BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open Rss Feed  
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2014-06-28 4:02 PM
in reply to: badmo77a


Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by badmo77a

Originally posted by sandishr

OK....I am relatively new to the bike. I am wondering a few things:

1) How do you train/increase speed? As I said earlier, a huge factor for me is my bike (a hybrid), I'm sure the weight isn't helpful in the slightest to getting much speed. On fairly flat surfaces I'm only getting 13 mph average, regardless of distance. I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to increase my wise. My plan had to get slightly less bulky tires before the race, which should help a little bit.

2) Are there techniques, methods, strategies to gears during the race? Or do you just go as fast as you can since it's a race?

Thanks....24/28 today with a 13 mile bike. Now sitting down to have a Stinger Pale Ale from Sun Valley Brewing Co. Got a growler on my way back from the trail. :-) I think we're going to try out my wetsuit and my first OWS tomorrow.


1) How do you train/increase speed?

Standard answers to this will relate to intervals, cadence and hill training.

Intervals - adding a minute or two (mile or two) into your ride where you really work hard and then lower to a comfortable cruising speed to recover, then repeat, many times..

Cadence - Perceived effort is considered lower from spinning a smaller gear at higher cadence 90-95 rev per min rather than turning a big gear at slower candence. However riding at a higher cadence does raise your heart rate. riding at a lower cadence requires a lot of torque per revolution, however. each comes with a cost. so, you find the "right" cadence for the effort. What is certain is that new riders often fall into the trap of pushing a big gear too slowly.

Hills - Ride a lot of hills and the flat bits seem much easier.

2) Basic gearing tools.

Select a smaller gear for taking your bike off the rack. Gives you a chance to power up gradually. Always select down for tight corners or u-turns. Don't get stuck in a big gear after a turn. Have a go-to ratio. A gear you know you can turn for an extended duration for when you are on a good flat or when you are fueling that is not going to leave you gassed.

Thanks for this question and reply. Excellent, helpful advice!

2014-06-28 5:37 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Great day camping/biking/beer!Bike with wife & running hill repeats with son.Waterloo ipa...very little hops :-(


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2014-06-28 9:15 PM
in reply to: #4996400


Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I will definitely keep the pointers in mind next time, Dave.

Snuck out for a 5k run tonight. Finished in 30 min exactly (which is better than average for me). And then my reward-Shiner Ruby Redbird.

Congrats to all who did some pretty incredible hills, bikes, swims, and runs!

2014-06-29 12:50 AM
in reply to: RunnerGrl76GoesTri

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
First of a few firsts today. My first successful OWS today (I refuse to count previous attempts where I didn't achieve much other than ten strokes, "it's freezing", and a beer). And the maiden voyage for my new wetsuit. The wetsuit was a total beautifully and I had no problems at all with it. The lake....well...I think it might have defrosted last week.'s my wedding anniversary, and my husband spent his portion of our romantic day digging next to our well...a neighbor asked where I was and informed hubby that it MIGHT have been 40 degrees in the lake. I'm somewhat tending to believe this. Maybe not 40, but definitely not above 50. Somehow, I managed 500 m with several breaks...not ideal, but for my first experience in horrifyingly cold conditions I'm okay with it. Since this was my first time I've been able to really work with breathing techiniques in super cold water, I'm really happy that I got past "oh crap, I can't breathe", and managed a bunch of lap-equivalents. The great news is that the swim for my tri is also in really cold water, but compared to the ice bath I was in today, it will be a piece of cake.

As promised, an underclothing report for the ladies. I wore tri shorts and a regular sports bra along with my HRM, under my new wetsuit. No fitting problems and the HRM worked way better than it does in the pool with a problems with interruption of the signal. It was comfortable under the wetsuit and I could have quickly just shed the wetsuit and thrown a running tank over for the bike/run. As expected/promised, the tri shorts dried VERY quickly. The non-tri bra did not. For the tri I will be doing, in VERY hot weather (with a very heat-intolerant exerciser), I'm okay with this....I think it will keep me a little more comfortable temperature wise while probably being overall less comfortable than other options. But....I was not doing a tri today, and it was not very warm....65 degrees, although sunny. I was having real trouble warming up after the swim, threw a sweatshirt over my shorts and bra and went to my vehicle and drove home literally in a very hot vehicle, never putting the windows down or air on. (I would not have had this problem if I"d gone for a bike or run afterwards, or if it had been even ten degrees warmer outside...I just did not get warm after the swim.) While my fingers eventually warmed up past blue and I stopped shaking, I was not able to warm up until I pulled over and took my wet bra and HRM off. So this tells you how much water and cold the bra maintained...the shorts were dry LONG before. In summary....for more temperate and comfortable heating transition from one sport to the other, tri clothing is certainly better, including bras. For me, I'll be biking at about 75 degrees and running at about 80, and I am certain a cold wet bra won't bother me at all for this. I would definitely not do this in cooler temperatures, especially if it is a factor after the swim to be warm enough to bike effectively.

I absolutely now understand advocating regular OWS. While I was able to get into a good stroke in the lake, in really fairly horrifying temps, 100 m in that lake felt like a mile at top speed in the pool. I had to stop every 100 m for ten seconds before going on, and I never need to stop at all after miles in the pool. It was a completely different form of exercise, really, with just all the same moves.l The wetsuit did make me more buoyant, but I didn't move much faster, I don't think. It really humbled my previous sense of "No problem".
2014-06-29 9:01 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Great job on the ows, Sandi!! That is some seriously cold water! Thank you for the beta on the "undergarments" too. I still haven't picked one out yet.

I had my first ows in my wetsuit as well today! Not nearly the cold temps that Sandi had - as a matter of fact I think it's in the high 50's, maybe low 60's by now. As I swam through the lovely tentacles of seaweed I discovered an algae bloom. The water had very little visibility with particles of green suspended - very eerie. I pressed on for about 15 minutes as this was just a test of the new suit - seemed to work fine though I found it seemed my rib cage couldn't expand to breathe. There was very little wave action so that wasn't an issue. I found out later my upper back is very subluxated so I'll hit the chiropractor tomorrow and try to get things snapped back into shape. Definitely want to do more ows - I agree with Sandi, there is a whole comfort thing with getting used to ows versus a pool. I celebrated with an Adirondack Bear Naked Ale.

10k on Saturday turned into 6.37 miles instead at 51:30 so about 8:05 per mile. I ran another 1/2 - 3/4 mile past this and didn't count it. Lots of hills and it was hot, my legs feel it today.

So I stand at 25/28 today and will probably miss this by one if I can pull off a double tomorrow. I hope to bike in the early am but the upper back is still tight.

Cheers all,

(bear naked ale.jpg)

bear naked ale.jpg (802KB - 3 downloads)
2014-06-29 9:10 PM
in reply to: RunnerGrl76GoesTri

Bismarck, ND
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I need some saddle advice.

I need to get a new saddle. Have been going back and forth between the Adamo and Cobb. Just because, it seems like these are the ones people have liked the most. I am getting numb in my "woman parts".

Any suggestions? Not just on brand but style. I don't want to spend any more than I absolutely have to but I hate riding because I am so uncomfortable. I am training for sprints currently but I have a goal of doing some HIM. I do have a bike trainer but never use it because of the discomfort.


2014-06-29 9:17 PM
in reply to: brreems

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I am currently demo-ing a Terry "Liberator X Gel" and I like it (women's seat). I may try the Terry "Butterfly" too but I'm pretty happy with this one. Sometimes a LBS will let you demo a seat - give it a shot, the worst they can say is no.
If you find something you really love, post it - I still haven't officially made my final purchase either.
2014-06-29 10:18 PM
in reply to: brreems

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by brreems

I need some saddle advice.

I need to get a new saddle. Have been going back and forth between the Adamo and Cobb. Just because, it seems like these are the ones people have liked the most. I am getting numb in my "woman parts".

Any suggestions? Not just on brand but style. I don't want to spend any more than I absolutely have to but I hate riding because I am so uncomfortable. I am training for sprints currently but I have a goal of doing some HIM. I do have a bike trainer but never use it because of the discomfort.


I have been through about 4 different ones before settling on the Adamo Road. I got mine used. They seem to go for around $100 +/-. New the price is crazy and was much more than I wanted to spend. If you can't find a demo consider buying a used saddle since if it doesn't work you can usually resell it for what you paid. That's what I did on a few I have tried. You can find Cobb and Adamo pretty much all over here and Slowtitch classifieds.

As with any saddle you can find lovers and haters. The reason I went with the Adamo (or the Cobb JOF) is it just made sense to me. I mean that whole middle area is missing so there's nothing there to cause the numbness.
2014-06-29 10:34 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Howdy peeps! Been out of it for a few days but have still been training. I have a 5k coming up on Friday and my sprint on Sunday. Just doing the 5k for fun and won't be racing it. My training plan called for 3.7 mi on Friday so a 5k is perfect. Heck I even get off a bit easy. I don't expect to break any records Sunday at my sprint since this week is pretty heavy, for me at least. I have 85 miles over 3 days on the bike this week plus the rest of my workouts. Not crazy like Davids mileage but a bigger week for me. I'm smack dab in the thick of my HIM training so I don't want to mess with it for a race that's just for fun.
2014-06-30 9:33 AM
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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
29/28 Woo Made it! I will admit most of the workouts are bike rides as each way of my bike commute counts.

Maintenance update: I made a truing stand using my bike trainer (zipped tied some 2x4’s to hold the guide). If interested I can send some pics. It worked like a charm. Wheel went from in the range of 3/4” out to about 1/16” out. Happy with the result and after a 13 km ride it still looks and feels good.

I picked up a new pair of running shoes. First time from a specialty running store(s). I am neutral pronation and due to the PF they recommended a cushioned shoe. But it is hard to find shoes in 10 EEE or 10 EEEE Between 3 stores, 1 pair fit. (My feet are basically square). Has anyone bought shoes online? Now that I know what I need I can shop around when it comes time for my next pair.

Thor (or anyone), any challenge for July? I liked the 28 S/B/R. It was difficult to achieve but possible, very motivating.

Edited by Jeakins 2014-06-30 9:35 AM
2014-06-30 1:50 PM
in reply to: brreems

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by brreems

I need some saddle advice.

I need to get a new saddle. Have been going back and forth between the Adamo and Cobb. Just because, it seems like these are the ones people have liked the most. I am getting numb in my "woman parts".

Any suggestions? Not just on brand but style. I don't want to spend any more than I absolutely have to but I hate riding because I am so uncomfortable. I am training for sprints currently but I have a goal of doing some HIM. I do have a bike trainer but never use it because of the discomfort.


I can't comment on the "woman parts" when it comes to saddles - but my guy parts definitely benefitted from figuring out how wide my sit bones were during a fitting at the LBS. I had bought a $120 Adamo saddle which didn't help much because it was way too narrow. It was only when I bought the widest saddle made that I finally found relief. If you're gonna shoot for a HIM - a trip to the LBS is where I would start.

2014-06-30 1:56 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Burd

Howdy peeps! Been out of it for a few days but have still been training. I have a 5k coming up on Friday and my sprint on Sunday. Just doing the 5k for fun and won't be racing it. My training plan called for 3.7 mi on Friday so a 5k is perfect. Heck I even get off a bit easy. I don't expect to break any records Sunday at my sprint since this week is pretty heavy, for me at least. I have 85 miles over 3 days on the bike this week plus the rest of my workouts. Not crazy like Davids mileage but a bigger week for me. I'm smack dab in the thick of my HIM training so I don't want to mess with it for a race that's just for fun.

Good luck with the heavy bike week and have fun at your 5K. You may surprise yourself at your race. I have found that my speed has improved significantly just by adding milage. I wish the same for you! What you should do is to get your speedy son to pace you. Congrats on your award winning son (he came in first place this weekend at his race). That boy deserves a root beer!
2014-06-30 2:12 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
It was a crazy week for me training-wise. On Friday - I ran 15 miles - 7 miles in the morning and 8 in the evening) and was stoked by the result. My coach cut back my walking time significantly and as a result, my pace was around the 11:30 for the morning's run and 12:12 mark in the afternoon(for me - that's damn fast!). Plus, there are a series of hills close to my families place up here in NO. MI and I made sure to run all the way up them without stopping during my evening run. They were pretty long and steep so it was a huge confidence boost. Then on Sunday, I rode a century from my families place in central michigan to Charlevoix. When I got there - I bought a half pound of fudge (chocolate, my favorite) as a reward for when I got back. About half way home, the skys opening and it rained as hard as I've ever seen it. Plus, the ride home was mostly uphill so it really challenged me. In all, I climbed 3100 feet which is 20 more than the course at IMMT.

So, all in all, it was a huge weekend for me confidence-wise. I've got 4 weeks left of really heavy training and then the taper! Thanks as always for the support!

Finally - what's the challenge for the month? Anyone have any ideas?
2014-06-30 3:28 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Finished June with a 1000m swim. Didn't make the June challenge however I had a great race on Saturday so I'm happy with how June played out. Here are my June totals:

Swim: 3h 07m 26s - 8231.14 m

Bike: 4h 28m 37s - 62.65 Mi

Run: 8h 04m 34s - 50.9 M

July is going to have a lot of busy weekends for me so my usual long bikes and runs (Sat / Sun, respectively) are going to slip to the wayside. Fortunately my only race in July is a sprint so I should be OK.

2014-06-30 7:39 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
28/28 today. Had hoped to get more in over the weekend, but it was busy and I was tired yesterday, so I figured I deserved a day off. :-)

2014-06-30 9:00 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Sandy and Mark -

Outstanding work for the month of June! It's not about the numbers - what matters is whether or not you're stronger/better than you were when the month began.

Congrats to everyone!

2014-06-30 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4996400

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Great job everyone in your workouts!
Lets go for 28 in july. Figure out what you need to increase and work on it. The challenge is meant to give you that extra push when you don't want to go.
For those who want, there is the case of warm coors....
2014-06-30 9:35 PM
in reply to: #5019745

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
While i haven't had the runs, the bikes in Banff have been awesome. Ride this morning was spectacular. Going to try for another tomorrow before packing up to go home!
2014-07-01 7:05 AM
in reply to: #5019748

Bismarck, ND
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I ordered a Cobb plus yesterday. I spoke with a rep and that was their suggestion for me. I figured that you can't beat the return policy.

I have been struggling the last week or so. Weather and work have not been cooperating. I struggle with "taking things in stride". I sometimes get the mentality that if I don't do ALL then I won't do any. I think that if I can't get all the miles in then I will wait until I can. But, then I don't have time.

2014-07-01 11:42 AM
in reply to: brreems

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by brreems

I ordered a Cobb plus yesterday. I spoke with a rep and that was their suggestion for me. I figured that you can't beat the return policy.

I have been struggling the last week or so. Weather and work have not been cooperating. I struggle with "taking things in stride". I sometimes get the mentality that if I don't do ALL then I won't do any. I think that if I can't get all the miles in then I will wait until I can. But, then I don't have time.

I hope the new saddle works out for you!

Sorry to hear that you are struggling to get in the work outs. We triathletes are often the epitome of Type A personalities and our drive to better ourselves, and the time that our sports takes to do, makes it hard to fit everything in. I often get frustrated when I don't have time for what my schedule calls for that I think - well screw it, why bother if I can't get it all in. For me - it helps to focus on the ultimate goal because then I'm able to rationalize and realize that every little bit helps even if it means only getting in half of a workout. Good luck with your journey and let us know how we can continue to support you!
2014-07-01 11:43 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by thor67

While i haven't had the runs, the bikes in Banff have been awesome. Ride this morning was spectacular. Going to try for another tomorrow before packing up to go home!

Glad to hear you haven't had a case of the runs..

2014-07-01 4:31 PM
in reply to: brreems

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Beautiful day for a ride!


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2014-07-01 8:27 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Checking in, friends. Work's got me really busy, so between that and training, time just has been in short supply.

Had a nice sprint this weekend. My bike split was 3rd in my AG and 25th overall Swim was okay and my run was 19th in my AG and 109th overall, of 23 and 351. That was at an 8:15/mile pace. In short, there are some *fast* runners in my AG. It was great to let the quads do some talking on the bike, instead of holding back.

Other than that, I'm just talking it day by day right now. Not much more that I can do. Doing okay, just trying to manage the work stress and training stress . . .
2014-07-02 5:24 AM
in reply to: brreems

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
New month now and I hope that this one will be good for settling into things. I will have having 3 weeks of vacation and I am planning a very chill one. Two weeks house sitting for my parents and one at home. My parents house is more in the rural mountainous region of Norway, so I am planning on doing some hiking as part of training as well, not all my biking on the flats will be good. I am also hoping that having the time to do some good focus on changing my food habits as well. 2 more days of work once this one is over.
2014-07-02 7:00 AM
in reply to: Craftyviking

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

The last 2 weeks have been horrible from a training perspective.  Things are starting to settle down and I working on getting back into the grove.  Manged to get a short bike and run in yesterday so that is a good (re)start!

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