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2010-04-24 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Heading out now for an OWS (may be my first time venturing out from our protected swimming cove into the larger SF Bay) and a 6.5 mile run.

2010-04-24 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2813732

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

OWS at the lake, and a run later in the evening; probably 5 miles.

2010-04-24 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-04-24 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2813774

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2010-04-24 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Fred, thanks for inviting a guest to the group, I'm looking forward to it!!! It seems like the triathlon magazine that I subscribe to does a really good job of being vaaaaague, but really lacks any good articles on IM racing.  So, hearing someone else's thoughts is always very, very good.

Oddly enough, and not sure how this reflects on me!, but the Endurance Nation article on the IMLP thread was an "a-ha!" moment for me.  You know how you have to hear something seven times to remember it? I guess it was the seventh time of someone saying KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID and all the anxiety about racing an Ironman just melted away! I'm really, really looking forward to race day and not so pacing focused.

So, I did a mini triathlon today.  I had a blast cycling with 3 other members of our triathlon club.  The views of the countryside were fabulous!!!!!!!!  The hills with all the budding trees was so pretty. I told husband it was a shame we didn't bring a camera because I wanted a picture to share with you guys!

The training today reiterated that I need to figure out nutrition and I think part of that means I need to eat more if I'm going to train/race over 2 hours.  I tend to hallucinate about chain restaurants at the end of days like this!! 
2010-04-24 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2813726

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-04-24 10:57 AM Any training today folks?

Short swim this morning then part of my bike on the trainer.  Going to hit the rest of the bike outside after I get some work done around the house. 

Half marathon tomorrow with nasty weather forecasted.

2010-04-24 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-04-24 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2813990

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
kenj - 2010-04-24 12:50 PM

Half marathon tomorrow with nasty weather forecasted.

Good luck in the race.  That nasty weather is why I still go out and run when it's 0 degrees, snowing/raining and don't care if I get caught in bad weather on the bike (although I don't tend to say "oh, it's raining, I should go ride")
2010-04-24 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Two bits of good news for me:

1) I had some heel pain following a break-through run race (for me) two weeks ago.  I did the smart thing and stopped running completely for 2 weeks.  After 1 week I was pain free, but I gave it some insurance time since I'm in decent running shape and could use the extra bike time anyway.  Yesterday and today I did two easy runs and it felt perfectly fine -- DISASTER AVERTED.

2) Today I had my longest bike ride in 2 years (75 miles), and I was able to hold the pace of my Sprint Tri PR as my avg for the ride.

Bottom line - I'm in the best shape of my adult life, hands down.  Lots of winter running miles + INTENSE trainer work (not as much as I'd like, but it was all hard) = run and bike speeds I've never seen before.  And despite virtually NO swimming in the past 12 months, I'm faster there by  about 20 seconds per 100 then I've ever been too.  I think that one is related to weight loss making me more balanced in the water.

Executive summary - I'm happy and excited.
2010-04-24 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2814128

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
JoshKaptur - 2010-04-24 2:41 PM Two bits of good news for me:

1) I had some heel pain following a break-through run race (for me) two weeks ago.  I did the smart thing and stopped running completely for 2 weeks.  After 1 week I was pain free, but I gave it some insurance time since I'm in decent running shape and could use the extra bike time anyway.  Yesterday and today I did two easy runs and it felt perfectly fine -- DISASTER AVERTED.

2) Today I had my longest bike ride in 2 years (75 miles), and I was able to hold the pace of my Sprint Tri PR as my avg for the ride.

Bottom line - I'm in the best shape of my adult life, hands down.  Lots of winter running miles + INTENSE trainer work (not as much as I'd like, but it was all hard) = run and bike speeds I've never seen before.  And despite virtually NO swimming in the past 12 months, I'm faster there by  about 20 seconds per 100 then I've ever been too.  I think that one is related to weight loss making me more balanced in the water.

Executive summary - I'm happy and excited.

That is great!  Congratulations!!
2010-04-24 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2814080

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

zionvier - 2010-04-24 3:45 PM
kenj - 2010-04-24 12:50 PM

Half marathon tomorrow with nasty weather forecasted.

Good luck in the race.  That nasty weather is why I still go out and run when it's 0 degrees, snowing/raining and don't care if I get caught in bad weather on the bike (although I don't tend to say "oh, it's raining, I should go ride")

Thanks, I'm kind of ambivalent about the race, it is local and convenient and I am scheduled for close to that amount and it is always fun to run with others.  But, it isn't an A race so getting up early on a nasty Sunday morning is a little tough to get motivated for.  

2010-04-24 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2814128

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

JoshKaptur - 2010-04-24 4:41 PM Two bits of good news for me:

1) I had some heel pain following a break-through run race (for me) two weeks ago.  I did the smart thing and stopped running completely for 2 weeks.  After 1 week I was pain free, but I gave it some insurance time since I'm in decent running shape and could use the extra bike time anyway.  Yesterday and today I did two easy runs and it felt perfectly fine -- DISASTER AVERTED.

2) Today I had my longest bike ride in 2 years (75 miles), and I was able to hold the pace of my Sprint Tri PR as my avg for the ride.

Bottom line - I'm in the best shape of my adult life, hands down.  Lots of winter running miles + INTENSE trainer work (not as much as I'd like, but it was all hard) = run and bike speeds I've never seen before.  And despite virtually NO swimming in the past 12 months, I'm faster there by  about 20 seconds per 100 then I've ever been too.  I think that one is related to weight loss making me more balanced in the water.

Executive summary - I'm happy and excited.

That's great!!!

2010-04-24 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2813075

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

WittyCityGirl - 2010-04-23 6:28 PM
PennState - 2010-04-23 3:00 PM

 So using my basic formula, you would be looking at a 13 hour Ironman. But is your fitness better or worse than it was AG that race? Was it similar hills etc as LP?

I think Ken would have a good idea of hills that compare Musselman and Lake Placid. Thoughts, Ken??

 So far, I'm way more consistent with training than I was last year, so that'll help.  

And, I may sound like a hypochondriac in my blogs, but I'm merely tracking aches and pains in case an overuse injury does pop up and I think I'm complaining a lot less this year. =p 

Right now, I know the lack of saddle time is the one thing that I think I could really, really improve on to help come race day.

Plus, I'm externally motivated.  At most of my races I've only had my mom as my cheerleader.  This year my husband will be volunteering on the IMLP course and we have a bunch of other people in the family coming to watch.  My spirits will be high and that'll help.  "Knowing" some folks through the IMLP thread will help, too.  I usually get boosts of energy just by seeing people on a race course on race day. 


Missed this one earlier!

I think LP has more ups and downs compared to Musselman.  Musselman has a couple of decent climbs, but I think it tends to be longer steady climbs, almost false flats, and the downhills are the same. LP, if I recall had some decent climbs, some real nice down hills (that due to the rain I couldn't take advantage of as much as I would have liked), there are some nice steady flat sections as well.  But overall, they would be similar.

If you get out and get some quality saddle time where you are riding, you will be fine.  Sooo, get out and get some saddle time!

2010-04-24 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Josh-great news from you, keep it up!

Ken-i'm working on saddle time! Tomorrow I'm hoping I have Josh's luck and the rain holds out although Scranton,PA (location of The Office for all you non-fans) is expected to have T-storms 10am-1pm.  The tour starts at 10. Ha! 
2010-04-24 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
OK guys  and gals I need your advice.

I pretty much have decided on the bike I am going to purchase.. a Specialized Transition Expert.
The bike has a 53X39 chain ring. I e-mailed the guy who I have been working with about switching out the the crank and putting a compact on it.  Here is the response.

"I spoke with Matt about the crank swap and the verdict is "no", about the no charge crank swap. The reason being that the crank we would be left with would most likely be an item that is of low popularity as an item to sell which means it has little value to our store. We could offer you a credit towards the swap but it would not be very much. The new crankset would retail for $399.00 and we could offer you a $175.00 credit towards the new crankset. You could likely sell the take off crank for much more than we would offer. You may even want to keep the standard since TT's and Tri courses are usually not too demanding of lower gears. The labor involved would be $zero to swap if needed."

The bike has the following components on it.

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Bar Con shifters

Shimano Ultegra, 10-speed, 11-25t

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Ultegra

53 x 39T

I have no idea what the best thing to do is or what is reasonable. I do think I could probably find a compact crank for less money on line then in the store but I don't know that for sure.

Any guidance would be much appreciated!

Edited by Kath2163 2010-04-24 9:57 PM
2010-04-24 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2814499

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Kath2163 - 2010-04-24 7:26 PM OK guys  and gals I need your advice.

I pretty much have decided on the bike I am going to purchase.. a Specialized Transition Expert.
The bike has a 53X39 chain ring. I e-mailed the guy who I have been working with about switching out the the crank and putting a compact on it.  Here is the response.

"I spoke with Matt about the crank swap and the verdict is "no", about the no charge crank swap. The reason being that the crank we would be left with would most likely be an item that is of low popularity as an item to sell which means it has little value to our store. We could offer you a credit towards the swap but it would not be very much. The new crankset would retail for $399.00 and we could offer you a $175.00 credit towards the new crankset. You could likely sell the take off crank for much more than we would offer. You may even want to keep the standard since TT's and Tri courses are usually not too demanding of lower gears. The labor involved would be $zero to swap if needed."

The bike has the following components on it.

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Bar Con shifters

Shimano Ultegra, 10-speed, 11-25t

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Ultegra

53 x 39T

I have no idea what the best thing to do is or what is reasonable. I do think I could probably find a compact crank for less money on line then in the store but I don't know that for sure.

Any guidance would be much appreciated!

So in thinking about this a bit since I posted this I had a thought.  If I took the $175.00 credit towards the compact crank and bought it do you think I could sell the standard for the difference(the amount I actually paid for the compact)  just so I come out even (not having to pay for it)? Would that be a good deal for someone looking for a standard crank?  Is there even a market for standard double? ( I think I am using the right lingo)


Personally, I'd get the compact.  When I got my first bike, it came with alot of components I really didn't want and I spent years getting it the way I wanted it;  I'd just take the credit.  Standard Cranks sell but alot of peole sell at cost so you wouldn't make much.

2010-04-24 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2814128

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
JoshKaptur - 2010-04-24 1:41 PM Two bits of good news for me:

1) I had some heel pain following a break-through run race (for me) two weeks ago.  I did the smart thing and stopped running completely for 2 weeks.  After 1 week I was pain free, but I gave it some insurance time since I'm in decent running shape and could use the extra bike time anyway.  Yesterday and today I did two easy runs and it felt perfectly fine -- DISASTER AVERTED.

2) Today I had my longest bike ride in 2 years (75 miles), and I was able to hold the pace of my Sprint Tri PR as my avg for the ride.

Bottom line - I'm in the best shape of my adult life, hands down.  Lots of winter running miles + INTENSE trainer work (not as much as I'd like, but it was all hard) = run and bike speeds I've never seen before.  And despite virtually NO swimming in the past 12 months, I'm faster there by  about 20 seconds per 100 then I've ever been too.  I think that one is related to weight loss making me more balanced in the water.

Executive summary - I'm happy and excited.

Great news!  Its always nice to have that Superman feeling.

Alas, I will never be in the shape I was at 26;  I could bench 305, run a sub 17 5k, box a few rounds, and hike 100 miles.  Sometimes I miss the Marines.
2010-04-24 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2813839

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-04-24 9:49 AM
furiousferret - 2010-04-24 11:53 AM

OWS at the lake, and a run later in the evening; probably 5 miles.

Chris, BTW your weight loss accomplishments are amazing! I lost about 40 lbs since I was 30. Definitely don't want to gain it back ever

Well, the meter is somewhat of a fraud.  I was 195 three years ago.  However June of last year (one month after my A race) I went from 176 to 186.   So I've dropped 19 pounds in a year.   I've also gained some back since I think counting calories and going into deficit helped me get sick.  I was 170 this morning but the meter doesn't change unless its a permanent gain, which this hopefully is not.

I figure that 155-160 will be my perfect race weight.
2010-04-25 6:16 AM
in reply to: #2814528

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2010-04-25 6:19 AM
in reply to: #2814499

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2010-04-25 6:35 AM
in reply to: #2814685

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-04-25 5:19 AM
Kath2163 - 2010-04-24 10:26 PM OK guys  and gals I need your advice.

I pretty much have decided on the bike I am going to purchase.. a Specialized Transition Expert.
The bike has a 53X39 chain ring. I e-mailed the guy who I have been working with about switching out the the crank and putting a compact on it.  Here is the response.

"I spoke with Matt about the crank swap and the verdict is "no", about the no charge crank swap. The reason being that the crank we would be left with would most likely be an item that is of low popularity as an item to sell which means it has little value to our store. We could offer you a credit towards the swap but it would not be very much. The new crankset would retail for $399.00 and we could offer you a $175.00 credit towards the new crankset. You could likely sell the take off crank for much more than we would offer. You may even want to keep the standard since TT's and Tri courses are usually not too demanding of lower gears. The labor involved would be $zero to swap if needed."

The bike has the following components on it.

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Bar Con shifters

Shimano Ultegra, 10-speed, 11-25t

Shimano Ultegra

Shimano Ultegra

53 x 39T

I have no idea what the best thing to do is or what is reasonable. I do think I could probably find a compact crank for less money on line then in the store but I don't know that for sure.

Any guidance would be much appreciated!

Congrats, that's a sweet bike! I am a bit surprised that they won't just swap out the crank for free, but as Chris mentioned, I would just go with the compact crank alone. My guess is they don't sell a lot of standard cranks alone which is why they won't do it, but truthfully you are dropping a lot of coin on the bike and I know my LBS would have done me the favor and just swapped it. Regardless you are getting a fantastic bike!

Yeah, I was hoping that they would just swap it out.  The bike has been marked down $200.00 during a sale they have going so that might have something to do with it. The fit specialist has spent a lot of time with me during this process so I feel like I have received some good service so far (which is why I am purchasing a bike from them and not the store closer to my home...same company) but you are right, it is A LOT of money.  Would there be any point in exploring the idea of purchasing a compact crank on line or something and then try to sell the standard to recoup some money or is it not even worth it? 

2010-04-25 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Kathleen, congrats on the new ride!!!  You are getting good advice from Fred and Chris.  I guess whether to do it now at your bike shop or later by searching for a better deal on line is a question of time, money and aggravation.   In other words, if you have the time and want to save some money go for it. 

2010-04-25 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

My race this morning is in the books!!  I didn't quite get the time I was looking for, but this was the inaugural race and it was quite a bit hillier through the middle 4 miles than I expected.  Add in the cool drizzle and 1:53 was it today!

Sara, every time I encourage nag you to get on your bike, you can return the favor by pushing me out the door to get some hill work every now and then.  Today's course is flat compared to the Musselman run!

2010-04-25 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-04-25 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2814961

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