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2011-02-13 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Sounds like a great time in NOLA. I'm sure the locals are glad the California girls left so things can settle down. Good luck making it back to work after a east-west flight.

I got in a longish run today.
The weather is going to be nice here tomorrow. I'm supposed to swim tomorrow but am considering a long ride while the weather is nice.

2011-02-14 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
The nice weather yesterday was awesome! Hope you guys are doing well and able to get some solid work in. Mad props to Ashley for saving that marathoner during the a tutu no less! Well done Peter too for getting some long stuff in. Hopefully you can ride long today.

This week will be a test of my tolerance for frustration as Shanks has deemed it a recovery week and said he will crank it up next week. I guess my body will be thankful.

What are you all up to? Are you meeting your goals? Have any topics or questions? Lately I have been thinking about how much the swim takes out of me on race day. I pretty much used to discount it as a glorified warmup but now I am thinking more and more that it needs to be factored into the equation.
2011-02-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I did a recovery ride this morning and will be off to the pool at lunch. I felt like swimming would be more important than the long ride. The weather is looking good for this weekend and I am not on call so I will get my long stuff in at that point. Busy work week.

Happy Valentines day everybody.

One topic that has been bothering me is the short, high intensity work-outs. According to Coach Troy they are as or more effective than long poorly executed work-outs. When I get a little time constrained  I follow  one of these. I need reassurance that I am doing the right thing. Some of these work-outs only give me 7-11 miles total.

I am also going to post this on the big board.
2011-02-14 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
feels like i need a weekend to recover from this past weekend!
(& no... sadly not b/c i was training 24-7 like a crazy mo-fo!)
the only workout i got in was a 20k long run on Sunday (which was VERY pleasant, especially since the weather was so mild).
my ultegra pedals arrived from overseas today!
they've arrived before the shoes did (which i ordered from New York back at the end of January...)
here's hoping those aren't lost in the mail....
can't wait to try them out!
as i increase my (running) mileage heading into the 30k next month & the Spring marathon... i'm worried my legs just don't have it in them to keep up with spinning/cycling twice a week...
but maybe i should push through that for a week or two & see how it goes....
(just not this week, i've got a late meeting tomorrow night & i'll need to swap a cycle for an additional run this week)
but generally, the plan for this week is:
running x 3
swimming x 2
cycling x 1

happy valentines day everybody!!
2011-02-14 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3353597

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
phatknot - 2011-02-14 7:31 AM The nice weather yesterday was awesome! Hope you guys are doing well and able to get some solid work in. Mad props to Ashley for saving that marathoner during the a tutu no less! Well done Peter too for getting some long stuff in. Hopefully you can ride long today.

This week will be a test of my tolerance for frustration as Shanks has deemed it a recovery week and said he will crank it up next week. I guess my body will be thankful.

What are you all up to? Are you meeting your goals? Have any topics or questions? Lately I have been thinking about how much the swim takes out of me on race day. I pretty much used to discount it as a glorified warmup but now I am thinking more and more that it needs to be factored into the equation.

Coach D says that one of the main things that improving your swim will do is get you to T2 fresh without a HR thru the roof.  It's not all about speed.  I buy into that whole heartedly!
2011-02-14 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
& an ultra romantic hr long master's swim session planned for tonight

2011-02-14 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Last Week's Numbers:
Swim: 6700m
Bike: 265min on the drainer
Run: 39km on the dreadmill 

Today I was looking forward to an easy Monday - noramally only a swim is planned for mondays, and then, gasp, I just realized that my training plan has added a monday bike ride starting this week. Bike 3rd Day in a row. OK, time to HTFU.

2011-02-14 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Well I rushed over to Victoria secret to savemyass. Took the full day off from workouts to allow my body some time to absorb all this training. Glad the gear has begun to arrive along with some tougher workouts even on the holiday. Way to go y'all!Peter: to answer your question, Jorge wrote a simple blog which I think is pertinent above and beyond the advice from fleck I shared earlier may get you there
2011-02-15 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
WARNING: so gross  Frown
i think i have an ingrown toe nail!
woke me RIGHT up at 5am this morning absolutely throbbing along the nail
(not a pleasant topic of discussion to go with our morning coffees...)
but OUCH
felt like there was zero warning (i tend to ignore small little aches & pains in my feet since they take a beating so regularly)
but, i got an appt with a professional so they can take a look & tell me how to FIX THIS!
very frustrating...
i know i'm missing tonight's run b/c of a late meeting... but with how painful the darned thing has been so far today (couldn't even stand to keep my foot under the sheets), it's making me worry about tomorrow too
anyone else had one of these??
(how long does it take for this to go away??)
but apart from that- had a great swim last night
i heart the pool!
& my event confirmations all came through!
just have 1 more event to book, then 2011 will be SET!
2011-02-15 9:29 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I've had several ingrown toenails.  Treatment really depends on severity.  Eventually, I had one that got so bad that I had surgery on it. Now it's fantastic and I haven't had an ingrown toenail since.  The various treatments I've received include: lancing (feels so amazing!), antibiotics, and digging the ingrown part out of the side of the nail (ouchie).  Your doctor can talk to you about preventing ingrowns.  You have to be really careful about how you cut your toenails.

Good luck!  Hope you feel better...I know it's crazy painful. 
2011-02-15 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
i had NO clue it would hurt like this (but maybe it's having to wear shoes at work that's not helping things either)
thanks for the info!!
ONE last question...

(just curious at what point after they treat you can you get back to comfortably running again...?)

2011-02-15 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3355974

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
this is funny that you bring this up. for 4-5 days i was just dying but still muddling through my runs with a ingrown toenail. wrongly, i assumed (like you) that it was due to me dislodging the nail from the nailbed during my long run. it got worse and worse and i couldnt bear it. instead of going home after work i went to the asian nail spa in the mall because at the shop the owner is a specialist in this. i get pedicures on a monthly basis so i trust her.

she dug in there and i winced and wiggled while she held my foot still. after a couple tries she got hold of it and yanked it out. she said "GOT IT!" and i stopped crying like a baby. It hurt for a couple more hours from all the digging in but today it felt like a new man. i tipped her big and rolled out. im not going for surgery for something i can get fixed in the mall haha. all those ladies there get a kick out of seeing me cry...

2011-02-15 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
tempting to get a pedicure (admittedly)...
i just don't want to get rid of all of my hard-earned callouses before next month's big run!
(but maybe i should)
but at least my health benefits cover a BIT of this visit-to-be...
(i'll be interested to hear what they have to say...)
i generally assume my feet are a lost cause
but it'll be interesting (if not really embarrassing!) to get a professional opinion!
OK... i'll stop my whining now Embarassed
2011-02-15 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3356371

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
you can keep the callouses and get the pedicure AND go see the foot doc! best of both worlds.
2011-02-15 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I posted a question similar to what Peter asked me to Jorge M on his blog and this is how it went:

Harvey L. Gayer said...

I appreciate you writing this up Jorge. Basic but solid information. I got a question about whether the typical longer course age grouper can get the most bang from the buck by manipulating intensity on the bike. IOW does the harder Vo2 and LT sets provide you with the lift you need to improve your longer course performance if you cant ride long? I think its a comprehensive package that would be short the adaptation that comes from long rides. Is manipulating intensity in the absence of volume enough? I don't know but I suspect not based on what you are writing.

Harvey - while you can certainly manipulate your load via intensity in the absence of volume, still for long course distance racing endurance training is the specific adaptation you will need if your want to maximize your performance.
If time availability is your biggest limiter, you can increase your return on investment by adding intensity focusing primarily on your Critical Power (aka LT). Still, that will take you so far for 70.3 and IM.

Here is my take:
To maximize long course tri performance, you have to train all three systems in all three sports (provided you have good technique esp in swimming), but you can get some quality bang for the buck by knocking out longer but harder intervals and doing longer and longer tempo/LT work. Let me know if this requires further explanation.
2011-02-15 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I take care of a lot of ingrown toe nails in my practice. The advantage of seeing am MD over the Nail Tech at the mall is the MD is able to numb the area and do the procedure painlessly. I did a baseball player yesterday and he was back to playing ball last night. To make sure the ingrown segment doesn't come back part of the nail bed should be ablated so the nail grows back a little smaller than before. If the ingrown segment is simply removed it will almost always recur.

I do enjoy my pedicures about once or twice a year when my wife makes me go.

I had a late night with my Valentine and a long day at work. This ended up being a forced rest day. Tomorrow does not appear to be much better.  My princess is an acolyte at chapel at her school tomorrow and really wants me to attend. I will probably wake up very early and do a high intensity spin.

Edited by pschriver 2011-02-15 3:26 PM

2011-02-16 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Hi everyone ... sorry it's been a while!!

If I may butt in on the ingrown toenail thing (and yep, it IS gross!!) ... I've had the surgery. I reckon it's the same as Nerdjock had. They actually cut the side right out of my toenail and removed the root of the part they cut out. Now, you wouldn't know unless I told you and you looked really hard at the nail. It was the best thing I had done. That was about 3 years ago and I have NEVER had a problem since (touch wood)!
It probably took two weeks to completely heal and it was quite painful/achey for about three days after the surgery.
As I said, no problems since. It's amazing. I'd almost consider it as a pre-emptive thing ... almost (not really)!!!

Hope it feels better soon.

2011-02-16 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Dont you guys and gals be ducking Slayer or Im gonna go HAM on you. What are you up to?
2011-02-16 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
High intensity 30 min Spinnerval 23 #1 followed by chapel with my daughter. She did great.

Paris Island is less than 4 weeks away. I feel the need to focus
2011-02-16 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
some sort of icy/cautious run after work tonight followed by another hour with my master's swim group.
& thanks for the nail advice!
apparently i did a good job of cutting the nail (immediately after it woke me up the other morning)
the doctor checked it out & there's no longer any sign of an ingrown nail & (thankfully!) there's no infection
but yes-- preventing something like this from happening again WILL be important!
(i'm still planning on holding off on the pedicure until AFTER the 30k event next month!) Embarassed
& now my latest (minor) concern: the shoes i ordered online (from NY) still haven't arrived...
it's making me nervous...
(i really want them!) Tongue out
2011-02-16 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Big time HTFU 29 mile bike ride for me today.  We have rainy, crappy weather here in Sac but the sun came out today, so I jumped on my bike and headed out on the bike trail.  Windy but super nice.  Turned around and the sky turned an ominous black...bad news.  We're supposed to have thunder storms later today.  Started hauling, which was about 12 mph with the wind blowing me around, and about 5 minutes from home it starts raining like it's a monsoon.  After a couple of minutes I think F!  That rain f-ing hurts and realize that it's hail!  Ouch!  Keep riding and it's so windy that I can't take my hands off the handlebars so snot is shooting out of my nose into the wind.  Gross but I think it's funny.  Rode by a school and I think the kids were scared by my facial expression + snot.  Made it home. Feels great.  My bike is covered in worms, which my dogs are trying to eat off my bike.

2011-02-16 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Good job on the ride. Sometimes the weather gods are out to get you. I started a 100 mile ride several months ago that was going to be 5 x 20 mile loops. After the second loop it started to drizzle. I thought I could tough it out until midway though the 3rd loop it started hailing and sleeting. I rode my bike straight home and finished on the trainer. If it was easy everyone would be doing it.

I'm sure the kids at the school were really impressed.
2011-02-16 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Night work has been kicking my butt. Tonight I have night shift and just an eight-hour turnaround before I'm back at the office for day shift. Think I need a new career!!!!!!

Did a gentle 40km on the trainer yesterday, in front of the TV, watching Shutter Island. Watching something engrossing distracts me from my sore arse!

Today is just some gentle yoga as there is a twilight club race tomorrow night. If I get home from work at a reasonable hour and the husband knocks off on time to look after the boy I will go along for a little hit-out. Should be fun.

That's a lot of ifs, but it's all I got.

I'm trying to keep things rolling along for my sprint-distance on the 27th. Haven't done much swimming though. Embarassed

2011-02-16 5:51 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
At the half on Sunday, there was a 9 or so year old girl holding a sign that said: "Who fartleked?"

Best sign ever! Tongue out 
2011-02-16 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
snot, toenails, and next we will be talking about crap and pee! Good work with the HTFU. Everyone needs to keep focused including Slayer, shoe shippers, sign holders, bike lickers, etc.  Lets keep doing the best we can to make our season a success. Slayers are made in the winter not in the summer!
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