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2011-05-17 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3503181

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
kenj - 2011-05-17 5:52 AM
Trout - 2011-05-16 2:05 PM

Decided to try practice sighting in the pool today and it was somewhat of a disaster.  I feel like I can't get my head up high enough to sight after all of the practice of keeping my head down while swimming.

What techniques do ya'll use when sighting?  Do you breathe then look?  Do you look then breathe?  Do you do both nearly simultaneously? 

Thanks for the help!

Good for you for practicing!  Tough to figure this out during the first race of the season! Cool
One benefit of the race is that it is usually a larger orange or yellow ball that is a little easier to find quickly.

My technique is to breath, then look quickly.  One drill that can make you a little more comfortable is to swim freestyle with your head out of the water looking forward (kind of like a lifeguard swimming towards a victim).  Although I wouldn't spend a lot of time, it can help some with the balance issue of lifting your body.  Another swim skill that helps is to be able to breath bilaterally.  Meaning the ability to breath out of both sides comfortably.  That way if the buoys are on either side of you it doesn't matter, you can adjust.  It also helps on sunny days or rough days so you can breath on a side that isn't going to get a wave in the face. 

I also try and find some feet to latch onto to give me a little draft benefit and hopefully someone that is swimming straight so I don't have to look as often.

Thanks for the ideas.  I breathe bilaterally all of the time taking a breath every 3rd stroke.  I had a hard time taking a breath and taking a look at the same time.  I ended up taking a breath with one stroke, picking up my head for a glance on the next stroke (while pushing down on the water) and then breath on opposite side next stroke.  I'll keep working on it.  The lifeguards probably thought I was having difficulty!

BTW, when I first started swimming I learned to breathe to one side.  After a few months I decided to learn both sides and bilateral and I find that I'm more balanced and rotate better when I breathe bilaterally.  Every now and then I'll take a 2nd breath on the same side if I didn't get enough air and/or took in some water. 

2011-05-17 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3502058

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
KeriKadi - 2011-05-16 1:38 PM
IceManScott - 2011-05-16 8:46 AM
KeriKadi - 2011-05-16 8:28 AM

Had a good race yesterday, will post my RR soon.

I am going to need some help. My husband and I are going to have to take turns with our coach. Financially we can't swing him training both of us right now. He has a HIM in September and I have one in November. We have him through the first week of June I think then he will be coaching Ken and not me until September when I will hop on again.

All this to say I need a plan. I have a sprint the first weekend in August which is an A race for me, an Oly B race in September and then my HIM the first weekend in November is my big A race.

I'll likely upgrade my BT membership and go with one of their plans. I'm guessing an Oly plan? I am very open to suggestions. As for the immediate future I'd like to continue with my bike and swim training and take my run training down a notch. I am obviously injury prone and right now am dealing with shin splints in both legs and a left IT band issue I put to 'bed' over a year ago. So my plan for the run is to start from scratch.


Just curious, but why not a half IM plan that encompasses the Oly as a measure of fitness?   

Leg injuries suck.  I check shoes, commit to foam rollers every day, stretching/yoga after every bike and run workout, anti inflammation meds, and ice, compression socks and elevation when I can.   The older I get the more I focus on this.  So far so good this season


I don't want to start half IM training in May for a race in November, I will burn out for sure. I need to focus on what I have coming up next and once the August sprint is over I can start looking at HIM training.

I've done all the things you suggestions as well as the stick and seeing my ART guy on a regular basis. I have great Zoot compression tights, use ice plenty and spend way too much time with my foam roller. The only thing I won't do is yoga because I have found they frown upon snoring.

RR is up.

Interesting.  I thought you would just ramp up more slowly and avoid injury more easily.    I started IM training in 2009

Ramped up to a half IM in September, then tailed back for Oct - Dec. including recovery from IT band, then have been ramping toward the IM since Jan. incorporating a sprint in June, Oly in July and maybe a half IM if I still can find one nearby that fits. IM is mid-September.  I'm hoping that ramping up at a moderate pace will avoid the leg far so good.

2011-05-17 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
ahhh sighting...a tough one for me...seems my goggles are always fogged and the swim caps all look like the buoys. I like the idea of using something on the beach, sometimes that works for me, another trick that I've learned and seems to work best for me, especially when swimming into the sun, is to use the light in the water, that really seems to keep in the going in the right direction without having to lift my head at all, or at least very little.
2011-05-18 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Raced my first time trial of the year last night.  Unsure of result for a few days. I think somewhere around 20.7.  Power Tap read 21 plus.  Lost 15 seconds at the start trying to clip in with new pedals and shoes.  The guy starting behind me went zipping by. Once in, I did a good effort, 97% to 98% of my ftp.  I felt good for the very first time riding my TT bike this spring.  
2011-05-18 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Nice work Ice!

I have a question for you all:

I've been "training" for a week and half now.  Generally, I can feel myself getting stronger and in better shape, but I've been experiencing some fatigue.

For example, Sunday eve and Monday morn, I had back to back workouts.  The run Monday morning was tough.  I blame part of it on the humidity, part of it on not being used to exercising.  Last night and this morning were also back to back workouts.  Again, my run this morning was tough.  I ran on a treadmill, stayed hydrated, stayed cool, but I just didn't have the power to go the distance.  I ended up running for 3/4 mi., and walking 1 1/4 mi.

Should I fuel up before exercising in the morning?  What do the rest of you do when you have an early morning workout?

Looking for advice, thanks,

2011-05-18 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3503363

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
IceManScott - 2011-05-17 7:42 AM

Interesting.  I thought you would just ramp up more slowly and avoid injury more easily.    I started IM training in 2009

Thanks, I'll look at all the plans and keep my options open for now.

2011-05-18 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3505506

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
IceManScott - 2011-05-18 8:57 AM Raced my first time trial of the year last night.  Unsure of result for a few days. I think somewhere around 20.7.  Power Tap read 21 plus.  Lost 15 seconds at the start trying to clip in with new pedals and shoes.  The guy starting behind me went zipping by. Once in, I did a good effort, 97% to 98% of my ftp.  I felt good for the very first time riding my TT bike this spring.  

Great way to start of the cycling season Ice! Congrats!
2011-05-18 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3505543

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Viyoung - 2011-05-18 9:11 AM

Nice work Ice!

I have a question for you all:

I've been "training" for a week and half now.  Generally, I can feel myself getting stronger and in better shape, but I've been experiencing some fatigue.

For example, Sunday eve and Monday morn, I had back to back workouts.  The run Monday morning was tough.  I blame part of it on the humidity, part of it on not being used to exercising.  Last night and this morning were also back to back workouts.  Again, my run this morning was tough.  I ran on a treadmill, stayed hydrated, stayed cool, but I just didn't have the power to go the distance.  I ended up running for 3/4 mi., and walking 1 1/4 mi.

Should I fuel up before exercising in the morning?  What do the rest of you do when you have an early morning workout?

Looking for advice, thanks,

In a lot of ways that will vary from person to person Vivian.  I do a lot of my training in the early morning and rarely have anything more than coffee and water.  I am usually up an hour before I start just to get woke up and the hydration level back to normal.  But every now and then I wake up hungry or I'll have a longer workout planned and I will have a Cliff Bar or gel just to throw a few calories.

Your fatigue could be nutrition so it wouldn't hurt to try something light, like a slice of toast before hand.  It could be you are still adjusting to the increase in volume too. 
2011-05-18 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
I'm really itching for some competition!  Training has been going great lately and my first race of the summer (5k) is in about 10 days.  Reading your RRs and hearing about your experiences has created even more anticipation to get the racing season underway.
2011-05-18 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Finally done with my May travel schedule.  Just a couple of dinner engagements, but local for the next few weeks.  Should help my bike and swim training a lot!

Lots of racing coming up!  5 races in the next 18 days!  Most of them just fun races, nothing that I am basing my training on!

First race Saturday, a duathlon.  Anyone else racing this weekend?
2011-05-18 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Sherri's Stupid Question of the Day:

Hydration.  I am having a hard time with drinking my water.  I don't really know what my problem is.  I love our well water - but where I work is city water  = CHLORINE ~gag~  So I try to bring my own water to work.  I am just not good about drinking it.  Sometimes I forget it.  I swear I could do like my g-ma and NEVER drink water.   Trying to drink 8 glasses a day is like torture.  (all that peeing!)  I do drink a lot during exercise and after.   Is it possible that I just don't NEED that much water?  Or is it harmful that I am not drinking the magical 64 oz. a day? 

2011-05-18 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3506036

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
scraver - 2011-05-18 12:24 PM

Sherri's Stupid Question of the Day:

Hydration.  I am having a hard time with drinking my water.  I don't really know what my problem is.  I love our well water - but where I work is city water  = CHLORINE ~gag~  So I try to bring my own water to work.  I am just not good about drinking it.  Sometimes I forget it.  I swear I could do like my g-ma and NEVER drink water.   Trying to drink 8 glasses a day is like torture.  (all that peeing!)  I do drink a lot during exercise and after.   Is it possible that I just don't NEED that much water?  Or is it harmful that I am not drinking the magical 64 oz. a day? 

I know you can get free apps for your phone that can count the glasses of water you drink. Also livestrong has a free counter some place on the site.

You need to stay hydrated whether that means you need 64oz of water a day is open for debate. Clear urine is a good sign that you are well hydrated. You can actually over hydrate yourself but that a pretty rare condition.

Edited by acv 2011-05-18 2:37 PM
2011-05-18 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3506100

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
acv - 2011-05-18 12:50 PM
scraver - 2011-05-18 12:24 PM

Sherri's Stupid Question of the Day:

Hydration.  I am having a hard time with drinking my water.  I don't really know what my problem is.  I love our well water - but where I work is city water  = CHLORINE ~gag~  So I try to bring my own water to work.  I am just not good about drinking it.  Sometimes I forget it.  I swear I could do like my g-ma and NEVER drink water.   Trying to drink 8 glasses a day is like torture.  (all that peeing!)  I do drink a lot during exercise and after.   Is it possible that I just don't NEED that much water?  Or is it harmful that I am not drinking the magical 64 oz. a day? 

I know you can get free apps for your phone that can count the glasses of water you drink. Also livestrong has a free counter some place on the site.

You need to stay hydrated weather that means you need 64oz of water a day is open for debate. Clear urine is a good sign that you are well hydrated. You can actually over hydrate yourself but that a pretty rare condition.

It does take some thought to get it all in.  Whether it is an app or just checks on a piece of scrap paper. Otherwise the day just gets away from you.  Try adding some crystal light if you are just bored with plain water. 

Do you drink other things that may be providing some additional hydration?  Although some studies have suggested that caffienated products like coffee or tea don't count, other studies suggest that as long as not all of the water consumption comes this way that it does count for some of the daily requirement.  Also fruits and veggies do count for some hydration requirements. 
2011-05-18 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3506036

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
scraver - 2011-05-18 11:24 AM

Sherri's Stupid Question of the Day:

Hydration.  I am having a hard time with drinking my water.  I don't really know what my problem is.  I love our well water - but where I work is city water  = CHLORINE ~gag~  So I try to bring my own water to work.  I am just not good about drinking it.  Sometimes I forget it.  I swear I could do like my g-ma and NEVER drink water.   Trying to drink 8 glasses a day is like torture.  (all that peeing!)  I do drink a lot during exercise and after.   Is it possible that I just don't NEED that much water?  Or is it harmful that I am not drinking the magical 64 oz. a day? 

Sherri, can you keep bottled water at your desk?  I do find that if I have drinkable water available, that I will reach for it throughout the day and drink enough.

I just accept that I'm going to make multiple trips to the ladies room throughout the day.

2011-05-18 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Here's a better picture of my bike, hopefully this works

(bike smaller.JPG)

bike smaller.JPG (43KB - 10 downloads)
2011-05-18 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3506036

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
scraver - 2011-05-18 1:24 PM

Sherri's Stupid Question of the Day:

Hydration.  I am having a hard time with drinking my water.  I don't really know what my problem is.  I love our well water - but where I work is city water  = CHLORINE ~gag~  So I try to bring my own water to work.  I am just not good about drinking it.  Sometimes I forget it.  I swear I could do like my g-ma and NEVER drink water.   Trying to drink 8 glasses a day is like torture.  (all that peeing!)  I do drink a lot during exercise and after.   Is it possible that I just don't NEED that much water?  Or is it harmful that I am not drinking the magical 64 oz. a day? 

I can't have water with me, at all times.

Easiest way I see is 3 -  500-600ml bottles per day (equivalent amount...bottled water is horses$%t, IMO  If you like your well water, have it in those fancy steel containers).  That would be your 64 oz.  These are with each meal.  1 with breakfast, in addition to yea, coffee, whatever.  Same with lunch & dinner.  You can't forget it & still get you water in.  Workouts are in addition to this!


Edited by GoGoGo 2011-05-18 3:08 PM

2011-05-18 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3506409

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Viyoung - 2011-05-18 4:02 PM Here's a better picture of my bike, hopefully this works


Very Nice road bike, Vivian!!!

2011-05-18 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3505543

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Viyoung - 2011-05-18 10:11 AM

Should I fuel up before exercising in the morning?  What do the rest of you do when you have an early morning workout?

Looking for advice, thanks,

Depends on length of workout, but generally YES.

If really early, I would have a glass of water & a banana or 2.  When you finish, have breakfast, with bagel, fruit, oatmeal, or whatever your carb source.

If a big workout, for example, priot to my 8:30 Sunday long run, I have to eat, to fuel a 2 hour workout.  Oatmeal is best for me...

If you are trying to lose weight, don't fool yourself & think you should skip breakfast, or you will gain weight!!


Just a few thoughts...

2011-05-18 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Great looking bike Vivian!

As for water - I do not measure the qty I drink. However, if pee is yellow I try and drink more.


2011-05-18 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3507070

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Nice work Ice...

Vivan early morning workouts like Kenj said will vary from person to person I can get up and have nothing and be fine..So try some different stuff,muffins,toast yogurt,banana,etc..


try for at least a gallon of water a day, I have found this really helps..

Good luck to all that are racing this weekend..

2011-05-18 10:52 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

I drink water at my desk all day - or zero cal sports drinks.  I can't get by without it.  Had to get into the habit of it.  Sip a little often from a bottle at the desk.  You will be surprised. Your body will thank you.  There are hydration estimators on line that will give you an idea of how much you need by body weight and activity.  Electrolytes are critical too. 

Beautiful bike Vivian.  Here is a better picture of my Orbea Ordu.  It was in fine form last night.  Too bad it doesn't have some one to ride it who can clip in right away   I will. 



Edited by IceManScott 2011-05-19 7:38 AM

(Scott's bike.jpg)

Scott's bike.jpg (45KB - 19 downloads)

2011-05-19 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3506409

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
Viyoung - 2011-05-18 3:02 PM Here's a better picture of my bike, hopefully this works

May you have many happy miles together!! 
2011-05-19 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3434537

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Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

Sherri's Stupid Question of the Day (5-19-11):

Bike vs. run.  When I run, my heart gets going pretty high, I get out of breath.  I can really push it if I want.  But when I bike *(I've mostly been doing spin class and using a stationery bike - need to get outside more, I know) my heart rate doesn't get up like it does with running.  I don't really get out of breath... in fact, it seems my legs get tired long b/f my lungs do and I SWEAT.  I mean, dripping off of me, gross, sweating.  I sweat when I run, but not like that.  Why is that?  Should I be pushing harder on the bike?

2011-05-19 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3508177

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!
scraver - 2011-05-19 11:20 AM

Sherri's Stupid Question of the Day (5-19-11):

Bike vs. run.  When I run, my heart gets going pretty high, I get out of breath.  I can really push it if I want.  But when I bike *(I've mostly been doing spin class and using a stationery bike - need to get outside more, I know) my heart rate doesn't get up like it does with running.  I don't really get out of breath... in fact, it seems my legs get tired long b/f my lungs do and I SWEAT.  I mean, dripping off of me, gross, sweating.  I sweat when I run, but not like that.  Why is that?  Should I be pushing harder on the bike?


Increase your cadence.  It transfers workload from the legs to the aerobic system. You can still turn out as much work without burning up the legs.   Sweat is why they make showers. I take 4 a day.   Be sure to drink water, replace electrolytes.

Edited by IceManScott 2011-05-19 12:03 PM
2011-05-19 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3434537

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group closed, training hard and having fun!!

(No real content hear just venting)

Phew…3 trips to the LBS and finally I got the right tube for my tire.

I’m not a bike “expert” but thank goodness I know something about bikes. Some shops are friendlier than other and this shop is a couple stores down from my office so it’s really convenient and thats about it.

I walked in and had my old tube with me and asked for a replacement. They gave me one that was wider than the one I had. I wasn’t exactly sure of the tire size (hence the reason for taking the old tube to the shop since the size is printed on the tube) but I knew the tube they gave me was wider, about a ½” wider. I even walked back in the store to question it.

Anyway I get back to my office and look up the tire spec and find out it’s a 700x23c. They gave me a 700x28, maybe that would have fit but why not just give me the 23.

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