shoes. Holy Moly!. I see podiums in your future.

2012-06-11 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4253399

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
DaDooRunRun - 2012-06-09 6:39 PM

SUCCESS!!!   I'm so happy.  I swam without a major panic attack and feel like I swam strong...especially the 2nd 1/2 of the swim.  I'll put more details in my report, which I'll post after I see official results.  It was a very small, manually timed event, so I suppose they will e-mail the results.  But, I think the swim was about 15 or 20 was 38 minutes and run was 28 minutes. 

Few details about the swim...the first 75 yards I was fine, felt good, steady, rhythmic.  Then, the panic started to rise a bit and before I knew it I had that "my chest is going to explode" feeling and didn't want my face in the water.  So I breast stroked with my head out, flipped over and back stroked for a bit, and generally struggled.  But, at about the half way point, it's like I flipped a switch in my head and thought, ok, I'm half way, I'm just going to do this and stop freaking out.  And at that point I started freestyle and got very rhymthic and felt good!  You know what I was thinking every breath?  Shelly...breathe...Sarah...breathe...Alicia....breathe...Tom...breathe... and before I knew it, I was getting out of the water! 

Soooooo...I am super stoked!!  Swim was very slow, but I SO don't care!!  I just wanted to get through it without panicking and I did!!!  Yay!! I really really want to race again and keep with the momentum.  There's a tri in Indy on 6/24 I may do!  My family participates in Relay For Life the day before, so the timing's not great, but I think I want to take advantage of the confidence I gained today and do it again!!


Absolutely!!  capitalize on your success  do that Indy tri!  :-)         Oh yea and flipping the switch like that is so BadA$$ 

Now in my next tri  when the whole "I wanna die or quit"  thoughts start circling through my head (and they will)   I'll just go ahead and think.   Well Dave,   Jax flipped that switch  so can you!    

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