General Discussion Triathlon Talk » CrossFit WOD Rss Feed  
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2009-01-12 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1901918

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2009-01-12 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1901857

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
berlinsd - 2009-01-12 9:08 AM

I like Nicole Carroll's description of crossfit from the website last week.

  • . .

  • "Wow this works."

    huh... I guess I forgot the four letter adjective that modifies works. It begins with "S" and ends with "it".
    2009-01-12 8:33 PM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Fort Bragg
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    Feeling sorry for yourself? Then watch today's video.
    2009-01-20 9:17 AM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Extreme Veteran
    Tucson, AZ
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    A pic submitted from my box made the CrossFit affliate blog...check it out at
    2009-01-20 10:14 AM
    in reply to: #1917818

    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    So that's you, huh?
    2009-01-20 10:20 AM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Extreme Veteran
    Tucson, AZ
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    sure is...that'll teach me to get to class early!

    2009-01-21 7:36 PM
    in reply to: #1917983

    Knoxville area
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    Gah Pueblo... I think I might start showing up early a bit more often
    2009-01-26 8:24 AM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Subject: ...
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    2009-01-26 10:41 PM
    in reply to: #1369702

    In limbo
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

    Today was a rough one for me.  Two things I'm horrible at combined into one awful workout:

    30 KB swings, 5 wall ball, 25 KB swings, 10 wall ball, 20 KB swings, 15 wall ball, etc. 'til you reach 30 wall ball.  And those last 30 wall ball were AWFUL!  I'm really proud of myself that I did the whole thing w/out having to scale it.  I did use a little lighter KB than RX'ed (don't remember what the RX was...mine was 16 kg).  The whole thing took me 20 min., which is horribly slow, but i'm still happy w/it.  I literally could barely walk by the end.  My legs are still hurtin' if I try to do stairs.  Tomorrow should be interesting.... 

    To add to the fun of the day I met a girl I hadn't seen there before.  When I told her my name she said "Oh you're the strong one with the huge deadlift!"  It's fun to be recognized for something.   I'm typically dead last on the endurance stuff but I but up pretty good competition for strength.

    Edited by lil_turtle 2009-01-26 10:53 PM
    2009-01-27 8:39 AM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Subject: ...
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    2009-01-29 3:31 PM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Reston, VA
    Gold member
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

    Yesterday's WO in my CF gym was one of the hardest yet ... Still hurting!

    80 Squats, 40 Kb (36 LB) Swing, 20 Burpees
    64 Squats, 32 Kb Swing, 16 Burpees
    48 Squats, 24 Kb Swing, 12 Burpees
    32 Squats, 16 Kb Swings, 8 Burpees
    24 Squats, 12 Kb Swings, 6 Burpees
    16 Squats, 8 Kb Swings, 3 Burpees

    When I was done (28 minutes and change) it was painful to breathe 

    2009-02-01 11:32 AM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Knoxville area
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

    yesterday did a mean workout you could say was crossfit inspired. Killing my quads as I type.


    135lb jump squats, 6 reps

    High box jumps, 14 reps

    rest 30 seconds

    repeat x3


    legs, and calves miraculously, are toast.

    2009-02-02 9:20 PM
    in reply to: #1936272

    In limbo
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    Z - 2009-01-29 1:31 PM

    Yesterday's WO in my CF gym was one of the hardest yet ... Still hurting!

    80 Squats, 40 Kb (36 LB) Swing, 20 Burpees
    64 Squats, 32 Kb Swing, 16 Burpees
    48 Squats, 24 Kb Swing, 12 Burpees
    32 Squats, 16 Kb Swings, 8 Burpees
    24 Squats, 12 Kb Swings, 6 Burpees
    16 Squats, 8 Kb Swings, 3 Burpees

    When I was done (28 minutes and change) it was painful to breathe 

    That sounds AWFUL!

    I had an exciting crossfit moment the other day.  I was the only one out of everyone that worked out that day to do the workout as RX'ed.  That's definitely something I never thought would happen.  Usually I have to scale everything.

    The workout was 5 rounds of 5 deadlifts (men: 315 lbs, women: 205) and 20 box jumps.  It was tough.  Neither deadlifts or box jumps are that hard on their own (ok box jumps are evil) but with the two combined the last couple rounds got really hard.  I finished in 12:30.  I guess I'm just lucky that heavy deadlifts are one of my few crossfit skills.  Regardless, I'll take my moment of glory.    

    2009-02-06 9:29 PM
    in reply to: #1942466

    Reston, VA
    Gold member
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    lil_turtle - 2009-02-02 10:20 PM
    Z - 2009-01-29 1:31 PM

    Yesterday's WO in my CF gym was one of the hardest yet ... Still hurting!

    80 Squats, 40 Kb (36 LB) Swing, 20 Burpees
    64 Squats, 32 Kb Swing, 16 Burpees
    48 Squats, 24 Kb Swing, 12 Burpees
    32 Squats, 16 Kb Swings, 8 Burpees
    24 Squats, 12 Kb Swings, 6 Burpees
    16 Squats, 8 Kb Swings, 3 Burpees

    When I was done (28 minutes and change) it was painful to breathe 

    That sounds AWFUL!

    I had an exciting crossfit moment the other day.  I was the only one out of everyone that worked out that day to do the workout as RX'ed.  That's definitely something I never thought would happen.  Usually I have to scale everything.

    The workout was 5 rounds of 5 deadlifts (men: 315 lbs, women: 205) and 20 box jumps.  It was tough.  Neither deadlifts or box jumps are that hard on their own (ok box jumps are evil) but with the two combined the last couple rounds got really hard.  I finished in 12:30.  I guess I'm just lucky that heavy deadlifts are one of my few crossfit skills.  Regardless, I'll take my moment of glory.    

    Great work!!! I had box jumps today. Very evil. 

    2009-02-10 10:10 PM
    in reply to: #1879169

    In limbo
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

    lil_turtle - 2008-12-30 11:24 PM I got a new deadlift PR today.  And it was the women's gym record.  250 lbs.  Woohoo!

    Beat my old record today.  Surprised myself and made it up to 275!

    2009-02-12 12:08 PM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Subject: ...
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    2009-02-13 3:42 PM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Fort Bragg
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    Went for a benchmark workout today. I've been training really hard and have had plenty of time to do it in this school setting.

    Today Sparta came to Charlottesville. It brought the 300 with it. And today, I CRUSHED my PR.

    June 2008: 25:56
    Sept 2008: 24:30
    Today: 20:57

    That's over 3 1/2 minutes! Awesome... I couldn't be happier.
    2009-02-17 9:28 AM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Extreme Veteran
    Tucson, AZ
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    After a week off and still feeling the effects of a benadryl fog, an evil lady was posted as the Wod...Fran! Completed as RX'd in 5:09!!! A near 3min PR from prior! Fran visited in celebration of the new pullup bar system recently installed at the affiliate I joined. Check it out at
    2009-02-17 11:57 AM
    in reply to: #1966046

    Fort Bragg
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    oldpueblotriguy - 2009-02-17 10:28 AM

    After a week off and still feeling the effects of a benadryl fog, an evil lady was posted as the Wod...Fran! Completed as RX'd in 5:09!!! A near 3min PR from prior! Fran visited in celebration of the new pullup bar system recently installed at the affiliate I joined. Check it out at

    Sweet. I unfortunately did not have a good meeting with Fran this morning. I blasted through round 1, but my pull-up bar made me grip wide. Not a big deal until I got to the second set of thrusters. My forearms felt a lot pressure and "discomfort" (AKA pain). So I slowed it down and made it through in 8:17. I was gagging on pfleghm and darn near got my pukie patch (5th award).
    2009-02-17 3:35 PM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Extreme Veteran
    Austin, TX
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

    I've only been going CF for a week, so my body is still adjusting.  I've been modifying the workouts so I don't get hurt (like I did at my first CF workout... major muscle pulling in my abs).  Last night, I did the "3 Rounds for Time" of:

    500 meters rowing
    12 burpees
    run 400 meters

    Prior to doing it, I thought that this might actually be a more relaxing workout.   Needless to say, I blew that one.  I was only able to do "2 Rounds for Time of:

    500 meters rowing (400 meters on the second one due to left knee pain)
    12 burpees (8 on the second round due to left knee pain)
    run 400 meters (400 meters on the second one... thank goodness for small favors!!)

    I finished / nearly died at 10:45, but I'm putting that in my "Do This on Overhead Lift" days (since overhead lifts aren't allowed at my gym).  I WILL work up to the full set!!


    2009-02-17 7:01 PM
    in reply to: #1966922

    Fort Bragg
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    TXGreyhoundGuy - 2009-02-17 4:35 PM

    I've only been going CF for a week, so my body is still adjusting. 

    Good stuff Joel. I hope you enjoy CF. I've been doing CF for a year and a half and my body is still adjusting. I hit the wall on Fran this morning and I still feel like crap 12 hours later.


    2009-02-22 12:09 PM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Extreme Veteran
    Bainbridge Island, Washington
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    OMG my cycling team went for a Crossfit workout yesterday. Today, none of us can walk! Our planned ride has been cancelled since we are all sitting in hot baths! And we thought we were in shape... lol
    2009-02-25 8:59 AM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Fort Bragg
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    I did a muscle-up!!!!
    2009-02-25 9:13 AM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Extreme Veteran
    Tucson, AZ
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
    Killer! Great accomplishement Steve!
    2009-03-01 3:45 PM
    in reply to: #1369702

    Knoxville area
    Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

    actually did a crossfit today! (First one in months!)

    Helen - 11:26


    As I remember I had broke 10min on hel(l)en when I was xfitting hardcore... I suppose I need to get back at it! I was beat down after this one.

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