BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun mentor group 6 years running closed Rss Feed  
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2012-04-13 3:44 PM
in reply to: #4143017

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN


repost...  I think this is up to date

  1. Swbkrn = Steve or Birdy
  2. Fatty = John
  3. SSMinnow = Suzy
  4. Kkcbelle = Kyla
  5. Tritiny = Tiana
  6. Tricrazy =  Rachel
  7. Jfought = Jayne
  8. Kt65 = Kim
  9. Dalessit = Tony
  10. Grapejuice = Andre
  11. Gdale = George
  12. Deb = Deb
  13. Velcromom = Linda
  14. Terps421 = Linda
  15. Mighty mom = Christina
  16. Tharens =Tracy
  17. Dcon = Dan
  18. Tdl1972 = David
  19. DougRob = Doug
  20. RoniS = Roni
  21. TrevorC = Trevor
  22. Scalded Dawg = Brent
  23. Havin’Fun = Linda
  24. Doxie = Melissa
  25. Cbarnes1 = Chet
  26. STut = Scott
  27. Redknight = Rob
  28. Jaclynnembry = Jaclyn
  29. Gotta Run = Julia
  30. Copa2251 = David
  31. Klove13 = Kevin
  32. Cadmus = Matt
  33. NHJAKE = Jeremy
  34. JustWood = Justin
  35. sdalessio = Samantha
  36. Tobey91 = William
  37. neverenough = Mike
  38. ecozenmama = Ang
  39. microveldt = Kelley

Edited by JustWood 2012-04-13 5:59 PM

2012-04-13 3:49 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Go Linda!  BOSTON bound!   That's awesome.  Now I will know two Linda's that are Boston Marathoners! 

David - great pics and excellent job!

Congrats to Tony on your pImp status and to Tracy on your permanent position.

Beautiful family Rachel.

fatty, you were a naval officer....wth do you know about leadership?   you're still my hero.  but, good for you! ha.


Edited by JustWood 2012-04-13 3:57 PM
2012-04-13 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Love the pic, Justin!!!!  Awesome!
2012-04-13 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

13 days of running = uh oh!!! 69 miles...  with tomorrow's little romp through the woods, I will be at 100 miles in two weeks.  the most I have EVER run in that time frame.

Hey fatty, fly to Houston and ride up to Lubbock with me, Rachel K, and Kenott... driving up Sat morning and driving back Sunday evening!  Ha!  f'n crazy son, but it's gotta be done.

Don't be skeeeered ninja! 

2012-04-13 4:15 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Prattville Insane Asylum San Antonio
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN



I am interested in being mentored.  My name is Ang, I am new to triathlons, and am doing my first one in about 2 weeks.  I am an runner, and thanks to my husband I am now trying my first tri.  

I am still running in ultra trail races in between triathlons, and am in serious need of some swimming and biking help!  THanks Tongue out

2012-04-13 4:22 PM
in reply to: #4149409

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
ecozenmama - 2012-04-13 5:15 PM



I am interested in being mentored.  My name is Ang, I am new to triathlons, and am doing my first one in about 2 weeks.  I am an runner, and thanks to my husband I am now trying my first tri.  

I am still running in ultra trail races in between triathlons, and am in serious need of some swimming and biking help!  THanks Tongue out

Hey Ang. You'll find a lot of excellent help here along with some not so useful info like. When swimming never breath in with your face in the water and ride fast.

Welcome to the group. Post a little bio to let us know about you. You can look back at the first few pages here to see what kind of info we let other people know about ourselves. also post a picture of yourself. The pic is required

2012-04-13 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4148481

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
tahrens - 2012-04-13 11:44 AM

Rob - am I allowed to puke in between commando push ups?

LINDA-  have a great time.  Run Like Snot!!!

Happy Friday everyone!  On a personal note, the current job I've been working for the last 6 months was a temp/contract position.  They just offered me a full time job!!!!!!!!!!!!  YHEA!!!!!!!!

Sugar. Congrats on the job firming up. and for the workout...this is a set workout so you have to puke at the appropriate place in the workout. Besides if you puke in between commando push ups you have to roll back through the puke.

Have a great race/weekend in Boston  you two.

and David totally awesome !!!

2012-04-13 4:44 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Prattville Insane Asylum San Antonio
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
STORY: I am from Miami and managed to land in San Antonio thanks to my husband being in the AF. My husband challenged me to compete a half marathon, and I have been hooked on running ever since. I have since become addicted to trail running.  My husband has been doing triathlons for awhile now, and convinced me to give it a try.  I am getting ready for my first one in 2 weeks.    

FAMILY STATUS: Married (Dave or as everyone here knows him as djastroms) 9 years, I've got 3 munchkins Audrey 7, Eva 4, and Ben aka The Tank 2.  We also have 3 four-legged mutts.  

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been following the Total Sprint program from the BT website.  I am swimming, biking, and running, but probably more running Tongue out

2010 RACES: Austin Livestrong Half Marathon.  

2011 RACES :  Was busy with my kids, and had to take some time off.  

2012 RACES: Marble Falls HITS Tri, Captn' Karls Ultra Night Trail Race 10k, as time and money permits, there will be more! 

I am a stay at home mom, professional photographer, and artist.  I am someone who needs a little kick in the keister now and then to stay on track, and I have found by being at my husband's races the triathlon community to be open, friendly, and supportive.  I am hoping you all will give me the boost and advice I need to reach my goals! 

Edited by ecozenmama 2012-04-13 4:45 PM
2012-04-13 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4149457

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Welcome, Ang! There are a bunch of trail running junkies in the MG, so you should feel at home here!
2012-04-13 4:57 PM
in reply to: #4149383

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
JustWood - 2012-04-13 5:03 PM

13 days of running = uh oh!!! 69 miles...  with tomorrow's little romp through the woods, I will be at 100 miles in two weeks.  the most I have EVER run in that time frame.

Hey fatty, fly to Houston and ride up to Lubbock with me, Rachel K, and Kenott... driving up Sat morning and driving back Sunday evening!  Ha!  f'n crazy son, but it's gotta be done.

Don't be skeeeered ninja! 


That's awesome, Justin! Can't wait to hear about your run tomorrow. Have a great time!

2012-04-13 5:17 PM
in reply to: #4149319

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

JustWood - 2012-04-13 4:39 PM a very busy couple of days goes by and BAM, I am 46 pages behind...  While I get caught is my favorite race pic. The wife and I after Warrior Dash.

The name looks a little familiar.  Are you new?

2012-04-13 5:20 PM
in reply to: #4149409

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
ecozenmama - 2012-04-13 5:15 PM



I am interested in being mentored.  My name is Ang, I am new to triathlons, and am doing my first one in about 2 weeks.  I am an runner, and thanks to my husband I am now trying my first tri.  

I am still running in ultra trail races in between triathlons, and am in serious need of some swimming and biking help!  THanks Tongue out

Welcome Ang

Doing your first tri is very exciting.  Having been around triathlon and watching your husband race is going to be a real advantage for you.  Would love to hear more about the ultra trail races you mentioned. 

2012-04-13 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4149457

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
ecozenmama - 2012-04-13 4:44 PM
STORY: I am from Miami and managed to land in San Antonio thanks to my husband being in the AF. My husband challenged me to compete a half marathon, and I have been hooked on running ever since. I have since become addicted to trail running.  My husband has been doing triathlons for awhile now, and convinced me to give it a try.  I am getting ready for my first one in 2 weeks.    

FAMILY STATUS: Married (Dave or as everyone here knows him as djastroms) 9 years, I've got 3 munchkins Audrey 7, Eva 4, and Ben aka The Tank 2.  We also have 3 four-legged mutts.  

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been following the Total Sprint program from the BT website.  I am swimming, biking, and running, but probably more running Tongue out

2010 RACES: Austin Livestrong Half Marathon.  

2011 RACES :  Was busy with my kids, and had to take some time off.  

2012 RACES: Marble Falls HITS Tri, Captn' Karls Ultra Night Trail Race 10k, as time and money permits, there will be more! 

I am a stay at home mom, professional photographer, and artist.  I am someone who needs a little kick in the keister now and then to stay on track, and I have found by being at my husband's races the triathlon community to be open, friendly, and supportive.  I am hoping you all will give me the boost and advice I need to reach my goals! 

Welcome Ang!

I will be very interested to hear how you like the Marble Falls race.  I wanted to do HITS Galena before they moved it to the  East Coast!

If you want a better understanding of all of the crazies in the group you can page back to the beginning and see most bios....

2012-04-13 5:49 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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New user

Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN


I live in West Seattle. I got interested in triathlon when a friend asked me to do the bike leg in the Seattle Danskin 2 years ago. It got me thinking, why not train to run a sprint triathlon. I completed the Danskin last year, and then got to wondering what it would take to level up to Olympic distance.

I am working my way through the 20 week balanced Olympic distance training plan, and supplementing that with some Bikram Yoga practice and P90X 2 workouts.

Over the last month I have been feeling a bit sluggish and so I've dialed down the Bikram and the P90X, but have kept pretty much to the triathlon training plan. I think I could really benefit from some mentoring to get over this current low energy period.

I am planning to do the Seafair Oly this summer and the Danskin. I am toying with the Issaquah Sprint but I hear Lake Sammamish is really cold and do not yet own a wetsuit (and haven't decided whether I am ready to take that plunge, pun intended) Any wetsuit info I can get from anyone would be greatly appreciated!

2012-04-13 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4149505

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-13 5:17 PM

JustWood - 2012-04-13 4:39 PM a very busy couple of days goes by and BAM, I am 46 pages behind...  While I get caught is my favorite race pic. The wife and I after Warrior Dash.

The name looks a little familiar.  Are you new?

birds of a feather flock together.... new bird! 

2012-04-13 6:05 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Welcome Ang & Kelley.  I added you to the mg list of usernames = real names... there will be a quiz later. 

2012-04-13 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Welcome to Ang and Kelley! 


Kelley, Lake Sam is Kyla (kkcbelle's) ows practice lake (i think, if memory serves me right!)  Maybe she can lend insight into the COLDness...I recall her swimming there last May-ish in training for her June IM.  Do you have a neoprene cap?  I find it helps when I toughen up and venture into our frosty (55-60F) water here in SF bay.

2012-04-13 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Welcome Ang and Kelley!
2012-04-13 8:28 PM
in reply to: #4148497

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
SSMinnow - 2012-04-13 8:48 AM
tahrens - 2012-04-13 10:36 AM
cbarnes1 - 2012-04-12 8:56 PM
velcromom - 2012-04-12 11:42 AM

Okay, you are all dust if I hurt myself laughing before I get on the plane tomorrow.

I still need to:

vacuum, dust, clean a few bathrooms, stretch, finish the laundry, finish the list for the 'babysitter family', finalize my Dad's caregiver, change my car pickup time (the flight changed - today), pay the bills, stretch, empty all the trash, cans to the curb, find Jeff's passport, lock up all the alcohol, stretch, docusign my name AND Jeff's for escrow, replace Zach's track spikes, get off teh computer, explain to Zach, and his gf's family  why Zach can't date while I'm gone, PACK...............

Oh, and watch the SHARKS play round 1, game 1 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs......

Linda, you need to have an awesome race so no funny business.  I am living Boston this year through you. (that minute is killing me about now)  

Ironmen-  Changed my nutrition this go around and am looking for a good "snack" on the bike.  I have the majority of the calories figured out but am looking for a little something extra.  What did you use?

********WARNING, these are odd***********  I had apple slices, beef jerkey and peanut butter crackers.  The apples worked great for training but might re-think on race day if/when I go iron again. The jerkey was great.  Nice and salty and I took a little bite after every gel shot to cut the sweetness of the gel.  Crackers worked well to settle the tummy.  Something else that sounded good on race day but never thought of it before was a simple piece of gum. There were times I would have loved the distraction of being able to blow a bubble. Silly right?  And I saw lots of people with salt and vinegar chips at the SN bag section.

I'm going to start calling Tracy, IronGut!

Chet, I didn't have any treats on the bike.  It was me, Sustained Energy/Gel liquid concentrate, H20 and Salt Caps.  If I want to really run off the bike, I can't have a lot crap in my stomach.  Even on the run, the only thing I had was CarboPro up until the last 10Kish and then I switched to flat Coke from the course.  Different strokes though.  I've seen people eating all sorts of junk!

Thanks Suzy, Kyla and John.  I used Infinit last time and it worked great.  This time around I got very sick using it.  So just to make sure it was the Infinit, I tried it again and got sick AGAIN... definitely the Infinit.  Right now I am loving Encrustables but my last one has to be at 4 hours into the bike to have a good running stomach.  I need something to finish up the bike that is not too sweet.  I'll keep looking. 

Suzy, during my run last time around I used the flat Coke for the first time and it was AWESOME.  With the buffet they have at the run stations I plan to use what looks good at the time but gels always work.

John- beer gets all flat and warm in the plastic bike bottles... better cold at the finish line!

Kyla- I am used to water temps in the 50's but the crowd has me nervous.  For B2B it was the air temp in the 30's at the start that had me stressed.  7 weeks until taper and the mind games are in full swing!

Tracy- don't have the stomach for that   x2 on the iron gut!  How cold was the water at B2B?

Edited by cbarnes1 2012-04-13 8:30 PM
2012-04-13 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4149510

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Prattville Insane Asylum San Antonio
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-13 5:20 PM
ecozenmama - 2012-04-13 5:15 PM



I am interested in being mentored.  My name is Ang, I am new to triathlons, and am doing my first one in about 2 weeks.  I am an runner, and thanks to my husband I am now trying my first tri.  

I am still running in ultra trail races in between triathlons, and am in serious need of some swimming and biking help!  THanks Tongue out

Welcome Ang

Doing your first tri is very exciting.  Having been around triathlon and watching your husband race is going to be a real advantage for you.  Would love to hear more about the ultra trail races you mentioned. 


We are in S. TX and have been participating in the Tejas Trails series.  I have been working towards my first night race, which will be in July.  The last one was the Rocky Raccoon 50 miler in Houston.  Not looking forward to the TX heat coming on soon, but the night races seem like a great compromise Laughing

2012-04-13 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Prattville Insane Asylum San Antonio
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Edited by ecozenmama 2012-04-13 8:40 PM

2012-04-13 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4149739

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
ecozenmama - 2012-04-13 8:32 PM
jfought - 2012-04-13 5:20 PM
ecozenmama - 2012-04-13 5:15 PM



I am interested in being mentored.  My name is Ang, I am new to triathlons, and am doing my first one in about 2 weeks.  I am an runner, and thanks to my husband I am now trying my first tri.  

I am still running in ultra trail races in between triathlons, and am in serious need of some swimming and biking help!  THanks Tongue out

Welcome Ang

Doing your first tri is very exciting.  Having been around triathlon and watching your husband race is going to be a real advantage for you.  Would love to hear more about the ultra trail races you mentioned. 


We are in S. TX and have been participating in the Tejas Trails series.  I have been working towards my first night race, which will be in July.  The last one was the Rocky Raccoon 50 miler in Houston.  Not looking forward to the TX heat coming on soon, but the night races seem like a great compromise Laughing

Whoop! RR 50 miler is on my schedule for next Feb. Doing the 50K on the same/similar course tomorrow. My first ultra &I trail run. Would definitely like to hear about the 50 miler.
2012-04-13 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Hi to all the new peeps, ask lots of questions and we'll all get to learn heaps!

I did my first group ride with a local tri club this morning, 75km in the pouring rain at 6am... It was my first ride for nearly 3 weeks but it went ok. The last 20km was a bit of a hammerfest but every time they had nearly dropped me they had a few minutes of gentle cruising. I managed to hang on at about 36km/hr which is much faster than I usually go and because of the rain and small numbers there wasn't really much drafting so I felt it must have done some good. Having said that I was still the slowest rider... One day I'll get faster (I hope). Once my marathon is done I'm gonna concentrate on cycling for a couple of months.

2012-04-13 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Ang, was your break from races in 2011 anything to do with giving birth to "The Tank"?

What kind of an excuse is that???!

2012-04-13 11:28 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Welcome all new! I love the trail talk!!!Good luck racers!!!
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