BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-04-24 1:08 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: ...
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2008-04-24 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Nope - you're stuck w/ me in the group Pete! 

Bring that box of swag on down for next weekend.  I don't have anything this weekend.  Not until 5/3 - another sprint.  Hoping the new bike will help me crack the top 10 this time - was 2 minutes off in my first one!

2008-04-24 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

I'm stayin' put.


2008-04-25 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Have a good weekend everyone!  Hope you all have some great workouts.
2008-04-26 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

going back to some earlier posts on texting and what not, here is a guide / cheat sheet I found.

C u L8tr!

2008-04-26 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

hey...hey...pssst!  Check out my training log graph!  There's actually a tiny little sliver of purple in there!

Pete - can't wait to hear about crazy legs!  Give the treehouse gang the scoop!

2008-04-26 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1363883

Subject: ...
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2008-04-26 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1363901

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Zilla - 2008-04-26 7:23 PM I will contribute N-A-Y-L ... POS,  TTYA!  LOL!

Huh?  What the....?  I didn't see THOSE in my cheat sheet!

2008-04-27 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

I did find another mentor group that I think is a better fit for me.  I will still be checking in on your logs, races, etc., and sending inspires, though.  (So don't slack off )

Good luck to everyone!


2008-04-27 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1364956

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
AndriaLL - 2008-04-27 5:00 PM

I did find another mentor group that I think is a better fit for me.  I will still be checking in on your logs, races, etc., and sending inspires, though.  (So don't slack off )

Good luck to everyone!


Best wishes to ya Andria.  Was great having you around!  And thanks for your help looking for jobs!  Don't be a stranger - I'll keep you on my "friends" list!

How was everyone's weekend?  I swam on Saturday - went to a crawfish boil (how yummy eatin' them bugs) - Biked on Queen T on Sunday for as long a distance as I've ever gone! 


2008-04-27 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1363883

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
daspanglers - 2008-04-26 7:14 PM

hey...hey...pssst! Check out my training log graph! There's actually a tiny little sliver of purple in there!

Pete - can't wait to hear about crazy legs! Give the treehouse gang the scoop!

Way to find the pool brother!!! I didn't seem to find water this week but you did so all is well.



I skipped Crazy Legs in favor of Pedal for Proceeds, a 23.1 mile road bike race. Oh my gosh was that fun! In spite of temps around 40 and killer winds the field was 71 strong. My simple goal was to do whatever it took to hang with the lead group and not get dropped. With the strong winds this was particularly important as the prospect of riding into or even perpendicular to the wind without help was very unappealing. In the first few miles things did spread out a bit and I had to sprint around slower riders as they began to lose contact with the peloton.

Once the lead group was established, I spend the majority of the race in the last few riders of the group, with plenty of that time as the last guy. I didn't mind that at all, so long as I maintained contact, life was good. As we passed the 20 mile mark, I expected the pace to pick up for a push to the finish, but it didn't happen. I wonder if this was due to the wind, as most of the last couple miles were perpendicular to the wind so we were all just trying to not get blown across the road.

As we came back toward the start line my computer showed 23 miles and the race was advertised as 25 so I figured we would lap around the Whitewater campus and finish the same direction we started. Not so--I saw the first couple guys in the peloton make make the turn and stand up to sprint in to the start finish line and got up to do the same as soon as I realized the race only had 100 yards left. There were 23 guys in the peloton, and I managed to finish 13th! If I had known the finish route I think I would have pushed it earlier and would have been able to pass a few more guys, as it was, I was not dead beat from a sprint, as it was so short! Lesson learned here, just like in tri, is that it is KEY to know the course so you can plan your race accordingly.


2008-04-27 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1364956

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
AndriaLL - 2008-04-27 5:00 PM

I did find another mentor group that I think is a better fit for me. I will still be checking in on your logs, races, etc., and sending inspires, though. (So don't slack off )

Good luck to everyone!


That's cool Andria, best of luck to you.  You are always MORE than welcome to hang with this crew as well! 

2008-04-27 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hey Force, happy anniversary!
2008-04-27 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1365368

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

PeterAK - 2008-04-27 8:46 PM Hey Force, happy anniversary!

Anniversary???? Wedding?

PeterAK - how was the TriWis clinic?  Tammy said she saw ya there!  Glad you had fun on the race!


2008-04-28 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!


Went for a short swim today - also picked up my race packet for Saturday's race.  Now how stupid is this.  There is NO race day packet pick up - unless you pay and extra $20.  The packet had our race numbers but no chip.  Chips will be handed out......RACE DAY!!!!!  WTF?  Why not just pick up the whole thing ahead of time?  Whatever....I'm not RD so I won't complain....wait.....I just did.

2008-04-28 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1368063

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Dave, clinic was good.  Sort of Ironman overview, with tips from four IM veterans including pro Heather Haviland.  The overriding theme was that if you want to do an IM, you can!

I've done other races where you don't get the chip until race morning but you have to pick up your packet earlier.  Totally annoying!  Oh well, I'm not interested in directing a race, so I'll just deal with it with a smile!

I took yesterday and today off with the excuse of it's a taper week... My first tri of the season is coming up this Sunday!  Heading out to California Thursday night, spending Friday in San Fransisco, Saturday heading down to the race, Sunday race then head back to SF, Monday have breakfast in SF with my bro and then come home.  Should be a blast! 

2008-04-29 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hey Davewithnumbers, did you see the article in Triathlete mag this month about periodization?  Really good info in there.  If you don't subscribe, I recommend picking up this issue.
2008-04-29 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1369903

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Hi peter, yes I did... and i do subscribe.. I'm working on it right now should have the plan together in next couple days. thanks!

Not sure I'll be running this sunday un;ess it is just as a run and not a race.. not doing much solid food right now... and not well prepared - think i just focus more on the fist tri of the year in 5 weeks...

Hope everyone else is doing well...

2008-04-29 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: ...
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2008-04-29 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1370515

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Great news Hilary!  Did you stretch out well when you were done?  Do your legs feel better today after some exercise?
2008-04-29 7:06 PM
in reply to: #1370551

Subject: ...
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2008-04-29 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Hilary - good news on the no cramps

Dave - hope you're feeling better soon

Pete - when you leaving for CA?

Had my first flirt w/ disaster on my bike tonight.  Was in aero and lost focus and ran off the side of the road.  Headed towards a road side ditch but somehow had the where-with-all to be able to get out of aero, apply the brakes and unclip all at the same time.  Wasn't technically "wreck" or crash but was embarassing to say the least.  Luckily on that portion of the road I wasn't going very fast.

2008-04-30 9:07 AM
in reply to: #1370788

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Good news Hilary!

I am feeling a little stronger will run tonight. Sundays race will not be a race for me , but a group run. I am working on my training plan based on periodization, almost finished with it. ANyone want to look it over when I am done? It might require a fax.

 Happy Wednesday everyone.. Anyone hear from Eric???


2008-04-30 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hi kids.  How you doin?
2008-04-30 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1371812

San Antonio
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hey hang! Thanks for everyone checking in on me, but I have not really been on line much to respond. I've been somewhat preoccupied. Just got back from getting my 3rd opinion from a 3rd cardiologist on my condition. The first two were conflicting so, by a 2 to 1 vote mu heart appears to be okay and I do not need a pacemaker - at least not yet. They say I have Vasovagal Sincope (my heart rate and blood pressure drop causing near faint and associated weakness, fatigue, etc.). They also think that my nervous system is "out of wack". I have to now go see a neurologist for further examination, but they think that I may just have a chemical imbalance that is causing my nervous system to react and cause the flight or fight response and the corresponding drop in blood pressure. Appearantly medication should take care of the problem and I am keeping my fingers crossed. If after my neurology appointment they confirm the imbalance, then I can look at getting back into training. Finally.

The only good news about all this is that I have dropped about 18 lbs since January. And I am going to start going back to school to get my masters in education to teach. I figure if I can't have children, I might as well find a way to affect their life in some way. I'm prerry bored bring an Accountant anyway. I get nothing out of it an more. So that has been my life for the past month or so.

Glad to hear that everyone is progressing and racing. Keep letting us know how you are doing since I am going to have to live through ya'll vicariously for now.
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