Other Resources Challenge Me! » T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge Rss Feed  
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2010-03-09 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2698009

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
about the BT blogger...now we just need to make sure all our friends logs have a title of some sort. 

Hear that all???  Make sure you've put titles on your Blogs! 

2010-03-09 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2698009

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
Breakfast done, gotta run!  See y'all later.
2010-03-09 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2716261

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2010-03-09 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2698009

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2010-03-09 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2716293

washington state
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-09 8:34 AM Morning Dee - take that new bike out for a spin yet?

Yep,  Laughing

Short 5 miles or so yesterday.  Handles pretty different from my old mtn type bike.  Still riding "open" pedals, probably will  try "powergrips".  I am still not even medium paced, but I will keep working at it.

Gotta head out to work now.  See ya!
2010-03-09 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2716323

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2010-03-09 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2716323

far northern CA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge

deehtz - 2010-03-09 8:40 AM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-09 8:34 AM Morning Dee - take that new bike out for a spin yet?

Yep,  Laughing

Short 5 miles or so yesterday.  Handles pretty different from my old mtn type bike.  Still riding "open" pedals, probably will  try "powergrips".  I am still not even medium paced, but I will keep working at it.

Gotta head out to work now.  See ya!

It's like a new relationship.  You and your bike have to get to know each other.  Soon the two of you will be working together effortlessly.

2010-03-09 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2698009

Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge

Morning all!  At work today.  No real training happening here.  Quick strength session, stretch, foam roller, and calling it quits.

Legs are a little sore and tired from yesterday.  Injuries suck!  Coming back from injuries seems even harder!

2010-03-09 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2716424

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2010-03-09 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2716417

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2010-03-09 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2715089

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-08 4:13 PM Cancelled my run at lunch.  I'm just sore today. 

I need to plan at least one rest day into my week.  I think I'm addicted to training.  Still going to masters class toinght though.

Rest days are critical. Your body needs to recharge those muscles.  My wife uses the "my body needs to recharge" excuse for other things too.

Edited by pdbman 2010-03-09 12:13 PM

2010-03-09 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2715847

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-09 7:05 AM Morning TWISTER's!

Got my first commute of the year in today and it was quite the pain in the butt to be honest with you.  You remember last night I had to get a new lock because I was dumb and lazy right?

Well today I was about 1.5 miles from home, hit a bump, and I guess my tire was not seated properly so a side pushed out.  Time to walk home.  Decide I am going to drive, I will just go for a run and bring my gym stuff and then hit the pool on the way home.  Then I get mad and say screw it I will fix the flat, then decide if I am going to fix a flat it is going to be my geared bike that flatted on my rollers somehow???

So about 1 hour later than expected I left for work = more traffic but I survived!

Now to consume enough food so I have energy on the way home - always a battle to keep the food clean on days like today!

I hate days like that.  My day isn't going as bad, but isn't turning out as planned.  I got up, got ready, pack my lunch, etc. Go to leave and I don't have my keys. Half an hour later still no keys. Its a good thing I can work from home. I changed out of my dress clothes and got to work. I'm sure the keys will turn up sooner or later.
2010-03-09 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2716176

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
mchally - 2010-03-09 9:00 AMAck!  I just made pancakes only to discover that there is no syrup!
I love pancakes but I'm not a big fan of store bought syrup. My wife make this incredible cinnamon syrup that we have with applesauce pancakes and some orange syrup that we have with buttermilk pancakes. She'll make up a bunch of pancakes and freeze them. A few seconds in the microwave, get out the good syrup and ohhh tasty. Pancakes go fast when we have the good syrup. Once the good syrup is gone the pancakes last forever.
2010-03-09 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
I've considered commuting to work but I just can't talk myself into it. Its 17 miles in traffic and the last bit is on a road with no shoulder, semis, and 50 mph speed limit. I work in an industrial area with a lot of trucking companies like FedEx, UPS (where I work), DATS, plus Albertsons and other companies have distribution centers in the area. Plus with all the trucks there is a lot of crap on the road. Call me a chicken but I just can't do it.
2010-03-09 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
How's it going Bill? Recovered from that rough morning yet?
2010-03-09 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2715380

Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
deehtz - 2010-03-08 4:31 PM
owl_girl - 2010-03-08 1:35 PM

Had to catch up with a few posts!!  Whew!!!

Dee....love the new bike!!!  Are you going to get clipless pedals and shoes?

Not right away.  It is enough to just adjust to the feel of the road bike.  Little bits of rock on the road that were no big deal on the old mtn bike feel different on the skinny tires of the road bike!

It came with the std plastic cages on the pedals.  I haven't really tried them yet.  I am considering getting the power grip straps instead.

Got in a short ride this afternoon on the new bike.  Sure felt faster, but the numbers weren't much better than my mtn bike.  I am hoping that it was just because I might be a little more tentative and plus there was quite a headwind during much of the ride.  I am still riding with just the open pedals.  I know the road bike won't do miracles for my speed, but I was sure hoping for a couple mph increase.  We will see what happens when I get to do a longer ride. 

Today we have had sunshine, rain, and hail.   Jeesh!!  Undecided

It takes a while to get used to the road bike.  For me, it took about a week, or 3 rides before I felt comfortable going fast.  Go for the clipless pedals...they make a huge difference. 

2010-03-09 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2716662

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2010-03-09 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2716664

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2010-03-09 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2715847

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-09 3:05 AM Morning TWISTER's!

Got my first commute of the year in today and it was quite the pain in the butt to be honest with you.  You remember last night I had to get a new lock because I was dumb and lazy right?

Well today I was about 1.5 miles from home, hit a bump, and I guess my tire was not seated properly so a side pushed out.  Time to walk home.  Decide I am going to drive, I will just go for a run and bring my gym stuff and then hit the pool on the way home.  Then I get mad and say screw it I will fix the flat, then decide if I am going to fix a flat it is going to be my geared bike that flatted on my rollers somehow???

So about 1 hour later than expected I left for work = more traffic but I survived!

Now to consume enough food so I have energy on the way home - always a battle to keep the food clean on days like today!

You're day can only get better, right?!
2010-03-09 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
So I get up, get dressed, come downstairs and my hubby says "you're really going running? I think its raining." "Ahhh, that's ok, I think it stopped anyway" I say. I walked out to the door to find that it wasn't just raining, it was a torrential down pour. Now i'm all about running in the rain, actually I love it, but not when there is a fear of getting washed away. Needless to say, I turned around and came back inside and will have to find the time later to get it done!
2010-03-09 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2716732

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2010-03-09 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2716759

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2010-03-09 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2716759

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
Happychick - 2010-03-09 12:20 PM So I get up, get dressed, come downstairs and my hubby says "you're really going running? I think its raining." "Ahhh, that's ok, I think it stopped anyway" I say. I walked out to the door to find that it wasn't just raining, it was a torrential down pour. Now i'm all about running in the rain, actually I love it, but not when there is a fear of getting washed away. Needless to say, I turned around and came back inside and will have to find the time later to get it done!

I have a rough time running in the rain.  Snow is no problem as long as it isn't too deep. Rain I really have a rough time with though. For one thing, I don't have the right gear for it. Plus, the only times I have run in the rain, it was also cold and got to point that the rain hurt when it hit me I was so cold. Thank goodness it wasn't raining hard.
2010-03-09 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2716931

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2010-03-09 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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