BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lumber Dad's Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2010-03-24 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Hey all! Nothing exciting in South Alabama other than some nice 70 degree days.  Have dropped the HIM and all other Spring triathlons from my schedule.  Plan on doing local sprint in early June.  Swimming alot, riding some and cant wait to get back to running-all this great weather going to waste.


2010-03-25 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Yeah...I'm here...crappy workouts lately.  I've been tired and keep getting headaches in the pool.  Shins haven't completely healed yet, so I'm still waiting on that and it's been cold & rainy during my last two long bike rides outside. 

But on the other side, looks like this Saturday is going to be very nice out and I'm pumped for our group ride!  I'm trying to find shoes in my size to start running again next week, but am having problems locating them.
2010-03-25 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
I am here, been down with the flu.  I went four days without any kind of workout and felt absolutely awful, probably just as much from the inactivity as from the sickness. Not trying to sound self righteous by any means, but is that what people who don't exercise feel like all the time?  I see people here in the office who don't do much of anything and they seem sort of blah and chronically unhappy.  [gets down off soapbox]
2010-03-25 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2746585

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
slornow - 2010-03-24 8:09 PM

Hey all! Nothing exciting in South Alabama other than some nice 70 degree days.  Have dropped the HIM and all other Spring triathlons from my schedule.  Plan on doing local sprint in early June.  Swimming alot, riding some and cant wait to get back to running-all this great weather going to waste.


Only in the 30's here today with a COLD north wind.
2010-03-25 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Woke up a little late this morning (4:30), so I didn't have time to take Brewer for his run and still make it to the Y for a speed workout. So I desided to do my speed work on the track. I knew the temp was about 35, just didn't know how windy it was until I got out of the truck. Since I was there I might as well brave the wind. I was doing 800's, first one was 4 min, next was 3:37, the rest were 3:30 or better, ended up doing 6. Thought that went well when you figure in the wind chill.

About 15 minutes into my workout some else shows up to use the track. I don't know how that was going to go since Brewer was with me (he loves when we go to the track), but he didn't bother her too much. Didn't think I would see anyone on the track at 5am an March, but she said she was training for the 1/2 Marathon in Green Bay too.
2010-03-25 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2748016

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Kimberly, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

I'm here. Just keeping w/THE PROGRAM. And keeping my eye on the prize - 26.2!

Looks like I'll be participating in the Bellin Run (10K) in June. A friend from work has a registration deal.

2010-03-26 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2749125

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
HammerOZZ - 2010-03-25 5:11 PM

I'm here. Just keeping w/THE PROGRAM. And keeping my eye on the prize - 26.2!

Looks like I'll be participating in the Bellin Run (10K) in June. A friend from work has a registration deal.

Cool, always wanted to do the Bellin Run. I heard that is a big race.
2010-03-26 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2750104

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Kimberly, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Lumber Dad - 2010-03-26 8:09 AM
HammerOZZ - 2010-03-25 5:11 PM

I'm here. Just keeping w/THE PROGRAM. And keeping my eye on the prize - 26.2!

Looks like I'll be participating in the Bellin Run (10K) in June. A friend from work has a registration deal.

Cool, always wanted to do the Bellin Run. I heard that is a big race.

Right, it's BIG. 16,746 registered for the race last year. 

Registration is only gonna cost me 9 bucks. DEAL! I'll see if he can get this rate for others and let you know.

2010-03-26 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2747943

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Kimberly, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

abake - 2010-03-25 11:19 AM I am here, been down with the flu.  I went four days without any kind of workout and felt absolutely awful, probably just as much from the inactivity as from the sickness. Not trying to sound self righteous by any means, but is that what people who don't exercise feel like all the time?  I see people here in the office who don't do much of anything and they seem sort of blah and chronically unhappy.  [gets down off soapbox]

Keep preachin'! I'm always trying to spread the good word. 30 min of any kind of exercise per day and you'll be amazed what it'll do for your personal health, vanity and sanity.

2010-03-26 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2749125

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
HammerOZZ - 2010-03-25 5:11 PM

I'm here. Just keeping w/THE PROGRAM. And keeping my eye on the prize - 26.2!

Looks like I'll be participating in the Bellin Run (10K) in June. A friend from work has a registration deal.

That looks like a great race. A great big race too!!
2010-03-27 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

OK folks lets get things moving.  Yesterday-2800 yard swim workout and 1:00 easy bike. Today-bunch of yard work but was able to get 1:05 in on the bike pushing the pace some.  Hope to get a swim and bike in tomorrow.  Getting close to trying to run again. Enjoy the weekend!


2010-03-28 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2752882

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
slornow - 2010-03-27 9:28 PM

OK folks lets get things moving.  Yesterday-2800 yard swim workout and 1:00 easy bike. Today-bunch of yard work but was able to get 1:05 in on the bike pushing the pace some.  Hope to get a swim and bike in tomorrow.  Getting close to trying to run again. Enjoy the weekend!


That's awesome...looks like you are starting to really get into it!  That's awesome!  

Things are looking up for me as well, my shins feel pretty good this morning, so I'm going to take a slow short run as soon as it warms up a bit followed by about an hour on the trainer.  This will be my first run in over two weeks, so we'll see how it goes.  I'll take it nice and easy.  That wind is brutal out there! 
2010-03-28 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
You guys are kicking butt!  Great job. 
2010-03-28 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2753350

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

jgerbodegrant -  Things are looking up for me as well, my shins feel pretty good this morning, so I'm going to take a slow short run as soon as it warms up a bit followed by about an hour on the trainer.  This will be my first run in over two weeks, so we'll see how it goes.  I'll take it nice and easy.  That wind is brutal out there!

Hope your run goes better than mine.  Did an hour easy spin on the bike and thought I would give the right leg a try.  No go!  Tightened up after about a hundred yards.  Will just have to give it another week and hopefully try again.  Glad to hear the shins are better.


2010-03-28 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2753412

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
slornow - 2010-03-28 12:47 PM

jgerbodegrant -  Things are looking up for me as well, my shins feel pretty good this morning, so I'm going to take a slow short run as soon as it warms up a bit followed by about an hour on the trainer.  This will be my first run in over two weeks, so we'll see how it goes.  I'll take it nice and easy.  That wind is brutal out there!

Hope your run goes better than mine.  Did an hour easy spin on the bike and thought I would give the right leg a try.  No go!  Tightened up after about a hundred yards.  Will just have to give it another week and hopefully try again.  Glad to hear the shins are better.


2.4 miles AND ZERO PAIN!!!!!  

Just be patient'll come.  (coming from the most impatient person of course...easier said than done
2010-03-31 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Got back from MN yesterday. I think running a marathon would be easyer than walking around the Mall of America for two days.

Thought I would be able to try on a pair of the Vibram FF, but no one in the mall had them. Guess I will have to wait till I go to Green Bay.

2010-03-31 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Hey, didn't someone die at the Mall of America this last week?  Fell off a stair railing or something horrible?  Ugh...

Finally we are getting some nice weather. Going to attempt a bike/run brick tonight.
2010-03-31 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Rockford, MI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Finally hit the pool.  30 min of swim = about 900 yards.  I never said I was quick.  The weather here has been great, 80's for the weekend.  Took the bike into the local bike shop for a tune up so hopefully I can get some riding in - maybe on Friday.  Temps in the 40's next week.
2010-04-01 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Happy April Fools day everyone!

Speed work this morning, 8 x 800, I could feel thoes last 2 800's.
Only supposed to get down into the 50's tonight so I might do a bike ride tomorrow morning, as long as my bike light is still working.
2010-04-01 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2762247

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Lenny beat me to it, but Happy April Fools Day to all! 

I did a short brick last night and my legs are just really tired today. Supposed to do some mtbiking later.  It's in the 80s here, it's crazy!

2010-04-01 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Happy April Fool's Day!  

Going for a quick run and then swim class at 8.  We're headed up to VT this weekend to visit family.  Weather is supposed to be beautiful!  Happy Easter to all that celebrate! 

2010-04-01 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Traveling this weekend.  Hope everyone has safe travels if you are headed away from home. 


2010-04-05 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Not sure if anyone is coming out here yet.

Did everyone have a nice Easter? Eat too much, had to go out for lunch with my parents, had dinner and my wife's parents. Had to be at church by 6am to help with Easter breakfast, so all I had time for was a short walk with Brewer.

Baseball opening day, Go Brewers!
2010-04-05 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Had a very nice Easter weekend although it was very, very busy. No time for a real workout.  I over-ate yesterday and couldn't muster up the inertia to workout this morning. I was thinking this must be what a boa constrictor feels like after eating a cow.

2010-04-05 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Had a great 4 days off...back to the real world tomorrow.  Still got a couple good workouts in this weekend, so not all was lost.  Definitely ate too much though!  We had weather in the 80's up in VT this weekend, that is just crazy.  I literally saw people skiing at Jay Peak in bikinis.  It was awesome.
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