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2008-06-10 9:55 PM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

Hello! I too am a BAMF however I am a newbie to the whol tri thing. Could I join your group? I really need some guidance from someone that has been there before.


Thanks, Candice

2008-06-10 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1458662

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2008-06-11 10:52 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

So I am about 2 weeks into training. But I am not sure if I am doing the right thing. I bike for 30 minutes, walk/jog for 30 minutes and weight train my arms/legs for about 50 minutes. No swimmingsuit for this body yet. Once I feel more comfortable I will add that in as well. Any suggestions? Right now I am focusing more on time of workout, should I be focusing on distance instead?


2008-06-12 10:19 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2008-06-12 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1459554

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2008-06-12 2:44 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
i am doing it about 6 days per week and it is all together.

2008-06-12 4:23 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Push ups done. Kids have been gone w/ grandparents this week and I've had a rare week of good solid training. Knee is rested and feeling good. Ran about 12 miles so far this week, swam 2.5 so far and hitting the bike tomorrow for a 30 mile ride with a friend. One week until my next tri!

2008-06-13 7:11 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2008-06-16 4:01 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2008-06-16 4:06 PM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

attn-hound. jk,

 not ignoring.... i'm just wayyyyyyyyy out of it rgt now.  overheated big time sat. did everything wrong for a short 5K as far as hydration goes... paying the price for it now. my fever is back (it had gone away last night arnd 10). really hoping i haven't been exposed to lyme disease.... probably going to get a blood test tomw to confirm .... if the fever doesn't go away by tues. morning.   When I went to urgent care yest... it was found that my symptoms fell between heat exhaustion or lyme disease exposure.  I didn't fit all of the criteria for either. I'm praying it is just the heat stuff. 

fellow Tri-bamf's LEARN FROM MY IGNORANCE! Hydrate well on hot days or just sit it out if it's too dang hot !!!

2008-06-16 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1469957

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2008-06-18 1:23 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2008-06-19 9:15 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Everything has come to a hault in my world. My father-n-law (consider him just as much my father as my husband) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it does not look good. We are having a family meeting this weekend and I just don't think I can mentally compete right now. I'll focus on another race this August...not quiting but this is much more important right now.

On a lighter note, I have a friend competeting in the Coeur d’Alene this weekend. If any of you love to follow Ironman events like me, here's a link you might be interested in Since I can't be there to cheer her on, I can track her through out the day with this link and her race #1914. She sent me her race log for the past 5 months of training and I about fell over: 125 miles in the water (200 Km), 2,662 miles on the bike (4,259 Km) and 718 miles running (1,149).

More updates later. Keep training hard.
2008-06-19 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1476298

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2008-06-21 10:18 AM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

hello fellow Bamf-s!  I'm all healthy again. Nothing like foodborne illness + heat exhaustion to kick off a summer eh? 

So I will resume training and our team goals now. Although, I have no races on calendar. Gotta fix that.  Unfortunately the hometown tri- is out for tomw because I can't afford the travel costs to Indiana then came the sickness too. ugh. Kinda bummed, but what can I do about it? I'd be more bummed if i was out solely based on the travel costs, but since sickness came along, which totally took this race out of the possibilities column for me. Funny... my dad is going by the park to pick up my race pkt for me anyways... so will at least get my race window decal and t-shirt. It almost turned into a fiasco when he called me from the park to state no one was there.  I came to realize the race organizers have the wrong pkt pickup times on the registration form AND then on the rmdr letter they have the wrong date listed for pkt pickup and date for the race day OI! The details matter. I wich I could get home and help them organize this race properly!  So.. hopefully they'll be there from 6-8 pm tonight ....and i get my goodies

Anyways... I'm now working with nutritionist/rd to address the missing part of my training equation--- eating right all the time! I'm excited and so far so good following the eating plan. It is taking some self discipline, but i'm not running arnd starving surprisingly. I wonder how that will go once I pick up training again? If I stick to this plan there should be NO reason for me to not hit wgt loss goals... which will totally boost my training + racing goals. Math does not lie

2008-06-21 10:19 AM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

shefner, I'm so sorry to hear that you've gotten bad news about your father in law. I hope all can go as well as it possibly can. You and family have been added to our prayers.

2008-06-23 3:30 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2008-06-23 5:58 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Woohoo! I too will enjoy watching the training. I was online all day yesterday tracking my friend and Desire Ficker, our local favorite here in Austin! What a race! I did hear this morning that Ficker was pulled by the medical team 1/2 way through the run...not sure of all the details but was very disappointed that she did not finish.

Anyway, my friend finshed in 12:36:10, about 10:15 last night. She was strong on the swim, and bike but really struggled to keep a 10 minute mile pace on the run. But who cares, she finished and can call herself an IRONMAN!!!!

Ok, enough dreaming, I'm ready to start training for my sprint-tri in August and my 1/2 Olympic in September. Maybe I'll complete an Ironman before I'm 40...only 3 years left to do that.
2008-06-23 7:38 PM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

AHHHH! I see I'm having a debut party in Tri-BAMF land! Thanks Betsy!  Yes I'm excited as can be-- in addition to moments of fear that have popped up since registration (btw...that's SOME kind of race waiver for the IM... and I actually read it all before I checked the "i agree" Yup.. the feed did have a part in the seducing me to sign up... but having done a 1/2 mary... I'm carrying a new "everything is do-able with a plan,preparation, and discipline" attitude. And with a year to prepare... that gives me ample time to crank out the some intense workouts and preparation events...etc. Anyways... I fully intend to schedule some "inbetween" steps to the big IM day next year... hopefully getting in a few sprints and then a half IM by early 2009. one on the journey has begun. I'm crafting my game plan this evening.

2008-06-23 9:06 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
We're all behind you!
2008-06-23 9:25 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2008-06-24 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1485100

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
WOOOOOHOOO Betsy!!! oh... and get  better bring your Visa! hehehe
2008-06-25 4:08 PM
in reply to: #633528


Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

Got room for one more newbie in your group?

A bit about me.

I started tri training in January 08 and so far competed in Napa Valley Sprint tri on May 4 and Mermaid tri on June 14. I've always been fairly active, but go through ups and downs in my desire to workout, so before starting training in January I pretty much spend most of 2007 on the couch

Running is my Achilles heel. It is always a struggle for me both mentally and physically, plus I am super slooow. I think my last name should be Slowski I like swimming and biking although can't say that it's easy for me.


2008-06-28 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1490178

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2008-07-06 12:40 PM
in reply to: #633528

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