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2012-06-11 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4255272

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
mjh1975 - 2012-06-11 10:37 AM
quincyf - 2012-06-11 7:45 AM

OK, here is my race report from my first ever (intentional) Du. I have to say I don't love the is hard! But I might throw one in now and then just to change things up. And in related news, I actually have a race calendar now...I had been holding off on signing up for anything (which was making me crazy) until I had a better idea of how my shoulder was going to be.

My orthopedic surgeon finally released me completely (I believe he's in rehab now, haha) so I've been slowly ramping up the swim...I'm up to about 1300 yards now. And I've decided to only do sprint races until Ironman Wisconsin...I don't want to put up a big swim effort before then, and it's really the distance I love the most. In a way it's kind of fun and a relief not to try to squeeze something long in just because I feel I have to. So racing again in two weeks with the Oriolepwrs, South Shore Tri in July maybe something else, and Chicago Tri in August. Anyway, that pretty much brings me up to date.

Hi Q, we finished right next to each other.  I finished the Tri at 1:33:35...

Congrats Matt!   But you are not going to get off that easy!   we want details!   c'mon now give it up!   want to hear all about it. 

2012-06-11 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4254804

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TriAya - 2012-06-11 7:05 AM

Hi Magical MysTRIppers ... pardon me, sorry to interrupt ... this is only about six months overdue ... but a long time ago your fabulous own Quincy asked me to write a word or two about open-water swimming for her mentor group. I may have gone a bit overboard with it, but she is definitely the reason this ever got written, since I started writing it for her ... and by proxy, you.

Wishing all of you well with your various sports endeavors!

Open Water Swimming: MAPS to Get Ready

Thank you TriAYA!    its much appreciated! interrupt anytime!

2012-06-11 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4255272

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
mjh1975 - 2012-06-11 10:37 AM
quincyf - 2012-06-11 7:45 AM

OK, here is my race report from my first ever (intentional) Du. I have to say I don't love the is hard! But I might throw one in now and then just to change things up. And in related news, I actually have a race calendar now...I had been holding off on signing up for anything (which was making me crazy) until I had a better idea of how my shoulder was going to be.

My orthopedic surgeon finally released me completely (I believe he's in rehab now, haha) so I've been slowly ramping up the swim...I'm up to about 1300 yards now. And I've decided to only do sprint races until Ironman Wisconsin...I don't want to put up a big swim effort before then, and it's really the distance I love the most. In a way it's kind of fun and a relief not to try to squeeze something long in just because I feel I have to. So racing again in two weeks with the Oriolepwrs, South Shore Tri in July maybe something else, and Chicago Tri in August. Anyway, that pretty much brings me up to date.

Hi Q, we finished right next to each other.  I finished the Tri at 1:33:35...

I know Matt and if I had addressed you instead of Todd before the race I might have actually met you! Did you have fun? How did it go? Did you wear a wetsuit or not? Wait, don't tell us, put it in a race report!!!

2012-06-11 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4256490

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-06-11 6:38 PM
DaDooRunRun - 2012-06-09 6:39 PM

SUCCESS!!!   I'm so happy.  I swam without a major panic attack and feel like I swam strong...especially the 2nd 1/2 of the swim.  I'll put more details in my report, which I'll post after I see official results.  It was a very small, manually timed event, so I suppose they will e-mail the results.  But, I think the swim was about 15 or 20 was 38 minutes and run was 28 minutes. 

Few details about the swim...the first 75 yards I was fine, felt good, steady, rhythmic.  Then, the panic started to rise a bit and before I knew it I had that "my chest is going to explode" feeling and didn't want my face in the water.  So I breast stroked with my head out, flipped over and back stroked for a bit, and generally struggled.  But, at about the half way point, it's like I flipped a switch in my head and thought, ok, I'm half way, I'm just going to do this and stop freaking out.  And at that point I started freestyle and got very rhymthic and felt good!  You know what I was thinking every breath?  Shelly...breathe...Sarah...breathe...Alicia....breathe...Tom...breathe... and before I knew it, I was getting out of the water! 

Soooooo...I am super stoked!!  Swim was very slow, but I SO don't care!!  I just wanted to get through it without panicking and I did!!!  Yay!! I really really want to race again and keep with the momentum.  There's a tri in Indy on 6/24 I may do!  My family participates in Relay For Life the day before, so the timing's not great, but I think I want to take advantage of the confidence I gained today and do it again!!


Absolutely!!  capitalize on your success  do that Indy tri!  :-)         Oh yea and flipping the switch like that is so BadA$$ 

Now in my next tri  when the whole "I wanna die or quit"  thoughts start circling through my head (and they will)   I'll just go ahead and think.   Well Dave,   Jax flipped that switch  so can you!    

I think I will too. Flip the Jax switch and just do it. Good idea Dave!

2012-06-11 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Thanks for the encouragement and props everyone!  Much appreciated.  I am still super stoked and I am definitely doing the next Tri in Indy on 6/24!  Got my race report up.  I don't know how to shorten the link...but in any case, here it is...      The organizers did a pretty good job on the timing, except they didn't break out age/genders, so I only have my overall ranks.  Overall time was 1:23:09 and #26 out of 43.  I didn't really give a rat's a$$ what my time was, but I'm pretty happy with that.  I do wish they would have broken out age/gender, b/c I feel like I did very well against the women.

Shelly...totally right call on bagging the race.  How incredibly frustrated you must have been!  But, seriously, the stars were not aligned for you to race.  Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and TRI again!  Haha...literally!

Q and Todd...congrats on awesome races and guys ROCK!

I think I finally have a good signature line...   "Flip The Switch".  So, I'll have to figure out how to add that.  And I love it that you guys call me Jax. 


2012-06-12 8:31 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

So the list of mantras is growing. I just have to remember not to say them out loud. It might freak people out to hear a 6'5" 270lb man in a wetsuit mumblng "Flip the switch like Jax.... drown the panic beotch..."

Tongue out

2012-06-12 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

If anyone has seen my motivation, please send it back!


So great to catch up on everyone's progress!! You guys have really been rocking it!


Sarah, congrats on the swim!! Way to go! You too Jacki! Your perseverance has paid off, it will only get better from here.

Shelly, tough call but you made the right one! That pic of the hill is intimidating! Live to race another day

Todd, amazing tri! congrats on your accomplishment!


Now back to read the rest of the posts and get caught up


2012-06-12 7:57 PM
in reply to: #4253399

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
DaDooRunRun - 2012-06-09 7:39 PM

SUCCESS!!!   I'm so happy.  I swam without a major panic attack and feel like I swam strong...especially the 2nd 1/2 of the swim.  I'll put more details in my report, which I'll post after I see official results.  It was a very small, manually timed event, so I suppose they will e-mail the results.  But, I think the swim was about 15 or 20 was 38 minutes and run was 28 minutes. 

Few details about the swim...the first 75 yards I was fine, felt good, steady, rhythmic.  Then, the panic started to rise a bit and before I knew it I had that "my chest is going to explode" feeling and didn't want my face in the water.  So I breast stroked with my head out, flipped over and back stroked for a bit, and generally struggled.  But, at about the half way point, it's like I flipped a switch in my head and thought, ok, I'm half way, I'm just going to do this and stop freaking out.  And at that point I started freestyle and got very rhymthic and felt good!  You know what I was thinking every breath?  Shelly...breathe...Sarah...breathe...Alicia....breathe...Tom...breathe... and before I knew it, I was getting out of the water! 

Soooooo...I am super stoked!!  Swim was very slow, but I SO don't care!!  I just wanted to get through it without panicking and I did!!!  Yay!! I really really want to race again and keep with the momentum.  There's a tri in Indy on 6/24 I may do!  My family participates in Relay For Life the day before, so the timing's not great, but I think I want to take advantage of the confidence I gained today and do it again!!


Jacki,  I'm so happy for you!  Fantastic effort.

2012-06-12 8:13 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Hi gang, Sorry to be so late.  My race report is up for my DU.  I finished, and didn't come in last, LOL.  I had a good time and plan on doing well in my next TRI in July.

So happy to hear about Jacki.

Shelly, glad you listened to your chest pain.  You may want to check out topographical maps next time you go to Georgia.  It is the end of the Apalachian mountains in that area.  And I agree, one hill should not equal many.  In NJ we have flat lands all the way upto the Apalachian trail.  Hence, I've been concentrating on races from the central part of my state on south.


2012-06-12 9:58 PM
in reply to: #4253399

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
DaDooRunRun - 2012-06-09 6:39 PM

SUCCESS!!!   I'm so happy.  I swam without a major panic attack and feel like I swam strong...especially the 2nd 1/2 of the swim.  I'll put more details in my report, which I'll post after I see official results.  It was a very small, manually timed event, so I suppose they will e-mail the results.  But, I think the swim was about 15 or 20 was 38 minutes and run was 28 minutes. 

Few details about the swim...the first 75 yards I was fine, felt good, steady, rhythmic.  Then, the panic started to rise a bit and before I knew it I had that "my chest is going to explode" feeling and didn't want my face in the water.  So I breast stroked with my head out, flipped over and back stroked for a bit, and generally struggled.  But, at about the half way point, it's like I flipped a switch in my head and thought, ok, I'm half way, I'm just going to do this and stop freaking out.  And at that point I started freestyle and got very rhymthic and felt good!  You know what I was thinking every breath?  Shelly...breathe...Sarah...breathe...Alicia....breathe...Tom...breathe... and before I knew it, I was getting out of the water! 

Soooooo...I am super stoked!!  Swim was very slow, but I SO don't care!!  I just wanted to get through it without panicking and I did!!!  Yay!! I really really want to race again and keep with the momentum.  There's a tri in Indy on 6/24 I may do!  My family participates in Relay For Life the day before, so the timing's not great, but I think I want to take advantage of the confidence I gained today and do it again!!


Congrats! Awesome Job!
2012-06-12 10:04 PM
in reply to: #4254187

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
trei - 2012-06-10 5:13 PM

Finished my first triathlon today.  It was awesome.  The race report is up;  need some help in transition if any one has any insight. 

Congratulations Jacki on conquering the panic!!

Congrats on finishing your first tri! Heading over to read the RR now.

2012-06-13 10:13 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Well, It zipped up! I put it on 2 different times yesterday. Once as soon as I got home (i'm a kid at heart) and once again when Lesley got home. I'm really gonna have to practice the removal though. It took forever. Tate, my 7 year old, said " Wow dad, you look ridiculous." Bode then replied, "No dad, you look fast." On second thought he might have said fat, but i'm gonna go with fast.  

2012-06-13 7:44 PM
in reply to: #4259402

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-06-13 10:13 AM

Well, It zipped up! I put it on 2 different times yesterday. Once as soon as I got home (i'm a kid at heart) and once again when Lesley got home. I'm really gonna have to practice the removal though. It took forever. Tate, my 7 year old, said " Wow dad, you look ridiculous." Bode then replied, "No dad, you look fast." On second thought he might have said fat, but i'm gonna go with fast.  

TJ   you look fast!    SO how long could you have it one before sweating to death!    Yes practice it!   One trick is to really rub body glide around your ankles before putting it on.   It then  Helps it to slide off a lil easier.  

2012-06-13 7:47 PM
in reply to: #4258684

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TLakatos1259 - 2012-06-12 8:13 PM

Hi gang, Sorry to be so late.  My race report is up for my DU.  I finished, and didn't come in last, LOL.  I had a good time and plan on doing well in my next TRI in July.

So happy to hear about Jacki.

Shelly, glad you listened to your chest pain.  You may want to check out topographical maps next time you go to Georgia.  It is the end of the Apalachian mountains in that area.  And I agree, one hill should not equal many.  In NJ we have flat lands all the way upto the Apalachian trail.  Hence, I've been concentrating on races from the central part of my state on south.


Was concerned that when you were so quiet that perhaps you skipped it,  so very happy to see you did the DU!  way to go BRO! 

2012-06-13 7:51 PM
in reply to: #4260621

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-06-13 7:44 PM
Lesandtj - 2012-06-13 10:13 AM

Well, It zipped up! I put it on 2 different times yesterday. Once as soon as I got home (i'm a kid at heart) and once again when Lesley got home. I'm really gonna have to practice the removal though. It took forever. Tate, my 7 year old, said " Wow dad, you look ridiculous." Bode then replied, "No dad, you look fast." On second thought he might have said fat, but i'm gonna go with fast.  

TJ   you look fast!    SO how long could you have it one before sweating to death!    Yes practice it!   One trick is to really rub body glide around your ankles before putting it on.   It then  Helps it to slide off a lil easier.  

Awesomesauce, and I heart your little mini me and how much he loves his Daddy. Cute.

2012-06-14 6:33 AM
in reply to: #4259402

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-06-13 11:13 AM

Well, It zipped up! I put it on 2 different times yesterday. Once as soon as I got home (i'm a kid at heart) and once again when Lesley got home. I'm really gonna have to practice the removal though. It took forever. Tate, my 7 year old, said " Wow dad, you look ridiculous." Bode then replied, "No dad, you look fast." On second thought he might have said fat, but i'm gonna go with fast.  

Of course he said fast.  No bout adout it!  I also love that your 7-year-old used the word ridiculous.  LOL!

2012-06-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4254889

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Thanks for the Kudos everyone(and the ideas - I'll be practicing transition this weekend with bodyglide on my ankles).  My transition problems may have resulted from my super size towel.., I just couldn't find anything (ha ha!).  Quincy was right,a napkin size is all you need. 
2012-06-15 12:36 PM
in reply to: #4261778

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
trei - 2012-06-14 12:47 PM

Thanks for the Kudos everyone(and the ideas - I'll be practicing transition this weekend with bodyglide on my ankles).  My transition problems may have resulted from my super size towel.., I just couldn't find anything (ha ha!).  Quincy was right,a napkin size is all you need. 

Yep- I use a teeny fluffy bath mat. It's turquoise and sparkly and very fluffy. It's like my little piece of luxury out there and feels great to wipe my feet on quickly. But it really is not much bigger than a hand towel so it's perfect. When I grab my bike shoes there's just enough room to wipe my feet. And the bottom is that white rubber mat stuff so moisture from the ground doesn't seep through. It's my favorite piece of equipment in transition- lol.

2012-06-15 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

I'm thinking of using this towel setup in transition to remind me to go faster!

Edited by Lesandtj 2012-06-15 3:25 PM
2012-06-15 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4263684

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-06-15 12:47 PM

I'm thinking of using this towel setup in transition to remind me to go faster!

I'm voting you as the team spirit leader. Your posts crack me up.

2012-06-16 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

I love the look on this guys face.  (I pretty much have the same look right now)  Despite being ready for nearly every contingency,  stuff will happen.    Ya just gotta "deal with it when it comes"    Good thing to keep in mind.   

I have a big work project that I "Thought" would be completed before my Half Iron (Door County)   now my event (and a mini vaca for my fam) is in serious Jeopardy and we may not be able to go.      This year its par for the course for me.      My plan is to ride it out to the last minute and plan as if the race is going to happen for me.    If not, I will have to abort, and will drop in to Branson 70.3  should it come down to it.        But I will soldier on.  I'm good at that.  one way or another, one foot in front of the other.      That's why I love this pic.  And hey the guy even looks like me pretty much

The work thing is after this:

My dog Bones bit my daughter Sarah last Sunday night  Punctured the skin went fairly deep.   She's ok physically (mentally will take a while

We returned Bones back to the Greyhound Kennel.  

What happened is that all of a sudden lately he became very very possessive of objects.   He would take this and that.  We did do our best to remove anything that we remotely thought he would take.    Well whenever he would take something that was not his   we would say "drop"   he learned to drop items  fairly quickly.    But sometimes he would get stubborn about it.    Occasionally me or Eileen would then hold him by his collar and sternly tell him to DROP.    Well this time he had grabbed Sarah's flip flop.   She shouted at him to drop!  he didn't.   She then grabbed his collar because she had seen us model that behavior.     Well Bones did not like that, and turned and bit her arm close to the elbow area. 

So as sweet as he really is,  and perhaps even though we did not train him correctly,   we have zero tolerance for a dog that would hurt anyone under any circumstance.  

What's really Ironic is that Eileen and Melissa had just gone out to get some ice cream.  When they got back we were about to watch an episode of "the dog whisperer"   to research/learn to improve how we handle him.  

So we are all quite sad about it.    But this is life ya know?   Stuff happens.   We will really miss him.   Hope they are able to find the "right" family for him.        Thanks to Chris and Q for  the phone call, it helped.





Edited by oriolepwr 2012-06-16 5:09 PM

2012-06-16 5:38 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sorry Dave. That sucks. Right decisions aren't normally the easy ones.
2012-06-17 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4265051

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-06-16 4:55 PM

I love the look on this guys face.  (I pretty much have the same look right now)  Despite being ready for nearly every contingency,  stuff will happen.    Ya just gotta "deal with it when it comes"    Good thing to keep in mind.   

I have a big work project that I "Thought" would be completed before my Half Iron (Door County)   now my event (and a mini vaca for my fam) is in serious Jeopardy and we may not be able to go.      This year its par for the course for me.      My plan is to ride it out to the last minute and plan as if the race is going to happen for me.    If not, I will have to abort, and will drop in to Branson 70.3  should it come down to it.        But I will soldier on.  I'm good at that.  one way or another, one foot in front of the other.      That's why I love this pic.  And hey the guy even looks like me pretty much

The work thing is after this:

My dog Bones bit my daughter Sarah last Sunday night  Punctured the skin went fairly deep.   She's ok physically (mentally will take a while

We returned Bones back to the Greyhound Kennel.  

What happened is that all of a sudden lately he became very very possessive of objects.   He would take this and that.  We did do our best to remove anything that we remotely thought he would take.    Well whenever he would take something that was not his   we would say "drop"   he learned to drop items  fairly quickly.    But sometimes he would get stubborn about it.    Occasionally me or Eileen would then hold him by his collar and sternly tell him to DROP.    Well this time he had grabbed Sarah's flip flop.   She shouted at him to drop!  he didn't.   She then grabbed his collar because she had seen us model that behavior.     Well Bones did not like that, and turned and bit her arm close to the elbow area. 

So as sweet as he really is,  and perhaps even though we did not train him correctly,   we have zero tolerance for a dog that would hurt anyone under any circumstance.  

What's really Ironic is that Eileen and Melissa had just gone out to get some ice cream.  When they got back we were about to watch an episode of "the dog whisperer"   to research/learn to improve how we handle him.  

So we are all quite sad about it.    But this is life ya know?   Stuff happens.   We will really miss him.   Hope they are able to find the "right" family for him.        Thanks to Chris and Q for  the phone call, it helped.





OH NO on the Door County debacle! Fingers crossed for you. I hadn't realized you took a pic of me after I rode over the machete...


Hey, on the bright side, we get to meetup in less than ONE WEEK!!! Water park fun (and a race). Hoping for no rain so that stupid trail run isn't the "fail run" it was for me two years ago. Another reason to do the sprint (for me).

Swimming is coming along...I did 2k on thursday. Still not up to 3x a week simply because I am not ready to swim back to back days quite yet, but swimming hard and pretty consistent in the 1:45 range for 100 yd repeats on 20-30 sec rest. So I lost swim endurance but not much speed from the surgery. In fact it has forced me to modify my stroke a teeny bit and I think in a good way. Weird.

Who is/was racing this weekend? Be safe out there folks, and write race reports, it was fun reading the last batch!


2012-06-17 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4265051

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-06-16 5:55 PM

I love the look on this guys face.  (I pretty much have the same look right now)  Despite being ready for nearly every contingency,  stuff will happen.    Ya just gotta "deal with it when it comes"    Good thing to keep in mind.   

I have a big work project that I "Thought" would be completed before my Half Iron (Door County)   now my event (and a mini vaca for my fam) is in serious Jeopardy and we may not be able to go.      This year its par for the course for me.      My plan is to ride it out to the last minute and plan as if the race is going to happen for me.    If not, I will have to abort, and will drop in to Branson 70.3  should it come down to it.        But I will soldier on.  I'm good at that.  one way or another, one foot in front of the other.      That's why I love this pic.  And hey the guy even looks like me pretty much

The work thing is after this:

My dog Bones bit my daughter Sarah last Sunday night  Punctured the skin went fairly deep.   She's ok physically (mentally will take a while

We returned Bones back to the Greyhound Kennel.  

What happened is that all of a sudden lately he became very very possessive of objects.   He would take this and that.  We did do our best to remove anything that we remotely thought he would take.    Well whenever he would take something that was not his   we would say "drop"   he learned to drop items  fairly quickly.    But sometimes he would get stubborn about it.    Occasionally me or Eileen would then hold him by his collar and sternly tell him to DROP.    Well this time he had grabbed Sarah's flip flop.   She shouted at him to drop!  he didn't.   She then grabbed his collar because she had seen us model that behavior.     Well Bones did not like that, and turned and bit her arm close to the elbow area. 

So as sweet as he really is,  and perhaps even though we did not train him correctly,   we have zero tolerance for a dog that would hurt anyone under any circumstance.  

What's really Ironic is that Eileen and Melissa had just gone out to get some ice cream.  When they got back we were about to watch an episode of "the dog whisperer"   to research/learn to improve how we handle him.  

So we are all quite sad about it.    But this is life ya know?   Stuff happens.   We will really miss him.   Hope they are able to find the "right" family for him.        Thanks to Chris and Q for  the phone call, it helped.






Dave, so sorry about Bones, but you did the right thing.  I had a german shorthaired pointer that I raised from a pup and had for about 4 years, when my kids were aged 1 and 2 he developed epilepsy and after he had a seizure he was very disoriented and would snap and bite.  Totally understandable, given what he had just gone through and the confusion he must have felt, but he snapped me and broke the skin and unfortunately that was it.  I couldn't be one of those people who knew there was a risk with their pet and didn't do something, I would never be able to live with myself if my child, or anyone, was hurt and I could have prevented it.  So I placed him for adoption in the rescue association and they found the PERFECT home for him, his new owner LOVES him, he had a dog previously with epilepsy so he understands his needs, he's into holistic treatment, way more active with mountain biking and trail running and takes my pup everywhere with him.  As much as I hated to give him him up, I know I did the right thing.  You did too.  Hope your daughter's okay....

2012-06-17 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4265051

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-06-16 4:55 PM

I love the look on this guys face.  (I pretty much have the same look right now)  Despite being ready for nearly every contingency,  stuff will happen.    Ya just gotta "deal with it when it comes"    Good thing to keep in mind.   

I have a big work project that I "Thought" would be completed before my Half Iron (Door County)   now my event (and a mini vaca for my fam) is in serious Jeopardy and we may not be able to go.      This year its par for the course for me.      My plan is to ride it out to the last minute and plan as if the race is going to happen for me.    If not, I will have to abort, and will drop in to Branson 70.3  should it come down to it.        But I will soldier on.  I'm good at that.  one way or another, one foot in front of the other.      That's why I love this pic.  And hey the guy even looks like me pretty much

The work thing is after this:

My dog Bones bit my daughter Sarah last Sunday night  Punctured the skin went fairly deep.   She's ok physically (mentally will take a while

We returned Bones back to the Greyhound Kennel.  

What happened is that all of a sudden lately he became very very possessive of objects.   He would take this and that.  We did do our best to remove anything that we remotely thought he would take.    Well whenever he would take something that was not his   we would say "drop"   he learned to drop items  fairly quickly.    But sometimes he would get stubborn about it.    Occasionally me or Eileen would then hold him by his collar and sternly tell him to DROP.    Well this time he had grabbed Sarah's flip flop.   She shouted at him to drop!  he didn't.   She then grabbed his collar because she had seen us model that behavior.     Well Bones did not like that, and turned and bit her arm close to the elbow area. 

So as sweet as he really is,  and perhaps even though we did not train him correctly,   we have zero tolerance for a dog that would hurt anyone under any circumstance.  

What's really Ironic is that Eileen and Melissa had just gone out to get some ice cream.  When they got back we were about to watch an episode of "the dog whisperer"   to research/learn to improve how we handle him.  

So we are all quite sad about it.    But this is life ya know?   Stuff happens.   We will really miss him.   Hope they are able to find the "right" family for him.        Thanks to Chris and Q for  the phone call, it helped.





Sorry about bones. Safety first though, so you made the right call. That sucks about work potentially getting I. The way of Door County, but you do need to pay the bills. Hopefully it will all work out.
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