Other Resources Challenge Me! » November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's Rss Feed  
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2007-11-16 4:20 AM
in reply to: #1056513

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

owl_girl - 2007-11-16 7:17 PM Wah!!! Stupid cough! I need it to go away! Driving to San Diego on Friday. Well, I may be staying somewhere along the way. It's a long drive. I'm getting anxious to exercise. My numbers suck this week. Blah, blah, blah. I'm feeling sorry for myself. Must snap out of it!

Im sorry you are sick... I have a rule on feeling sorry for myself... I get 24 hours, no questions asked.... then I have to suck it up

Dont worry about the numbers, concentrate on your health and everything will fall into place Im sure  

2007-11-16 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
i'm heading out the door. we're having company for lunch/dinner (any of you apples remember my awkward social situation from last month??) so i need to run off some nervous energy.
i'll log after i get back.
2007-11-16 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Tri training is not a sport so much as a philosphy. The idea that challenging oneself to make physical fitness more important than TV, junk food, mass media in general and to consistently challeng oneself to focus on the activity despite a plethora of distractions in life. In that sense, things like illnesses, birthday cake, injury, the cliffhanger of TV show X that you have to see, Sunday mass, family get togethers are all a part of the entirety of human existance. The art is in finding the ballence. A large many of us entered into Tri training because we felt "out of ballance" and that this was one way to regain focus and ballence. However, given a personality that seeks too-much-ness or myopic proclivity to advancement in a single chanel as apposed to a broader view of making sure all the juggler's balls in the air get the appropriate amount of attention, we can fall out of ballence by focusing on the training with exclusivity from other life demands. Given that a tri by its very nature is not a sprint (yes there are sprint tris) training is not a sprint, but a lifestyle, and therefore all obsticles can be taken in stride knowing that the goal is the race and not the finish line. The challenge is a tool to help maintain focus, but it can become a distraction from that focus if allowed to, especially if some obsticle is inconvieniently rearing its ugly head during November. So, on that note, be well, accept God's enforced rest on you in your journey and as the illness passes and strength returns feel renewed in the miracle of bieng in good health and being able to continue with the training portion of your life. Take advantage of the rest to place your time into other areas that may need attention.

Oh and btw Allysa I don't do math when I run.....

Edited by Baowolf 2007-11-16 11:12 AM
2007-11-16 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1056949

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Baowolf - 2007-11-16 9:05 AM

Tri training is not a sport so much as a philosphy. The idea that challenging oneself to make physical fitness more important than TV, junk food, mass media in general and to consistently challeng oneself to focus on the activity despite a plethora of distractions in life. In that sense, things like illnesses, birthday cake, injury, the cliffhanger of TV show X that you have to see, Sunday mass, family get togethers are all a part of the entirety of human existance. The art is in finding the ballence. A large many of us entered into Tri training because we felt "out of ballance" and that this was one way to regain focus and ballence. However, given a personality that seeks too-much-ness or myopic proclivity to advancement in a single chanel as apposed to a broader view of making sure all the juggler's balls in the air get the appropriate amount of attention, we can fall out of ballence by focusing on the training with exclusivity from other life demands. Given that a tri by its very nature is not a sprint (yes there are sprint tris) training is not a sprint, but a lifestyle, and therefore all obsticles can be taken in stride knowing that the goal is the race and not the finish line. The challenge is a tool to help maintain focus, but it can become a distraction from that focus if allowed to, especially if some obsticle is inconvieniently rearing its ugly head during November. So, on that note, be well, accept God's enforced rest on you in your journey and as the illness passes and strength returns feel renewed in the miracle of bieng in good health and being able to continue with the training portion of your life. Take advantate of the rest to place your time into other areas that may need attention.

2007-11-16 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
had the most awesome run i think i've ever had.
had a real epiphany out there. things are super good now.
2007-11-16 11:48 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
our dinner party went well, dinner was a hit. if i do say so myself, i totally out did myself. i made ham, mashed potatoes, spinach salad, homemade dinner rolls (no NOT in a bread machine) chocolate lava cake, and after dinner cappuchinos. yeah, clearly, i'm a GREAT wife.

so i was out running this morning, in my head i was composing a letter i've been wanting to write. i was on a 5.3 mile out and back, and was about 1/4 mile on the way back, when i caught this flash of color out of the corner of my eye. i turned my head and BOOM. stopped DEAD in my tracks. i saw, the biggest, brightest, most colorfull rainbow i've ever seen in my 30 years on this earth. it literally took my breath away. it came down off the top of a mountain, and landed smack in the lake, and it was beautiful. i stood there gawking at it for at LEAST a good ten minutes. it was not the kind of thing you can glance at and then just KEEP running! it was so totally miraculous, and i don't know, i had such the mental epiphany standing there. it was INSANE. anyway, long story short, i dropped a LOT of mental baggage that i'd been carrying around with me, and unloaded some SERIOUS burdens. and i'm feeling 100% better. about my life, about my running, about my marriage, about my kids, about dang everything.

2007-11-16 11:53 PM
in reply to: #1058019

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

lyssa-gator - 2007-11-17 4:48 PM our dinner party went well, dinner was a hit. if i do say so myself, i totally out did myself. i made ham, mashed potatoes, spinach salad, homemade dinner rolls (no NOT in a bread machine) chocolate lava cake, and after dinner cappuchinos. yeah, clearly, i'm a GREAT wife. so i was out running this morning, in my head i was composing a letter i've been wanting to write. i was on a 5.3 mile out and back, and was about 1/4 mile on the way back, when i caught this flash of color out of the corner of my eye. i turned my head and BOOM. stopped DEAD in my tracks. i saw, the biggest, brightest, most colorfull rainbow i've ever seen in my 30 years on this earth. it literally took my breath away. it came down off the top of a mountain, and landed smack in the lake, and it was beautiful. i stood there gawking at it for at LEAST a good ten minutes. it was not the kind of thing you can glance at and then just KEEP running! it was so totally miraculous, and i don't know, i had such the mental epiphany standing there. it was INSANE. anyway, long story short, i dropped a LOT of mental baggage that i'd been carrying around with me, and unloaded some SERIOUS burdens. and i'm feeling 100% better. about my life, about my running, about my marriage, about my kids, about dang everything.

Wow sounds like some run! So great youve been able to drop some of what youve been carrying around!

The dinner sounds great too BTW 

2007-11-17 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1058022

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Lyssa...WOW what time do you want us there for dinner..sounds great.

I LOVE to cook...used to do some cooking at the fire station...their only requirements were...CHEAP, something fried, CHEAP, pleanty of it, CHEAP and lots of meat....oh..and did I mention it had to be CHEAP. Needless to say, I didn't last long cooking there because other than fixing plenty of groceries...I am not going to worry too much about the other stuff except to make it good and reasonably healthy. What you made sounded really good.

Glad you had a great run...just got back in from 50 minutes out myself...this time in Atlanta is beautiful...even if we don't have any water anywhere. Not as georgous as the places some of you guys train but really nice.
2007-11-17 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1058169

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
For the week;

Running- 109m18s- 11.2 miles
Biking- 47m51s- 10.6 miles
Strength- 2hrs-20min.

Have another 10 mile bike planned for tomorrow..will repost if that comes off as planned
2007-11-17 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
planning the same 5.2 mile run this morning. husband out hiking just now, i'll head out when he gets back, i might have to cut it a tad short, as i have to run to the craft store TODAY, i'm running out of time, and i have like 4 Christmas quilts i still have to make.
so that's my day in a nutshell-
your stats look GREAT reno-steve
i think i'm ALMOST about to catch up
2007-11-17 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1058200

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Important Announcement - It's long, but please read this!

Part I - Google Spreadsheets: You'll enter your own data.

Because this month's challenge is "Your Choice," the weekly reporting for it has proven to be a challenge of its own.

A lot of the goals aren't run/swim/bike, so they aren't listed on the logs. For example, if your goal is to do 1500 situps, that information isn't easily available to your team captains.

As a results, I have set up Team Spreadsheets on Google Docs.

Everyone will be responsible for entering his/her own progress, for each goal.

I will send a PM to two people on your team: your team captain and one other person. Included in the PM will be:
1) The location of your team spreadsheet.
2) Your username and password. (You must enter this to access the spreadsheet.)

Team leaders: Please forward the information that I sent you to each member of your team. I recommend that you do this via PM. Also, if someone on your team has difficulties using the spreadsheet, please help that person or enter their data for them. (You'll also no longer need to post a spreadsheet for me.)

Each Sunday night, I will access the team spreadsheets and copy your information to the Master Spreadsheet. From that, I'll determine individual standings and team rankings.

Part II - This Week's Reporting

This month's challenge is really an INDIVIDUAL one. Everone is organized into teams because, well, I can't keep track of over 100 people!

So this week, I'm going to give results by INDIVIDUALS. That way, people will know exactly where they stand. (I'll also include the usual team standings, for "bragging rights.")

The month will be 60% over on Sunday. So I'll write a list that shows everone who is at 60% or more of their goals.... versus everyone who isn't.

While it'll take more time for me to write this, I'm hoping that it will allow us to better acknowledge everyone who has been working hard (even if the rest of their team has been eating potato chips on the couch all day).


Edited by D001 2007-11-17 12:21 PM

2007-11-17 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1051876

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
kaqphin - 2007-11-13 6:58 PM

hmm I dont know much about diabetes but what about something liquid... if coffee isnt your thing maybe a fruit juice? Otherwise a small muesli bar or some fruit.

Depends on what you can stomach when working out too!

Coffee and diabetes.... This has bothered me all week.

I kept thinking that caffeine has a negative effect on blood sugar. So today, I looked it up. I found a lot of conflicting research results. But overall, it appears that caffeine may cause an increase in blood glucose. Here is an article:

BBC News: Caffeine may interfere with the way the body deals with blood sugars, worsening Type 2 diabetes, US scientists suggest.

"...Duke University Medical Center researchers found a strong link between caffeine intake at mealtimes and higher blood glucose and insulin levels...."

"... It was found that caffeine had little effect on glucose and insulin levels when the volunteers fasted. But after the liquid meal, those who were given caffeine had a 21% increase in their glucose level and insulin rose 48%...."

2007-11-17 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1058294

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
This is the premise that my wife has been under concerning caffeine (she has been a diabetic for about 10 years)....of course that have never stopped her from drinking 4-5 Diet Cokes a day. I have offered to use some of my paramedic training and set up an I.V. drip for her but she said that was not necessary.....and the tubing might trip me up when she asked me to get her another one from the fridge.

She said the Dr. told her about the increase in glucose & insulin levels, especially after meals and he warned her to cut back....like that is going to happen...

Oh well....I did follow my fathers advise on one thing I did..........He always said "marry money"...I wonder if I will still be in the will if she keeps up with the Diet Coke routine ;-)
2007-11-17 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1058321

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
OK Cat...you are holding out on us...

We are your teammates and you are putting a full fledge fashion show on another teams thread

Well...for what it's worth..You can't go wrong with basic black...unless you need to make a BOLD STATEMENT to someone...In that case either of the others have more "potiential to IMPRESS" If you know what I mean.
2007-11-17 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1058400

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Reno8 - 2007-11-18 8:29 AM OK Cat...you are holding out on us... We are your teammates and you are putting a full fledge fashion show on another teams thread Well...for what it's worth..You can't go wrong with basic black...unless you need to make a BOLD STATEMENT to someone...In that case either of the others have more "potiential to IMPRESS" If you know what I mean.

haha i need advice! Feel free to check it all out in the Twisnibbs thread and give me an opinion...

Things to know... the dress code is 'cocktail glam', its and End of Year function so people will be letting their hair down, Im fashionally challenged AND... I havent had any action in ages (but dont want to get any from someone I work with )


Edited by kaqphin 2007-11-17 3:32 PM
2007-11-17 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Yay, 41 miles on the bike today, 20 miles into a 20 mph head wind yay. At one point I passed a crow that was trying to make headway into the wind, not so successfully. Anyway its the farthest I have ever continuously biked and puts me at 10 miles over my bike goal for the month.

Have to go now check in later.

2007-11-17 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1058404

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
I vote for the purple....
2007-11-17 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1058524

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Reno8 - 2007-11-18 10:51 AM I vote for the purple....

I think I might agree with you I havent 100% decided but Im leaning that way...  

2007-11-17 11:53 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
i vote for the purple too-
and reno--
can you hook ME up with a diet coke drip?? you could put diet coke in one arm, coffee in the other, than i'd have both hands free for some, well, diet coke and starbucks
i LOVE caffine, and i don't know TOO much about it, but my understanding was that it wasn't caffine that made blood sugar go up, it was that caffine made you crave things that WOULD make your blood sugar go up. thats what a dietitian told me when i had gestational diabetes when i was pregnant with my daughtrer. that being said, i know that regular diabetes and gestational diabetes are different in many ways (like a fasting BS for reg. diabetes could be as high as 130, whereas a fasting bs with gestationl diabetes over 90 is bad bad bad)
s i don't know, but maybe a trip to the dr would be worthwhile, just to get it figured out?
just my two cents
g'night hippos!!
2007-11-18 12:20 AM
in reply to: #1058888

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-18 12:53 AM

i LOVE caffine, and i don't know TOO much about it, but my understanding was that it wasn't caffine that made blood sugar go up, it was that caffine made you crave things that WOULD make your blood sugar go up. thats what a dietitian told me when i had gestational diabetes when i was pregnant with my daughtrer. that being said, i know that regular diabetes and gestational diabetes are different in many ways (like a fasting BS for reg. diabetes could be as high as 130, whereas a fasting bs with gestationl diabetes over 90 is bad bad bad)
s i don't know, but maybe a trip to the dr would be worthwhile, just to get it figured out?

Diabetes Health - Caffeine may Worsen Diabetes

Quick summary:
Fourteen coffee drinkers with type 2 diabetes were studied.

1) The results of ingesting caffeine while fasting were studied. No effect on blood sugar or insulin was seen.

2) The results of having caffeine with a meal were studied. They found that "...when taken with food, caffeine significantly raised blood sugar and had detrimental effects on insulin...."

Edited by D001 2007-11-18 12:39 AM
2007-11-18 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1058895

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
OK...this is for Lyssa, Dee, LastCall and all of the other "leg shot" people out there. On the regular Tri board someone has started a thread just for leg shots...and since I know your obsession for these I thought I would help out by providing info to help your craving.


Anything else I can do to add to the merryment of my "family" just feel free to ask.

2007-11-18 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1058991

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Reno8 - 2007-11-18 10:25 AM

OK...this is for Lyssa, Dee, LastCall and all of the other "leg shot" people out there. On the regular Tri board someone has started a thread just for leg shots...and since I know your obsession for these I thought I would help out by providing info to help your craving.


Anything else I can do to add to the merryment of my "family" just feel free to ask.

LOL, Thanks! Guess we've gained "a reputation," huh?

2007-11-18 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
thanks for THAT. i posted on there, just in case anyone is curious.
i'm on my way out the door for my run, one of these days i'll be getting back on the cursed bike. just to make my goal of course. wow i wish i could darn afford the new bike TODAY. alas, it'll be a little while longer. hoping to have it in time to race in the spring.
2007-11-18 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1058991

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Reno8 - 2007-11-18 7:25 AM

Anything else I can do to add to the merryment of my "family" just feel free to ask.

wow!! that's quite the blank check you just issued lol
2007-11-18 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Great now i have to figure out more technology just to post the weekling percents sigh..

Thats if I could figure out where it is that I"M supposed to do what.

Edited by Baowolf 2007-11-18 1:09 PM
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