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2011-04-29 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Thanks Michelle!!!!! Thanks everyone. My Mom came home today. Unfortunately I had to ship my Dad to my sisters because he has a nasty virus. No way can we take a risk at infecting my Mom. Tomorrow one of my other sisters are coming to care for my Mom so I can have a break.YAY!!!!!

One Faller...shin splints are generally a sign of over training. If you run on shin splints you run the risk of a stress fracture. Rule #1 of running is DO NOT increase your distance more than 10% a week!!! As we age it is really important to follow this rule or you risk injury.

Terry cant wait to see bike pics

Mark...whats the doing the DU??????

2011-04-30 10:57 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Okay, I finally did it. here is my bike. I took it out the other day and it was so sweet.


2011-05-01 11:25 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

I joined a triathalon club here in Boulder. Now I just need to get my shoulders better. Been on Prednisone for 4 days now. Really wired, the shoulders feel much better but I'm trying to take it easy so they get better. The club is having a fun Du next weekend. I plan on joining in the fun. Figured it would help practice transitions and maybe help me with nerves.

I finally posted pics and nobody is looking.

2011-05-02 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Orange, CT
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Hope everyone had a great weekend !! Beautiful weather her in CT (finally). May have over-reacted to the warm weather. Went for a 5 hour MTB ride on sunday and i'm feein' every bit of it now. Mostly a good sore, a litte right knee pain is in the most likely "not good" catagory. But i'll try to be good and rest it.

Marianne - glad to hear your mom is out of the hospital!
Terry - nice bike ! It's so exciting to get new toys.
Michelle - sorry to leave you hangin' again, and thanks for startin' the motor on this thread as usual


2011-05-02 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3474285

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
mav - 2011-04-29 6:05 PM

Thanks Michelle!!!!! Thanks everyone. My Mom came home today. Unfortunately I had to ship my Dad to my sisters because he has a nasty virus. No way can we take a risk at infecting my Mom. Tomorrow one of my other sisters are coming to care for my Mom so I can have a break.YAY!!!!!

One Faller...shin splints are generally a sign of over training. If you run on shin splints you run the risk of a stress fracture. Rule #1 of running is DO NOT increase your distance more than 10% a week!!! As we age it is really important to follow this rule or you risk injury.

Terry cant wait to see bike pics

Mark...whats the doing the DU??????

That is great...both that she is home and that you will get some relief I know how exhausting it can be taking care of/just staying with a loved one in that situation!!

That's what I want to well as WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU MARK???

2011-05-02 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3476799

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
tkr2770 - 2011-05-01 9:25 PM

I joined a triathalon club here in Boulder. Now I just need to get my shoulders better. Been on Prednisone for 4 days now. Really wired, the shoulders feel much better but I'm trying to take it easy so they get better. The club is having a fun Du next weekend. I plan on joining in the fun. Figured it would help practice transitions and maybe help me with nerves.

I finally posted pics and nobody is looking.

I'm looking....I see it....NICE! It's like Christmas everytime you get on it now, huh?!

I love doing Du's so you should have a lot of fun doing that and like you said, it will definitely help with the nerves since you will have an idea of what you're doing later one

2011-05-02 2:27 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

5 hours Bob? Beats what I did...3 hours in an Urgent Care! Sam was up all night Friday screaming that her ear hurt and I have been getting worse instead of better so we both went to be seen. She has an ear infection in both ears and I have a sinus infection in all 4 sinus cavities! Gotta love it

Seriously though, sounds like a blast and how's the knee holding up?

2011-05-02 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
So I have a question for the case you haven't noticed yet, the new mentor group's are forming for Spring/Summer. Are you all going off to find greener pastures? Marianne, I'm assuming with all that you are dealing with, you won't be forming a new group. I personally will not be joining another one as I am not training up to my potential and haven't been logging anything. Just curious what everyone is doing?!?
2011-05-02 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3478104

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

I've been working hard to get my volume up and it is really daunting to look at all of the miles.  Guess I need to get started and knock them off 1 at a time.  I did not do the Duathlon last weekend, should have.  Oh well I'm signed up for a HM on Saturday. 

I'm working two projects and they both need full time attention.  I'm watching but may not be able to blog much this week. 

Stay healthy,
Swim Bike and run happy!

2011-05-02 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Terry Beautiful bike...may you have many happy miles together. It is like being a little kid when you get a new exciting!!!!!!

Michelle I have no intention of leaving this group...its a nice group....not posting for any new members at this time tho. Will take new people if they PM me and are interested. Serious inquiries only LOL

Bob...5 hours...ouch!!!!! No wonder your knee hurts. Be careful. Did you decide to do Cranberry??? I think I am going to sign up if I can run by next week. My knee is feeling pretty good.

Mark, sorry you missed the DU but doing a HM is nothing to sneeze at. Have fun. Let us know how it goes. You really will be ready for your HIM.

Hopefully this week I will begin training again. I have caught a cold and need to recover before I push it again.

Thanks for all the well wishes. My Mom is doing well. She is attendeing Mariannes recovery boot camp!!!! She walked almost a 1/2 mile today. Not bad for 10 post open heart surgery. Its really quite remarkable!

2011-05-02 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Mark...dont work too hard this week!!!!!

2011-05-02 11:25 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Yea MOM!!!!!, sounds like a great boot camp.

Back on the bike today, plus a short brick run. I'm starting to feel closer to normal. 1 more day of the steriods and we will see how the shoulders are. Maybe back in the pool next week. Also planning a PT, next week to set up some exercises that will help the shoulders and not hurt. Going to get body fat analysis too.

Glad to here we are still hanging, Thanks Marianne, it does help me to stay focused. Got pretty down this week with the shoulder stuff.

I work to live, I live to play.



2011-05-02 11:30 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Michelle, hope the kiddo is feeling better, You too.

Good luck on the HM. I'll be waiting to here your results.

Yes it does feel like Christmas, I've been spending left and right this week. I've gone cowboy, bought boots and hat this week. I totally depression spend. 

Edited by tkr2770 2011-05-02 11:32 PM
2011-05-03 7:08 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Terry, Shopping is the fourth sport of triathlon!!!!!!I could definately podium. The injury part of the sport is the worst part. Over the past few weeks I have thought that I might never be able to race...but I have been patient and I am getting better. A big part of it, is listening to your body and NOT training when something hurts.

We may be getting a new member to our group. casebusy...casey. he is doing his first HIM.

2011-05-03 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3479174

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Somedays it's hard to be a super man.  I've been trying to bring turn up the volume and feeling the pressure this week.  Last weeks 72 mile ride in the mountains left quite an impression.  Legs are feeling stupid.  On the positive side, all the important parts are fine but the quads are cooked. 


2011-05-04 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3480385

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Fit4Infinity - 2011-05-03 4:29 PM

Somedays it's hard to be a super man.  I've been trying to bring turn up the volume and feeling the pressure this week.  Last weeks 72 mile ride in the mountains left quite an impression.  Legs are feeling stupid.  On the positive side, all the important parts are fine but the quads are cooked. 


Glad your quads are the only parts suffering!!!!

Hills are humbling but they will make you stronger on race day!!!!!

2011-05-04 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3481089

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Marianne - I'm feeling much better today and ready to get back at the two a day workouts.  Easy doses of magic.

I promise to go easy this week.

2011-05-05 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Michelle must be busy so I will take on the roll of posting. WHERE ARE YOU?????????????????????

Just so you all know I ran yesterday for the first time in 3 months. Only 1.5 miles, but I will take it!!!!

Terry hows the bike?????

2011-05-05 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3484470

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
mav - 2011-05-06 5:35 AM

Michelle must be busy so I will take on the roll of posting. WHERE ARE YOU?????????????????????

Just so you all know I ran yesterday for the first time in 3 months. Only 1.5 miles, but I will take it!!!!

Terry hows the bike?????

Way to go!!!!!!

The bike is awesome, I'm hoping to get in the pool next week.  You give me hope.

2011-05-07 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3484757

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Hi Mav group,

I'm back from the Half mary and it was great.  2 minutes faster than last year, another PR.  The most important thing I can share is that while I raced negative splits at 8:50, 8:40, 8:30, 8:20, 8:15 finishing at 8"11 pace (whoop whoop), I trained for this race running between 9:00 and 9:30 paces.  Lots and lots of miles at 9:30 pace.  Build it, don't break it.

It was an amazing race.  I doubt I will pull a sub 2hour Half Mary in my A race Half Ironman, but I'm confident I can cover the distance.  I'll post a more detailed report after I upload my garmin data.

Run Happy,

2011-05-07 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

2011-05-08 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

First off...Happy Mothers Day...hope you all had a great day!!! I volunteered at a  sprint today and had a blast. If you have not volunteered I would highly suggest it!!! Give back to the sport...its a lot of fun!

 Mark Congrats on a great race. To negative split a 1/2 Mary is a huge accomplishment!!!!! I agree it would be hard to pull out those times in a HIM, I am sure you can pull 9-9:30. Your training has been very solid. Keep up the good work.


I RAN 2 MILES TODAY. COMPLETELY PAIN FREE!!!!! Terry there is hope...hang in there!!!

2011-05-09 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Alrighty all...busy doesn't even touch on what i am! We started another trial today but I wanted to jump on and up our postage

Do I need to designate an alternate post padder? Thanks Marianne for picking up my slack

2011-05-09 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Mark ~ Awesome, awesome job on your HM PR!!!! You rock
2011-05-09 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Terry ~ love that you're loving the bike! How's bout that gonna make it there this week?
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