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2011-01-21 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Actually woke up today without turning off my alarm.  About to head out for an 8ish mile run.  Weight is back up closer to 159 this I'm hoping I'll have some energy.

2011-01-21 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3312530

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
newbz - 2011-01-20 10:17 PM
chasingkona - 2011-01-20 7:11 PM

I am starting to write my training plan for Racine 70.3 and I am going a different avenue then I did for IM last year. Instead of training by week and doing 3-4 weeks of training followed by a recovery week, I plan on training 23 days, then taking a 5 recovery period. I am mainly doing this as I feel 7 days was too much last year and would like to train more in "blocks" then weeks. Has anyone used this type of schedule before? Any comments or reccomendations? Also since I am only doing the 70.3 distance I was trying to decided what my longest rides/runs should be. Last year I ran mostly by time and it didn't work out, so should I have my long runs exceed 13 miles? Biking and swimming can obviously go longer with the body not taking as much a beating but how far do I really need to go? 70, 80 miles? Just curious to see if anyone has any experience with these ideas.

I do have my athletes and myself train more in blocks, but not as many normally look at it. It normally revolves around a 4-8 week build, a few days rest, repeat. within that block there is a focus on 1 or 2 sports, with one getting a bit less attention. so something like 6-8 weeks of full run, 5x a week, bike is hard but 3x a week, swim 3x, then as the legs start to get beat up we down the run a bit, up the swim, etc. gives the legs a break and lets the overall hours stay up. full rest comes as needed vs on a set schedule. That said, overall weekly volumes are a bit lower than a 4/1 or 3/1 build/break ratio, but that lets us get in the full training back to back to back without a break, and then rest when its needed. Now the downside to this (if you want to look at it this way), is you need to know when to back off, and it means you cannot write the schedule as far out, or if you do, you need to allow for changes as needed.

I train in blocks too.

I have learned how to listen to my body- from years of training.  It tends to be 2 bad workouts in a row.  (I mean I really struggling through them or can not even complete them


I am assuming that my body will tell me in early February to take a longer rest/recovery. 

If you look at my logs for January --Tuesday is a rest day for me.  This is tough to keep sometimes as my mind wants to do a work out but I force myself a day off.

2011-01-21 10:07 AM
in reply to: #3312789

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Subject: RE: who'da thunk
jmkizer - 2011-01-21 5:40 AM

RBesecke - 2011-01-20 5:11 PM

I'm going in for surgery to correct a deviated septum on wednesday.

I had that procedure done years go. I had constant sinus infections due to the deviation. It was the best thing that I've ever done medically. The recovery was longer than I anticipated but it did totally resolve the problem. I know others who have had similar experiences. I'm sure it will go well.

One of my athletes from last year just had this done as well and said everything went well and recovery was smooth.
best of luck, it will go well.
2011-01-21 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3313230

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
nakdboardr - 2011-01-21 8:58 AM

newbz - 2011-01-20 10:17 PM
chasingkona - 2011-01-20 7:11 PM

I am starting to write my training plan for Racine 70.3 and I am going a different avenue then I did for IM last year. Instead of training by week and doing 3-4 weeks of training followed by a recovery week, I plan on training 23 days, then taking a 5 recovery period. I am mainly doing this as I feel 7 days was too much last year and would like to train more in "blocks" then weeks. Has anyone used this type of schedule before? Any comments or reccomendations? Also since I am only doing the 70.3 distance I was trying to decided what my longest rides/runs should be. Last year I ran mostly by time and it didn't work out, so should I have my long runs exceed 13 miles? Biking and swimming can obviously go longer with the body not taking as much a beating but how far do I really need to go? 70, 80 miles? Just curious to see if anyone has any experience with these ideas.

I do have my athletes and myself train more in blocks, but not as many normally look at it. It normally revolves around a 4-8 week build, a few days rest, repeat. within that block there is a focus on 1 or 2 sports, with one getting a bit less attention. so something like 6-8 weeks of full run, 5x a week, bike is hard but 3x a week, swim 3x, then as the legs start to get beat up we down the run a bit, up the swim, etc. gives the legs a break and lets the overall hours stay up. full rest comes as needed vs on a set schedule. That said, overall weekly volumes are a bit lower than a 4/1 or 3/1 build/break ratio, but that lets us get in the full training back to back to back without a break, and then rest when its needed. Now the downside to this (if you want to look at it this way), is you need to know when to back off, and it means you cannot write the schedule as far out, or if you do, you need to allow for changes as needed.

I train in blocks too.

I have learned how to listen to my body- from years of training. It tends to be 2 bad workouts in a row. (I mean I really struggling through them or can not even complete them)

I am assuming that my body will tell me in early February to take a longer rest/recovery.

If you look at my logs for January --Tuesday is a rest day for me. This is tough to keep sometimes as my mind wants to do a work out but I force myself a day off.

yep, this is it for me too, when its two bad workouts in a row, and something else is not going on, i know it;s time to get some rest and bag the next workout.
2011-01-21 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3313185

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

workouts like that are a good way to break up the longer run and get used to running a bit faster for long periods, but be smart wit hthe rest around them as the first few times you do it it will beat you up a bit more

I normally do my longer runs on trails where that naturally forces some harder running in there, but regardless i like to keep a big chunk of it at/faster than marathon pace, and sometimes down to half marathon pace for a bit.

that said, there is nothing wrong with going longer on the bike, or run now and then, but i would not do it every week.
I did do a few 70-80 mile rides last year, and i think 3 runs over 14 miles, but not every week.
2011-01-21 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Yeah...when I drew up my original plan...the bulk of my rides were around the 50-60 mile distance.  With maybe 2-3 70's, and 1 80 that would be more optional.  For the runs, most of them were in the 10-12 range, with a few 14's, and 1 optional 16.

As it stands right now...I'm very comfortable riding about 45 miles fairly hard, and 8-9 miles running is no problem.  I'm starting to make the transition to 50-55 mile rides, and this weekend should be my first 10 mile run since the marathon.

There's no way I would bike and run 70/14 every week.

But I still do like the idea of mixing in some harder running as you mentioned...maybe once every 2-3 weeks.

2011-01-21 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3313629

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

That sounds like a fun plan!  Smile

I am so looking forward to better riding weather.  I can't wait!

My tolerance for cold weather running is much higher. 
2011-01-21 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3313629

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
it sounds like yo uare on the right track, it'll really come down to where in the plan you are/what you are trying to get done at that time.

early in the year i tend to focus more on just getting the time in (and this is when i'll see the longest runs). as races get closer the longer runs get a bit shorter, and intensity goes up. more tempo/progression work within the longer runs.

longer bikes tend to be a bit dif, in that i'll ride harder/shorter early as the roads get clear and work on the distance as races come closer.

I tend to like to split my longer rides up in one of two ways.

either long tempo blocks (ie like 2-4x20min or 3x45min or something like that) at tempo pace (half IM or jsut faster).
or, blocks of harder intervals. something like 2x10min or 4x5min, ride easy for a whole, repeat after 30-40min
2011-01-21 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3313270

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: RE: who'da thunk
newbz - 2011-01-21 9:07 AM

I had that procedure done years go. I had constant sinus infections due to the deviation. It was the best thing that I've ever done medically. The recovery was longer than I anticipated but it did totally resolve the problem. I know others who have had similar experiences. I'm sure it will go well.
One of my athletes from last year just had this done as well and said everything went well and recovery was smooth. best of luck, it will go well.

Thanks. I don't anticipate any problems beyond my GF being weird about the doctor. Odd story; I'm just going to cringe and remember that I'll be sleeping better afterwards.
2011-01-21 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3256274

Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Got my 30 min run in early today which was nice so I have the evening free for the typical friday movie and pizza night with the wife and kids, but also a struggle since last night's workout was late.  We got 6" of snow yesterday and my town turns into a huge cluster anytime something falls from the sky.  Didn't make it to the Y until about 8:30 last night and just decided to spin.  15 miles probably isn't a lot for most, but it's my longest so far this year.  My legs were not happy about running at 10 this morning.  I was ready to sack it after about 5 minutes but sucked it up and it turned out pretty good.
2011-01-21 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Hey everyone!  I've been sort of MIA this week.  We were having issues with our laptop, so my online time's been pretty limited.  It's finally fixed though, so that is great. 

I've had a good week, with some frustrations.  The best part is that the weather has warmed up.  No regrets about postponing my long run from Sunday.  I did it on Tuesday and it was so nice.  It's been a while since I had a really good long run.  I did 15km, which is my longest distance to date.  I did try a gel for the first time and I have to say it was horrible!  It was the clif vanilla flavour.  The consistency made me gag.  Way too thick.  I have a few others to try with my long runs, so hopefully I'll find something that works better for me.

The frustrating part of the week is that I went to see a dermatologist about a spot on my leg.  Turns out it was just a wart (lovely, I know).  The frustrating part is that she sprayed it without even asking me or discussing the side effects of it.  So, it gave me a big blister (which is normal) and the requirement to stay out of the pool till it gets better.  I am not that vain, the wart wasn't that big, and I honestly would have left it for the time being if I knew it was going to mean I couldn't swim.  I got a lot out of my last tri swim session and I had planned on spending a lot of time in the pool this week to solidify it.  Unfortunately, that's not going to happen.  I'm hoping I can get in at least one swim before my next lesson, but we'll see.  As frustrated as I am, it's not worth risking infection.

I have added a couple extra bike workouts to make up for it.  No extra running though.  I'm already usually increasing my run mileage by about 10% a week, and I don't want to push it any more then that.

I have a lot to catch up on!  Right now, I'm going to do a short run with the kids in the chariot (so pushing about 90 pounds or so).  I have no expectations of speed...  Then I'll read up the rest of the thread tonight.  

2011-01-21 11:43 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

Only had time to get in 1000 yards after work.  But did correct a major issue I was having lately about crossing over the center line with my recovery arm.  I've been noticing I was fish tailing a lot lately, and correcting that made me feel much faster.

2011-01-22 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3314765

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
tri808 - 2011-01-22 12:43 AM

Only had time to get in 1000 yards after work.  But did correct a major issue I was having lately about crossing over the center line with my recovery arm.  I've been noticing I was fish tailing a lot lately, and correcting that made me feel much faster.

Jason, what do mean by fishtailing?  I'm sort of having this problem when I breathe to the right, on my next stroke, with my right arm I feel like there is a hinge at my hips and I sort of break my core for a second.  Slows me right down and I have no idea how to correct it.  I try keeping my abs tight and staying long and straight....hell if I know how to stop doing it.  It's pretty slight, but like everything else, the more tired I get, the more noticeable it is.

On another subject, has anyone in here received a cortisone injection?  I think I'm in for one on Tuesday.  My PF won't go away and this is sort of the next step (no pun intended).  My feet really only hurt a few hours after a long run and on my off-day.  It's like they tighten up from lack of activity or something.  I'm a little leary about the injection because I don't want it to mask any issue and make it worse and because the idea of breaking the skin barrier should only be an absolute last resort.
2011-01-22 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3314888

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-22 7:14 AM
tri808 - 2011-01-22 12:43 AM

Only had time to get in 1000 yards after work.  But did correct a major issue I was having lately about crossing over the center line with my recovery arm.  I've been noticing I was fish tailing a lot lately, and correcting that made me feel much faster.

Jason, what do mean by fishtailing?  I'm sort of having this problem when I breathe to the right, on my next stroke, with my right arm I feel like there is a hinge at my hips and I sort of break my core for a second.  Slows me right down and I have no idea how to correct it.  I try keeping my abs tight and staying long and straight....hell if I know how to stop doing it.  It's pretty slight, but like everything else, the more tired I get, the more noticeable it is.

On another subject, has anyone in here received a cortisone injection?  I think I'm in for one on Tuesday.  My PF won't go away and this is sort of the next step (no pun intended).  My feet really only hurt a few hours after a long run and on my off-day.  It's like they tighten up from lack of activity or something.  I'm a little leary about the injection because I don't want it to mask any issue and make it worse and because the idea of breaking the skin barrier should only be an absolute last resort.

There could be three different reasons as to why you might be fishtailing. 

One is on the recovery arm, as Jason said he was working on.  If, upon entry, you cross the center line, you will take your body out of center as it naturally moves to compensate. 

The second is during the actual pull phase of the stroke.  If, underneath the body your pulling arm goes over the center line, once again, you're body is going to automatically move to compensate...causing some hip waggle. 

The third reason has to do with your legs.  If your legs ride lower in the water then when you rotate during your stroke, it is going to cause your hips to move, regardless of how tight your core is. 

If I remember on your video, it looked like you were crossing over a little with your right hand, so that's where I would look first.  If the problem is still there, look at the pull underneath, then at the legs. 

One thing to remember.  Tweaking a swim stroke is very much like tweaking your bike fit.  If you move one thing, you have to compensate with 10 other things to make up for that initial adjustment, until everything is where it is supposed to be.  Don't get frustrated when things don't feel proper right away, it's a process just like anything else. 

2011-01-22 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Yup...exactly as dagz mentioned above.

What I was doing is having my recovery arm enter way too close to the center line...and when I started to rotate my body, it would then go way over the center line.  And you're you get gets worse.

The tip I worked on was when a coach was working with me.  He told me to imagine there was someone standing right in front of me when I was swimming, and my goal was not to hit that person with my recovery arm.  At first it felt exagerrated...almost like I was swimming very "wide"...but actually it's what I needed to do.  Because once your body rotates, your arm will naturally move more towards the center line anyway.

Another coach told me that this is where the catchup drill can screw you up (where you actually try to touch hands before starting the next stroke).  Because it teaches you to bring your recovery hand too close to center.  What you actually supposed to do in a touch and go drill is touch...then skull the working hand out back to the side before making your actual pull.  If you pull straight down from the point where your hands are're going to get screwed up.
2011-01-22 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3314888

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-22 7:14 AM
tri808 - 2011-01-22 12:43 AM

Only had time to get in 1000 yards after work.  But did correct a major issue I was having lately about crossing over the center line with my recovery arm.  I've been noticing I was fish tailing a lot lately, and correcting that made me feel much faster.

Jason, what do mean by fishtailing?  I'm sort of having this problem when I breathe to the right, on my next stroke, with my right arm I feel like there is a hinge at my hips and I sort of break my core for a second.  Slows me right down and I have no idea how to correct it.  I try keeping my abs tight and staying long and straight....hell if I know how to stop doing it.  It's pretty slight, but like everything else, the more tired I get, the more noticeable it is.

On another subject, has anyone in here received a cortisone injection?  I think I'm in for one on Tuesday.  My PF won't go away and this is sort of the next step (no pun intended).  My feet really only hurt a few hours after a long run and on my off-day.  It's like they tighten up from lack of activity or something.  I'm a little leary about the injection because I don't want it to mask any issue and make it worse and because the idea of breaking the skin barrier should only be an absolute last resort.

I have not personally had one, but my friend has had a series of them put into her knee.The first couple did not work at all, and then poof one it worked wonders on her. However, I know very little about cortisone injections and have never dealt with them personally so take my example as a grain of salt.

2011-01-22 11:36 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Thanks Josh/Jason.  I will definitely keep addressing that arm crossing over.  It's almost as if I am reading too far with my left hand and my shoulders are not longer straight across.  I dunno.  Maybe I can get some more video and identify it better.

Ben...I'm on a low sodium diet!!!  J/K...but thanks for the input.  I seriously want to correct the issue, but I'm nervous about this with the whole, "cordisone can break down your tissue" talk.
2011-01-22 2:08 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: A little better every day.
35 minutes on the trainer. My knee and calf feel a little tight, but not painfully so. It's getting better a little at  time. I'm not ready to hit the hills or go for a run yet, but I'm getting there.

As for cortisone shots, I've had them a couple of times for a couple of different reasons. One in my back for a strained ligament. I didn't notice much improvement. Once in my shoulder after a partial dislocation. Again, I didn't notice much improvement. Once in my foot (doctor never did tell me what was wrong). It helped, but only for a little while; I don't remember how long. The injury eventually went away. I don't know if the shot contributed or not.

I printed-off a training plan for a sprint, the 2x 16 weeks. I took that and copied it to a calendar, syncronizing it with the race I want as my first. The plans are set up for minutes of each sport, correct? Since I was already doing a lot more cycling and running than this plan calls for, I expect it'll be good for me to stick to the schedule and use it as a rehab plan. Unfortunately I don't yet have regular access to a pool. I'm hoping push-ups and pull-ups will help keep my shoulders somewhat strong. Any other ideas?
2011-01-22 2:40 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Alright guys I moved my new Adamo saddle forward a bit and raised my seat some and it seems to have worked wonders for my legs! Now I just need to adjust my front end and I should be good to go, at least til I get can it for a proper fit, but at least my legs are feeling way better with harder efforts!
2011-01-22 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3315368

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Nice job everyone, and as usual it looks like the swim questions are being well taken care of (thanks!!).

Glad to see adjusting the seat has helped so far.

I had a longer trail run this morning but forgot to put my normal distance shoes in the car and instead only had a pair of neutral flats (i can run longer in these on the roads but in the snow/ice/trails i need a bit more support). headed out to run anyway as i wont have time later today, paid pretty good for it in my shins/ankles though and both are sore now.
ice has mainly cleared up the pain but probably not the smartest thing i've done recently.
2011-01-22 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Got in a really good ride this morning.  Met up with my usual Saturday group, but rode solo out in front and pretty much the whole way.  I purposely went about 7 miles farther and caught them up right at the end of the ride.

Averaged about 19.2 mph over those 49 miles I was solo, and cruised the last 2 miles in with the group.  It was pretty windy today, so I was happy with how I did.  Still need to work on nutrition though.  I only managed 4 gels I had in a flask.  Forgot the extra pack of shot bloks in my car that would have got me to 600 calories.

2011-01-22 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3315462

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
tri808 - 2011-01-22 4:24 PM Got in a really good ride this morning.  Met up with my usual Saturday group, but rode solo out in front and pretty much the whole way.  I purposely went about 7 miles farther and caught them up right at the end of the ride.

Averaged about 19.2 mph over those 49 miles I was solo, and cruised the last 2 miles in with the group.  It was pretty windy today, so I was happy with how I did.  Still need to work on nutrition though.  I only managed 4 gels I had in a flask.  Forgot the extra pack of shot bloks in my car that would have got me to 600 calories.

Jason I am truly jealous you get to ride outside right now. Sounds like a great start to a Saturday!
2011-01-22 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3315642

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
chasingkona - 2011-01-22 6:08 PM

tri808 - 2011-01-22 4:24 PM Got in a really good ride this morning. Met up with my usual Saturday group, but rode solo out in front and pretty much the whole way. I purposely went about 7 miles farther and caught them up right at the end of the ride.

Averaged about 19.2 mph over those 49 miles I was solo, and cruised the last 2 miles in with the group. It was pretty windy today, so I was happy with how I did. Still need to work on nutrition though. I only managed 4 gels I had in a flask. Forgot the extra pack of shot bloks in my car that would have got me to 600 calories.

Jason I am truly jealous you get to ride outside right now. Sounds like a great start to a Saturday!

what he said.

We didn't even hit out projected low today for a high
Was around 14 most of the day.
2011-01-23 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
I wimped out yesterday morning.......headed to the gym for my run

I have a swim and bike scheduled for today.

Edited by nakdboardr 2011-01-23 8:31 AM
2011-01-23 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Have a 7 mile runin the plans today, but a drive back to madison for the big game might not make it happen. I'll try to sneak it in before the game, but lets be honest a game this big just might warrant pushing the day back to Monday.
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