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2009-02-08 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Hi all sorry I've been MIA lately I'm still trying to shake this bug. I think I've turned a corner and am down to only a nagging cough. I'm going to try and run again tomorrow and get going again. And Tammy, I've been walking just not logging it, I couldn't breath enough to run at all but I didn't want to do nothing and have to start all over.

Last week I had three walks of 30 minutes each for 1.5 miles hopefully I'll be able to pick right back up where I left off.


2009-02-08 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1951275

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

geauxtri - 2009-02-08 11:08 AM Okay, so this question might be a little aside from our purpose here... however,

I made an agreement with SIL that if she came out here I would walk the SLC 1/2 Mary with her...

I've never gone more than 5 mi in one shot (probably more than that in a day, but you know what I mean)... I've never ran more than 4mi in one shot (not that it makes a difference b/c I will be walking and not running)

I'm concerned b/c I'd prefer to increase my running/jogging pace and distance... but I'm wondering if I should spend some time walking too.  With my background in ex and phys I know that walking uses slightly different muscle groups than jogging/running (I'm most worried about my hip flexors and tibialis anterior).  I suppose I've just answered my own question that I was going to pose...

Perhaps there's someone else here that's encountered a similiar scenario?

I'm thinking that perhaps I could integrate training by doing some intervals (though be it long intervals) ie... 2:1 run/walk?

Any thoughts/comments/objections????

I think the 2:1 would be an excellent way for you to train.  It wont stress your body as much and as you get stronger you can do 3:1, 4:1... if you want.  Maybe you can get your SIL to do some of that too- then maybe you guys can run/walk a portion of the HM??

2009-02-08 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

The prmeire was very cool- I think everyone really seemed to like it!  If you want a copy the place to start is here

2009-02-08 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1951567

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
tripletmom01 - 2009-02-08 10:45 PM

The prmeire was very cool- I think everyone really seemed to like it!  If you want a copy the place to start is here

Are you and Hubby still talking or did he dig too big a hole?Wink

On a serious note - I have a dumb question (again!) - you guys are using turbo trainers for your biking at the moment, yeh? Do you ever play with the gradient side of things or do you just spin and shift up and down the gears?

(The reason for asking is that I've just spent an hour in the garage and my cycle computer says I've "traveled" the grand total of 5.52 miles! I was on a big hill programme and my HRM says I was working my *ss off, even if I don't have the mileage to prove it - it's just a bit depressing is all!)

Glad you're coming back to the fold George! I assume you all know about Echinacea?!

2009-02-08 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Have you changed out your battery lately?

 I know my computer is slightly off too. I just changed out the battery and now everything is wonky. The amount of miles and time do nott correlate with the speed it tells me I am doing.   I hate my new computer. I have a Trek Incite. It sucks the big one. It doesn't start when I start to ride, so I have to guess which button to press. Then it goes through every variable on the machine. I am stuck with it now. It is way to expensive for me to replace.

2009-02-08 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1951625

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Yeh, the battery was something I'd wondered about - I think I'll go for a run sometime in the big outdoors and see if it has any clue - the batteries are a total pain to get to and I'm sure I changed them just at the end of last year - technology's just a pain in the butt!

(Sounds like I'm turning into my Dad!)Undecided

2009-02-08 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1857658

Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Hey peoples. Reporting on a nice active weekend here, OK swim yesterday, short run and 1.5 hr bike today. SO good to get out. The lake is still ringed with ice but in the sun, I'd say we were about 70 degrees. My girlfriend had an unpleasantly close encounter with a truck on a country road - I heard her scream, but she stayed upright and unhurt. Apparently she was forced off the side. She laughed it off and was so glad to ride out, I think she was unfazed. Good.

10 weeks 'til the race. I've never done an Olympic before. I sure hope to get to swim in a lake before but am a little nervous about water temps as we have had a really cold winter. I'm gonna hold off on registering until the last minute, after I find out how cold the water is. Or isn't - as it is a 'heated' lake*. This may not be the best distance for me, as proportionately the swim is longer and I am a suckola swimmer, but a better biker. That's OK! Sprints go by much too fast.

Forty days until spring. I counted. Hang in there tripeeps!


* uh, yeah. By a nuclear power plant. 


2009-02-08 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1951565

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
tripletmom01 - 2009-02-08 3:42 PM

geauxtri - 2009-02-08 11:08 AM

I think the 2:1 would be an excellent way for you to train.  It wont stress your body as much and as you get stronger you can do 3:1, 4:1... if you want.  Maybe you can get your SIL to do some of that too- then maybe you guys can run/walk a portion of the HM??

Thanks for the vote of confidence in my theory.  Just asked hubby if he knew whether she is planning on race walking (which I don't thinkI could do at all), power walking (I'm okay with), or casual walking (which will drive me insane - though I highly doubt it).  He has no idea.  So I think I will try and e-mail her to see what kind of pace she is planning on keeping.   I'm hoping she will say 13 to 14.

Well... this week I'm going to try my theory and shoot for 4 mi.
2009-02-09 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

I can definitely tell you that walking a long distance is very different from running it.  I pretty much walked the entire second half of the IM marathon.  Running would have been much easier but the jostling of running was causing another set of problems.  I was very ill prepared to walk that distance/speed and my muscles paid for it dearly.  My ITB was screwed up for about 6 weeks. 

Base your training on how much you plan to walk during the 1/2.  Your intervals of run/walk will depend on what your plan is for race day.  I did my walking intervals at 4 MPH during IM training and still was not prepared for "walking".  I am not planning on walking much for round two.


2009-02-09 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1857658

Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Hi all,

I am back in town, still streaking and peachy. It was difficult, but what can you do.

Later, The streak may end soon. No recovery time from the weekend.

2009-02-10 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
What are my peeps up to today???

2009-02-10 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1857658

Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Hey all - well today I got in a nice easy run at lunchtime and enjoyed the milder weather, and then this evening lifted. What about you?
2009-02-10 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

I ran outside Cool with my new running buddy (who's too fit for me, but I'm working on it!) and went for 40 mins on the bike trainer this evening to escape my infernal Diploma.

Swimming for the next 2 days Laughing and it turns out the case study for my course doesn't need handed in after all!LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

Life is goodLaughing

Hope ewes are all good too?!

2009-02-10 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

I almost biked outside today the weather was 55 but SO windy... I opted to run with my best training bud instead.

Had a horrible swim this am though.... although that is usually the case

2009-02-10 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
George- you back at it yet?  Or do  I need to come down there? 
2009-02-10 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
I swam today.  I had my first good swim of the winter season. I chiced a guy, that made me feel good. I biked when I got home. It was a fast and furious ride.

2009-02-10 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Northern Adirondacks
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
I taught yoga this a.m. One of my girls wouldn't stay in the childcare so I brought her to class with me...pure entertainment. She was so cute, I'm glad she was there. I took a spin class tonight.

On another note. I am so bummed. Tommorrow is supposed to be in the 40's and my dh gets to go snowboarding (without sitter) and I have to run on the TM again!!! I so want to get outside, I can't wait for all this stinkin snow to melt so I can hit the trails by foot and bike! It's funny because before we had kids I'd be on the mtn. ripping up the powder with my I can't wait for it to melt!? Anyway I have cabin fever big time!
Rant over.......
2009-02-11 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Sorry to hear you have so much snow.  Ours is all melted after the balmy weather we've had for the past few days.  Now it looks so gross outside.  The grass is so saturated with mud and sand and gunk.  I want it to snow again.  Make it look all pretty.  Plus, my dh got me some YakTrax, so I wanna try those out  I know, I'm mental.  But winter isn't over, so there may as well be pretty snow. 
2009-02-11 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
i'm soooo upset you have a mentor group and i missed signing up! i'm still learning navigate around this site. seeing your film Friday inspired me... i'm pretty sure id like to try DC 1/2 for the first time at that distance this year. did all sprints last summer and know i could pull an Oly. i love checking out your training logs...and can relate to your many kids.
2009-02-11 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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Northern Adirondacks
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
I had dh dig out my jogger before he left to go snowboarding this a.m. I packed up the girls and enjoyed the warmer, yet still chilly weather. My jog was more of a walk but I really enjoyed being outside, and for the first time ever, they didn't want to get out of the jogger! yeah! Can't wait for it to stay nice and give me some sun already! Hope everyone is enjoying the day!

Do you think that if I decide to do the tri instead of the du on 5/9 that I will be ok if my first ows is a day or two before at the race venue? The water up here is going to be waaaay colder than where the race will be....and yes, I WILL be getting a wet suit, I just don't know what kind I should get. It looks like the races I plan on doing the water will be between 62-72 degrees.

Edited by mtntrainer 2009-02-11 1:04 PM
2009-02-11 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1956464

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Joe Runner - 2009-02-11 9:46 AM Sorry to hear you have so much snow.  Ours is all melted after the balmy weather we've had for the past few days.  Now it looks so gross outside.  The grass is so saturated with mud and sand and gunk.  I want it to snow again.  Make it look all pretty.  Plus, my dh got me some YakTrax, so I wanna try those out  I know, I'm mental.  But winter isn't over, so there may as well be pretty snow. 

there can be snow- just so it stays 30+ degrees

2009-02-11 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1956498

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

lara13 - 2009-02-11 9:56 AM i'm soooo upset you have a mentor group and i missed signing up! i'm still learning navigate around this site. seeing your film Friday inspired me... i'm pretty sure id like to try DC 1/2 for the first time at that distance this year. did all sprints last summer and know i could pull an Oly. i love checking out your training logs...and can relate to your many kids.

You can join us ANYTIME!!!

2009-02-11 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1956686

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

mtntrainer - 2009-02-11 11:09 AM I had dh dig out my jogger before he left to go snowboarding this a.m. I packed up the girls and enjoyed the warmer, yet still chilly weather. My jog was more of a walk but I really enjoyed being outside, and for the first time ever, they didn't want to get out of the jogger! yeah! Can't wait for it to stay nice and give me some sun already! Hope everyone is enjoying the day! Do you think that if I decide to do the tri instead of the du on 5/9 that I will be ok if my first ows is a day or two before at the race venue? The water up here is going to be waaaay colder than where the race will be....and yes, I WILL be getting a wet suit, I just don't know what kind I should get. It looks like the races I plan on doing the water will be between 62-72 degrees.

62-72 isnt that bad... Ive swam in much worse!

I did maybe one OWS before my first tri- I sucked at swimming too.... but I survived.  Ithink youll be OK

2009-02-11 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1955656

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
tripletmom01 - 2009-02-10 6:57 PM

George- you back at it yet?  Or do  I need to come down there? 

I might enjoy that

Sinus's have closed back up and coughing again, I just can not shake this one! Trying to keep moving so I can come back hard once it finally goes away. I 'm actually thinking about doing something I've never done and take a sick day at work. But, if I'm going to feel this bad why would I want to stay home.

2009-02-11 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1957227

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Northern Adirondacks
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
tripletmom01 - 2009-02-11 3:47 PM

mtntrainer - 2009-02-11 11:09 AM I had dh dig out my jogger before he left to go snowboarding this a.m. I packed up the girls and enjoyed the warmer, yet still chilly weather. My jog was more of a walk but I really enjoyed being outside, and for the first time ever, they didn't want to get out of the jogger! yeah! Can't wait for it to stay nice and give me some sun already! Hope everyone is enjoying the day! Do you think that if I decide to do the tri instead of the du on 5/9 that I will be ok if my first ows is a day or two before at the race venue? The water up here is going to be waaaay colder than where the race will be....and yes, I WILL be getting a wet suit, I just don't know what kind I should get. It looks like the races I plan on doing the water will be between 62-72 degrees.

62-72 isnt that bad... Ive swam in much worse!

I did maybe one OWS before my first tri- I sucked at swimming too.... but I survived.  Ithink youll be OK

I just read a race report that last year the temp was 50 degrees for that particular race. The first one is may 9th.
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