Other Resources Challenge Me! » November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's Rss Feed  
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2007-11-19 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1060511

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
lyssa-gator - 2007-11-19 12:26 PM

this board is TOO QUIET!!!
so what are you all doing today?? steve's writing a 30 page paper (no things in moderation, that's our steve) i don't have too much of a plan yet. i think i'm going to take my running clothes in to town, drop the kids off at my moms and take a 3 mile run around this lake near her house. i NEED a new route and since it's not snowing yet, i thought it might be fun. i also have to catch up on my sewing, and get my oldest to catch up on his schoolwork. i have to get a few recipes from my moms house, and make 3 kinds of Christmas cookies, a pumpkin pie, and a birthday cheesecake.
well that's my day in a nutshell, what are the rest of you doing today??
light_sabe_r i'm so glad you're still here!! we haven't heard from you in a while, you got engaged, then you VANISHED!!!
all right, i have to get started, or i won't make it today.

Speaking of not doing anything in moderation...

Your day sounds like mine...going shopping for T-Day stuff. Have to prepare for about 15-18 folks. Going to the In-Laws place in the mountains on a beautiful lake....Not much fun being cooped up with this group in the house...but GREAT running and riding opportunities...WHOOOO HOOOOOOO. Still trying to get a workout in this afternoon between shopping, homework stuff and having a house full of people <1 up to 55....

I'll try and check in tonight and tomorrow but after that I am off the air until Sunday night when we return.....wonder what BT withdrawal feels like...It probably can't be cured but I'll bet that 20 miles on the bike and a 1 hr. run mixed with 2 full days wearing spandix and smelly socks should be at least as good as a topical ointment..

Train hard and train safe


2007-11-19 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
ok, i pm-ed it to you joe-sorry i missed you the first time around!
my day took a left turn, i'm not going to my moms house, i'm stuck @ home now with no car-SOOOOOO now, i'll get caught up on everything, i have 4 quilts to finish, 2 skirts, all the schoolwork, and all the baking, (i LOVE baking!) the only thing that got cut was the running, and the grocery shopping. oh well, it'll all still be there tomorrow
dee--should i expect you in time for dinner?? be warned-you live here-you work here!!
2007-11-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1060541

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Baowolf - 2007-11-19 9:43 AM

You did have to mention snow... It is now coming down here pretty good. Hrm.... cross country skiing may be a posibility if it builds up anther few inches. And snow tires... I should probably get those out one of these days. Oh well back to report writing, first 8 pages done. ...

JEALOUS!!!! i'm baking,i have a fire in the woodstove, i'm sewing, all i'm missing to make this a perfect postcard holiday-day, is the snow!! ooh ooh, i;m breaking out the Christmas music!!

Edited by lyssa-gator 2007-11-19 2:28 PM
2007-11-19 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
K so I was succinct and got the report done in 18 pages, now to start doing mopup on the rest of the paperwork. It is taper week, so I have lite workouts all week. I'm not sure if that is good or if it will drive me nuts. It looks like Joe is going to attend the same tri with me next month in Hemmet? Well, time to review 100 pages of junk, add corrections and then well do some papework. Love these days off.
2007-11-19 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1059306

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

November Challenge - Week 2 Results

November is now 60% completed. Are you meeting your goals?

Even though we're organized into teams, your goals for the November Challenge are really INDIVIDUAL ones. Therefore, I'm listing the results by INDIVIDUALS this week. That way, everyone will know exactly where they stand.

There's a good chance that I missed someone, so if you're supposed to be on a list but aren't -- well, it wasn't intentional. (My eyes started to cross after awhile.) If your name is missing, please DO brag about your progress with your teammates, so you can get the congratulations that you deserve.

People who have a goal at 100%: (Note: You don't get credit for more than 100%. So if you're there already, think about raising your goal! It is only November 19th, after all.)
Moscateers: ell-in-or
Vigilantes: Virtus
Turkey Terrors: Nhmorgan
5ForFighting: Antti_asu, Pulch, Rzzqb8
Twisnibbins: HCS5QA, Kns57, Tnickerson, Brynn
Wild Hippos: Baowolf
Hard Corps Tri Corps: ---
Overall team leading this category: Twisnibbins (4 people)

People who have ALL goals at 54% or higher:
Moscateers: Enders_Shadow, Mosc11, Mosc57, Saling4
Vigilantes: DeannaS
Turkey Terrors: Miche033, Gygyhawk, DMW
5ForFighting: Van_paulus, Max, Karl_Hungus,
Twisnibbins: HCS5QA, D001, Brynn
Wild Hippos: Baowolf, JasonBohn9
Hard Corps Tri Corps: Zipp1
Overall team leading this category: Moscateers (4 people)

People in serious need of intervention. (All goals at less than 15%):
Moscateers: No one!
Turkey Terrors: No one!
5ForFighting: No one!
Twisnibbins: No one!
Wild Hippos: No one!
Hard Corps Tri Corps: No one!
Overall team losing this category: No one!

People not reporting for Week #2:
Moscateers: ---
Vigilantes: Jessicacrouchrt, Medusa_Ann, Rmaldon240, ScotinSeattle, SoManyGoals
Turkey Terrors: Nccgrap, Joebowler, D.Z., TriChica
5ForFighting: ---
Twisnibbins: Barqhead, Legrand, Sparco, Spokes, Donto
Wild Hippos: SoapQueen2, Bajapat, Joemac3, Nate_21, Owl_girl, Vida_Nova
Hard Corps Tri Corps: DeputyDawg, Twins_momma, Szbilicki, Crabsrule, KLynne, Runnerg1rl7, Gillyfev, ACGRAY22, Cleavitt, So_Fresh_So_Clean
Overall teams winning this category: Moscateers and 5ForFighting (100% reported in.)

Team leaders - please contact your team members who have not reported yet. It may be that they are having trouble using the Google Spreadsheet. If so, please help them record their info, or enter it for them.


2007-11-19 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
WOW!!! it looks like steve and jason are the rockstars of the hippos!!
great job you guys! clearly you rock!
awesome job!

i will get my butt in gear this week, i'm at (i think) 53% total, so i'll be jumping it up this week, and hopefully be at at least 75% by next check in.

again-awesome job steve and jason!!

2007-11-19 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Bah not a good idea to not eat for 11 hours prior to working out.. oh well. Tapor week, 5.5 miles run, (4.5 at 9:22 pace ish) and 30 min lifting. Every little it counts.

My whole family is sick, 4 of 5 children were asleep by 7pm during vacation week by choice. Doesn't bode well for me in the near future.

Alyssa take a look at my pretty exercize logged chart for the past 4-5 weeks, it is soooo by the book build and taper 8).
2007-11-20 2:31 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Cat. I'm finally done celebrating.  I don't think I'm going to make my run total though - Maybe 10hours was a bit too much!!!   I've run every day this week so far and haven't so much as made a dent in it!  There's only 10 days left!!!

On course for the ride totals!  Got a few rides planned.  Swimmings  - eh -  and don't get me started on weights.  ;_;


At least I'm above 15%!


Congrats to Baowolf!  Dude you rock to get 100% already!  Now that's motivation!!! 

2007-11-20 2:57 AM
in reply to: #1061727

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
light_sabe_r - 2007-11-20 7:31 PM

Cat. I'm finally done celebrating. I don't think I'm going to make my run total though - Maybe 10hours was a bit too much!!! I've run every day this week so far and haven't so much as made a dent in it! There's only 10 days left!!!

On course for the ride totals! Got a few rides planned. Swimmings - eh - and don't get me started on weights. ;_;


At least I'm above 15%!


Congrats to Baowolf! Dude you rock to get 100% already! Now that's motivation!!!

Yes Go Baowolf GO!!!

Unfortunatley personal issues have got in the way of my training life this month too... Gonna do the best I can, dust myself off and  keep going!

Life happens... but I AM going to try and knock off as much as I can! 

2007-11-20 4:36 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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West Allis
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
just got back from an 11 mile biking wander, and yes, it's 4:30am

for the month i'm at:

4080 yards swimming of 5000 = 81.6 %
45 miles biking of 60 = 75 %
30 miles walking of 40 = 75%

Overall total of 73.9%

I will wrap up the swim portion tomorrow or wednesday and hopefully another walk or so....so that will put me at 85% with 10 days to go.

Lyssa, isn't it great when life gets in the way of training? GET YOUR IN GEAR!!!!!!!
2007-11-20 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
ahhhh. jason, i was beginning to think you didn't care J/K

so a few minutes and i'll be out the door, i don't have tons of time this morning, but am hoping to catch about a 5 miler. ALSO, i'll be @ my parents house this evening, and that's where the cursed stationary bike is, so i'll put in some more time there. i lost another pound this morning, so i only have like 2 more to go. i'm pretty confident that i can reach my goal by the end of the month, but it freaked me out when light-sabe-r said there's only 10 days left

i got a lot done yesterday, but not enough, i still have 2 quilts to make, and another skirt, and well, now i found out i also have a dress to make, and about 3 days worth of baking to do. i THOUGHT i was caught up
oh well, good thing i like it so much

have a good day hippos

2007-11-20 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Greenbelt, MD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Question about the spreadsheet since I don't think I filled it out properly (otherwise I should have been listed in the over 54% crowd).  For week 2 were we just supposed to put in the total from the 12th - 18th or for the entire month up to the 18th.  I did the former (and assumed like most spreadsheets there'd be a tally column that needed to be hand computed or something).  So, do I need to go back and change that...cause I notice some people have higher numbers for week 2 than week 1 (not likely since week 1 was so long), which is why I figure I did it wrong because my numbers dip.  I'm confused and don't want to gip us in the standings if I'm wrong.

Edited by AmbulanceDriver 2007-11-20 1:32 PM
2007-11-20 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1062487

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
AmbulanceDriver - 2007-11-20 2:31 PM

Question about the spreadsheet since I don't think I filled it out properly (otherwise I should have been listed in the over 54% crowd). For week 2 were we just supposed to put in the total from the 12th - 18th or for the entire month up to the 18th. I did the former (and assumed like most spreadsheets there'd be a tally column that needed to be hand computed or something). So, do I need to go back and change that...cause I notice some people have higher numbers for week 2 than week 1 (not likely since week 1 was so long), which is why I figure I did it wrong because my numbers dip. I'm confused and don't want to gip us in the standings if I'm wrong.

Two ways to handle this:

1) Put cumulative numbers in. (So week 2 is a combined 1+2 total)


2) Put each week in separately, but ADD the numbers in the final column, so your overall total shows up there.

If you do either of these 2 methods, I can figure out what you've done.

2007-11-20 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1062576

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL.........well at least all of the USA crowd here.

I am off to the mountains/lake for the rest of the week and will be without a computer...but I will have my running shoes and my bike with me so I can keep up the pace for reaching our goals.

Hope everyone has a great and productive week and will check back in on Sunday night and see just how the Hippos are doing.

Train hard and Train safe but remember...just Train.

2007-11-20 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

WOOHOO!  Happy Thanksgiving to the americans on our team!

 Trying to run every day this week.  Need to be at 8hours by the end of the week and am hoping to be at over 11 hours on the bike and over 7 hours in the swim. 

 Need to do three more weight sessions this week to be back on track! 

2007-11-20 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Greenbelt, MD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Okay now that I've had the spreadsheet explained to me I fixed it so that each week is just my total for the month up to that week...puts me at 62 or 63% for each of my goals.

Man was my run/walk hard today...I've been a bit down in the dumps (holiday blues I guess) so I was definitely walking alot slower.

And now I just got a monkey wrench thrown into my plans...I may have to go out to the international airport tomorrow to pick up a cat my mother was shipping to Sweden (she breeds Ragdolls) but the cat got stuck in France because the Air France people are striking...so if they can't find a way to get her on another flight they are returning this poor cat to Dulles tomorrow...which means I'll probably need somewhere in the range of 5 hours with all the holiday traffic and rush hour traffic to get out there and back (would be less than an hour each way with normal traffic)...plus the pain of paperwork and stuff just to pick her up. So, if I have to do that, I won't get a swim in tomorrow...so that means I'll have to get at least another half hour in somewhere along the way...maybe if I get back into town early enough on Sunday (not likely with all the traffic) I'll go then...or I'll do an odd walk/swim brick on Monday.

I refuse not to meet my goal regardless of transatlantic kitty issues!

Okay enough venting...

Hope everyone who is celebrating trytophan overdose day on Thursday has a wonderful holiday and enjoys the excuse to super carb load on all the stuffing and pie and stuff....plus you get a nice protein hit with the turkey!

2007-11-20 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Man 21 F out today cold bike ride. 15.3 miles. Taper week.

Gona be hard to not take a long run in the snow tomorrow... remember it is a week to relax and heal....

Oh well off to get fod.
2007-11-21 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1030850

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
I guess maybe we should change our name to the ghost town team. Never anyone here.....
2007-11-21 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1063925

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
Baowolf - 2007-11-21 12:32 PM

I guess maybe we should change our name to the ghost town team. Never anyone here.....

I'm here!

Oh wait. I'm not on your team.....

It's a slow day at work. You'd think I would be able to get a lot done. But nooooooo. Instead, I'm playing around on BT. LOL

Happy Thanksgiving!

Edited by D001 2007-11-21 11:52 AM
2007-11-21 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1063925

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's

Baowolf - 2007-11-22 2:32 AM I guess maybe we should change our name to the ghost town team. Never anyone here.....


WE're all out training that's why!  ^_^  

 Isn't everyone stuffing their faces with turkey on a day like today anyway??

2007-11-21 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1064071

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Greenbelt, MD
Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
light_sabe_r - 2007-11-21 1:53 PM


Isn't everyone stuffing their faces with turkey on a day like today anyway??


No remember we're a day behind you...that's tomorrow when we all stuff ourselves, we watch 300+ lb men in spandex and pads pummel each other, and then we all fall asleep in a tryptophan coma. Well I imagine the BTers might throw a workout in there, but that's about it for most of us Americans

2007-11-21 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1064144

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
AmbulanceDriver - 2007-11-22 6:53 AM
light_sabe_r - 2007-11-21 1:53 PM


Isn't everyone stuffing their faces with turkey on a day like today anyway??


No remember we're a day behind you...that's tomorrow when we all stuff ourselves, we watch 300+ lb men in spandex and pads pummel each other, and then we all fall asleep in a tryptophan coma. Well I imagine the BTers might throw a workout in there, but that's about it for most of us Americans

Riiiight.... well its tomorrow here and Im at work so that sounds much better!

2007-11-21 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1064323

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
kaqphin - 2007-11-21 4:54 PM

AmbulanceDriver - 2007-11-22 6:53 AM
light_sabe_r - 2007-11-21 1:53 PM

Isn't everyone stuffing their faces with turkey on a day like today anyway??

No remember we're a day behind you...that's tomorrow when we all stuff ourselves, we watch 300+ lb men in spandex and pads pummel each other, and then we all fall asleep in a tryptophan coma. Well I imagine the BTers might throw a workout in there, but that's about it for most of us Americans

Riiiight.... well its tomorrow here and Im at work so that sounds much better!

It's today here, and I was at work too. I'm not now, 'cause it's 6:30 PM. I RUSHED right home to log onto BT.... Not that, ahem, I'm additcted to BT..... Or anything.....

2007-11-21 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1064419

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
D001 - 2007-11-22 10:30 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-21 4:54 PM
AmbulanceDriver - 2007-11-22 6:53 AM
light_sabe_r - 2007-11-21 1:53 PM


Isn't everyone stuffing their faces with turkey on a day like today anyway??


No remember we're a day behind you...that's tomorrow when we all stuff ourselves, we watch 300+ lb men in spandex and pads pummel each other, and then we all fall asleep in a tryptophan coma. Well I imagine the BTers might throw a workout in there, but that's about it for most of us Americans

Riiiight.... well its tomorrow here and Im at work so that sounds much better!

It's today here, and I was at work too. I'm not now, 'cause it's 6:30 PM. I RUSHED right home to log onto BT.... Not that, ahem, I'm additcted to BT..... Or anything.....

umm sure Dee... you tell yourself that!

2007-11-21 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1064478

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Subject: RE: November "You Choice" Challenge Team Wild Hippo's
kaqphin - 2007-11-21 7:38 PM

D001 - 2007-11-22 10:30 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-21 4:54 PM
AmbulanceDriver - 2007-11-22 6:53 AM
light_sabe_r - 2007-11-21 1:53 PM

Isn't everyone stuffing their faces with turkey on a day like today anyway??

No remember we're a day behind you...that's tomorrow when we all stuff ourselves, we watch 300+ lb men in spandex and pads pummel each other, and then we all fall asleep in a tryptophan coma. Well I imagine the BTers might throw a workout in there, but that's about it for most of us Americans

Riiiight.... well its tomorrow here and Im at work so that sounds much better!

It's today here, and I was at work too. I'm not now, 'cause it's 6:30 PM. I RUSHED right home to log onto BT.... Not that, ahem, I'm additcted to BT..... Or anything.....

umm sure Dee... you tell yourself that!

Two things I seem to be addicted to:
1) BT
2) Junk food

The first, I'm ok with.... The second, well, I really should cut down on that.....

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