BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-12 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
It is awesome here right now I can't wait for the gf to get home so I have FREEDOM and get out on the bike for awhile. Oh I can't wait. I wanna go it is sunny and warm ahhhhhhhhh

2008-01-12 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1152094

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-12 11:44 AM It is awesome here right now I can't wait for the gf to get home so I have FREEDOM and get out on the bike for awhile. Oh I can't wait. I wanna go it is sunny and warm ahhhhhhhhh

We had a sun break, too!  I went for a great run....and it poured rain for the last mile.  It was awesome!  After my annoying week, it felt so good to just run run run run.  Hopefully tomorrow I will bike bike bike bike and maybe swim swim too.  Had to buy a new suit today, but that's done.  Off to watch the Seahawks vs Green Bay now.


2008-01-12 5:50 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Yes by the time I got free. had to fix a toilet hang some coat hangers drop kids off it was raining here. Now I am watching the Hawks game
2008-01-12 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Grr not sure if it is worth watching the game anymore. On a side note to the game just bought 2 pair os New bibs shorts on ebay for $60!!
2008-01-12 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

We turned off the game, too painful! So much snow....wish we had some here before winter ends.  Either that, or winter needs to end NOW.

Our kitchen and dining room are all done being tiled now, I am so excited to get my appliances in on Monday.  I am so weird that stuff like this makes me happy, but our last house needed a ton of stuff done and we waited until time to sell before we updated.  This time we are doing it to enjoy it!

Plus tonight I am going to dinner with some gals, for a ladies night, woo woo!

2008-01-12 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Congrats on the completion of the reno's. man is it ever snowing there Favre is amazing though. I guess we wait to see what next year brings.

2008-01-12 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Shawn, an off topic question-you can PM me the answer if you want.  How hard is it to install a 220 volt plug where there's just a 'regular' plug?  (For an electrician, of course, not me...)  When we moved our old stove I discovered we don't have the right electrical for the new one and now and really panicking about it and will probably have to halt the delivery etc.  Argh.  Husband is ticking me off by napping now, as well. 

Edited by Medusa_Ann 2008-01-12 6:37 PM
2008-01-12 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1152420

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-12 4:37 PM Shawn, an off topic question-you can PM me the answer if you want.  How hard is it to install a 220 volt plug where there's just a 'regular' plug?  (For an electrician, of course, not me...)  When we moved our old stove I discovered we don't have the right electrical for the new one and now and really panicking about it and will probably have to halt the delivery etc.  Argh.  Husband is ticking me off by napping now, as well. 

Hold on, hold on, no need to panic ...

Has Shawn gotten back to you on this yet? (Would make my questions kind of moot) ... lemme get this straight ...

Where is the old stove? Is it next to an outlet? What does that outlet look like?

2008-01-12 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1152456

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-12 5:18 PM

Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-12 4:37 PM Shawn, an off topic question-you can PM me the answer if you want.  How hard is it to install a 220 volt plug where there's just a 'regular' plug?  (For an electrician, of course, not me...)  When we moved our old stove I discovered we don't have the right electrical for the new one and now and really panicking about it and will probably have to halt the delivery etc.  Argh.  Husband is ticking me off by napping now, as well. 

Hold on, hold on, no need to panic ...

Has Shawn gotten back to you on this yet? (Would make my questions kind of moot) ... lemme get this straight ...

Where is the old stove? Is it next to an outlet? What does that outlet look like?

Shawn did get back to me--looking like we need an electrician toot sweet--but maybe you know something I don't.....the old stove has a regular outlet behind it in the wall.  It was gas cooktop and oven, and the new one is dual fuel, thus needing more electricity, at least that's how I see it.  What do you know?  You can also PM me, so as not to take up too much tri space for electrical issues!    Or you can put it here and we can all learn, whatever you like! Thanks!

2008-01-12 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
I did get back to her. If it is just a regular plug then it isn't the right plug. All the stove receptacles I have done are a 40 amp plug and if you just have a regular plug you won't have the right wire size or plug configuration.
2008-01-12 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1151640

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
HCS5QA - 2008-01-11 8:08 PM


Ok I left worked and stopped by the Performance Bike shop. I bought the 1.0 Spinerval DVD and a front tire block. I got home stuck it in the player and did the workout. I probably should have waited a few more days but the wait has been killing me. At least the workout opened my passages and I can take deep breaths. By the way it was a great workout. Now I understand the fuss about spinning classes. Now I don't have to worry about not making it to a class at the gym.

Yay there is color on my chart! 

I hae spinervals 1.0 thru 5.0 although have only done 1.0 and it kicked my butt (in a good way).  It's amazing how much more focused I am when there's something I am supposed to be doing on the bike, rather than just listening to music in the garage.  Looking forward to checking out the other ones soon, although if there's no rain tomorrow I am hitting the open road for a while.

2008-01-12 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Hi all. Sorry I've been absent again. DH got orders to a new base and started working there this week. Our schedules are a bit messed up, plus I've been very busy at work (which is where I normally can check in from during the week day). I managed to get back to the gym today for the first time in forever and reintroduced my behind to the bike seat and the rest of me to the pool. I didn't do much since I'm so out of shape from being a slacker, but I feel good about what I did do. I'll be going back again tomorrow after WW. I'm not able to walk/run at all, and finally broke down and made a doctor appointment to see an ortho. I'm determined to get my azz back into shape...even if it kills me
2008-01-12 11:41 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Wow another one on the road to recovery lets hope it goes good the doc has some good news. I can't believe how hectic everyone's lives are I knew mine was crazy all the time with 5 kids but wow we should be known as TEAM HECTIC.
2008-01-13 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Ok I got my 10 k run in this morning and it was great!! now off to have the birthday party for the little one. First birthday party, he actually turns one on Wednesday wow how fast time flies
2008-01-13 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Good job getting the run in, Shawn! I actually got OUTSIDE on my bike!  Well, I took the mountain bike since my road bike nears a tune up.  Got my shimano clips put on at the end of the ride, but at least they are finally on, since I bought them in June last year.

We decided to forego the electric oven and just get the gas one.  Similar model has convection which is what I want anyway, and a smaller upper oven. It's pretty, and won't cause us to have to rewire our house at this time!  Thanks for the input on this....

What's everybody else up to??

2008-01-13 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!


busy weekend!  my parents had a great time watching DD play - I'm so glad they could come visit

Hector - so glad you are feeling better and there is color on your graphs!

Leslie - woo hoo on the kitchen - i redid mine last spring and I know how you feel - it is soooo worth it when it is done!

Shawn - WTG getting the run in!

Terri - I hope you and DH's schedules settle down some, you've had a bit of a rocky time lately - sending good thoughts your way!

I think that covers the most recent posts - hopefully I didn't miss anyone

I hope all had a great weekend!

2008-01-13 10:11 PM
in reply to: #1144652

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Will on his first planned tri

yanti- in my life i have learned that with proper training and effort you can acheive your goals. if i want to be a stronger and faster runner-train to be a stronger and faster runner. i know with my partially f'ed up knee that will be a limiting factor, and i think thats one of the reasons why i may strive for a goal of time vs mileage. hopefully the increased mileage will not cause more damage to my knee. i am ready to go...and now if i can get rid of these lingering cold symptoms. my first foray into the pool should be saturday morning!!!! i do have the TI video(and i am willing to share it with everyone if they need a copy). i am also think that i have found my first race-april 6 down in san diego 1000yd swim/40k bike/10k run.....i know it maybe over my head but i am mentally focused so anything is possible. have a great day i hope that you are doing great....train lots and enjoy some chocolate cake from time to time....

Ooooh ... prophetic words about chocolate cake ... I'm trying to hold back my horses on eating the present I got (pic below).

Well, you know the drill with the knee (after all, it's your knee and you know it best!) ... build slowly, keep tabs on it, ice. If it starts to bother--pull back. Increase walking. Etc.

I'm slowly wading through the posts--you've probably already gotten in the water by now, so congrats, and good for you on working on the TI system!

Actually, your planned race sounds wonderful! No, you're not in over your head, as long as you train smart. Train time if you feel you should; if that approach isn't bringing you close enough to the distance, sloooooooooow down and git 'er done.

(Choc Cake.bmp)

Choc Cake.bmp (95KB - 19 downloads)
2008-01-13 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1151300

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Laura on her dissertation

ldatug - 2008-01-11 3:39 PM
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-11 5:37 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-11 4:30 PM
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-11 2:27 PM Well, I did it!  I turned in my resignation!
Good thing, or a bad thing? Another door of opportunity is always opening you just have to find it. S0metimes it finds you

It's a good thing, I hope a really good thing

Opportunity found me in a big way - I'm actually going to be moving to PA

Congratulations!!    Sounds great!

Sorry I've been so MIA.  I am furiously trying to finish up my dissertation.  I've been working on it for THREE years (six years of school total), and I *think* I'm finally going to turn it in next week!  So...long story won't be "seeing" much of me for a while.  I'll check in when I can.

 Train on!!!

You are so incredible, Laura. Husband, small kids, uni post, tri training, and you're finishing up your dissertation?!?!? WOW! All the best of that and we are thinking of you while you are busy with it.

I left grad school at ABD, so I can only imagine and appreciate all the hard work you've put into it.

Edited by TriAya 2008-01-13 10:56 PM
2008-01-13 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1152619

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Terri on getting back into the swing 

MrsUSMC - 2008-01-12 7:46 PM Hi all. Sorry I've been absent again. DH got orders to a new base and started working there this week. Our schedules are a bit messed up, plus I've been very busy at work (which is where I normally can check in from during the week day). I managed to get back to the gym today for the first time in forever and reintroduced my behind to the bike seat and the rest of me to the pool. I didn't do much since I'm so out of shape from being a slacker, but I feel good about what I did do. I'll be going back again tomorrow after WW. I'm not able to walk/run at all, and finally broke down and made a doctor appointment to see an ortho. I'm determined to get my azz back into shape...even if it kills me

Hi Terri! So wonderful to hear from you! And no, you are not a slacker--you are, as we all, in the eternal quest for balance. You have certainly had a lot going on! As for getting back into it--easy does it!

Sorry to hear about your PF. Look into water running as an option--do Search Forums for aqua jogging and water running. (Is elliptical a possibility?) I've trained for marathons, subbing water running in when I had stress fractures.

Edited by TriAya 2008-01-13 10:56 PM
2008-01-14 12:26 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Well I hope everyone had a good weekend!! Off to bed and up early for some pool time before school time. Little disappointed in myself mad 2 stupid mistakes on my first test this year and only got 92% I know that it is a decent mark but I expect more from myself
2008-01-14 12:51 AM
in reply to: #1153974

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-14 12:26 AM Well I hope everyone had a good weekend!! Off to bed and up early for some pool time before school time. Little disappointed in myself mad 2 stupid mistakes on my first test this year and only got 92% I know that it is a decent mark but I expect more from myself

Come come now, Shawn--congrats on a super test result!

2008-01-14 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
That is not super actually well I know it is good as the highest in te class was 94 but what I expect from myself is higher then that. But thanks for the encouragement
2008-01-14 9:42 AM
in reply to: #1153804

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-13 8:11 PM

Will on his first planned tri

yanti- in my life i have learned that with proper training and effort you can acheive your goals. if i want to be a stronger and faster runner-train to be a stronger and faster runner. i know with my partially f'ed up knee that will be a limiting factor, and i think thats one of the reasons why i may strive for a goal of time vs mileage. hopefully the increased mileage will not cause more damage to my knee. i am ready to go...and now if i can get rid of these lingering cold symptoms. my first foray into the pool should be saturday morning!!!! i do have the TI video(and i am willing to share it with everyone if they need a copy). i am also think that i have found my first race-april 6 down in san diego 1000yd swim/40k bike/10k run.....i know it maybe over my head but i am mentally focused so anything is possible. have a great day i hope that you are doing great....train lots and enjoy some chocolate cake from time to time....

Ooooh ... prophetic words about chocolate cake ... I'm trying to hold back my horses on eating the present I got (pic below).

Well, you know the drill with the knee (after all, it's your knee and you know it best!) ... build slowly, keep tabs on it, ice. If it starts to bother--pull back. Increase walking. Etc.

I'm slowly wading through the posts--you've probably already gotten in the water by now, so congrats, and good for you on working on the TI system!

Actually, your planned race sounds wonderful! No, you're not in over your head, as long as you train smart. Train time if you feel you should; if that approach isn't bringing you close enough to the distance, sloooooooooow down and git 'er done.

Thanks yanti for your inspiration...ok so i finally signed up for the race, and the ironic thing is I think that it is the same event that Hector is doing(April 6 Superseal). I will pm him to see.
Finally feeling better, wed night i will be in the water, and running my arse off. it is nice to feel normal again.
nice cake yanti.
2008-01-14 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1153895

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-13 8:55 PM

Terri on getting back into the swing

Hi Terri! So wonderful to hear from you! And no, you are not a slacker--you are, as we all, in the eternal quest for balance. You have certainly had a lot going on! As for getting back into it--easy does it!

Sorry to hear about your PF. Look into water running as an option--do Search Forums for aqua jogging and water running. (Is elliptical a possibility?) I've trained for marathons, subbing water running in when I had stress fractures.

I have a dr. appt for my foot on next Wednesday. I should not have waiting this long, but this is the year that I quit procrastinating about taking care of myself.

I think DH and I have our schedules worked out. My bag is packed and in the trunk of my car and I'm not passing go, but going straight to the gym tonight. I don't know if elliptical is possible, I'll talk to a trainer there tomorrow night, but I'm definately going to be in the saddle and in the water. I miss it! (I can't believe I just wrote that)
2008-01-14 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1154363

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
wplummer - 2008-01-14 7:42 AM
TriAya - 2008-01-13 8:11 PM

Will on his first planned tri

yanti- in my life i have learned that with proper training and effort you can acheive your goals. if i want to be a stronger and faster runner-train to be a stronger and faster runner. i know with my partially f'ed up knee that will be a limiting factor, and i think thats one of the reasons why i may strive for a goal of time vs mileage. hopefully the increased mileage will not cause more damage to my knee. i am ready to go...and now if i can get rid of these lingering cold symptoms. my first foray into the pool should be saturday morning!!!! i do have the TI video(and i am willing to share it with everyone if they need a copy). i am also think that i have found my first race-april 6 down in san diego 1000yd swim/40k bike/10k run.....i know it maybe over my head but i am mentally focused so anything is possible. have a great day i hope that you are doing great....train lots and enjoy some chocolate cake from time to time....

Ooooh ... prophetic words about chocolate cake ... I'm trying to hold back my horses on eating the present I got (pic below).

Well, you know the drill with the knee (after all, it's your knee and you know it best!) ... build slowly, keep tabs on it, ice. If it starts to bother--pull back. Increase walking. Etc.

I'm slowly wading through the posts--you've probably already gotten in the water by now, so congrats, and good for you on working on the TI system!

Actually, your planned race sounds wonderful! No, you're not in over your head, as long as you train smart. Train time if you feel you should; if that approach isn't bringing you close enough to the distance, sloooooooooow down and git 'er done.

Thanks yanti for your inspiration...ok so i finally signed up for the race, and the ironic thing is I think that it is the same event that Hector is doing(April 6 Superseal). I will pm him to see. Finally feeling better, wed night i will be in the water, and running my arse off. it is nice to feel normal again. nice cake yanti.

That's the same race I'm doing, will have to find each other on that day.

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